Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 13

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V ."i . .« 4'<:1 ,• '«:" 1'"^p .'-..• •'!•* ' •>,. 'A* \*> ij?:*'- • [•.•.•.. .-%*%/ - '•;.. . >'*•?*'pi It ' •^r^T^TT X i**<" -r " „ 1 S K~* ; *. 1 »' >>->-/ f- "m BOARD ? ! j. ^ V ^; ,** i>-\-v * . f1: v _ •* «; ;>* 'p _ % l% ' V -Ci -. '"'f^'v • > 4'^ : ••; •'f.r,,^? v^.:r McHenry County, Illinois <• \ ., 1 ~z2L< o^W': . *• «V -- '. 'w ' . «.' /;/ ., ..-a r-- .- . . > Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year Endinur Anril 1.1931 SUPPLEMENT TO-- ->->cu »« Si',. >V, " ih : • j i ) i i ' n » /* >. , '-•^•l'-*~' offJciaI Ending April 1,1931 i .< £/V "' -fa-r-• • - - - ^5"; - ^ ^ v-S» = .s*; ..'••••••; • ' 1 :/** - s . "- . r> ". .* ..••!• . ... ' ?? ~ . v: .I " .-* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHENRY, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 Special April Meeting . 1950E' • : ' f'"* gt *te > %t Tlw- fiawaftitle Bowfr^ #f Bllfpt'i vl- •ors of McHenry County, IllinotR. met In special cession pursuant to the following call Klgned by more than one-third of its members at the Court House in the City of Wood- Stock on Tuesday, the 18th day of Aprl', A D. 1950 at the hour of ten O clock A. M. The Clerk's certificate of mailing notices and publisher's cwtlAcate of publication being at- . tachejTthereto. to-wit: ftkUakK*! Certlficat* ? I DO HERBBT CERTIFY. That . Jtjftm the authorized agent of the " . »((bilsher of '• •••jfc- A* Weslftoak Daily RnliMl flphich is a daily, secular newspaper ^)f general circulation, printed and published in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, for a continuous period of more than six months, previous to the first insertion of the annexed notice, and that said paper was and is of general circulation in said county; and 1 further certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspaper once each week for two successive weeks, and that the first publication was on ths 4th day of April, A. D. 1950, and the last on the 11th day of April. A. D. 1950 Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this ^•th day of April. A. O. 1950. • Publisher's Fee, $12.00. tleceived Tayment L». McCANDLISH &«f«l Pnblieatlon Kotte* of Oicuintim VNtlv, 1MI, 1M0 aout of Supervisors, •blwry Osutr, XUlsols April 4, 1950 The Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, pursuant to • call signed by more than one-third of its members now on fil«> in the office of the undersigned, will meet in Special Session on Tuesday, the 18th day of April, A. D. 1950 at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in the room usually occupied by them for the purpose of •organisation, the election of a chair- 'iQfean for the ensuing year, the appointment of commttees, the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the May, 1950 term of th(> Circuit Court, the approval of claims filed against the County, and for the transaction of any and all " further business that may regularly come before said meeting- Please take notice and govern yourself accordingly. (County Court Seal) Raymond D. Woods, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Publish Apr. 4-11 Mr. (Supr"s. Name) « Member of the uoard of Supervi- Vkors of McHenry County, Illinois: You are hereby notified that the Special April meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be held to convene Tuesday, the 18th day of April, »• 1»50. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House in Woodstock, in said County. As a member of said hoard, you will, please govern yourself accordingly. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 4th day of April, A. D. 1950. R. D. WOODS. Ottunty Clerk & Ex-OfTlclo Clerk of ' the Board of Supervsors. ^Organisation; the Klectlon of a - Chairman for the ensuing year, the Cppointment of committees and the election of grand Jurors and supplement »U*n«t. • April 4, 1950 ft R. D. Woods County Clerk, 'Woodstock. Illinois «We, the undersigned memherw of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby request that you call a meeting of said Board to be held Tuesdav, the 18th day of April, A. D. 1950, for the purpose of organisation, the election of a chairman for the ensuing year, thP appointment of committees, the selection of grand Jurors and supplemental panel for the May, 1950 term of the Circuit Court, the approving the s-j£laims filed against the County and '•wtor the transaction of any and all further business that may regularly OOme before said meeting. Dated this 4th day of April, A D. 1950. ALMER AAVAKG C. PERRY W RIGHT T. F. NOLAN R. M. SL.VVIX JOHN J. FIUIP CHARLES T. DUNNING A. B. MCCONNKL.L. April 4th, 1950 •tats of Illinois. County of McHenry SS. I, R. I>. Woods. Clerk of the County Court and Kx-Oftloio Clerk of the ,gBoard of Hupervisors of said County, •in State aforesaid, do hereby certify that on the 4th day of April, A. D. I960, belnx riot less than ten days prior to the day set for the Special April, 1950 nie<-MnR of the Board of Supervisors, I deposited In the United States mall at the post office in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, postage fully paid, notice of said meeting. the attached bring a tru* and correct copy endorsed with the time and place of said meeting, addressed to each of the following Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors of said County at their respective post office address set opposite each name, to- _wlt: H Name Address *Supr. August W. Ruth, Marengo, 111. Supr. C. Perry Wright, Marengo, 111. Supr. Carl E. Witti»»us, R. F. D. No. 1. Harvard, 111 Supr. F. E. Beck. Harvard. 111. Supr. Elmer C. Coy, Alden, 111. Supr. Raymond M. Slavin. R. F. D. No. 1, Woodstock, 111. Supr. Charles T. Dunning, Wood stock. 111. Supr. Roscoe Glenn, Union, 111. Supr. Harley Mackeben. Huntley, 111. Supr. T. F. Nolan, Woodstock, 111. Supr. Aimer Aavang, R. F. D. No. 3, Woodstock. 111. Supr. Stanley H. Cornue. Hebron. Htr • Supr. Frank B. McConnell, Richmond, 111. Supr. Frank May, Spring Grove, '111. Supr. Math N. Schinitt, McHenry. III. Supr. Theodore W. Sterne. Crystal Lake, 111. Supr. John J. Filip, Cary, 111. ASst. Supr. A. M. Maxwell. R_ F. D.. Woodstock, 111. 4*st. Supr. A. B. McConnell, R. F. D.. Woodstock, 111. _ Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal. Crystal Lake. 111. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of the Court at my office in the City of Woodstock, this 4th - of April, A. D. 1950. 