Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1951, p. 2

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THE f . m : ' r #jp * ^ PLAINDEALER if* > * * ™ j * &*•* $ *J«t , AmmMi ee Trsfk 9* WU Conway Mr. and Mrs announce the engagement of their daughter, Rita Ann, to William J. Weyland, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Anton J. Weyland of McHenrv. No date has been set for the wed dine..: • ;•'.•• : \ IIIIIIIIIHIIIUIIillHIIItllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilMIIHIlin PERSONALS fmmiHHUIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIUNIIIIIIIillllliiillllllinNIII .«v:v McHlhtr 1*4". jtmpij inn in* Thirty-seven mettibetfs trf , W.C. O.P. and the Christian Mothers and Altar society traveled by chartered bus last Thursday to ; Holy JH11, Wis. Priests from the $if ; < Oarmelite order led the Stations i - of the Cross and read, JJenedicjigfe tfttt for .the McH«*iry "rtifters jv*.V ' during the day. " , H*My Clever Clib • Uave Mothers* Yea The Rbigwood Happy Clover 4-H club members acted as hosteHn their Mothers' Tea held at the home of Mrs. John Ifogan Om evening last week. A short meeting, in which the annual pie- """" xrtc was discussed, was followed by songs and games, with tasty refresh me uts served which had been prepared by the girls. Satyrise Party For Mrs. Lowell Petersen!: • Mrs. Lowell Peterson of McOtriloln Lake was surprised at a birthday party given in her honor last Saturday by Mrs. Marcel la Mullhall. Friends and neighbors were present to enjoy a hot dog Toast and social evening. Mrs. Peterson received a variety of lovely gifts. Bridal For Lnanne Baser Miss LuAnae Bauer, who will become the bride of Harold Smith of Johnsburg on Sept £, was guest of honor at a surprise miscellaneous shower Aug. 7 in the Riagwood church hall. Hostesses were Marguerite Schraitt, Georgia Bauer, Dorothy Bauer, fisther Weber and Joan Bauer. About eighty friends JHf the bride-to-be gathered at 8 o'clock to enjoy an evening of games, which was concluded with the . serving of refreehnen %r freni Family **••*111 S»ni*y ' On Sunday. Aug. It, Um 4MMren, *rjtndchildr«Q and greatg r a n d c h i l d r e n of Joseph W. Frennd held a family reunion at Veterans Acres, Crystal Lake. In Attendance were Joseph W. Proofed, Mrs. Mia Kent and Mm, Ton, .Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coo ley, BB1 Sy», Mr. and Mm. Elmer Freund and family, Mr. and Mrs. Homer FkiGerald and family, Dr. aad Mm. I. Eugene Sayler and children, Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Liptrot and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jafck Buckie and cfcttdrea of Mc- Henry Oad Mrs. Sam Zvefear and sons, George and Paul, of Belvidoro. i ' "" '• ' Miss JflWBt StiHing uNI Miss ' Iftonnio Burns traveled hy ' plane to Boston, Mass., where Miss Stilling enjoyed a week's vacation. Miss Burns joined her family there, where they moved recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Hafner and children of Cleveland, Ohio, visited relatives in McHenry last week. Mrs. Bernice Krueger and daughter, Sharon Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen spent Sunday with the latters' son and family, Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Jus- Jten, at MomenCe. Terry Krueger, who had been visiting in Momence, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rothermel of Peoria spent a few days last week with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. Mrs. Eleanor Moderhack, daughter, Darlene, and son. Kenneth, of Chicago spent the weekend in McHenry. Mrs. Bertha Scagges of Chicago 'visited last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith, Mrs. Bertha Scagges of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Crystal Lake were weekend guests at Lincoln, 111., where they enjoyed a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Sr., of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Paddock and Miss Viola Behm of (Grayslake left Saturday morning 4bn a two weeks' trip to Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills. Mrs. Etta Reed returned last week to Berkeley, Calif., after three *eeks spent with local relatives. She was accompanied as far a$ Chicago by her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay. Mrs. Thomas Kearsg and daughter, Kay, of Oak Park were Visitors in the Elmer Winkleman home one day last week. The Carl Weber family spent a few days last week at the Dells. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda are fteaving Thursday on a ten-day trip into northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. Mrs. John Reed and daughter, Therese, have been enjoying a vacation trip to California. Mrs. Glen Robison and Miss Welch of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Ada Hoelacher of Elgin spent last week with her sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. Sister Marie Gratia and Sister Frances Gertrude of St. ^hilip Nlri parish, Chicago, returned home Monday after visiting relatives here during--the previous week. In a quiet ceremony performed In Woodstock last Saturday inornfing. Aug. 11, at 11 o'clock, Miss Carole Marticke, daughter of Mr. and ^Mrs. William Marticke of the Riverside hotel, McHenry, becanip the bride of Mr. Christian E. Jopsen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jepsen, Sr., of Chicago The couple will spend a week in Chicago, after which they will return to mahe their home in an apartment in the new Wilson building on Elm street The bride Is a 1947 graduate of the McHenry high school; attend ed Lake Forest college and in recent months has been a model for Marshall Field and Co., in Chicago. The bridegroom attended Colorado A & M college and the University of Illinois and at present is employed by Martj^ke A j Nixon in McHehry. '"I|V 1 "in AUGUST BRIDE ftetideact Cjuuget Vhe CUTOftce Anglfcse family hOS «H*ed into their new home on Green street freta the Richarda0 « house to the Country Club subdivision. H»e Fred Fetrskes hape moved teto the Colfeman residence on Riverside Drive which ' tttey pur- Chase* recently. •»l 11 I '1 »•} <| 11 » M lllllHi COMNG EVENTS * IM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HH 1 < i 10 sponsored JWnt Ii American i • i V CAIB «F THAN-K8 i® desire in this Jnatmer to thank relatives, neighbors and frldKds for spiritual bduqltets, floral offerings, cards of sym Patky, donations of oars, food and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We also wish to thank Father Daleifleti, Father Coakley, Fr. Steve and Father Jung tor their service#. Everything was greatly appreciated. THE FRED MEYER Hi CHILDREN k*gn*H Flower and Garden Show -- Mc- -*enry Equipment Show Room -- Sponsored By Woman's Club. Aofurt 18 Installation Of Officer^ Legion And Auxiliary--- 8 P.M.--Legion Home. August 19 Johns burg School Registration --Sisters Residence August SI Fashion Show By Betty Nielsen -'Villa Hotel Resort--Benefit Of St Mary's-St. Patrick's School P.T.A.--1:30 P.M. August 254S St John's Church Oarinivsl. Johnsburg. August 27-28 H i-g h School Registration -- School Office Septenber £ St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School PT.A. -- 3:15 O'Clock. October 13 Knights Of Columbus Party And Dance. A^i»t 21 lliverview Camp R.N.A. Regular Meeting K. of C. Hall--8 p.m. CAROLE MARTICKE, C. E. JEPSEN, JR., WED ON SATURDAY MRS. DONALD DOHERTY St. Mary's church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Aug. 4, when Misp Rosalie Williams exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Donald Doherty. The couple will reside in Glen EHlyn, where he will teach in the junior high school. OBITUARIES T. L. PHALIN CLAIMED CRYSTAL LAKE GIRL AS BRIDE SATURDAY AMANDA PETERSON iWtsr Amanda Peterson of Chicago, who spent much of her time with a daughter In the McHenry community, died July 20 at the age of 86 years. Burial services were held at Elm wood Metp'orial cemetery. The deceased was born Jan. 13, 1865, in Sweden and came to this county when 20 years old. She was married on Nov. 5, 1887, to Lars Peterson, who passed ^way in 1934. Four children survive, Agne-s Faukner, Bert and Raymond of Franklin Park and JBthel Peterson of Fair Oaks subdivision, McHenry. FRED MEYER Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Zahdier of the Ringwood community became the parents of a daughter, bom Aug. 9 at &e Woodstock hospital, A Sin was born Aug. 8 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shotliff. Mr. and Mrs. CHnton Beckenbaugh (Anita Althoff) of Lake Villa are the parents of a son, born Aug 8 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshall have named ttoeir new daughter, born Aug. 1, Earla Marie. The baby, born at the Woodstock hospital, has a sister, Patty, IS, and a brother, Dentals, 7. In memoriam In loving memory of our darling son and brother. Earl J. Skippy" Turner, Jr., who passed •way one year ago, Aug. 18, 1950. Memory of a year gone by is all Ve have today. As the one we loved so dearly has gone to heaven to stay; The stars are brightly shining upon a silent grave, In it lies a precious one, we loved but could not save. In our hearts lies an image -of- "our boy" whom we loved. Who made us so happy just for awhile but no one could tell How we long for him each day or how empty the world is since he went away. LONESOME M O M, DAD •14 BROTHER AND SISTERS Fred Meyer of Spring Grove died at. the Villa Rest Home at Pistakee Bay Aug. 2 at