* \ f \ ' " * ' ' • ' ' . . : • v . ' ' v • ; ' •' *p if, Dtctmbw 6,1951 Pt-fH fcr.^d 'trick's Catholic Charch ward C. Coakley, Pastor |unday: 8:00; 9:66; 10:00 and V*. ily: 7:00 and 7:80. st Fridays: Communion dieluted at (:S0 and during 7:00 7:80 Masses. Confessions itvrdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., and on Thanhs before First Fridays: 4:00 to pjn. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. 8t Mary's Catholic Ckireh Msfr. C. t Nix Pastor ^ Masses nuday: 7:00; S:3»: 10:00. and 36. oly Days: 6:00; 8:00; and 10:M Peek Days: <:4S and 8:00. i*| Friday: 8:30 and 8:00. * Confessions atardays: 8:00 p.m. sail f:M liursday before First Friday: r 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:0# and 7:00 p.m. St. Peter's Catholic Chnrch __ Spring1 Grove 1ST. John L. Dalelden, Pastor Masses 8:00; 10:00 and 11:W. Wonder Lake Gospel Chnreh (Nonsectarian) Frank W. Anderson, Pastor • Services Sunday Bible School: 10:00 ajm. Morning Worship: 11:0Q a.m. Sunday Evening Service; 7:45 p.m. Prayer meetlnc Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Bring the family with you to 8unday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a weloome for everyone. ungay ioly Days: 6:80 and 1:00. Weekdays: 8:00. Irst Friday: 8:00. Confessions turdays: 2:80 and 7:lt. "hursday before Slrst Friday: and 7:1B.V WL Joseph's Blehmond, ML Sunday Masses:' 7:Ulw OQJfae nd 11:30. Iwy •:tk loly Days: 7:00, 8:00b rlst the King Catholic Chnrch Wonder Lake r. James A. Yaaderpool, pastor unday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 M. x loly Days: 6:00 and 8:00 A, M. "Irst Friday: 8:15 A. M. Catechism: Sunday, 9:0ft A. M, onfessions: Sunday, 7:fl A. M. 1 *30 H M. St. John's Catholic Chnreh Johnsbnrg Joseph M. Blitsch, £astor Masses Innday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00 and 30. loly Days: 7:00 and 9:00. rhursday before First Friday: 0 and 7:80. taffcv angelical Latleran Chorch e Church of the Lutheran Hour 408 John St W. McHenry, 111. Rev. Carl A. Lobits, Pastor Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Service: .10:16 a.m. You are cordially Invited to tend our services. Y o u t h F e l l o w s h i p : S u n d a y s , 7 p.m. Young Adult Fellowship: second Sundays: 8 p.m. Cherub and Junior choirs: Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. Senior Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.m McHenry Bible Church Donald O. Liberty, Pastor T Rt. 180 Lily Lake * , Bnsday Bible School, A.M Sunday Worship, 11:00 AJL Sunday Evening, 8:09 P.M. Wednesday Prayer, Fellowship and Bible Study, 8:00 P.M. in the homes. Call McHenry 691-W-l for address. "You're always welcome here" Mailing address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Ssox 282, McHenry. Phono R. W. Brooks, 801-J-2. THE McHENRY PXJUNDEALER Rlngweod Methodist Cknrdi Ring-wood, I1L Rr». Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday Mrenlng. St. Andrew's Episcopal Chnrch Sunday: 7:30 and 11:00 Sunday School and Family JBucharist, 9:00 Rev. Jon K. Smedberg, pastor Phone Grayslake 3-2911 ^ What's Underneath. • (SoHlipsible antennas for autom* bile radios are usually made of Monel, a nickel-copper alloy, because of its good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to corrosion in a wide variety of atmospheric conditions. These antennas are thin chromium plated in accordance with the Society of Automotive Engineers' specifications. Cashing Beef The tenderness of beef Is the -basis for the selection of which cooking method should be used. Ttoe tenderness of beef hinges on several things, including the location of the cuts on the carcass, the grade of the meat and the amount of aging that the meat has had •ince the animal was slaughtered. Shoe Thickness In producing leather soles for footwear ranging from heavy work .shoes to dainty evening pumps, Manufacturers vary thicknesses by Ss little as 1/48 of an inch! Yet in |e a c h c a s e l e a t h e r ' s f i b r o u s I strength provides exactly the pro; ' tection and support needed. . Mary's by the Lake Episcopal j Oriole Trail, and Dole Avenue < Crystal Lake 8u§day Services: 8:00 and 11:00 M. eekdays, 6:30 a.m. Wednesday; 00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and riday; 9:00 a.m. Thursday, and turday. Church School: 9:30 A.M. Weekday services are held la ve Orfftory in the Mission House, cHetfry Avenue, Crystal Lake. The Rev. Donald M. Ledaam ^ Priest-in-charge Community Methodist Chnreh of McHenry Main and Center Streets J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor '» Services: Church School: 