9§l R. D. WOODS. County Clerk & Ex-OfTicio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. After the reading of the Call by t Clerk the meeting was brought order by the r«. tiring Chairman, th N. Schmitt. an ' the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by the Chairman, with all members of the Board and visitors present participating and the Chairman then directed the Clerk to call the roll. And the roli being called by the Clerk the following members responded to their names, to-wit: Suprs. August W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright. Carl E. ^•Wittmus. Frank E. Beck. Elmer VCoy. Raymond Slavin. Charles T. Dunning, Roscoe Glenn, Harley Mackeben, T. F. Nolan, Aimer Aavang. Stanley Cornue. Frank B. McConnell. Frank May. Math N. Schmitt. Theodore Sterne, John J. Filip and Asst. Suprs. A. M. Maxwell. A. B. McConnell and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full board present. The Chairman addressed the Board and stated that the time had now come for him to retire and that he did it with much regret, and that at this time he wanted to thank the Board for their co-operation during his year as Chairngjan. also the County Officers and their assistants and representatives of (he Press. The. •» Chairman then stated that the first Order of business would be the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year. Asst. Supr. McConnell of Dorr Township, addressed the Chair and stated that he had a matter that he Would like to bring before the Board at this time. Asst. Supr. McConnell then thanked the members of the Board for their aspistance in his behalf in the recent Primary election, and stated that he was very grateful for the splendid vote which he received. He then addressed the Board further and presented and read a resolution covering a question of policy to be followed by the new Chairman in the selection of his Committees, that in his opinion would give to the Board and the County better distribution of Committees as to membership, and better government. And that he would at this time move that the Resolution be adopted, the resolution being as follows, to-wit: RESOLVED: That in fairness to ALL members of the County Board, committees be made up in the following manner. Five man comittees shall have at least two hold over members and at least two members that have not served on said committee the previous year. Three man committees shall hawe at least one hold over member and at least one new member not on said committee the previous year. Also that as far as possible every member be placed on one of the more important committees. . Asst. Supr. McConnell stated further that he was not trying to criticise any past Chairman, but that he felt that the Resolution was fair. Said motion to adopt was seconded by Supr. Sterne. Supr. Ruth addressed the Board and moved that the vote on said Resolution be taken by ballot, said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Dunning and declared crtlrried. The retiring Chairman announced that he would elect to participate TiTr the alloting. The reiring Chairman then appointed Supr. Mackeben and Wright as receiving tellers and Suprs. Beck and Wittmus as recording tellers. At the close all balloting on Asst. Supr. McConnell's motion to adopt the Resolution the following result of the balloting was announced by the recording tellers. Ten Suprs. voting for the motion and ten Suprs. voting against the motion. It was regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that another ballot be taken and the retiring Chairman declared the motion for another ballot unanimously carried and he further announced that he would elect to participate in the balloting on the second ballot on. Asst. Supr. McConnell's motion to adopt the Resolution, and that he would appoint the same receiving and recording tellers. At the close of all balloting the recording tellers announced the vote as follows: Twelve Suprs. voting against the resolution and eight Suprs. voting for the Resolution and the Chairman declared the motion lost. sented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. May and the roll being called was declared unan-v imously adopted, to-wit; April IS, 1959 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) TO THE CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your Committee on Elections, to whom was referred the Election Expense Bills for the Primary Election held April 11th. 1950 in McHenry County, would beg leave to report that they have examined said statements and would recommend that the following amounts be paid to the Supervisors and Ex-Offtcio Judges of Election for the various pr®cincts and districts in McHenry County, to-wit: Riley Marengo 1 149.20 Marengo 2 A* 129.50 Dunham 129. So Chemung I w.a..»U 127.20 Chemung 2' 141,70 Chemung 3 Chemung 4 Alden Hart land ...... Seneca Coral Grafton 1 Grafton 2 .... Dorr I Dorr 2 Dorr 2 Dorr 4 ; Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron i i ;, , Richmond Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2 ... McHenry i McHenry \ McHenry 5 Nunda 1 I Nunda 2 Nunda 2 Nunda 4 Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin $ 124.50 .......... 127.20 124.20 141.20 .......... 123.80 129.20 129.20 128.80 18&.80 188.10 .*128.10 128.10 .. 128.60 .. 128.70 .. 129,20 .. 129.180 .. 124.80 .. 129.20 .. 124.20 .. 129.20 .. 129.80 .. 128.80 .. 154.40 ..144.00 144.80 1(4.80 124.60 129.00 124.60 134.80 124.50 i = f The retiring Chairman then called for nominations for Chairman for the ensuing year. Supr. Mackeben nominated the Supr. from Dorr Township, Thomas F. Nolan, for Chairman for the ensuing year. Said nomination was duly seconded by Asst. Supr. McConnell, the retiring Chairman then cafled for further nominations and there being no further nominations, it was regularly moved by Supr. Sterne and duly seconded by Supr. Flllp that the nominations be closed, and that the Clerk of the .Board £• instructed to cast the unanimous vote of the Board for the Supr. from Dorr Township Thomas F. Nolan for the Chairman for the ensuing year. And the retiring Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the Supr. from Dorr Township was declared to be the unanimous choice of the Board for the Chairman for the ensuing year. And the Clerk cast the unanimous vote of the full board for said Supervisor for Chairman for said office as directed. The results of