Jair 12. 1951 vS'BS-. i mm THE tMBPKr VLAINDEALER pvjfc.vr* >'««'• ' ; V .. 1, .. ,fck ' • »H, »J t':- f- ••• - <v. ' -N \, ' t ;•* */ -y *w- ». ^ ' McHENRY VICINITY BECOMES HOME OF CHINCHILLA RANCH .'One of the most Interesting of tikftbies and businesses is that of flwslng chinchillas. So say two of the very few people engaged in that line of endeavor in this area, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Greener of the j came brought them down to sea level a few hundred feet at a time. Reaching the coast with fourteen alive, he traveled by boat to California. Near the equator he had to pack them in ice. Eleven of them through alive %nd from Doable R Chinchilla ranch, ,lo-. them are descended practically This is a close-up of one ef the chinchillas raised on the Double R Chinchilla ranch. The black eyes and large ears contribute to the Unusual appearance of this intelligent-looking, curious little animal Whose fur is the highest priced on Ihe market. Chinchillas are quite tame and seldom bite. cated off the Crystal Lake black- {p road, five miles south of Mcenry. The raising a*# breeding of genuine South American chin- . chillas 1b developing into one of the country's leading industries. Because of its romatic past and Introduction to civilization, no other fur bearing animal has had such a colorful history as the chinchilla. > The South American chinchilla the possessor of what is said • to be about the finest and most valuable fur known to man. It is blue gray In color, soft and light aa thistle-down and yet has good Storing qualities. • In 1923 an American mining engineer, M. P. Chapman, trapped eighteen chinchilla^, all that he could find in three years with the help of Indian hunters. He all1 the chinchillas in America. Because of * the fact the animal does not have an offensive odor, lice or fleas, it is possible to raise them in various places. Many people have started raising them as a hobby or business in a dry well ventilated basement or an Insulated garage. . Chinchillas ^islike handling and when caUght will struggle to be free. However, they .seldom bite unless badly frightened. The female is the boss of the chinchilla household, for being the larger of the two animals she makes good use of this advantage. All the animals at the Double R Chinchilla ranch are pedigreed and registered or subject to register in the National Chinchilla Breeders association. Subscribe for The Plaindealey 2,435 ILLINOIS MfcN WILL BE INDUCTED DURING AUGUST C Illinois will supply 1,485 men for induction into the Armed Forces during August, it has been announced by Col. Paul G. Arm-, strong, state Selective Service director. This figure represents approximately 11.1 per cent of the national call for the month, which totals tt,000 men. OoL Armstrong said. Reason for the relatively large call made upon this state is the fact that Illinois has furnished a proportionately small number of men to the military services through volunteer enlistments and has had few reserves and National Guardsmen called into service as compared with the national average. The monthly Selective Service quota is computed by crediting each state for enlistments and for reservists and Guardsmen called to duty. Col. Armstrong explained. Thus Illinois. with proportionately few credits, has to make up the difference by inducting men. "Although the Au&ust call represents the largest percentage of the national quota that we have so far been required to furnish, it does not mean that this state has beep 'overcalled'the state director said. "It simply means that Illinois has to supply its share of men for the Armed Forces in one way or the otkqr. If not enough men enlist. Selective Service must make up the deficit". July Top Month For Accidents July