' * " V i ' 9 " i/*? 3«• -y<$•"-"sr-1:7,,:77h«F*"'f •%7:wr*% • • £ - : v * f • ?: ' ' •- ' x' " •* !' " • s ' "> >. . „ 11 - v"» j s * • , " W * V " • ' 1' * ^ -"Vv^r * 5>f < "*vf' j" s - -'••'••• ;- tai£- *•• 5V. * *-*/ 1 *• /• 4VV**r '- ft*'*"*** I T * A n n u l . 1 & ' 1 1 8 2 1 ' 'dA."* W. ^ lHfi HcHEIttY PLAINtrtEALBR ->,••?/•- . •" ••••>' . - . V , * •.Y1..-. W4". PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING X000 DOOR BELLS FOB 75c WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD j, *' Plalndsaler ^*«nt Ada No ad* counted laaa thai IS Words. 75c minimum. insertion „ 76c Count 6 words per line) 26c service charge on' all Mind ads. Cash with order. w** of Thanks -- $1.00 Minimum W Want Ads close promptly at 10 jfcm. Wednesday. McHenry Plaicdealer Published every Thursday at Mc- Heary, 111., by the McHenry Pub- Itohing Company, Inc. m. BURFEINDT. Gea. Manager. ADELE FROKHLICH. Bditor. MJBSCBIFTION RATE Entered as second-class matter «t the postoffice at McHenry, 111., tinder the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE ^'REPLACEMENT PARTS " ALL CARS •OR Accessories Mid Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY '400 W. Elm Street Open during week 0 AJL to 7 rJI* Sundays • 9 AJI. to 1 PJL lltl FOR SALE -- 1949 Ford Tudor, radio and heater. 'Good condition. 1951 Willys Pick-up, two wheel drive. Like new. McHENRY GARAGE Willys Overland Sales 4N Front Street M 468 27-tf BUQIHB8S 91RVICE BEAUTY SHOP--Alice Marie Blaskls will open shop in her home SOON. Marylane avenue and Pistakee Bay Road. 3 blocks northeast of old bridge. Open evenings. Phone 705-M. 35-8 ABSiiiS DRILLED OR »|IT|R WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 106 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. S8tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for c^ws, horses and nogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 8; reverse cnarges. 86tf WINDOW SHADES -- or VENETIAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bondorised and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE ft VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8748 or McHenry 651-M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMB8 REMODELING and ----> CARPENTER WORK •ifclsfaetlou Guarantee Estimates C. D. KIN SB Y Phw« McHenry Ht-J 47tf ATTENTION FARMERS Avoid Difficulties Get your order In for your seed cleaning early. Write Robert Church • JSW Wheeler Street Woodstock or Pkoue 688-M. IM ™=°HPOR SALE -- 1948^Dtrtk?e 2-door --: cmtom. A-l condition; new tires." Write Box 242, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *35 M FOR SALE--1950 Pontine, 2-door, fully equipped, perfect condition. CSall -greek days after 6 p. m. or L ^Saturday and Sunday. Call Plgta- - • ;||ee 863-R-2. ' ' *85 BUSINESS SERVICE LLAJCMD * FORMAL WEDDING PRD-JTOGRAPHS In or out of studio. ^ The most modern equipment with- "* to 25 umes. 86 years experience frith the best studios in Chicago, Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 jtsars in McHenry. Portraiture, " uommercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and movies, ' projectors, films and frames. ANDREW WORWICK . phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. •eHeury, Illinois A»_ • »•" RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Tuning Garfield Read Harvard, I1L Phone 748-R CESSPOOLS aud SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE -- G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf # PIANO TUNING Also tor sale high grade Spinet flanos, overhauled upright pianos. ' Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, _ :j(kpne 208-W, Woodstock, III- " * 51-tf JtERMANENTS -- In your home; Cold or Machineless Waves, 85.00 flftd up. 15 years experience. Call Juice, phone McHenry 705-M. 25-tf Hokn Wober Says: , OOQO1 WON'T GO AT IT BLINDFOLDED IT PAIS TO RE THRIFTY AHD YOU SAVE MONEY TOO - WITH OrR FINE CASH AND > CARRY l>RY CLEANING. McHenry Cleaners 1M Elm Street HeHeury Phone 104-M GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year vouua route. John E. Hill, P. O. Cox 274, McHenry, Phone 865. tf MUSIC ARSTSVORUUI In Your Own Rome Piaao and Piano Aeeordi#n "* , Classics or Posul&r (teglanerB or A da need Instruetion mWPPWPWPHMWH POBSAliC II. ii ' FOp SALE--Electric brooder; 500 chick capacity; 820. F. Zimmerman, one block east of old bridge. Phone McHenry (64-M-2. 