the election being announced the newly elected Chairman was escorted to the Chair, by the retiring Chairman, and was presented with the gavel, and was instructed to wield it with dignity and courtesy to the people of Mcfienrv County. /, Supr. Nolan then thanked the members of the Board for the honor bestowed upon him and asked for the co-operation of the members In the transaction of all County business, and he informed the Board that he would always seek their advice and counsel, and that it was his Wish that the business of the Board would be transacted with the utmost efficiency. He also asked for the cooperation of the County Officers and the members of the Press. The minutes of the Special March Meeting, held March 14th. A. D. 1950 were presented and read and approved and ordered of record. The following monthly report of the County Treasurer together with Report of the County Highway Funds were presented and read to the Board, to-wit: Oouaty Treasurer's Beport for the Month of March. 1984 - TOTIAL. *6,134^80 AH of which u respectfully submitted. HARLES T. DUNNING ARLEY MACKEBEN _. M. SLAVIN AIM}. W. RUTH ' T*AUL ROSENTHAL The Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle presented the following report, which on motion of ,Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Dunning and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: March 20, 1950 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) 88 COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) ' TO THE CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD OF j Balance forward 8242.461.74 I General fund $20,500.40 I Supervisor County Home 417.20 Superintendent County Home . 68.17 Dependent children 71fi.30 Highway Fund 19,000.00 Inheritance Tax 1.576.70 Highway fines 132.00 Personal Property Baek „ Tax 775.66 Forfeited Tax, account * 498.00 Motor Fuel Tax : 1,063.75 Institute Fund 7.00 Payroll account 4.847.46 111. Municipal Retirement Fund Total Receipts Grand Total ... 2,713.47 43.316.11 $286,777.85 "County Orders _^Ha,979.55 Coroner's Orders 66.00 Probation Officer 128.40 Cotintv Treasurer's • . - • Salary 176.40 Clerk s Salary 1,200.27 Bounty Orders 4.00 Highway Orders 9.399.67 111. Municipal Retirement Fund 1.713.47 Motor Fuel Orders JT.042.80 Inheritance taxes 10.00 Payroll Orders , 4.828 53 Dog Tax account - 1.7.">8.00 Institute Orders 6.00 Disputed tax 11,089.92 Balance forward Marc hi 21, 1950 52,403.01 3228,374,94 8286,777.2fc Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of,April. 1950. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk (Seal of the County of McHenry) The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. HENRY A. NI'LLE. County Treasurer. M--thly Keport of McKanry County Kigkway rund Vaich 1, 19>50 to Xaseh 31, IHO Seeeipta Balance brought forward March 1. 1950 $ 894,59 from anticipation warrants $10,000.00 Total receipts 10,000.00 Grand total $10,894.59 Bxpeaditures Highway orders C.399.C7 Balance on hand as of March 31. 1950 4.494.92 Grand total 10,894.59 To: C. L. Tjryon, Superintendent of Highways HENRY A. NULLE. County Treasurer Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Mackeben that the reports be approved, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Elections pre- SUPERVISORS: Your Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, would beg leave to report that they met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on the 20th day of March. A. D. 1950 to consider tlie request of Alice Helm for an increase in salary. Your Committee after due deliberation would recommend that the salary of the said secretaiy to the County Veterinarian be increased from $160.00 per month to $175.00 per month, effective May 1st. 19."i0. AJ1 of whfeh ' ie reepectfiMty tub- - E. M SLAVIN R" Chairman k% •* AI R. McCONNBIA s ArfcMER AAVANG The Committee on McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital presented the following report, vthich on motion of Supr. Filip and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt. and the roll being called was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on April 12th, 1950 and audited bills for the month of March. 1950, and respectfully mibmit the following report recommending the same be paid. Public Service of Nor. III., electricity $ 20.94 Slavin & Hall, clothing 19.89 111. Bell Tel. Co., telephone .... 22.80 Woolworth Co.. notions 9.14 Hubert's Pharmacy, medicines 48.98 Gordon Pearson, feed grinding 8.70 Hebron Hardware, supplies .... 4.8 George A. Greene, potatoes .... Rardin Ins. Agency, truck ink. Arwell, Inc.. pest control R. F. Backus, labor and sup. R. L. Tasewell, freight on potatoes D. Hereley & Son. oats Leo. c. Zimmerman, digging ditch and backfill Walter B. Morris, recharge fire extinguishers 29.42 Montgomery Ward Co., clothing and supplies Kemp's Hatcherj' & Feed Co., chicken feed Clyde * Bud's Mobile 8ervlce, gasoline Bohn Hardware Co., .supplies 15.47 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. crackers 28.02 Bannister's Store, tobacco. groceries, supplies 85.-68 Thomas J. Webb Co., coffee. .. 105.84 ^Miller Patton Baking Co., • bread 85.94 Botts' Welding Service, stoker pins .60 ILdeal Oil Co.. fuel oil 246.17 Royal Blue Food Mart, groc. 20.40 John Sexton A Co., groc 194.00 R. O. Aiulrew Co.. feed 29.70 E. L. liakkom & Co., tractor part and labor 11.55 Ludwig Wilson Company, laundry supplies 89.16 Inter-Insurance Exchange, auto insurance 25.2.~> Shurtleff Co., pane of plass 1.42 Rosenthal Lmb. & Fuel Co., ~ coal, freight, hauling. 1.114.31 Esther C. Allen, incidentals ... 78.51 Bfcther C. Allen, salary Helen Bisbee, salary Rose Chambers, wages James Chambers, wages ..... Martha Linn, wages Floyd Linn, wages Your Committee, on motion. , duly made and seconded adjourned. FRANK B. McCONXELL. t ..... Chairiftatl • CARL E. WITTMUS , E. C. COY ?r ALMER AAVANG AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL „„ The Committee on Roads an4 iirUlges presented »fce following report. which on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne and the roll bving called w;»s declared unanimousy adopted, towit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridwre Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 27th day of March, 1950, at the Court House at Woodstock. Illinois, to receive bids for asphalt surfacing the State Aid Road that leads from Algonquin to Huntley known as Section 35-T M. F. T. The bid of the Suburban Oil Company of Crystal l>ake, Illinois, in the sum of $75.5b6.78 was the lowest bid received and we awarded the contract to them, subject to State approval and auhorised the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk to sign the contract on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. We again met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 8th day of April. 