Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1951, p. 5

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fW.' * Tw'S- •' -.^5 i.-^ - ji ~-/*i ~arrV "t K/ >\> ^ McHENBY PLAWDEALER* '" .May&19SI 1 * > « * ' liu-s. BUSINESS SERVICE HELP WANTED EEAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT (CLASSIFIED LAWN Ihwmi.111^^ MERRY PtAIHDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, ill., by the sMcHenry Publishing Company, Inc. iATIOHAi 101 W. BURFEINDT, Oen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE VjUlYear 9&£0 t' v Plaindealer Want Ads , Ro ads counted less than 25 words. 75c minimum. .to insertion ............ 7tc Count 5 words per llB^ : •'•' 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order, ', Card of Thanks .... *1.00 Minimum Wapt Ads dose "promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. < Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, III., under the dct of May 8, 187#. <* AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Cwert COMMl'NITY AUTO SlPpLY 409 W. Elm Street Open daring week ,1 A.M. to 7 P.M., Sundays - • A.M. to 1 P.M. lltf ^OR SALE -- Brand new Indian motorcycle engine 30.50 cu. in. displacement. Complete with transmission. Ready to run. Phone McHenry 203-J 50-2 FOR SALE--1942 four-door Chev- . rolet, completely overhauled, new tires. Call McHenry 90-M after 6 P. M. - 61 FOR SALE--1940 Chevrolet, 4-4^ (*edan, hc>iter and radio. $300. Qeorge Reiker, Pistakee 633-J-2. 51 FOR SALE -- 1950 Studebaker Champion DeLuxe, 2 door sedart; overdrive, heater, • excellent condition, $1450.00 Al Lausmann. Phone McHenry 572-W-l. *51 The Best For lens (4| ' rSERCARS All Priced Below Oiling with <U> Day Warranty. BUSINESS SERVICE CARPENTER WOR ROOFING -- SIDIN RK xa REMODELING • Free Estimates -- Term* Phone: Wonder Lake MS *. after & pj|. UPHOLSTERING j Beautiful new patterns fflr your home furniture in Frieze, Matlasse, Tapestry. (Quilted Plastic. Write Tie's Upholstery Service R. R. 1, Pistaqua Heights or Call McHenry &51-R.1. «484y HAULING Sand. Gravel and Black Dirt COGHLAN BROTHERS Burton's Bridge Phone Crystal Lake 131I-R-1 49-3 FOR SALS-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE ""Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry i8. tttS BLINDS AND SHADES -- Custom made Venetian blinds and window shades; carpeting, lindleum, rubber and asphalt tile. Niesen's Floors, 523 Main street. West McHenry. Tel. 63 or 88. 44-8 GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES : REMODELING v$SI •n<1 tSARPBNTER WORUti : Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates C. D. KINSEY fhtae McHenry 89MT 47tf STUD SERVICE -- Standing at Herendeen Farm. % mile from 176 and 31 near Crystal Lake, III. Cachalot by Supremus - Chacolet. Started 16 times as 3 yr. old. Won 6, 2nd 5, 3rd 3 times at Belmont and Saratoga. Fee $50. Phone Crystal Lake 20. *5-4 BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to targe murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WORWICKS STUDIO. 117 Riverside Djgae, McHenry. Phone 276. 40tf RALPH L. CLARK ' Piano Technician ^ 2 Repairing TWring •' 902 Garfield Road Harvard, I1L Phone 748-B HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payment* Free Estimates rMcHenry Improvement Co. Phone 528-W-I. McHenry 111. Ctf CESSPOOLS and SFPriC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf • „ 1949---DODGE "Coronet" * Boor Sedan 1M9--DODGE Club Coupe 1(M9--Studebakwr "Starline" Club Coupe a^948--PLYMOUTH DeLuxe * Dr. ^ Sedan • 1948--DODGE Custom Club Coupe 1947--DODGE Convertible Coupe 1947--FORD "Super .6" Coach .... 1947--CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan 1946--DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan .... .... , Plus a wide 'selection of other Models and many Trucks WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Tele phone 167. 26tf ....Our Service Department is in . operation daily from 7 a.m. to p.m.. except Sunday and holidays. ' A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALi*, Inc. 101 E. Pearf Street p r H e n r y * • •« . w i •- - 51 IOI loaoi ^elen Weber Says: •f - .: y?