r45f f M r ?v$. ^ '. j / ;, r, '".5- ' sr ;n fcSSEtS-.& A rove (ByMra. Charles Freund) Mrs. Prank Tlnney, Buddy And Kitty Tlnney and Mrs. Rose i$l&rkg enjoyed the ice show at 'the Stadium in Chicago Wednesday night - Karen Christensen of Wilmot pent the weekend with Ginny IPawson. ) Mrs. Bob Lent and Infant daughter returned home from the €" • tiospital and are spending this Week with her parents, Mr. and I ^^ 'IWrs. Math Nimsgern. - Rev. John Daleiden and the ; • lashers of St. Peter's parish met the home of Charles May on Tuesday night for their regular x -4neeting. There was also an eveferHifiiTig at cards and refreshments ^'•>|%ere served.' * ; - M r . a n d M r s . W a l t e r B r o w n a n d V -Jfcir. and Mrs. "Moon" Olsep enjoy- ?•"" '.•••-•.Id an evening at cards at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence : Miller on Sunday night ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlkoleit of Chicago were visitors in town on S u n d a y . C h a r l e s F r e u n d a n d 4farry Miller bowled in the C.O.F. tournament at McHenry Sunday §^-rAight Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kappie have purchased the Fred Meyer house and expect to move in this week. Sunday guests in the Joseph P. Freund home were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schmitt and family, Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Schmitt and faiuy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. lYeund and family and Mr. and Jjlrs. Bernard Blake and family, SlL.of McHenry. I&ROY W. BRUNS AUCTION WILLIAM H. RCSSEL and WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Auctioneer* WILLIAM OLOSSON AUCTION ED YOGEL, Rl'SSELL and SULLIVAN, Auctioneer* Having decided to quit farming, I will sell the following described personal property at Public Auction on the Math Glosson faftn located 2 miles West of Mchenry on State Highway Route 120, 9 miles East of Woodstock, 7 miles North of Crystal Lake, and 3 miles South of Ringwood, on MONDAY, JAN. 28, 1952 starting at 12:0© o'clock sharp 56 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 20 Holstein Milch Cows, consisting of 8 fresh recently, a few springers, balance milking good. 5 yearling heifers, open; 3 Holstein heifers. 5 to 7 months old, vaccinated; 3 Holstein heifers, 3 months old; 2 Holstein steers, 3 and 6 months old; 2 Holstein bulls, 10 and 12 months old; 2 Holstein bulls, 4 to 6 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 4 to 6 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 2*6 years old; 3 veal calfs, 1 month old; 10 bred gilts due to farrow last of March to first of April; 1 spotted Poland- China boar eligible to register; 5 fat hogs, weight 250 lbs. s MACHINERY Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor with cultivator; Broadcast seeder, 12- ft.; Allis Chalmers 214 plow; McD. bundle loader; Allis Chalmers No. 60 All-Crop Harvester, new - cut just €0 acres; Wood Bros, corn picker on rubber. 2 years old; 2 steel stock tanks, 9-ft; New Holland baler; 4 sections drag; 275- gal. gas tank, new; lime spreader; steel wheel wagon; 1 ^og feeder. Papec silo filler. FEE 3500 bu. good hard ear corn in crib: 2000 bu. Clinton No. 11 oats; 60 tons baled alfalfa hay. consist- By Marie Schaettgen fV.F.W. Auxiliary ia 4i4trikatl*t and packing twenty tJftrirtwkf * baskets for needy families. The Gifts for Yanks program of the Auxiliary presented to disable^ vets many wallets which are such a welcome Item on the list of their wants. They received tiea and socks and dozens of handker chiefs. There was also a cash donation given to the Yanks. We On Dec. £1, Santa's advance were pleasantly surprised at the agent arrived with a beautiful buf | attendance and response to the fearsome snowstorm. On the twenty-second another of his helpers brought us Lil Myers and her girl friend, Dorothy Rohinsen. Lil is the Legion Auxiliary's "adopted" daughter from Wood cottage- at Normal, 111. This home is one of the American Legion Auxiliary's most important projects and it certainly pays dividends in human happiness. • (>• appeal for gifts because the night of the scheduled meeting Santa presented us with quite a blinard, which naturally kept many at home. LIL MYERS Lil Myers is 16 years old and she is a credit to her generation. The Auxiliary sponsored her visit here last sumfter for part of her vacation and she expressed the ing 35 tons second cutting, 25 tons J desire to spend her Christmas first cutting; 1000 bales of oat (holiday here and asked the privistraw; 10-ft of grass silage with molasses in 14-ft. silo. MILK EQUIPMENT De L a v a l m a g n e t i c m i l k i n g machine, 2 single units, complete lege of bringing along her friend. Mrs. Ben Miller, again opened hey heart and her home to Lil aifd to her friend. Dorothy, and heiHkindness is repaid by the •'J The undersigned, being compelled to quit farming, due to health, 1*111 sell all of his Personal Property on the farm known as the George Heisler Farm, on Route 14, -||elng the first farm on Route 14, gouth of Crystal Lake, on ffONDAY. JAN. 21. 