1950. and and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County patrol system of roads as a whole for repalra and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $4,760.45. Bills chargeable to the various .•ctions of the County patrol system of roads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: jr All -of which is respectfully submitted. T. F. NOLAN AUG. W. RUTH F. E. BECK ! CARL E. WITT®H» JOHN J. FILIP ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE McHenry County. Illinois The following report of the Special Committee in charge of the Barnard Mill Bridge .improvement, was presented and read'to the Board, to-wit: 1* ..$ 126.04 .4 275.27 „. 386.63 10, 11. 12 .1,095.92 290.33 Section 3, 14 Sections 4, 16, Sections 4, 17 Sections 7, 8, 9, Section 13. 15 Total ... $6,934.66 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: Municipal Employees Retirement Fund--MFT Share for Pension (Mar. '50) $ 151.56 Patrol Sec. No. 2. maintenance, labor & materials 598.68 Right of Way, engi., labor St materials Section 35. engineering, labor & materials Section 35-T, engi.. labor .... Section 35-B-2, engi., tabor & materials Sec. 36, engineering, labor .... Sec. 37, engineering, labor . .. Sec. 35. construction, labor & materials 114.26 9.64 197.18 T9.I6 «.S> 247.49 292.15 28.0'J 3.3d 15.00 11.30 10.90 219.00 15.00 92.72 99.90 pan ca. agent. %\ e decided to make the usual recommendations concerning the hnnding of the County Highway work for the ensuing year as follows: At the meetings of this Board of Supervisors the Koad and Bridge Committee shall make an estimate of the amount of funds, within the tax levy and receipts for that purpose. needed to carry on the building and maintenance of roads for which the County is responsible from time to time. If said estimate is approved by this Hoard it shall be considered as a limit on the authorized expenditures of the Countv Road and Bridge Committee, over which limit said committee shall not exceed. Under said funds appropriated the Koad and Bridge Committee mav audit and order paid the road bill's incurred^ in the care and improvement of the state aid system of roads in the County including salaries for patrol men and road workers, gravel hauling, labor, lumber, posts,v roa<i signs, snow removal, repairs v and supplies for County owned machinery, machinery rental, small tools, cement, steel, culverts and bridges, paint, insurance, printing, f u, e I, grease, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, tile and incidentals. Total $1,658.62 v\ e have received two petitions from the Public Service Company asking permission to install and replace poles along S. A. Rout 6 In McHenry Township. McHenry Coun* t.v, Illinois. We recommend that sai&> petitions be granted at this time. . The Couny Workman's Compensation. Public Liability, and County Truck Insurance Policies have expired. The application for renewal of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Com* pany was accepted and the usual policies will be drawn. Donald Tan- " dian in McHenry Countv, Illinois, in of Woodstock. Illinois, Is the lo**** 1 Vlng 11 * " MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of the construction of a new bridge at the Barnaru's* Mill Bridge over the/Nipper* sink Creek in Section 6, Township ^3 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal^Meridian, beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We wish to report that the survey of the site has been made by the County Superintendent of Highways and he has put in a request through the Elgin Office of the State Division of Highways for a conference at the Bridge site In order to agree as to the sise of the bridge opening necessary to properly handle the water. .The large bridges now require the approval of the State Division of Waterways. Probably due to previous appointments and inclement weather no date for the conference has l*>en set. Respectfullv submitted, FRANK B. McCON'N FRANK MAY i Al.MKR AAVANG SPECIAL BRIDGE COMMITTEE McHenry County, Illinois It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Coy and duly seconded by Supr. Schinitt that the report be approved, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The following report of the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and "An Ordinance amending Section 4 of an Ordinance known as the Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County. Illinois, passed and approved on the 10th day of September. 1946" were presented and read to the Board, to-wit: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF AN ORDINANCE KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OE McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS, PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 10TH I>AY OF SEPTEMBER. J946. UK IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AS FOLLOWS. TO-WIT: SECTIOW I: That Section 4 of the Ordinance known as the Zoning Ordinance of McHv»nry County, Illinois, passed and approved Septeml>er 10, 1946, .be and the same is hereby amended and the "Zoning Maps," now on file in the office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, and heretofore made a part of said Ordinance, are hereby amended by changing the classification from Agricultural ("F") to Business ("B-l") of the following described property: l'art of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2. in Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Merl- 9.45 300.00 150.00 125.00 150.00 100.00 - ..... - 1O0.00 A. M. Maxwell, committee sec y 50.00 Less Sales and Rebates $3,922.51 1.211.66 Calf HMt $2.00 Pig sold 2.00 Cream * 37.73 Sawyer rebate 1.29 Sawyer rebate - 1.01 Menard rebate 9.80 9. lios*, 2 COtta, 2 calves 1.156.83 $2,710.85 11.211.66 April It. 1990 To the Chairman and the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Woodstock, Illinois. Your McHenry County Home, Farm and Hospital Committee met at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited bills for the month of March. 1950. a.s follows recommending the same be p*i<L .