86 FOR SALE -- Coleman oil space beater; S-room sice. Phone 897-R. .35 FOR SALE--12" Stromberg Carlson TV console; blond color. 1125; Singer vacuum cleaner; 39-ln. folding bed; mattress. Reasonably priced. Mr. Ritchie, phone 646-R-l. •85 FOR SALE -- Registered Hampshire boar, with papers. Ben J. Thelen. Phone McHenry 500-W-2. 35 FOR 8^LE -- Double bed and studio couch: practically new. I'hone McHenry 77-M. 36 FOR 8ALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD» DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. Lj V. Kilts, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 648. 7tf FOR SALE--Men's overcoats, topcoats. sport coats, size 44-46; sport shirt and all ifool sweater, site 44; also car carrier; all reasonable. Tel. MeHeni^ 1075-J. * 35 FOR SALE -- 8 bushels of clover seed; 1 bushel of alfalfa seed; 1 8'x8' light machinery trailer, $75; 250-ft. of 1^" hay rope, like new, 840; 9x14 linoleum, like new, $8. Phone McHenry 131-W. »85 FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China boars. Frank Jung. Phone Richmond 826. « 85 FOB RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot a&d schools. 109 Main Street. Phoue McHenry 100-R. 20-tf ROOMS FOR RENT--Weekly rates. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay. Phone 178 81-4 FOR RENT--Modern 8-room furnished apartment Oak Park Hotel. Phone Pistakee 176. 34-tf KARL P, KOOM . Phone Pistakee dSS-M-1 Otf INSURANCE FIRE -- AUTO Service My Specialty Write Box 248 c/o McHenry plaindealer 35-tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 628-W-l McHenry 111. «tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All size building bloek. Chimney block and stepping stole. By standpipe in McHenry. Office phone 282-R Res. phone 898-J. ™ 25-tf SEWING MACHINES Repaired or Electrified " Inexpensively. *$4-hf. Service, call collect i SEWING CENTER Woodstock, Illinois 111 Newell Telephone 20M .Authorised Necchi Dealer l»-tt FOB BALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Ootta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 81. CrysUl Lake 1846-R-L 51-tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVlLLE HOME INSOLATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call, Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl 8t, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, 82.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks. $185- Riverside Mfg. (jo., 600 Main St., Weet of North Western depot. lS-tf FOR SALE--Hotpoint refrigerator. 8 cu ft. excellent condition. Price $200. Bendix automatic washer, used one year, Price $100. Green ! Studio couch, grey cover. Price $10. Called into army, must sell. Call McHenry 78-R. *35 FOR SALE--Lewyt vacuum cleaner; all attachments; 1% years old; $40.00. Two small French Provenciaf chests; cherry; savoy flgbh. $90 for both. Phone 8$4. 35 FOR SALE--7-ft disc; drag; milk cans; snow fence; kerosene brooder; coolerator; buffet; bottled gas stove. Mae Wiedrich. PBMM Wonder Lake 3757." ***-2 FOR RENT - 4%-coom heated ftptirrttneht RWHfeeratoT" and "gis" range. Hot water. Employed adults preferred. Available Jan. 20. F. Zimmerman, one block east of old bridge. Phone 664-M-2. 3.~> APARTMENT FOR RENT* --* Call McHenry 377. 35-tf FOR RENT--Four room furnished home, oil heat. Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 530-M-2. v 35 ROOM FOR RENT -- Fox Street. Phone 877-W. 35 FOR RENT --> Four room house, year 'round, at l!lly Lake. Tel. McHenry 544-J-l. 35 HELP WANTED TELEPHONE * OPERATORS NEEDED NOW... -- Yon are invited 7~ to join a ' carefully selected group ' in learning ^ pleasant, interesting . .trork . . . with gooi^ *""" pay from the start":"'""" at ILLINOIS BELk _ TELEPHONE CO. See Miss R. Marshall Chief Operator at 102 Park Ave. 29-tf FREE SEWING INSTRUCTION To al) who are Interested in sewing. These instructions will help you clear up any problems you are now having when sewing. We urge your attendance to help establish a sewing center In thin community. In return, we can offer more complete service to you. Instruction will be offered tomorrow, Friday, the eleventh, from 9 to t p. m. by Mrs. Velma Page at the hoine of Freund's Sewing Machine Sales & Service " 8 Slocks East old bridge on Pistakee Bay Road. EEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WONDER LAKE--6 room all year round home, running water, large lot Price $6,500.00. Call our offlot, McHenry 37. PISTAKEE RAY-^-2 flat, 4 and 4 rooms, (gas heat, good Investment property. Call our office, McHenry 37. ' MCHENRY -- 4 room brick, like new, near shopping district and R.R. Call4 our office, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE In Jahnshurg TeL McHenry 17. 38-tf FOR SALE - HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 106 Richmond Real MoHeury, I1L Phone t McHenry U14 Licensed I1L k Wis. Rrakag FOR SALE--1952 bargains. In McHenry, brand new 4-room bungalow, face brick, 2 bedrooms, autollOLAFARM -I' AUCTION "TWO DAYS WILLIAM H. RUSSEL and WILLIAM B., SULLIVAN, Auctioneers The undersigned, having rented his farm to the Rock Valley Canning Company, will sell all of his personal property at Public Auction on the farm 5^4 miles North of Woodstock. 5V4 miles South of Hebron on Route 47, about V& mile West of the main highway, on MONDAY. JAM. 14. 1952 COMMENCING AT 10:80 A. M. ALL LIVESTOCK WILL BE SOLD AND TUESDAY. JAN/15. 1952 COMMENCING AT 10:80 A. M. ALL MACHINERY AND FEED WILL BE SOLD. silage in 16-ft. silo; 65 tons baled 2nd cut alfalfa hay; 40 tons baled straw; quanity of chopped hay. Lunch wagon on grounds both days Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS -- Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements are made for credit No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase prices ROLA FARM | T. J. RATAY. Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve • and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. LEGAL MONDAY, JANUARY 14th, IMS 810 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK WILL BE SOLD, AS FOLLOWS: INCLUDING 108 COWS AND HEIFERS, AND 2 HOLSTEIN matic oil hea|, screens and storm J BULLS sash, 50x150; in one of McHenry's new subdivisions; small down payment will make this deal. Full selling price, $13,900. FARMS -- 80-acre farm near Hebron, $16,000 ; 80-acre farm near Harvard, $19,000; 80-acre farm at CrysUl Lake, good buildings, excellent soil, all bottom land, $25,000; 280-acre farm near Wauconda, $210 an acre. OHRWALL REALTY CO. i '4^ Crystal Lake, phono C. L. 1807 85 THIS IS A CHOICE HERD OF DAIRY COWS AND HE1KERS. ANYONE NEEDING REPLACEMENTS WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IN BUYING THEM AT THIS SALE. ALL OF THE ABOVE COWS AND HEIFERS HAVE RECENTLY PASSED A CLEAN T.B. AND BANGS TEST. HEIFERS ALL CALFHOOD VACCINATED. 800 FEEDER PIGS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of HILDA MARIS JOHNSON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that February 4th, 1952, is the claim date ii^ the estate of HILDA MARIE JOHNSON, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. CLIFFORD D. OLIN, Executor. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. Jan. 3-10-17) FOR SALE -- Four room frame honse with automatic electric, 10 gal. hot water heater, gas sp$pe heater, complete bath refbm. must be moved from lot. 43 Orchard Beach. Call Seeley 8-5900, evenings Canal 6-8840. - 84-tf WANTED WANTED----Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 32-tf WANTED --- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler, Woodstock 3ox 884. Phone 464-JX 41tl WANTED Your Old Watch Trade It In Now On a Flbe 17 Jewel Watoh Frett's Precision Watch Repair Wester* Union Ageaey Phone SW SM B. Elm SL--Wlleon Radio Bldg If your watch is on the bum let "Fretf do your fretting 27-tf SECOND DAY (TUESDAY) JANUARY Ifcth, 1968 ALL FARM MACHINERY, HAY* GRAIN, CORN AND SILAtiE WILL BE SOLD ON TUESDAY* JANUARY 16th, 1952, COMMENCING AT 10:80 A. M. FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMBNT ENOUGH TO OPERATE 800 ACRES OF LAND. * REAL ESTATE WANTED GIRLS WANTED--Ambitions girls wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West if Northwestern Depot, McHenry. 17-tf HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyse trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalisation - free insurance. Paid holidays. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm Street, McHenry, 111. 33-tf HELP WANTED--Friendly woman for dignified and profitable neighborhood work. Nationally advertised Avon Products are delightful to sell. We help yon sncceed. Write Box No. 56, Rockford, 111. 84-2 WANTED SALESPEOPLE -- Be the first In an unlimited territory with new Spring .styles. Good commissions plus b&nns merchandise. Write Mrs. Qa. E. CUacscoe, Crystal Lake, 111. 34-2 HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure position in ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Mon. thru Frl., 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bus service to and from plant Admiral Cor#., McHenry, at lntersecrtloa Routes i*> isrtr-- ^ "js-tf We have cash buyers for year homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property If your price Is rlgtt. JACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE la Johnshurg TeL RcHeary 17 17-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE We Invite you to join our Merchandise Club, starting Jan. 1st. Dorothy's Millinery ft Lingerie Shop. 34-2 MISC. -- Lynn Mannion School of Dancing beginning soon. To register, call McHenry 748. f5 PRIMARY CANDIDATE W. J. Murphy has announced that he will be a candidate for the Republican nomination to the office of 9tate representative for Boone, McHenry and Lake counties in the primary election to be held in April. Murphy, who makes his home at Antioch, has an insurance and real estate business with an office in Round Lake. He is also one of the founders and an officer of the First State Bank of Round Lake. Soeated Salle R has been said that the jails of Cleopatra's barge were SO highly perfumed that long before It could be seen, people knew she was THE FOLIX)WINO IS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE FARM MACHINERY. HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND FEED, WHICH WILL BE SOLD ON TUESDAY. JANUARY 15th. 1962. , John Deere Model A tractors; John Deere Model H tractor; T. D. No. 9 McCormick Deering diesel crawler tractor; McCormick Deering M tractor; McCormick Deering 4 bottom 14-ln. tractor plow; McCormick Deering 2 bottom 18-in. tractor plow on rubber; McCormick Deering 2 bottom 16-in. tractor plow; 9-ft. John Deere tractor disc; 8-ft. John Deere tractor disc; 10-ft. McCormick Deering tractor disc; 2 4-section steel drags; John Deere 2 row cultivator; McCormick Deering 4 row cultivator; John Deere 4 row cult.;, Fox field chopper with - corn, hay and mower attachment; J. D. Van- Brunt grain drill; McCormick Deering No. 24 2 row corn picker ; 490 4-row John Deere corn planter; McCormick