ryy W%. W" )r*zr^T!^<Twr* ifl ' , ~ *- \ *' " vt ,1 ' '» , * -- * * ' *' • . * *v ^>» • ;; n-T^r«^ Tfr^fw-o: * € .**...- . .••* a»gg-"W^-fW-a; s« '^. ,.»•», j^/J\ ,> * ^ Iff -^ • • "ff"-*" •**"*"." ••-•'•.- . • • • • ' ' * THE M c H E N R Y P L A I N D E A L E H i^tgvw^vMvvwwA/Wliiwwwwwwwsftwwwx ^»wim*y <#WWN<N>«m IkrpriM Party F«* m. m. Sfacknlrk f A surprise birthday party was given Mrs. Ed Stackrrtck of Mc- Cullom Lake, last Friday, by her husband, Ed, daughters, Bette and Pat, and son. Butch. Attending tke pink, yellow and green decorated lawn party were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Peterson and family, Mrs. Ed. Crick and family. Sirs. Mareella Mulhall and family, Mrs. Barney Graff, mother of Mrs. Stacknick. Mrs. Albert Nu- ®eijt and son, George. * , M variety of beautiful and usei ©l gifts were presented to Mrs. Stacknick, after which delicious 8 et 40 Salon .' „'; •' Met lii Riehmtfiiii :,y\f The McHrnry cOlrnty -8 jet„, 40 salon met at th« home of Wanda Todd in < Richmond on Monday «pg>etlx«r&. prttato salad, tuna and j evening, at whic h time a business Wfclmon salads, sandwiches and j merting was held and"6 final arverages were served buffet 1 rangements were made for the Guest At Linen, Crystal Stumer Miss Rosalie William?-, who will be a bride of Saturday. Aug. 4, was honored last" Thursday evening at a linen and crystal shower given by Susan Olsen, Jean Reed and Marie Nickels at the Olsen home. Guests were classmates of Miss Williams. Games were enjoyed, after which a tasty lunch was served. X yle The traditional, birthday dike and coffee brought to. a close the pleasant celebration. joint installation .of the 40 et 8 McHenry County Voiture and 8 et 40 McHenry county salon, to be held in Crystal Lake on Frl- % honored On Ist Btattfday Mr. attd entertained Sunday evening, iuly a, at their home in honor of the first birthday anniversary of their laughter, Patricia Lee. . Present to help "Patty" cele- Inr.ite were Mr. and "Mrs. Herman lUtaherg and sons, Roger, Her- Aan and Richard, of Crystal Lake, itr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown of •flTllmbt, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. La- Vern Rehberg and daughter, La- Von Lee, of Barrington. Mr. and <tra. Floyd Gyger and son, Larry, fit Aflttoch, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence itice, daughter, Rae Ann, and Ibn, Randy, of Harvard, Barbara Brown of Wilmot. Elroy McRae <k Burlington, Wis., and Violet Rehberg of Elgin. fllda Page Will { IMtf fit Antmttn *> 'Mr'.-' and Mrs. Ray Page announce this engagement of their •aughter, Elida Marie, to Conley Veil Foster, son of Mrs. Harvey S. Schwartz of Divernon, 111. The wedding will take place en Sept. •hi C day evveenniinhgg1r;. Aug. 10. Christine' Krinn and Pearl Pietattended the meeting from McHenry. ; ; JUNE BRIDE Lowell Petersons lontH At Plcnlb _r Mr. and Mrs. LaweH farters on McCullom Lake entertained the intlre X-Ray department of^Hichjiel Reese hospital,' Chicago, on Sunday, July 22, at their home ".i(jrtth a barbeque picnic lunch and (jupper. Mr. Peterson is the cHef clinician of the 3t-ray department. I' ke Plans For [enlevement Bay The seventh meeting of the jerry Blossom 4-H club this imer occurred last ^week, at Which time plans were ftnade for local achievement day, to be held Aog. 9. It was announced that shost of the girls had completed i/Welr projects. Jeanette Dresdow gave - a demonstration on threading a needle And Barbara Zink on sweeping a floor. Games were enjoyed after the Sleeting. , PERSONALS barns if John Mr. And Mrs, Christie were callers in the home oi Scheid and daughter, Rena. on Thursday, enroute home to Waukegan from a 2.600 mile trip which covered eleven states. Stops included a visit with thelT son and wife, the Raymond Marres, at Long Beach, Calif., a* short time spent with his sister in Oklahoma and a visit with friends in Mexico. Mrs. Etta Reed of Berkeley, Calif., is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay.* Ted Olhava of Chicago is spending two Weeks at Mb home on Center street. r Mrs. Cora Herdrich of Chicago is visiting in the home, of ber daughter and family, the "Edwin Hettermanns, at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arnold of Chicago called 'on McHenry friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.. Clair Kinsey have been vacationing in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leisser have been enjoying a trip through the East. Miss Mary Bacon of Crystal Lake is spending a few days with her grandmother^ Mrs. _Neltie Bacon. The Elmer Jensen family spent Friday afternoon, in Chicago. Mrs. Julia Kent visited for a few days thiB past week in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Weingart was a Chicago caller oq Thursday. Mrs. Sabina Gulach of Evana> ville, Ind., spent a few days with Miss Etta Rosenbcrrgar. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Justen m4 Aaughter, Deborah, q| GlenvieW, 111., spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beti Justen. v Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart speat the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Skoney In Elmhurst. * Miss Susan Ste*li of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited Ctfrol and Susan Olsen last week. Dana and Christie White of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laach, for a fejw Weeks. Mrs. William Johns and family and Mrs. Harry Ft-edricksen and children of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Fred Cooley has been visiting in the? home of her. daughter, Mrs. Opal Williams, at Jackson, Miss.,, John Hoffman of Chicago spent a few days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Aniiabel Aicher. The Donald Hayes family spent Saturday visiting in McHenry. They were accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Mrs. James Ballotti and son, James, Jr., of Alamosa, Colo., are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon. Mrs. Jack Fletcher and children of Falls Church, Va., hate been visiting her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Ray Howard. Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott and children of ROck Falls, 111., were visitors in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher last week Wednesday evening. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Alfohs Adams and daughters, Joan and Joyce, attended a birthday party at, the Ray Walsh home in Fox Lake Sunday, honoring Pamela Walsh, who was 7 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams called at the funeral home in Fox Lake Sunday to pay last respects i to Mrs. John Stanton, 48, the former Margaret Lane, who <died last Friday. MK8. GERALD LARKIN This radiant bride was Miss Joan Durland, daughter of MtB. Harry Durland, before her marriage early in June to the son of Mrs. James Larkin. The newlyweds enjoyed a trip through the west -and since their return have taken up residence on Pearl street. Residence Changes The Burke family. €>f Lombard have moved into the Durland residence on Riverside Drive. DANCE SATURDAY, JUL* 28t* Sponsored By AMERICAN LEGION AT The Legion Home • Mu*ic By ; 'h: Don StadfaW and his orchestra DONATION: 50c per person , BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burger of Rt. 3, McHenry, are the parents of a son, born July 18 at Sherman hospital. Elgin. • ' . MV. and Mrs. William Hermann are the parents of a daughter, born July J4 at *he Woodstock hospital. \' ;• Mr. and Mrs. Geoi*ge Burke of Woodstock are the parents of a son, born July 17 in St. Joseph's hospital, Belvidere. Mrs. Burke is the former Dolores Wagner of Volo. They have three other children. ROBERT O'BRIEN TOOK EVANSTON ... CBBL AS BHIDE Evanston's St. Ananasia church was the scene of a beautiful wedding last Saturday, July 21, when Mr. Robert O'Brien, • son of Mrs; Grace O'Brien of McHenry, took as his bride Miss Ann Canny, daughter of Mrs. E. Canny of Evanston. They were married in a noon service at which the bridegroom's brother, Rev. Fr. Charles O'Brien of "Chicago, officiated. Attending the bride were her sisterr, Margaret, and a friend, Anna Lee, both of Iowa. James O'Brien served as best man for his brother, while William O'Brienof Lily Lake, another brother, and Lawrence Keegan of Chicago acted aB groomsmen. Mrs. Canny chose for her daughter'9 wedding a cocoa-colored