Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1951, p. 9

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-- \ \ ,* Thursday, April 1% 1951 » w 'I/'* 1 „J% ~^r-* 4 -4^' ..•' '" • S ^ "T '- - **' *"* ^ -'- • -^'V; • '.V,-. '.-• • > -• ' •• f- •• .->'£:• i - - -- .. „-r . FORTY YEARS AUO | P^etty fia8t^' M°»da* nuu »wr t.,« usai iwu y««r» urn* r«r»h \n-K v!8^3 at St" *>afric'c8 gentleman will hold do^trn the Catholic church here at. 9 o'clock !ni>aaMan»(aj nh«tr t™atnoo ov.A Oitj Council Proceedings » > H H U I M1 1' » » < i t t » M < t COUNCIL ROOM *". April 2, 1951 7 The City Council met in rejcular seini-nionthly meeting with Mayor F'gund presiding. Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson, Freund, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: Rothermel. - - . " N Motion by Anrift'pann. s vcai+Aeit by Thenrffes, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried! Motion by Freund, seconded by* Vycital, that the treasurer's report be approved-as read. Motiop carried. ^ .fetation by Thennes, seconded by Anderson, that 'he colleger's report be approved as rsaa. Motion carried.. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Th'ennes, that the following • bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: ^qtion carried.. Guettler Service Station, Qaa -- and oil for police car... ....$ 18.02 Edward J. Barrett, Sec'y of State, State truck license 2.00 John J. McCarthy, Salary.,."... 216.10 Elmer R. M\irphy,- Salary...™. 182.20 Clyde Rhoades, Salary.,.....,.;. 210.00 Philip M. TheiHjes. Salary.... 183.60 Anton H. Freund. Salary! 183.60 Earl R. Walsh, Office Ex- Jf*use . IMayme Buss, Salary & commissions j..*. McHenry Lumber/Co., Ocai & lumber Tallinan, Rohbins A Co., Report forms Frank Masquelet, Labor on streets .1. Ero Erickson, Police radii) maintenance Carey Electric Shop, Labor, >&obes, supplies for street and signal lights i....... 424.42 Herman I>o we, RenodVlng snow ... 74.25 Donald M. Freund, Labor" Ob snow plow 32.00 Duncan P a r k i ft g ^Meter Corp., Payment on parking meters 350.60 Wm. Buchert, Gas & police car ft truck . James B. Clow ft Sons, Hydrants ..." 362.61 Miller Meters, Inc., Parking meter repairs .. Patten Tractor ft Equipment Co.. Equipment for snow plow P. F. Pettibone ft Co.. Traffic books f.18 Alexander Lumber-Co., Pipe ft drain tile The McHenry Plaindealtiir, Printing tfnd publications A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. Repairs to police car McHenry Blacksmith Shop, Welding George P. Freund, Bolts Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Telephone service ..... Public Service Company, Gas ifer.vice Public Service Co., Power light v Joseph C. Grobel, Checking , parking meters Elmer R. Murphy, Checking parking meters 162.00 Clyde Rhoades. Extra police duty 112.00 Albert Nugent, Police duty.. 56.00 Arthur J. Smith, Februray salary Collector of Internal Rev- 95.53 69.30 3.% .89 35.29 91.45 19.44 2.00 1.80 U.SO 47.65 245.55 16.00 Frepnd. to adjourn. Motion carried. KARL R. WALSH. City Clerk , GEORGE P. FREUND. Mayor . # LANDLORDS MUST ACT IN GOOD FAITH FOR EVICTION OF TENANT A landlord must satisfy the rent office that he is acting in good faith when he seeks an eviction1 maintained. "We don't prevent -TS Explaining the importance ot determining a landlord's intentions; Mr. Jacobson said: "Put yourself in the tenant's position. If can't feel secure against unjustified eviction you're- not likely to make a complaint to the rent office, no matter what grounds you may have for complaint. "Nor can this requirement be called a hardship on landlords," he certificate, actiiig associate area rent director, Harold B. Jacobson. declared this week. "It is not enough," Mr. Jacobson said, "for a landlord to petition for a certificate on grounds permitted by the law. He must also show that he actually will use the certificate for the reasons stated and lie must convince us that he isn't retaliating against hib tenant" ^ ' _ As an example of this, the director said that an eviction certificate sought by a landlord soon after his tenant had entered a complaint with the rent office could be questioned for its "good faith" and might be turned down for that reason. •51.50 70.08 52.40 77.60 TS.OC 95.70 2.O0 250.00 enue. Income tax Edward J. Barrett. Sec'y of State. State license for police car Park Street Sewer Fund.