Deering mtd. power mower; Minn. Moline power mower; T 50 McCormick Deering hay baler; Case 6-ft. combine with straw rack; Westinghousfe air compressor; Little Giant 40-ft. elevator; Case 2 row corn picker; Behler corn drier; 8-ft. McCormick Deering wlndrower; Case 4 bar side delivery rake; McCormick Deering side delivery rake; PTO Colby manure spreader; wagon unloader; John Deere igrain blower; McCormick Deering silo filler; weed sprayer; end gate seeder; Humboldt stalk cutter, new; McCormick Deering 4 roll corn husker; Letz mill; Oehl hammer mill; 3 Colby rubber tired wagons with automatic unloader boxes; New Idea tractor spreader, new; road drag and grader; 3 silage carts; quantity of steel ventilators for corn cribs; D-2 Caterpillar tractor; 8 A-shaped portable hog houses; 4 hog troughs; steel tank; several feeders. MANY OTHER ARTICLES --TOO NUMEROUS TO, MENTION. MILKHOUSE EQUIPMENT Arctic Jet milk cooler, 32 can capacity; Universal 2 double units and 1 single unit; milk machine and oue extra vacuum tank; electric water heater; 4 stainless steel pails, new; strainer; 30 milk cans. FEED 8000 bu. Clinton oats; 6000 bu. ear.coxa; 25-ft guup tUago with molasses in 16-ft. silo; 25-ft. corn NOTICE OF CLAIM DAVft Estate of MARY ALTHOFF, Deceased. , Notice- is hereby given to all persons that March 3rd, 1952, is the claim date in the estate of MARY ALTHOFF, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the Haid estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. .^JWERNARD ALTHOFF and * BARBARA ALTHOFF. VERNON J. KNOX Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Jan. 10-17-24) WILLIAM J. HAMIL AUCTION ED VOOEL and WM. RUSSELL, Auctioneers Having decided to quit farming, I will sell all my personal property at Public Auction on tye old Carey farm, located Via mile South of Ringwood on the blacktop road, miles Northwest of McHenry and 9 miles Northeast of Woodstock. on THURSDAY, JAN. 17. 1952 starting at 10:80 A. M. sharp 107 Head of Livestock 88 milch rows, consisting of tt Holsteins and 8 Guernseys, 10 springing, 8 fresh recently and the balance milking good. . This herd has lots of sice and quality. 4 springing Holsteln heifers, lots of slxe, 8 bred Holsteln heifers, 8 Holsteln heifers, 20 months old, open and vaccinated; 6 Holsteln calves, 2 to 4 months old) 1 Holsteln bull, 2H years old. 42 feeder ptgs, average weight, 150 lbs. XAjQllRflSKL-- -- BOX OFFICE OPENS SAT. and SUN., 3:15 P. M. MON. thru FRL, 6:46 P. M. FRL & SAT., JAN. 11-13 Double Action Show wng-Kim rntn-iiua mm -- Plus rnsu SUN. A MON., JAN. 18-14 sown Case S.C. tractor and cultivator with power lift; McD. W. D. 30 tractor on rubber; Case tractor manure spreader on rubber; Case A-6 combine with motor and scour kleen, new. Just done 90 acres igrain; Case 2 row corn picker on rubber; Case corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Case 8-ft. grain drill on rubber, like new: Case silo filler 14 inch 40 foot pipe; Case corn binder with bundle loader and carrier; Case side delivery rake; Case 10-ft. cultipacker; James way silo cart; Case 2-216 in tractor plow, heavy duty; Case 2-214 in tractor plow, heavy duty ; 8-ft tandem disc; 4rsection steel drag; McD. 7-ft. mower; 2 wheel rubber cart; U.8. Challenge 36-ft. corn and grain elevator on rubber; ruVber tire wagon with steel flare box; M. D. grain binder; Case 14 inch hammer gpill; 70-ft. drive 'belt; 500 lb. platform scale; 200 foot hay*rope; grapple fork; 3 rolls snow fence. MILK EQUIPMENT DeLaval milking machine complete with 5 units; 16 milk cans; Du gas water heater; 2 rinse tanks, pails and strainers. FEED 2400 bales of clover and timothy hay in barn; 750 bales of straw; 2500 bu. Clinton oats; 1000 bushels ear corn; 17-ft. silage in 16-ft silo. Home comfort cook stove. Not Responsible For Accidents Lunch Wagon Oa Gftuads WILLIAM J. HAMIL. Ownor JleHENRY STATE 14I& Clerking Hteln heifers 10 to 12 months, ralfhood vaccinated; 1 Heli bull, 2 years old; 51 head of lag pigs, average weight lit Ha, MACHINERY John Deere G tractor with 4 row cultivator. 