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John Fuller, Jr., on the twelfth •ft January. . ~ Andrea and Deniael Pokett and Brna Peterson were the girls who aatig the Christmas carols broad- CMt over the P.A. system from the home of Mr. and! Mrs. William JMbson. u* .... moor only; and will be limited to the three grades previously mentioned. David Heckman has returned to his job after a six weeks' absence as a result of injuries he suffered when he fell from a scaffold. The Bgfela cburcu also had a group singing Christmas carols around town, dispite the freezing Weather. KV ------ The foseph P. JuBten family ,||M moved from Lakemoor and LIP BOW residing in Woodstock. A group of neighbors got together last Sunday and hired a saow plow to clear a portion of the lake at the highway beach so that the youngsters now have a •well place to skate. It sure was £ mighty thoughtful gesture. "iLottie Bransford donated five dollars to the Beautifying club in appreciation of the excellent job they are doing in keeping the roads clear this winter. Tickets tor the club's "Hoe Down" dance are now on sale. The proceeds will be used for the road fund, so if you don't have your ticket yet, get one soon won't yon?. \ blaude McDermott's mother, Mrs. Exildta McDermott, of Proctor, Minn., has returned home after spending several weeks visiting the McDermott family. Mr. Yaeger has returned from a trip to Galesgurg, 111., where he spent the Christmas holidays visiting friends.'. 'v. (JertrUde Hyalt ' wTs^lffliTeSrTit a bridal shower last Monday night in honor of Mary Buss Burns. The table decorations were beautiful,, with a huge umbrella carrying out the shower theme. Games were played as entertainment for the guests, with prizes being given to the winners. Refreshments were served and everyone had * Very enjoyable evening. The James Krein family has had more than their share of trouble this past week. Last Thursday, Mr. Krein fell on the ice and injured' his knee. He was taken to Hines hospital in a ambulance and was later sent home, to rest, although he is still under a doctor's care. Saturday Joan Krein was taken seriously ill and was rushed to the Woodstock hospital. Her condition is said to have improved, although she is still quite a sick gal. We wish them both* a very speedy recovery. *• There will be another KNp paper and scrap metal pick up this weekend], Jan. 12 and IS, for the benefit of the volunteer fire department building fund. Anyoae having any material they Wish picked up may Call 74$ and Isave their name. 5 Mrs. Eanice Tobery,, who works _ljk an entertainer uader the stage IMUM t£ Eunice LeReive, was liflcketi with an attack of laryngitis last week and she .spent a |#w days in Chicago, resting and Relaxing after a very busy week. ;'m - Cupid has been a tyisy fellow hi Lakemoor again; John D. Kraus, known as "Curly" to his friends, slipped a ring on June Noble's finger and it will probably ring in the wedding bells soon. A very happy birthday to Marie Hyatt, who celebrated her birthday Jan. 8. Julia Kraus celebrated her birthday on New Year's eve by having a party for her friends. Everyone had a most enjoyable evening. . We VonU like to extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cunny, who moved into their beautiful new home this past week. The Cunnys former hotne was in Island Lake until they built the new home, overlooking Lily Lane. MITCHELL KANE NAMED CHAIRMAN ADVISORY COUNCIL Members of the Mclienry Voc a t i o n a l A g r i c u l t u r e A d v i s o r y ] council which meets the- third | Wednesday of every month re- | cently elected officers as follows: i Mitchell Kane, chairman; Ken- Neth Cristy, vice-president; and Ray Horenberger, Jr., secretary. | The council is quite familiar with the adult side of the program j since many of the members help- | ed to plan and organize the prej sent three-year plan. It has enrolled the members of the course just completed and also twentyfour members for the soil conservation course. Through their suggestions and criticisms, the courses are aimed at being as practical as possible. The council has decided to study the high school program so as to better understand its alms and achievements. I PUBLIC PULSE DUCK SEASON If mating conditions are favorable up in the Northwest in the spring of 1952 a longer open seabou on ducks in Illinois, or larger bag limits may be possible next fall. So say officials of the state Department of Conservation, who point to the increased number of ducks seen this season as the basis for the optimistic forecast. With good weather, the outlook for upland game birds in Illinois likewise is bright. Quail broods are expected to be larger than usual next spring, and it is thought both quail and pheasants should be relatively plentiful in 1952. DEFENSE PLAN Governor