9:80. Morning Worship: 10:45. A cordial invitation is extended you and your family to come and rorship with us. Bone White What Is termed ss "bone white** finish is produced by tinting white paint with very little raw sienna and raw umber. Applying glazing liquid, slightly tinted with the same coloring matter, over a white background will produce a still better effect., Eye-FteafcTng Kitchen An inviting kitchen with a corner picture window combines powder blue with copper snd knotty pine. The blue-enameled walls and cabinets set off the gleaming whiteness of the kitchen equipment. Copper pots and kitchen molds which hang on the wall above the stove supply beauty as well ss utility. One wall section is panelled in pine. Saving Yeang Vision Tb save vision, children should not be encouraged to read until they enter school, experts say. USE ALEXANDER'S BUDGET PLAN- 7o Repair or Improve Your Home. INSULATION AND STORM SASH . . . . . . KITCHEN MODERNIZATION NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING .. . ... NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE . . . ANT ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . * ALL MATERIALS AMD LANK , HAY IE IHaU0B_ 1094 Down -- Balance In 36 Monthly Payments ^H's Easy To Buy On Budge! At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "The Best of Everything For The Builder" 547 MAIN STREET PHONE 5 AUCTION 5 miles South of Lake Villa, 8 unites Northwest of Libertyville, 111.. 2% miles West of Hwy. 45, miles' North of Grayslake, being 1 mile East of Route 21, or % mile South of Rawlins Road, on Drewey Lane, on SATURDAY, DEC 8th Commencing at 12:S0 o'clock Powles Trailer Lnnch On Groanils 175 HOGS--20 bred sows, due to farrow in Jan. and Feb., 60 tat hogs, 95 feeder pigs, weight about 90 lbs. each. POULTRY and EQUIPMENT--100 White Rock pullets, 75 Rhode Island Red hens, feeders, fountains. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--3 unit De- Laval milker with motor, pump and pipe line (like new); electric water heater, sterlising tanks, pails, strainers,' etc. ' FARM PRODUCE--800 bu. oats, 3000 bu. corn. 90 ton baled mixed hay, 25 ton baled straw. TRACTORS, COMBINE, CHOPPER and MACHINERY--McC model M tractor on rubber, with starter, lights and PTO; McC tractor cultivator, with PL; McC model H tractor on rubber, with starter, lights, PTO and PL; Case field chopper (in good condition); MM combine with pick-up attachment (like new) MM windrower (like new); New* McC manure loader; New Ottawa elevator with hp. motor; Case wire tie baler; McC model 1-M 2- row corn picker; McC 2-14 tractor plow on rubber; JD 10-ft. grain drill with PTO and fertiliser attachment; Little Genius 2-14 tractor plow; 2 McC 7-ft. tractor discs (in good condition); New Idea manure spreader on rubber; JD corn binder; McC side rake (like new); McC 7-ft. power mower; 4- section drag; 8-ft. cultipacker; JD hay loader (like new); 6-ft. cultipacker; McC corn planter with check wire and fertiliser attachment; McC mounted corn planter; JD 8 in. hammer mill; DB 10 in. hammer mill; Smalley blower with pipe; DB corn sheller; Wis. 4-cyl. portable motor on skids; RT wagon and rack; machinery trailer on rubber; 2 wheel trailer with rack; cement mixer with motor (1 bag size); FresiA) scraper; 2 wheel scraper; steel stock tank; wooden stock tank; Stewart electric cow clipper; Oster electric cow clipper; large pile of old iron, 6 rolls snow fence, forks, shovels, and many other tools and equipment too numerous to mention. PAUL W. SMYTHE, Owner FROELICH and BEHM, Ancts. NOTICE: If you want to receive our auction notices by mail send us your name and complete address. WIS. SALES CORP., Clerk Union Grove, Wis. WOLTER & OBENAUF AUCTION Having decided to dissolve part- Cheer and tieod Health nership we will sell all personal property on the Wolter farm, situated 2 miles South of McHenry on the Barreville and McHenry blacktop. % mile East of Route 31 at the Farmhouse Tavern. 7 rafees North of Crystal Lake, and 4 miles North of Route 176. on . SATURDAY, DEC. 15. it*i at 11:80, A. M. 26 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 22 Dairy Cows, consisting of 19 Helstelns and 3 colored cows -- 6 of these are springers, 5 fresh in the last 30 days and the balance milking (rood. 3 Holstcln heifers, 20 months old, vaccinated; 1 Hoistein heifer, 8 months old, vaccinated. • MACHINERY McD 10-20 tractor with 6-ply 13 in. tires; Ford tractor, 2 bottom 14 in. plow and cultivator; Inow plow; power hay ntower; McD. corn planter with lift up attachment; Ford tractor; Ford jack; Broadcast seeder; 3-section Linseed drag; McD. power corn hinder, with bundle carrier; bundle loader and wagon hitch; David Bradley tractor manure spreade^; Wood Bros, corn picker. 