*1 Dty Cleaning, Toa Has Gone Modern! Ever notice how we return sweaters? Beautifully blocked and folded and sealed in a • glassiue wrapper. Perhaps you'll wear that sweater right , away . . . . but we can't be ; sure of that, and so we send it back to yop in a container that will keep it moth-proof and dust-proof for a year. ' All this is done at no extra charge. JflcHENRY „ CLEANERS ttl Elm Street McHeary $ PHONE 104-M EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 37-tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. WAN GUSTAFSON , McHenry 74S HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, ctuch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie ftuff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. / 29tf TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. * 47tf SPRING SELLING Made Easy Thru Want-Ads PHONE 170 Ton Find What Ton Walt Sell What Yon I»on't Want Thru Plaindealer Want Ads --PHONE 170 IT-"™ -PIANO TUNING -- Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, yfoodstock. 111'. 51-tf SUREENS and VENETIAN BLINDS Putl or half screens. New and renovating blinds. Blinds made to order. Installed. Free Estimates. Call John Magur, McHenry 122-M. •51 Our own mixture of last-growing natiro grasses. LB.-- For tops in lawn grass seed, try our wy mixture of selected imported and native fancy lawn seeds. Long lasting and shade tolerant. Contains White Dutch Clover.** iNo fancy packages -- just good seed) 95s U „ ^ . ; Soil Testing Service Available llll McHENRY 'MILLS . WcniwMY. ILL. PHONE 815 WANTED -- Experienced radio and T.V. serviceman. Full' time. Top Salary. Excellent working conditions. Ckraella's Radio, Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1751. 44-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Madison silos, all si2e8, hooped for grass, 14x40; complete for $1261.2o. Also free estimates for Duifee Bros., roofing. siding, intallation. cavc troughs and lightning rods. Cement silo repair, oh inside of silo. Learn more about AA-4Y1 treatment. Recommended by University of Wisconsin and Madison Silo Company. Frank Ehredt, Phone 0-2223, "TfoOhd Lake. *50-1 HELP WANTED HKLP WANTED -- Housekeeper; part care of children own room and bath. Call Woodstock 1617-M-2 or write Mrs. B. E. Hall, Rt. 3, Woodstock. 50-2 HKLP WANTED -- Girl for general office work. Experienced. Write to Box 158, c/o McHenfj^ Plaindealer. k 60-tf FOR SALE -- 12 ft. outboard boat. Full deck.; single cockpit in rear. Fully equipped with steering wheel; speedometer, deadman throttle, plus steering pullies and cable. Phone McHenry 203-J. FOR SALE -- Right-hand 'corner sink. Phone 67-W between 4 p.m. and 6' p.m. *51 FOR SALE--Entertainment at the Fox Hole Tap. Good food and drink. * 61 SPRAY PAINTING Farm and Industrial Buildings Free Estimates. Plaindealer. •51-4 FOR SALE FOR SALE--1 Servel gas refrigerator. Several used electric refrigerators. Careyv 'Electric Shop. Green Street. . 51 FOR SALE--Manure, $2.00 a yard. If delivered, $4.00 a yd. in 3 yard lots. George Reiker, Pistakee 633- J-2. 51 FOR SALE--Home Comfort cook stove trimmed in grey enamel. Price $25.00. Phone McHenry 667- M-l. 51 FOR SALE -- 3 cushion Lawson style sofa, beige upholstery, green slip covers included. Call McHenry 67-R. • *51 HKLP WANTED -- Woman to do ironing in my home one day a week, preferably Monday. Phono Wonder Lake 981. 50-2 HELP WANTED--Laborer*. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor. Phone Wonder Lake 221. MALE HELP WANTED--Salesman. Opportunity for a good man in the FEED BUSINESS. Nationally advertised. Reliable firm needs a man in this community, McHenry. Age 25 to 50. Needs a car. Write Box 159, McHenry Plaindealer. 51 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Lot, 73x132 by St. Patrick's church. Call McHenry 97-W or 97-J. - *50-2 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 406 Richmond Road McHenry, I1L rhonet McHenry 121-J Licensed I1L £ Wis. Broker FOR SALE -- Income Property. 