1952 i commencing at 11 o'clock 17 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of ll Choice Holstein Cows, • of frhlch will be fresh, I fall spring* «*, balance milking good; 4 Hoijsteln heifers, 18 months old, #bred; 6 Holstein heifers, 6 months old; jl Holstein bull, 16 months old; S Holstein bails, 1 year old; 2 Holstein balls, 8 months eld; 1 . jHolsteln ball, 4 months old. This is a (good dairy of cows, and 2 had no intention of selling them, %ut because of my health, it becomes necessary, and I would welcome anyone inspecting them at any time. They are good quality And plenty of size, and as near sound as it is physically possible to have a dairy of cows. HAY, GRAIN and FARM MACHINERY 49 tons 1st cutting alfalfa and ~ mixed hay; 12 tons second cutting alfalfa and clover hay, wire baled; 200 bales of straw, wire baled; 300 bu. ear corn; 24 acres of corn, standing; 1500 bu. good Clinton oats; 30-ft silage in 14-ft. silo. FULL LINE OF MACHINERY, MOST OF WHICH IS NOT TWO YEARS OLD, MILKHOUSE EQUIPMENT 3 unit Surge milking machine with pipe 'line for 35 cows; 2 wash tanks, pails and strainers; 18 milk ---cans; Lindsay water heater POULTRY and EQUIPMENT 400 Austria White and White Le*- *" horn pullets; chicken feeders and Caterers; 16x18 brooder house, hew; Lindsay water heater. AS THIS IS A LARGE SALE, - IT WILL BE STARTJED PROMPTLY AT 11:00 O'CLOCK, AND ALL ^MALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD EARLY. Not Responsible For Accidents Lunch Wagon On Grounds » TERMS -- Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6%, after proper • arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to the purchase price. LeRoy W. Bruns, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of ; JWOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and * Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Heme Permanent* A recent survey showed that more than 00 per cent of American women who get permanents use home permanent wave kits. More than 150,- 000,000 home waves have been given 'since they appeared on the market hi 1944. pipe line, motor, pump; 22 milk affection Lil feels for her. cans; electric water heater; 2 solution tanks. '%y * McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking USUAL BANK TERMS. Net Responsible For Accidents Ed Vogel, Russell & Sullivan, Auc. WILLIAM GLOSSON, Owner (Pub. Jan. 17-24) Many of the Auxiliary women cooperated to give the girls a happy holiday. Mrs. Jeanette Vance, the Auxiliary president, Mrs. Lillian Miller, Minnie Green, Mrs. Chuck Miller who is a busy lady, and that other busiest of busy people, Christine Krinn, who is never too rushed to do something Milk Replacer Breaks" Records In New Tests A spectacular new milk replacer for calves has produced a rate of growth which appears to have shattered all previous records for calves raised on milk substitutes. The tests were conducted on dairy farms in Kane and DuPage counties. The calves averaged two pounds gain per day, practically double that of other well-known tests. This growth rate is also especially impressive because the majority of the calves were slow-growing Guernsey heifers. The new milk replacer can be fed as generously as whole milk without danger of scouring. Dairy men have long been interested in obtaining a milk replacer which would equal the results of whole milk. Whole milk is the most expensive ration fed to any animal on the farm. The feeding of a milk replacer to calves means increased income because the milk which would be fed to calves becomes available for sale to dairies or other milk plants The new milk replacer is being produced by Fox Valley Milk Feeds. Inc., of Geneva, 111., and supplies an area. Calking ftirface must be dry, tree from dust, putty, paint, etc. Apply boiled linseed oil to surface to be calked before applying calking compound with a putty knife. This will prevent the calking compound from drying too hard. Magfe nethysts were one* to prevent dru though Your Income Tax By John T. Jareckl Collector of Interval Rerenne First District of Illinois The Income Tax filing period has begun. Employees of the internal Revenue will now be available to assist the taxpayers tor filing their 1961 income tax returns. As Collector of Internal Revenue for this First Collection district of Illinois, it is a pleasure to announce that the employees of my office will again be assigned to certain locations to render as much assistance to the ptoblic for their income tax return* as ia possible. There is no charge for this service, which is given by well qualified deputies. The First Collect!