Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1952, p. 6

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•o 4ffe-- V*.v. • W*»!t".•*: P*fe Six ^ f*?#|r ^ *7^ . ^ -«vv,*r ' ' if' i s'.^r :.M'«S •>• ,-'• i bt S:~« ,;• W1-^' ^5* A c fr~ '" * W ^ '* % 1 >•%> - » C A "' • 1 'V* * * |* V < * 4?W* A,« Vi« f • ¥ •»" « .• v< J. , *»f « Thursday, January 3; 1952 " *« ••>;,, -« ' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ringwood U1* Mr* <>«•• *# Shep«Wl» were (iieits in the Louis Hawley home on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glauser, daughter, Grace; and son, Jim, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg spent Christmas with Mt. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. Pvt. Charli-s Carr is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester The Home Circle will meet, at j Qarr P {tte; home of Mrs. Weldon Andreas j ^ and Mra smart and Thonwiajs Jan. 10. * | Sons. Bob and Bill, of Waukegan. v Mr. and Mi s. Joe .Condon and j Mr. and Mrfe. Jack Lenard and family nf Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. j family of Lake Geneva. Mr. and Daniel Ivfiiler and son, Cherry, of j Mrs. Louis Winn and Janet of \ Spring G rove, Mr. and Mrs. Irving | Richmond. Mr^ and - Mrs. Phelps M#I_ ami faniiiv of Joh- ..^mrg-and j Saunders and d nighter of Syca- Mr. and Mrs. Prank dams spent j more and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Breu- Chrlstmas' with and Mrs. j nan and suur spent Christmas I Cliiiseftco Adams . family. j with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrioli. I , a!t<3 M: / ;Love!ette Jr. Christmas eye guests were h - Cftr.' ar eiVi<:;iKO'i and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and 14...-rT'-^Mr. arid .-Mrs*. Bill Brennan aiid ] family of, McCullom Lake. Mr. arid Mrs.. .AViji. 1'aghi .enjoyed Christinas dinner with relatives i'h Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew "Ramaker and family of Thor,. Iowa, are visiting. her pareivts. >iiv. an,d Mrs. Roy Xeai end ' Mm pr, -\t pjinstmas with ) If til. \ paaunt „ Mr. ijrjt. * rl . ' '^hatik .' - . " " ' • . ' • •. M- M ir v. ;-- ' ' C - a r i s b n uiid V. s.m , Qf * SHilier Park ; s'pcifi " -^tnius "In tile Clayton * : • ^'toine. ' and Mrs falter Low and ' "pe^V" aild Butoftie Lehard-.of -£.*••..-.iiiivjr Ch,ristiiia«;. ivith her • Geneva-: S.fe spending their - . ' • ' ^ 5 ® * f i G h H s t n i a s . v f e e A t i o n l t t ' . ' l f e e ' - t ' V e d i Weidrioh. Jr . hom-.. V vMr. and Mrs? joh'u Crtsty atfd j all(i ^rs. Robert' Frisky" of family of Greenwood^;and Mr. and McHenry were guests of Mr. and Mra. Gordon Fossum and family of»^ Solon Mills spent Christmas eves, with . their parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Mrs. E. Winters and Mrs. Hep -ner this week. Mrs. Lill (jonway spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph1 Simpson at Crystal Lake K emieth Cristy. Kenneth f/iCritfty, Jr.. of Chicago spent _ Jbphrjfetirias day' j' Mr. and Mrs. F - N. Muzzy and . ? ! daughter, Jgan, are /spending Chr ^mas Pay suests in the'the ir Christmas vacation in Mrti. Enitiy Hepttr ft«mp were Mr^rFtertda: and Mrs. Eisner Olsen and sons. : Mr. and Mrs. E4 Wirk of Cht- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson, Mr: 'cago, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson anfl and Mrs. Roland Jac kson and ; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Laurence of family. Sir. and Mrs., Charles ; Elgin spent" Christmas day with Heeiien and family and Mr. and their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mrs. Allan Van Every and family i Laurene*. * of Richmond and Mr. atid -Mrs ; Mr. arid Mrs. Alan A1n?er and Donald Jackton of Fox Lake: family of Hebron spent Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiiue of ; evening with her parents. Mr. and Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hay- ^rs. George Sheparcl. mond Harrison and son. Howard j Mrs. Wm. Cruickshar|lc and Bruce and .