Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1951, p. 8

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£ • r*i!r%wW' * *W Vf'f 1• ' • ^ * . : « •W ' " 5 v v w 3 ' ' J J y 1 ! p 4 v'v-'-; 'u'- 'v-'-'" "'i^':;r •": ~-. • IIS '4 ,ip ll.Wf'Uljl.- '.*!>• •' .4?:": •r- n *m MeHBHHT PLAUfDEALElt Tkandiy. April 19. 195} BY EDNA MILES TN spring a jnoting woman's fancy also turns to tttoiigiiji * of that age-old problem of what to wear. Two answers to grace 1951's spring fashion %«3ie iri% shown at left and at right--both Specifically created for the junior charmter. The cotton at right features enormous panier pockets, frosted with eyelet embroidery. The bodice of the FlortthEtfashioned dress buttons from waist to demure* round collar. Tiny puffed sleeves and a full skirt complete the dress which is the sort of gayer than springtime creation lor resort wear and other special dress-up occasions. Dressier still is the glamorous party dress at left, fashioned from speckled, silky taffeta. A coat-type dress", its flattering wing dollar and velvet buttons produce a double-breasted effect. The hipline is full and gathered, broken by a wide self belt Either dress should make the junior miss a sure hit with the opposite sex as well as the envy of fellow fashion fans. ' Equally as importaft&the creations embody good taste and so cannot help but to lend an air of disrprnmwnt to the young- lady's spring wardrobe. {special bonp effort to EXTEND APRIL 29 - MAY 5 May* 1 this year means someilflbg more than a festive day for {billions of U.S. bond owners. It arks the tenth blHhday of th© rst Series "E"'U.S. savings bonds. The U.S. Treasury d&fense bond ilvisloa (savings bond^*are now nown as defense bonds' plans a pecial effort in the period April |9 throug'i May 5 to have everyone Who can, bay an extra bond in that period | In Chicago, . \rooVl J. llauen, Btate director U.S. Treasury defense bond division for Illinois, ka'd he beii»?\*R the individual eounty vrrtiintner bone organise-, {ions will again do a good job. | There'll be special newspaper ktories and advertising, Rauen said, ^lso, special rad1') and T^ broadcasts on the bout! eftort. No quotas •will be set Three special activities are •cheduled. The first is the student art project, deadline tor which is April 23. Pupils in all Behoofs from the fourth througn seventh grades are eligible. They are to make posters or cartoons, 12 inches by 18 inches of varltfus things ftieir/ parents are bu\in« bonds for: «*' new home, rt-tnvinent, education for their children or other items. These art offerings are to be sent to Mr. Eauen, 105 "\V. Adams street, Chicago, 3. Judgiag in the midwest will be done by a committee headed by Vaughn Shoemaker. Chicago Daily News. Winning entries will then be displayed in the White House, Washington. The second project involves help in May these bo/s will deliver a bond pledge with each homedelivered paper. Later they will pick up these bond-buying pledges. These pledges will then be sorted in the Illinois bond office, Chicago, and returned to hanks in the indtordual towns where the pledges were made. Williard P. Horsman of the bloomington Dally Pantagraph is state chairman 6f this project. The third project involves a special defense stamp effort in Illinois. Schools are to hold a Defense Stamp week April 30 through May 4. Goals for, this special period will be double the recent weekly average of defense stamp and bond sales in the indlvidtyal schools Qoohl Gotut&i (by nwk ScbaetUctt# "tAtB-STKW This makes a hearty meal for a cool, rainy evening when appetite- are sharp. The lamb can tfe bought now and be /heady to cook. It may be cut into serving pieces and kept in freezing compartment until needed. Carrots and onions are usually on hand or may be easily procured. Buy 2 lbs. lamb shoulder. Have it cut into serving pieces by the butcher who does a better Job. Season meat after removing any skin and excess fat. Dip in flouts and . brown thoroughly. Put into stewing pan and add small amount of water, about one cup. Cook gently until donei, adding a little water as needed. About one-half hour before meat Is done, add small whole potatoes onions and carrots. When all are done remove meat and vegetables to serving dish and thicken gravey with 2 tablespoons of flour stirred In a half cup o|*wSter. *Md more water when it begins to thicken and cook at least five minutes or until of desired thickness. Pour over meat or serve seperately. Fresh or