Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1951, p. 5

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' -\ .••>, . v *? , - > ;fc ^-"7 ;* J? 'v.f..< ,.f •% ." M'fy^.7^1 ,; g TlwwJfy, P^I^'PfWp' k «••:;*. >•#. Patent* ill Til nil I FOR SALE I F I E D <> McHenry Pkmdealer Published ererjr Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry PuhitaMnr Company, Inc.-- T*"" NATIONAL W. BURFEINDT, Qen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION BATt ;tvTear *3M Plaindealer Want Ada ®No ads counted less than 16 Words. 75c minimum. I nsertion TJfcc 1' ^ Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind adk Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly At lO a.m. Wednesday. Entered as second-class matter at the postotfice at McHenry, 111., 'iUer the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers • COMMUNITY Al'TO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street . Open daring week 9 AJL to 7 ,;T»M„ Sundays • • AJf. to I PJL lltf FOR SAL^ -- BUSINESS SEE VIGK GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let as dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. gill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 366. 11 GRAPHIC WEDDING CANDIDA Throughout the whole eventtWi day from Home, Church. Reception. In full album form. MAX F. KOLIN ^ Mr Henry SM-W-1 Chicago RA C4S57 ' ii*t EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. i7-tf music nrBTBtFonoM In Your Own Home ' Piano and Piano Accordiaa Classics or Popular Secinner* or Adaneed Instruction MARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 6S3-M-1 8tf FOIl SALE-- JOHN&-&ANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry x8. SStf HATE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanit&ry Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf 1950 Studebaker Champion; overdrive; under seat heater; s low mileage; spotless; $1275. 1950 Studebaker Land Cruiser; fully* equipped; low mileage. $1650. ^[UBt sell quick. . j- 194# QMs mobile Roc*«t <3i»Wfible. ' m-t Fraser, 4 door. Priced to seil. Guettler Service Station •02 Waukegan Rd. - McHenry, 111. *16-2 TRElS ANB BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l; Frank Henkel. P. O. Round Lake, Rea. Volo. 47lf BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ... WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf FOR SALE--Young sweet corn up until frost. 1% miles south of W. McHenry on Rt. 31. Rudy Mionske. •14-3 ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is pn Rt^l. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. f 51-tf FOR SALE -- Cement building block. All sizes. Smooth and rock face. By gtandplpe, W. Waukegan Rd.. McHenry, 111. Phone 2S2-R or 893-J. 4-tf FOR SALE -- Oil heavier, € room capacity, double burner, 8 drums, 2 stands, like new. Phone Johnsburg 644-M-2. 16 FOR SALE -- Canaries; special prices during September on young guaranteed singers; also eockatiels. finches and cages. Mrs. Fred Boehart, 716 Hay, Woodstock. *16-2 FOR SALE--Ever-Ready and Mallory hearing aid batteries for all makes hearing aids. This battery center is established to end battery worries. Fresh stock always on hand. Phone 125-R. Rena Scheid 207 N. Green Street, McHenry. 16 FOR SALE--14-in. jig saw; 27-in. lathe. Just like new. Phone 616-R-l. ^ *16 FOR SALE--Bartlett pears; bring own container. Phone McHenry 13 5-J. 16 FOR SALE--Girl's Hawthorne bicycle in good condition. Phone McHenry 134-M after 6 P. M;. 