. i • « , / * T < r - j w v ' , " V ' " \ ./=;•• l * v , ' " , • . V - * , > « . • • • ; y , . - • ; < • « j - v v » - ~ . p^^j?ww:-r*- "* *&**m •towmjif"-*' <PJ%PK'" • ..FWFCL'1V' KINIAN*'V" «& . -'U" T.IFE111 >**W N>'.: FJUPIPU * > ""[1 II!NI»F ><WI A ; -/T ^ •* ,•" "" ' . 'TiJli|ir1il,iljHT|i||rf' I \ U .' NOVEMBER BBIDE MISS JEAN COKWAY3& "'-•if'*'."'"'! .-. • I'. «'"'** **' ** -1'* ••* ?*- »4 * "-" - A y " .t . n.yj 1Mt 1 ^' SVoman's Hub Plana L . i'hrlstiuas I'urij T~][ The McHenry Woman's «tiit> met 'fcst Friday afternoon, Nov. 9. at JUIP Legion hone, with a large crowd, including a number of (uestH, present. Miss Dorothy Holland of the Kraft company gave a ..:. Biost interesting food demonstra- Jon and thp attractive dishes sh«, repared were eiven to some of ttie ladies present; '• Duriug the business meeting, plans were discussed for the bake which will be held at the ;,1, Oeorge Justen & Son furniture f ttore, Green and Elm streets, Saturday, Nov. 17. The sale will be- '"fin at 10 a.m. and members are ; Vrged to bring in their food do- •Ration early. The annual Christmas party bt ? . tile club will be held Friday, Ue. • ' (4, in the Legion Home. "V. f' T. A. Entertained "l, "*• ?®y Fifth (irnders ^ *; v* ' -A skit, "A Sly farmer," ^WaS ' v5 presented by three fifth grade Students last Wednesday after- -itonri before St. Mary's.-St. Patttck's school P. T. A. Taking part ijrere Lois May, the maid; Janice Hettermann, lady of the house; and Mark Vycital. the farmer. Chairman of the social hour was Mrs. James Thompson, assisted by Mesdames Earl Marshall, Peter i 8chroeder, Clemens Adams, Cecil Ballowe, Paul Brefeld, Homer , • 'vJfttzGerald and William Glosson. The next meeting, is schedule*! tor Dec. 5. : r 4. D. of A. Plans for Second Party • 1 The second party In the current fliard tournament sponsored by the ":I3jf*tholic Daughters of America %ill be hel^ on Thursday evening, Nov. 15. , Announce Engagement . If Jacqueline Sander . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muscarello f Island Lake have announced e engagement of their daughter. Hiss Jacqueline Ann Sander, to ^Edward Wesolowski, son of Mr. --and Mrs. Edward Wesolowski of Barriagton. The wedding will lake place late thia month. .MISS JEAN BROOKS LOVELY BRIDE QF CHESTER CrRANEjft In a quiet nuptial service solemnized at the home of Rev. Carl !Lobitc of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church, Miss Jean Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, became the. bride Jbf Mr. Chester Grandt. son of the John Grandts, who reside on Rt. • "81. The ceremony took place at 3 b'Clock Saturday afternopn," Nov. 2*°. ' The attractive bride was attired Im a dress of cocoa brown net j»ver taffeta, with dark green accessories and white orch,id corsage. She. was attended by her sistr Mrs. Betty Hill, of Chicago, while Howard Voeltz, a close friend of it he bridegroom, served as best man. At 6 o'clock, a dinner and re- " ception were enjoyed at the ^Brooks home by members of the immediate families and the bridal • party. The newlyweds have returned from a few days' wedding trip and are at home on Waukegan street, ^McHenry. The former Miss Brooks is a ^graduate of the local high school ^with tiie class of 1&50, attended -.'DeKalb and at present is employ- • ed at Riverside Manufacturing ^company. Mr. Grandt is an em- . Piftyee Qf tiie Terra Cotta plant. FORSBERG-BELSHAW NUPTIALS PERFORMED SATURDAY, NOV 10 White, and gold Chrysanthemums in tall white baskets flanked the altar of the Woodstock Presbyterian church Saturday for the wedding of Mrs. Lillian Korsberg of Wonder Lake and Lewis Belshaw of Woodstock. The 4 p.m. double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. C. Urch before an altar (Ml which Were flickering candles. , The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Konicek. Cicero, was clad in a champagne fail 1p suit made with a long fitted dressmaker coat with a peplum, A snowflake pin held the suit