Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1951, p. 6

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CARD OP THANKS We would like to express our -gratitude to the McHenry fire department for their prompt and efficient response to our call, when our farni home was on fire July 21. Also we wish to thank our neighbors for their help. Having lost our home once, April 1. 1923. by fire it was pretty much of a shock to be told this one was burning. We appreciate^ your help' most sincerely. V MR. AND MRS. W. B. WHITINO •li < MR. AND MRS. HOWARD GARDEN SHOW• WHITINQ '"Hie Lake Geneva Gartfei rfub MDd the Lake Geneva Gardener's •tad Foremen's association are Sponsoring the forty-third annual Exhibition of flowers, fruits and Vegetables Friday, Aug. 10 and! Den mothers are Mrs. Paul Bal- "=fcturdw. Aug. 11, «t Horacl-j trom 1; Mr»_ Edward donation, of car. and th. Mrs. >ale Adams, 3 and Mrs. . ... . . - ! Cecelia Mullins, 4. many °ther kindnesses extended CARD OF THANKS We .would like to take this way of thanking friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual lk>uquet6, cards of $ym fural hall. Lake Geneva. REITRN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs M. L. Rchoenholtt lection of stones, shells, leuv«9, . ttod two children have returned etc., which had been especially from a thirty-one day trip cover-; prepared for the meeting. Par- . tbg €.760 miles through the West, ents and guests were encouragld In Navato. Calif., they visited her to see the work which these boys,' T sister and family, the Robert Rus-j&ged 8 to 11, are Able to accom- . %oldts. who are residing ne ir the j plish. *ia?e where Mr. Rusboldt is serv- The following boys received bo- ;'^ttig with the Armed Forces. T |be t awards at the meeting: Den also visited Mr. Schoenholtz' aunt 1: Glen Reid, Paul Baltmm, Jon. ,in our bereavement. They wer* Bach cub den displayed a col-; jreatly appreciated. THE FAMILY O* •12:; JOS. H. HUEMANN BegiBalny Melt While pure alcohol has a melting point of - 112.3 C., tungsten will not nnelt until a temperature of 3280 C CARD OP TRAHK8 We sincerely thank our frietols and neighbors for spiritual bouquets. floral offerings, donation of cars,,expressions of sympathy and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Fr. Coakley, Fr. Steve, Msgr. Nix and Fr. Blitsch. THE FAMILY OF EDMUND JlcHENBY YOUTHS WON TOP RATINGS AT COUNTY FAIR Continued from Page ! P. FLEMMI NG V CARD OP THANKS We Wish to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, and donations of cars at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Fr. Baumhofer and Msgr. Nix. • ' . THE FAMILY OF MRS. •ir^r-j; CHRISTINA FREUND ->r-T' JOIN ARMY Three McHenry county Wen Were inducted into the Army through local board 159 in July. The three, Roy T. Fi&simmons, Henry Terada and Elmer Klausing, reported to Fort Sheridan. Subscribe for The 1 laindealer 48 inches ridden by boy or girl under 16 class, Judy Troxell won third place, as she also dicj ha another classificiation. - • > ' FlorlcultsM in Floriculture, Frknlt won second for thr4e glad blooms, Jeanuette Dresdow, second, for marigolds, and Frank Smith, second for best arrangement of glads. Frank also won third place for his corsage. t Girl Scoofc ^ C The McHenry intermediate tHrU Scout troop, No. 3, won second place, as did the Brownie Troop, No. 5. Crystal Lake was awarded first and Woodstock "third. Mrs. Frank Gans and Mrs. Harold Vance attended as Scout delegates on Thursday. Mrs.. Charles Brda was chairman <jT iflical exhibit. V V \ The tug-o-war team from Che northeastern section of the county, including Burton, Richmond, Greenwood and McHenry and captained by Chuck Weingart of | McHenry, won top honors, the team included Lee Kortemeier, coach; Albert Oonk, John W. Schaefer, Stanley Diedrich, George Diedrich, Owen Richardson, Connie Miller, Donald Hanson and Weingart. Alternates were Glen Ep»«l and ^l^an Steadman. • • •-"j* v ' Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. CARD OF We wotild like to take this means of thanking friends, relatives and neighbors fot floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for 'the services of Msgr. Nix, Fr. Daleiden and Fr. Jung; also the pallbearers. MR. AND MRS. C. T. MILLER Thtsndiy/Aa0nrt 2* 1951. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD MALSCH BETTY FELTES MR. AND ICRS. JC SKIDMORE . m 12 THE NETT FAMILIES f§\ CHORAL CLUB The litHenry Choral club WHJ hold the first of two August meeti ings o* Monday evening, Aug. % at 8:30 o'clock. ib Portland, Ore, with the remainder of the trip spent in sight- •eeing. ATTENDS PJLA. CAMP Mary Hogan of Ringwood left "Monday of this week to attend camp at Bloomlngton, 111., •s a representative of the local Chapter. She was elected for the honor by the entire membership of the high school chapter in McHenry. During her five-day stay, she will assist in the installation Of newly elected district officers. Hl'RT IN FALL Mrs. Raymond Hughes has been confined to her home on Crescent road since Monday evening, when •he suffered a broken collarbone . in a fall from a horse while riding near Wonder Lake. TO RECEIVE DEGREE Mrs. Bernice Blount of Green Street, McHenry, is one of the Students attending summer school jit the National College of Education in Evanston who is completing work for her bachelor of education degree. Olson and Harry Stinespring. Den 2: Robert Jessup, Ben Chelini, Randall Hughes, Edward Frett and Alfred Windheim. Den 3 James Peterson, Step-. hen Fike, John Miller, Robert Vaupell, Robert Haug. Ronald Howard, Paul Steffan and Gary Adams. Den 4: Jack Altman, James HestcT, Kennedy Mullins, Richard Smith and Michael Low. The boys are now busy preparing a float to enter " In the Marine Day parade. ! Complete line of Beebe livestock | remedies at Wattles Drag Store McHenry. 8tf tJkranian Student Garni Al Heihodist Youth Meet ' Mike Sedak will be featured at la meeting of the Young Adults of the Community Methodist church on, Wednesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Sedak, a Ukranian, is a student at the Int e r n a t i o n a l Seminar at Todd -', Woodstock. ; It is expected that he will tell about his harrowing experience in .escaping from a Russian prison j^camp during the last world war; •also many other experiences ' throughout Europe. The program will be held at the Community Methodist church. The public is invited to .attend. RINGWOOD BURGLARY Wore than twenty-five dollars in change was taken in a burglary |Of the Hawley general store in Ringwood laBt week. Investigation Jhas been undertaken by the sheriffs office, to which the theft was ^reported. Just Received New Shipment of PARAKEETS *6.95 Canary and Parakeet Food GEO. COLLETTE, Owaer 1M Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 4S9 Friday Nltcs Til • Sundays Til Noon ilPI' -• # BOLGERS Drug Store Phone 40 McHENRY list COOL! ! O L I D O L O G N E la f e a r Uaefl f r a g r a a e e s i i s i i « m i , » a a i e • « / . t New "Solid Cologne" by Coty is the ^ 'j^leasantest way to keep fragrantly and lastingly frfreshed. Only fragrance and coolness remain on yeur skin.. no film.. no grease.. no stickiness. ;:.:i tvpwatkm pnof container, extr* rugged for travd :4¥' Cm«mM mi »• *• 0- A. by Coty. PONT yOO HAVS Vt3U« CAT4BXWUR WORK DONE 9/ SO I WORK TO . I ha NICK MILLER'S ^HCNRYOARAOE AUMAY5 WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 103 GRADED U. S. CHOICE MEATS All Fresh Cuts - No Pre-Wrap FRESH COUNTRY DRESSED , FRYING CHICKENS $1.25 (Pan Ready - No Bones - Splints) OSCAR MAYER CANNED HAMS • - • / •' ' • BY\ Lb. Ayg. $6.59 Ea. CUDAHY -- READY TO EAT HAMS SHANK BUTT HALF lb. 59c HALF h. 63c MEATY GROUND BEEF . i t t . Lb: 64c CHOICE GRADED SIRLOIN STEAKS \" \ Lb. $1.09 DEL MONTE APRICOT NECTAR 46 oz. tin HUNTS CALIF. TOMATOES Solid Pack 2 303 tint DONALD DUCK APPLE SAUCE 2 303 tins FULLER'S ASPARAGUS SPEARS - Fancy Cut 300 tin RED LAPEL E. J. PEAS New Pack 2 303 tins PEL MONTE BARTLETI PEARS ^ No. 2Vi Tin 46c HILLS BROS. COFFEE 1 lb. tin 84c Wilson's Bakerite Shortening 3 lb. tin 99c CERTIFIEDS HOME MAKERS Check These WLS Features SALE As. Advertised Over RADIO STATION WLS SURF 2pk« 59c VEL 2 59c PAB 2Res- pk»- 59c RED LABEL COFFEE 1 Lb. Bag DEL RICH |yiARGARINE YeHow Quartert ^ 1H. ftas. Skippy Peanut Butter Crunchy or Creamy 14 oz. jar Joan of Arc Red Kidney Beans 300Tin IOC Chicken of the Sea TUNA Bite Size VsSUeTln 29C Pillsbury - Gold Medal - Ceresota 5 lb. FLOUR 49c ea. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing rN^L ORANGE li DEL MONTE E.J. SUGAR PEAS NEW PACK m Tins 35c Grapefruit .JRED LABEL it£NDED JUICE os. Tin SUPER MKT. FRIDAY NIXE IS FAMILY NIGHT AMPLE PARKINQ ' GREEN STREET - OPEN "TILL 9 P. MLw, McHENRY. ILL. AMPLE PARKING Immm *«vp£tM „--,v ..,V. • J. ^mBatssja ^ i

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