is the most dangerous month for accidents!!! The Greater Chicago Safety council issues a special warning to all persons to be extremely careful during the month since statistics show that last year July topped every other month of the yearB for lives lost by drowning, excessive heat, food poisonings and falls. A total of 189 persons lost their lives in Chicago in this manner in July. 1950. One of the important reasons for July's heavy toll is the Independence Day celebration, according to the Council. In the past five years. July's accident losses in Chicago have been 15 per cent higher than that of the average month. One-fifth of all drownings occur in July, tp the main, the greater percentage of such accidents oc* cur at unguarded beaches and swimming l^lea. Falls in the home, at work, and in the streets, killed fifty-one persons in Chicago last July. The motor vehicle death toll tor that month was thirty-six. • Howard L. Willett, president of the Council, has laid down a few Staple rules for everyone, particularly vacationists, in an effort to reduce the toll antmally recorded for the whole vacation period. They are:. 1- Take it easy on the road. Start in( time. Don't take chances in passing, especially on hills and curves. Keep sides of the car clear of campingv equipment, so that vision is not obstructed. 2. Don't overdo in exercise, eating. and exposure to the sun. 3. If you swim--don't go in alone or when 'dverheated. Wait an hour after eating. Knew the depth of the water. Don't show off Jir indulge in horseplay. 4. If you go boating be sure that a lllc preserver is in the boat. 5. Clean up broken bottles so that no one- can step on pieces of glass. Be sure all beach and picnic fires are extinguished. ^Jtalnei Metal . The United States--despite itl part in the discovery of the metal and the fact that columbium was oatned for "Columbia"--is negligible as a source. At peak periods, this nation has accounted for only a few thousand pounds annually, gained in connection with mica, quartz, beryl, and other mining. Sterling Window Shad^ end Venetian Blind Cot 5640 W. Division St. COlumbus 1-8743 Have your windows dressed in K&r-O'lier removibli slot Venetian Blinds. Duponi's washable Tontine Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. Plate Glass and Dresser and Table Tops. {Polished and Beveled) . Estimates Cheerfully Given* CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l Sipvai Wimm I I* Its {rood for f \ HANDICRAFT Bird Houses, Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Boxes. Wheel-. '* barrows and Sand Boxes. Trellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, file. {'\jp \ Screens and Cabinets Made To Ordert ' - Clarence J. Smith JOHNSBURG PHONE MCHENRY 583-J-L EDUCATOR DIES Miss Emma U. Ellis, retired Elgin school teacher, who had attained the age of 90 years, died on July 3. in the home of a nephew, Dr. William R. Marlow, with whom she had been staying during recent weeks when she became ill. Her death terminated a distinguished career 4s an educator, a career which exfent^f over forty years during whtch»t|e served as teach(r and principal in * the grade schools of the city and for the period from 1911 to her retirement In 1933 as head of the' English department of Elgin high school. .. Subscribe for The'Platefleaftv Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 700 P.M. " fjNir Stiver Cows Weigh Here Wktn 9eM Ber* Yenr Calves Bring Mere Here. Twr Da fry and Breeding Cattle can be teste! al Oar j Modern Hales Barn, J Your Cattle end Hag* on be AM ky the Dollar er by the Peaatf,- . Ceate aa« See Tear Stack We. are here te serve' yea. ; WE PAY CONSIGNOR DAY AFTER THE SALE. WE ARE BONDED X- 6 Woodstock Comm. Sales Co- Inc. Phone 572 or 499 -- Woodstock, IB. Savysr's