Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1952, p. 10

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^ ; ^vy-F;. ^ ipf' i ^ : lmt i*ffM w#?£>-*;- v ^• #' ' tHE McHKHRT PLAIiraEALEB * tjpk ^rrv '•j»";I . ,3f ->fem - ^*y-"'^U. • k, 1? •5 ;^ *• I* ^ :1 #i'»- * ', yi ~ > ' » •*• Thonday. Juraa*r U II MEWS FROM Wonder Lake Bjr TuetM Sells Ha) Committee Meets ; A group of seventh and eighth /grade mothers met at the home of llrp. Virginia Monteleone Thursday of last week to plan for a play -that will be given in the spring. The group included Mrs. Grace •fJellek, Mrs. Holoquost, Mrs. Arthur Miller. Mrs. Catherine , Taylor. Mrs. Maida Bastion, Mrs. Cleauor Wright and Mrs. Myrtle )avidioa, who is co-chairman of the event with Mrs. Monteleone. Charles Paetow, who resides in Jiickory Falls and who came to V the area with the Woodstock l^layew, was present at the meeting and advised the ^ group about cf Harriao& Bchool. Scout Open Hoau Troop 145 of the Wonder Lake Hoy Scouts 4s--holding its first "open house" Feb. 8 in honor of Boy Scout week. The place 1s Harrison school at 8 p.m. The public is invite^. Tilers Will be refreshments. -* •*v//7V;. Jensen <WM Is V:j Two-year-old Steve Jensen,, son Jlrf Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jensen. Deep fi>pring Woods subdivision, is in ^he Woodstock hospital suffering With meningitis. -- The disease started with an infection in the right eye which crossed just before he was taken to tfce hospital. Progress!?? Dinner A progressive dinner was held In Wonder Lake Saturday night that started at the home of Mr. * and Mrs. James Bell, Shore Hills, With cocktails, and ended at the home of Mrs. D. F. Dold of the same subdivision. 4,, Appetizers were served at the J home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Elber- #en, Indian Ridge; soup at the* liome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zandjer; salad at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Bill Donash, Wonder Woods, , 4he main course at the home of %)r. and Mrs. S. L. Ruggero of the §ame subdivision; and coffee and essert at the home of Mr. and irs. Jess Seaman. * ar The dinner took about seven ;%ours! At the evening's end the ^roup played charades. School Safety Patrol V The school safety patrol was Entertained at Andy's for dinner Thursday. Mere Is Killed Friends of the A1 Frames-were sorry to hear of the death of their niece, Elaine Draheim, 13, who was killed by a motorist on the McCullom Lake blacktop last week. 0 Elaine attended Harrison school last yeaiV vV; V"-" BraHiHimMiiHniiUiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHintHiiiiuiiiiiHHmamHiiNiiiHiMttiitiiiitwiNmiMMMpNMWM I LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR | (by Kitty Wojtas) ifwiwmiiiii.nmhnnmiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiumiMiHiiHHffliwwiwiinwmiimi Mr. aiid ilrs. Charles Boldt and daughter. Mary, were guefets at the wedding of Hazel Thornton and OduS Dunlop Saturday at thpe the play and made" recommeada- "Presbyterian, church, Woodstock* as to the handling ot it. , „ , ,, Gospel I hnrch >ews ^.f-h^' -Missionary Guild sponsored ft missionary meeting on Tuesday. evening, Jan. 22, with Mr. and Mrs. Karley Ulrich as speakers, representing the Alaska Mission field. On Tuesday, Jan. 24, the Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Arthur Resc-ke at 354 S. Madison Street, Woodstock. The meeting will be at 10 o'clock in the morning and a pot-luck dinner will be served at noon. During the first Sunday in January a number of new children have been enrolled. It may be of interest to the readers of this column to know, that we, as a church, are now in the process of buying th^ property which we have occupied for nearly seven years. Two adjoining vacant lots are included in the deal. We welcome friends and neighbors to our services next Sunday, Jan. 27, at 10 a.m.. Sunday