Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1951, p. 3

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THE McHENHY :\:;'yr^--'w</; ;»• wir{'; PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly attend- ^ ed the Ice Follies at the Chicago Arena Thursday evening. L . Mr. and Mrs Zaite Grey and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ^^j^awrence and Milton Lawrence of r Uttlgin called on Mrs. Wynne Jolitz i one day this week. b, . Dick Kelley and Oliver Lawmce of Rirjwood called in the folitz home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly have returned from a three weeks' vaijl^ cation spent in New England. Mrs. William Brennan of Mc- Cullom Lake was a caller in the V^ llome of her aunt, Mrs. Wynne ;?olitz, this week. v .f'. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman " fcave returned from a trip through :ttie Ozarks. They also visited their fcon, James, who is stationed at » ;Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Mrs. William Marum and Miss ^ Varena J usten of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Gertrude Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan and son, Paul, Bernard Bauer and Joseph L. Bauer of Ingleside left Monday morning to attend the funeral of Verena Dietz in Indianapolis. The Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel, accompanied by Hinsdale £ friends, returned last week from a trip through the East. Diane, Pat and Pam Blowers of l^ox Lake are visiting this week In the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Preund. NAME COMMITTEE' CHAIRMEN FOR . HOSPITAL SHOW The Auxiliary of the Weo#itock Community hospital has named the fallowing people to head committees for their coming stive show, set for Nov. 3. Tickets, Mrs. Harold Schmidt; refreshment, Mrs. Henry IhfcCanless; staging, Mr,a. Orr . Goodsen; costume transportation, Mrs. LeRoy Peet; programs, Mrs. George Pellegrln; ushet-s, Mrs. W. M. Robertson. ^f These committees are hard at work on their assignments and will have their details completed well la advance of the show, which will " be held at Woodstock Community If high schObl auditorium at 8:15 on Saturday, Nov. 3. Betty Nielsen will use models ffom all communities of the ft county; v.. . Refreshments wili "be served in Wthe cafeteria of the school immediately following the style show. Tickets are in the hands of the committee member* throughout the county and early reports of •ales indicate a good crowd for the event. Public Iatiied To Afttaid VJF\W. Hallowe'en Party It's trick or treat next Saturday evening, Nov. 3. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold their annual Hallowe'en party at that time, this year to be conducted by the veterans alone. The pvbllc is Invited to attend the big event, with those appearing in costume in line to receive some of the big prizes offered. There is no admission charge, music for dancing being provided by the veteran*. Lunch will be served. • f 11- 11 i m Residence Changes >••••••••• I I j| |i || Hfif i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weingart have moved from the Peter Weingart home to one of the newly made apartments In the Pries building. " \ The Peter Thelen fairiily, former summer residents, are making their home in the Elizabeth Pich home on . Park street. The C. J. Downs family has moved from Crescent avenue In the Country Club subdlvlalon to McCullom Lake. The William Bockman family has moved from Waukegan street to a home south of the city. The Glenn Draper family has moved from Elm street, to Hie former Math Laures residence on lit. 31, which they have purchased. NEWS FROM Wonder Lake CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends, rela- \ fltives and neighbors for gifts, flowers, cards and other remembrances on the occasion of our golden wedding anniversary. We are especially grateful for the kind services of Fr. Coakley, Fr. Steve and Fr. Miller. MR. * MRS. JOSEPH P. MILLER •24 New Lecemetives • Oast I railroads put 2,396 new locomotives in service lh 1050, the largest number installed In any of the past 27 years. By Tanesse Sells Wonder Lake Boj Writes Home About Pelham Woodward, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Woodward, Wonder Woods, has been stationed in Austria for some time. O^e of his interesting letters was in this column some months ago. A recent one tells of a trip to Munich. It goes as follows: " Got a three-day pass Friday so I decided to go up to Munich, Germany. Got up there about 2:30 Friday afternoon. "Munich sure impressed me. The difference between Germany and Austria is the difference between night and day. Munich is like any American town except for a few things such as bombedout buildings, the lingo, etc. Over 80 per cent of Munich was gutted. And you can still see it But with American money and help the Germans have done a good job of rebuilding. Still Gutted Oat "But all Nazi buildings not taken over by the army are still gutted out