3 years old; 1 New Idea steel wheel wagon and rack box; 1 David Bradley rubber tire wagon and rack box; 7-ft. tandem T. disc; 1946 one-half ton truck with stake body. HAY AND GRAIjT 23 ton first cut alfalfa and clover hay, loose; 3 ton second cut alfalfa hay. loose; 7 ton of baled sfcraw; 500 bu. of Clinton oats; 22-ft. of silage in a 14-ft silo; 2000 bu. ear corn. MILKING EQUIPMENT Hinman milking machine, 2 milk units, motor and pump, pipe line for 26 cows; Farm Master water heater; 11 milk cans; 2 pails and strainers; double wash tank. 300 chick size electric brooder; One 10-hole hog feeder; silage cart; stock tank heater; barn tools and many other articles too numerous to mention. Not Responsible For Accident* Lnnch Wagon On Groandti Usual Rank Terms. IRWIN WOLTER and VICTOR OBENAUF, Owners McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking. ED YOGEL & WM. RUSSELL, Auctioneers HEALTH TALKS The advent of the Christmas season should mean happiness for everyone but. unfortunately, because of carelessness and thoughtlessness, the holiday spirit will be marred by accidents and illness. Much of this could be avoided if common sense could be included in the holiday planning, the educational committer of the Illinois State Medical society cautions in a HEALTH TALK. Hurrying about tt crowded stores, the doing of one more thing, such as shopping, baking br wrapping of packages, may end in a fatigue so acute that the strain of "keeping up" will result in sickness instead. With the lowering of the, body's resistance, there is greater susceptibility to the diseases prevalent during the season. such as $olda, pneumonia and influenza. < / Christmas trees give a cheerful glow to the home, but a short circuit in faulty wiring of electric lights may bring death of a child, or destroy the entire home by fire. Trimming the tree from an insecure ladder or chair may result in a fall that ends in death or injury to the parent "One more drink" mafr be responsible for falls, accounting for broken arms and legs, or ribs, or skulls. It may cause unnecessary quarrels, resulting in mental and physical discomfort. "One more drink" before driving to another party may also result in an automobile accident, causing death or injury. The weather may be bad, with ice. sleet or snow, emphasising further the need for care. At holiday time, people tend to "overeat." Moderation in eating, as well as in everything else, should be a "must" for everyone. The misery of an "upset" stomach will do little to keep the home bright and happy. In choosing toyfc for small children, avoid selection of those with points, such as darts. Beads and buttons, used for eyes and noses on certain types of dolls, are not safe. If they come apart easily, a youngster may swallow or even inhale them. .The Illinois State Medical society wishes you a truly happy holiday season, mentally and physically, but urges you to use caution in your plans so that broken bones, burns, sickness, or death will got bring tragedy into your home. If you play your part, the year 1952 will be launched with a new record of safety and health. Italy Uses V. 8. Methods In an attempt to increase coal production, Italy is not only adopting American mining methods, but also installing loaders, conveyors, ventilating equipment, and other modern machinery developed by U. S. industry. Hot Stuff Current Jet engine models need two or three times the nickel ordinarily found in reciprocating engines. Part of this nickel is contained in International Nickel's In« conel and Nimonic alloys which its rolling mills are producing In increasing quantity, while part of it forms an important element of the heat-resisting stainless steels and other alloys produced by the Com*, pany's customers' mills for vital components of jet planes. The c u s t o m o f e x c h a n g i n g Christmas greetings originated In England. At first, a Christmas note or letter of good wiglies was s e n t , S c h o o l c h i l d r e n w r o t e "Christmas pieces"--Supposedly as expressions of good will to their parents--but actually as lessons in penmanship. Then, Christmas greeting cards appeared in the 1840's. ' Need Rubber stamps? Order at *The Plaindealer. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worih Doing Right 36c lb. . • . 