-~V'T^ **?«« >3y?^Tw^j!' ^ ^r^yfw^ fl'jyy^fpp ^K r $£ %/:-^n ffi^}^ •^~^:4X^-^^-\-,tS<'-r':'ft:^ieiti\"f:J'; "i. •' • -• "<'•>*' - '•"" * ' •• , -: ..••'• •" <••-' i.- . , - :-- ; ' • ..» .". .' ' - .. fir. .«•••: ... ,.-. . ' > THE McHWR Y PLJUNpSALBR i J?w '•#& Pv';^v--ft •«&* .T^' £ • *s -r PsyekelecUt To jSpiek ttere J»lu H The McHenry Community P.T.A. Invites the public to hear Rolf Loehrich speak on the subject "Do You Help or Hinder Your Cilia r at the n«t mfeetinir. to b« held Thursday. Jan. 24. To provide audience participation, there wilt be a question and answer period. An earlier issue of the Plaindealer described the present activities of the speaker, which include the publishing of a book. Mr. Loehrich and his family reside in th* McHenry community. The time of the meeting will be 8:15 o'clock, the place, the high School auditorium. There will be no admission charge > Thut*Uy, junuiflt 1951 m {tartaric Tlnrlwffl Honored At Party Mrs. Gertrude Thurwell was fcuest of honor at a surprise party lield at her home last Sunday."the Occasion being her seventy-fourth birthday anniversary. A soeial 4 hour was enjoyed, after which a tasty lunch was served. , ^ In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Dalln and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Massman of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Sf' feva Bakner of Chicago, the Robert y - Thurwell family and M'- a"d ^rs • Joe Wegener of McHenry. k \ ' During the evening Mrs. Thurl- F"1"* { Well received a phone call offer- , ing coni^ratulatlons from her sis- L- - ter, Miss Elizabeth Adams, of " .Chicago, who was unable^, tq at- * /'"'Viend because of illness. >'• Xaares Infant- Baptised Sunday The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Laures was baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Mary's Church by the Jit. Rev. Msgr. C. B. Nix. Sponsors for the new baby Who was named Victoria Ann, Were Edward and Jane Gitzke of Gary, the latter serving as proxy for Mary Jayne Laures of California, who was unable to be present. Dinner was served following #the baptism to the grandparents. Mr. krid Mrs. William Heimer: and the Edward Oitzke family. -^Eleanor Folej A pain Ifeads Alter A Rosary Mrs. Eleanor Foley was re-etect- ' #d president of the Altar & Rosary •odality of St Patrick's church at ihe regular monthly meeting held -- last week in the church hall. Com- Ibittees were appointed for the • ,' .year and plans made for the vari- > * ens parties to be held. Following the business meeting, it social hour was enjoyed, with • prize awarded to each table. Miss Rita Martin was chairman the committee in charge, assisted by Mesdames Marie Corso, ";JV Mary Ann Thennes, Margaret Bol- - .. Jgar, Mabel Weber, Ray Etten, . . teeorge Kinsala, James Stilling, lawrenee Klapperich and Harold Stilling. tnter#stlH|f Mwtl«|f* Enjoyed By P.T.A. The parochial school P.T.A. opened the new year last week Wednesday, with a large crowd attending the first meeting of 1952. Mrs. Maurice Granger , was chairman of the committee in charge of the social hour, assisted by mothers of sixth grade pupils, Mesdames William Burke. Joseph Gilmore, William Tonyan. J. E. Sayler. James Powers, Anton J. Schmitt, Alfonse Wirtz. Edward Wegner and George J. Fretlnd. A most interesting skit entitled "The Hummel Art" was presented by a number , of pupils, portraying the life of Sister Berta Hummel, renowned painter of children's pictures. The cast was as follows: Sister Berta, Betty Jane Schaefer ; Herr Adolpb Hummel, Donald Rogers: Frau Victoria Hummel, Mary Kav Stenger; Professor Schwartz, Charles Sales; Sister Mona, Carol Conley; Sister Una, Kathleen Anglese; Sister Maria, Patricia Justen; Children, Marcia Anderson, Judith Struck and Diamine Tonyan. Reader, Karen Gtosson. The next meeting will be held Wednesday. Feb. •.-* ' '-twarf ' Home Bureau At J. 4. Neuharth Hem .,; Mrs. John J. Neuharth WM 9m>stess to members of the Ringwood Home Bureau on Tuesday, Jan. 15, with a special, all-day meeting where home crafts were tanght the eleven ladies attending. Lamp shade making was supervised by Mrs. Neuharth, the Florentine stitch was taught by Mrs. M. Milbrandt and apron patterns were furnished by Mrq. Ed. Peet and Mrs. Eva Eppel. \ A great deal of work was accomplished and everypne epjpyed the special treat provided tyr the hostess at lunch time. Book Review On W.S.C.S. Program Mrs. Harry Stinespring will re- View the book, "Schoolhouse in the Foothills," at the monthly ipeeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service, to be held at 1 o'clock on Thursday, Jan. 17, at the Community Methodist church. MARION