^ District of Illinois is comprised of twenty six northern counties of Illinois. In Chicago, assistance may be obtained in Room 1, U. S. Court House Building, Dearborn and Adams streets, and at the seven division offices maintained at strategic .points in the local communities. Due to limitation of, space, no service will be available for preparations of tax returns at the headquarters office, 22 W. Madison street, Chicago. ( In the outlying area outside of Chicago, there are eight division offices with thirty three branch offices, where taxpayers may retceive assistance. Among the following offices open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Friday inclusive is the one at 108 East street, Woodstock. Qoahl (by Mark Schaettcea> HOUSEHOLD HINTS Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett has pointed out to applicants for driver licenses, motor vehicle titles, licenses and trans-; fers that they should sign their Applications in the presence of a notary public. j "Motor vehicle laws require that applications be notarized, and *tlie notary public laws require that the applicant's signature be made in the presence of the notary," Mr. Barrett said. . . ... ^ 81 "Asking a notary public to afall joined forces to make the girls" fiven Mj8®florence Jflng, tex-ffjX hig Beal to an application stay a memorable one. They went ttles and clothing specialist, Uni- which has been signed at some Tips for Nylon Care - You can use hot water for washing nylon, but not a high tempenice for some one, as well as Lil I ra*ure 'or ironing it. Libby McNeill ft Libby sent me several pamphlets on various cooking subjects and a booklet on quantity cooking. Since winter is the season, for party giving by ind i v i d u a l s a n d by c l u b s a n d churches, thought perhaps I might give one of the recipes for anyone interested 4n quantity cooking. The following recipe will serve one cup to fifty persons. The booklet contains a few meat recipes as well as large quantity Salad and dessert recipes. If any one is interested in any particular fecipe and will let me know about two weeks in advance I may be able to furnish a recipe from this booklet to help. Tomato macaroni casserole. 2 lbs. elbow macron! 1% Qts. chopped onion 1 qt chopped green pepper 1 cup fat 4 lbs. ground beef 1 cup mlour U cup salt 1 T Pepper 1 T dry mustard 1 T Worcestershire sauce 1% No. 10 cans tomato juice or 4 qts. 7 No. 303 or 1 No. 10 can golden sweet corn (whole kernel) 2 lbs. grated American cheese. 1 Method 1. Cook macroni in boiling: salted water until |ust tender, drain. 2. Meanwhile, cook onion and green pepper in fat until tender. Add ground beef and brown well. 3. Blend in flour and seasonings. 8tir in tomato juice. 4. Cook, stirring constantly,.until thick and smooth. 5. Drain corn and combine with macroni and meat sauce. r 6. Pour into greased baking pans. Top with cheese. 7. Bake in a moderate oven (350 deg.) for about 1 hour. Automobile Will Outpace War As Man's Killer In February MOTOH VEHICLE TRANSACTIONS NEED NOTARY SIGNATURE Myers' own friend, Mrs. Ficken, This cue for nylon care was tex skating and bowling, they were entertained at luncheons and at midnight supper and of course the Auxiliary played Santa. The girlB received gifts from Signa Miller and from the others who entertained them. All in all, they went home satisfied and happy. Lil is planning to become a nurse after her graduation from high school. We all hope she attains this worthy ambition but we thinks too, she would make a loverly wife for some lucky fellow and a wonderful mother, too, for she certainly can appreciate the blessing of a happy home life. There is no doubt the attractive young lady will be successful at whatever she chooses to do and we of the Legion Auxiliary are proud to have had even a small share in shaping her life and character. We owe a vote of thanks to Mrs. Signa Miller for her wi^lngness to share her love Ind her home. Among the Auxiliaries other activities over the holidays were a children's party at Woodstock. The various units in the county take turns in giving the children frequent parties. Of course, the children received gifts and refreshments. unit cooperated with the versity of Illinois College of Agri-jearller timei or agking him tQ cu„ufe" . ... • , .notarize a blank application are Hot water used int home laun,, yi<)latloil8 of the ,aw» Secretary dering is usually about 130 de-(ikrrett said grees to 150 degrees F., whereas For the,r own protectlon and for low iron temperatures. are about I ^ proteCtion of others> notarle8 250 degrees to 275 degrees F. pU|jlic should refuse to place their tZemtZpeJr.a™tur e gauge to "n'y"lon"" "orI !application not .fcned "rayon"; high temperatures do melt it To determine whether a garment should be hand or machine washed, examine raw or«partially finished seam edges for fraying.