Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1951, p. 8

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i£* . • * wmmmmmmm§ i £ '"', f *0$#t-;i' ^ THE KCHEHRY PLAINDEALEB IHIINiNNn MM* ;: UKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty Wojtas) %\ LiufcAtty Od^mir g The more than ten thousand I hound volumes of newspapers and | other thousands of loose, single jissues owned by the Illinois State i j Historical Library and kept in nmwiiiKi guests were present to play games and share in the many good things to eat. Elyce received some very pretty gifts from her friends. Ijfce annual Xmas party for the .dren of the community will >*»' held at Club Lilymoor. The liy for the pre-school children .1 begin at 1:30 p.m. A movie t .rtoon will be shown and all the <jd boys and girls will receive package from Santa (,'laus. The rty for the children of school up to the eighth grade, will ' at 7 o'clock. A movie will i.i. shown, and gifts will be hand- 4© the youngsters. So don't for- /the date, Friday, Dec. 21. '<& t 4> yftfc Lakeside association ie hav- V*« .a party for the children off .* ••.-vtiiV.-'.'club members #at the llible i : , .lv.U#ch building at 8 p.m. Friday-. • . >c., 21. Santa Claus will be* on to greet the youngsters. Mr. Ed. Kamin, Mrs. Par$ Mrs. Brzezinski are on the1 3 for the party,; J •Fhe Ladles League held . theii < ;.A:istma8 dinner " for members , ui their husbands last Saturday : if%t at the J&K. A delicious Stey dinner was served with all trimmings. A very nice crawc {tended, despite the cold weather. Shirley and Vee .Qustafson attended the J. M. ^CWristmas party aiong with the Wojtas familylast Sunday afternoon. A lovely stage show helped entertain the guests and Santa made his appearance to present the small fry with toys to take home. : • - * The Lakeside association is very . ateful to Wally and Stepnenie iirek for their donation and co- Miration in the venture to raise ioney to buy some new, playri ouad equipment for the small ich. A large heavy duty stand a been purchased that will hold ' veral swings, and will be inuiiled in the near future. Jack Allen and his son. Quinn, are recent visitors of Mrs. Vi r.ieer. Mr. Allan is a resident of : V.rnsworth. 111. Marie Kempfec Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'rank Kempfer on the arrival of their new son. The new arrival < been named Michael Anthony and weighed in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. i lie Kempfers have another son ; nd one daughter so u family of five. they now are r Blyee Falsetti celebrated her birthdaywith a lovely party last Friday afternoon. Fifteen little centl We are all grieved to heir of the death of Joseph Estep. son of Mr. and Mrs. Vachet. The deceased Was a resident of Iowa, but was well known in this community through his parents, who have lived irt this village for many years. Mr. Estep died of a heart at Lac k folio sy» ^pera^pn' je* ' Y-v David MerTtman haft r&nrfled from the Kenosha hospital, where le was hospitalized for several weeks. McHenry Bible Church News Saturday, DtT*. 22. a rehearsal !or the Christmas program will je held at 3 p.m. The <Airistmas program will be held' on Sunday, Dec. 23, from 10 to noon. All parents and friends are invited and a gift will be given to each child. The penny-a-meal building banks will be Opened and- all are urged to bring their folders. Donations of canned and non-perishable foods are being accepted and will be distributed to the needy on Sunday afternoon. Refreshments will be served at 5 p.m., followed by a prayer fellowship at 6 p.m. At jjt,:30 p.m. we will leave the church for caroling. ;; the basement of the Centennial b u i l d i n g , S p r i n g f i e l d , i n c l u d e some extremely rare publications. Here is the only known copy of the state's first newspaper, the Dec. 13, 1814. issue of the Illinois llerald, of Kaskaakia, Illinois Territory. One of the only two known copies of The NauYoo Expositor is in the collection. The active life of this paper lasted but a single day. Issued June 7, 1844, it attacked Mormon officials, who had the type seized and thrown into the Mississippi. Nauit ,f£ Thursday, December 20, Spring Grove <By Mrs. Charles Freund) Among those from here who enjoyed turkey dinner pt the high _ school auditorium in Richmond 011 I Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff and wedding anniversary. App\ro ximately1 forty guests wflsre present to enjoy the evening at cards. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens on this happy occasion. Those from here who joined in thte party were Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koberstine, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. Rose Winn, TWICE TOLD TALES Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. L. Steadman, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson, Mrs. Charles Freund and d a u g h t e r , C h a r l o t t e , a n d K a y Toole. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller entervoo at that time was the largest Itained members of their, club at city in Illinois--population 12,000. )a Christmas party in their home The newspapers in the Historical Library are available to the public and are much used by students; writers and others engaged in research. / , . Everybody reads the want „ AIR BAID CENTERS 8*Ven key point air raid warning centers have been established in northern Illinois, according to state Civil Defense Director LenoJt R. Lohr. The exact locations, selected by the IJ. S. Eastern Air Command, are being kept secret for military security reasons. A supplement a r y communicat I o n hub will operate from Springfield connecting with counties in central and southern Illinois. In the event of an impending air raid, the centers will get a warning Hash from the U. 8. Air Command and relay it over a special telephone network to county civil defense directors. Incejue hud ReBgigf Incense has been associated with religion since the dawn of history, and was burned in the temples of Egypt and India frequently according to references in both the Old and New Testaments. 24 Hour Towing Service START NOW Start with our Winterizing service, and then let us continue to service youi ear all daring ihe cold month 9. BUTCH'S We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Phone 8U Residence 91-R U. m v.: ir Cr on Thursday night. There was a gift exchange and cards for entertainment. Prizes were won by Mrs. Joseph P. Freund, Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. Peter Freund. Our heartfelt sympathy Is extended to A1 Schmeltzer at the loss of his father, who passed away at his home in Indiana on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Schmeltser drove to Indiana this weekend to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens were pleasantly surprised af a party given for them at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Earl Harrison, in Burlington. The occasion was in honor of their thirty-fifth 'Twenty-Five Years Age noticeable increase in - th# enrollment of the McHenry grade school is reported. At the opening of the school year there were 144 pupils enrolled, while at the present time there are 166 scholars. John Rarbian, retired cigar manufacturer, died at bis home on Broad street in this city Monday evening, Dec. 90, 1926, age 67 years. A fire which caused considerable excitement occurred about noon on Monday at the home of Ben J. Dietz, south of town. The blaze started in the chicken Tena L*y, Mrs. Catherine Smith , house, which quickly burned to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and family attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund in McHenry on Sunday e,night. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, William Smith, Ben Tonyan, Mrs. and Mrs. Mayme King of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond and Mrs, Danny Miller and son, Gary. • Mileage The average passenger riding In a railroad coach now travel* approximately 94 miles and those in parlor and sleeping cars average npttes. Pint Libraries Archaeologists have discovered libraries dating back to Babylonia anJi Aasvria Clarence's Christmas Shop Gifts .. Children's Barn Yards, Garages, Table and Chair Sets, Writing Desks, Kitchen Cabinets, Toy Chests, etc. Unfinished Cabinets, Chests of Drawers, End Tables, etc. Full Line of Lawn Furniture, Bird Houses, etc. ' Leather Belts, Billfolds, Baskets, etc. Cement Cess Pool Rings and- Covers* - CLARENCE J. SMITH TEL. 583-J-l JOHNSBURG the ground. Thirty-two fine, fullblood Ancona chickens were lost in the fire. . A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John .Kllday this morning. Despite the fact that the cold weather has1 been unfavorable for building purposes, the house being constructed by H. J. Schaeffer on Main street will soon be enclosed. Other new homes include those of Henry J. Kamholz on Center street, the Nick Freunds on Court street, Harvey Barron on Waukegan street, George Kramer on Elm street and William Vanden- Boom on Waukegan street. An unusual offering of WJJD and WEBH, America's twin radio stations, was heard last Thursday, Dec. 16, when Clara Clemens, daughter of the late Mark Twa'in, appeared in scenes from "Joan of Arc," written by her father. The staging is- in charge of Paul Stephenson, widely known Americen producer. Paul, who directed and produced this play, was bom and raised in Ringwood and is the son of Hr. and Mra. H, U» Stephenson. ^ 'Hubbub' Early American colonists foumi the Indians playing a dice-like game that became known as "hubbub," because of the shouts of "hub-bub hub" that accompanied it. Renew that subscription to, thsr Plaindealer now. Consignment Safe® EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ' - 