\ci! Harrison andjMrs. Carl Franson were Wood- Mr. and Mrs. FWi Bowman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family spent Friday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday in the Andrew Butler home at McHenry- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek of Elkhorh were guests of Marian Hawley Saturday evening. Miss Virginia, Jepson of Rloomington spent from Thursday until Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. . Ben Walkington and daughter. Virginia Jepson, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and daughter, Phyllis, were Sunday dinner guests in the Harold Jepson home at Dundee. Charles Vogel of Broadhead spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. home. Jack- Brtiinan. who has he%n home sick, returned to Bro;*1head with him. , , Mr. and Mrs. tedward Harrison of Elgin and Mrs. Robert Duff of Dundee spent Sunday afternoon in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Misses Alice and Marian Peet spe-nt Friday evening at Woodstock., • • „ • ' \ ,'oau Freund and Eta Unti of M«-Henry spent Sunday evening with Mary Ann Wiedrich. * Mrs. Sylvia' Smith vislte^ friends at Richmond Sundjajr, JtlttttHWtlllllKN i LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR ^y Kitty VWijias* MiWIBMIIMIIIMIIHimiHIHIIIIIimHlllttJttimilllllMmHIHIinilUMIIIIHIIHIIIlHIHIIIIIIIIIIUillimiH Robert Allen and daughter, Linda, of Lansing, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. 'a. J. Flynn of Brookfield were visitors of the Richard Flynn family lalst weekend. The family had a very lovely Xmas. despite the illness of Mrs. Flynn who is recovering from ^n alUtck of rheumatic heart disease. I children spent Cli: istmas in U»e Mrs. Lena I\Vt home. l&r. and Mrs. Roland McCannon • and daughter Phyllis «f Bk>om~ ington sppnt Christmas and the " week in the Ben Walkington home. stock Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family of Genoa City called on his mother; Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of HOUSEHOLD HINTS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox and Woodstock spent Sunday .with Ijpr children of Woodstock and Ed- mother. Mrs. Viola Low. win Benoy of Washington spent j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. i sons, Lester and Laverne of Paul Walkington. . Crystal Lake, Wm. Claxton' and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and)John Dreymiller of McHenry A. W. S m i t h s p e n t C h r i s t m a s i n j w e r e ' S u n d a y g u e s t s i n t h e the Harold Stanek and Alvin j George Shepard home. . Benoy homes at Elkhorn. Mr! and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison Wauconda spent Sunday in the •pent Christmas in the Henry Mitchell Kane home Those holiday frait stains will be easier to remove if they are rinsed with cold water just as soon ao possible after you notice theni. V.'iss Florence King, textile and clothing specialist. University of Illinois College *of Agriculture, warns against using soap on the spot. Many fruits contain tannic acid, which reacts with the alkali in soap. A brown discoloration results. making the stain even harder to remove. You can bleach the stain out of white material if the cold-water treatment doesn't remove it. First pat the stain with a cloth moistened with a bleaching reagent--any chlorine solution. ARply a small amount at a time until/ the stain disappears. Then rinse thoroughly to remove all of the bleach, If the material can't be bleached and cold water won't take out the stain, pour boiling water through the materiai Xroia a height of one foot. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beach wefe out to spend Christmas with tHe jpharjes Huevksjiaedt family. There Will be a meeting of the tliy Lake P. T. A Friday,\Jatt. 4. at & p.m: at the school house. Some very important business regarding the projector for the school will be discussed, so lets all start the new year riglV and attend this meeting* The complete list of: ddtiatibns for , th^ community Christmas party is as follows: Lily Lake P. T. A.,& $50; Business Men's o r g a n i z a t i o n , $ 2 5 ; L i l y L a k e Bfautifying club, $25; Ltlymoor Property Owners' association, $10; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lannes, $1; Mrs. Wiler, $1. The committee wishes to thank Miss Scliaefer and Mr. Cammarata for their help and cooperation and to .Mrs. Clifford Todd for her donation of the tags and seals. Dorthay Bonder and her daughters have been spending their Christmas vacation in Chicago, visiting at the senior Bonder residence. Mrs. Sylvia Odin x>f Berwyn has been staying at the Flynn residence to care for the children during her sister Host's convalescence. Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Harrison of McHenry spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montai)'*1 and family of,Huntley spent Friday evening in the Mrs. Emily Beatty home. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daugh- Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stan- 1 ter. «Nancy. spent Sunday afterley Jepson qpent'Christmas day noon with her parents, Mr. and With Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie 'Mrs. John Ehlert, at Wilmot. at Greenwood. Mr. and ftjrs. £ L. Harrisoa Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andre;^ spent Sunday . in the Donald and family spent Christmas with : Brenner h o in e at Arlington relatives at Marengo. Heights. * Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison family spent Christmas eve and and family spent Chriptmas with Christmas day with his parents, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., at . Beard, at Woodstock. Wauconda. I Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley and family spent Saturday with of Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Floyd Howe and • Miss • Cora Wal- '-Ehlert. at Wilmot. terg of Crystal Lake and Frank Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk and Walters of New London, Iowa, family spent Christmas day with DON'T MISS CERTIFIED*!! HOURS OF MADNESS on MONDAY, JAN. 7, l»fi« McHenry Barber Shops will be closed SATURDAY'S at 6 P. M. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1952 Belated If^wftngs to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Falsetti, who celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary on Dec. 26. With "Old man winter" breaking all record** this year, the Lily Lake Beautifying club has had to dig very deep into their road fuhds for all the 'snow plowing. A dance" has been planned to help 'build up the treasury, for there is still a long cold winter ahead. The dance will be held Jan. 19 at tile American Legion hall in McHenry. There will be square daucing as well as ballroom dancing so leave your fancy duds at home and come dressed for fun. We sincerely h<3pe that those who don't dance or cannot attend Will still do their part. If you can't fefford to 4.ake days off from work, then you can afford t<J help keep up th<r roads so that we can all get tiilough, . Tickets will be available, froiji ficers gf. the club." Mr. arid Mrs. George Christenson and their two children have been out to spend the weekend at the home of Mr. add Mrs. Frank O'Lear/. sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer". A reception was held for the family and friends at the Club Lilymoor in the evening. The couple are residing in Chicago at the present time, where the will complete her schooling lit January. TWICE TOLD TALES Dr. and Mrs. John Gray and Children spent' the weekend ih Chicago, visiting-^relatives--Unseeing the town. „ Our condolence to Mrs. Lepke in her sorrow because of the death of her mother, who has been ill for some time. . A very pretty wedding took place Dec. 22 when Lenard Minor of Sheffield. Ala., and Betty Ann Quinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Quinn of Chit-ago, were married in a candle-light ceremony at the Methodist church in McHenry. The bride was attired in a wine-colored suit and she wore an orchid corsage. She was attended by her sister, Elaine Gray, who wore a gray suit and a corsage of pink and white carnations. Dr. John Gray served as best man. Mrs. Lsleidl. a sister of the bride, LIU LTU Speeds work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality work prompt delivery, any tioned for your job. •*»•» *ny place. #Full strength, reliability and #No mesS te clean up; dumped uniformity in every load. - aucdf where wanted. _ •Low price deliv«t«d~a<, • "Mix" accurately propor- gamble on cosf? ; I, Von and your builder will both benefit by using our • ; JLcady-MiU»4 Ccocrete. Phone ua before yon build Sana & Gravel Co. PHONE McHENRY 920 i STREET McHENRY, ILL. t? w.r ^ 1 LIVESTOCK CDMMS5SiON MARKET ON ROUTE 47, WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS' ' Sale Every Wedrcrdry - 7 p. m. Janucry 2- 9> >l€< 23 & 30 Make tHis your mar^efir g . V'E ARE HERE TO SERVES. YOU Where stcckmen and buyers ccme to buy. Rhone Woodstock 572 ifir Pick Up Service y Woodsiock Commission Sales Co. Inc. . * F»rty Years A$b- ' ' Kathryn Heimer, hai been a familiar figure ill the fiiaeral sloie of Block & lietiike during the past Beven years, has resigned her position with that firm and said goodbye to the place with the close of the store last Saturday night. Dame Rumor has it that Cupid directed the resignation. f » The store building of Fred Schnorr 011 the west 'side is Wing re-painted and otherwise improved for two strangers who have rentedv the x place and wfll conduct a first class shoe store .