^ If threads pull out easily, it would be better to wash the garment by hand. Wash white nylon articles separately, or before you wash the colored or pastel garments. Otherwise a slight off-white tinge may result. Remember that bluing is not necessary for white nylon. However, if you use it for other white garments, it is all right to wash or rinse nyloa ill the same water. in their said. presence, Mr. Barrett You can't believe all you hear whpn. money talks. The automobile will outpace war as a mass killer of Americans sometime in February, when its fatality toll will exceed for the the first time in history the total of the nation's military dead since 1775, unless the new year starts with a marked decline in traffic deaths and Korean casualties increase greatly in the meantime, the Association of Casualty and Surety companies said early this month. At the end of the first year and a half of the Korean conflict on Dec. 25, military deaths in all U. S. wars since the Revolution started had reached approximately 1,004,000, according to the association's comparative study of war and traffic fatalities. The automobile killed its millibnth victim on Dec. 22. Its toll on Christmas Day, when the Korean war Was 18 months old, was approximately 500 over that historic mark, 3,500 below the all-time total of war deaths but 56,500 higher than the tally of 994,000 motor vehicle fatalities at the start of the Korean war on June 25, 1950. In the same eighteen months the Department of Defense has reported about 17,800 U. S. military deaths in Korea. Barring resumption Of full-scale war and far greater American casualties in Korea or a huge reduction in the motor vehicle toll luring the next few weeks, the automobile will soon overcome war's head start of 125 years in whi&h 530,000 military deaths had occurred before the motor age claimed its first victim just before the twentieth century began, the association declared. At the 18-month mark of Korean hostil- STOMPANATO'S 23rd Anniversary 80% .Off On Att-Permanents January and February - Specials Starting* at Reg. $7.&0 up for $6.00 up Complete Grade and Hi-School Girls Extra Special Reg. $7.50 Up For $5.00 Up Complete Professional Facial Packs Reg. #2.00 up For $1.50 Up STOMPANATO'S I'ltra Modern Beauty Salon 226 Main St. or 227 Benton St. Phone 641 Woodstock, I1L ities, traffic fatalities were occurring seven times faster than those of war, claiming in one day as many American lives as the total lost in one week's fighting in Korea.- The historic death race between these two mass killera toward their respective million marks ended with war claiming the life of . a new unknown soldier, "GI-X," in Korea last $ept 3 dr 4. according to the association's study. His civilian counterpart in traffic accidents, "Victim X," died about 110 days later. Both "GI-X" and "Victim X" will remain unknown, it added, although some attempts have been made to establish the identity of the millionth traffic victim, of which no one can be certain because of incomplete early statistics. However, the deaths of these historic victims of war and the automobile a little more than thr.ee and ,a half months apart have centered attention on the relative deadltne- ss of occasional American wars and daily traffic accidents, the association said in pointing out that within twp months the automobile will take a commanding lead as the deadlier >>f the two wholesale destroyers of American liv«fc . 1 Thursday, Jtntnry 17, 1952^ •a*allaaS*efc \ feealakekua on Hawaii island, flill home of the little grass shack that^ , singers want to go back to, is th* ._ site of the murder of Capt. Cook, discoverer of the mid-P** ciflc islands. Keaiakekua mean# "path of the gods.". , fccpeHmeotal Farm Oregon State College has conduct ed an experimental "Post Farm** since 1928, during which time continuous studies have been made of the Western timber species and a wide variety of preservative treatments. Convenient Take one of our clean, modern cabs to your destination and stop worrying about the weather. Our cabs, driven by the most careful drivers, call for you at your door and leave you at the door any time of the day or night, anywhere in PHONE 723 PROFE^IOnfll DIRECTORS' DR. C. R. 8WA5S0N ' Dentist '" -T"' S. Green Street"^ * : Office Hourst Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- IsSO to Moa* Wed. knd Friday. Ef« 7 to » P. M. Telephone McHenry 160 1. E. PEASLEE, D.