2 year-round homes, full baths, one furnished', on 4 lots beautifully landscaped. For quick sale, full price $7,000. Cash. Call McHenry 628-J-2. 45-8 FOR SALE HOMES, FARMS FOR SALE -- Six room Georgian Home, 1H baths, completely furnished With new modern furniture, carpeting, draperies; Zenith Television. modern kitchen with stove and refrigerator. Everything in A-l condition. House is located in beautiful residential district across from golf course on large lot, 128'xl30\ Full basement, automata heat 707 S. Green St., McHenry. »51 FOR SALE--4 room frame bouse, full basement, gas hot air heat, combination living and dining room cabinet kitchen and a bedroom and bath down. Expandable up. Venetian blinds/ fenced in back yard. Price $12,500. Maple Ave. Call 751-W after Saturday -noon. FOR SALE--147 , acres, 8 room house, oil heat, other farm buildings. Fine location on -blacktop road north of Johnsburg._,For appointment call JACOB .FRITZ. Realtor, McHenry 37 ' 51-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Four room apartment. modern, newly decorated and remodeled* cabinet kitchen, hot water heat. Telephone McHenry 523-R-l or see Leo Regner. - *51 HELP W ANTED -- Experienced auto mechanic, year round employment; modern equipment; pleasant working conditions, excellent wages and many other benefits. Overton Cadlllac-Pontiac Co.. 400 Front St.. McHenry. III. Phone 17. 51 WOMEN WANTED - Assemblers. wirers, soderers. and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position 'in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. bus service to and from the plant. Admiral Corp., McHenry, Illinois. At Intersection Rts. 120 and 31. 51-tf FOR KALE -- 6-rooms, large lot. beautiful evergreen trees, full basement, oil heat North-ot-Johna* burg Bridge. ' HELP WANTED--Practical nurse for night shift In nursing home. Villa Home, Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 461. 51 DEMENT BUTL3HVO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS, OO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION -- In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction RARL P. KOCH Vhont Pistakee 63&-M-1 5tf PIANO ACCORDIOH INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 a 1:00 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener If desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf FOR SALE--Rebuilt washing machines. Used electric ranges. Used gas ranges. Carey Electric Shop. Green Street. 61 FOR SALE -- 120 bass Scandalli accordion. Best offer. Mike Wieser. Phone Richmond 683. *51 FOR SALE -- Boy's taavy blue communion suit. Phone McHenry 38. • ^ 51 ' FOR SALE--Drl-gas stove. Amy Thonneson. phone 571-W-l. M FOR SALE--Frigidaire; perfect condition. Sell cheap. Phone 535-R-2. *51 CHICKS FOR SALE--Its never too late. Corn belt chicks are hatched the year 'round. Contact us immediately for May or summer chicks. Limited number of started Hy-Line Pullets available also. McHenry Mills. Phone McHenry 815. 51-2 FOR SALE--Duncan Phyfe dining room set, .8. pieces including large credenza. A bargain at $150. Phone Pistakee 604-M-2. 51 FOR SALE--1949 Evinrude 3.3 hp. weedless fisherman outboard motor. Like new. Perfect condition. $110.00. Phone McHenry 721. After 6 P. M. *51-2 FOR SALE--3 piece walnut dining room set including China closet; table and buffet with glass tops. F. Harder, Lily Lake, 120, directly back of Thriftway Grocery. *51 Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tata, through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Bt. 31. Crystal 1346-K-l. FOR SALE--Complete double bed; dinette table, 4 chairs; occasional table. \}ay bed and' S white doors. Phone ^-J. / 51 FOR SALE -- Heavy 1000 gallon tank. $125. George Reiker, Pistakee 633-J-2. ' 51 FOR SALE--1.6-cn. ft Westinghouse refrigerator. Good condition. Price $35.00 Frank Spaulding, phone Spaulding 2-0736. 51 FOR SALE--Beds, dressers, rugs, chairs and other miscellaneous itemB and also a kayak. Inquire at 242 Country Club Drive, Saturday and Sunday. 