Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1951, p. 2

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P#0*Twi Lily Lake School Picnic Children of the Lily Lake school were guests at a picnic held last Thursday, May 31, with the P.T.A. members acting as sponsors. The children ljiet at the school at noon and marched, with police escort, to the picnic grounds, where, various contests provided several hours of fun, as well as the appearance of two clowns. ' Business men of the community Election of officers was held, J furnished the refreshments, which 'with the following officers elect- consisted of ice cream, pop and ;<ed: Le Petit Chapeau--Helen candy bars. Cowan, Crystal Lake; Demi-Cha-| -j--m ,ut ^ i.. i ^ \ peau Premiere, Christine Krinn, Woman's ('Ink * , "V ^McHenry; D e m i-ChapeaU Dux- j Meeting June 8 •'Jteme, Dorothy Ogle, Woodstock;] The McHenry Woman's club •^(Concierge, Marion De Vries, Heb- wjil hold its next meeting on Fri- ;?ron; L'Archiviste, Betty Duff, <jay afternoon, June 8,- at the Leg- *'•8 BtHXrtTl / -r-: •" t'Etoct Officer* » The regular monthly meeting of ithe McHenry county salon of the ..JB et 40 met at the home of Mrs. .Minnie Green on Monday evening. A report of the basket social held Sn McHenry on May 12 was given, lie Petit Chapeau, Laura Steffan of Hebron, was presented with flags for the salon by the Chef de \Oare, Nels Hoff, of Algonquin, from the 40 & S of McHenry. B 1 H a r v a r d; L'Aumonier, Mazie aiott. Huntley. Pearl Pietsch and Christine Krinn assisted with serving refreshments for the evening. Circle I At flojte Hone Circle 1 of the W.S.C.S. will -meet at the home of Mrs. Carl ttoyte on Tuesday, Jane It*' at 1 o'clock. Brtde-Te^Be . Skewer • • Miss Lucille Nickels, who will become the bride of Harold Weingart on June 16, was honored at Via miscellaneous shower held at the Peter Weingart home last "^Sunday, with Mrs. Rita Mason of Elgin and Mrs. Lucille Salzman of Woodstock, sisters of the bridegroom- to-be, as co-hostesses. Games were enjoyed, with prizes merited by Mrs. Peter A. 'jPrennd, Mrs. C h r i,s Metropolis jMrs. Fred Nickels, Mrs. Eugene 'Nye and Mrs. Alfred Weingart. An array of lovely gifts were placed on a table centered with a miniature bride, with a colorf u l s p r i n k l i n g c a n s u s p e n d e d Jfrom above. \ Out of town guests who attended were Mrs. Fred Nickels of Sarrington and Mrs. Fred Krohn, HJr., of Detroit. IFrMay Gathering Honored Graduate Billy Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Weber, was honlored at a graduation party held at the family home on the Pistakee Bay blacktop road last Friday evening. Fifty guests were '< in attendance from Woodstock, Spring Grove and the McHenry community to oongratulate Billy, • who was awarded the Legion medal as outstanding boy grad- - uate. Cards and bunco were enjoyed, after which refreshments were •erved from a table centered with. *, beautiful graduation cake. ion Home, when a book review will be given by Vanesse Sells. Troop 3, of the Girl Scouts._sponsored by the club, will present a program, under the direction of the leader, Mrs. Elsie Olsen, and her assistants, Helen Miller and Mary Granger. Chairman for the day will be Mrs. Herb Reihanspeger, assisted by Mesdames Robert Newkirk, Floyd Cooley, Albert Foley, C. W. Gibbs, Ray Conway, John Bolger, Charles Lasch and "A. J. Richardson. Party, Honors Miss Eva I'ltU Miss Eva Unti, who graduated from M.C.H.S. last Friday evening, was guest of honor at a party held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti, on Green street. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Unti and sons. Geno and Harry, Phil, Angle and Laura Unti, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and family, Mrs. Rena Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson, Mrs. Maud Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Justen, Shirley Wegener and Joan Freund. Many high school classmates also called during the evening. : , - THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THt MAX KOLLVS Max-. R. Kolin of Chicago and MrCulloni Lake, "son of Mr. and Mrs Max . F. Koliti, took as his hride Miss Eileen Watsoii of 1849 Newcastle, Oak Park, on? Saturday, May 19. The nuptial Hisit Mass was solemnized at St. Giles church in O^k faHfc The f o Din e r, IMiss Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, is a graduate of Notre Dame high school and Wright Junior college. The wedding "reception was held at the bride's home, after which the happy couple left on a hooeymoon trip to Florida. FORMER CORONER DIES Edward H. Cook, 89, farther coroner of McHenry county and owner of the Huntley drug store until liis retirement ten years ago, died on Thursday. May 31, in St- Joseph's hospital, Belvidere. He was .a .-lifelong resident 6f this county. ' , - • V' MAY BRIDE 4^ • . . - v Wile Of Air Force Cdrpo**l Visited Howard Siolleris Mrs. Robert Felse and son, Patrick Henry, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, visited their grandparents and great grandparents, the Howard Stollers, last weekend. Robert Felse, a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1947, is noW a corporal with the Air Force and is located in Japan. Mrs. Felse, the former Beverly Cole, was also in the Air Force located at San Francisco, Calif., where she met her husband. His mother, Mrs. Helen Jacoby, an4£ grandmother, Mrs. Stoller, attended the wedding. i|> Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell of Chicago attended the Durland- Larkin wedding last Saturday. COMING EVENTS Want ads, like freedom, everybody's business. - - are 4-16 Vacation Bible S c h o o 1 -- Community Methodist Church -- 9 to 11;30 -- Children 4 to 14 Yrs. June 7 C. D. of A- Installation And Initiation -- Parochial School HalL June 8 Woman's Club -- Legion Home. McHenry Woman's Club -- Legion Home. . June 11*28 Second Annual Daily Vacation B i b l e S c h o o l -- M c H e n r y B i b l e Church Green Street--9 to , Noon, Monday through1 Friday. christian Mothers--Regular Heeting. .. -| ' v Jane 12 ' ' „ ~ •. Girl Scout Father-Daughter Banquet-- American Legion Home. T H R I F T r m d B A N K I N G ti|i ifr iji I^I 'i* Residence Changes > • •ii •}' <• 'IHH AVorwick Photo MRS. RICHARD FREUND Miss Loretta Kunz and Richard Freund, both of McHenry, exchanged nuptials vows at !SdL. Mary's church in a &pretty #ett> | ding solemnized on Saturday, < May 26. The bridegroom is stationed at Fort Wolter air base, Texas. The Irwitj Laures family has moved from the Wattles apartment to the former Lind place on north Riverside Drive. The home was recently purchased by Math Laures. Satirise Farewell Parly For Braatigamft ' Co-workers at the Blake garage , surprised Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brautigam of McCullom Lake at a farewell party at the Brautigam home Tuesday evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justen, Mr and Mrs. Edward Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons, Robert Blake, George Rodenkirch and Miss Helen Stoffel. The Brautigam* were presented with a beautiful chenille bedspread from their friends. The couple will leave soon for San Jose, Calif., to make their home. [Surprise Shower for Mary Stanberry A surprise miscellaneous shower was held- at the American Legion Home Sunday afternoon in honor, of Miss Mary Stanberry of England. Gifts were placed under a large, rainbow-colored umbrella. A social hour was concluded with the serving of a tasty buffet lunch. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. William Staines, an aunt; Mrs. Viola Glosson, Mrs. Nellie Whiting and Miss Louella Madaus. Guests included Mary May, Irene Guffey, Martha Henniken of Woodstock, Hilda Bungard of Elmhurst, Bobbie May, Mabel Christiansen, Lillian, Gertrude and Audrey Glosson, Hannah Tonr yan, Gertrude Rauen, Rosina Amc and Jennie Rolfs of Kenosha Viola Justen, Frances Matchen Clare Miller, Wanda Whiting Marge Henry, Kay Ciesielsk' Celia Justen, Margaret Young, Mrs. Otto Madaus, Jean Madaus, Lillian Conway, Mary Stanberry, Louella Madaus, Viola Glosson, Nellie Whiting and Rose Staines. Miss Stanberry will become the bride of George Pattison of Woodstock in the near future. SPECIAL ^ AT ALTHOFFS 10 Quart GALVANIZED PAIL 49* (1 Week Only) Miss Marie Ropp of Chicago spent Saturday in McHenry and attended the wedding of Joan Purland and. Gerald Larkin. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right NtcWHRT DEPOSIT WEEKLY RECEIVE IN 5 YEARS V 10 YEARS / 20 YEARS The only thing that stands between ybu and a sizable Jtank account is TIME. Anyone with a regular income can save a part of it. So decide now how much you can set aside eadh week, or each payday; and make regular deposits. That builds cash for the futuri. W.S.C.S. -- MfS'Carl Hoyte Home -- 1 P.M. . June 17 Piano Recital -- High School Auditorium -- S P.M. Pupils of y Thursday, June 7, 1951 August *' Start of Red Cross Swimming Program. June 19 Fashion Show, Dessert Luncheon And Bridge Party -- Sponsored By Circle 1, W.S.ClS. June 29 McHenry Woman's Club Dessert Card P*rty -- V.F.W. Clubhouse July 18 ^ P.T.A. Dessert Gardeif Party -- 1 P.M. --V.F.W. Grounds. July 26 Card Party St. Patrick's Parish Lawn -- Sponsored By Altar and Rosary Sodality. Marine Day. t August U Fashion Show St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P.T.A. V«to Hotel, Pistakee Bay. C ARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our gratt| tude to neighbors and friends for donations of cars, spiritual bouquets, floral offerings and all other acts of kindness extended to us during our recent bereavement in the death pf our mother. We a r e e s p i c a l l y g r a t e f u l t o F r Blitsch for his services. MISS GERTRUDE WILLIAMS •4 MRS. KATHRYN SMITH Complete line of Lee's poultf^ remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. t Stf DR. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOSfeTHIST 532 Main Street MeHetiry. 1H. EYES EXAMINED and GLASSES FITTED. •poiise Calls by Appointment DAILY: <<ulck Repair. r - 9:00 A. M.'^12:00 No©* - 1:00 P.M. -- 5:00 P.M. SAT. EVE: 6:00 P. M. -- 8:30 P. Ill, - Thursday Afternootf and Evenings by appelntMHMR. PHONE McHENRY 188 If no answer phone McHenry &82.R.2 McHenry There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R^ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve SystM 20% DISCOUNT SALE Kayser's Opportunity Week JUNE 9thtol6th ' For the'fletlght of nil women fiistidlons about their hosiery and thoughtful of their budgets, Betty Melsen joins with Kayser In bringing yon a week of real opportunity. For this special occasion we've stocked our shelves with the season's most Important shades. An opportunity yen can't afford to miss. SHEERLON --• An evening sheer in 2 proportions. Regularly 0 THIS WEEK ONLY $1.65 $1.32 EVELON -- A 60. j|uafevlong wearing sheer Regulatly . THIS WEEK ONLY - ---- $i as ;r $1.56 CINDERELLA -- Pointed self heel contrast Seam Regularly THIS WEEK ONLY $1.65 ' $1.32 * BETTY MIELSEIi - DRESSES and ACCESSORIES RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILL. MATH TOLL LOW The MeHenry area joined the nation In keeping the celebration of Memorial Day one of the safest since the end of World War II. The death toll in violent accidents reached 116, one of the lowest for a single Memorial Day holiday in several years. Entertains For Mary Ann Bolger Mrs. John Bolger entertained at an informal party held at home oi Richmond road last Friday eve ning for her daughter, Mary Am a member of the graduating clas About thirty-five friends and re' atives called to extend congrati lations and enjoy a social hou climaxed by the serving of t tasty lunch. Complete line of Lee's ponltr remedies at Wattles Drug Stori McHenry. 