and are nothing but shells. You can see where Hitler had his government in Munich. " They have two very nice service clubs in Munich and the best E. M. club I've ever seen. "I also went on many tours. "The German stores stocked with all kinds of merchandise and the people seem happy and content and believe me if I could get assigned to EUCOM (Europe or Germany) I would* jump at the chance for It is good duty all over Europe except Austria. I can't describe what we put up with here in USFA but it's worse than basic for a bunch of old GIs. ------ Saw Caravan "Saw the Camel caravan while Luxurious M0UT0N LAMB At an Unbelievable Low Price! Silken suppleness In soft earring shoulders, deep caffs and full sweeping lines. Available In short and long lengths. only 135. 00 Pins Federal Tax * < **#her Furs also availabliP? CHARGE -- LAY-A-WAY -- BUDGET V STORM COATS -- $27.95 to $45.95 • 134 Can SiiMi j Phon. Woodstock 55 -v.;,"* • • ,/ J: ^Across from Courthouse on Cass) I was up in Munich and It was O.K. "Saturday morning took a tour of Munich itself and saw most of the town. It was a good tour, but my afternoon was ruined by the second tour. "Have you ever heard the word. 'Dauchau?' Maybe if you think for awhile you will remember it was one of the infamous Nazi concentration camps. The word 'Dauchau' doesn't sound like much but it meant death to over 200,000 people by murder. They haVe a very lovely crematory of six ovens and a shower room with poison gas complete. And outside they have a nice blood trough where the SS shot people. The trough was so the SS would not get* blood on their boots and the blood was very deep. Grew of Thousands "Also there was a grave 6x6x30 feet and there was a simple stone wit]) the Inscription, 'Grave Of Unknown Thousands.' "There were other such graves and I want you folks back home to bear In mind that in 'East' today there are five such places but only three or four times as bad aa the Nazis were. "Also bear in mind if America should ever fall or stumble there will be such places at home anc it won't be people of anothei country, race, or creed but you and your neighbors. Got Booklet It's not a pleasant thought but it's a reality and I offer a prayer to God to forbid it. I got a little booklet at Dauchau and will send It home for you to see and think about And I know that this won't sit well with ypu, Mom. for you are too good to think or even comprehend such things.. "1 don't believe what I saw because my mind never thought such things happened. But it is real and everyone must think of these things for us to remain free." Pel goes on to thana his parents for a package he received and to tell them how much he likes to hear from home. In a letter, received as this goes to press, Pel writes that he has been made a corporal. Pel attended Woodstock high school before he went into service and was a member of the Woodstock National Guard. firfcle Vogt, and Victor MilfrraatL Hard Times Party Mrs. Eleanor Wright, president of tdpT Harrison school community club,Would like to remind all the residents of the school district' ot the hardtimes party planned for Nov. 17. All attending are to wear their old clothes and to come prepared to have fun. W Hinting Red Lady Sells .... the only one of the Sellses with a pedigree .... was pheasant hunting Saturday In very distinguished company. She was retriever for Sheriff Babb of Oool^ county and his chief deputy in a controlled hunting area. Christen Infant : ! Patricia Kaye, daughUft at Ifr. and Mrs. Gene Corcoran, was christened last week at Christ the King church. Sponsors for the baby were Thomas and Catherine Corooran ofChlcago. Men's Club Serve* 900 At Dinner Party The Wonder Lake Men's club served dinners to about 300 persons Sunday night at one of the nicest parties given this fall. The dinner was given at the Legion hall and was followed by dancing to the tunes from two accordions. The two long tables were decorated with Halloween cloths, were centered by large jack-olanterns and with the red leaves from oak trees. The committee for the most successful party ever given by the club included Dominic Basile, Trip Te FlorMa Mrs. Eugene Roy and Mrs. M. C. Woodward, Wonder Woods, will leave this week for Hollywood, Florida where Mrs. Roy's husband is presently employed. Mr. and MrB. Roy will probably spend the winter in Florida but Mrs. Woodward plans to return to Wonder Lake by Thanksgiving Wonder Lake Team Beats Johnsburg The Wonder Lake football team unbeaten so far, chalked up an other win Sunday afternoon in a runaway game against a Johns burg team. The score was 26-0. The team, composed of boys weighing not more than 125 pounds, is part of a little league in the county. Russell Spuehr is t h e t e a m ' s c o a c h , a i d e d by Wed Zandier. the League's secretary. The Wonder Lake team is spon sored by the Men's club and has been completely outfitted the adult group. TImB Skating Party All achievement members of the Wonder Lake 4-H