Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1952, p. 2

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if. JANUARY BRIDE ^:" JMiftoance Tretti vJft Xariu Wirt* - « ^Mr. and Mm William Wirtz of yolo announce the engagement of e i r d a u g h t e r . M i s s M a r i a n Alicia, to Sgt. Philip Brown, son •"'v&f Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown •-iff Wilmot, Wit. A Bpring wedding ifc\ts planned. Miss Wirtz teaches horqe eco- "J -':%omics at Orangeville. 111., while ' *%er fiance, Sgt. Brown, is in the >|iarine Corps, stationed at Cherry ;.l»oint. N. Carolina.' . : ; :'4' Iphael Joseph' >. ':|(ROX Baptised ' - The infant son of Hf- arid Mrs. ^\,;Hobert W. Knox was christened ..Michael Joseph by Rev. Fr. Coak- ^. N^y in a baptismal service per- U.-' -formed recently at St. Patrick's - i church. Sponsors were Joann 'Knox and LeRoy Hiller.^aunt and Uncle of the baby. t'Urence Drapers Wed Forty-Five Tears u Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draped ^Observed their forty-fifth wed- .^ing anniversary last Sunday and J the celebration was an unusual ,one. Observing the occasion with the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thompson of Bozeman, ^JMont, who exchanged vows with the Drapers in a double wedding .(service in McHenry in 1907. 1. Open house was held throughthe day, with forty guests at- Jtending from Woodstock, Milwaukee and McHenry. Also present .Were Mr. and'Mrs. Emil Thomas '•-oI Elmyra, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Tdyde Oitibard of Cassapolis, Mich. Michael Olhavas Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Michael Olhava of Chicago will observe their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 27. They have two children, Theodore and Solphia, residing in this community. A picture of the couple will appear in the next issue of the Plaindealer. '-i '.'..'-v. . Fox River Caaip Installation Fox River Valley Cuttp R.if. A., is planning for installation to be held Tuesday, Jan. 29, at the Legion Home at 8 o'clock. A potluck supper will be enjoyed. Members may invite one guest. AMONG THK 31CK Judy and Cathy Thomas underwent tonsillectomies last Friday at Sherman hospital, Elgin. . '-Shower Honored Elisabeth Harrer •/ Miss Elizabeth Harrer, who will ;1be a bride of the near future, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous -shower held in the home of Mrs. ijohn Herdrich one afternoon last "week. Co-hostesses were Mrs. ]* John Stumm and Miss Helen Har- ;r.rer. A number of friends were present to enjoy the social afternoon ~ and present Miss Harrer with 1 lovely gifts. CARD OF THANKS V We would like to take this means of thanking friends, neighbors and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Msgr. Nix and Fr. Baumhofer. MRS. WlbLIAM GRASSER 37 BROTHERS PERSONALS ' ^ - Photo by Worwick MRS. JOHN Fl'HLEB In a pretty wedding service solemnized in St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake, on Saturday evening, Jan. 12, John Fuhler of Lilymoor claimed as his bride Miss Eunice Tegtmier of Crystal Lake. The newlywedS will reside in McHenry. BIRTHS "Residence Changes The James Hettermann family, who formerly resided with his mother in Johnsburg, has moved into the community's newest subdivision, Jak-Ana Heights, on the Spring Grove road, known as North avenae, one-quarter of a mile north of Johnsburg. C. D. of A. Has Fourth Card Party The fourth party in the current C. IX of A card tournament was held last Thursday evening, Jan. 17. Friaa winera in canasta were Grace O'Brien and Christina Kennebeck; In contract bridge, Rit Martin and Mildred Kinsala; and in pinochle,"Marie Vales, Kathryn L. Freund, Rose Freund, Anne Thennes and Octavia Weyland. There irill be a business meeting on Feb. 7, with Christine Krinn and her committee serving refreshments. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors tor floral offerings and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services I of Fr. Schark. MR AND MRi. KARL *ii Word reached friends last week of the birth of a son on Jan. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wall. Mrs. Wall will be remembered in this community as the former Mary Lou Connolly, daughter of Mrs. Frank Connolly, the former Gertrude Frett. The new baby has been named Robert Frank for his paternal grandfather, Frank A. Connelly. SCOUTS MAKE TOUR Troop No. 10, Girl Scouts, headed by Mrs. Robert Justen, were guests of the McHenry police department on a tour of inspection of the city hall and police and fire departments on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Charles Logan, also a leader, was present, were the following girls, Mary Therese Long, Suzanne Thompson, Marilyn Kiehl, Patricia Mullins, Carol Jean Anderson, Joyce Phannpnstill, Janet Eckstein, Sandra Vogt, Mary Ellen Nye, Jan Logan, Sharon Dowe, Kathy Conway and Louise Tonyan. BENEFIT SUCCESSFUL The public party sponsored by the Legion for the benefit of the polio fund was a fine success, re HAYDAM AND CHILDB&N<| suiting in a substantial stiin b£- --•-- ,ing turned over to the March of Dimes. > Helen and Joseph Harrer, Jr., enjoyed an auto trip to Miami, la., accompanied by Barbara Oster and William Cameron of Chicago. While in Miami they vtelted Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huch of Pfstakee Bay. Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock was a visitor in McHenry one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Draper, Sr., of Lake Geneva, Wis., and William Draper, Jr., of Port Washington, . Wis., visited Mrs. John Draper and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John Freund at their home north of MoHenry Sunday. Bob Bacon of Chicago spent tlw weekend with his mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, on Sunday. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Loretto Walsh. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock < called on McHenry relatives Saturday afternoon. Mary Freruud Zoia of Wtood* stock, accompanied by Miss Mary Jelinek of Cary and Miss Phyllis Smith of Johnsburg, viBited Mrs. John C. Draper in the John "round home one day this past week. William Math (Matuszewski) of Liebol & Math Construction company, left for Acapulco, Mex., he will re-main for a month. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Matuszewski of Shalimar. Mrs. Edward J. Wiater and chil>- dren, Judy and Joey, of Long Beach, Calif., arrived earlier in January to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Althoff. Dr. Wiater Joined them last weekend! and has been attending an orthopedic convention in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska left last week for Florida, where they will sepnd a few weeks' vacation Mr. and^Mrs. Harold Nelson and baby of DeKalb visited his pai ents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnas Nelson, one recent evening. Miss Therese Mergen, who served as a nurse at Woodstock hos pital and Victory Memorial hospital. Waukegan, in the past two years, is uow serving in a San Francisco hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ctyrl Courier and daughter, Mary Lou, at Mar sago visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. COMING EVENTS lIlMllHlftMMIlMIIHIINIUIWItlMMlMUMjMtt GIRL SCOUTS Thi Adult Girl Scout ation held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Brda on Jan. 16, with Mrs. DOrothy Beckenbaugh acting as co-hostess. Plans were discussed for a father-daughter banquet next month, with Mary Granger and Elsie Olsen being appointed chairmen for this event. The February meeting will be , home ^of. flM. Freund.' v:'--\-;v- T. A. Guest Melt- Febrmftry 17 Public Party -- Benefit St Patrick's Convent -- Sponsored By Altar And Rosary Sodality 8 P.M. -- St Patrick's Cburch Hall. The Landl clubhouse at Lilymoor was broken into and ransacked last Saturday night Inr vestlgation is still being carried on by the sheriff's office. January 94 Special Community P. Meeting -- Rolf Loefarich, Speaker. January M Special Community P.T.A. |ng -- Guest Speaker. January S8 Juvenile Forester Meeting - 7 P. M. -- Parochial School Hail. Business Metf's Association Dinner Meeting -- Legion Home. January 2* Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., Installation -- 8 P. M..