Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1951, p. 10

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puundealeb-; & ^fWP i •TbttrtcUT, jMjlgk |j§l % W. E Tammeur Kft * . •; I< M* a sign the other day on * Harmer'a road gate' which I &K ****** deserves comment. It says, ';.v- ;**lJ5oWard C. Ruth and Son." That g'_;. _ do«in't seem so unusual until you Intoir that the son- was- a jmur old iait week. 4 . • • I have heard that all men have is? ' A strong desire to accomplish two ip\ things in life--to have a son and J| to build a house. Of course, they ./'want the, world to know how *L * Jproud they are of. these acetfm- L; pllshments. >: ft >* „ foato said1- democracy gives the fv" C, Individual rriore freedom thin he" 1/' '•* can manage. He fathered the idea ' of aristocracy because he felt that 'fJ ' the more able should rule the less fi ;j- . 'able. The aristocrat would nat- -• "urally be trained to do it because p4;\ .lhl8 parents would have the tnefcns , j-;' to train him and they would have ^r^cikhe time to do it ^.ristotle waB the father of democracy. He thought everyone ^ (could manage Bis o#ti affairs and !5-7:' should have an opportunity to do ? "SO. "Why bring all this up? Well, one of the weaknesses of democracy is that everyone can go to tlie goversment and voice a loud request for special privileges-- scft-ta the old saying, "the squeakirife wheel gets the grease" idea. This causes people to get What might be called *^l four-strike ^ complex--three strikes isn't enough# they want four before they are out. Plato is right about pfeople managing their freedom but democracy will always work even though it's going to take a lot of people fRrorkiWg at making it work. Some sharp sayings, picked up at the Michigan conference of a <5ouple of weeks ago. "We in this country don't have a profit system. It is a profit and loss system." "England has free falfce teeth, hot no meat to chew." ."Price controls provide as with a lot of low price nothing." There was the communist who believes In i Russian type of gav- |v",' •f'nnient, biit he likes to live in ; !®e U. S. because he likes to p •'rough, it" |"Great deeds are not -done by f/ those who ask for certainty." A building w»g buiU> \fXBi <;omside of a pen 20 x 40 feet. After he pulls the combine through he will back it through all four gates. T fwwtr.'Fh« Tears Age The Pistaqua Heights Cdutt't'fy clubhouse was formally opened oa Sunday. July 11. Members of the club and their friends were serve^ a luncheon in the afternoon at the temporary clubhouse. Mr. ?md Mrs. flurry T. Gallaher are spending their honeymoon here among old friends and familiar old scenes, having enjoyed a motor trip, through Washington, D. C.. from New York City. McHenfry relatives of John M. Walsh of Madison. Wis., a native of McHenry. received the news of fits death, which occurred July 12 at his home. , ' Orange Bros, cit-cus, which ex-j hibited in McHenry last Saturday, attracted a big crowd of people to witness its many interesting aijd unique features.; ; , C. W. Sager announces that he will open a new radio *sho$ in the John Brda building on Green street. He will be equipped to -handle ail kinds of radio service and repair work and be the exclusive dealer here for the Preed- Eisman receivers. A question has arisen and has been discussed in McHenry as to whether or not this city is going to have band concerts this summer. The band is ready to produce some feood programs if the people of this city want them but it costs money to maintain a band'and the members of this splendid organization cannot be* expected to provide entertainment unless they are to receive something in the way of money for so doing. leal* B&ch Piemc Days Are Here Forty Ago W. A. Fisher has opened an ice cream parlor and confectionary store in the Buch block on Water street. , P. O. Gans, the genial proprietor of the Riverside hotel, has been setting up the cigars of late on the strength of a bright baby girl which arrived at his home on Sunday morning. A $200 pearl yas taken from clam fished out of Fox river near this village one day last week. Clams are very abundant in Fox river and no doubt there are thousands of dollars worth of pearls to be fonnd if our people would only get the habit of pearl hunting. . . .. A barn dance took place on the fjletion the architect asked the farm occupied by Patrick Conwav "yellow 'maYgarinFTwfrs into Illinois perk tip those traditional beach picnic Bandwichcv With margarine's superior spreadability you can take it along and spread your sandwiches when you're ready for them, thus eliminating the soggy bread which used to be a picnic trademark. Notice how Good Luck* the tftfete mars# , rine, stays firaand solid despite exposure to the sun. RULES FOR SAFE MOUNT AW DRIVING ISSUED MOTORISTS : §t Mary's Catholic Charch Msgr. C. S. Nix: Pastor Masses Sunday: 7:00; 8:30: 10:00. and Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; and It:U0 Week Days: 6:46 