-therein. A. bus load of KlcHenryiteS drove out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jecks last Friday evening and tendered that couple £ miscellaneous shower. New Year was ushered in here with much hilarity. In spite of the** bitter cold night more than a few of our citizens remaind up to see Father Time make his depar-: ture. . Winter weather arrive^ in earnest last Sunday morning and since that time McHenry people have been shivering. The coal and ice men are all smiles and the janitors are on the job. The ice Ms about a foot in thickness. John Howe, second son of E., 6. Howe, passed away at his trie' home at Oshtemo, Mich., on Rundav morn'ng. The body was shipped to Ringwood and the funeral took plnce. from the M. E. church, McHenry county has written Rev. Collins officiating. Twenty-Five Tears Airo finis to 1926 and now that the IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing RigftiJ echoes of the horns and whistles have dird away. New Year's reso- 'hitions made and broken, the county turns to reflect upon the •last year. While 355 couples were sftting sail happily on the sea . of iiutirimoiiy in 192€, on the other hand twenty-three couples were granted divorces. Clarence Douglas, serviceman for the Public Service Co. in Mo- Henry', has been absent from his duties and also from the city for several days. His friends state that he will bring back » bride, the marriage having been scheduled for Jan. 1. The old familiar sound of Borden's whistle was a welcome •sound to McHenryites this Week as it has not been heard for many -month*. Time was when we .heard it 'every. day but .'them days are gone foVever" and now we have to, depend on our alarm clock. The reason for the" whistle is that the iiorden company is filling Its ice house and has several men# at work. v . ;-• * • " on Monday of; this week it "«ras" dtHcov^lfcl that: the beautiful country" home of Mrs. George J." Sayer at ,'Pis.takee Bay had been broken into and ravaged from top to basement; Miss Katherine Friiiby, about 70 years old, difd at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Relihan, on ; V HOSPITAL KXAM» , The state Ci'vil Service Com- I mission will give a written exami ination on Jan. 26 by which it hopes to fill some 450 ITOspital attendant openings in Illinois jineutal Institutions. Information :and forms may be obtained from |the Commission, 501 Armory i building. Springfield, or from local offices of the state Employment Service. Everybody reads the want ads. W A N T E D DEAD ANIMALS Cattle --- Horses Hogs -- Sheep Prompt Service -- Cash Price CALL OSCAR BORCHARpT Now Hauling to Globe Rendering Company McHenry 157--Crystal Lake 106 Dundee 1007 USE ALEXANDER'S BUDGET PLAN ..'•V There is No Substitute Tor Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R TJc Repair or Inprove Your Home. INSULATION AND STORM SASH . . . . . . K I T C H E N M O D E R N I Z A T I O N ;fl£W FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING . . . . . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE . . . ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . ALL MAiBSttS AND LABOR MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Ealance In 36 Monthly Payments B's Eesy To Buy On Budget At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 5 "The Best of EveryiMs# For The Builder" F47 MAIN STREET^ - PHONE 5 4 ACT '! I® AY to earn more .< l<)52! 7 Nc.'.v is the time "to work" iv. 't ves-to tiohten vour prip on severity Savings' placed with us fey January 10th ei rn two liberal returns in the coming year. s top hi in u} sovetoday! $29,000.00 UM EARflSNGS ^PAID OUR SAVERS DECEMBER 31st! Current Rate 3% Per Annum, MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Phone 93 Marehgo, III. i i f c r u 6VARANTEI Trade DANSEX KM SAFETY Your Used Tires Are Worth More When You Buy T»r«$fon« TIRES Trade for famous Firestone De Luxe Champions and SAVE! Even if your present tires are only partly worn you'll get FULL ALLOWANCE for the unused mi'eagel Trade danger for safety -- get your car ready for safe summer driving! Don't d>l>y -- LET'S TRADE TIRES TODAYI * Tire Chains all sizes BATTERIES We will allow you $3.50 f<* that old battery when you buy that new one in our store. TRACTOR TIKES CALL US FOR SERVICE RIGHT ON YOUR FARll RETREADS We now have Retreads in All Popular Sizes. TRUCK TiRES MUD & SNOW TIRES k LWALTER J FREUND Main St West McHenry Phone 294 TIRE an* TUBE VULfAiflZrKG -- UX W01« GUARANTEED • • TIRES TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ^ACCESSORIES

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