Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1951, p. 2

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wmm »i;V 5 r . r w ' r ~ & w * * t w * r * & .'^r-r'-xi^ff^wn*t*T*r "•:• .", •*?"* «- - * * ' f #*, ^ > " 'f 4i fx* fr- it\ - « r - > t * * . <; ' m »* "% ' • -1 " * *« £ > • . > * * ' <• ! i'" 2' ^ TitEMc»EJrat kjlWl)EAtEB TKortfcy. N6».mb.r 22.1951 " i - Mary Lob Skew 1 (inest At Shower ,. Miss Mary 4jou 4M«w« was honored tfl a surprise •miscellaneous shower on Sunday, at the home of her parents, the H. L. Sivers, of McKinley avenue. Fox Lake. The home was beautifully decorated Cor the occasion. The afternoon was spent in r Haines, after which the bride-to-be opened her many lovely and useful gifts which had been placed under * decorated uuibrella suspended ** . from the wall. - The serving table was centered by a huge decorated ^cake. with a 'fr buffet style lunch served to thirtyfive guests from nearby towns. ' Miss Sivers will become the bride of Marcellus "Bud" Thennes on Dec. 1 at 10 o'clock at St. Bede's Catholic church in Fox ffcnhellealc tironp To Meet In JfcRenrj The McHenry County Panhellenlc association will meet on Monday evening, Nov. 26. at the home of Mrs. Walter Bartow to McHenry. Members will bring 4k fifty cent toy for children of the heepital, plus scissors and staph ) to make GlwriaUttasJJaj ia^ors £or hospital. Altar & Ro«rj MbUc €»rd Party The Altar and RoMUy-sodality • of St. Patrick's church is spoil soring a public card party on Thurs- • day evening, Nov. 29, in the ' chiirch hall. Co-chairmen are An- . na WiBkelman and Alida Wirta. C. 9. <t A. ( and Krtf ftarMmcat * The last C. D. of A. social meet- ' ing and second party in the current card tournament was held Thursday evening. Nov. 15. Winners were Colletta Adams and llarie Larkin in contract bridge; ! Elizabeth Thompson in auction bridge; Adelaide Gausden and ' Mrs. Gertrude Stilling in canasta, Marie Vales, Eleanor Nye. Alice May, Gertrude R. Weber and Elea- ' nor Miller in piaocbel. \' ^Roae Hueuiann and her commlt- : tee served refreshments. The next meeting will be held ' Dec. 6. The third party in the f tfurnameut will occur .Dec- 20. Ouest At Fifth Anniversary Dinner Charles Liebiuaii of tteHeary was a guest at the fifth wedding anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Crawford of Ken more, Buffalo, N. T.. given Friday evening. Nov, 16, at the fashionable Spur Towne House In Buffalo. Mrs. Crawford is the former Joan Palmer of London. England. SATURDAY BRIDE Announce Troth-V- J Of "Jerri" Aiiutl ? Mr. and Mrs. .Richard Nim'tz an-< nounue the engagement of their daughter. Geraldine Shirley (Jer-; ri to. Mr. Donald booliu of Chicago and McCulloui Lake. They plaii tp be »wrie4t^e eftd - of December, » . 1 \ ! I l|wp>«r Honoced ifMTtiae Mkhds * 2- -The Legion Home in McHenry f Was the scene of a miscellaneous ( shower on Sunday of last week, honoring Miss Lorraine Michel6, a bride of Thanksgiving day. Host- _ e»ses were the Misses Jeri Nimtz, . Betty Lou Weber and Mary J^ne ' Qerasch and Mesdames Harold * l|ichels and Emma Wolowic. (. "Forty guests were present from ' (Jhicago, Libertyville, Aouud Lake, Johnsbuqg, McHenry and Spring t Orove. J Games provided the afternoon's i* ^version, after which lunch was * jterved from a table centered with a miniature bride and her atten- »- dants. The bride-to-be was the reclplent of many lovely gifts. *' ' Miss Michels will be married to £ Jrancis Wolowic Nov. 22. .UMWlfllUIIUIII{lllllltltllllillll!!illtlilUIII!lllilllllllHIHU PERSONALS AtlNIMIIllllUilUlillllllHMMllllHiHIIIIIlHtllllUUilliHUUI Mr. and Mrs. Charles Busch and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schons of Johnsburg attended funeral services in Chicago last Saturday for Mrs. Busch's "brother, Frank Bums, who was