'"•n ' , :' J ' . ' r ' v., ' * ' 'S"~ ••'< . '*'."' * ' ' ,- If r.J#iT"j?v' fW" V?>.* 7• ^V* ^' JHa .* ' • i\:.£ - j - ^ ' * / ) > ' • " " ^ ' . . . ^ j T i i k M , . » *„ • \ X &JnJP r- MUENRY PLAINDEALER tobllthed every Thursday at Mc- Kttiry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. f* HP. BURFBINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FEOEHLICH, Editor. ear SUBSCRIPTION BATE .{......_ 9&M Plaindealer Want Ads No ade counted less titan 25 WOrds. 75c minimum. '• 1 Insertion -- 75c Count 5 words per line) " i5® service charge on all blind «8i. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOB ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ft 409 W. Elm Street Open during week 9 A.M. to 7 PJL, Sundays - 9 AJL to 1 P»M. lltf FOR SALE ,-- Brand new Indian motorcycle engine 30.50 cu. in. displacement. Complete with transmission. Ready to run. Phone McHenry 203-J. 3 FOR SALE--T&fl, 8-cyl. Oldsmo- * [le, A-l condition. Practically new ydromatic. Motor overhauled. 5 good tires. Under ceiling price. C. A. Simmons, Shalimar Sutyi. McHenry. *3 BUStNE88 SERVICE RUG CLEANING Save dollars -- Clean your own rugs and carpets. Rug cleaning machine for rent by day or week. Beginner can operate. Pick up and delivery service. For information phone 637rJ-2. 3 Beautiful new patterns for your home furniture in - Friese. Matlasse, Tapestry, Quilted Plastic. . Write Tie's Upholstery Service R. R. 1, Plstaqaa Heights or Call McHenry &51.R.1. *18.8 FOLLOW TH> CROWD TO TKfc Sportamaa's Ian, 513 Main street, tee eeld ease beer aad packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phaaaen stilL 49tf FOX HOLE TAP Entertalament 8ATURDAT mud SUN DAT Starting May 25th 1 Hammond Organ and Piano 8 Nights Weekly «, Gay ninety to popular music. Riverside Hotel . 1-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon papier. L[ V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf BRICKLAYERS WANTED -- At (New Algonquin School, Route 62, Algonquin. Top Wages. O. W. Potter ft Sons, Inc. General Contractors. Phone Algonquin 2071. 2-3, SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- High school boy with some farm experience and driver's license desires summer farm work. Phone McHenry 532-R-2. J FOR RENT ANTIQUE *nd FURNITURE AUCTION FOR SALE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE GENERAL CONTRACTU!® NEW HOMES REMODELING And ,, qARPBNTBR WORlt' • loiUsfactlon Guaranteed * Estimates C. D. KINSEY fkoio McHenry 8N4 47tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to targe murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS^ FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WOftWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. " Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. *' * «tf CESSPOOLS ud SEPTIC TANKS SERVICt G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf CUSTOM BALING -- Arrange for your baling now. Custom baling. Bill Pierce, iohnsburg,Phone 635- M-2. 3-2 FOR SALE -- 1947--WILLYS Station Wagon, 4 cyl., with overdrive. 1949--WILLYS Station Wagon, 6 cyl., with overdrive. 1950--PACKARD, 2 door sedan, g| like new. Fully equipped. T948--KAISER, 4 door sedan. 1941--CHEVROLET Panel Truck, Good buy. ' - AH Vehicles Guaranteed. McHENRY GARAGE Willys Overland Sales Tel. 40S 601 Front St. 1-tf The Best For Less USED CARS tAll Priced Below Ceiling Sold with 60 Day Warranty. 1950--FORD Tudor Sedan. 1949--DODGE Wayfarer Coach. 1949--DODGE Coronet Club Coupe 1949--DODGE Wayfarer Sportabout 1948--PLYMOUTH Tudor Sedan. 1948--DODGE Custom Club Coupe. 1947--FORD *'6" Tudor Sedan. 1947--STUDEBAKER Chassis and Cab. 1949--DODGE Cab-Over Chassis. ^ Plus A. Wide Selection of Other Cars and Trucks All Completely Reconditioned A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. Pearl Street McHenry Pfaoae H6 2 NCIILS DRILL** OR MUTER WATER STSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf EXPERT PIAS® TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. B. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. 