School hour, Morning Worship Service at 11 a.m. and evening Gospel service at 7:45. Miss Arlene Svoboda was hostess at a miscellaneous bridal shower last Friday evening, in honor of Catherine Schwerman of McHeury. The table was beautifully decorated in pink and white, with a sprinkling can as a centerpiece. Seventeen guests were present and the bride-to-be received some very lovely gifts for" her future home. Miss Schwerman wijii become Mrs. Robert Svoboda on Jan. 26. The wedding will take place at the Lutheran church in Crystal Lake, followed by a reception at the .American , Legion Hall, McHenry--:--t -V--4 Wayne Kraus wiBf b» entering the army on Feb. 7. , ; Damage to Signs Shooting at highway signs, theft of signs, and sideswiping by farm machinery or other traffic causes about $30,000 damage each year to Illinois road markers. This according to Harry H. Harrison, traffic engineer in the state Division of Highways, amounts to fully 15 per cent of the total annual expense of maintaining traffic mark- Mrs. Hyatt and Mrs. Harder have both held socials in . their homes recently, ' to raise funds toward the expenses of the Lakerside association's coming "Whoopee parqr", which - will toe beiU in February. for the Founders Day party, which will be held early in February. Mrs. Louise Nielsonr-HB -Chairmen of the affair. John Milinac returned last Friday from his trip to California and a motor tour Qfcttn^,^$he southwestern states. The teen-agers in the seventh "and eighth grades and first year of high school are invited to the Charm House again this Saturday evening for more square dancing instructions. The dance given by the Beautifying club was a huge success. A very sociable crowd attended and even those that didn't dance enjoyed the painful efforts of us beginners learning to square dance. Bill Althoff donated his time As caller for the occasion. Miss Ann Koska of Chicago was a weekend guest o{ Mr. and Mrs. McDermott. Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Vachet will be making calls at the homes at the north end of Lakemoor soon to collect donations for the Polio drive. Mrs. Fred Svofcoda spent three days at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago attending a meeting of the I. C. P. A. of this state. She was chosen to be on the credential committee for ^ the convention, which will take fclaee some time in April.' A bowling social, like the one held previously, will be held on Sunday, Jan. 27, at 2 p.m. at the McHeury Recreation hall. Tha other "bowling social was very successful, and many people expressr ed the hope that another one would be held. This is not just for people who are good bowlers, but for anyone in the community who likes the sport and would like tr spend a sociable afternoon with friends and neighbors. Mor4 information can be obtained by calling Mr. Cynowa or Mr. Fantus. A surprise party was held in honor of Raymopd Cynowa's fifteenth birthday at Club Lilymoor on Monday evening. The young gutftts were entertained: at tames, with prizes going to the winners. A luncheon consisting of bar-becues, potato salad, kidney boan salad, cokes and birthday cake was served. Raymond's friends presented him with gifts, along with their good wishes Mr his birthday. The socials are still being held every Monday night at Wally's proceeds will be used toward the volunteer fire department building fund. We hope to see a larger crowd this coming week for this very worthy cause. Mrs. Bryzenski and* Mri Para will be hostesses at a social at 1 p.m. on Feb. 5 at the Bryzenski residence. The proceeds will be used toward the expense of the "Whoopee party". Everyone is welcome to attend. , r 'STORE'S '61 SAIEi y - The consolidated sales, of National Tea company for the calendar year 1951 amounted to $361,317,401 as compared with $315,218,947 for the year 1950, an increase of $46,098,454 or 14.62 per cent. The number of