61 CHOOSE A PRACTICAL GIFT FOR MOTHER . ~ FROM OUR STORE V / We will gladly help you select just the she will appreciate. DRESSES HOUSECOATS LINGERIE ^ NYLONS - JEANNETTFS STYIE SHOP ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. FOR SALE--Black female Cocker. 8 weeks old. A.K.C. registered* $15. George Reiker, ' Pistakee 633-J-2. 51 HELP WANTED--Part time help for dining room and kitchen. Villa t^otel, Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 461. 51 5-room summer home completely furnished near Pistakee Lake and Fox River. 5-room fell year home "TSunnyside Beach, water front, 2 lots in rear. McHenry--4-rooms. full basement, North of St Patrick's Church. FARM--147 Acre Dairy Farm, 1 mile North of Johnsburg, Farm Home Is Oil Heated, on Black-Top Road. FARM -- 142 Acre 300 feet water front, 12 boats, Suitable for store and resort, for Appointment °call, JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE In JOHNSRVRG, TEL. McHENRY 37. 49-tf FOR SALE--1 dinette set with 4 chairs.* whiter enamel. Phone 220-J. *51 FOR SALE--Bigelow rug and pal 12x12^ ft.; beautiful sctilptured pattern, grey on grey; used eight months; best offer. Phone McHenry 140-J. 51 FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. Al Phannen stilL 49tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE--Like new 9x12 red rug and pad $125. Call McHenry 690-J-l. 50 FOR SALE--One 16 H.P. Johnson outboard motor $100. Phone McHenry 523-J-2: * *!to-2 HELP WANTED WANTED -- Man experienced in care and feeding hogS; also man for general farih work. Modern houses furnished. Hickory Creek Farms. Phone McHenry 670-M-2. Leo J. Smith, Mgr. 50-3 WAITRESS WANTED -- Part or full time. Riverside Hotel. Phone McHenry 266. 5 lUiututHiiiiuiiniutiiu FRL k SAT., MAY 4-5 Ronald Reagan Diana Lyftn "BEDTIME FOR BONZO" SI N. k MON„ MAY <W San. Cont. from 2iii P. M. Susan Hayward in - «PD CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN" (in Technicolor) TUES^ WED. * THU MAY N.9.10 Kilbride and Marjoric Main "MA k PA KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM" HELP WANTED MEN and WOMEN For Assembly and Machine Work No Experience Necessary. Steady Work Apply in Person _ R. C. Allen Business Mnchlne*. Inc. Typewriter Division Woodstock,' ill. ^ tl FOR SALE -- Must be sold to close estate, 8-rootn house. Bay View Lane, on Pistakee Bay; large boathouse, concrete basement. large lot, fruit trees. Inquire of John J. Barnings, Box 97, Rt. 3, McHenry. *50-2 HELP WANTED--Full time male or female, experienced or unexperienced. for grocery and market. Apply National Tea Fobd Store. 51 HELP WANTED--Boy for paper route. Car delivery. At once. Phone 878-J, Albert Krause. News Agency 51 FOR SALE--Year round home, 3 bedrooms, 2 upstairs, 1 down. Garage In basement. Furnace heat Phone Wonder Lake 298. *60-3 FOR SALE --Year 'round home on Fox river; all insulated and plastered; reasonable. Phone Mc- Hor/ 657-M-l. 51 HELP WANTED -- Pine Tree ToWr. Phone McHenry 690-J-l. ' 51 HELP WANTED--Girls for pressing. Experience not necessary; will teach. Local Cleaners, Green St., McHenry. Tel. 20. 50-3 HELP WANTED--Man to work on beverage route. Salary and bonus. See Dale Thomas or call McHenry 27 for appointment. 50-2 WANTED--EXPERIENCED COOK, Male, Female or couple. Stay or go home nights. References required. For summer months, June 25 to Sept. 1. Also weekends in May, June, Sept. and Oct. Camp Duncan. Y.M.C.A. Near Volo. Contact Pete Sorensen, camp director, Duncan Y.M.C.A., 1515 . W. Monroe St., Chicago 7, 111. Phone Haymarket 1-7800. 45-tt LM WAUCONDA ROUTE 176 PHONE «.lif| Matinee Sunday 8:80 P.M. Coat NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Special Matinee Saturday 1 tSO pjn. Regular Feature Plus 5 Cartoon* LAST NIGHT, THI RS„ MAY ft "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" FRL * SAT„ MAY 6 "THE STEEL HELMET" with s Robert Hutten Stere Brodhr Sun. 4 MON„ MAY 6 « "BIRD OF PARADISE* ' (Technicolor) . with Loals Jonrdan Debra Paget Jeff Ch^mbler TrES* WED. «™HI RS., * ' MAY 8-9.10 "September affair* «*. with lean Fontaine Joseph Cotten HOME FOR ANOTHER SEASON If Interested in buying or listing your property with us.will be greatlv appreciated. - HANK NELL, representing, . • • ;_/ JAfOR FRITZ REAL EST*** In JOHNSBURG. Tel. McHenry 37, Res. McHenry 618-W-l. 50-2 FARM LOANS . I'p To K1&0.00 per acre* . 