lace dress, with which she wore pink accessories and a pink rose corsage. Mrs. O'Brien wore a navy blue dress, pink accessories and a pink carnation corsage. A reception for about 100 guests was held from 2 to 5 o'clock at the Canny home, after which the couple left on a trip through'the South. Upon their return they will reside on Crystal Lake road. The bridegroom is employed by the Coronet i Publishing company in Chicago, where the bride filso worked prior to her marriage. AMONG THJ5 SICK Mrs. Florence Schmitt underwent surgery at Stf~Therese hospital, Wankegan, last week. ' ijsEppSiilSiS THE 312 Elm St. McHenry SELECT NOW! cm LAY AWAY PAY 10% DOWN. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY UNTIL NOVEMBER. WE'LL STORE YOUR PURCHASE 'TILL THfeN. " V. Girls' STORMCOATS "COAT CRAFT" -- The Coai TUl Gnvra SiMiSto M A |3 •oyt* WINTER JACKETS "BILLY THE KID" Style -- Sizes 4 to 12 $11.95 CARD OF THAKKS We would like to take this means of thanking neighbors for their assistance at the time of the fire * in our home "Monday afternoon. We are especially grateful £ for the quick action of McHenry'a Ore department, who prevented ffames from spreading, and to the passerby who notified us of the fire and helped remove household". articles Up another part of the i home. - • Subscribe for The Plaindealw THE ANTbN FREBLS Read the Want Ads! $ . V4 • ATTENTION FARMERS? Now Is the time to have your dairy barns sprayed with CaAola Three Jobs In one -- Fly ControL Disinfectant and Dries White. „; J^rjiola Is mixed in sprayer right on the if arm. £I|M« 19S& approved if. toMea, ^ - . CALL f C a r h o l a S p r a y m a a • HERMAN ROSSDEUTCHER " CORNERSTONES of our American Way of Life Homes, Churches* Schools and Banks McHenry State Bank ( • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp* Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposits 9 --,trrr* trs a engine ^ ir > v GIRLS' 1 & 2 PIECE ^ » SWIM SUITS meg. 11.98 to |4.95 «ew $1£9 to $3.79 { « . ; . . 1 & 2 PIECE SWIM SUITS 7 Reg. $5.49 to NOW $3.95 to $5.95 •01S» SWIM TRUNKS ? • Reg. $1.19 to |2.25 i new ttc to $1.79 ( MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Reg. $2.25 to $5.95 NOW $1.79 to $3.95 , e- KEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Rep. f 1.98 to $2.4B $1.69 to $1.95 BojV $1^9 - N (AV He ' & ' MIH8ES v: SHORTS and : «EDAL PUSHERS C M PRICE r * MEN'S;.^, --BASQUE SHIRTS^ Reg. $1.98 NOW $1.69 $1.19 - NOW $1.19 • :v ' MISSES ' H WASH DRESSES ;'r." $3.29 to $3.95 Values ; $2.79 to $3J29 MISSES -- 3 PIECE SLACK SUITS Reg. $16.95 .... $13.95 POUT MISS THIS BIG SALE SAVINGS UP TO 50% Open Friday Xitel TU t P. M. Baaiays »M| Noam J Gee. CoHette, Owner 103 Wrerille Drive Phone McJIeary 469 I I J Jave you taken a good look at a 1951 1954.41 lNwtlra«>d it Buicli SfEOAl 3-^sr, *-po»tng«r SadMK, M*M 44$. Optional equipment, occesioriet, ftate ond Iocol tax^s. If any, additional. Pfices may vory s'ighfly in odjojing commvrytiei to shijgpjflg cHor^as. All pric9t iui>iocf to chonflc w»1^ou! notica< " A 1 Buick Special? Have you checked it against the field-- for room and power and ride and han* dling--and all the things that go with a really great automobile? Do you know what gas mileage owners are getting from its F-263 Fireball fengine--newest of Buick's famed valvein- head power plants? Do you know that this is the most flogwgrfod engine you'll find in any autoand legroom and trunk spaoe this b^ and beautiful bargain gives you? Do you know that this SPECIAL haa the road-steady ride of soft-action coil Springs on every wheel--and tbe firm keel of Buick's torque-tube drive? Do you know the lift that you'll g^t behind the wheel of this trim and talented traveler--as it steps away from a traffic light or rolls up the miles on the open road? ^ Fact is--by every check--this Buick's ^mWITOUIfSGmCK mobile of the same size and buy too good to miss. price? pome in, look it over, <vnd you'll agree. DO yOU kllOW what headrOOll^ lVntpnuAt, accNMnM, trim «r* aubyct to ekungt without natifK TwYe In NFMffY 3. TAYLOR, A8C Nofwort, every Mor)doy evening. R.I If TICK AUfdMOIIUS ARC BUILT BUICK Will BUIlft THIW YOU* rfr TO GPPATfR VALUE 403 FRONT STREET PHONE McHENRY 6