16 FOR SALE--Used bicycles, 20-in. and 24-ln. sices. Fine condition. Gambles. Phone 459. - 16 FOR SALE--Hoffmann oil furnace, suitable for heating 5 or 6 rpoms. c o Sportsmen's Inn, Main Street, McHenry. *16-3 FOR SALE--1951 Mercury 6 pasjWHiger coupe; white wall tires; *1 bright metal chrome; overdflve. Must sacrifice. L. Umberger, McHenry. Phone 210-M. »16 FOR SALE -- 1946 Dodge coupe. Inquire at West Side Locker Service. 509 Main Street. 16 FOR SALE -- Model "A" Ford coupe In good condition; $50. Phone McHenry 183. *16 |fOR SALE--Used car '47 Frater Manhattan; 4 door sedan, heater, overdrive. Very good condition. Best offer. Phone McHenry 510- M-l. Vincent beMuth, Oakhurst subdivision. 16 FOR SALE -- 1936 2 door Ford; $60. Wqnder Lake 2851. *16 BUSINESS SERVICE £ e Candid Camera Photographs Specialists -- Candid Weddings Home Portraits and Commercial Photographs Years of Experience MAX F. KOLIN McHenry M6-W-1 Chicago RA 6-6&»7 GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING - and CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed « Estimates C. ». UNSET Phone McHenry 8M-J 1 47tf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Registered spotted Poland-China boars; ready for service. Arnold Freund. Phone McHenfy 562-M-l. *16-2 JUST MOVED -- We have misc. furniture for sale, cheap. All in good condition. Phone 793-M-X. •16 RIVERSIDE JAKE SHOP WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Monday, September 3rd. and Every Monday thereafter for Winter Months. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Home on Riverside Drive; seven rooms au4 bath. Phone McHehry 29. 1(5 HELP WANTED MKLP WASTED--Girl for waiting on trade and assembly orders. Apply Local Cleaners, Green St, McHenry. If WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced salesgirl. Gladstone** Dept. Store. 14-tf WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Ftawler. Woodstock .Box 334; Phone 464-J X 41tt tfOMEN WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors ; also stockboys and janitor. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office, open Monday through Friday. 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Routes 120 and 31. Bus service to and from plant. lS-tf HELP WASTED -- Typist for either part or full time work. Excellent opportunity, good working conditions. Phone McHenry 486 for appointment. *16 HELP WASTED--Sales girl, full time. Apply Riverside Bake Shop, McHenry. ' 16 FORWENT FOR RENT--Beautifully furnished 5 room house near McHenry. Phone 542-J-l. 14-tf FOR REST--Modern year 'round 5 room home oil furnace. 3 mileB southeast of McHenry large porch overlooking private l^ke. References required. McHeiiry 680-J-2. •16 FOR SALE -- 2-piece parlor set with seat covers, .$75. Call McHenry 842-W. *16 FOR SALE -- 8-ft Dinghy; boy'B full size bicycle. 4 player badminton set. Rubber tired metal wagon. 206 Country Club Drive. Phfia»,,B2hll.~. ^ - - •!* RALPM L. CLARK Plan* Technician Repairing Tuning 102 Garfield Road Harvard, IU. Phone 748-R FOR SALE -- Two very superior black Aberdeen Angus bulls; Trojan Erica breeding; 16 and 18 months old. Phone McHenry 784- M- / j 16 FOR SALE--&>me household furnishings. Call at House No. 19, Fritzsche Estates, Iilly Lake, except weekends. Turn right on blacktop just west of school. *16 HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly PaymenU f-rEree Estimates McHeiiry Improvement Co, Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. Ctf C1SSP00LS »nd SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G; A. DOUGLAS Pkone McHenry 77&-W 19tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OS CONTRACT. IVAN CjtrSTAFSON TeL McHenry 741 FOR SALE jgle^LS DRILL?