2 years old; John Deere power troll 3 bottom plow on rubber; John Deere 4 row tractor corn planter on rubber; McD M tractor with cultivator; Gehl hammermill; caterpillar tractor. Gas refrigerator, hot water heater. Other miscellaneous itegia. 1 * FEED 6000 baleB of alfalfa hay; SOflWof oats; 500 bales of oat strait.- ; USUAL BANK TERMS. Lunch Wagon Oa C rounds Not Responsible For ArcMeais Grace Glorney, Wm. Hafer & Harold VaupelL Owners McHEJiRY STATE BANK# Clerking VaupelL Glorney ft AUCTIO Heahh Talks VOGEL, RUSSELL and SULLIVAN, Auctioneers Having rented the farm for cash and to dissolve our partnership, we will sell £t Public Auction on the farm located 3% miles Southeast of McHenry on the river road Griswold Lake black top, H mile North of Griswold Lake, 1 mile North of Route 176, and 1% miles Northeast of Burton's Bridge, the following described property, on FRIDAY. JAN. 18th, 1952 Starting at 11:00 A. M. Sharp 140 Head of Livestock 51 head Holsteln dairy cows; tt head of these will be fresh or close springers by day of sale, balance milking good. This Is an outstanding herd of 2nd and 3rd calf heifers with lots of sixe and quality. You are Invited to look these over before day. of sale. &8 Holsteln heifers, 18 months, open calfhood vaccinated; 14 Hoi- Constant Coughing Is a Symptom A cough is only a symptom, not a disease. It is a signal that something is wrong in the body's respiratory tract, or breathing tube. If a cough persists too long, consult a physician, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society warns in a HEALTH TALK. An obstruction such, as a food particle or other object in the respiratory passage will evoke a cough. It is nature's reflex effort ! to clear the passage so that breathing will be unhampered. Such a cough is simple and tranaient. Irritation in the throat or lower passages, however, during a cold or other infection, such aa whooping cough, the distress of asthma, excessive smoking Or low humidity and resultant dryness, continually, act in the same way. A cough, however, may also he produced by more serious tions. such as tuberculosis cancer. A cough therefore is something to be ignored. • "i v*r E LMr Theatre RT. 176, WAUCONDA, OLE* NOTICE The Following Stores Will Be Closed All Day Sunday, Until Further Notice. ' ?AMBL5* ' ALTHOFF*S HDW. VYCITAL'S HDW. THURS* FRI. A SAT* JANUARY 1M1-1S 7:00 aad 9:16 P. M. Broderlck Crawfecd la "THE MOBSUN. A MON* JAN. 1S-14 MHsl Gayaor Dale la "GOLDEN GIRL" la Technicolor The Beantifal TUES. A WED., JAN. 16-18 L. J. DE MARCE, Owaar PHONE 844 Satirday Open 1:80 Begins Sunday Open 2t46 Begins 8:00 Week Day* One® Begiss 7s00 FRL k SAT* JAN. 11-12 Jeaa Peters Louis Jourdaa Dehra Paget la -ANNE OF THE INDIES* la Technicolor Football Winning Ways -- Sport Animal Kingdom -- Novelty Cat-Choo -- Cartoon Saturday Matinee Jan. 12 at 3 pJL "BLACK BEAUTY" SUN. k MON* JAN. 13-14 Kirk Doegias Eleanor Parker la "DETECTIVE STORY* Late f ews Ballot Box Buaay -- Cartoon TUESm WEP. A THUBS* JANUARY 16-18-17 Frad Mac Murray-Dorothy McOalre Howard Keel la "CALLAWAY WENT TMlTAWAY* General Naisance -- Comely - Cartoon Sunday Matinee 8:00 F; ^ Z^CLOSED ON TUESDAY ^ and WEDNESDAY GENOA T H F A T R F FRL k SAT* JAN. 11-19 mmmmatk MHTCAI UIUMUM nam SUN. A MON„ JAN. 18-14 _ Continuous Sunday from 3 Nfe. • . Soldiers of Fortune -- ^ Loaded with Lack!! Bl Kl ft si wi!; 11S |Al I Mi S (upr HUM • mui mx • aom by tow uHunacu _ ^ Plns-Pepeye Cartoon A Neva TI ES.. WED. A THURS» JANUARY 16-18-17 t . The Runaway Comedy - Hit of the Year! WEB8 MB a COXING -- TI ES* JAJL m - One Night Only! S*ifil*l®W I* to*. ' -ivil