stores in operation decreased from 634 on Dec. 31, 1950, to 624 on Dec. 31, 1951. The Lily P. T. A. met last Friday, an<I plans are under way f Those present include4 Ann undborg, Bob Cormier, Winn Davidson, Charles Majercik, Ranl! y Sellek, Wayne Tronsen, Gary I ers on the state's 12,000 miles of ogt and John Lathrop. principal ' main rfiads. A U C T I O N . On the Old Wattles Farm .located 1 mile West of McHenry, 211., on Route 120, on 1 ; SATURDAY, JANUARY 26th Commencing at 11:30 o'clock. ' FOWLES TRAILER LOCH 0\ (iROI'XMk ; 25 HOLS, and BROWX SWISS MILCH COWS, 1 fresh with calf by side, 3 recently fresh* 15 close springers, bal. milking good. | CHICKENS and EQl'II'HEXT--40 yrlg. mixed chickens, elec. brooder, s feeders, waterers, etc. j HOG EQUIPMENT--Jamesway 10-hole hog feeder, 2 large hog troughs. 'DAIRY EQUIPMENT--Univ. 3 single unit milker w/motor, pump And pipe line, Clean-Easy milKer, elec. water heater, 2 wash tanks, 15 mNk ' cans, pails, strainers, etc. . FARM PRODUCE--400 bu. ear corn, 500 bu. oats, 300 bales 1st cut < alf. hay, 300 bales 2nd cut alf. hay, 200 bales 3rd cut alf. hay, 50 bales J straw. J TRACTORS, BALER, COMBINE, CORX PICKER and MACHINERY -- Oliver 70 trac. on rub. w/starter, lights, PTO and cult, attach., Gehl blower, AC model C trac. on rub., w/starter, lights and PTO, JD wire tie baler w/motor (like new), Case 5-F combine w/PTO. Case pull-type 1-row corn picker, McC No. 1 mtd. corn picker, Gehl chopper w/corn and hay attach., Oliver side rake, Oliver corn planter w/check row and . fert. attach., McC 8-ft. tandem disc, steel 4-sec. draig, Case trac. manure spreader on rub.. New steel PTO elev., McC 6-ft. mower, Colby RT wagon w/comb. box, 3 self unloading wagon boxes, RT wagon w/wood j box, steel wheel wagon and box, McC end gate seeder, Case 2-16 trac. plw, McC 3-14 trac. plow, on rub. (like new), elec. Iitock tank heater, .. milk cart, Stewart elec. cow clipper, forks, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Most of the above machin#!^ |s in good condition -- having been purchased in the laBt two years. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GEO. HARTMAN, Owner BEHM and FROELICH, Auctioneers --WIS. SALES COftl'.. Clerk W A N T E D DEAD ANIMALS Cattle -- Horses Hogs -- Sheep Prompt Service -- Cash Price CALL OSCAR BORCHARDT Now Hauling to Globe Rendering Company McHenry 157--Crystal Lake 105 Dundee 1007 RELIEVES DOG ITCH LIKE MAGIC Kills Ticks, Fleas, Lice. Relieves Fungus Irritations. DR. MERRICK'S SCRATCH POWDER \X lie 4 OZ. CAN OMIT 98< BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEX ST. ' PHONE 40 give the World's Best Loved Box- Ssr/f}p^t Tbe famous WHITMAN'S SAMPLER ii I pound and 2 pound sizas Special Heart Boxes and •tber Whitman's Assortments ettrac^vely wrapped for Valentine's Dav BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. 1'nlen 6r.Tr, Wis. ^ ' i.' i 81H • k ' USE ALEXANDER'S - BUDGET PLAN - To Repair or Improve Your Home. INSULATION AND STORM SASH . . . K I T C H E N M O D E R N I Z A T I O N NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING . . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE . ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance In 36 Monthly Payments It's Easy To Buy On Budget At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "Tin Bm> ol Everything For The Builder" 547 MAIN STREET PHONE 5 Here's Your Invitation to Our BIG, FREE fyvitatioij Bring tho Family and havt yr - < f A lot of Fun With Us FOR YOUNG and OLD BIG STAGE SHOW (NO CHARGE) COME and BRING YOUR FAMILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 8 P.M. McHENRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS is* SUCCESSFUL YEAR AT SCIENCE MUSEUM REVIEWED; 10 PR INCREASE IN PATRONS DISCLOSEDf! ; . • Attendance at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry during the past year increased by approximately 10 per cent over the