* OB BRIYRH WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and Install pupips. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf BEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; n-j liclp needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. & 86tf REFRIGERATOR SERVICE iui makes and models; motors refeound. Werner's Refrigerator Service. Phone McHepry 535-M-2. 15-2 FOR SALE--Kelvinator refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. $50. Also dinette set. In perfect condition, $40. Phone 637-W-l. 10-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts. $2.50 to $3.60; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main St., West of North Western depot. 15-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING Machines, service on aii makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. KilU, Clay St Woodstock. Phope 54$. 7tf HELEN WEBER SAYS: HONESTLY! I'M ASHAMED TO BE SEEN WfTH HIMI! / --Tsk! Tsk; Young man -- you should know it's easy as pie to %ave that well groomed air at all times. Just let us serve as your dry cleaning headquarters and see what a quick and constant change for the better your clothes Service thai SATISFIES! McHENRY mite sfetf1 McHenry Phone 104-M FOR SALE -- 10 choice gilts; weight around 220; age 5 months. Phone McHenry 589-M-l. *16 FOR SALE--Inlaid walnut bedroom suite; blonde end tables and coffee table; gold frame mirror; beautiful blonde 6-room desk and chair; chrome breakfast set; 2 ladders; pinball game for recreation room; cedar chest 707 S. Green Street Phone McHenry 888. 16 F(}R REST--Furnished, attractive 2Vi room terrace apartment; overlooking Wonder Lake; modern conveniences; private entrance; reasonable tall and winter rates. Adults only. Call Wonder L>^ke 3511. *16 WASTED--Housekeeper to cook, iron take charge of house. No heavy cleaning. Nice home, own room and bath. Phone Pistakee 641-W-2 or write Dr. B. Kubicek. Riverside, HI. 16 WANTED TO BUY H'ASTED TO BUY--Old cars and trui ks for junk. We pay top prices. Call Bill Staines. Phone McHenry 53-J. 15-2 WANTED TO RENT WASTED TO*" RENT--Oarage in Hunterville Park. Phone 705-J. •16 WASTED TO RENT --25 acres or nioro.tillable land within about 3 niil«>s from Richmond. Phone Richmond 108. 16 WASTED TO RENT--List your house or apartment \ with Lydia Martell; house finding service; frei> of charge; reliable tenants Writing. QUI Wonder La)te 3511. •16 SITUATION WAITED FOR SALE--Leaving state, must be sold by Sept. 2nd; 6 room year 'round house, conveniences; furnished. $5250.00. MeCullom Lake. Phone 715-J. *16 FOR SALE--At -MeCullom Lake Estates, 2 buildings; year 'round home and summer cottage. All modern conveniences. 16 assented fruit trees*.^JlQ^rtnR. $2500.00 cash, b^lacce. ln^ years. Priced for qiiick sale. Phone. McHenry 678- W-l. George Leaf. • *16 FOR SALE--Wondfer Lake; year 'round home; two large bedrooms; electric hot water, full bath, two landscaped lots, large scrfePtted porch, white asbestos shingled. Mohawk road iu Indian Ridgo subdivision. $6200. *16-2 FOR SALE--« room modem year 'round home; fully insulated; automatic oil heat. 3rd house north of Catholic church at Wonder Lake. Price $6000'. W. Meyer. ' *16 ATTENTION FARMERS New is tke thne to have yonr dairy barns