7:30 P. M. .. • 7: Yonr Shipper Cows Weigh Mere When Sold Here. Your Calves Bring More Here. Yonr Dairy and Breeding Cattle can be t«tot*<l at Onr Modern Sales Barn* \ Y««r Cattle and Hogs can be sold by tktt Dollar or by the Poand. Come and See Yonr Stock Sold. -- We are hefe io mrv« you. WI PAY CONSIGNOR DAY AFTER THfi SALE. WE ARE BOHDED Woodstock Comm. Sales Co.. tine. Phone 572 or 499 -- Woodstock, Illinois cv&uicne^ "uuvitcX lut Lovely sheer PRIM nylons., style for every occasion^ Model molded for your perfect fit. 60 GAUGE -- 15 DENIER 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER 51 GAUGE -- 30 DENIER JBlack Heels -r- Black Seams 1 400 Needle Seam Free f 25 «P ivcHENRY HOSIERY PHONE 850 Crystal Lake Blacktop Road Withstands Red Beftt- "ftie Nimonlc series of alloys a family of nickel-chronjium alloys for use at high tempera! The Nimonic alloys resist progressive oxidation and retain a IMS*' measure of strength even at ]^d heat. They are used in vital part# of current jet engine models. « OIL C. R. SWANSON , Dentist 190 S. tirreii Stfp^t. , Office Honrs}. • ^ |»allj Except Thursday \ f to 12 -- 1:30 to &:30 Wed. and Friday. Evenings 7 to » P. M. Telephone McHenry 1C0 E. E, PEA9LEE, D.C. Chiropractor S. Green SK, McHenry ©Mice Honrs: A iK i t>ally ExcejMt Thursday • ' 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 6 Nan^ Wed. and FrL Evening* 7 to » P. M. Call McHenry 292-K For Appointment VERNON KNOX . Attorney At Lap. Cor. tlrecn and Elm Streeta . McHenry C Tuesday and Friday Afternoon^ """ier Days By Appolntmeijiit Phone MrHenry 48 KOllKRT A. STUEBEN Attorney At Law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry M8 McHENRY, ILL. =*|LL1AM M. CARROLL, Attorney At Law 110H Benton Street 1'lione Woodstock 1884 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law 800 Waukegan Road (RFD Be; Phone McHenry 4W-W WEST McHENRY, ILL. t C«lH«o menu when you give an eloctHctfFflfff. Evtfydhe . 7 eighfeert td e8«hty .. . has his eye on some special electric appliance, and *ould like nothing better than hi receive V twr Christmas) Make yourself everyone's favorite Santa . • • jive thos# m^t wonted gifts this year. ' > ^ -'S* Sund Llmes^»ne VKRN THELEN Trucking ttratel : %Black Dirt Truck For Hire (Tel. McHenry »SH-R-2 or &88.W-1 Box 172, Rt. 1, H« Ueury, 11L P. FREUND ft SONS ftxeavutins Contractors Tiuckln^, Hydraulic and Crane Service ROAD HI 1LD1NO -- [Tel. 204-M McHenry, v... r«'t one hon for •n#l / ELECTRIC IRONS G. E. Steam ken $18.95 Sunbeam Ironmaster G. E. Automatic $f.W ELECTRIC SHAVERS Sunbeam Shaveraculcm $26.50 Sdhkk Super §22.59 ELECTRIC GRILL-WAFFLE IRONS G. E. Automatic Sandwich Grill-Waffle Iron $21.95 Sunbeam Waffle Master $28.59 ECECTRIC CLOCKS ffsm $4 JO (Phis Federal Tax| ELECTRIC HANKETS G. E. Blanket $44.95 We sting house Electric Sheet $91.95 ELECTRIC DEEP FAT FRYER W ELECTRIC HEATING PADS G. E. and Universal Heating feds. From $5.95 to $9.95 ELECTRIC TOASTEHS Toastmaster $23.00 Sunbeam Toaster $20.50 Gt E. looster $2235 ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC COFFEEMAKERS Sunbeam Coffeemaster $97.59 West lend Percolator $11.95 INSURANCE EARI. R. WALSH Auto, Farm A Life lnsnrnfev : Representing • RELIABLE COMPANIES - When You Need Insurance 4$ Any Kind Phone 48 or 118-M Creen & Elm McHenry STOFFEL & REIHANSPEROER Insurance agents for all classes e( liLQlK'rtj In the best cowi West McHenry, Illinois . Telephone 900 ? ROt Ma In Street McHenry, rt. SCHUOEDER IRON WORKS Omanieutal & Structural Steel , Visit Our Showrooms *«es South en fMrt-.J;". ^ Phone 0&0 BIX.'S PH'MBINCi AND HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. i^uality Fixtures - Radiant Heating1 Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates • ^ • PHONE McHENRY 289-M % AL'S WELlMNti AND REPAI^ i » SERVICE 601 Main Street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding i . Acetylene Welding and Cuttimt ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator, Phone 61S*W-1 or 464 McHENRY, ILL. Dormeyer Deep Fot Fryer $29.fp See these other elecfrico/ gifts, fob . -.. at your PuW/c Service Store or deo/er's Sun Lamps from $8.50 Handy-Hannah Heir Dryer Sunbeam Egg Cooker $12.00 FREE! Holiday,Recipes FREE! Ask for your free copy of the exciting Holiday Recipe booklet at our store! $8.95 $ PALATINE RENDERIKQ SERVICE Highest CASH PRICES Paid jjr Dead and Crippled Horses,"!" Cattle and Hogs. * ; Sanitary Power Loading Tankage and Meat Scraps for saife Phone Arlington Heights 110 m McHenry 814 ReTerse Charges PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS » -A wm > 4m -- WANTED TO BUY CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD# HOGS, HORSES aad CATTLlr We pay phone charges. 4v' 1 We pay $6 to $35 for Old Hem, less (or down horses and cattle* MATTS MINK RANCH • Spring GroTe Phone Johnsburg 814

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