Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1951, p. 10

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"PPlf NEWS FROM Wonder Lake Bjr Tmmm Sell* (lifts Sellable JNr CkrMmas Will Be On Sale ...Mrs. Howard pretty proud of the many items •he already has for the Community club's bazaar scheduled for Sunday. Most of them are Suitable for Christmas presents, she points out, and urges members of the community to plan to do some of their shopping at the school. . There are dolls dressed in tufc feta, ribbons, velvets, prints, crocheted costumes, and even a bride doll, perfectly costumed to the iMt detail. Then there are baby dolls, stuffed dolls, fluffy bed dolls, and a brother and sister twin set of dolls. For all ages are the cunning Creations of bright felt. Among tfaem are slippers, ear muffs that double as belts, lapel ornaments, lift decorations, and gift money folders. Plastic boots filled with candy (Mm, bean bags, and balloons may be just the thing for your Christmas tree or for other decorative purposes. Also of plastic are aprons, make-up capes, covers, for Clothes hangers, and other attractive and practical items. •Also in the galaxy of things for the bazaar are yarn toys, washwere present at the charter pre- | sentation. I Introduced and commended for their work were P. L. Cornrier, I president of the scout committee ;ind Hoy Meiswinkel, scoutmaster. II Iwt Tom Stanley '!<» Head kiwanis ( Itth Three of the four top officers chosen by the McHenry Township Ktwanis club last week are Wonder Lake men and three of the eight directors reside in Wonder Lake. , * j Thomas (Tom) Stanley was Wilkinson is'named president of the club; Marius (Muzz) Hansen was chosen vice president; and Horace Wagner was renamed treasurer. The three Wondef Lake directors include John Lathrop, Arthur Lapreca, and Anton Grill. ( -In Sewfce " iCafl ftjehard Strbmstedt,; 19, son of Mrs. Elsie Gamen. Hickory Falls, was enlisted in the navy Nov. 15 and is now undergoing boot training at- Great Lakes. John H. Smale Jr. Was inducted Nov. 7 into the arnij^;-£:J_:! Evaluation Meeting Ob Football (ianies At the evaluation meeting held by the football committee, it was announced that the seven little boy teams of the county had played 16 of a possible 21 games. The Wonder Lake team played six games and won all six. They will receive a trophy later this year frojn the Men's club. Those present at the evaluation meeting agreed that the League had b?en of great value and will be continued next year. They also agreed that the full set of rules will be retained including the ahle stuffed" toyV. pretty aprons t we'6h* system. Boys mast weigh ot organdy and print, clothing for 125 P°unds or less and aro *llowed eight pounds for equipment. Plans are now underway for a basketball league with three teams to play in the Wonder Lake group. The other two are Burton's Bridge and Johnsburg. 11 children, socks for the oldchild, candies, baked goods, d home-canned foods. .Supper will be served fropi 5 7 p.m. with a menu consisting of spaghetti, Vienna bread, fruit ••latin salad, cookies, coffee or Brownie Scoots The Brownie scouts now havfe a portable library, made by Mrs. Swanson of the troop committee. Joyce Schimke is the librarian. The scouts are continuing to Xw'i Clab Dance •as Top Attendance JlThe Wonder Lake Men's club functions, which grow larger all tfce time, was topped by the dance | work ou the do11 house the>' are Saturday night when several Planning to present to the Woodhandred people gathered at the !stock Children's home as a Christajmory in Woodstock to dance. I nias P' esentrands derived from the dance, j along with other money collected hy the club, go toward athletic Urograms for the children of the | Wonder Lake area. | ' Dr. Sw 1* Ruggero, James Bell, #id George Stelyn made up the I committee responsible for the dance. They are very grateful to <il»e volunteers who aided in the fcasement part of the program and to Charles Majercik, Winn Davidson, and Robert Cormier who Checked coats. The Men's 'club is sponsor also for the boy scout program at the „ |Uake and held a formal charter flight recently for the boys. Ben Phelps, Fox River Grove, fcnd Jerry Frehse, Woodstock, Leffion Notes The Hottest news this week Is the heating equipment at the Legion Hall. We always strive to have a friendly atmosphere, but now you may be sure, that the atmosphere will be warm as well. Come down Friday night and see for yourself. Saturday, Dec. 15 is the night! Don't \miss ' the Legion Holiday dance. The "Aces of Melody" will provide a syncopated serenade for the senoritas and their swains. Wally Stromski, a Wonder "Laker, is head horn honker for this harmonic hodgepodge. Be sure to attend tl^is fine, festive function. The next square dance at the Legion Hall will be Saturday night -Dec. 8. These square dances sponsored by the Holy Name society are a lot of fun and Fred Zandier is getting to Re quite a good calle^. Why not come down to tl Legion Hall and join. in the fun. Don't forget ,#11 . you Indian Ridgers, the Indian Ridge party at the Legion Hall is this coming Saturday night, Dec. 1. This week you will see posters made by the Harrison school kida fn the stores around the lake. There will be cans for j your contributions too. Don't pass them up. Put in a buck, you won't ! miss it. And those guys in Veterans hospitals will appreciate being remembered at Christinas^ Remember, every. penny collected will go toward "Gifts for * the YankB Who Gave." * ( Santa Claus asked us to remind you about the kids' Christmas party at the Legion Hall on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 23. This party is fqrj.the younger kids,,, that is kids up to eight years old* < . --Dairy Barir Ventilation POULTRY VENTILATION ELECTRIC BARN CLEANERS DISSTON CHAIN SAWS For Appointment On Your Farm CALL LAURENCE E. ANDERSON PHONE 6S4-J-2 McHENRY, ILL. NOW AT STEFFAN'S the finest watch ever made % 18K 0»M end buckle ^ -ft " AKflatoc strop • : i Sterling