sprayed with Carfcola. Am Jobs In one -- Fly CohfroL Disinfectant and Dries White* Carbola Is mixed In sprayer right on the farm. Since lfSS approved by MrH| _± CALL MrHESRY v CARROLA SPRAYMAN . __ HERMAN ROSSDUETCHER i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate KM Richmond Read McHenry, I1L jThone: McHenry tilJ |4ren»ed I1L k Wis. Broken FOR SALE -- In Meadow Lane Park in city limits of McHenry; new, modern homes; face brick veneer on four sides; 2 bedrooms; large living-dining room; kitchen with Youngstown Cabinets and sink; complete bath with shower; large utility room; forced tfir; automatic oil heat; price $11,000 plus site. Haft Construction Corp., State Route 31 half-mile south of Route 120. Tel. McHenry 749 or 786. 11-tf FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 16-3 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Moving to new location. 206 E. Elm Street, McHenry. Sept. 1st. F. M. Television Sales and Service. Phone 979. 16 MISC. -- Now taking orders for coal in load lots, direct from Braidwood mine. Lump coal and 1% by IVi. Delivered for $12.50 a ton C.O.D. Phone McHenry 612- W-l. *16-2 FOR SALE--Innerspring mattress, coil springs for double bed; Rollaway bed and mattress, a real space. saver. Call at 109 E. Waukegan Road McHenry. 16 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Weld.r U work in job shop. Steady work and top pay to good man. Vance Welding Service. D-tf HELP WANTED -- Married man and single man for dairy farm. Modern house. Phone Barrington 155-M-2. 16 HELP WANTED -- Pin spotters wanted, steady work for full bowling season. Good pay. Phone 559-W-l. McHenry Recreation. 14-tf HELP WANTED -- 16 to 20 yearold boy for general store work-. Apply at Gladstone^#,--McHenry. 15-tf SALESMAN WANTED With selling experience or equivalent to do field and sales work for major feed Company. Permanent work. Good chance for advancement. Better-than-average earnings. Thorough training on the job. Home nights. No investment and no credit to carry. Must have car. Age 25 to 50. Only congenial, mature, reliable men wftl be considered. For confidential appointment reply to McHenry Plaindealer. Box 197. 16 MtSC. -- Will trade $300.00 International JIarvester refrigerator over 8 cu. ft. Almost ne»\ For car '41 or up. Inquire F. Wozniak Tavern, Crystal Lake 1377-J-2. 1 mile northwest Burton Bridge, Hwy. 176. Blacktop. Also offiro d<*k, typewriter desk and other office fixtures for sale. *16 MISC.--Open Labor Day, 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra COtta Antique and Resale Shop. Terra Cotta Road. Crystal 'Lake 1346-R-l. ' 1G FOUND--1 32x6 tire a&d wheel. Owner may claim at Anderson's Service Station. 16 MawMiuiiwmimimiiiuiniuwiiwiuiiinuwuiMiuii TOWNE THEATRE . FOX LAKE 7.1611 FRI. k SAT„ AUG. Si - SEPT. 1 J. Irelaad M. Windsor UTTIE H6 HORN" ^AVAGfMUMS" SITI ATIOS WANTED--Intelligent refined, married man seeks position as caretaker, gardener, have greenhouse experience, also experience in farming, chicken and livestock raising. Can burnish the finest of references. Write Box 19S, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *16 POSITION WANTED -- Public Typist, Mrs. Frank Gans, 300 Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 767 W. , *16 t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 4 ATTENTION FARMERS and BUSINESSMEN Leaving state and for quick sale will take $8,500.00 for new home, which will bring $65.00 or more monthly, strictly modern, built to outlast any frame home. Must be seen to realise this sure investment. 