the age of 74. Last rites were conducted Monday morning, Aug. 6, from St. Peter's church at 10 o'clock, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Mr. Meyer, who previously resided with a daughter, had beon at the Villa Honle two weeks. He was ill only a short time, death following a heart attack. The deceased was bom Dec. f, 1876, in Ringwood and engaged in farming during his earlier years and later carpentry. He belonged to the Holy Name society. Survivors include four children, Anton Meyer of Spring Grove. Mrs. Isabel le Smith of Spring Grove, Mrs. Mary May of Ringwood and Eugene Meyer of Chicago; thirteen grandchildren; and five sisters, Mrs. William Freund and 'Mrs. Ben Stilling of John& burg, Mrs. Jacob R. Justen of Waukegan, Mrs. Joseph P. Miller and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen of McHenry. His wife preceded him in death, as did two grandchildren. M"!"!1 <• '!••!' "fr J 'I'l* •! MARRIAGE LICENSES Christian Jepson, Jr., and Carol Marticke, McHenry. CARD OP THANKS f We 'wish to take this means of thanking friends and neighbors for floral offerings, donations of cars and other expressions of sympathy extended in our bereavement. We especially wish to thank the Masonic order, the American Legion and firing squad. •14 THE THURLWELL FAMILY St. Thomas church in Crystal Lake was "the scene Of a ToVfely nuptial service last Saturday evening. Aug. 11, at 7:30 o'clock when M!r. Thomas Lawrence Phalin of McHenry took as his bride Miss Patricia Giek of Crystal Lake. Rev. Fr. McCormick offic iated at the marriage which unit ed the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Giek. The nuptial mass was read in the -morn ing. Given in marriage by her father, the pretty bride wore a sown of white organdy oVer satin, with long train and fingertip veil, the latter attached to a lace halo. She carried an orchid on a white prayer book. Miss 5 Lois Pinnofcr of Crystal Lake, a close tnesKl, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Jean Novak of Fox River Grove and Mrs. Donald Sterba of Cicero. All Were attired in dresses of the same style, Miss Pinnow in orchid color over white satin and the bridiesmaids in yellow and pale green over-white satin. All wore matching yvreaths of flowers on their head and carried bouquets of glads. Little Judy Flood, a close friend of the bride's family, was the charming flower girl, attired in an orchid-colored organdy gown and carrying a colonial bouquet of yellow flowers. John Phalin of McHenry served as best man for his brother and groomsmen were Harry Thel len of Johnsburg, a friend, and Paul Giek. her brother. For her daughter's Wedding, Mrs. Giek chose a dress of rose beige lice, with which she wore a navy hat and white carnation corsage. Mrs. Phalin was attired in a dress of charcoal grey, witl; coral fe'ather hat and similar corsage. A reception at the Moose hall in Crystal Lake followed the wedding, with about 200 guests in attendances. The couple left later on a tri£ into- Wisconsin and upon theii return, will reside in Barrington. t * The former Miss Giek is a graduate of ithe Crystal Lake high school with the class of 1950 and has been, employed in the office of the Cifrtiss Candy company at Cary. The bridegroom graduated from the locaU high school in 1946 and from the University of Illinois in 1951. During the time whtch elapsed between his v graduation dates, he served with the Army for a .year and a Half. H* is at present Employed as an industrial engineer for the Montgomery Ward company mail order firm in Chicago. ----1 • •. ,:j u >; > CORNER Tharwtoy, Angina 18. 1«L ~ ' 5 - : w ly Marie gchaettgftp) - " 4.! v ' v Green Beans ; . v ' *. • flpterc those* vines begM-to f>roduce ' those long tender green beans, your imagination dropls at the thought of these lovely fresh beans..'But, before the season is over ,yoUj wonder if you'll ever look' at another bean again. Have you tried adding a few to stew? Cut them into small pieces and combine them with corn. -Or try them thiB way for a change. Green beans -- bacon -- onion. Fry thinly sliced onion and diced bacon together until onion is just soft but still white. Add cooked atripg beans left whole f and re-heat thoroughly in baconqnion mixture. 8eason to taste. A cut up green pepper is good here too. Stir gently until beans and bacon is well blended. How Ve. t&ey? ftarbsr for Sua The 'upper walls of an •modern sun room, furnished in rattan, are painted in tangerine, floor, ceiling, and dado are In cool gray. Drapery and upholstery fabrics combine green-gold, tangerine arid deep green. CARD OF THANKS We i^uid like to t*ke this opportunity to thank . friends and neighbors for kindnesses extended • during the long illness and at the time of the death of Mrs. Cham- • berlia. We are also gi^ateful for ^ floral offerings, cards , of syn^ parhy, donations of 6ars amT ^ other kindnesses at the time ' ftl her death. 