killed in ah accident earlier in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin and children and Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen visited friends in Milwaukee Sunday. They also visited Jacqueline Justen at St. Joseph's convent. ' Miss Ellen Schneider is spending some time at Phoenix. Ariz. Her friends may write to her at 31 E. Mitchell street. Mrs. Eleanor Moderhack and family of Chicago spent the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. Ida j Kreutzer. j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neumaii of j Kenosha, Wis., visited her mother, j Mrs. Anna Miller, last weekend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund and Mrs. Henry Stilling visited Mrs. Robert Crichton and infant daughter at St. Anthony's hospital last week. Mrs. Annabel Aicher has returner home after spending two, months in the home of her brother, George Hehner, in Saginaw, Mich. Mrs. Aicher'B sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bickler, have sold their Chicago home ana will spend the winter with Mr. Heimer in / *. Mr. and -Mrs. Peter EJngeln left Saturday morning for Florida. Their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode, and daughter, Julie, accompanied them and will visited for a few weeks. The Kngelns will remain for a longer time with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Melsek and children .former McHenry residents. • Shadle .-Photo In a lovely wedding service solemnized at Grace Lutheran church, Richmond. Saturday aftersoon, Nov. 17, at 3 o'clock. Miss Jane JJ£tts of Ringwood became the bride of Mr: August Sftazolick of West Frankfort, III. Rev. Carlson officiated at the, nuptials;. A reception followed the cferemony at the Lily Pond, near Woodstock. The couple wiil reside iia fWcoder Lake. BRIDAL COUPLE Shower For Bride-To-Be Miss Lorraine Michels was hostess at a bridal shower ^eld at the home of Mrs. Jerry Winters last week Tuesday evening, with sixteen guests present. Games were played, with prizes awarded to Nancy Crlety, Marianne Rogers and Betty Long. Christian Mother* Christmas Party The Christian Mothers and Altar society of St. Mary's church will have its Christmas party In the parochial school hall on Friday, Dec. 7. There election of officers. Subscribe for The 1 laindealer TIIE CHESTER BRANDTS Miss Jean Brooks of McHenry exchanged nuptial vows ' with Chester Grandt in. fhe home of Rev. Carl Lobitz of the Zion •Kvangelical' church 011 Saturday afternoon. Nov. 10. ThCp newlywedS are residing on Waukegan street. BIESCHKE-BOWER w ^ VOWS EXCHANGED LAST SATURDAY ' : St. Peter's church, Voio, was the scene of a pretty winter wedding on Saturday, Nov. 17, at 2 o'clock when Miss Gwendolyn Bieschke, daughter of Mr. mod Mrs. Raymond Bieschke of Volo, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Bower, son of Mrs. Gladys Bower of Richmond. Rev. Fr. George Schark officiated at the ceremony. The lovely bride was «tlired in a bri.4*l charm gown of chantilly late over satin, floor length, with wide bertha collar studded with rhinestonos and round sheer yoke. Her veil of. fine illusion had a hand rolled edge and hung shoulder length from a crown of pearls and rhinestones. She carried a cascade bouquet Df small, white fuji mums, centered with large white mums. Acting as matron of honor was Jftrs. Bofcert Boeitjer of Chicago, a close friend, and bridesmaid was Miss Frances Bieschke, the bride's sister. Beth were attired fiiuiiarly yi dresses of ice blue satin, styled with long fitted jackets wiUi .seft -rolled collars, trimmed in applique. Their satin, braided cron¥*»K were in ice frlue. Mrs. Boettjer cWjried large, yale bronze m,ums, while Miss Bieschke haxl a bouquet Of light yellow mums. Robert Conway of Woodstock eerMed as best man and Carl Johnson