Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1951, p. 10

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nf ,^r^pi^T»7 t^> w *";y*-*»?f .j,;*.v"> lJff ^• ^TJ-' * V:: ^fT* f* i*-v*^T>'* ULYMOOR •••••••»•»< <bjr Kitty WOftM) Thursday, NofMnbir 1.1^51 ) „ The ground breaking ceremony # the new community building Wfcs blessed with sunny skies, although there vu a slight chill in the air. Mr. Hoppert, chairman of tbe tWlMlag committee, Introduced the presidents of the various organisation* in Lily Lake, who in turn pledged their own wholehearted support and urged all the ciub members to help in this worthwhile cause. Mrs. Hyatt, representing the Ladies League, pledged t)le support of the league. Pastor Liberty lead the people in a little .prayer for the success of this venture. Leon Sex, a g»iest speaker, presented a check for $100 to tile building fund. Mr. Booster presented a check for $100 from tfce Business Men's Association fcsd Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott donated a personal check of jt?00 to the building fund. r#*H A touching scene t&ok place ' ajfchen a small boy gave Mr. Mc- Dermott a nickel and said "This la all I've got but I'm all for the ' banding". The building will be built entirely of volunteer labor. Pledge cards will be circulated, asking everyone to donate some time or flfconey" to help. Funds for the building will be raised in the following manner; Direct donation; a social will be held every Monday in Wally's proceeds to be nsed for the building; large Jars frill be placed in all the places of • business in Lily Lake, where everyone is requested to drop ffceir spare dimes or pennies for tbe fund. The teen agers are going "to help by collecting all waste paper and scrap metal. It will be TV-sold and the money will be Vised for recreational facilities in «*»• new building. Mr. Hoppert tpked that everyone who makes a donation, regardless of the amount Klease be Bure and get a receipt Tfhis is to protect everyone involved from any misunderstanding. Ji Work on the building will begin lis week, and will progress as reather and the funds permit. Mrs. Charles Gohl entertained at a spaghetti party latot Wednesday, followed by an afternoon of c a n a s t a . T h o s e p r e s e n t w e r e Eunice Tobey and son, David, Alma Hueckstaedt and "Dutchie" and Kitty Wojtas and children. A v e r y e n j o y a b l e a f t e r n o o n w a s spent by all. Mrs. John Mllinac has returned from a trip which took her through seven states* After a visit and shopping trip in New York city, where she went to welcome her sister back from a trip to Sweden, sh£ went on to Vermont to visit a brother. From there she went to Providence, R. I., before returning home. Ellen ' Wicklund, a niece of Mrs. Milinac has come home with her for a visit and she will spend a week or more visiting in this part of the country. Mrs. Milinac's sister brought back a beautiful tablecloth as a souvenir of Sweden for her. The Lakeside Improvement association announce the completion of the beach road, which required quite a bit of gravel; also fifty yards pf sand has been dumpej on the beach. Carylln and Pete De Cicco Were hosts at a Hallowe'en party last Saturday, night Everyone came in costume, which included everything from a gypsy girl to a Spanish cavallero. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. There were some really ingenious costumes at the Lilymoor association dance last Saturday night, some of which were three hula dancers, an Indian girl, little topsy, and a very cute "Daisy Mae". Everyone had a swell time trying to guess who the other fellow was. Mr. and Mrs. Cfca*te* Cktol, ®r., of Nile8, 111., were visitors of the Gohl family in Lilymoor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojtas and son, Allen, of DesPlaines were visitors of the Henry Wojtas family last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn were dinner guests of the senior Flynns of Brookfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonder and daughters spent several days in Chicago just seeing the "old town." The volunteer fire department met Monday night and a commit- BUSINESS MSN - ASK COOPERATION IN YEAH'S PROJECT tee has been appointed to take charge of the scrap drive which is being conducted to raise money for the new building. Henry Wojtas, Henry Hoppert and Ray Blades are on this committee. The The following artlele WAS toilpaper, rags or scrap metal may be ten by a member of tbe dtflftses left at the McDermotts garage. M . association