81 NOTHING SPARED IN YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS .Jfo effort or expense is spared when we eom- MMU:' , , . pound your doctor's prescription. We„ stock only the freshest, highest quality drugs and insist that each prescription is double-Checked for ac- Trust us to fill all your prescriptions. NYE Cualqi^ccn T)ru<j Stoi^ 11$ N. Riverside Drive V Phone 26 2 0W1 0 *landord PlC UP COMPACT! LOW COST/ ECONOMICAL! OPERATES ON 110 VOLTSi NEW PROTECTION FROM MILDEW, RUST, ROT! { Kill > lWf OR MR DW® ASK FOR A 0£M(WS/K4ffOA/ orttfe "aesreurMToMr Now you rail utop moisture damages before they hlarl! Get the amazing new Kelvinator Air Drier. In a day'n time it ean remove up to 3 gallons of tvater from ovcr-liuiniil air in yo«ir moisture. You get amazing new pro. tection againut warped woodwork, mildewed rugs, rotted luggage, home or liu>iitiehn-placc. Just plug it into any J10-115 volt A.C. electrical and valuables. See this great new appliance, just introduced. outlet and it starts removing excess Kelvinator dealer's! clammy basements! it prevents drir ruined 1 is introduced, at your Kl*lvinfltnr FOR HOMES, STORES, FACTORIES! iho««, fvmitui* can now keep diy in A 1 condition longer than ever Kelvinator's Air Drier checks musly edcrs speeds clothes drying, puts heitthy freshness in playrooms1 Now ysu con keep mm-ture's rb.umy fingers off valu.iblo merchandise (nd store furnistiinn. No mote limp books, rustld meul items, mildewed leather gooils So*ad> drylno. Makes paper easier to handfo. Check where excess moisture is costing you money . then see the new Kelvinatcr Air Oner! It will save you time, trouble and moray! •Price.»liown is for delivery with Five-Year Protection Man. Htata aud ioes! tuii Mtra. ' Prioa and upeciliculioni aubjoet to change without notice." CAREY acaRIC SHOP I • i; Phone 25f. 119 S. Green St. More load space Big, rugged high-side body, HTHilable *f* Dodge "Job-Rated" Yi-ton pick-up, has 44.16 cu.-ft. capacity to top of tailgate -- biggest load space of any popular truck of comparable wheelbase. Roomy *4-ton and 1-ton pick-ups have extra capacity, too. Biggest seat and windshield There's plenty of room for three husky tnfeA in the comfortable chair-height seat--widest of any popular truck. You get the biggest windshield of any popular truck, too--more than 900 square inches for extra-safe visibility. Dual windshield wipers are standard. All these extra values, too ! No other pick-up offers you all these proved features! Big|97-horsepower engine! Oriflow ; shock absorbed for unequalled riding smoothness! Lightweight, 4-ring piscons with top ring chrome-plated for economy and long life! Fully controlled hydraulic brakes with Cyclebond "no rivet" brake linings and independent hand brake! Moistureproof ignition for all-weather dependability! Qnce you see . ^. ride in .. . and Strive this great money-saving %• ton pick-up you'll know why owners all over town say they never expected "so much truck for so little money." And with our special credit terms, it's so easy to buy! You can also get a %• or 1-ton Dodge "Job-Rated" pick-up with high-side or low-side body on equally easy terms. On all Dodge " Job-Rated" pick-ups you get increased power ... higher' 7.0 to 1 compression ratio ... easier handling . . . extra-wide running boards for safe, sure footing . . . all-steel body with load-protecting hardwood floor. Best of all, the price is so much lower than you'd expect! Buy not© and take advantage of low first coif,.. long,easy terms. See us today! t|« Oily PfcUp Tracks With 4 Nothing else like it! Fluid Drive--available on 14-, H-> and 1-ton models--makes drivin easier, increases truck life. This proved flui coupling between engine and clutch make| Starts smoother, protects your load. Came A TRUCK THAT FIT* YOUR JO3~APOO0E VtMU|i"TRWCK A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES INC. 301 East Pearl Street • ?PKone McHenry 156 , i ;;5f iiiTijin - .frfiiiriitjjfT.,i e UMi'jjr ':.;xaiW! ---: ' •• i >4 • r - ; S a»«v.nyv •:«" 1 L'f * mm

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