Adlai E. Stevenson and state Civil Defense Director Lenox R. Lohr are negotiating with officials of Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan in an effort to form a series of mutual-aid defense compacts. All of the states named, except Kentucky, have agreed to Governor Stevenson's suggestion of a parley, Lohr said. Final adoption by Illinois of any interstate defense pacts will be subject to the approval of the interim civil defense committee of the General Assembly. U The Lily Lake P.T.A. meeting Vfas cancelled last Friday because the bad weather. The meeting, {allowed by a social, will be held at Club Lilymoor on Friday, Jan. IB, at 8 p.m. * Teen-agers in the seventh and eighth grades and the first year of Jligh school, are invited to come do the Charm House this Saturday, Jan. 12. Mr. Useman of Mclienry will be out to instruct 4hem in square dancing. Mr. and j|(rs. Ivan Gustafson have offered the use of the record player and records, which will provide the pusic for the danelng. This is for 'Youngsters of Lakemoor and Lily- Govenunental Palace Hawaii's legislature meets to a palace--Iolani Palace, now housing territorial government offices. The governor's office is in s former bedroom, which belonged to King Kslakaua. Island Vacations Sixty percent of the vacstioners visiting Honolulu, on the ialsnd of Oahu, visit.also other resort islands of Hawaii. Larger, faster planes are being introduced into Hawaiian skies to accommodate even more inter-island travel. Time Saver Thne-conscious women have formed the home permanent wave habit. Besides being able to have a per* manent at any convenient time, they can attend to many small household tasks while curls are processing. Crinoline pass American women -are ttill blink-' ing over the fashion news that they will soon be wearing lacquered crinoline petticoats to give the new fullskirted silhouettes added emphasis. (All ceauaaateatloag for this department mast be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaladealer Invites Its readers to express their opinions la these columns.) The CuHom-Knoll association at McCullom Lake has now completed its organization , and has begun to function to promote the welfare of the subdivision. This association has succeeded in unifying the entire subdivision under a revised and more liberal constitution. The fact that an organization is needed to function for the welfare of the residents and property owners is evidenced by the mutual response in the form of membership. far beyond the expectations of the oponsors. The snow plow service has been praised by all and! has shown the sincerity of purpose of the association. The Christmas party was a grand success and nothing was left undone for the small fry,, who will some day carry on for us. Perhaps some day they will throw a party for us old people. Next summer our attention will be devoted to the roads and the park and beach. There is much to be done in this direction and will sincerely welcome the assistance of all the property owners. We might bring to the attention of our residents the nscsaslty of participation in their local government. The protection by each individual of his right to vote has been so neglected in the past few lush years that there is grave concern expressed by top national leaders. If they are concerned then we should become alarmed and take warning. Support your local, state and national organizations. Don't become Indifferent and leave it up to your neighbor. His responsibility is no greater than yours. By indifference or carelessness or leaving things' to your neighbor, you pave the way for dictatorship, which would be fine if you had a good dictator, but you never get that kind. I am very confident you would griped your right to participate in your own affairs was suddenly taken from you. The Cullom-Knoll association urgently requests all the property owners €t McCullom Lake to become active members and help preserve their, interests. Gripe before , things are done, not afterwards. The printed constitution *and bylaws will be mailed to the membership shortly as they are now on the press. Sincerely yours, , f! W. BAILEY, president m04& .raoeiux • IHSJfilfOOO ooastruoHon and repair program for the main highways of Illinois in 1962 has been announced by Charles P. Casey, director- of Jhe state Department of Public Works and Buildings. The planned program exceeds estimated highway revenues for 1952. Casey explained that material shortages or other hindrances, might make it impossible to complete some of the listed projects, and that some contracts might be placed late In 1952 on which work would not start until the sprin of 1963. Besides the new wor proposed for 1962, construction will be continued on about $20,- 600,000 worth of projects carried over from 1951. J 6* 0. P. CANDIDATE John Chapman of Springfield announces his candidacy for nomination to the office of lieutenant governor in the coming Republican primary. For many years he has been a practicing attorney, having been graduated from the University of Chicago Law school in 1917. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaihdealer now! DAN POWERS, Auctioneer Due to help being called to service and unable to secure competent help the tftidersigned will sell his dairy at auction on the farm located 5 miles Southeast of Woodstock ad^ 3 miles Northwest of Crystal Lake on U. S. Route 14, on \ ' WEDNESDAY. JAN^AltY 16. al 12 o'clock 28 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK, consisting of the following 27 Hi Grade Holstein Dairy Cows. This is one of the outstanding dairy herds in Northern Illinois from the point of production and butterfat test. The majority of the herd are 2nd calf heifers having size and type. 17 of these cows are producing 10 cans of milk daily with a butterfat test of 3.6 to JLS, having been freBh in the past 2 to 4 weeks. 10 close springers^ 2 Cows in the herd are Registered. Prospective purchasers are invifed to inspect the herd before the day of sale. 1 Registered Holstein fcfall. 3 unit Surge milker outfit complete. * . Electric water heater; double wasii tank; palls, etc. MAPLE LANE FARM -- Carl Sitarz, Owiu* USUAL THORP TE^HS. 4' v THORP SALES CORPORATION, cferk -- Plume Woodstoek, 111. 110 Plaindealer that su ir now. It's the new Rambler Country Club Sedan, newest, smartest and lowest-priced of any hardtop convertible with similar equipment* Not a penny extra for the 5300 worth of custom accessories you get in thfr Rambler Country Clubeven radio, Nash Weather Eye and directional signals are included in the low delivered price. Come in ano see the new Nash Rambler! Hath Motors, Division Nask-Kehinator Corporation, Detroit, Mkh. , ComeTate a'Show Me' Dli& in Jhe New Nash Rambler DOWNS" NASH SALES »405 Elm Si Phone 484 IV Fuw> Wotdi fail WMiomon TV Teen Club I;: AtC Network EXTRA RUGGED! EXTRA TOUGH! was an honored in ancient Egypt. A stone ca: 4,000 years old shows an Egyp Aids la Beef Plastic cement is similar as»|k, phalt-ssbeitos roof-coating, eicaptr that it is of troweling consistency. -. shoe factory in operation, with Sr Used to repair holes in roofs, workman cutting leather sofes out walls, foundations, etc., it is someof tanned hides. times knbwn as "asphalt putty." YOU CAN TRUST THE MAM DISPLAYS THIS It means he ibl a senber ef Us professional organisation -- That mr rm OF ILLINOIS and has passed/a proficiency examination. flrsstone STUDDED GROUND GRIP TIRES ' - - for Extra Traction In Snow, Mud'or Slush On anpaved roads or through snow, mud or slush, the Firestone Studded Ground tire provides amasing traction. Note the slotted center rib ... its unique design give* •xtra long mileage. The Studded ftroaad Orip tira is smootb-riding juid eaay-steering. Drive In . .. . Ih This Amazing Tire Today Tire all BATTERIES We will allow you $3.50 for that old battery when you buy thai new one in our store. TRACTOR-TIRES CALL US FOR SERVICE RIGHT ON YOUR .FARM. RETREADS Wt now Retreads, in All Popular Sizes. TRUCK TIRES MUD & SNOW TIRES WALTER J FREUND MAIN STKEET raOXE McHEXBY m ir^ST MeHENRT TIM a*4 TUBE TULGAHIZn^l ' - ALL WORK GUARANTEED TIBE8 -- TUBES -- BATTERIES ACCESSORISS ^J:- m 0\1 sr-ss ton m P0H0S I -- Professional Supervision When you brin*^°^ ^ure th^t tion to u», yo" profe«»>onal it u always 'and.glanced. •UPe'\eTph.rmacUt handle. compete"1 JP t,!y. and jUI". % LADY ESTHER Cram, NMImi IbSSl PACQUIN HAND Cmm. Mtdim iu 49o TRUSHAY LOTION Mrehand. Su.49c, ITALIAN BALM Cmpam, 4 Omm. .43c AVER HAND CREAM LM L«|t J«.1B a SHUT-EYE Sleeping Tablets... 1 CASTOR OIL 1 OWNS .....ISe ST. JOSEPH 12 Aspirin Tablets 10c SAL HEPATICA Medium size . . . 1 3 c PINKHAMS Compound 1.51 sue m pOwuti P™rirelcs" DR. LYONS 51c Tooth PowJtr y..; 4J© PEB-AMM0 Tooth Pwh 49c DR. WEST Mirislo Tooth Brash .... 59c LAV0RIS XI oz. Month Wuh 79c P0LIDENT Plato Powdor, 7ozw*.- 59c *0* I pur GILLETTE RAZOR and 19 Blades... . *1 GEM BLADES Sinjlo Ed«o, Pk£. II..55c WILLIAMS SHAVE CR. DoubleSizs 53c VITALIS HAIR TONIC 4 Ounce Size 49c MENNEN DEODORANT Spray BtL 59c f r V r t v r n i . M ttB 21* Our Ou"®1 19® B> * COSMETICS' ODORONO DEODORANT Spray Bottle soev«<*s> Bottle Pr«U Shampoo OQc M CimMW (0€ Faetor Lipstick All Shad«». •••• * RUBBER GLOVES All Siio<^..^.79C BABY PANTS, Durabley Made'...69c ENGLISH ICE BAG, 9-inch Size 1" HOT WATER BOTTLE Finest Quality 1-5 FEMININE SYRINGE, Bulb Stylo.. . .I49 VITAWINS r y b u t o l "B" COMPLEX With CryslalJine B-12 _ 50's 349 ScoMs Emulsion z. Bottla Upjohn (inicaps Bottle of 100 119 311 Meads Oleum ~ ~ Portomorpfcufjj, 5$u. 349 ..... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 «• 4