$1,738.84 26.94 ... 39.85 48.98 ... 176.8u ... 520.63 - 1.360.48 Running expense ...... Clothing Tobacco Medicines Hospital w Diet Fuel *2.922.52 Less Sold--1 Pic --$ 3 00 9 hogs, 2 cowsr 2 calves 1.156.82 Rebate Sawyer 1.29 Rebate Sawyer .... 1.01 " Rebate Menard -;... 9.80 Easterly of the State Highway (known as Route Number 31) described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence West on the North line of said Southwest Quarter 150 feet as a place of beginning; thenc»> South on a line parallel to the ^east line of said Southwest quarter 373.9 feet; t!\ence West parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter to an Intersection with the Easterly Right of Way line of the State Highway aforesaid; thence Northeasterly along said Right of Way line to the North line of said Southwest Quarter; thence . East on said Quarter section line to the place of beginning. •SCTXOir ZZ: Any ordinance parts of ordinances In conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, insofar as such conflict exists; 8SCTIOV 111: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. APPROVED: THOMAS F. NOLAN. Chairman ATTEST: RAYMOND D. WOODS, Countv Clerk (Seal of the County of McHenrv) PASSED: APRIL 18th. 1960. Slavin, Dunning1, Glenn, Mackeben, Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May. Schmitt, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted Aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the report approved and the Ordinance approved and adopted. The Clerk Informed the Board that the Woodstock Dally Sentinel In printing the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the fiscal year ending April 1st, 1A50 left out a session of the Board h#d Feb. 28th, 1950, and SIBO failed to publish the McHenry County Illinois Building Ordinance, adopted March 14th. 1950. and that h? took the matter up with them this morning, and was informed by their General Manager that if the books could be returned they would make the corrections. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Schmitt. and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth that the said proceedings be returned to the said Woodstock Dally Sentinel for correction, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously cairitd. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and it was regularly moved by Supr. Dunning and duly seconded by Supr. Sterne that all standing committees of this Board take charge of the business before this meeting, that the Chair be instructed to appoint the same standing committees ahd the same number on each committee unless otherwise changed by the Board, as constituted the working force of the Board for the past year, and that all tills for claims be referred to froper committees, and that the toard adjourn to 1:30 P. M. for committee work. Motion declared carried. Thereupon the Board Adjourned for committee work. 1:30 o'c&oc2c y. at. Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning sessios, constituting a full Baard present. The Committee on Claims, Labor, Fees and Supplies presented the following report, which 011 motion of Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Slavin and the roll being called, was declared unanimousy adopted, to-wit: ^ April 18. A. D. 1950. Mr. Chairman <*nd Gentlemen of the Board of Supervsors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have evamfn'»d all claims presented to tht.n. an-; recommend the pa>ment of the following. and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co., clr elk sup $3.01, co elk elec sup poll pi $1,006.89 $1,009.90 The Haloid Company, cir elk _ sup Burgess, Anderson St Tate. er t b off sup $1.02, sup schs off exp $22.34 R. L. Tasewell. sup schs off exp V Schmidt Printing Co., treas off sup P. O. Knuth Co, co treas off sup $3.42, co elk off sup $2.56, clr elk sup $4.15 19.12 Crystal Lake Herald, co elk elec ptg ha I $56.80, co elk ptg *21* ™ 279.60 The Harvard Herald, co oik 179.20 7.53 W/W 77.11 6.64 12.00 19.50 15.00 10.00 .... 27.50 17.00 92.29 17.22 6.09 15.00 129.90 55.00 That the Road and Bridge Comtnittee l^e authorised to meet month-1 APPROVED: APRIL 18th,' ly to audit and pay bills incurred ami transact business of office. -That the County Superintendent or Highways act as general overseer of the work. fl""ther recommend that the Right of Way Committee secure the right of way for roads built on the State Aid System of Roads out of motor fuel tax fundH, and that emergency matters that mav develop from storms or war be handled by the Road and Hrtdge Committee, We further recommend that the policy adopted by this Hoard at the special October 1931 meeting, namely of the Road and Bridge Committee ordering orders drawn semimonthly f«>r road work and materials under contract entered into by this Board, to the extent of ninety (90) percent of amounts due to be continued. We also recommend that the County Treasurer keep the road and bridge funds in a separate account and credit same account with its proportionate share of tax funds and back taxes when same are received and distributed, also road fines and receipts for machinery rental and road materials. e further recommend the continuance of existing agreements and methods in road matters for the ensuing year or until such time as the new road and bridge committee shall make different recommendations for approval of this Board. We also recommend that the Road and Bridge Committee be hereby empowered to order signs posted on County State Aid Roads limiting the weight of vehicles and trucks using the roads during the Spring season breakup of the roads due to the frost leaving the ground, and that the said committee may call on the proper County officials to enforce the State laws relating to said matters, all in accord with resolution passed by this Board at its March 194S meeting. Roads have been greatly damaged due to frost not allowing the melting snow, ice and rains to soak away and the effects of a not sufficient snow blanket to protect the roads Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois. The undersigned. BOARD OF APPEALS, heretofore appointed by the Chairman of your Board under Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois, respectfully report that a Petition was filed lrv LON II. J. SMITH an<l LAURA ' SMITH, his wife, for the changing from Agricultural ("F") classification to Business ("B-l") classification of the following described