87-tf {DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Rome Piano and Piano Aecordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction BAKL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5tf WE ARE >(\w contracting Hawkeye Soy Bean acreage. We furnish excellent quality recleaned seed, in new bags. Stop in for detail. Pell-Bari Farms, Inc., 305 Clay St. Woodstock, 111. 52tf BUSINESS SERVICE fARPENTER WORK -- Done by day or contract. Porches basements or attic flats. Any kind of remodeling. Phone McHenry 520-R-l. Karl Hammer. 3-4 CUSTOM HAY BALING GILBERT ICLOECKNER Phone McHenry 666-R-2 3-4 JlAtri L. CLARK • Piano Technician ^ Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B xok Helen Weber Says: SPARKLING FRESH! Clean Clothes last longer and keep that new LOOK. $ Send them to us for the yery Finest Cleaning. McHENRY CLEANERS M Uai Street XcHoary PHONE 1M.M faoi FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 200 B. Peart, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf CARPENVER WOR2 DONE BY DAT OR CONTRACT. IYAJT GUSTAFSON 1'eL McHenry 74S 21tf HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf TREE AND BARN SPRATING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. « R«1r PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianoe. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, III. 51-tf SPECIAL OFFER For weddings, parties and dances, etc. Decorated hall available, free of charge, every night except Tuesday and Saturdays. We will also help you plan your party. Phone McHenry 369. 2-2 rOBSALl FOB SALE -- REXAIR, the Only water machine. Cleaner, .Humidifier, Vaporizer. Sales ft Service. Also water treatment appliances for the home. Spa filters and Micromet. Carl Barnickol, McHenry. 52-4 FOR SALE--Row boat, 110.00. C. F. Weber, Lake Defiance. Phone 680-J-l. 3 FOR SALE--Refrigerator and ice box. Youngberg, Mineral Springs Park, McHenry, 111. *3 FOR SALE--12-ft. outboard boat, full deck, single cockpit in rear, fully equipped with steering wheel, speedometer, deadman throttle, plus steering pulliea and cable. Phone McHeffry$03-J. 3 GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, ot oftener If desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John B. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. , tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Two. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is oa Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. FOR SALE -- Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos made to order according to your desire. Also art flowers. Reasonable prices. Phbue McHenry 544-R-l. 52-4 FOR SALE -- Registered female Boxer, 9 months old, child's pet and good watch dog including dog house. Reasonable. Coll 343 after 6 P. M. 2-2 FOR SALE--2 acres of excellent alfalfa hay; next to formerly Gold Crown Tavern, Phone 586-W-l or 600-M-l. *2-2 FOR SALE--Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos, made to order according to your desire; also art flowers, reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 614-W-l. 6|-4 BOAT AND MOTOR 16 HP. Johnson motor with carrier and Indian plank built boat with steering wheel; both in A-l condition. Call A. F. Lilly, 126 Country Club Drive, McHenry, 111. Phone 1060. *3 FOR RENT--Modern cottage; ftti^ nished; located on Fox River; private pier. Prefer tenants for sea*- «on. Phone McHenry 534-R-l. 2-2 FOR RENT--Alfalfa hay land and pasture. Bay View Farm, Phone McHenry 279. 3 FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges. Phone McHenry 493-W. 3 FOR RENT -- Summer cottage, modern, 80 Wood lawn Park. Available for 4 weeks. 360 a week. Call 646-W-2, weekends only. 3 WANTED TO SENT : WANTED TO RENT--Single man wants room and board or room with kitchen privileges in McHenry or vicinity. Phone McHenry 537-W-l. 3 FOR 8ALE -- M0S1S -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES * RESORT PROPERTY» Knox Real Estate 49* Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Photo: McHenry 421-Jf Licensed I1L k Wis. Broker FOR KALE--Lot on Center street, 66x132. Phone McHenry 638-W-2, after 5:30 P. M. or anytime Saturdays or Sundays. 