Tewa Haass i Craekers Sir 34© Hy-Pewer Chili tea Carls *zr 36c Ny-Pewar Tamalts Just Heat 'n Eat 30c Ubby's Straiaed Baby Feed ' » 11c 13. & These are days to try the mettle of a man. There's his world to worry about--his country •-his business--his family. And there are his ®wn hopes and aspirations. And, yet, a man must go* on. Everything he lias, and plans for, demands a tilt to his head , ind a lilt to his spirits. - And that's where his Cadillac comes into the picture--for here is one' of the world's great therapeutics for a world-weary man. Just to look at it, in the driveway, is an Respiration--proud, beautiful and substantial. £ ; And, oh, how you rest when }*• **i»« ^ Stsndard rfmifmrni, acctitorus and trim Mutomtd art inkjett M trjthtnl i highway! There's the deep-throated lulltbftif its powerful engine; there's the soothing, restful, relaxing ride; and there's the soft swish of the wind as it flows past the streamlined body, Wen look forward to it throughout the day. We have it on the word of a great statesman, Sad a great surgeon, and a great general, and a great business man--and thousands of others who are weary with the heavy burden of things v as they are--that the hour at the wheel of a Cadillac is the relaxing one of the twenty-four. So there you have the prescription. Better came in to^ay. $ee about- having .«• OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. Front St. Phone 17 McHenry, III. foe* Al Vegetable Shortening 1 . .»•• A budget-saver your family will favor!*..AtP's delicious Craekor Jaek Hm Children's Favorite 5 ^ 2 2 c Pawl QtJt Feed For Dogs of Al) Ages <* nr i6c Ivery Seap 99 44/100% Pure--It Floah! 3 ^ 32c Ivery Saew For Speedier Dishwashing 2 J & 6 7 C / . ) Camay Seap Hie'Seep of Beautiful Women V 3 X. 32c Daz Does Evtryfhfiif t>e lak* ClMittr Effective Yet'Gentle 2 'iT 27c Oxydol Washes Clothes Sparkling White ttTSic.- CashiBtri Bea^aot Facial Seap «i- Qr Trasd Wonderful for Clofhes 2 35« Hist Of THE SSASOH--CAllPOItNIA mKSTONI Elberta 3 291 Customer^ Corner F««i] a<l* arc deiiinrd lo h<"^> you do your •hopping, not mi*- Irad you. Thil is why at A&P we have thr»r flricl rules: We adtvrtin* only food thmt we actually have in our store$. We atfrerli.se it at the price at which m* plan to sell it. We describe the food accurately and make exaggerated claims. II you evrr find that our advertising ilorsn't live mp to thete m»niUr(N. pltwie let us know, n«•«*!'. wrltrT • CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A1P Fn4 Stores ' 410 U»ln|h» Av«., New York 17, N. T. ViM Rl|iiici CMtakmpc Sweet Bta{ Ohcrrici CalNcniia Stdlts firapcc Santa Rata Pkms Mia'Urf* Ml Juicy Callfamla 29c 39c M 2fc m 19c 1A 29« Satw Crap Lawaiaia 2 ^ 29c J. I. Fraiat Stiawfcaiiha AU |Kmi tfceim A«r« tffctfn ArMtfk Sa, Wy Nft '**• K- , > 'vif 4 CHEDDAR CHEESE MILD Cfaie "I" E||t SaMfkrMt taiejl •ettap Cham Swiss Chaasa wm«mm It:: 69c laftrlM Daalsh Bl«a Cheese 24c Cheesa Fee^ mci 51c^ 99c Nilatftlpbia Craaai Cheese 15c % KERR OR BALL Mason Jar 97 iiiltana Tuaa Flakes |Hi Craaksrs ^Campbell's Nrjk ft 8aaas lobby's Chili with Spafbetti Mett's Appla Jaiaa 28c Am Pags Salad Orsssiag »£. 39c Aaa Cra^JiUf SWWleW. ; t^sr sic «••• ...(ar www rz..:^59c:; 29c Steksly's ApplaMvee...; 2 'tT 2Sc| 44-ot. Haa Vaia Crahappla Jelly ltd ....Ml JANE PARKER Angel Fowl • • • ee. 49 • ::4 * •£ Jaas Farksr Ceaeaaat Jelly Rail Jaaa Parksr Cresesat Peuad Caki IN Jaaa PaitarStmrtafry Wa 99c Jaaa Parker Appla We Cashmars Beaqust Facial Seap r 13c Lai Teilat Seap For A Lovelier Complete* 3 SL 32c Al NrpeM Soep Powder 2 ^ 17c iii Flakas So Kind to Your Clothes--- 2 pko*. 67c leM Dast Washiag Pewder ^ 24c lu Teilat Seap #eaftte. Fresh and Sweet !T15c Sliver Dust , Granulated Seap t . H t \.\V \ovn\ SVm\os II- -I BrVSil 1