Who n--n4t* which will be used" as a collecting ^ meeU£ of ^ orga <S3Son depot. They ask everyone's tooperation on this project - The 'teen club wishes to thank Miss Hubble for the, donation of a Kerosene cook stove whtch is being put to good use. Also thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Kosup for the donation of dishes for the club. The decoration committee is to be congratulated for the excellent job they did in painting the club-' house in the club colors, green and white. The hayride and spook party was a huge success and a thanks goes to all the parents who were so generous iq donating the refreshments. j.;.: •V'K MENTAL AID Members of church and community groups in Kankakee, Dixon, Manteno and Peoria are going to be asked to show a little special friendliness to the patients in the state mental hospitals in those cities--to drop in and visit with them, read to them, show a real interest In the way they are getting along. Physicians in these hospitals have learned that a simple friendly chat with someone from the outside often will do wonders in halping mental patients along the road to recovery. This experimental program in these four centers is being developed by the state board of welfare commissioners, an advisory citizens' group named by Governor Adlai E. Stevenson and' serving without pay. held Monday evening of this week. The writer speaks for the fourteen members who attended in asking those who have not been active in the organization to give some thought to the problems at- hand and the cooperation necessary. "The McHenry Businessmen's Association had its regular meeting Monday night, October 22nd. During the course of this meeting many important problems wwe discussed, many excellent suggestions for the improvement Of McHenry were made, and a very serious discussion of the dope traffic rumor and minor drinking resulted. 'Out of the ninety-one P*i«^ members there were a total of fourteen present, not Anywhere 'near a quorum. These fourteen hardworking and loyal businessmen had to consider such problems as the feasibility of combining a firemen's carnival with the annual Marine Day program, or an attempt to form S. co-ordinated carnival involving the Businessmen's association, Firemen's carnival, V. F. W. and American Legion; the junior Athletic prom which urgently needs workers and help; the plans for the Hallowe'en movie party at the high school, which also involved S cSll for volunteers to assist; the necessity of electing a new Vice President to take the place of the lute Roy Kent; the businessmen's participation in the School Superintendent's clothing collection crusade; Christmas street decorations, including the advisability of selecting a new type of display material; the cost, location, and fund raising problem of new street lights for McHenry, the 'teen age canteen, the skating rink; and, most important, the problem of minors insofar as the drug and liquor problems are concerned. "It is our hope that any businessman who reads this letter and could have attended the meeting last Monday will be brought to realize that it is an imposition and ah impossibility for fourteen persons to make any lasting or binding decision for all of the businessmen of this community. The complete indifference and lack of interest on the part of the businessmen must have some basis. It is the sincere hope of the officers of the association that those of you who do not take an, active part will make known to them In what way changes can be made to assure your attendance at meetings. Criticism, in any form, should result in corrections, and you may be assured that your officers will do everything in their DEFE*St JOB Lient. Col. Donald F\ Armstrong, of Swedesboro, H- J., has Just been assigned as ground observer power to obtain your help--the corps coordinator for Illinois, The few cannot carry the burden of colonel will make his headquarters at the state civil deffense office In Chicago, and will advise Maj. Lenox R. Lohr, state director of the many Indefinitely. It your reason for non-attendance Is that of social pleasure or lack of effort, please give a moment's thought to how you would feel if ho one did anything about street decorations, 'teen age canteens, Hallowe'en entertainment, junior athletics, street lights and snow removal. The World today, whether it be the McHenry community or groups of Nations, is dependent upon cooperative effort. Each one muBt do his part and we hope the next meeting will be proof of your willingness to share the load." goiclde Spet O Shima, island due soutfe- of Yokohoma, is known in Japan ai "suicide island." Hundreds of people have sought sulphurous pj^iyi^n by jumping into its volcano^.! Civil Defense, In the selection of Observation post sites end .tMK training of personnel. ^ .