2 blocks, in back of St. Patrick's church, left turn, 3rd house. Tamasy. 15-tf Svnnyside near Pistakee Lake -- 5 rooms, bath, garage. 1 year old ranch type house, 60-ft. water frontage, plastered, fully insulated, completely furnished. Price $17,- 500.00. Call McHenry 37. Sunset View r-- 2 story. 7 rooms, bath, garage, on large beautifully' landscaped lot, suitable for 2 apts., completely furnished, huildlng, in good conditioned. $10,500.00 Call McHenry 37. Johnsbnrf -- North of Johnsbrug Bridge, summer cottage, nicely landscaped, price $8,000.00. Phone ilcHenry 37. , l'lstaqna Heights -- 1 year old Ranch type home. 5 rooms, bath, garage, 78 foot lake frontage, year 'round home, plastered and insulated, must be seen to be appreciated. Phpne McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, REAL SSTATE In Johnsbnxf TeL McHenry S7 14-tf FOR SALE OR REST--5 room all yeur 'round home, steam heat. 2 car garage, chicken house, fruit trees, 3 lots fenced in. In West Shore Beach.^MeCullom Lake. Will sell furnished7 or unfurinshed. $12,500. Write to Box 1#0, c o McHenry Plaindealer. 12-tf FOR SALE 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE MeCullom Lake. 2 tile baths, tiled kitchen, large living room, dining room, 2 glazed porches, full basement, laundry room, hot water heat, stoker fired. Possession immediately. • * 2 FAMILY HOUSE ^frbntihk Cullom Lake. 2 baths, large porofe. " • Building in good repair. Possession immediately. ! BOiTH HOMES SHOW* Bf>^;- v APPOINTMENT. |1 L. B. ANDEBSEX ihc. WfetMihg. Illinois Wh((M| JEfc'bt Rbjrer* Park • v . ; ban ; „ 1 5 - i j-. fe „ FOR S^L£fr Loyking for a beautiful home site al. fenced in 2S5 ft. frontage. U.S. H, Jnat 1 mile south. . ^IcHppry. 4 acres of alfalfa, , blueberries, raspberries, lumber. ^B(io^. A bargain Call Saturday. Qf..^ndays. Ted Oluava. 850 Center Street Phone McHmry 13 or Chicago - Belmont 5-9736. •; llr.u .,1 15 HOUpE FOR SALE--Year 'round home adjoipipg Chapel Hill golf course; 6 rooms for owner plus 4-room apartment on first floor; modern; must be seen to be appreciated; wajte offer; might con* sider' trade for close-in K.W. suburban ho$ie. Tel. McHenry 668- M-l. 1$ FOR SALE -- 5 room tarnished cottage, well built.; space for 2 rooms upstairs; ceiling insulated; move it to your own lot. Call Wednesday and Sundays. 136 Country Club Drive. 15-2 ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 17« PHONE Uttl NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Late Shew FrL, SaU Snn. t:20 Sunday MaUnee 3:00 P. M .Con*L FOR SALE--In beautiful Pistakee Bay Wooded Estates, lot 100x100. 5 room house fully insulated, automatic oil h^at, Venetian l^linds, full basement, garage for 3 cars. Pistakee 769-J. *16 FOR SALE--2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished home in Lily Lake. Hot and cold water; modern kitchen; 1 ear garage; 3% lots. Possession Immediately. Phone 597- R-2 after $ I'. M. and on Sundays. 16 FOR SALE--2 water front cottages, 1 3-rooms and 1 2-rooms. Fully insulated. Some furnishings. 