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. ; Confessions Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. • . •" Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:<nI jp.m. and 7:00 p.m. The number one rule of safe mountain driving is to watch the road. Today the .Chicago Motor club issued this advice to Illinois and Indiana motorists who are planning vacation trips to mountain areas this summer. Officials warned tha& ^ sightseeing motorists have a tendency to relax their caution at the steering wheel in order to enjoy scenery. They forget about the drivers behind and ahead of them. "When a driver wants to admire scudding clouds in a mountain pass he should pull his car off the road onto the shoulder or into one of the cleared parking areas provided for sightseers on mountain highways," i Chas. M. Hayes, president, pointed out. Hayes explained that motorists who drive at crawling speeds cause exasperation, impatience and delay to other motorists. Frequently a driver who is following a slow-moving sightseer wijj take unnecessary risks to pasq up the slow offender. Besides keeping to the Hgtyt side of the road when approaching , blind curves in mountain areas, the expert motorists knows how to use his brakes. He uses light, repeated pressure on the brake pedal and drives downhHlin a reduced gear. He never coasts down grades because many mountain grades are stee&er than they appear. If you're driving into the ffioun& tains this summer here are some hints to remember; 1. Hillcrests are highway hazards. Never overtake a car neat* the crest of a hill. . , 2. Don't let the oil level in ^our car fall too low in mountainous country as most oil pumps do not operate efficiently at a low oil level. When the oil l,evel is low the oil flows away from the pump intake when the car is climbing a steep grade.- 3. When going down a long, steep grade shift into a lower gear. Your engine will act as a brake and save wear on your foot brakes. ••• . 4. Don't drive too fast oa curves. All it takes is a hit of loose gravel and you'll be in a hopeless spin. " ' ' • !>. Wln-ii it's necessary to use your brakes, snub them gently in quick succession. Don't jam thpfi on,' jamming causes skids. V Male drivers in 1950 weftTInvolved in more than 90 percent of all U. S. automobile accidentfc. for criticisms. He said were only two things wrong The inside and the outjpV" «ide. A new building is being com- |>leted at thp fairgrounds this jg; Week. A hog and sheep barn will ;/ t>e ifeady for the boys and girls ' I 4 this year. There will not be any | |>ens in it, though. It will be 40 g| feet wide and 120 feet lon« .and J?-*, Will have room for about seventyjL five tfens. |:\ ThW" building will be built from fe the 4-H Town half of the profits fe ,#f the operation of the county r , fair. k t, This year there will be a num- £ her of contests for local people pr--*ot exhibiting in the fair to peril* ticipate in. This gives more people !| y an interest in the fair and will |p make lots of fun. H « The tractor rodeo will be very Is Interesting. The boys who took tlje advanced 4-H tractor project this year will compete. First, they Will answer twenty-five written Questions and then run the obstacle >courge with a tractor. Each boy will draw for a tractor to Inspect, adjust and start. After this is done and timed each will take his turn lining up to a belt-driven machine and pulling a combine through four gates, one on each W about three miles south, of town. Saturday evening. Quite a large crowd of dancers turned out%and a general good time prevailed. Among the many improvements that have been made in ,the village during the past year there is none that haB been more noticeable than the remodeling and rebuilding of the eld Gilbert block oh the West side, which was accomplished through the expen diture of about $3,000 by the present owner, Theo. Schiessle. Miss Emma Fay has the consent of the directors of the Universa list church and will hold meet ings on "Practical Christianity"1 at that church on each Sunday? afternoon at 4 o'clock during the remainder of the summer. Somebody has made a public damping ground of the hollow in the rear of the McHenry public school buiiding of late. We cannot understand how any rightminded person could do such a thing when a public dump is provided only a short distance far. ther north.. Fuel Caaswnpttaa To carry the same load the same distance, trucks require 167% mor fuel than railroads, alrlingg 2900' naore. KING SIZE Q U A l_ I T V- /* NArSnuW Mm/m AIL ICTURES CONTACT 'LA*6€D vAT NO EXTRA CHARGE! DRi HENRY FREUNDt . - ' OPTOMETBIST \t 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ' o -- *TES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAIKING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE TISUAt ANALYSIS , HOURS DAILY: 9 to 12 A, M. and 1 to 5 P. .If*', FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P. M. 