*,,. Special Sewer Find Fred C. Feltz, Salary.... ..f 135.00 Mayme Buss, Clerical.........:.. 20.00 Public Service Co., Power ft light . 61.35 Motion by Althoff. seconded DT IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 41J-R Here's the SOFTENER that Automatically takes Care of Itself! Jtst flip ' 9 cfcfrJrify dbtx ffo r*Hf STOVER m»d*l PXHi MCMMXf§ ...HOW Htcmnto ' Now you can have a water soften<F in your home that is as easy to operate as your refrigerator. This newest Stover model brings you the famous STOVER Auto-Shift Valvf v operated electrically. You gejt; all the other features, too, that make STOVER the most satisfactory source of all the soft water you can use--all the timew Come in and let us show you how easy it is now to have glorioop wft "rater in your home to make all housework easier. i The savings you mkke in soap, cleaning co»> _ pounds, plumbing repairs and wear on clothing soon pay for your Stover Softener. • CONVENIENT TERMS IF DESIRED H. E. BIICH & SON IS* RIVERSIDE DRIYE PH0>"K McHEJTRI IS AUTOMATIC SOFT WATER CO. 7" its COLUMBIA PHOSE FLGIH V W Year Guarantee. -- Terms. FOR Roofing -- Tile -- Gutter and All Building Materials <*; A. " Sears Roebuck and Co* See Representative FRANK GANS Call 767-W or writ* S00 RIVERSIDE DRIT^ McHENRT, ILL. FREE ESTIMATES landlord from obtaining passession of his property. On the contrary, the rent regulation lists numerous grounds for eviction. What we do require is that the landlord give us satisfactory evidence that his action to evict a tenant is in "good faith." Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeH^nry. 8tf YOU HAVEN'T LIVED MttL Page NIM daughter and th^ir first Twice Told Tales Items ofinurwt taken Iron th s of the McHeorr ^laindealer t years ago fascinating here than in years gore by when the old town was recognized a* the dance center ot the community. \ As a result of th# petition sent to the Borden officials, that company is now advertising the old mill in Centerville for sale. Looks like the old landmark is doomed. John H. Miller was elected president of the village board of .McHenry on Tuesday of this fweek and for the next two years tha when Miss Harriet Welch, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William W-?lch, who reside east of this village, was united in marriage to Mr. William Dewey of Indianopolis, lnd., the ceremony being performed by Rev. D. Lehane, pastor of the church. The newly weds left on the 4:3<8 afternoon train for Chicago tfrori which place they left for ».he futile home in IndianapoHs, ind. North Crystal Lak« Hearld- The Hearld wants to compliment the direciorfc of the Terra Cotta school --Michael Knox. l.eorRo Ames and John Phalen. They ha|p made the Terra Cotta schorl • interior the best in the coutuy. Is the art of dancing loslng^Its charms to the young people ofMc- Kenry? This quest ioi; was asked last Tuesday morning when It was learned that the assembly at Stoffel's hall was made up mostly of outsiders. The young people of McHenry are either losing out in numbers or the amusement is less presidential chair. Trustees are William Stoffel, Mathias Weber, George Meyers, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, Jos. W. Freund and Nickels. TWENTY FIVE TEARS AGO We3t McHenry's business section, was again visited by fire early Sunday morning, at which time the Justen block was completely destroyed by the flames. The blaze occurred jpst about twenty years after the disasterous fire which swept a portion of that section The total loss of Sunday night's %aze is estimated to be' tu *' the neighborhood jof $75,000. . On Monday evening,' April 19, the Johnsburg Dramatic club will present their latest home^talent play, entitled "Saftety First," at the Empire theatre for the benefit of all those who lost household furniture and personal belongings in Saturday night's fire. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer welcomed a new' arrival in their home on Sunday morning, April 11. A baby child. The annual school election was a very quiet affair this year due to the fact that only three names appeared on the ballot, the candidates having no opposition. With eleven votes cast for each candidate. John E. Pufahl was elected for president to serve one year and H. E. Buch and Stephen Freund were chosen for members to serve three years on the grade school board. Rev. Father Robert C. Freund of this place has been recently appointed by the Right Rev. Peter J. Muldoon, Bishop of Rockford, Fred \to act as assistant pastor of St. church in Elgin.,; ICECREAM Illinois, with more than 900 plants, ranks fifth among states in the manufacturing of ice cream, according 'to the state Department of Agriculture. Answers to TEST YOUR I. Q 4. According to a IMC fovstHk toent survey, there an 176S col* lefd, universities, teat leges, etc. 2. 29.92 inches. ,3. «i. * . 4. Lake Chargogagogmanehatt* gagogchaubunagung a m a u g near Webster, Mass. Translated, tfat Mohegan Indian phrase meaaa, "You fish on your side, we fish cm our side, nobody fish is tht middle." i 5. The standard size ef a pM cord ot wood is 8 feet loaf* 'Vf0i feet wide, bj 4 feet high. 4 SMALLEST . ' ^ ; BUSIEST '• . CHKAPKPt ^ WORKERS IN TOWN! ; < ; PLAINDEALER ' WANT ADS * m -HANDICRAFTBird HOUMS# Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tiar Banches, Flower Boxes, WhaelhmoMM and Sand Boxes. Trellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, Etc. Screens and Cabinets Made To Order. CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG PHONE NpHENRY 58S J1 ^ ..JW FRESH DRUGS PLUS -- PERSONAL CARE Fresh drugs, pli& personal care, are A Winning combination wnen you have your doctor's ^prescription filled. In our prescription department, only pure drugs are used, carefully compounded by registered pharmacists with great skill. For all prescription filling, see us. NYE COtilqtc en Ortiti 119 N. Riverside Drive 9 i UNTIL. TOtrVE WASHED and DRIED YOUR CLOTHES \ AT THE LAUNDER-IT Elm St. West of Bridge PHONE 308 To Formers: Our Ready- Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring and strong. The "mix" is made for your Job. Even a smaU job gets AM bandit ef larfe~Yolume production In eer efficient central plant 7 Of course, you want concrete --fire safe, durable, moderate in first cost and requiring little maintenance. , Don't Let Cold Weather Delay Your Work.. ^4 HEATED READY MIX Does The Job In Half The Time. Ask Your Contractor or Call lie McHenry Sand & Gravel Co, IPHONE MCHENRY 97-J 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILI. et's see what It means to own a ROADMASTER. ~|t means, first of all, that you're a shrewd judge c£_ . j&ne manufacture. Nowhere will you find a meclia- Bism more skilfully fitted part to part with scrupil- \|ous precision--engineered to stricter standards of fine-car quality--than the deep-framed and durable ROADMASTER chassis. It means, also, that you possess keen appreciation ef everything that makes for unsurpas8< performance. « for there's more to this dassling beauty than its thrilling take-off. There's the surplus of power that you need to make you the master of busy traffic or Open road--plus the velvet magic of Dynaflow Drive (at no extra cost, mind you). There's the level-going luxury of ample roadweight > buoyantly balanced on coil springs on every wheel --and the security of brakes specifically engineered for firm control of this greatfpowered beauty. TMI* in HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC N.fwork. tvry Mofiday tvtnirg. \ 1 ••• Wkca belter sitMs*UlM ere Itollt Sslefc will MM Hut there's still another distinction to ROADMASTER owner. It marks you as one Who buys wisely and well, for si*e, pound for pound, feature for feature, ftnc cars can even approach what your dollars will in this finest of Buicks. There's much more to be discovered by a any Buick dealer's showroom. , lere's the sumptuous softness of cushions, the custom excellence of fabrics and interior grace and charm of every line and contouf. " Bo if you've dreamed of sometime owning a car superbly fine, there's no time like the present-- and no car like ROADMASTEK for making dreaiae come true. 403 Front Street Phone McHenry

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