Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1951, p. 8

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FPpF m •tw*. ':rm T^' qspe v?*>^ >^'v W$sW;-X iW&ts THE HU1MBI PtAHtPBALBH "^1' imp TftlfeJHjftlUPS CTfANClALREPOHT 10JI PI'BLICAVIOX (Continued ff'oni* & seven) s 3«0.27 Nmt Equipment (Not-tf placements) on Han4J*i»t«:3$,': 1951 , AL[:K.b.VAw.?'TJ'1.606.4» ' frOTAL J: J."'. > ^«,«*0.33 DISTRICT NO. 17 BUILD, >#V;: ' jV.Jtaase July ^lit, fW 2,IM.fll '*•' District Taxation ^ 392.44 Received From Other t Township Treasurers ^ total Receipts I ••S'V K'.r 1 i nn I. *iv. «i y "15t. lftr.O $ 2.19S.C ;%v V* .!•' v t-: %'• 334.26 2,919.71 Jfet Receipts*.;£U'.». % 2,919.71 EDUCATIONAL FU5D.. Krcfi|tls Balance July 1st. 1950 S l$734f . ..Distribution of. Truste^^^V®52-7* 'District Taxation .. . ., .^~,t»179.13 Ail Other Sources (In-"" * V , ^ Eluding Tuition • Pal^^f./"-' Privately and Trans'^ ":f * portation) ... ' .157.82 Received From Other- Township Trte$6urer^:£A£ft0O.15 ;• Total Receipts ;5 4.163.08 L'^ ^ ;,l*let Receipts rr>."... $ .4,163.08 i B11LMNG Ff>D i Expenditures Salaries, Janitors and Engineers^ (L*ew Deductions) $ 25.00 Insurance 65.06 Repairs and Replace- . ments 21.76 Total Operating Expense ..., $ 111.82 jfew Equipment (Not Replacement) ............ Cash on Hand June 30. 1951 .,... Total Receipts $145,600.97 Net Receipts ,...«»«« fl45(600.97 BUILDING FfSD Expenditures ^ General Control I 180.00 Insurance --- . l«#25.85 Repairs and R®plwements 4»I07.34 Interest on Bonds 11A06.66 Total Operating Expense Bonds Retire^ New Grounds. Buildings and Alterations (Not Repairs) New Equipment (Not • .< Replacement) .. Cash on Hand June 30, 1951 $ 35,833.32 16, *89.79 14,000.00 6,197.5^ 6,066.81 12.00 I 2,795.89 TOTAL $ 2.919.71 EDUCATIONAL Fl*I> Expenditures Boards, Business Offices 1 and Compulsory Att. Services f 1 Legal and Accounting Services j Administrators. Supervisors and Teachers . Salaries (Less De* '* (tactions) Text Books . " Fuel "Water, Light & Power I J a n i t o r s ' S u p p l i e s , Freight, Express and j ^ Drayage „. :?Other Expenditures .... | Repairs and Replacements Total Operating Expense ff >Cash on Hand J u n e 3 0 , iStt % 1,141.54 7.50 9.4S 2.601.49 26.S4 265.71 47.00 36.17 20.S8 6.50 r" 1^021.54 : , - " T O T A L $ 7 7 , 7 8 7 . 4 4 EDUCATIONAL FCJfD Expenditures ;.C Boards. Business Offices-;f and Compulsory Att .Services Lesal and .Accounting, Services Administrators. Super Visors and Teachers Salaries (Less De» ductiohs) Text Books ::.-. Stationery, " Suppijei,- etc .v. i Libraries Janitors and Engineers Salaries (Less Do- , ductions) Fuel Water, Light _& Power J a n i t o r s ' S i f p p l i e s . ' Freight. Express and Drayage ................ Insurance --r..'r Transportation of Pupils To and From School Health Night Schools | 4,149.14 'J99.51 7S.627.S0, '££$5.28 17113.67 650.75 9,197.58 2,851.58 3,251.57 1.754.71 2,984.44 9,386.64 1,666.02 100.00 Other Expenditures 13,056.59 Repairs and Replacements 240.40 Interest on. Teachers, . Orders -- 153.71 Total Operating Expense $125,599.39 New Equipment (Not Replacements) ,2,115.44 Cash on Hand June 30. 1951 •% 17,886.14 TOTAL $145,600.97 DISTRIBUTIVE .FUND Receipts Income of township fund $ 53.62 From County • Superintendents •' 13.955.09 From other soercee...... 985.43 )Y TOTAL $ 14,994.14 Expenditures Incidental expense of trustees $ Subscribed and sworn to before me the 16th day of July, 1961. ROBERT L. WEBER. SEAL > Notary Public LOCAL BCD CROSS CHAIRMAN APPEALS FOR FLOOD VICTIMS The Red Cross, through its local chairman, Mrs. Gertrude Barbian, is making an appeal for funds to assist the bomeiess in the flood disaster in the mid-west. Mrs. Barbian had the following to say about the urgent need for help: "The most damaging flood in the nation's history has washed its way through the midwest, leaving death and devastation in -its wake. In the four states affected. at the present time there •are sixty-eight Red Cross chapters actively engaged in this disaster operation, there are 45.880 families affected. 