frozen peas are a good addition to lamb. Peas and lamb sort of go together like Romeo and Juliet--one is incomplete without the eUtos* * 7^ 1 ' r v ;V'7,y, "COM feecori" Chicago, on the? shores in windy Lake Michigan, has the poorest "cold record" of any city in the (J. S. The west central states, of which Illinois is one^have the highest rate of cold incidence in the country, 16 per ceht. Despite \ chutlons about avoiding crowds to ftvbid colds, statistics show that the folks in the wide open spaces, the rural areas, are the mc4t frequent victims. m LIBRARIES UST FINE SELECTION FOR GARDENERS M HENRY FREUND * OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afiernoont) J ILL-BREED SALE Hickoix Creek* Farm at McCftllom Lake is one of the consignors at the all-breed sale of pure* F. M. TELEVISION SERVICE Come in and see our new line of Admiral Television. ---Liberal Trade-in Allowance! on your radiophonograph and small TV screen. > < Drop in and see us soon. AUTHORIZED ADMIRAL DEALER F. M. RADIO SERVICE * • . ; • • (In, Rivertide Hotel! 102 E. Riverside Drive McHenry, HL PHONE McHENRY 979 bred dairy calves, suitable for 4-H and F.F.A. projects, which will be held at the Fox River Valley Livestock Center at St. Charles on Saturday, April 21, beginning at 1 p.m. The calves will be on display Friday evening and Saturday morning for inspection. EYES EXAMINED -- PL ASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VWFAL REHABILITATIM COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS DAILY: 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. SATURDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ^ PHONE McHENRY 452 About ready to start flf||lllK around in that garden? If you are, your public library can provide a variety of helps in the growiug of fruits, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, lawns, trees and almost anything else, Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett, state librarian, has suggested. If the local library does not have a wide selection of books on gardening, or if there is no local library service, the Illinois state library can provide them, Mr. Barrett said. Recent publications on gardening cover practically every phase of the project, Secretary Barrett said, from Ortloff and Raymore's "Garden Planning and Design" fl Westcott's "Garden Bug Book." A sampling of the material available Includes Spragae's "Better Lawns," Morris' "Your Book of Garden Plans," Dempsey's "Gro Your Own Vegetables," Herdrick "Fruits for the Home Garden," Blair's "Garden Clinic," Simon's "Complete Garden * Handbook," Fox's "Gardening for Good Ea|> ing," and separate volumes on annuals, perennials, roses, chrysanthemums, begonias, iris aiti geraniums. W A* Iks j Wlw HrM MnSmst Iks l«i NrhmI MM llfeM JM _ DISCOVERED NEW SNMP0(P CURLS AND WAVES HAIR WMfcsit PsnssMat Wsvlss For MM •# tympfml eerf Fwtm W RNEIMATISM •ARTHRITIS SEE YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST Mfritne's HairWavtng Cream Sbamp*• M MUMMY... HI MIXING. . MIT * fife SET I Till! exciting, new, (1IJ SHAMPOO actually (Ira •J". n^yril-looklnj. kng, lntinc curlt and llint while you waih your hllr . . . jet, white jm ttampvu out dirt, diut. aoni otl> and loot* oruff, you •hampoo-fn pertoaalised nrw tod cur If thmt wit jou bcit ...» halo of >eft ilncM* m • natural-looklnf raiual w»re. Marlene't H»lr- ®"lni SheaiiMM li an entirely tMw pricctple that'a W ea«y and almnle a* thampoolnc your hair, but the #We» and curti Itar In. No worry abaM trllt eada, 5? brl'ile- h,,r- »o conditloaer. DO mclaM •hanipoo. It a all In one . . . the new aafe kSa off hair ahampoo warea hair aa it ahaapooa. Leaaea hair «nd manageable, fairly (towlnf with new lift and luatre . . . and one jar glvea you and your faaiUy aa many aa 1.% ahampoos. And tha price . . . only n Dim tax. Marlene'a New Hair WaTlnc Miampoe ia ••U on the warranty of full tatlifactlan er a>o«r lt£ Bolger's Dtug Siorta Phone 40 .McHenrf Open Daily: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Fridays: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. by newspaper del'very boys. Early «rP-H i-v. ]i no ro.rouND / y FRCCZM! Tha Fraatar 7 Compartment in tha mar wlM), motorlett Servel hat plenty ot room for frozen meati, fruits vegetable! --even ke cream by the gallon. Sep^ arale outer door Malt coM M4«. SKI WHAT IXTRA ROOMINESS INSlOl, axtra tlimnatt oultida in th« n«w Sarvnl. You f«t much mora usafut refrigeration lpace in th* same kitchen area! The