IK I1"--". ~ ••'•' "/-'_ ' "S • •• ' _v * * • ^ ,_ ^ • TiW " V 1 ' ' <-• - 7 • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH P?®|P|S1W|PP|^^ Thuxt4ay, April 26. 1951 ^ t£l'S *0/ ^-/'^fekVu ' • •••£&"-> *-'•>•"•-' Hi Anul €«rd • Tenrnej Ends The annual card tournament of the Catholic t»aughters of Am- «flca was completed at the last meeting Thursday, April f9. Winaero* names however, will not J* announced until the businesa meeting on May 3. , Winners for the evening's games Were Mrs. Margaret Simon, aaetion; Miss Mildred Kinsala and Mrs, Helen Dobyns, contract bridge; Mesdames Katherine L. Freund. Eleanor Freirnd, Ann' Rodenkirch and Miss Frances Baur. pinochle; Ella Buss and Mary Zimmerman, canastn: ,'Misg Hertilla Frennd. grand regent of the organization, asks that all members make a special ejffojt to attend the Communion Mass at St. MaryVjchttfCh at 8„30 'o'clock May . P. T. A. Features Tenor Soloist The next meeting of St. Mary's- St. Patrick's school I'.T.A. will be held on Wednesday. May 2. in the school hall at 3:15 p.m. Mothers ot third grade pupils will be hostesses. - ... The musical portion of. the program will include, tenor solos by Warren Jones, accompanied by AJrs. Gretta GoodeU. Kaiimnfiwii Infant Baptised Snnday The little daughter o£ Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rasmussen was christened Patricia Jean at baptismal services held at St. Patrick's church last Sunday. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley officiated at the liSO o'clock service. Sponsors ijere Geraldine Emig of Chicago and Walter Sierachi of Milwaukee. Dinner was served in the Rasmassen home following the serv- Dty Banquet May 14 The Catholic Daughters of America will hold their annual Mother's Day banquet at the Villa „Hotel Resort on Monday. May 14, at 6:30 o'clock. Telephone reservations may be made with Mrs. Bertha Jensen, 226-W, or Mrs. Catherine Clark. 728, on or before May 7. If transportation is needed, jnembers are reminded to mention the fact when making reservations. Associate-Patron. George Johnson; Secretary. ^/Mabel Collins: Trea- O. K. K -Pa»t Officers'Xijrlif * ; Past Ofifcers" Night was- observed by the local O. E .S. chapter last' Tuesday night- Offices were held'as follows: ^ Worthy Matron. Lulu . JFvlontz; Worthy Patron. Chauncy. Harrison; Associate Matron. Minnie Martin; ?' Patr r.^Ala surer. Alice Lindsay; Conductress, Florabelle Vogel; Associate Conductress. Valeska Hoppe; Chaplain. Lottie Bransford; Marshal, Frances Vvcital: Organist. Mabel Johnson; Adah. Mildred Howorka; Ruth. Eva Eppel; Esther. Ethel Holly: Martha. Arleen Pearson; Electa, Katie Harrison; Warder, Lydia McNeil: Sentinel. Elsie Hoppe: Soloist. Louanne Howor ka: Accompanist, Virginia Monte; leone. Escorted and^-IBTroduced were grand chapter committee members; Aeola Underwood and Eva Eppel, cancer control; Frances Vycital. fraternal benevolence; Grand Lecturer, Linnea Peterson of Richmond; Worthy Matron, Betty Lindwall of Harvard; three past matrons and two past patrons; and Elsie Reiker, guest of honor. Refreshments were served by Marioii Collins, Evora Peterson and Phyllis Ximtz. Couple Observes Silver Weliding Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pateke were pleasantly surprised in their Chicago home last Saturday evening by relatives who came to honor them on their silver wedding anniversary, which occurred a few wee^s ago. The guests brought along a decorated cake and other items for the tasty lunch, which was served at the close of a social evening. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Emtl Patzke, Mj\ ^and Mrs. Harold Patzke, Mrand Mrs. Paul Patzke and Frances Patzke, all of Mi-Henry; Mr. and Airs. Arthur Patzke of Elgin <fiid Alfred Pats- Chicago. *. JACKMAN-PASSFIELD VOWS EXCHANGED IN RIDGEFIELD CHURCH A wedding of local interest was solemnized last Saturday, April 21, in the Ridgefield Presbyterian church when Miss Mary Louise Jackman, daughter of Mrs Myrtle Jaikman of Ridgefield. became the bride of Donald Passfield, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Passfield of rural Woodstock, formerly of Mc- Henry. Rev. George B. Draper of Chicago was assisted by Rev. D: A. Kearns-Preston in reading the double ring service at 2 o'clock. The pijetty " bride was attired in a gown of white satin, with Chantillv lace trim. The bodice was styled with high neck, long sleeves and the full skirt ended in a cathedral train. She carried white carnations. Train bearers were and nephew, Judy Jackman andy^reddie Stoerp. Marjane Jackman acted as maid of houwr for her sister an$ Mrs. Nettie Stoerp of Algonquin, another sister, was matron of honor;. Clifton Howell of Woodstock* served as best man and groomsman' was the bridegroom's brother, Pfc. Roy Passfield. The bride is a graduate of thq Crystal iajie^nigh^^hool and ii employed at - the Oaks. Mr. Pass®5 field graduated from the WoodV stock high school and works for the Illinois Bell Telephone company at Woodstock. PERSONALS SR Warren Wegener of Qreai Lakes and his brother, Pvt. Jamel Wegener, „of Camp Breckenridge, Ivy., spent the weekend with their parents, the Martin Wegeneisu. Other guests that day were Mr. and Mrs. William flothrrmel, Mr. and.Mrs. Earl Paddock und Mrs. Anna Wagner and two, Bill, tfce latter of Vplo. • - , ------ \Mr< atfd Mrs,. William Suttbn ana her mother, Mr^* Minteer, of Maywond spent Sunday with Mc- Henry relatives. Miss ' Marguerite Johnson of WheaXon .spent tlie Avoejtend :-witfe; her parentsj ttefr ^Geot-ge John-/ sons. v, v; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Carey are vacationing in Hot Spring*. Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Hay si,re ttjoying a two weeks' vacation trip through the South. V Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Selsdorf of Bariington and Mrs. May Zininier and Mrs. Marie Zimnier of Palatine visited in the Henry J, Schaffer home 'one day last week. Charles Thompson has returned home after spending the. winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs! Thomas JVnwick of Elmliurst spent the weekend Furniture cleaning (HAIRS SOFA 9x12 ('LEA>EI> RIGS $<U0 $13.50 $7100 Carvings refinished at BO ekfcra change. If It Needs Cleaning We'll Clean It. 7 SPECIALIZING IN ORIENTAL RUttS. All Work Guaranteed . I No Shrinkage Free Pick Up -- Delivery ^ Clean ins On Locatlpn, " ^ ; CRYSTAL LAKr # CLEANING SHOP I'lione Crystal Latke US North .Main Street visiting her parental C. Jf. Reihanspergers. ' The Misses Clara afrd' Lena Stoffel visited friends in Hinsdale on Sunday. vNtnmiiuiiiiiinimttiiiniiiiiiitiiitiiniHmiuimniiir AMONG THE SICK miiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiimHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiii Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lesile Olsen, underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital last week. Sandra Rodenkirch underwent a' tonsillectomy in the Woodstock hospital this past week.. Wantf *: ads; like frei-donJC everybody's, business. - BIRTHS v Mr. ttd Mrs. Cecil Ballotr« are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on April 16. An 8 lb. 4 oz. girl was born at the Woodstock hospital on April 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young. The baby has been named Kathleen Clarice. The Youngs have two other children, David and Kenneth. A daughter ** was born at the Woodstock hospital on April 20 to Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson She has been named Lorraine Annette. JeaanI>>Horg^i Married To Chicago Man /April 21 ""X * **" Mies Jeanne Horgen* of Carrollton, who acted as assistant to the home advisor in McHenry county in 1950, was married last Saturday, April 21, to Curtis W. Fisher of Chicago. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Earl Horgen of Walnut, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Fisher of Marionette, Wis. The marriage took place in the First Baptist church at Downers Grove at 8 o'clock, with Rev. Hamilton Sinclair officiating at the double ring service. KARRIAGfe LICENSES Stella Jahnke, Wonder Lake, and Norman ~F. "Wickenkamj^' Harvard. - v < • - i ' - 8 . ' t ' 1 ' > > • • # Residence Changes m M < »•»» »# j yOURMUS Mt m *icn ¥£l¥BT 9§*$W TMTOKiy THIS 0$ti-CMT $/i mat UH €i¥§ Covers Wallpaper, Paint or Plaster, it's •osier to put on because it's made with OIL, . not water-thinned. Goes on smoothly, no brush marks. Apply with FLATLUX BrushT' One Gallon covers the average room ksrs is Oily Ou PUTLBX ^...Ifs MA»I WITH OIL MR OAHON Rooms radiate charm when styled in the modern, single color way with BPS Identically Matched Colors of FLATLUX • SATIN-LUX • GLOS-LUX. Ask for D»»criptiv Folder! PATTERSON-SARGENT B E S T P A I N T S O I D BOLGER'S PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward havf moved from the Kosti house' a|.: McCnlloni t<ake to an apartinenl in the Mrs. Sophie Kosti building in Weet McHenry. t~- CAPITAL f i n d BANKING KLUML,.R OFCOWTH OF CAPITAL INVESTMENT PER WAGE EARNER 1099-/OO -100 Throu^ half d cintury wails, looms and depressions, America's production record has grown with a corresponding increase in the capital investment in each worker. The capital-labor-management teanS, working to keep America strong, advances the cause of freedom everywhere. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JMember Federal Reserve System Ml Troapera At Crystal Lake St. Mary's Episcopal church in i Crystal Lake will bring the Todd Troupers to that city wi£h their Bach to Boogie show on May 13 at the Crystal Lake Community school. ^ David Njaa, son of Mr. and rs. Arthur Njaa of Crystal Lake, one of the outstanding perfbrmers, along with Romuald Ve- £)ia, Wllilam Hutchinson, James f^innane. the Westernaires and the IJodd choir. The show will benefit the buildl| g fund at the church. Tickets %ay be purchased from Mrs. Walter Bartow, phone McHenry 113-W, flgr at the door at 8 p.m. the Sight of the show. APRIL PERMANENT SPECIAL Croquignole Machine Wave $6.^0 an Croquignole Machineless Wave $6.50 and ttfi Cold Wave ......$8.00 and vp All Other Beanty Work Atalhible. ' fhlropMlit In attendance by appointment. MARION'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE 117-J , J " / 103 So. Riverside Drive McHenry, lit SPRING APPLIANCE Rr SALE ALL FAMOUS MAKES fV_ REFRIGERATORS 9 Cu. Foot with CROSS TOp FREEZER (DeLuxe Model) *269®° Seg. $289.95 9 Cu. Foot with CROSS TOP FREEZER ' (Standard Modal) $23250 Reg. $259.95 11 Cu. Foot DeLuxe REFRIGERATOR $294.49 . iFteg. $:;:i2.r,i 13 Divided Top 40" GAS RANGE $177.95 " :f-4tleg. $198.95 8 Cu. Foot DeLuxe ' i 4 '^^;*rith AUTOMATIC DEFROST S26350 Reg. $299.95 RANGES = 40" DeLuxe GAS RANGE with Lamp and Timer $221« Reg. $249.95 ipartment Size. GAS RANGES ^Besl Quality $11790 Reg. $130.00 1-'" t*' * Car details as shown are subject to change without notice woman unaer HOLLYWOOD -- Reg. $29.95 TABLE BROILER $21.95 E % 1Uy\IK -- Reg. $;!7.:>0 FRENCH FRYER $29.95 Automatic Temperature Control WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LIMITED QUANTITY OF ALUMINUM FOIL WHICH WE ARE OFFERING FOR SALE AT THIS TIM% . , ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE (McHENRY COUNTY'S LEADING HARDWARE) IAIN STREET PHONE 284 McHENRY, ILL. Packard, as you already know, has provided Wonderful new outlook: Packard's new kind of generously for today's giants . . . low-level hood gives you real ' close-up safety vision"... lets you see both front fenders, for (Examples: Seats as wide as the c*r is high. Enough headroom for a 6-footer wearing a cowboy hat. Largest trunk of any sedan on the road.) Now, let's s«e a few typical exariMes of what Packard has done for the not-so-|all folks, in America's newest new car . . J-fe m/ynz, "THO&T, ct, CCW*-VLAT CO • . i '• safer passing, dent-free parking. New one-piece windshield gives you a clear «panoramic view. Topt in handling ease, too--because Packard (and Packard alone) gives you Ultramatic Drive ...with a combination of smoothness, quietness, flexibility, and positive control no other drive can match. And steering ease? Here's a car that actually handles, in traffic, with as little effort as it takes to turn * door knob in your home! Come drive it! ' ASK THI MAN WHO OWNS ONK WEST McHENRY Route 31, LBOX 57 West McHenry Illinois TT--f 5i: . r H: : • V