3 MISCELLANEOUS FOX HOLE TAP Entertainment SATURDAY and SUND4J* Starting May 2Mh ^ : Hammond Organ and Piatttf . 6 Nights Weekly 0:\~f Gay . ninety to popular mttiiic. Riverside Hotel 'v,V..r::. 1-tf WANT TO DANCE! Come to the Bridge, Rt. 120, McHenry, Saturday, June 9tl». 9 P. M. Don Stadfeld and his great band will be there. Donation only $1.00 2-3 LEGALS WANTED WANTED -- Room and board wanted for boy, 12, for the summer. Write H. Godar. 5241 W. Lexington St., Chicago 44, 111. 3 WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock ,Boa 334. Phone 464-JX. . 41tf FOR SALE--40 acres of alfalfa. Inquire Maurice Gladstone. - 3 FOR SALE--Cement mixer. Phone 665-J-l after 5 P. M. Mr. Conrad Gustafson. 3 WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe). 15tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Famous Gravely Garden Tractor, 5 H. P., attachments; plough, sickle,.and snow plough. 195 Country Club Drive. *3 FOR SALE--Gas station at In tersection of Main highway in McHenry. New equipment. Price $9,500. For appointment call Hank Nell. Jacob Fritz. Realtor in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. 1-tf For Sale Homes - Farms FOR SALE--2 regular size windows, including casements, storm windows and "screens, combination storm door also 1 outside front door. Phone 592-M-2 after 6 P. M. 3 FOR SALE--Universal gas stove, like new. walnut dining set and buffet, sun parlor set, table and 2 chairs, GE refrigerator, ABC washing machine, used one year. Call after seven in the evening or anytime Saturday or Sunday. McHenry 891-W. Mrs. A. Gausden, 716 Center street. 3 FOR SALE -- 42-R International combine pick-up, cleaner. De Laval milker, pump; .. 1% yepurs old. Dairy Heater. Phone 3571, Wauconda. , 3-2 FOR SAL^--Furniture; bed, dining room set, library table, etc. Phone Pistakee 696-J-2. *3 HELP WANTED WANTED -- Experienced radio and T.V. srmosnimi Full time. Top Salary. Excellent working conditions. Carsella's Radio, Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake VI751 HELP WANTED -- Stenographer, experienced, for general office work; five-day week; good salary. COMET CORP. • Call Domoto, Johnsburg 1090 1-tf TOP SALES OPENING A high grade company In essential industry, desires a hard worker in this territory for sales work at once, priority on raw materials during war. Good pay and a future to the right man. Complete training free. Look into this. Get yourself set. Don't take risks. Home nights. Must have car and willing to work full time. Write Sales Manager, 701 Sq. 42nd, Omaha, Nebr. 3-2 MEAT CUTTERS -- Experienced preferred but not necessary; earn while you learn. Good starting salary; paid vacations, retirement plan, group insurance, credit union services. Openings in your area. Write to Personnel Dept. The Kroger Co., , 2701 Packers Ave. Madison, Wisconsin. 3-3 MALE MELP WANTED To increase our permanent personnel staff. Day shift 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; night shift, 4:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dock Hands, Assemblers, Mi*- rellaneous Machine Operators, Shear Operators* Spray Palater. Apply in person or call Algonquin 2131. JJtONTSR DIVISION ^jpeed Queen Corp. , Algonquin, 111. f •I ' J * 1 1 • FOR SALE---6 rooms, large lot beautiful evergreen trees, full basement, oil heat, North of Johnsburg bridge, also water front. 6 ROOMS -- Completely furnished, water front, near Pistakee Lake and Fox River, nice location. 6 ROOMS--All year round home Sunnyside Beach, water front, 2 lots In rear. BARGAIN--Income property, tw< buildings, one rented, lot 100x180 Price $7,800.00. McHENRY--2 story, 7 room residence, hot water heat, lot 66 ft on business street, for business oi small apartments^ (Call Mr. Ad ler) McHenry 37. WONDER LAKE--2 hfctldlngs, ow is rented all year round, $65 pei month, lot 155x125, (call Jim Het termann) McHenry 37.. I ROOMS -- With bath, 4 year; old; in Sunnyside Estate, $6,850 JACOR FRITZ REAL ESTATE hi Jehasbnrg, ToL McHenry S7. 