of Richmond was groomsman. Utters <were Martin Baumann of Chicago and Edward Biewald of Park Ridge. Mrs. Bieschke wore a dark brown dress, matching accessories and a corsage of yellow fuji mums, while Mrs. Bower was attired in a dress of champagne faille, with black velvet accessories Mid a corsage of bronze fiiji mums. A reception followed the Ceremony for 225 guests atf the- Legion Home, after which the couple left on a trip to Florida. Upon their return they will reside in Richmond. The bride attended St. Ferdinand's school in Chicago and is a graduate of the Wauconda high school. She has been employed for the past three years at the McHenry State bank. The bridegroom graduated from the Richmond high school and is employed in the Richmond postofrtCe.. ' BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frost are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on Nov, 12. " , A son was born Nov. 14 £t thet Woodstock hospital to Mr. «ad Mrs. Richard Ruzicka Of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crichton, Jr., of Rockford announce the birtfi of a 7 lb. 8% oz. daughter, born Nov. 4 at St. Anthony's hospital. She has been named Cristine Ann. The Crichtons have one other child,, a daughter, Carol Lynn. Mrs. Crichton is the former Mercedes Stilling of McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Karowski of Chicago announce the birth of a daughter, weighing 8% lbs., on Sunday, Nov. 8. There are two other children In the fanilly, both boys. Mrs. Karowski Is the former Jane McAndrews of McHenry. Police Officer and Mrs. Albert, Nugent this month welcomed thefirst g^rl in their family. The Nugents, who have three sons and six grandsons, now have a granddaughter. She is Patricia Joan, born Nov. 1 to Mr. and lir*. hJasaes Nugent of Chicago. ^ CARD OF THANKS J jwould like to take this means of thanking friends in McHenry; also friends and neighbors in Lily Lake for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and -cards of sympathy extended to me in my bereavement. It Is a comfort to know that one has friends and neighbors that are so thoughtful and .kind. . I especially want to thank Fr. Baumhofer and Msgr. Nix for their visits and prayers offered during ray husband's illness. Words cannot express my appreciation. 18 JiJRS. MAE SIMON AMONG THX Anton Wike has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Bernard Buss underwent sur- «ery at the Woodstortt hospital last Feek. Mrs. Emma Schulz of Niesen's subdivision. Johnsburg, is recovering nicely from surgery which she underwent ft Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, last week. She will be confined to the hos- ^ pital for another week) : 3 4t. \ -r- ?ior. wr Tests conducted on hundreds of heads reveal that the diameter of j) human hair varies from .001 to .004 of an inch. While hair can be classi-^fo? fled as fine, medium or coarse, no ^ 5 head contains all fibers -of <me JUnd « The diameters will vary from very ' fine to coarse on every head, al- - though generally one type predomi-. natef. Good Invitation Place cards at a Mt. Version, la., restaurant carry the message: We invite vou to say grace if you wish City of Home Owners Over 66 p&r cent of all housing units in San Jose, Calif, are ownei occupied. E X P E R T Beauty Care ^ FRAN MILLER VEAIITY SALON" 103 RICHMOND BOAD PHONE 1096-M ' McHENRY, ILL. u lest Drive" America's favorite •/rt tm* op TNi wousmyt TO! mYtS, 3 MOttt MAKOtS M mt f*w 3 ysAAS: **0tl0isvu.r MEAHiy O.miuionV+%1 *>«/ CAN P*y muryoucA*¥auY sffnttr 'rmok *e teas to* uss than most toestf ^JjakTHe nmt or KNotNt •*HW wpwo mutat JH* oMwe 0itM co# hug* *wol" w ti. UNO IN TMt ^ MOST BtPtMSOM. CAMST tf : 'i Gosse-Raaf Troth Told i Mr. and Mrs( Al. Gosse of Rich- | mond announce the engagement of g their daughter, Lorraine, to