coat; at the waist. She wore a small, off-the-face hat. and a half veil. Her corsage was of green orchids. *'Mrs. Merle Young presnted at thf organ and played background liiusic. for the ceremony". She also served as accompanist to Robert1 Smith, soloist, when hfe sang. "Because Of You," "I Love You Truly." and "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. Ray Schalk. Cicero, served her sister as matron of honor and Homer Duffer, Glen Ellyn, was his brother-in-law's best man. John Greer, the bridegroom's nephew, served as usher. The bride's mother wore a dress of wood-violet tone and all black accessories. . The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Lewis Dwight Belshaw of Tampa. Fla., wore a wine-colored dress a n d b l a c k a c c e s s o r i e s . B o t h mothers wore corsages of white mums. ^ Following the ceremony, a reception and buffet supper for thirty-seven guests was enjoyed at the Wonder Lake home of the bride. The buffet tables were spread with matching white cloths decorated with drawn work and were centered with white and gold mums. Mrs. Bessie Ducey of Richmond, a friend of the bride, was in charge of the service. The first piece of the three-tiered Wedding cake was cut and served by th< bride and bridegroom, and the remainder was served by Mrs. Schalk, the bride's sisjter. v Mrs. Homer Duffey, Glen Ellyn, sister of the iR-idegroom, circulated the guest registrar. Out-of-town guests included Mr. gnd Mrs. Jack Forsberg. Bob, Roy ;and Dianne, of Oak Park; Gustav Forsberg. (grandfather of the bride's son, Rickey Forsberg) Chicago; Mrs. Thomas Forsberg and Marsha. Roselle; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Duffey, Glen Ellyn; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greer, Bloomfield, X. J.; John Greer. Urbana; Miss Cafolyn Campbell, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Konicek and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schalk and Cynthia, Cicero; and Miss Beverly Boher, Berwyn. The BelshawB left for New York City, with the bride wearing a navy suit and accessories of autumn rose. Upon their return they will reside at 202 E. Donovan, Woodstock, for the winter and in Wonder Lake during the summer season* The bride attended Northwest ern university aAd lias been recently employed as a home economist for the Crosly company, Sterlin'i. The bridegroom, who attended the University of Illinois, is employed in WoodBtock as an electrician- Rickey Forsberg, who sat in the front pew at the church, threw the first rice at the newlyweds. Tape recordings were made at the reception. MARRIED SATURDAY TO ROBERT SAELENS .MRS. DONALD SCHIAVOSE * This lovely bride was Miss Lois Bitterman before her marri&ge to ponald ScUjavone of Lily Lake on Saturday, Nov. 3. They are residing in Lily Lake for the prasent. U«IHIII!Mlltttli:iMlllllMtMI!li:i!IUnilUtllHIIHIII(UlllHII PERSONALS iiuititniiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitHtimiiifitiiiMiiittiiiiittiii jf ^ Tojrland fo Open at Vycl(ar\. „m^»»«l'se our Lay-A-Waj l'ian. 27 •1 {i- te V-'*. * ' • ; i \ iH Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger spent,the weekend in Indianapolis. Ind., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stenger. Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel spent Sunday visiting in the Cecil Rothermel home in Chicago. Robert Butz of Lafayette, Ind., was a guest in the Martin Wegener home one recent day. Mr. and Mrs. Holger Pederson attended a birthday dinner honoring George Buchardt in Fox Lake on Monday evening of this week. Miss Mary Ann Boiger, a stu* dent at Rosary college. River For-' est, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Boiger. Bob French, who is attending the University of Illinois spent his first weekend home since entering school in September. Those from McHenry who attended the wedding of Miss Jean Conway in Elgin last Saturday were Mr. . and Mrs. Richard Conway, Edward