17,551 persons in shelters )at the present time, 42.686 persons being fed by the Red Cross, and it is estimated that over 17,000 families will register for Red Cross assistance. A total of 179 national disaster workers are now assigned aided by thousands of volunteers. The cost of rehabilitation on this disaster will exceed the available resources for disaster relief because of the extent of Red Cross services to the Armed Forces, national blood program, and other vital activities. i_ Each person is urged to contribute as much as possible. Please make checks payable to Americain -Red Cross Flood Relief and mail to local chairman." mmmm & •> £ " PUBLIC # * IS AU THORIZED TO BILLBI* MONTHLY 700 LAKE COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS TO EXHIBIT AT SHOW Lake show TOTAL DISTRICT KO. lit J: BUILDING FU5B tleeelpts Balance July 1st 1950 $ 33,827.24 District Taxation 43,660 20 All Other Sources (Include Tuition Paid Pl-ivately) "300W Jfbtal Receipts $ 77,787.44 Net Receipts $ 77.787.44 EDUCATIONAL FUND Receipts Balance JWy 1st. 1950 % is.806.75 Distribution of Trustees 1.804.81 District Taxation 105,476.72 All Other Sources (In- < eluding Tuition Paid . i s Privately and Trans- ' portation) Reimbursements By State Board for yo cation al Education ... % 44.61*08.For publishing annual 13.878.06 C34.64 statement Compensation of treasurer Di jtribued to districts Amount paid for treasurer's bon d 27.10 76.95 600.00 13,955.09 335.00 When the twenty-third county fair and 4-H club opens at Wauconda on Thursday, Aug. 2. more than 700 Lake county 4-H club members will hold the spotlight with their hundreds of entries. The 1951 4-H club show promises. to be bigger than ever. With an increase "in enrollments this year, and a strong desire for a 100 percent completion among the different clubs, . the 4-H club show will be one of the highlights of the county fair. The club member's exhibits will include everything from flowers to beef cattle, and cookies to clothing. Visitors to the fair will see young rural America at its best. They will see these youngsters busily engaged in putting on the final finishing touches on their sheep, pigs, beef and dairy cattle. They will see these 4-H'ers parading their livestock before the scrutinizing eye of the judges. They will thrill with the club members as the judges award the blue ribbons.Vl TOTAL $ liWM.14 TOWNSHIP FUND Receipts * ' Bonds on hind July II 1950 $ l,000.«« >OTAL | Expenditures Bonds on hand June 30, * 1951 » The Illinois Commerce mission has authorized the Public Service Company of NortlMrn Illinois to bill approximately <500,- 000 of^rits gas and electric customers every other month Instead of monthly. Following commission approval, the company issued a list of "questions and answers" relating to bi-monthly billing as a matter of customer information. Q. What is bi-monthly billing? A. Bi-monthly billing means that gas and electric meters of all residential customers and most commercial customers will be read every other month instead of monthly, and bills will be issued for two months' service. • i Q. Why has the company adopted bi-monthly billing? A. The reasons for adopting bimonthly billing are operating economies, customer savings and convenience, and conservation of man power. Q. Do any other utility companies bill on a bi-monthly basis? A- At least thirty United States gas and electric utility systemu with 11,000,000 customers bill on a bi-monthly basis. Q. What savings will be effected under this plan? A. Estimated annual savings of. $500,000 (before "federal Income taxes.) Q. Will this new pl^p be of any advantage to the customer T A. Yes. Meter readers will call only every other month and fewer bills will require fewer trips to offices to make payments. Customer expenditures for postage diid service charges for checks and postal orders will be reduced. It is estimated that savings to customers will aggregate approximately $100,000 a year. Q. What is the total of residential and commercial customer^ who will be billed on the bimonthly basis. A. Approximately 600,000 customers. Q. When will this new plan at billing be put into effect? A. It will be started in August, 1951. Q. How