'V EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ? " PHONE McHENRY 4521, St Patrick's Catholic Charch Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor -Hfasses Sunday: ,Q:00; 9:00; 10;30 anft~ 11:30 a.m. Daily: 7:00 and 7:30. . First Fridays: Communion 4j|#» tributed at 6:30 and during 7:Q0 and 7:30 Masses. , ~ Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to,5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 4e 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.- St. Joseph's Sunday Masses: a7:00„ ' 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30. ' r Holy Days: 7:00, 9:00. Christ the King Catholic OwA • . vv Voider Lake' Jttnes A. Vtnderpool, ttutor Masses • Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Weekdays: 8:26 a.m, , . Confessions: 7:30 and 9f30 a.m. ft* John's Catholic Church- Johnsburf Rev. Joseph M. Blitseh, Pastor, Masses . >, Sunday: 7:0O; 8:30; 10:00 aad 11:30. ' ^ Holy Days: 7:00 and 8:00. •Weekdays: 8:00. ^ " First Friday: 6:35 and lilM1. Confessions * ' Baturdkys: 7:30 to 8 and 2^30 3. Thursday ,before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. : St. Mail's by the Lake, %plscopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Ledsam, priest-tat-charge lllission House, 331 McHejufy AWu Sunday: 9:00 A.M. nesdays at 8:30 p.m. Senior Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.m. McHenry BIMe Chsreh 10S S. Green St. (Pries Bldf.) Donald G. Liberty, Pastor i Sunday Bible School, 9:46 A.M. Sunday Worship, 11:00 A:M. Sunday Evening, 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer, Fellowship and Bible Study, 8:00 P.M. "You're til ways welcome hsre" Mailing addrMs: McHenry Bible Church, P. Of Box 232, McHenry. Phone R. w. Brooks, 801-J-2. St Peter's Catholic Chuck 1 Spring: Grftve Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor Masses Sunday: 8:00; 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First FMday: 8:00. ' Confessions Saturdays: 2:30 and'i: 15. Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:15. Community Methodist Clprck Main and Center greets - J. Elliott Corbett, bailor Church School: 9:30. , •' Morning Worship: 10:45. Official board meeting- oa second Wednesday of month;at 8 p*ml A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to pome and Worship with us. Methodist Youth VtoUoWBhip: Sundays, 7 p.m. ^ ^ Young Adult Fellowship: Bundays: 8 p.n). Cherub and Junior choirs: Wed- Asphali - Rubber Authorized Kenflle Dealer WALL TPJB PLASTIC TILE In 80 Reahttfiil Colors masse tie s CEMBtree. 661-J-I 126 Riverside Drive , 196-R Floor Tile Cement Work FOUNDATIONS DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS ; STAIRS Wonder Lake (toiptl Charek (Nonsectarian) v, fYknk "\y. Andersdn,' Paitor Services > r: funday Bible School: 10:0#a.m. jMorntng Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 3:00 p.m. " Bring the family with you to Sunday School and. Worship Services. There is a .place and % come for everyone. ** ' ^ • v Kiagwood MethoAJ^t Chu^ck " - . Rinfwood, 111. Rev. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor" : !Niblk/^rfki», *<**•« School: ift:8#. Bu«d«y Church Choir Rehearsals: evening. At the end of pleats, darts, and tucks, the threads art most satie* £ factory fastened when each, it threaded into a needle and carried back along the line of stitching lor about half an inch. ^ "£ IF IT'S WOBTB m?mw.. * a There Is No S« For Good PlaslirSng. ; |>hone McHenrfr 41I-H ^ a TARPAUUKS - CANVAS 6000S LARGE SELECTION OF MATERIALS ORDER EARLY Specia^ing in Store and Residence Awningy MdBfrt AWMNS CO. McHenry 571-W-2 JjLiny Thonneson, Prop. '-i** * t * «1 rjoOL Any T i r r i f A contractor gire you a better job with less muss • . • • ') PER ROLL 8EXP. Kim* Sit# m Counter Snt f ' w Mi irn*11*10 ; & ^ WATTIES DRUG STORE "*HE HOME STOHE" Mate Sftraat ?HONE 358 McHcnrr. BI. for dozens of improvements If yon are planning« new w»&, Around jour home or place of driveway, foundation, gk>rch oi bvaincsi, no Other material garage floor--build it thexonoffers the service and economy venient, low cost way with flf^resafe, permanent concrete. Ready-Mixtd ConcttX* ** ^ , . '** r j 1 r.r*. "" • 1 "'t- • " McHenry' Sand AM Gravel Company PHONE McHENRY 97 J *606 FRONT STREET ' McHENRY. ILL. Yoi|'d »fe^ in ?rf nywY ^MJRWIiec niflHt flere's an easy way to find out what real comfort is! Jus# p^one or write our nearest store for your 5-day free trial, n cooling window fan. It will be delivered to your home withou eost or obligation: All you have to do is plug it in ana tooL comfort. A night cooling window fan draws in cool night air &om doors €0*d' Circulates it gently through your home. Hie cool'mov- , mg air absorbs heat from waMs and furniture, lowers the idem • 3 tonperature and evaporates skin moisture. You feel cooler im*-:-- mediately ... and best of all, you can relax in comfort and gel , the good night's sleep you need ... every summer night. tqkm advantage of this trialmoffer and learn ham to laugh at doarihg • ••-•-^1. • .. Night cooling window fens from $49.91. Ask o&ow Ikem today at your dealer's or our ONT^t ttprfc CONVENIENT TitMS "„r-;•* A r* MWIIC SIR VIC I COMPANY OF NORTHIRN ILUNOll^ i» > w . .

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