& Chiropractor ¥ 129 8. Green St, McHenry Office Ho«rs t Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to S Mon* Wed. and FrL Eveulnps 7 to » P. X. Call McHenry 292-8 For Appointment _ VERNON KNOX ? Attorney At Law ¥ Cor# Green and Elm Streets McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 . ROBERT A. STUEBEN Attorney At Law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry 269 ' McHENRY, ILL. " WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law , llOtt Benton Street Phone Woodstock ISM WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS JOSEPH X. WAYNNB ; Attorney At Law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD' Box) Phone McHenry 492-W WEST McHENRY, ILL. Sa«i LlmesteM „ VEEN THELEN Trucking Gravol Black Dirt Truck For Hire TeL McHenry 688-R-2 or &88-W-1 j Box 172, Bt 1, McHenr*- UL A. P. FREUND * SONS Excavating Contrail* Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 204-M Mciiearv. IIL V 't\\ JL-^. w c* Old Company The oldest lumber manufacturing company west of the Mississippi river is Pope and Talbot, Inc., which had even earlier beginnings In Maine. TO SEE THIS SHOW] * All the latest in boating, fishing and_water_sports equipment! ii&KAa THI OFFICIAL 19th Annual CHICAGO NATIONAL BOATtSHOW International Amphitheatre . Acrti mi fUM 9AMKIHQ . - Feb. 1 thru 10th\ The latest in outboard boats and motors, cruisers, inboanb, sailboats, marine supplies. / VARIETY SHOW TWICE DAIIYI OUTWARD B0ATMC CLUt OF AMERICA NEW! AMAZING! Worlds Most HMm VAPORIZER BRING ALL THE FAMILY NO MATTER HOW MANY 2 OR 22 YOU'LL ALL BE ADMITTED FOR MOO PER FAMILY $100 YOUR FEATURE FOR INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurant* Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When ft>u Need Insurance ot Any Kind Phone 4S or 118-M Green A Elm McHenry STOFFEL A REIHANSPERGER a Insurance agents for all classes of property In the best companies* West McHenry, Illinois Telephone 500 M7 Mala Street McHenry. IB. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS rnamental A Structural SteeL Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. SI Phone (Mi * Siecteesteem SAFEST VAPORIZER EVES MADEI Absolutely no rink of scald* or burns to £ .!. •t*nder hand*. Remote reaervoir bolds 48 or. ot cool water--only 1 ^ or., of wnt<?r at time in heating chamber. Automatically eh lit* off when water is gone -- •ale to usr while you sleep! • Mivti tooth*! diftrMi of C«WI,CM|III, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, SinutltlM • Instant vapor action-yo* control amount of ttwri • Works whilo you »loop -- tfivti off •vfonwftotfy whon omptyl ^ • Sofo ovon around childron--"Intowolf boM "R onto to Wotor Rotorvolr" olwoyt cool to ta • 10 to 24>hour voporizorl • Alto Humid If lot end Kootferlxet roomtl • Outporformt ether voportzors testing twice ot much! ONLY ttsiuxo Model $6.SS * BOCTOtS RECOMMEND ' VAPORIZER FOR All RESPIRATORY AILMENTS Wh«« brrathint i» "tidicult, *oot|ii«» • tram relieves congestion in t*uand throat. I hat's why doctors ad vise honi" vaporizer treatt>-nn to help un the tightness and stuffiness in the cartv stages. KLECTkKS I'HKM works fast L• effectively to clear your 0 •"efcjhmg,loosening deep« hrst phlegm, and free you from headaches or rough- Jag spells. Get ELKCTRESTEKM*' THURS. JAN. 24 Fighters in Savage Seminole War! And Every « Thurs. Nite! Thereafte Included AIOOH lAIOKATORIIt AfPROVip Guaranteed! AC only Family CoMt Chmckmd Faitl . . i usr KLECTRKST The •"'n.utc Momeqne^n^^OTtr family feels a cold coming r. . 8t oncT- Ju#t ^ for soothing, gentle, relieving steam In seconds1 Detachable -r oH?" .medicaments and steam control. ELEf l KESTEEM is compact, lightweight, easy to store ia any closct. NO FINER, SAFER VAPORIZER AT ANY PRICE BOLTER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHEtyRY, ILL., Give Gold Bond Stamps" WOODSTOCK. I L L . • PHONE 3 2 * m i L L € n R I N G ' S PLUMB1XO AND HEATING ' BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating Gag and Electric Water Heatef| Water Systems • Water SoftenetS Repairs • Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY S89.X AL>S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main Street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding ^Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Pkone 615-W-l or 464 McHENRY, ILL. PALATINE RENDERING SERVICE Highest CASH PRICES Paid Dead and Crippled Horses* Cattle and Hogs. Sanitary Power Loading Tankage and Meat Scraps for salji Phone Arlington Heights U< oit McHenry <14 • Reverse Charges . -- WANTED TO BUY -- CALL AT ONCE ON DgAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE. ~ We pay phone charges. We pay K to 125 for Old Horse* less fer down horses and rattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsbnrg . Spring Grore Phone Johnsbnrg S14