nine-cubic-feet Servel, for instance, slips into the space of on old tixl QUICK.CHAN«I SHKLVIS! Shelve* adiv« to hold a giant turkey watermelon, even a cote of coke, quickly . And Servel t roomy Warier h easy to clean and keep dean. NEW "ODDS AN§ ENDS" SASKI Special batket helpt keep your Serv clutter-free. Twin gla»-lopped De«* ' Action Vegetables Fresheners gverd sdl»--- ads, fruits. There's every new Mwmi ence Wi the new Servel. YEAR GUARANTEE H"-,' ' See the now KMrett store f a APRIL APRIL Smite f 7-Pce Beverage Set Automatic Iron 5.99 Quick-heorting. Equipped with accurate. thumb-tip died . . . indi<-a»e» proper setting (or every type of fabric. Lightweight, easy to handle ... large Ironing surface. Cool, comfortable han die. Carefully constructed for years of service. AC. DC. Come in so^tt foe this exceptional value! Lovely refreshment set perfect any time of the year. Valuepriced glassware includes large, easypouring pitcher. 6 tumblers. Each decorated with spring-like floral pattern. Wktte^green<ye Qblong Bread Box 99c Roomy, yet compactly designed. Bread, pastries stay fresh . . eliminates waste. Hinged cover. RoHnded corkers. J*%r. '^Mxie Lawn Mower Wire Lawn Redce Large-capacity container Is 14 V4 in. high. Sturdily made. Tapered design. Rounded edges. Easy to keep clean. 4-Pc. Canister Set 99c Dust Pan 29c Colorful. practiqaL economy-prieedi 8*t consists of 4 &andy MUes: 1-lb. tea. S-lb. Coffee, 5-lb. sugar. 5-lb.flour. Your housekeeping equipment tantt Complete without this helper. *Lies flat takee litter easily. Covered. With convenient hang-up hole. GeE. Automatic Toaster 22.95 This sparkling beauty turns out toast the way you wanl it. Have it crisp, golden-brown . . . and just the shade you choose each -time. Regulates for liqht. medium or dark. Toast pops up or can be Seept warm in toaster. AC. DC. G.E. Triple-Whin. Mixer 39.95 Portable mixer whips, beats. Juices, creams, stirs . . . does all the work, with greatest of ease! Speed selector. 3 beaters give fast, thorough triple-whipping action. Lightweight. Complete with large and small bowl. Juice et- handte. R tract*--. AC. DC. value. Gets up dust ia * )iffy, leaves floors shining. Goes under radiators. low furniture. Thick, longlasting red cotton ^arn. Clear. tar $1.19 ep Stool 12.95 Moderately-priced, exceptionally fine stool! Seat, curved •bock fully upholstered in plas- „tl<^ Rigid tubular -steel framf*. fa red, yellow or tyiack. 3-Pc. Junior Garden Set 89c Real garden tools, on, a small scale. Includes rake flth steel head, blue handle. Steel lioe. with -^reen handle. Strong steel sho^rei, fed handle. Set of 3. •'* . •" Household Scale 2.99 Youll wonder how you kept house without this handy, accurate scale. Handsome Addition to your kitchen. Ivor/ enamel finish. 25-pound capacity, fey .ounces. Sale priced. Outstanding in value, per14.95 formance! Low-priced mower with many quality features. Automatic-type ball bearings. Rubber tires. Cutting height adjustable. 18-in. A lot of service for a low price!* 98c Lightweight rake sweep* your lawn dean, cannot clog with leaves, litter. 90 teeth of best spring steeL WEAR-EVBB MiUM»f9»CWAn Cooky, Pastry Cooky French Press 2.50 Sheet Fryer 2^5 Indicator tells when right amount of dough has been pressed out. Single turn cuts off dough. 1.00 For delicious cookies, cream puffs, macaroons. biscuits. Excellent for cooling candlMAssures perfect crisp Fiench fries, doughnuts. etc. Fine mesh basket. Handy swing rest eliminates dripping Lufldn 6-Ft. Folding Rule 79c Natural wood. Wellmarked. easy-to-roofl graduations. Get several lor house, workshop, sewing basket. Req. $1.00 value. Specialty »»»><. ' Hibbard Costing Rod 3.98 Your best possible value in glass rods! Tapered blade guaranteed for life. Aluminum handle, with selected cork «rip. Sure-qrip reel lock. 3 Vi- It. True Value Reel 1.98 This fine reel has nylon geara, plus big savings! Extra- quiet. longlasting. All metal p a r t s n i c k e l - p l a t e d . Black B a k e l i t e s i d e plates. Capacity 100 yds. /• Shower Head 1.591 aning. jP esign. u Sell - cleaning, modern desig Gives fine spray. Brass, chromeplated. Complete I r Servel et •#- eryevrDeeler% -- :ci-. PUBLIC SIRVKI COMPANY OF NOKTHBRN liUNOIf BIORKMAN'S RIVERSIDE HARDWARE 130 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVEf 7 ; PHONE 722 . McHENRY, ILL. > .... "'crtrir"i" liiiiiiiif imiiiiii'iT"* "fll^VrrilH *11111 IiBiii

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