Conway, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, sons. Bob and Walter, and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, Miss Elaine Freund, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty and soil, Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and daughters, Helen. Julia, Joann and Lucille, Miss Genevieve Knox. Mrs. Katnryn Conway, Mr.' and Mrs. Jerry WJnteTs, Martin Cdnway and Earl Conway. Mrs. Ed. Holle of Oak Park and Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the Martin Conway home. Nick Miller attended the Willys Overland Motors Distributor-Dealer meeting at the Palmer House in Chicago last week. IZighligM of the gathering was the showing of'the new Willys passenger car. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock called on McHenry relatives Monday evening. The Leslie Bungards of Elmhurst visited in the home of Mrs. Martin May on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and I daughters, Monica and Diane, of Waukegan spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Giveiis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Skoney and son, Jim, of Elmhurst spent the weekend in the Frank Weingart home. . ' Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ettinger have taken up residence in the, Sovereign hotel, Chicago, until February, haying moved this past week from their summer home at McCulloin Lake. They will spend from Feb. 1 to May 1 in flyrida- A wedding of local interest waa solemnized laat Saturday morning, Nov. 10, when Miss Marguerite Jean Conway of Elgin, daughter of Edward Conway of McHenry, became the bride of Robert Frederick Saelens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saelens, of St. Charles. The wedding took place at 9:80 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church, with Ifev. Fr. John Smith officiating. Karl Conway of McHenry, cousin of the bride, sang Schubert's "Ave Marie" and Franck's "Panis Angelicus." Miss Helen Knox of McHenry cousin of Miss Cotiway, acted* ti maid of honor, fettired in a dress of ice blue satin and carried a cascade bouquet of yellow carna« tions. Little Cindy Adams, 4-years old, another cousin, was the pretty flower girl, dressed in pink satin and carrying a basket of , white pompons and pink carnation petals. James Saelens attended his cousin as best man and groomsmen were Charles Williams and Richard Conway. The charming bride chose a white satin gown, styled with long train and fingertip veil. Her bridal bouquet consisted of white Carnations centered with a white orchid. A wedding breakfast was served at noon at Sunnybrook Acres, with a reception at the K. of C. hall, Elgin, for 200 guests later in the day. The bride, a graduate of Elgin high school, and the bridegroom, a graduate of St. Charles C6m* munity high school, are both emplbyed by the St. Charley Manufacturing Co. BIRTHS Beware of MohKore """"Excess moisture in wood may cause paint to blister. Always b« sure that a surface to be painted Is thoroughly dry before, work ts begun. Visit tojhmd at VjcitaPg. Vfe oor Lay-A-Way Plan. jjft A daughter Whs born to Mr. antl Mrs. Lawrence Murray on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker ate' the parents of a son, bofn at thet. Woodstock hospital on Nov. 7. A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on Nov. 7 to Alde^mtfti and Mrs. George Freund of Riverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan |nnounce the birth of a son at the Woodstock hORp'ital on Nov. 6. Mr. aud Mrs. Theodore Pakhik of Wonder Lake are the parents of a daughter, born Nov. 7 at tht Woodstock hospital. A son was born at the Wood-- stock hospital Nov. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burr of Wonder Lake; A son was born to Mr. and Mrs; Fred Meyer at the Woodstock hospital on Nov. S. MAID OF HONOR PLEDGE FRATEHNtr* Keith Lowrey, son of Mr. add Mrs. C. J. Lowrey, has been pledged r to Phi Kappa Tau national social fraternity at Coe college, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lowre^, a freshman, graduated ill May from the Missouri MHitary academy, Mexico, Mo. fte was reporter cm the school paper,. too* part in glee club, played varsity football and baseball and earned the Chicago Tribune medal. JlTDY ( A*MARATA This pretty young girl is Miss Judy Cammarata of Lily Lake, who acted as maid of honor at tlif wedding of Philip Cammarata and Miss Lena Fascino of Chicago on Oct. 27 in a Chicago church. THE 1MB $W ^.fRE - CHRISTMAS N« 8teak Esters Native diet In the Australian bush" includes ants, caterpillars, cicadas and other insects, as well as various dishes compounded of snake meat. CARD OF THAM$ I would like to express my appreciation for cards and othes remembrances during the time of my recent illness. These many kindnesses were greatly appreciated. 27 PHYLLIS AFELD MOVEMBER l&h 4e DECEMBER let " 20% OFF COATS -- DRESSES > SNOWSUITS HA.TS V JACKETS SKIHTS PHONE m 312 E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL,' "*» ' « tf /.tit//(fgg UMb Fresh," fragant flowers . . . a s m u c h a Thanksgiving tradit^n as turkey and pumpkin! Decorate your festive table, or surprise your hostess with their beauty. Smart arrangements for informal or formal .• settings. Yes, and at Elm Street Florist they're priced to* please everyone! tlEGMo ELM STREET FLORIST 230 300 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, TT.T. PLACE YOUR ORDER TR NOW FOR . PARAKEETS Order by Nov. 25ih to Assure Xmas Delivery. $6.95 - $7.95 We have a complete stock of Bird Foods. Gift. COLLETTE, Owner 1#S Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 45» <fyen Friday Sites 'Til 9 Sundays Til Noon C0NG0WALL jq.ft. 12c PLASTIC THE jq .ft. 49c ; n »x » -- MARBELIZED, COLORS < ASPHALT TILE each fc 9 x 9 -- L I N O L E U M T I L E -- A L L C O L O R S • • NAHM'S FASHION FLOOR ea. 16c BY THE VAAD C0M60LEUH ' jH-ji Wc sq.y<L S1.49 ea. 17c VINYL PLASTIC. s/mm 9"xi" iGtot,D 'SEAL VINYL INLAID TILE WALLPAPER - IN STOCK r PIOURINES, BEGINNERS SETS, ^ PAINTS, TEXTILE INKS _ ALLPlRST QOAUTY NO SECONDlf When You Buy Paintt, Buy Name Brandt. COMPLETE LINES OF Benjamin Moore, Elliott's. Glidden's _ , Spred Satin Paints STORK HOURS: DAILYt 8 a.m. to A p.in. --• FRIDAYS: 8 a.m. to i )p.M. H| Xt>AYS: 8 m. to lg Xoow , -- • . ROUND LAKE :V-* t Photo by Kolin ' ,11R JAMBS FRE( ND8 '*< ' St. Jobn's- church, John^burg <ira8 the scene of a pretty we^dlag solemnized Nov. 3, when Miss Doris Freund of Johnsburg became the bride of Mr. James C. Freund of McHenry. They are rfBsJding in their new home on Maple Avenue. « .Aa% Appear. Diaippaar Quick JRafettlta rmer j^ants :'r '• ^y||"ARM6llS toll us they like these things besij. ? ;|ibout a banking connection: ^ *?; ; A place to get financial service. . .d plac€^ to find all needed financial facilities undec £^|>ne roof...but mostvof oH# 0 place to ge|r ^friendly financial advice, ^ !:* Thfit's the way we try to operate. You'r^'^ >velcome to come in to any ate Bank Federal Reserre Ijilwi ---^r ^iember Federal Deposit Inturimce Corp. Intmsft Pmid On Savings Deporfli PHONE 4040 STORE Boor foate(fi<*« Fh<ip» Ro«nd . Lf ake M4U x f - ' f (< t -- FREE DELIVERY • • If M99 i^lcVTLIBT % MRVIIM iSYS , Everything to prepare, Cook, carve and seirv# your JhQnk^iivmg ieqst! Save time -- plioAs your order. ' u., Ksi, - l- A|itomatlc West Bend Electric Percolate* Now In color: Cherr}, Red, DetyhiWiamv Bine aaff Suasei Yellow. *13^S ; CUTS COOKtNO TIME! STAINIKSS STEEL Woo4*a Tiay 14.95 Others to $16.50 Steak Knives Spt 6 in Tx#* u (Veri "Sharp) MmMm Buy Your Thanksgiving Needs In Our. Store. ' \ m COLONIAL HOMESTEAD PATTERN AMERICAN DINNERVyARJE Siarler S^ $5.95 • - • • « »r & S3 piece set $22.15 Westinghouse Electric Roaster Oven jfWIfli LooX-In 1^1(0 Tooks Dinner for All At One Tlmeh CABINET PYR6X WARE 9" FLAVOR SAVEH PIE PLATE 59c 10" Sixe 69c 9" fer Bread Pan Wc ' 10" Sixe 89c $46.50 Complete |A9*WARE ftBBEX ST. •appsHaafi PHONC * SUtET M£TAL HHOP IMIESItT. ILL. '•V" ' it