previous record of 1950. Total for the year as of Dec. 24 was 1,- 838,727. Attendance for 1950 was 1,669,379. Major Lenox R. LohrK museum president, reviewing the year-end report prepared by D. M. Mac- Master, museum director, pointed out that this is the eleventh year has consecutively broken attendance figures. "When the idea of this Museum was first conceived, an annual attendance of a million was optimistically forcast Already we are approaching an annual attendance of two million", said Lohr. While Sept. 7 was the highest single day's attendance during the past year with a record 27,- 705, Dec. t and Sept 8 (Labor Day) were almost as high with 25,196 and 24,076 respectively. Attendance at the Museum's annual series of "Christmas Around the World" programs set ^ new record of 152,270. This is the tenth year the programs hare been given. Several major exhibits were opened during the past year and improvements and additions were made to many others. Most recent addition is the Electric Theater, sponsored by the Commonwealth Edison Company and the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. Another recent exhibit is the Airlines Story sponsored by United Air Lines. The Telephone exhibit was completely re-designed and greatly expanded; the Plastics exhibit by Bakelite Corpit% kdr oration; th» Motorama bjr Qenerfl Motor*; and the Petroleum exhibit spoivpored by five of tip major oil companies, nv 'extensive alterations made. -- Next year will add an addition* al million dollars of sew exhibit according to the report, and plat are also being studied to expat the Museum's service facilities to keep pace with the growing alc«,. tendance. In January* a mathematics efg hibit dealing with the intricacies of geometry will be opened. Sponsored by ttffe Illinois Institute Of ' Technology, the exhibit will malo & major contribution to the Museum's program of devoting speeial attention to tlie teach of difficult subjects to schc children. In another phase of the M#* seum's educational work the Student Science Pair, started a year ago on an experimental basis, will, again fie held next spring. Participated In by high school science classes, students will exhibit and demonstrate various projects in chemistry physics sad other «tclences. PROFESSIONAL HAIR BRUSH Nylen 4 og Bristles 1 PEPSODENT I TOOTH PASTE 1 63c IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS Bettle QO* off 60 00 > TODAY (Alffi EVIRYlMT?! diagnosis can k Compound***!. BREATH-0-LAT0R Positive breath - protection any-time. Gets rid ef C4 Bad Breath AMM-I-DENT Ammoniated. Large tube. BARBASOL CREAM Brushless Sfiave. 50c Tube. «Me*«*««i 53c 39c 1„ 2-Qtf ART HOT 1 WATER BOTTLE Finest Quality... WiwuJUKugggr WILDROOT HAIR TONIC Cream Oil 98c 8 oz. Size PHILLIPS MAGNESIA 12 ounce OAa Bottle 091 TWIN-BECK CANASTA Playing «49 Cards A meg MILES NERVINE Health Tonic* 8 ounce size. MURINE FOR EYES • Soothing liquid. oz. bottle... a •* -•*'*; >" '*.i*.-> •» v eV>- '-;;e >%,* 54c spepa&Vf / - LWTIVES Pint SQUIBB MVtEiAL (HL 69c $AL HEPATIC* ftOg W KUJ01 OIL ww I feehmaihi 21C ' BABY NEEDS « ©*. mukem BUY wnoi I .41# i SIMIU0, liT . 9k I 15t Mr so& 0m« 0NIRi 4-Ounce HIND'S CREAM SQUEEZE BT1E. 49c THERMOS LUNCH KIT H Pint MEN! Look Trimmer and Feel Better with a "BRACER" IMPORTER Your clothes will fit better . . . you'll stand right and you'll find real relief from 0$5 fatigue. Comfortable... w FIGHT COLDS NOW! ACT FAST .md You Can Keep Co Id Symptoms in Cheeky Anti-Histamine TNENYLIIST For coughs | 25 4 oz. Size * Antl-Hlstamlne RESIST AB Tablets Bottle 12.... REM for COUGHS Due to colds, 3 oz. VAPO-RUB Vlcks, V/2 oz. ]»,»... MENTHOLATUM Chest Colds, 1 oz AN AH 1ST SPRAY ft<> Atomizer for colds.... 960 BROMO QUININE a* Cold tablets, 16rs 09€ 57c 33c 39c B O L G E R S DRUG STORE Green St. Phone 40 McHenry, m. "We give Gold Bond Stamps"

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