'Perfume Offerings Entire temples of the Egyptians were made fragrant by incense burning. At various times of the day when a prayer was offered to a god, each was accompanied by a different perfume incense offering --risin at the break of day; myrrh when the sun was directly overhead, and Kyphi. at tigillght. suce eaap'-. / Rice hulls are used in the manufacture of hand soaps. The finely ground hulls help remove dirt, grit and grease without harm to tender skin. Heme Permanent Curlers Hie Spin Curlers which are used In winding home permanent curls can also be used for a betweenshampoos set. Dampen the hair slightly and roll on the curler. When hair is dry, remove curlers and brush the hair into place. Uni^ae CUntc A Methodist clergyman has established a unique rural life clinic near Forrest City, Ark. People going there can attend a religious service, hear a talk on soil conservation, and have the baby immunized against diphtheria. ' Price Cyetee ' The United States has experienced three distinct 54-year cycles in commodity prices. During each cyclo the prices began at a low level, moved up to a peak, and moved down again to approximately fte level they had sprung from. . IlL." v Safety Cost Ugh the American coal industry spends more than 80 million dollars a year for safety devices, supplies, and training. Leaky' li^ the water pipe in your summer bungalow leaks just the least bit, wind tome adhesive tape around the leak and brush over this with fresh shellac. Serious leaks, of course, require a plumber. Plajtex Baby Predicts Wattles Drag McHeary I1L 4ttf ^ New Umber Source Indiana coal mine operators th _ spring will plant nearly one and one- * ' half million seedlings in mined-out i > fel areas. This planting will add about •» . two thousand acres to future fta» ber stands. i. " . ! y Arab Introduces The lowly kidney bean was infro- •«> duced td Europe by the Arabs tn about the thirteenth century. The Arabs were also responsible for introducing the more aristocratie f* ; . asparagus and artichoke to the .> Western cultures. i Save Stools Step-up stools in kitchens a great deal of wear. If the bare wood is showing, sandpaper the surface smooth and then apply one or more thin coats of thinned fresh shellac. m -i;; SMALLEST BUSIEST CHEAPESS WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS YOU FULLY COVFXtD" There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phono McHenry 411-R Pantry Delicacies 134 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L Eyes LEFT Brother! A dase for a gate Mister, when you hit that tree! Do YOU have insurance to pay for a demolished car? You should have Accident Insurance to pay for injuries to yourself and Fall Insurance on your car-- if NOT you are NOT FULLY COVERED! Call me today. FRED W. HEIDE A Complete Insaranee Service TELEPHONE 1&0 • ISf Coantry Clnb Di$*e; McHenry, IIL •Mfiftiiy king size Q U l-- I T V' SNAPSHOTS T_A iMUM ALL PICTURES CMIAX6SD AT NO 6XTRA CHARGE! PER ROLL 8t* Km* Stu m CWrwcr J<c##. nu.m*99i MttV# Wattles Drug Store "THE HOME STORE" v _ Main Streot PHONE 358 McHrarr. m " 13 £ READY-MIXED CONCRETE Speeds work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality work •Kufc prompt AUv«7a aay rise, vtf placea #No mm* to clean np; damped exactly where wanted* doned for jronr jolt. •Full strength, reliability and uniformity in every load. •Low price deUi •"Mix- accurately proper- gamble on cost. Yob and your builder will both benefit by using oft Ready-Mixed Concrete. Phone us before you build McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE McHENRY 920 606 FRONT STREET . McHENRY. ILL. More people buy Is MTU. pel It up to yowl There must be plenty of good reasons why more people buy Cbevrolets tKan any other car. Here are some things to think about. There's Hie way Chevrolet looks. Nice clean; curved lines--like cars in the high-price field! Chevrolet's Body by Fisher sets the pace among low-priced cars. There's the way Chevrolet rides ord handles. The smoothness and big-caj comfort of Unitisad Knee-Action. Bigger brakes--biggest in the field--for s^fer, surer stops. Finest no-shift and standard driving at lowest cost with Power* glide or Synchro-Mesh transmission. There's the way Chevrolet saves. Chevrolet is the lowest-priced line in the field and the savings go on and on with low operating costs. There are plenty mere reasons why Chevrolet is America's favorite. Come in . and let us show them to you. Chevrolet's time-prove# , automatic transmisskNt # finest no-shift driving at lowest caat Combination of Powerflide Automatic Transmission and 105-h.p. Engine a in De Luxe models st extra cost. CLARK CHEVROLET COMPANY 204 ELM STREET PHONE McHENRY 277 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 4 *7$.