stiver M silver belt <v [ , • ?:#-•' : JEWELRY & RECORD SHOP' MAIN ST. . McHENRY, ILLDOUBLE 6oM Bond Staapt FRI. & SAT. Winter Conference of the Evangelical Free church of America as well as the sessions of the Board of Foreign Missions this week in Minneapolis, Minn. He expects to be home next Saturday afternoon for the confirmation class and for the services next Sunday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m. and 7:45 j>.m. Holy Communion will be observed in the evening. • - ' 1 FABX 15 ACCIDEKf Phillip Gustafson, 10, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Gustafson, Maple Park, route 1, met death Thursday morning when he was pinned beneath a heavy farm tractor which rolled down a 10- foot embankment into a creek containing about 18-lnchea of water. The tragedy occurred on his father's farm near Virgil. Phillip was helping hie father clean up the barn and had started for a nearby field with a wagon' load of manure which he was towing with a tractor. "* Cooperative Ceattag When industrial finish engineers Were assigned the task of developing coatings for washing machine* .that would not be affected by soap#, , washing powders or hot water, they came up with quick-drying and .baked finishes which speed production and cut costs. Renew that subscription to tto Plaindealer now. MED IK HOSPITAL Surgeons and nurses fought a losing battle in an effort to save the life of William Becker, 12- year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Becker, of Huntley route 1, after he had been wounded in the right side by a charge of shot from a . 410-guage shotgun which was accidentally discharged on his father's farm.. William died in Woodstock hospital last week despite all efforts to save his life. He was given transfusions of two pints of plasmas and nine pints of blood and Elgin state police and Chicago park police combined efforts to rush more blood from Chicago to Woodstock in the event the hospital supply became exhausted. 1(k Baby Pnodncts Wattles brag MeHenry 111. " Htf LIFE FOOD VIOLATIONS Inspectors employed by the state Department of Agriculture found 144 violations of Illinois food laws during October. The list included nine restaurants serving the recently legalized colored oleomargarine in ways contrary to regulations. Forty-, four confiscations of inert were made because of adulteration with cereals or the use of illegal preservatives^' ^ EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. •Muscsme 33g CHERRIES fHr Skipper Cows Weigh More When Sold H«a loir Calves Bring More Here. Toar Dairy and Breeding Cattle CM he tested at Onrj Modem Sales Ban. Toar Cattle and Hogs eaa be sold by the Dollar er byj tike Poind. Come and See Toar Stock Sold. <- We are here to serve yon. // WK PAT CONSIGNOR DAT AFTER THE SAIE. H WE ARE BONDED Pantry Delicacies I Woodstock CdmilL Safes CO, Inc. 134 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 572 or 499 -- Woodstock, III | wnmumim SMALLBStr BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Gospel Church Xews" WTe were very pleased to welcome to our Sunday Bible school last Sunday, Nov. 25 the entire family of Mr. ,and Mrs. Joseph Benoche. These good friends and neighbors have Recently moved in to beautiful YVickline- Bay, as have also Dr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson, ^ whose three fine children have - also joined our Sunday School recently. We are now in the midst of preparations for the Christmas Festival programs, the children rehearsing the parts assigned to them. The pastor is attending the Mid- Honest, Santa I'll be an angel for gifts af McGEE'S 117 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. That's a promise you can't overlook! Not that yo« have to bribe him ... but why not get him gifts he really wants, namely Gifts by Van Heusen! With their top quality fabrics ... newer, smarter styling; "IT. famous magic sewmanship, they're a man's idea of heaven. So don't let"him down--come in and make it a Van Heusen Christmas! Van Heusen CINTURT while! Van Heusoa Comer y shirt collar needs no starch or stays--won't wrinkle ever. S8.9& to New Van Chick Not a stitch showing on collar, cuffs and front. In white or colors* to Iba MMfchleM LORD ELGR4 $900 (Mudine Ffdwol Tex) Elgin Is the first watchmaker in the world to build 50 million fine watches. In commemoration of this,' Elgin has fashioned the finest watch ever made/ This 50 millionth Elgin is so distinctive that onljfj one thousand have been produced. We are fortunate enough to have one of the 1,000 /• in our store now. Whether or not you're in the * $ market for so historic and distinguished a watch* come in and see it. We guarantee it'll give you newt pride in American craftsmanship.; Van Gab California Lo-Ne worn with or without tie. Com. g|etely washable gabardine, VernKa Wool Sportcheck# and it feeU as warm as it looks. Also in solid eolocs, *8.95 and I9.9& FtLL YOtift GIFT LIS^ For that mftn on your list, our tobacco counter is. stocked with cigars, cigarette, lighters, tobacco and a fine line of pipes. You can shop for the whole family in our store. We have gifts for all ages and at prices that are sure to please 'Let us Help- with four choice of the perfume that most flatters her per• sonality She'll be sure to smile when you present her with a beautiful manicure set. We have such famous names as mm and LaCross® Give a gift they ems use--give stationer j from our distincthtty selection. Thrill him (or her} with a fine camera for Chrtstmas. While ift our Last minute shop store be sure to pers -- you can find every gift you want rtght here. see our complete line of Christmas Cards. 117 S. GREEN STREET McHENRY STORE HOURS: Open Daily 8 A. M. to « P. M. Fridays 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. -- Snndays Til Noon Double. Gold Bond Stamps AU. DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. ( Double. Gold Bond Stamps ALL DAY FRIDAY AN!) SATURDAY Jm&j* M&

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