7 < ©R. R. t^-CrtAMlMJRLIII^ $UY CHAMBERLIN >V u^™jiR8. GREETA McCAB^r^r- 14 MRS. LOUISE KENNEBBCK 1 K*?",- EXPERT Seauty Care FRAN WILLBR BEAUTY S^LON 103 RICHMOND ROAD PHONE 109S-M McHENRY, ILL. SMALL BUSINESS an J BANKING fThoso focti wsro rsvootoJf . in a nationwide survey oK^ 99% iiY.MiVilYiVilVr.iYi...V.i hlfel AVERAGE BUSINESS LOAN - $2,316 LOANS UNDER $25,000 HhiEFrti ASTHMA SUFFERERS jQukk relief usually comet from Ik* (lr»t ides* of this new formula which acts If Relieve congestion. People who formerly •Offered with frightening choking, coughleg, wheezing t»thma attacks speak ef Welcome relief after tfsing ASiMACOL. IASMACOI costs $2.90, but considering the you will experience, the $2.50 it caste amounti to only a few pennies per dose. iASMACOl, (caution, use only as directed) is sold with a money back guarantee ii NS| delighted with results. Sold only ' Bolger's Drug Store taONE 40 McHENRY Mall Orders Filled COMMUNTY METHODIST CHURCH MAIN «nd CENTER STREETS i t ' i i . l B U I BtCHEASE . V ^Wve first half of 1951 showed decreases in twelve of the thirty u^Jor communicable diseases reported to the state Department of Public Health, as compared to the similar period last year. Increases In 11 of the communicable diseases occurred during the siK-mpnths period while seven mieisses remained on the same level. Most decided decreasef in the half-year were in cases of whooping cough which declined from *2,064 to S96, mumps down from 6,601 last year to 4,288 this year, tneastes from 14,W4 to 13,- 2S6, syphilis from 6.9$3 to 4,979, sid tuberculosis from 8.M2 to J,* Metropolitan Traflle Traffic congestion climbs continually in 12 metropolitan areas of the U.S. Reason, says the Bureau of the Census, is that one-quarter of the nation's population now lives in metropolitan areas of Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Cleveland, Washington, and Baltimore, CARD OF THANKS I Would like to take this opv j»ortunity to thatok friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of ,my bereavement. Everything was greatly appreciated. *14 ICOBERT W. DEVORE KEY RLTl RNKl) The Disabled Amerioan Veterans Organization has returned a set of lost keys to E. IX LaRue of McHenry. Attached to the keys was a DAV Idento-Tag, miniature license tag for key-rings, which is distributed to 30,T)00,000 motorists each year and«the replica of their state license plates enables the DAV to return 5,000 keys a month from its national headquarters in Cinncinnati.. Hftnsto and trtt lonfsr if you (its a natural wood finish Witt) Unseed oiL SUMMER SOCIAL Wonder Lake Men's Club With BON STAliFELD and His Groat BHHd American Legion Honse Mc"Hei»i7, Iliuols SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th -- 9 P. M. benefit Wonder Lake Boys (or AtMttlc f^plpatnt l>OXATTON i „<•" y. t V •%*<' ' / , i * <4 SERVICES: SUNDAY SCHOOL^ %30 A. M. (CLASSES FOR Alt AiBESl v MORNING WORSHIP -- 10s45 A. M. (NUR8KBT PROVIDED »URI>T, CHIRCH) SERMON: "LIGHT FOR THE WOTLD" ALL VISITORS WELCOME m of California "Modern Provincial" din*_ nerware combines smart Modern with charming Provincial. At home in any will love the accessories! Open stock, moderately priced. --- THE GIFT PORT One Twenty Two Riverside Orire PHONE 700 McHENRY, ILL. Many men who run small businesses count on us year after year for business loans and finan* cial advice. They know that they can always depend on us for credit for eve 17 constructive purpose -- and for suggestions about financial matters based on long and varied experfo •net. AWy. we aUo serve you on this basjsfj Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposits AND Mil GO fOII THE "ROCKET"! Product of Onroi Motar Akaif: Super "88" i-Dor Sedmn. *Hydrm-Mmic Drive mpiionul ml esrra •. tml. Kqutpwe*t, acttforu*. mnA trim imbjret m ekmngr imHttttl MttK*. r\- ,The"Rodtrtr' tuu really gat it... and thefini(f " Ii in the driving! Try OMsmobile's new Sifter *^88M! Learn about "Rocket" performance "Rocket" economy--flashing action and real {fas savings! Learn about "Rocket" smoothrO&i ' . this great power plant teams with the magic 'tif Hydra-Matic*! Drive a new OMsmobile discover the top engine in motoring today . ..ttLDSMOBILJi'S. ••ROCKET"! M*6CKEr0 tUPlR O L I S I h O B 1 1 E J S I I Y P t f f t NCAREST OLDSMOBILK DIALER R. I. Overton Motor Sales Inc.1 403 FRONT ST. PHONE 6 *• Td<tliloB! CBS Jiews with Dotflfti Eiwiirii • llHfs' WM4j at ItM P. Mm Statin WHKB. Chahnal 4 Coartesy «f yoot Oldsm^lle Dealer -- . .-- wv*4m •• • •

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