real estate: Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, in Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. In McHenry County, Illinois, lying Easterly of the State Highway (known as Route Number 31 I described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 2; thence West on the North line of said Southwest Quarter 150 feet as a place df beginning; thence South on a line parallel1 to the east line of said Southwest quarter, 373.9 feeTT thence West parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter to an intersection with the Easterly Right of Way line of the State Highway af< iresaid; thence Northeasterly along said Right of Wav line to the North line'of said Southwest QuartVfT't hence East on said Quarter Section line to the place of beginning. That a hearing was held on said Petition in the County Court Room in the County Court House in the City of Woodstock. McHenry County, Illinois, at the hour of 3:00 P. M. on the 3rd day of December. 1948. and a further hearing was held on the 20th day of May. 194 9,"" and a further hearing was also held at the same time and place on the 27th day of May. 1919 that notice of said hearing was published In the Crystal Lake Herald fifteen (15) days prior to the date of said first hearing, giving notice of th» proposed change in the classification on mild petition, from frost. The effects of the bad | and notifving all persons interested conditions will be felt for years to | that they might attend. come due to shortage of road funds, (only 5*& increase over those of 1942 while labor, materials and machinr^. costs.have doubled). $1,211.66 1,211.66 U $2,710.86 The regular Inspection of Grounds, Buildings and Live Stock revealed everything to be in good condition. There being no further business. e again met on the 18th day of April, 1950 at Woodstock. Illinois, in connection with the classification of roads required by a law passed liv the last State Legislature. The Statr- Highway Department has prepared a new map showing what they think ought to be the secondary system for Illinois and we are asked to check it over and suggest minor changes that might appear advisable to those more familiar with local conditions. A >few changes were suggested by this Committee, but we request that each Supervisor examine the map in the Highway I»eoartment Office to check the practicability of the system as mapped. Your committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County, Illinois, patrol system of roads an appropriation from the County highway fund, in the sum' of $5,000 until the next meeting of this Board. We further report that no objecr tors appeared at any of said hearings that a full and complete investigation and inspection of said premises were made by your Board of Appeals, and at the last meeting above noted your Board of Appeals voted unanimously to grant the request of said petitioners. We. therefore, submit herewith an Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of McHenry County, Illinois, In accordance with the request of said petitioners, and recommend that the same lye passed by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois. Dated this 14th day of April. 1950. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD J. BACON. Chm. It was thereupon regularly moved ny "Supr. Sterns and duly seconded by Supr. Beck that the Report of the Zoning Board of appeals be approved and that the ordinance be approved and adopted by this Board, and the roll being called. Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, 25.22 652.00 10.00 6.40 ptg B. F. Kennelly, er TB ott sup Shf. Off. 8up-- Beu's Dry eteanlnff Wenut A Son Hendrychs Ford | Villa Street Sport Shop .......... Judcy. Llbry. Fund-- Ca 11aKhan A Company Burdett Smith Co The Lawyer's Co-op. Pubi Co. McHenry County Title Co.. contingent Pearl Schults, co coroner's' reporter C. L. Tryon, Co. Sup. Hwy., . co sup hwy trav exp Ero Erickson, shff dpty ........ Benton Street Restaurant, ct Jurors ; Registrars. Births, Deathf^ Co elk regstr h * d Woodstock Trucking Ser., ct hse sup R. o. Andrew Co., ct hse sup.. Silllman Welding Shop, Ct hse sup United Research Labor., ct' hse sup 122.21 Panama Beaver Inc., ct hse _ sup 11.67 Russell R. Reed, ct hse sup 20.00 Lien Chemical Co„ ct hse sup 125.16 Ludwig Wilson Co., ct hse sup McCollum Hoist A Mfg. Co.. ct hse repairs Lee Dittman, ct hse repairs.. Crystal Lake Herald, shff off sup Burgess, Anderson & Tate,. treas off sup Fred c. Bau, shff per-*dlem fees, serv ,..., Shff. Feedg. Prls.-- Royal Blue Food Mart Trackett's Bakery Conway Dairy Shff. Dpty. Per l>lem-»> . Lafe Itenthusen Harry E. Beu . W. C. Coghlan ...\ Donald Dexhelmttr Harold G FoX Howard Goddard A lvin Querhammer .*. .... Sidney Reed - .•'••• Vivian Seaman ....... I..;,...... Paul J. Struck ..i. Clyde J. Zoia Clyde C. Miner, shff dpty per diem $147.00, bailiff $42.00.. Frank May ....„ Math N. Schmitt Theodore W. Sterne John J. Filip A. M. Maxwell A. B. M. 70.40 67.20 : 33.60 92.80 44.00 30.60 44.Ot) McConnell Paul Rosenthal City of Woodstock, ct hse Jail" It & wtr 226.39 Alice Jones, er t b off saiL. 160.90 Vestie Muldoon, ct hse Jail sal 185.00 Frank Halstead. ct hse Jail sal - 200.00 Wm. J. Desmond. Postmaster, co elk off sup 41.25 Sabina Bau. shff cook for prls 100.00 Grant Nolan, shff dntv 215.00 Howard W. Cairns, shff dpty 215.00 Ronald James Morris, shff dpty 215.00 Henry J. Faerber, shff dpty .. 215.00 Armour J. Blrk, shff dpty 215.00 Thomas P. Bolger. cir ct pro. off sal 75.90 All of which is respectfully submitted. •' -.V JOHN J. FILIP. Chairman. AUG. W. RUTH . ^ CHARLES T. DUNNING ALMER AAVANG A. B. McCONNELL The Committee on County Poor Claims presented the following report, which on motion of Sunr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. Ruth and the roLl being called, was declared uiianlmousu adopted, towit: April 18, A. D. 1930. Mr. Chairman and Uentlr ,<en of the Board of Supevv isors:" Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Dependent Childrer(-- Allendale Farm School, (Homes) 48.50 Chicago Indust. Home, (DMslel) 120.00 Lisle Manual Trng. Sch., " (Jasien) « 120.00 St. Vincents Home for Chll.,' 1 (Reh) 80.00 Montgomery Ward A Co.. (Holmes) 7.09 House of the Good Shepherd, (Harvey) 40.00 Mrs. Eva Kapplng. (Yestebo) 40.00 Mrs. Minnie Brigham, (Vermett) (Ketchum) 120.00 Mrs. George Wierema, (Van Nat tan) 40.00 Mrs. R. J. Leisch. (E. D« Line) 40.00 Mrs. Robert Pierce, (Vermett) 