1 rented year 'round. Must be solg together- Reasonable down payment. At Lily Lake. Phone 561- M-l. *16 THI'RS^ FRL k SAT., AUG. 80-81 ..... SEPT. 1 Double Feature "LITTLE BIG HORN" John Ireland Lleyd BrMfes Marie Windsor At 7:60 and 10:00 P. M. Pins "HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL* With Wm. Landlgan Yalentlna Cortesa At 8:30 P. M. «BBBeeeeee»eeeeeeeBeaaae SUN. fc MOS'„ .SEPT. *S "THE FROGMEN" Richard Wlrimark Dana Andrews Sunday Matinee 3:00 P. M. Oont. TUES* WED. & THU*Sn SEPT. Hnnphrey Hofrarl In "SIROCCO". Fumiiv OUTDOOR o r a y s l a k e • RT 12011 Come Regularly, Relax and Enjoy Prlvacf in Your Car With Your Family As They Are. -- We Feature Finest Shows You All Will LBie -- Rain or Moonlight -- Open 7 P.M. -- First Show at Dark, 2nd after 10. CHILDREN t'NDER 12 IN CAR FREE! SUN. k E. CBrian L. Scott "TWO Of A KttHr TUES., WED. k THIERS, SEPT. HELP WANtED--Pin spotters. 1« years or over; on Brunswick semiautomatic spotters. Palace Recreation 119 S. Green St, McHenry. 16-2 HELP WANTED -- Cook, diali washer and kitchen helper. Apply Little Cfeef Restaurant, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 16 A. Dvorak G. Evans 1 WAS AM AMERICAN SPY Your Tacatlou In Not Complete Unless Yon Visit Your Modern THEATRE -- THE TOWNE AIR CONDITIONED By Refrigeration - BWlMWHmitlHHIIIIIHIHIII|HHHIIIIIHHIIHMIIII«nil - Wednesday 'Til Saturday, Aug. 29 to Sept. 1 "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" Lob Bunins Magical Merger oi Live Action and Puppetry Filmed in Radiant Ansco Color. §<"!' t I 1"8 4"1"1 •i"H't,H"Ml'll,l'4llll l'4">,ll4"ili,i^4MH H"W+4+H Sunday. Monday 8e Tuesday, Sept. 2-3-4 FOR SALE--Due to illness. Leo's Tavern at Ringwood; across the street from Chemical Plant Phone Wonder Lake 3741. Call between 8 A.M. and 11 P.M. *15 !MMniNtNnilMIIHHIIMMIMMttlMnMI!MinilHlfNMINI III l<;i lovAi CalaiAL Jifl SKI FRIi k SAT^ AUG. 31 • SEPT.l (Doable Feature) Scotty Beckett Jimmy Lyrion ^GASOLINE ALLEY" Douglas Kennedy Jean Wllles "REVENUE AGEIfT" STNDATOS LiTstiriTi-- Continued .1:1." Paul Douglas Joan Bennett "THE GUY WHO CAME BACK" A story of a fay wko had every, thing to Fight For -- Love For and Lire For. ^^lO^DAY^Labor^Dayy^& ^TU iTs^T SEPT. 3-4 Rlcardo Montalbon Cyd Charesse "MARK OF RENEGADE" l?mTTHTK: SEPT. Humphrey Bogart Lee J. Cobb "S1RACCO" Coming "LITTLE EGYPT** umiiHiNMUNimmrnMr > wiimiiiiimuwiiiiwwwiiiiiWi COLONY McHENBY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Cemfert Vision and Sow# Doors Open ltl& Screen Starts 1:39 FRI. & HAT.. Al <;. 31. SEPT. 1 Bad Abbott Loa CesteHa (1) "COVIN* BOUND THE ^MOUNTAIN** In Color Ray Rogers Dale Ky*»« (S) "TRIGGER, JR." ™ World News SI N. * MONn SEPT. i-3 In Technicolor Danny Kaye Gene Tlemey "ON THE RIVIERA** World News k Color Cartoon Sunday Matinee 2:10 I'oat. TUES. k WED., SEPT. 44 In Technicolor Loretta Young Joseph Clthi "HALF ANGEL" Short Sabject k Color Cartaan STARTING THURS, SEPT. I In Technicolor Randolph Scott David Brian Phylli* Thaxter Hek«a Carter "FOBT WOBTH** Color Cartoon k Short Snhjeet SKYLINE DRIVE-IN Located off Rt. Il0 on Pistakee Road .rf1 One-Half MUe North o! McHenry, Illinoli ^ Screen 52x70 Feel; Box Office Opens at 7:15 -- DaAy - WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY, AUG. 20-30-31, SEPT. I Now Playing The Chkapi/jLM^ , -ji t.i ALSO: THREE COLOB CAR~MtO»S , SUNDAY, MONDAY A TUESDAY, SEPT. 2-3-4 stevens nam MKT (Ml-ONUS ALSO: TWO COLOR CARTOONS RHONDA FLEMING MNCT (ML • CUIUS MME Wednesday to Saturday, Sept. 5-6-7-8 "CAPTAIN HORATIO HORN BLOWER" Technicolor IN COLOR WEDNESDAY, SEPT. i tOue ETeaing Only) RANDOLPH SCOTT -- DO BOTHY MALWE "THE NEVADAN" ALSO: SHORT SUBJECTS 1, STABT1NG TBI RSDAY, SRPTt** ^ IN TECHNICOLOR - WALT BISNEY'S 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND* - i . J i .

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