SCHWEITZER MARRIED SATURDAY TO WOODSTOCK MAN The rectory of St Mary's church in Woodstock was the scene of a pretty wedding service last Saturday morning. Jan. 12, when Miss Marion Schweitzer, daughter of Mrs. Carl H. Schweitzer of River- JAMOABY Bum JOHN FUHLER TOOK CRYSTAL LAKE GIRL AS BRIDE SATURDAY . w i.. ~ * w Clarence Martin left Friday John F™leroT mbrnihg for Lo, A4|41«. OSHT. M l»M» Mto. Eunice Tell- . ... ... • . Photo by Worwfck MRS. FRED MICHELAU In - a pretty wedding ceremony solemnized at St John's church on Saturday. Jan. 5, Miss Kathryn aier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson of Crystal Lake, |n a nuptial service performed at f. o'clock last Saturday evening in St. Thomas church, Crystal Lftke, with ReV. Fr. McCormlck officiating. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhler. « The pretty bride chose a white latin dress, with sweetheart neckline trimmed in seed pearls. She ^iad a fingertip veil attached to a hat, also pearl trimmed, and wore a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. Her corsage was of white tarnations. • Attendants were Miss Doris Fuhler, sister of the bridegroom, Karen Sandstrom and Helen Grant Of Crystal Lake, friends of the fcride. They were attired in satin g o whs of blue, aqua and pink, styled with matching tulle stoles Jackson of Johnsburg became thejand tulle overskirts. In their hair bride of Mr. Fred Michelau of GTayslake. The newlyweds are residing with her parents for t&e present. Evelyn Mook Bride Of Mr. Eugene Epp€|? ^ 3 t: "i In a wedding ceremony performed before Justice of the Peace Joseph Ritter of Woodstock last Saturday at 2 o'clock in the afterdate. McHenry. became the bride , n°°n- Eugene E&pel and Evelyn BJverview Camp Installs Officers Riverrlew Camp, R.N.A., held installation of officers on Tuesday evening of this week at the -K. of C. hall. Gladys Ames, district supervisor, acted as installing officer, Marian McClure as ceremonial marshal, Elsie Hoppe as ceremonial chancellor and Mabel Johnson as installing musician. Escorts were Neighbors Mary Elsbttry, Wanda Erhart. Marcella Craft and Mary Jermac of Gurnee. Several R.N.A. members of other camps were present t Following the installation, games were enjoyed and refreshments served by the committee in charge. Officers installed for the ensuing year are as follows: 6racle, Alida Freund; Past Oracle, Alpha Pedersen; Vice Oracle, Kathryn Worts; Chancellor, Maud Rothermel; Recorder, Susan Justin; Receiver, Mary Weingart; Marshal, Frances Vycital; Assistant Marshal, Mary Freund; Inner Sentinel, Lillian Cox; Outer Sentinel, Barbara Weber; Manager, Luella Lockwood; Musician, Ethel Holly; Faith, Louise Kramer; Courage, Hattie Adelmeier; Modecty, Elsie Reiker; Unselfishness, Delia Freund; Endurance, Luella Roggenbuck and Flaig Bearer, Anna Boley. Etening Bridge At Blennpfl Hose - - - Members of the Evening Bridge club gathered at the Fred Bienapfl home last week Wednesday evening for a regular meeting, with Mrs. Gearge Lindsay as hostess. Prizes in cards were merited by Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. C. H. Duker -will' Nt^t&in the club In two weeks. :^rwr.';sr?gr of Mr. Arthur J. Brink, son of Mrs. James Brink of Woodstock. Rev. Fr. Eippers officiated at the 10^ SO o'clock nuptial service. The bride was attractive in a pale aqua suit, with which she wore a white hat, navy accessories and a white orchid corsage. Her only attendant was Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock, a close friend, who wore a purple suit and black accessories. Carl F. Schweitzer of Wonder Lake, brother of the bride, served as best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Schweitzer was. attired in a rose-colored dress, while Mrs. Brink wore navy blue. Both had pink and white rose corsages. A reception was held at noon at the Schweitzer residence, with sixty guests in attendance. Later, the couple left on a wedding trip through the South, after which they will return to reside for the present with her mother The bride was educated in Chicago and has been a permanent resident of this community for the past* seven years. Mr. Brink is employed at the Woodstock nost o f f i c e . i - ^ * * L. Mook of McHenry exchanged nuptial vows. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs, Philip Wheelock of this city. The couple left on a wedding trip through the South, after which they will reside on a farm on Rt 120, west of McHenry. GIRL SCOUTS Troops 8 of the Girl Scouts postponed a skating party on tylonday evening because of rain and instead/enjoyed a party at the regular meeting, place. Work Waa, done on good grooming badges, after which games were played and refreshments served. The troop leaders are Joan Kennebeck, j Alida Wirtz, Helen Miller and Lyda Diedrich. jUrs. Fred SToboda . • Heads Woman's Ct«V Mrs. Fred Svoboda was reflected president of the McHenry Woman's club at the annual election meeting held last Friday afternoon at the Legion Home. A good sized crowd was in attendance to take part in the selection of officers and hear an interesting program which included readings by Mrs. Harry Stinespring and piano duets by Jean and Joan Web«\ The nominating committee, consisting of Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Jack Buckie and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, presented; Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, first vice-president; Mrs. Charles Brda, second vice- president; Mrs. Clyde Bailey, secertary and Mrs. Henry Smith, treasurer. During the business meeting, it was voted to continue cooperation with the business Men's association in preparing lunch at the 'teen canteen meetings. It was also decided to begin meetings promptly at 2 o'clock and serve lunch at the close of the meeting. The next gathering of club members will be Friday, Feb. 8, at the Legion Home. CARD 0* TtiAftKft In this manner we wish to thank friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended to as in our bereavement Everything was greatly appreciated. THE FAMILY OF THE !• LATE FRIEDA HAUG. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now. CARD OF THANKS We, the brothers of the late William Dettmer, wish in this way to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral offerings and kind expressions of sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement; also to those who so kindly donated thj| use of their cars and for the boafc til*)*, sepigs. tendered. . "• * A.-1 KAMHOftf - : • » C \ H . F . K A M H O L Z FRED J. KAMHOL* 36 HENRY KAMHOLZ. they wore pink carnatlohs and carried bouquets of the samfe kind of flower*. Andrew Butler, Richard Fuhler and Edw. Grant were the groom's attehdfints. Mrs. Tegtmler chose for her daughter's wedding a blue dress, black accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Fuhler wore a maroon-colored dreBS, white hat and a similar corsage. Solqlst for the service was Bob Esborn, who sang "Because," "The Lord's Prayer," "Ave Maria" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." A reception followed the ceremony . at the V.F.W. hall In McHenry, with 400 present Marie Cremer was in charge of the guest book and the wedding cake was cut and served by Millie Dahn, Rita Roberts and Mary Lou Foster. The groom, an employee of the Public Service company, expects to join the armed forces in the near future. The bride is employed In the office at the Oaks plant in Crystal Lake.' Following a. trip to Ohio, the newlyweds plan to reside an apartpient in McHenry. Eugene Eppel • and Evelyn ' L. Mook, both of McHenry. AMONCL THE SICK Dennis Huff of McCullom Lake has been a medical patient in Sg^ Therese hospital, Waukegan. KINGSIze q u A L i r V SNAPSHOTS GENERAL t LIVESTOCK HAUUN6 LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE PHONE WAUCONDA 2562 -- YOU CALL --~ WE HAU&, W. DICKSON & SON WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS ALL PICTURES OUMSED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! CONTACT ?l£f: PER ROLL AMISIW CWMCT9m0$ • amMM994 »auiMP USE ALEXANDER'S - BUDGET PLAN - Wattles Drug, Store THE HOME STORK" Natal StTMt PHONE 358 TT H • . V * - * . • . • ' « • To Repair or Improve Your Heme. INSULATION AND STORM SASH . . . KITCHEN MODERNIZATION NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFIN<$.... t . . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GASX&E . .. ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . AU MATERIALS AMD LABOR MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance In 36 Monthly Ptymwls It's Easy To Buy On Budget At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO Th# Best of Everything For The Builder" where he Will visit his son and family, the Robert Martins. He also plans to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. William Dewey in Maywopd, Calif. Paul Overton returned last wwk' Thursday from Florida, where he had spent two weeks. Mr. apd Mrs. Math Latiretf are vacationing in Florida. Mrs. K. A. Lopeman and Mrs. Bill Tibbitts of Hebron and Mrs. Martin Wegener of McHenry accompanied the' latters' sons, Gordon Tibbitts and Warren Wegener, to the Municipal airport in Chicago last Wednesday from v/herei the two Navy men left by plan*' for Newport, R. I. ' Mr. and Mrs* Fred Nickels and son. Bob, of Barrinigton