4% Interest. Long or Short Tern Loans No ( omuiiksioii. No Appraisal Fee. These loans are also uiallabl for small country estates. Send for booklet. R. M. FRITZ Harvard State ,Bank Building Harvard, Illinois THE RIVIERA Show Place of thi Middle West T jW WUconsi* EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT the crowds are dancing to the musical rhythms of BUD WILBUR and His Orchestra Wisconsin's Most Danceahle Band = Always the Best Music at Wisconsin's Most Beautiful Night Club FOR RENT--Will rent out care-' taker's cottage In exchange for part-time help. Meyer's Bay. Pistakee Lake. Phone Pistakee 604-M-2 ' 51 FOR RENT--2 single rooms in Lily Lake with cooking privileges. $7 per week. Gentlemen preferred. Inquire at 12ft £lub «n Lily I<ake. J__' ' '"'I WANTED TQ RENT -- COTTAQ8 FOR ONE WR%daring month of July. Most- bftfp river or adjoining lake. CotjMvfe large enough to accomodate i. tooking ffrafHties not a requirement. Write HARRY CAIN. 833 Brinton Are. Dixon, 111. 50-2 WANTED WANTED -- Dead animals. Don't bury or give your dead stock away. Highest prices guaranteed. Call Orville Freund, McHenry 157 or 6S6-W-2. *4S-4 WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Ftowler, Woodstock .Box 334. Phone 4C4-JX 41tf :*3 WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony N'oonan. 200 So. Green street. McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe). 16tf WANTED--Large bird cage suitable for pair of love birds. Phone McHenry* 142-R. 51 WANTED -- CUSTOMERS! For enjoyment visit the Fox Hole Tap. Entertainment. 51 ft-.- Ft? MISCELLANEOUS MIST. Woodstock Accordion Les- , ! sons. Advanced and beginners; • $7.75 per month includes music and rent of accordion. Write ' Pierce Music Center, c/o Lorraine Whiting, S07 Dean St.. Woodstock. Illinois. Phone Woodstock 1134-J. Also Spanish and Hawiian gui- 2, tar and piano. *4»-4 FOR RENT--4m'ooui house, 1 bedroom; large screened porch; oil heat; full bathroom; new stove; large refrigerator; large yard; attractively furnished. Available May 1st. Phone Wonder Lake 443, Jacobsen. gj SMALLEST - -- BUSIE8T - CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS W1LL4«IYE AWAY--Upright piano in good condition, to church, school or private party who will take it away. Tal. McHenry 8<4-W. 51-2 m i L L c n THI'RSm FRL k SAT„ MAY S-t..» Matinee Sataniny »t P. M. ML(rLLABY OF BROADWAY" Calar hjr Technicolor I nnd Gene Aatry In y ' . "THE BLAZING SIN^ «•• •• • m m m m mm m m m m m m at mM SIN. A MON„ MAY «-7 Matinee Sunday at 2:31) P. M. -I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOrNTAIN" In Color by Technicolor TFES. k WED^ MAY S4 "MY FOOLISH HEART** with Susan Hnyward ' < M I McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Cestfert Good Yisloa and Soand Doors Open at (iM P. H. Screen Starts at 1 s$$ P. K. FRL A SAT, MAT 4-i la Technicolor Louis Joardaa Ddm Paget "BIRD OF PARADISE* Also: World News and Color Cartoon SI N. A MON- MAY t-7 Gene Tierney John Land Thelma Rttter "THE MATING SEASON" Also: Walt Disney Color Cartoon 6 World News Sunday Matinee SM Con*L CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. k THURS^ MAY 9-M Loreftk Young Barry Sallhaa "CAI'SE FOR ALARM** Cartoon k Short Subject FAniLYniiTnnnnTHEtm I ' / . u m U U I I I U U K riTTTTi Come in your Private Car you'll enjoy the Giant Picture Screen 45x€0 Feat Children under 12 in Car FREE! 2 SHOWS 8 and 10 P. M. ~ of the w GENEUERNEY -JOHNUJND MIRIAMHOPTINS THELMA RITTK JANSTERUNO MITCHELL IBSEN Be_ sure you ><«• u».> with other Comwlys and Shorts on . Thurs.-Fri. Sal-, May 3-4-5 STARTING SUNDAY. MAY )0COOO oco O OO O o o OOO OO o cooooo o y c o o o o o ~ ~ 1 Q Q Q - ' • l o o pmeiMr I TECHNICOLOR .S.ZSAKAIL Bill? DE WOiit -01ADYS GE0®6£ • DAVin RUTIFI OOO 0 0 ooooo WED. * THURS^ MAY 9-10 atCOTINY ON THE BOONT^ y* Plus "DAY AT THE HA '.k'-'-sC'i ' a"

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