will the coinpany notify customers of the new billing plan? V • A. The company proposes >Jtto notify,its customers by: 1. Mailing to each customer at an appropriate time an enclosure describing the bi-monthly billing plan. • « 2. Printing a notice on each customer's first bi-monthly bill stating that this bill has prepared on a bi-monthly basis! Q. Will there' fte any' ctaftfige *Ih' the form of the bill? A. No, the present post card bill form will continue to be used. Q. Will all residential customers be billed On a bi-monthly basis? A. Yes. q. How .trtti commercial cusomers be billed? A. Bills shall be prepared on a bi-monthly basis for commercial customers whose demands are not metered. Q. When will meters be read under the bi-monthly plan? A. Meters will be read every other month at about the same time they .are read presently. Q. Will the net payment period be changed? • • ' A. No, the net payment period, which is at least 10 days, will remain unchanged. The due date will be approximately the same date as present bills are due. ^ Q. May customer^ make an advance payment in the Interim month ? , A. Yes. If a customer deglre? to make advance payments, the Company will issue a coupon book to be used in the months the customer does not receK'e a bill. Q. Will there be a plan for gas heat customers to male advance payments? V. A. Yes, a separate coupon book specifically designed for this type of payment will be available. Q. May a customer use his coupon book to make payments instead of using his bill? ,A. The coupon in the coupon book is to be used only for advance payments in the months in whidi the cuatotter dMt not receive a bill.< Q. How may a customer obtain a coupon book? A. Dpon request to Any Public Service office in person, by mail or by telephone. Q. Can a lost coupon book be replaced? A. A new cpupon boofc "#ill be issued upon Request Q. who yfMi fill out the coupon book? A. The company Will fill ou' the ftf-oiH cover showing complete information. The customer shoulr fill out the individual coupon: when making payments. Q. How will municipalities an< governmental agencies be billed A. Municipalities, schools anc other governmental agencies us ing the Company's electric or gat service for a governmental purpose will be billed on a monthly btMrts?. •' SHOW WIN SEES Hickory Creek farm of Mc- Henry was the possessor of th< senior and grand champion fe male at the eleventh annual state black and white show held at Mooseheart Saturday. The winner was the farm's aged cow "Leedora Man-O-W a r Buckeyt Echo." Hickory Creek also showed the junior champion female, "Hickory Creek Lad Queen." There were 222 Holsteins entered S --" Need Rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. HANDICRAFT & Bird Houses. Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Boxes, Wheelbarrows and Sand Boxes. Trellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, EiC. ; Screens and Cabinets Madfe To Order. Clarence J. Smith JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-1 Qooki Gom&I 4<by .Mark. Schaett*a>> lfttr«tii«&ts. tff*t cut In buttar with pastry blender or fingers. Ftaqi egg well and add milk. Put into dry Ingredients all at once. Makes a stiff dough, ^pread in a well-buttered baking (pan about 9x9. Spread following recipe over top. Bake 400 degree! *bout thirty minutes. -- f Topping 1% tbsp. melted butter brushed chief cook and housekeeper for her brother in Johnsburg asked girt ^* »MoTov^ unbaked cake_ a1bo gprlnkle .t I had some sort of coffee cake .•ecipe that didn't entail "bothrr- Ing with yeast". I have and here t is. I hope she and others who night try it are pleased with it. Quick Coffee Cake. 2 cups SwansdOtltt -cake flour %not cake ".mix). . . " 2 tsp. baking powder..,;;.:'\:j: V; 94 tSp Salt ,Y"S ' '!i; 6 tbsp. sugar ^.'5 5 tbsp, butter : 1 whole egg .. r r'- % cup milk following mixture on top before baking. 