| Vaiaeg Mess 1 A 700-yetr-old Catholic breflsifrfj is the most valuable item in fhsP library of Wittenberg collegS, a, Lutheran schooL 2 Classified Ads Will Do Almost Anything You Ask Them To Do! Sterling Window Shads and VenetianBfind Co. 5640 W. Division Si. , A •COlumbm 1-8743 Have your window* jiimd in Kar-01S« >•- movable slot Venetian Blinds. Dupont's wmihmbW Tontine Shades and Kirsch Draw Rods. v Plate Glass and Dresser and Table T3£s. /'• (Polished and Beveled) Estimates Cheerfully Gften. CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call MtHenry B51-M-1 Building Severest • Tbe Rev. Albert A. Stier, of Clifton, N.J., is also a building contractor. He is responsible for several housing projects, among them one known as Styertowne. Complete line of LeCs poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, VcHenry. 8tf m»4 m i n n i immt Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS wieto EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15 Day Trial Offer Ovar four million battles of the Wnun T«mtii«i have been aoldofor relief of doe to him AcW. aSTS^SmIm#! SMhmlem bovm*"e wtrheiecthm fmoltl--y efxcpelea--inse tt ills ranark- SYE DRUG STORE •< UK 11 >>< » M l 111 >•>•» 1' OUR MOST SENSATIONAL OFFER ! 00 WORTH OF FINEST FOODS! AT NO EXTRA CHARGE NA-11H SSc Jar N0XZEVA Medicated Skin Cream 59c 45c Tiabe LISTERME Tooth Paste Double Size 2 For 59s Cre*1*1 100 PEARL ST. CORNER We have added to our regular a Chicken -- Steak -- Special Every Wednesday CORNED BEET and t V Friday Special FISH FRY FRENCH A Fmh Mwtk WHt QHLORODENT Teeth Paste |»nL with Chlorophyll v9v Destroy Rodents GET-D-CON Csitsisi Lam 89c Mouse Proofs* BR0M0 SELTZER 2*4 <«• C7a Bottle .910 VITALIS TONIC B?nie.49c ANACIN TABLETS •ox 12 19* RESEARCH and PHARMACY Hand in hand to help you keep in good health. Our Prescription Department is alert to every new discovery. You can depend on us for t h e f i n e s t i n pharmaceuticals. ITALIM BALM AMAIIST TABLETS S^.SSe OUETTE BLADES For Safety Sake LISTERINE Ant»! 79c 14 Ox. For Nose Colds VATRO-NOL S*tHu>| Rtlisf 37c 15 cc Bottle . CLORETS GLAMOUR FOR HAIR HALO SOAPLESS SHAMPOO 89c FOR COUGHS COUGH REMEDY iv • i CURLEE FALL SUITS..... *.-Tops in Value . ' ^STTLB -- workmanship -- materials; these are the Qualities t# demanded by men who know clothing values best. And you . can be sure that these are the qualities you're getting when 'H** Vu choose Curlee Suite for your fall and winter wardrobe. Comfortable, easy fit and drape are built into every Curlee || Suit, lasting good looks are as. uerd by a combination - ~of carefully selected materials plus tailoring which give® Bkillful attention to even the hidden details of construction^- 1 tare are featuring Curlee Fall and Winter Suits in the season's newest fabric patterns -- and in a complete range of models, -^Styles and sices. Come in and make your selection today! $59.50 117 S. GREEN STREET McHENRY STORE HOUBSt Open fcBri l p. X. Fridays 8 A. M. to • P. M. -- Snndaye *711 Kooi FOOD FREEZER Here is your big opportunity to'own o wonderful new G-E Food Freezer at a price you can afford--PLUS A fULl $75.00 WORTH OF FABULOUS FOODS AT NO EXTftA COST! Look at these remarkable features: 'S All sturdy steel construction • Easily acc**sil»lft food storage • Insulated lid O Cabinet insulation • Protection from moisture infiltration • Automatic Interior lighting # Temperature indicating light.., Thit sensatioiiaf offer is limited Don't dstey 18 MONTHS TO PAY! Terms to fit Y°ur Budget! THB FINEST SELECTION OF FROZEN FOODS! Viscerated chicken, turkey, SOa food, large assortment of vegetables and fruits! 4AJL AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Come in today PRELL bought. BONUS SPECIALS JERIS Hair Tonic S3c Size with 'Jerls Fore' new before 74c ana after shave lotion WOODBURY Cold Crtta 69c Jar with 28c Jar of Dry Skin Cream 94c value. Wtr ^CUtEX Polish Ronow and 'Nail-flex* for nails Regular 75c value Dispenser With $1.00 Bottlt JERGENS LO T I Otl- Both f 98c ECONOMY SIZE TUBE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP --419 S. GREEN STREET 7 T-- McHENRY .ILL. PHONE McHENRY Ml BOLGER'S DRUG STORE SHONE 4# TLL. Smooth • • : -•& - - , • ' r

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