visited her father, George Buss, last Sunday. "" Mrs. Clara Scholefleld of Chicago has been speeding the week with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan. Atty. and Mrs. LeRoy Welter and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Nellie were Chicago visitors . Saturday evening. Stanley Hill has been transferred from the Woodstock hospital to the Tower Hill rest home in Dundee. The Alfonse DiedrJdfc family of Chicago were; McHenry visitors last weekend. The Misses Joann, Pat and Nancy Stilling spent the weekend at their home in Richmond. Mrs. Kenneth Case of Marquette. Mich., has been spending a few days with her oousin, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Edith Geary of Wauconda visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Meyer, on Saturday. Bob Bacon of Chicago spent the Weekend with his mother, Mrs Zena Bacon. Mrs. Clyde Hollowell of Chicago has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Johngon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gitzke and family of Cary visited McHenry relatives last Sunday. CA1I> or**A!f|M We wotild like tft take this opportunity to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for fl6ral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations* of cars. cardB of * sympathy and oth#r rethfehibranoes at the time of our beraevement We are especially grateful to Rt. Rev. Msfr. Ni* and Fr. Baumhdfer; also to Mesdames Paul Gerasch, George P. Freund, Loujs Stoffel and Mike Freund for their kind services. 'Everything was, greatly appreciated. MRS. CAItQLlNE Jl'STEN RrCHARD and ELAINE .IISTEN 36 BROTHERS and SISTERS COMNiG EVENTS Jaaaary 1? " Ol D. Of A. Card Tournament Jannary tt McHenry Chapter, O. i."/ Stated Meeting---8 P.-M. January 84 . 1 Special Community P. ' Meeting -- Rolf Loehfich, utiest gjfoaker. lUKBIAGE LICENSES Residence Changes .The Max Doer ing family has tinoved Into the Adams apartment on Waukegan street.' AUCTION BIRTHS Gayle Anne is the name selected^ by Mr. and Mrs. Ray -RothermeT for their third child, born at the£ Woodstock hospital Dec. 29. A son was born Jan. • at the Wtedstock hospital to- Mr. 1# Mrs. James Al^hoff. :i A daughter was bora Jan. 12 4J; the Woodstock hospital to Mr. anftr Mrs. George Mysyhski of Islanflii Lake. ' Special Sng - January M '0$ Community P.T.A. Mee#": Gueist Speaker. V" February I' "t*1 ^ Parochial School P. T. A. MMp* tmr. FebrnaryS Wpihah^'s Club--Legion' Home. ^ line ef HatM IIVMM# K>tii<><!ie« at Wattle* Drtf Stwnfl McHfnrv. 9a r1' -if Located on the Old Reynolds Farm, 2 miles South of Bassett, Wis., mlWf Southed of Twin jLaltea, 4 miles West. q| AViJlhot, mile? North of the Wis.-Ill. State Xitte, on County Trunk I. oh SATURDAY. JAN. 19th, commencing at 12:30 o<ckck FOWLES TRAILER .LUNCH ON GROUNDS, tt HOL8TEIN CAtTLE -- 19 MILCH COWST 10 fresh (4 with "calf by side) ; 4 close springers, balance milking good. 3 heifers', 16 months Old; 15 heifers, i months to 15 months old; bull, 7 months old. This herd had a 100% clean Bangs test--breeding by artificial inseminatibn. POULTRY--250 W. Leghorn pullets; 75 yrlg. W. Leghorn chickens. 4 ^EEDER PIGS average weight about 150 lbs. each. FARM PRODUCE--S00 bu .Clinton oats; 400 bu. ear corn. TRACTOR--JD model B tractor on rub. w/startw abd new ignition. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS. J. « ii i- ,,r ' . 1 "THEY teH UT that the free world needs food. I'm figuring on producing a lot in the coming months," Yes, and his production plans include working closely with ourbemk on financial matters. Everyone beilF efits when you have thdf hind of cooperation; McHenry State Bank Mate Fxkral Bmiw Bplwi Fadanl Dtpodt Inioraao* UM Md Oa 8niagi PHONE 1040 akaiBB • * . . •_ . » 0' PER GALLON, WITH OVEftPftWC -AN^T'S BEAUTIfUi" 547 MAIN STREET % ROBERT BAUER. Own#r ROBERS and DAM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORP, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. CI15 • Living room, bedroom, dining roolm--almost any rOom in the houselook lovelier and freshet UNI-TEX. ONE COAT COVERS Apply It «v«r «N wall Mtelmin*, wm<, (id oilier sad wsfcfc MM MCE1* lran»forin«t<»ii. MAOE WITH OIL UIW.TtX l^--te wIMWiliiwiiyiHII. MMU wMt *H, H It w«»kaM* and Ii>| lM»ei>e- to 4ri«* N| tw« h*wp I«v«ly **v>lv>> iIiim" ftMb CNOOSI r«OM VIM LOVIIT SHARKS Aak hf • tat UNI-TtX Mn May. UNMIX li law la «Mi aaty la mm»t ill T~W" V^aiTAt'S SHEET METAL SHOF McHENRY, ILU. HARDWARE PHONE9# F R I D A Y , 18th PHONE 5 WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREEfKp " McHENRY. ILL. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P.M. SUNDAYSt 10 A. N. Til 4 P. N, iL 'M,