club will be guests of the county federation at a skating party Thursday night in the McHenry rln|t 1 Halloween Party ^ At Legion Hone The American Legion and its auxiliary is again planning a Halloween party for the children of Wonder Lake. The party will be held at the post home Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. and there will be candy, cookies, popcorn, and movies. The Harrison school bus will pick op the children on the east side of the lake at the usual stops at 6:45 p.m. and will pick up the children from the west side of the l«Jfa at Thomas' store at 7:15 p.m. ate will sponsor a turkey dinner at the Wonder Lake Legion home, Novj» 4. serving from 12-3 p.m. Tro menu will include roast turkey, dressing, white and sweet potatoes, vegetables, relishes, pies, cake, coffee or milk. c Dinner tickets may be obtained from any member of the school association or of the Holy Name society. take advantage of, and attend the "Crusade for Christ" , meetings, now being held In the Woodstock Opera House, every night at 7:45. Next Sunday, Oct. 28, in the evening at 7:30. will be the last opportunity to hear the Reverend j Paul ffindschl of Cedar Falls, Iowa. There has been increasingly large audiences out. to hear - FOR - Roofing -- Tile -- Gutter Storm and Combination Windows and All Building Materials of -Sears Roebuck and Co. See Representative FRANK GANS Call 767-W or write M0 RIVERSIDE DRlYE MeHENRY, ILL. FREE ESTIMATES ioaoc= GEO. COLLECTS, Owner 103 Riverside Drlro SHOTGUN SHELLS • IMoMly Advertised MA W OUR _ is 10W $OS0 PRICE £t~ is-o«. i chel Other tltM Disintegrating End Wads Accurate,, hard- Finest Powder and She! hitting! Prog rot- Cone Base Construction , sive burning. Tope in Quality, Savings smokeless powder. SHOTGUNS IYEK JOHNSON - Single .Shot ft fa. IttJO MOSSBERG (Model 185K) .--. M fa. |»Ji Adjustable Chokes -- 3 Ouns in 1 WINCHESTER . Pnmp (Model 44) 12 ga. $8U5 L. C. SMITH • Double Barrel .......... 16 fa. $82*0 Used - But as good as new. BIG SELECTIONS! 29-92 $14.15 Sfeveas 22 Cal. Rifle Ideal for beginners! Model 15 has bolt action, adjustable rear sight, walnut stock. 22 CaL Cartridges £gg Lubricated lead; brass shells; smoke* less powder. 5Q in box. Shorts ." - * HUNTERS' CHECKLIST GUN CLEANING BRUSHES Brass wire; lead tip. Use for all shotgu^^, GUN CLEANING RODS f Jr sections; full 36-inch length. For 22 cnW*~« 2-0*. HOPPE'S SOLVENT Y | Thoroughly Cleans - Protects from rust tlWAYI unii »UYI AT GoiVlMe4 15c 98c 34c Tarkey Dinner Christ the King School associ- Gospel Chnrcb News We had a good start In the Confirmation Class on Saturday afternoon, October 20. So far, there ace 12 young people enrolled in the class. We meet every Sat at 2:00 p.m. It'8 a grand opportunity for the young to get together to spend one hour a week in the most important of all studies. There was a surprisingly large number of out of town people in the morning service last Sunday. We would urge our readers to this eloquent and polrifffl preacher of the Gospel. Our Sunday evening S6rrl$a next Sunday, the 28, will be can/ celled in favor of the Union Msst i ing in Woodstock. There will; however, be Sunday Bible school at 10:00 and Morning Worship Service at 11:00 A.M. ^ FOR SALE POTATOES ONIONS A. KNIGGE East River Road Phone 510-T-2 McHenry, BIG MASQUERADE ; SATURDAY NIGHT ; NOVEMBER 27 H0BERT (BOB) DAVIS' Oft^BiESTHA ROLAINE GRILL WONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS •-•'M •./I DEL MONTE E.G. SUGAR PEAS 2-35° DEL MOSTE CHILI SAUCE r 25c JOAN OK ARC KIDNEY BEANS 300 • T,„ 10C FANCY PORTA RICAN or JEBSET SWEET ~ POTATOES 3-29® KLEENEX 2 Z 49® -' 2 s™ 29® s FANCY N. D. RED POTATOES 10 ~ 49" FANCY FLORIDA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 4 " 25® CHICKEN OF THE SEA Bite She TUNA. XT 29® CHICKEN OF THE SEA Light Meat TUNA 33® ' BEECH M'T BABY FOODS 3 " 29' SUNNY DALE (Yellow Quarters) ' -- MARGARINE 2 ~ 49* firxfrv MOORE BEEF STEW 24 Oz. a Tin 49 PET MILK 3™. 41* CHICKEN OF THK SKA Fancy TUNA *r 37® BCXK SAUERKRAUT - 12* I HOT SPECIAL # MANOR HOUSE 2 Lb. Tin • • • , • • 4J COFFEE $ 1 o59 RED LABEL TOMATOES 2 25° HORJfEL SPAM 49° 12 Oi. Tin FRESH COIMRY DRESSED (Tan Beady) FRYING CHICKENS ea. 51.19 FRESH MEATY GROUND BEEF lb. 66c LEAN TENDFR POT ROAST (com) lb. 68c DEL MONTE Country Gentleuiaa CORN 2-33® LIBBTS HEW PACK PUMPKIN 2 ™.25° ABSOLUTELY FREE! Beautiful Big Console Television and Ten Bushels of Certified Fine Foods. Fill out coupon and deposit it at our store. ALL MKAT Franks lb. 49c FRESH Oysters pt. 89c Fresh Pork Liver lb. 35c Wis. Fancy Cream Brick Cheese lb. 55c BONELESS Haddock lb. 49c; FAX Y SLICED Halibut FREE COUPON DEPOSIT (AT OUR STORE lb. 49c 1 Ocean Perch lb. 38c Fancy f Swiss Cheese .... lb. 79c 1 Name ... Address Town l JFINNEB WILL BE A»0UM EP PLEASE BE PRESENT 6 FRIDAY NITE IS FAMILY NIGHT AMPLE PARKING GREEN STREET -- OPEN TILL 9 P.M. McHENRY. ILL. AMPLE •4 rJ t'y; • *"'V* • M. Mi

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