40.00 Mrs. Otto Eicksteadt, (Ketchum) 90.04 Lake County T. B. San., Care T. B. Patients 2210.50 Montgomery Ward & Co., Dependt. Chll. <De Line) 19.44 Louise M. Brooks, dependent chil. $22.80. pro off trav exp $16.50 39.20 All of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. COY. Chairman A. B. McCONNELL STANLEY 11. CORNUE T. W. STERNE . ROSCOE GLENN Asst. Supr. Rosenthal. Chairman of the Committee on Fees and Salaries addressed the Board and stated that his Commitee met during the past month concerning the matter of the salary of George F. Jedlicka of Crystal Lake, as Enforcing Officer of the McHenrv County Illinois Zoaiag- Ordinate*, and that it was the opinion and recommendation of his Committee, that the County employ the same enforcing officer under the recently adopted Building Ordinance covering residential construction. and that his salary be fixed at $225.00 per month for his services, and $50.00 per month car allowance, to cover both jobs and that he would move at this time that George F. Jedllckiv of Crystal Lake. Illinois be appointed Enforcing Officer of the McHenry County Building Ordinance, and that his salary be fixed at $225.00 per month for his services and $50.00 per month for far allowance, to commence May 1. 1950. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Beck and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright. Wittmus. Beck, Coy Slavin, Dunning. Glenn, Mackeben. Aavang, Cornue, McConnell, May. Schmitt, Sterne, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConnell and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none. And the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the appointment made. The Sheriff's Committee presented the following report, which was on motion duly made and carried approved and ordered of record, towit: Woodstock, III., April 8, 1950. To the Honorable Chairman Matt N. Schmitt and •'------ Members of The McHenrjr County . Board of Supervisors: '"** The Undersigned Members of your Sheriff's Committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on matters before them: That we met with the Sheriff April 8, 1950, at 1:20 P. M. and Examined all claims and report in connection with the operation of the Sheriff Patrol Car 21 for the month of March I960 and recommend payment to the claimants of the several amounts uliowed. to-wit; Wendt's Shell ServJ> «. 264.5 Gals, or Gat 4 74.31 2.80 7.60 21.67 128.24 608.91 29.16 19.07 121.40 197.57 72.04 49.78 7.00 7.00 14.00 56.00 217.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 7.00 14.00 Vernon W. Kays, shff dpty bailiff 189.00 $84.00. El.. per diem $4 2.00 Hasel Wilke. bailiff Western United Gas & shff feedg pris Rt. 14 Service Station, shff - off sup Hurley Motor Sales, shff off sup Kirwin Slide Film Lab., shff off sup Fred C. Bau, Sheriff, shff per diem fees tt serv Pearl Schulti, co coroner's reporter ...» John R. Tambone, M. D„ Co elk ins depdn (Kundert) O. E. Nelson, M. D„ co elk ins depdn (Linke) (Kundert) (Fennessy) (Engstrom) B. B. Neuchtller, M. D„ co elk Ins dejidn (Linke) (Fennessy) (Engstrom) Alice A. Weld, contingent R. F. Dusenberry, co soning exp Charles F. Hayes co elk elec elk sup .... Carlton S. Robb, co elk eleq elk sup Mary Dusenberry, co assmt supr sal National Used Car Market Report, co assmt sup sup .. Woodstock Daily Sentinel, co assmt sup sUp--$7.50, supr. prtg--$1275.00. co elk elec ptg Bal--$1878.80 1.999.99 U. S. Sanitary Soec. Corp.,. ct hse sup 26.07 Goerlits Becknell Co.. cir elk sup Harvard Herald, co treas off sup Frank Thornber Co.. co treas off sup--$18.00. contingent --$23.10, co elk off sup-- $177.00 Moore Business Forms Inc.. co treas rec bk Illinois Bell Tele Co., ct Jboe 128.00 14.00 1.99 2.70 5.19 11.92 924.90 18.00 10.00 49.99 20.00 8.40. 87.60 10.00 10.00 130.05 76.00? 1.11 222.92 it 9.19 97.82 jail tele Supr. Sal. Mileate-- August W. Ruth C. Perry Wright Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck Elmer C. Coy : Raymond M. Slavin ---- Chas. T. Dunning Roscoe Glenn -r. ', • Harley Mackeben T. F. Nolan Aimer Aavang Stanley H. Cornue Frank B. McConnell ' -ysfefv. Ms 245.61 105.20 . 67.20 103.50 97.20 22.20 42.80 72.85 11.40 145.90 150.20 - 86.60 92 20 92.09 7 Qts. of Oil Hurley Motor Saleii^ 30.5 Gnls. of Gas 1 Qt. of Oil Hendrychs Ford 8 Qts. of Oil ... Wash A Grease „..M Bal. due on Feb. 1930 Accl. Beu's Dry Cleaning Cleaning & Pressing Squad 21 Uniforms & Shirts for-- Jan.. Feb., A March. 1950.... 'I^otal The Sheriff 8.40 .40 3.20 2.85 .59 12.29 $105^3 Patrol Car traveled 4,946 miles during March 1950! this includes 615 miles traveled In Patrolling Blacktop Roads in daytime. The Total Mileage on Car 21 as of March 31. 1950 is: 29460. STANLEY H. CORNUE. Chm. HARLEY MACKEBEN AUGUSTUS M. MAXWELL Ray F. Dusenberry. a member of the Board of Appeals presented the following resignation, to-wit: Marengo. III.. April 3rd, 1950 Honorable Board of Supervisors. McHenry County. Wo<^Jstock, III. Gentlemen :- 1 herewith tender my resignation as a member of the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals, to become effective as soon as my successor is appointed. It has been a real pleasure to serve as a member of this Board and I regret the necessity of this action caused by my appointment of Assessment Supervisor. Thanking you. 1 am Most respectfully RAY DUSENBERRY It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. McConnell and dulyseconded by Supr. Mackeben that the resignation be accepted, ahd the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A request was received from Vernon W. Kays i>t" Marengo. Illinois for the appointment to fill vacancy on the B<*ard of Appeals, after the reading of the request it was regularly moved by Supr. Beck and duly seconded by Supr. Flllp that Vernon I W. Kays of Marengo. Illinois be ap- | || • -ki. that date, were presented and read to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Mackeben and duly seconded by Supr. Filip that the statements be approved and that all of the said banks be allowed to continue as depositaries of the funds of the County Treasurer and Ex-officio County Collector, and the Chairman declared the motion unanimously cart-led. The Zoning Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. presented the following report. to-wit: BSPOS* - 29U9 or tfVIUI State of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. Your Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenry County Illinois Comprehensive 7<oning Ordinance, submits the following report, to-wit: State of Illinois County of McHenry, ss. In the Matter of the Application af Annette M. Plencner for Zoning Re- Classification: Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals held in the county court house in the city of Woodstock. McMenry County, Illinois on the 6th day of December. A. D. 1949, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P M. Freeent: Harold Bacon, ChainM|«7, Ray Dusenberry, Secretary . E. J. Deneen y- Roy Kent ' <•< . Frank Nagel : • c. Russell Allen, Attorney (W Board. George Jedlicka, Enforcing1 Officer „ ASRearances: Hugh A. Deneen,* Jd#' torney for Petitioner • . v Annette M. Plencner. Petitioner. Objectors: Hereinafter named. Petition was read. Certificate of publication Fee hafl been paid. (Testimony taken hereto at ed.) Board's Decision: It has been moved and seconded by the Board that the above petition be denied, as preseated, but allowed as follows: Lot S --Bl; Lot A--B1 .Lot 10--Rl, Chairman declared the motion carried. R. F. Dusenberry, Secretary. March 7th. 196* lfeetlngiof the McHenry County Board of Appeals (Zoning) was held In the County Court room in Woodstock. Illinois, on Tuesday, March 7th., 1950 at 3 P. M. Present at the meeting were members Bacon. Kent. Nagel, Deneen, and Dusenberry. The application of Walter Hamilton for variation of soning classttahtion , was presented for hearing. Fee has been paid. Certificate of publication was SlaA with Secretary. This petition for variation concerns Lot 9, Block 41, R. A. Cepek'a Crystal Vista Subdivision, this lot being located Just west of the Weltsien Dance Pavilion on Crystal Tiiwei Grafton Township. The petition nked permission to locate and operate a small building as an office for tlw selling of lots in this subdivision. The finding of the Board was that the granting of this petition would in no way conflict with the intent of the soning Ordinance, inasmuch an the building is to be removed as aoott as the sale of these lots is completed. Board's Decision: It was IIMlTSd and seconded that the petition nil presented, be approved and alhtia Voting Yes. four. Voting No, none. Chairman Bacon declared the rnntloll iMSfind* . & P. Dusenberry, Secretary. March 7th_ 19M. Meeting of the McHenry COuuty Zoning Board of Appeals was held In the County Court Room, Woodstock. Illinois, on Tuesday. March 7th., 1950 at 3 P. M. Present at meeting were members Bacon. Kent, Nagei, Deneen and Dusenberry. The application of Frank and Marie Hoderaski, thru their attorney Vernon J. Knox for variation of ZonllME Ordinance was presented for hearing. Petition was read. Fee has been paid. Certificate of publication was H*4 with Secretary. This petition concerns Lot 9 in Root Springs Subdivision. Cary, Illinois. The petitioners requested permission to move a garsge from tho rear of the lot to make an addition on the front of their present home. This permission is necessary because their present home is in violation of soning ordinance as regards distance from lot lines. The Board of Appeals visited this property and their findings were thai this tvpe of proposed improvement would depreciate the value of the adjoining property, that it woulA impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adj ent property and would tend to increase the haancA from fire and other dangers to adpoining property. ijg Board's Decision: It was moved S? and seconded that thia application* | as presented, be rejected and not al« lowed. Voting Yes. four members, ;'™ Voting No. none. Chairman Bacon declared the motion carried. .S K. F. Dusmi berry, Secretary. --1 March 7th-. 1969 Meeting of the McHenry County - Zoning Board of Appeals was beU 1 In the County Court Room. Wood- '1 stock. Illinois, on Tuesday. Mareh | 7th, 1950 at 3 P M. -h| Present at meeting were mesahers Bacon. Kent. Nagel, Deneen and Hi Dusenberry. •/% Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bacon, -Vi The application of John M. and Gladys M. Welch for variation of zoning classification was presented. for hearing by their attorney Vernon J. Knox. ,1 Fee has been paid. *1 Certificate of publication was filed * ith Secretary. • | This petition concerns property just east of Fox River Grove, is --s about one quarter of a mile long ia vjj bounded on the north and south by two State Highways. The petition- ..« er desires to remove the gravel. level • J the property and subdivide for both business and residential propery. The Board's findings were ~ that any work of this nature could only 'Tl improve thfcs property and would not I-J in any way depreciate the value of 'j the surrounding property. Board's Decision: It" was moved S adn seconded that this application '•»« as presente.' be approved and allowed. Voting Yes. four. Voting No. none. Chairman Bacon declared ttw ? motion carsied. Jf R. F. Dusenberry, Secretary. State of Illinois. County of McHenry. ss. if In the Matter of the Application I of Wonder Lake Volunteer Fire Department. An Illinois Corporation, * for Variation of Zoning Classification: '.!« Before McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals ia the County « Court Room in the Court House, tn 4 Woodstock. McHenry County. Illinois at the hour of 3:99 P. M. April . 4. A. D. 1950. 3 . Present. Roy A. Kent k Ray Dusenberry. Secretary J. ii 'Ml • 3 pointed as a member of the Board of Appeals, operating under the McHenrv County Illinois Comprehensive zoning Ordinance to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ray F. Dusenberry. And the roll being called the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried and the appointment made. Statements of condition at the close of business on March 10. 1950 of all the Banks of McHenry County together with a letter from the First National Bank of Woodstock stating | cations of the petitions** that their bank did not receive a re-1 cants, all oC WhKh te I quest for a called statement as of submitted. Harold Bacon. Chairman E. J. Deneen Absent: Frank Nagel c Russell Allen. Attorney ftar Hoard Appearances: Joseph X. WayunOt Attorney for Petitioners Petition was read Fee has been paid Certificate of publication filed. Boards Decision: It baa hM&. moved and seconded by. the BMwdk that the above petition be graated. Vote Aye: Four Nay#: None Chairman declared R. F. Dua W® submit herewith, this report, the petitions

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