Lawr- "4 ence Haug, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'I Walter Haug of Shalimar subdi- K vision, McHenry. No date has been *t set for the wedding. LIFE «* i at sa> 16 LACE uumx Tit R*fn>iu m*d ***** |«r frail coUt. 1 lb. tor Alit Pantry Delioaoms 134 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Fofdomatic Diivi is two Irwcs in dm! It's ttw newtst, smothest, (oinitsl istomilic drive it ill! Fluid Torque Converter FOKDOMATIC HAS BOTH Aulomitic Mechanical Gears Better yet... WITH F0RD0MA11C DRIVE! • Fordomatic is two drives in one, combining the best features of earlier "automatics." You get the smooth fjow of power of a Fluid Torque Converter . the GO itf Automatic Mechanical Gears ,'.i. plus the savings of having ' - JP the exact powetf youa you need it! 1 our wlwtiow »f Foflrfofnotic Drive, opf/w»«»f of cost, available with V-8 only, fqtipmut, occmsortej ond trim to cHong* without notico. USED CMS f.c.a. 16*7. tdlM V ?:*' zhm Come in and "TIST DRIVE" ft today! BUSS MOTOR SALES - 531 MAIN STEET ftSK OrH HWHAIAWT TKI KVTSI<>> SHOW FORD FESTIVAL -starring outstanding guest stars, NBC-TV network, Thursday evenings, 8:00 P. W.N.B.Q. *elton, ulth HB.WA0KEE SAUSA6E SKHUN6 RYE BREAD and JONES' . Dairy fann Sausage and Bacon! Now Sold Exclusively in McHenry PANTRY DELICACIES S 134 BIVSRSIDE DRIVE McHENRjf. ttX. Lingon Berries •-- Potato Sausage Jj^impa 3read Home-Made Pickled Herring m ODUCTION , 7.MilliM~ Tob» •••• ^ •i" .:: 5^ Bi«u>n . -teord Pool %7Miilion ' Barrels " . • - • ^'1850 1850 185a' M2 Million ' Ton# 3t Billion y. < hoard Foo»^,.f"v' 1.7 Billion Barrels dpi LUMBER PETROLEUM There it Hp substitute for freedom as a spurt* production. And America's progress is a continuing Story of free men engaged in free enterprise. ; Our high standard of living -- our high productivity in peace and war >-- and our future progress are all directly connected with «ur free enterprise system. Let's keep it always. Bask Member Federal Reserve Sylw Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cecpw Inlerest Paid On Sayings Deporili PHONE 1040 IMBMQI ML.. > METAL DUMP TRUCK PLASTIC jDoll-Houae Furniture WIMMT 86 INCH SKE-E BOB TOY Streamlined TRAINS SLED Hen- is a fast, Sleek gyeedstar rHUit steers easily and goes Ilk# up tihe wind! Talking. 3ABY DOLL Tl)ls Is what ||t hoys 9ll want. I t ' s c o m p l e t e with pistol hel. ster belt «•< lurt. (ilLASS oi» PLASTIC TEA SElt $\M ri R 'j»; =-t , . A | < !!i^' > r * I y 1 - • r • r-.f Wooden Rocking HORSE $9.95 CORN-""1 POPPETS6.9S This elee^rlc corn popper is both, efficient and betratlfiil In <l<>Ni<rn. Polished finish with plastic 'fittings. Automate DRILL aw H»s moulded haliellte luiudlc with polishe^i ^ihiuiinain parts. Supplied with 8 drill points 1/lA to 11/64 in handle. COMPLETE STOCK OF Christmas Gift Ornaments, Tree Lights and Christmas Decorations. SHOP EARLY WHILE OUR STOCKS ARE MOST COMPLETEChild's "UTTLE LAP SLATE DOCTOR" with Chalk ; SET •98c ',l1' ',v 1, x?<*\ CASTING tOQC ROD S-piece bamboo fly easting rod. Top . tamlle. POP-UP Toast Master A -real beauty--toasts 2 slice* at a time, just right Adjustable speed. Polished chrome with brown plastic trim. Guaranteed. CARVING SET Three-piece Mt ©f fine stain. le«$ steel with stag handles. Guarded fork. Packed in attrac live get M|d mlPJ car v inf. "SttcWittter Electric MIXER 346.50 D o e s lots o f work in the kit. chen! -- beats, whips, m I x e s,, stirs, Mends. Equipped with 2 bowls. Detachable mixer bead. ELECTRiw DRILL 1 A fine, stuMj- shop tool for all bat the heaviest jobs. Trigger .grip switch. With fittings, can\ also be used at .grimier, polisher, or buffer. LAY-AWAY PLAN VYCITAL'S GREEN ST. PHONE 98 NkHENBV, 1UINOIS HARDWARE and SHEET METAL SHOP PPRRP

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