4 tbsp. sugar% 1 tbsp. flour, % tsp cinnamon and cup chopped nuts. Mix well the sugar flour and cinnamon and sprinkle over top, then sprinkle chopped nuts. • Cool before cutting. ^ v ™ J. Y Armer PretoetMfc* -• California red scale, the most serious insect pest of California citrus, produces a shell-like armor over its body which partially protects it from insecticides, complicating the problem of control. $•?:*1 ;:V NOTHING SPARED IN YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS . No effort or expense is spared when we compound your doctor's prescription. We stock only the freshest, "highest quality drugs and insist that each prescription is double-checked for accuracy. Trust us to fill all your prescriptions. NYE: (Oalqi^en Drucj Stone US N. BlTenlde DriW Phoa* 96 TOTAL $ 4.000.00 C. It PAGE, Treasurer. ET'S TRADE TIRES Your Used 7ires Are Worth More When You Buy Jjfap . ij. mpw It ILLINOIS STATE FAIS SPRINGFIELD AUGUST 10 Througli 19 10 THRILLING DAYS OF fNTERTAINMENT, RACES, FEATURES See Gene Aiilry, Pat liuttrarti. Chan^ pion and Little (Champion, AuguM 10; Vt'LS National Barn Dane?, August 11| Jack Benny and Koolxster, AugiiKt 18 and 19; "Ladies Be Sealed," Au^. l^-lt» State Fair Revue. Aug. 13-17; "Holiday on lee," Au*. 11,12,15 to 19; Society 1 lorne Sho*. Aug. 11, 13 to 17; (Hindis Owned Harness Races, Aug. 11; (,rand Circuit Races. Aug. 13-17; AA\ IOC-mil# •^.uto '1®°"' !<•? National (!hnm« pionship Motorcycle Racen, August 19, Childran't Day, Aufluil 10 Yomh bay. Augu«» (1 Vstorant' Day, Augint U Lodi**' Day, Augv**4S SprinBfl«ld Day, Augwtl 14 R«publi<an Day, Augatf IS GOVERNOR'S OAY, THURSDAY. AUGUST 14 famwrt' Day, Augutl 1/ Auto Raca Day, Augutl It Molorcycl* Raca Day, Auguil 19 Over 100.000 entries jn clasneii'liv record hiKh total of *31 fi,." 1.50 in Pni. fcuiunis. l.ivcsto*'k ifudf^infE. August 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, climaxed by Grand Parade of Fremiuni Stock, Aug'iiBt 17th, Illinois Rural Chorus Presentation, August 11; Accordion Band Contest, August 18; Ilorseehoe PitcHinff raent, Aumisl 15-16; !Vw Handicraft Center, llea<!<]uart ors for Amateur Radio Clubs. Model Railroad Clubs, etc.; Flower and Garden Show ; many contests and competitions daily. IliMOIS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 4,000.00 4,000.00 SU "FOREVSR THIS LAND" • drama s# pUasflWnrtt yrstoaM nlftrity •Itespt Mo«<oy> Mir*«gh Auawl 29<li at nsorby Mnv ScrfsM Stats fork. P«r Ml Infa*. MSHM, writs Thtt Lsnd," FSTSR^ torg, lllinslt. TIRES Trade for famous Rresfono De Luxe Champione and SAVE! Even if your present fires are only parity worn - you* 4«t FULL ALLOW* ANCE for the <unused mtteagat Trade danger for safety--get your car read/ fdr safe summer driving! Don't delay--LET'S TRADE TIRES TODAY 1 BATTERIES WE WILL GIVE YOU $3.00 FOR THAT OLD BATTERY WHEN YOU PURCHASE THAT NEW ONE AT OUR STORE. TRACTOR CHAINS Buy your tractor chains now and avoid costly delays in your field work. We have the chains to fit your tractor in stock now. * N Tires Retreaded BY THE FIRESTONE FACTORY METHOD PASSENGER TIRES TRUCK TIRES MUD GROUND GRIP TIRES Walter J; freund PHONE McHENRY 294 WEST McHENRY tlBES -- TfBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSORIES • 4*; TIRE and TPB1 VULCAKIZI36 ALL WORK GUARANTEED UffliLJ Tow can use your fill year 'round when you hove an Electric •w. on tUcU, . |lWe day* • • • -•are** *^\W»»*d^^^htul chom* home v? Da yoU» or 0bl'»fl°*|0n OHM 01 mil O Don't l«t dampness drive yrm out of your baaerowit during huaaid gammer months. A dehumidifieB removes excess moisture from the air . .. puts an end to dripping pipes, molding furniture and rufting tools. Use a Frigidaire Dehiwiwdifier in your home for 5 days ... without charge or obligation... see for yourself what '^difference it makes! \ All you have to do is plug it in any convenient electrical cut-, let. The new Dehumidifier is portable... you can move it easily any time to where it's needed most. There are no messy, bulky chemicals to buy and replace f.. operating costs are low, too. -^Take advantage of this trial offer... phone or write our nearest ttore today! / v • CONVENIENT MONTHLY TERMS See Ae new Electric Dehumidifier* at your dealer's or our nearest store, ^ ^ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ••W f r O 0

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