1-ti FOR SALE--Wonder Lake, 4-rm house. 2 bedrooms, full bath. larg< sleeping porch, year 'round, and heated by oil, deep well, electrl< pump, utility room, with attachec garage, 8 bearing fruit trees, soin< furniture. Shore Hills Division oi Beaver Road, 1% blocks fron Food Shop, white house with grey blinds. Right side of road. Oper every day except Fridays. 3-2 FOR SALE--4 -room, year 'round house, full basement, furnace beat garage. Inquire 2nd house north of Handy Pantry. Corner of Oak and County Road. Price $7,500. *3 Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Stort McHenry. 8tt •9 I I I » I » 1 H I I 1 1 » | M M l » VRI. ft SAT., JUNE 1-S "TRIGGER, JR." and "MOLLY* SUN. A MON„ JUNE M "APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER" STARTS TUESDAY, JUNE eth , Bob Hope la *TMt LEMOlf DROt 10* 9991 l»t»« rtlll 9 9 ft i ft II9 NOTICE TAX SALE PURCHASE Notice is hereby given to Samuel Jones and to all parties interested that on October 21st, 1946, Claude F. McDermott purchased at a public tax sale held in Woodstock, in McHenry County, Illinois, lots 7 and 8 in block 26 in Sampson SexT & Company's Lily Lake Subdivision in McHenry County, Illinois; that said lots were taxed for the year 1945 in the name of Samuel Jones; that the time for redemption from aforesaid^lpx sale expires September 17th, 1951. Joseph X. Waynne, Attorney for Claude F. McDermott McHenry, Illinois. (Pub. May 31. June 7-14) On Wilson Rd., at north village limits of Ingleside, being % mile south of Grand ave., 2% mile E. of Fox Lake, 9 miles south of Lake Villa. 5 miles X.W. of Round Lake, 3 miles N. W. of Long Lake, on SUNDAY, JUNE 3rd at 1 o'clock D. S. T. ANTIQUES--A beautiful hanging lamp, copper water bucket brought from Europe and known to be over 100 yrs. old; black walnut table, two chairs, table, single bed and dresser (3 marble pieces on top), brown jugs, old chest of drawers, dresser with marble slabs; student lamp (wired), walnut night table with marble top, steamer trunk, iron foot stool. 2 matching wrought iron fern stands with copper pots. FURNITURE -- Upright piano, large vanity, cane-back 3-pc. living rm. set, flat top desk, sectional book case, Coxwell chair, oval table, music cabinet, enamel top kitchen table and chairs, bab^ wardrobe chest, radio table, 2 parlor tables, sm. table, mirrors, 4 bridge lamps, chairs, 4 floor lamps, indirect table lamp, Priscilla sewing stand. Brittanic set and table. CAMERAS, RADIO, MUSIC AL INSTRUMENTS, TV SET--4 Eastman cameras, Philco radio, RCA radio, portable radio, Recordio, mandolin, ukolele, Hallicrafter TV sot (with magnfKer). MISC.--Taylor elec. wash, mach., 2 carpet Bweepers, elec. toaater, waffle irons, elec. hot plate, misc. dishes, elec. computing scales. Rite-Way cream separator, doll buggy, doll bed, doll house, child's desk, ice skates, wagon, springs and mattress (twin beds) bed, shoes and clothes. SHETLAND PONY -- Gentle. Busch Produce Farm, Prop. HERMAN BEHM, Auct. Pnbllc A art. Ser. Co* Cldfk LILY LAKE X • NOTICE TAX SALE PI RCHASt Notice is hereby given to John D. Mikel and to all parties interested that on October 21st, 1946, Claude F. McDermott purchased at a public tax sale held in Woodstock, in McHenry County, Illinois, lots 20 and 21 in block 7 in Sampson Sex A Company's Lily Lake Subdivision in McHenry County. 'Illinois; that said lots were taxed for the year 1945 in the name of John D. Mikel; that the time for redemption from aforesaid tax sale expires September 17th, 1951. Joseph X .Waynne, Attorney for Claude F. McDermott McHenry, Illinois {Pub. May 31. June 7-14) ' NOTICE OF CLAIM DAT! Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer Crystal Lake. Illinois Estate of ANNA ADAMS. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all >ersons that July 2, 1951, is the ^laini date in' the estate of Anna Adams, Deceased, pending in the county Court of McHenry County, rillnois, and that claims may be lied against the said estate on or •efore said date without issuance >f summons. f JOSEPH H. ADAMS ' . OTTO ADAMS , . . Executors. (Pub. May 31, June 7-14) WONDER LAKE MAN *OUND DEAD IN 1ED ON SUNDAY ™ James Novak, 65, was found 'ead In his bed Sunday morning n his, lake front home, Deep Spring Woods, Wonder Lake. He tad not been ill and had no hisory of any heart condition prior o his death. ' 8urvivors include his" widow, 31ara; two sons, Edward and >eorgc; one daughter, Lillian; ind seven grandchildren. Services will be held &t 2 p.m. Thursday in Berwyn at the Schutart funeral ohome. with internent in the Bohemian National cemetery. 379 Patrol Members Guests At Annual Outing May 24 A total of 379 school patrol members of McHenry county were guests of the Chicago Motor ctub last Thursday at the Woodstock city park. Sixteen schools attended, including St. Mary's and Central Junior high of Woodstock* St. Joseph's and Central 3;AOO1 of Harvard, St. Mary's-St. Patrick's and the public grade school of Crystal Lake; the grade school and Zion Lutheran school of Marengo; Union grade school; Huntley Consolidated; r Harrison at Wonder Lake, Cary Public grade and Algonquin grade school. Twenty different games and contests were run off, with t w e n t y - e i g h t p r i z e s a w a r d e d . These prizes were donated by the merchants of the various cities and included footballs, baseballs, bats, gloves, an archert set and jewelry. Among the winners were Ed. Schumacher, Don Buckles and Boh Bitterman of McHenry. Following the games, refresh-i ments were served, with sixty dozen Dixie cups, sixty dozen weiners and sixty dosen bottles of chocolate milks being consumed. Straight "A" PnpUs At Parochial School Namod The following' were named straight "A" students for May at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school: Judith Krein and Jacqueline Justen. eighth grade; Marcia Anderson, Kathleen Anglese, Monica Phalin and Betty Jane Schaefer, Bcventh grade. Rose Marie De- Muth and David Knox, sixth g r a d e ; R i c h a r d H e r d r l c h a n d Rose Mary Mercure, fourth grade; Carol Diedrich, Paule Granger, Ann Pe8chke. Susan Stenger, Patricia Szydlowski and Lucy Williams, third grade. For perfect attendance during the entire year, the following are listed: Patricia Long, Dolores Mercure and Kathleen Turpel, eighth grade; Kathleen Anglese, Kenneth Blake, Nancy Justen and Dianne Tonyan. seventh grade; Josephine Freund. Nicholas Freund, Joann May, Annette Smith and John Wirfs, sixth grade; Lois May, Rose Mary Mercure and John Tonyan; fourth grade; Judith Walsh and James Thompson, th{rd grade; and Patricia Walsh, second grade. Subscribe for The Plaindealer SEASON'S tRAND OPENING DANCE SATURDAY. JUNE 2nd Feattfrlng DON STADFELD and His Great Band. Yonlls by George Freund. At CLUB LILYMOOR, Route 120 ADMISSION FREE OF CHARGE Thursday Nights--Free Oatdoor Movies , . Friday Night Fish Fry .W. LIEBIG UNION SIGNS - PICT0NAI5 ; Tel McHenry<807 _ LILYMOOR f Y (by Marion Leske) I hope you , all have found your old clothes for the hard times dance given by the P.T.A. at the Club Lilymoor on June 9. Pete Hamil and his Prairie Ramblers will be there to make it fun for all. The Lily Lake beautifying club weiner roost will be postponed until Saturday, June 16. It will still be on the beach, with music and entertainment. Mrs. George Nielsen's nephew, Henry Zobieck. is home for one week after finishing basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. He will then leave for Fayetteville, N. C., for further training. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons entertained friends from Chicago over the weekend. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Charlotte Yoeger is in the hospital in Woodstock and hope she will return home soon. Her two sons, Norman and Nelson, are staying at their mother's home* until she returns. Mrs. John Kraus has gone to Sheboygon, Wis., to visit her mother, who is very ill. ' Elsie Niemie, who is staying at her sisters, Mrs. Jack Brien. of Lily Lake, received as a going away gift from Bob Dunn a lovely diamond ring. She is going to Michigan for the summer to help her mother but will be back again in the fall. There, was a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. Erhardt last Wednesday for the benefit of the Venice Drive road project. There will be a card party at Mrs. Marie Hyatt's, June 6 for the L a k e s i d e I m p r o v e m e n t A s s o c ! ation road fund. Joe and Gil Shumaker were in to spend Decoration Day at the Beeler's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Biesecker and son, Raymond, went on a fishing trip May 26 and 27 to the Wolf river,^ at Fremont. Wis. Though the weather was windy and raining. which curtailed their fishing time, they were all very pleased with their catch of twenty-three white bass (limit is twenty-five) two large catfioh^ and thr«a walleyed pike. The Sol Notarus' of West LawV Manor, Chicago, with their tWO children, spent Sunday at the Fred Karmela. The next meeting of the Four Leaf Clover clab will be held at the home of Mrs. 8ally Koch on Tuesday. June 5. Missionary Will Speak At Bible Church June 3 The McHenry Bibl& church announced a missionary speaker for its 8 o'clock service next Sunday, June 3. She is Mrs. P. Friedericksen of Wbeaton, who was a missionary to the Phillippines for the past ten years. During World War II she and her husband and children were confined to Japanese concentration camps, from which they were liberated in 1945. Her experiences wilt be part of her message Sunday. A large lighted drawing board will be Used by Mrs. Friederisksen for colorful chalk drawings. Her complete program, including special music, has been well received everywhere. Everyone is welcome to attend. Byfise Freach Neckties During the Napoleonic wars la the late 18th century, red faces were considered an indication ot great health. Frequently ties wera pulled tight to make the face flush. It also made the wearer's eyes protrude like a frog's. This is reputed to be the origin of the name "Frog!" as applied to the French. In 1823 the French had a special type of tie for the heavy esters which was called the "gastronomies]", tt was loosely arranged and unstarched so that it would not interfere with the enjoyment of dinner. The color pink like a boiled ham. 'HflHnilltnttNNHtttlHHiUMtlMIMNKRISmilNIHMMe •PI ru I I rOVAi! FRI. k SAT., JUNE 1-8 Double Feature -Harold Lloyd "MAD WEDNESDAY" Victor Matare Lacllle *»!! "EASY LIVING* SUN. k MON., JUNE S-4 Sunday Continued 2:4* Fred Astaire Jane Powell ° "ftOYAL WEDDING** A Brilliant Bell-Ringlag MasicaL In Technicolor ^^TUES^ k THURsl, ^ JUNE 5-«-7 Geo. Montgomery Panla Corday •THE SWORD OF MONTE CRLSTO" NaWtNIUIUinittllttlilSIHlUIHIIIIIIimniUltlMNNHIMI Complete Mae of Lee's pealtry emedUs at Wattles Drag Store, Mcllenry. Stf Colony , McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Coadltloaed -- Cearfert Good Ylsloa and Ssaad Doors Opea at t:M P. M. Screen Starts at 7s0t P. I. FRI. k SAT., JUNE 14 In Teehaleoler Dan 1>aryea Gale Stem (1) MAL JENNINGS OF OKLAHOMA* Bail Abbott Lea Cestello (2) -MEXICAN HAYR1DE" World News Patroas arrlvlag after I4S P .M .will uUss SOBM of Mexican Hayrlde. SUN. k XONn JUNE 3-4 Bob Hope Marilya Maxwell "THE LEMON DROP KID* World News k Color Carteee Saaday Matlaee itM Coa*t> CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. k THURS-, JUNE 8-7 George Raft Coleea Gray (1) -LUCKY NICK CAIN* Randolph Scott Rath Warwick (2) "CHINA SKY* Partons arriviag after • P.M. will miss some of Chtaa Sky. FnmiLV OUTDOOR GRAYS LAICE'RT 120-1 SCREEN 45X60 Enjoy Priracy in Yoar Car, See ' The Best Shows at the OUTDOOR CHILDREN LENDER 12 IN CAR FREE--9 SHOWS--8 k !• PJ)L WED. THURS.. FRI. & SAT.. MAY 30-31. JUBE 1-S 1 HOW WIU) CAN THE WEST lit ( IRENE DUNNE ypNED MacMBBMY • by ' Plus Tsrztftft tsNsH... in N£V£R A VUU SUN.. MON. a TOES. JUNE 3-4 5 Oklahoma ' Plot ">4" ::L Is" . 'iil. - Illf1 - ^