-- Legion Home. February • , Parochial School fc. T. A. Meeting. - ' February 7 ^ C. llL of A. Business Meeting. , February S Woman's Club--Legion Home. February It Benefit Party -- Legion Home -- Proceeds For New Street Lights. FOUR Wi ISSUED THIS IN HORSEMEAT CASE Robert C. Neieon, Lake county state's attorney, was said this week to have obtained warrants charging four men with conspiracy to mis-label horse meat for human consumption. Among them was listed Joseph Siclliano oi the Johnsburg Packing Company. Previously, he was. charged with bribing Charles W. ^ray, ex-chief of the state food inspection service, and released on $10,000 bond. On Saturday it was announced that a seventh state food inspMb tor, Harold P. Eveanr of Woolstock, was dismissed for "refusing to cooperate" in the invest* gatlon of Illinois horse mall Bcandal. Reath tn your peekc* and |m|| oat all your spare changes Detft count it. Give it to the March •# Dimes! WALLPAPER • 3-4-5 Roll Bundles ol Wallpapef 90c to $2*50 per bundle More than enough paper for the PAINT Gallons and Quarts oi Inside Gloss, Semi-Gloss • and One Coal Flat Wall Paint. 50% Off List Price QUANTITIES LIMITED Early and Avoid Being Disappointed. ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY. ILL. It's still j best tojgg borrow your I STILL SORROW WHEN I NEED CASHT*, we are frequently asked. The answer is ••yes". Government regulations limit the load terms, but we are making loans every day within the framework of the regulations. When you need cash for doctor bills, home repairs or other worth-while projects, see us. McHenry State Bank If ember Federal Reserve SysMi Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cofpt fetefcecft Paid On Savings PHONE 1040 CARD OF THANKS I ^rould like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for cards, visits and other remembrances during my recent illness. I am especially grateful to St. Mary's Court, C. O. P., for a lovely basket of fruit JOHN M. WAGNER *37 Round Lake Announcing The Opening of Lynn Mannion Studio of The Dance flUnuch of Gleun-Mannlon Studio* Chicago BALLET -- TOE -- TAP -- ACROBATIC Assigning oi Classes Thursday, Jan. 3ht 2:00 P. M. to 4&0 P. M. McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL (Last Entrance Off Waukegan Street) For More Information Call 746 or 962 ATTENTION SMOKER TOMORROW NIGHT FRI.. JAN. 25th McHenry Legtoil Home Lunch inventor* ACEANANCC Telechron DECORATOR CLOCK $4.95 CONTACT S'7f ALBUM STYLE : :.#*••• •i.Ui My* &• EXTRA CHARGE! i' ?. PER ROLL &Bi Km* StM ea CMTMT $mt $' ii tn fitti 094 Dependable electric movement. White plastic case with cut-out numerals. White with red, yellow or blue trim fo match your kitchen. for the lady of t|,« houl,... GLASS Pll PLAfi 25c Easy-clean, heat resistant. Bakes, serves cmd stores your ph, 9-in. size. COCOA DOOR MAT Extra thick for longer wear. Sturdy bristles - whisk up dirt and dust. Braided edges. 14-in. by 24-in. Hi $1.49 for Hi* man of the hows* BlOW TORCH $6.99 Heovy duty -- liMIt «s 2200*. Solid brents burner, ntv«r-l*ak brau pump. Aluminum tank 1-qt. g»loll>S. Drug Store *THE HOME STORE" Main Street PHONE 358 McHenry, I1L THIN NOSE PLIERS For work in close places. Drop forged steel, milled jaws. 6-in. 98C CHIMNEY SWEEP Quickly cl«ant out sludg*, gum and tool from beating anj cooking units. Easy to opply, fast action. Powder form lor cool wood units/ m M i.ib /..59c Thaf s the jubilant news that comes from Flint to every Buick dealer--and here we pass the thrilling story on to you. It sure is true for *52 that better automobiles are being built -- and Buick is building them, B#ad the good word tmd you'll agree. ^ IET'S pare this down to plain statements of j fact and let them speak for themselves: The dynamic darling pictured here is the 1952 ROADMASTBR. V It has the mightiest engine in Buick history. It has the biggest brakes of any postwar Buick. It is the quietest car that Buick ever built. It has the richest fabrics and smartest tailoring ftiat ever graced a Buick's interior. It has the greatest trunk space since spare tires -fcioved off the front fenders. It has the most superb ride in Buick history. It has the finest carburetor that Bviick research lias ever devised. And with all Its new power, it delivers more. m^t tes per gaifft onene. , r . • But thflt is not all. . For those who wfsh ft, t!lere is a brftftd-itew version of power steering that works like tt helping hand--gives you the same sure feel ol control you have always known in straight, away driving--yet takes less th&n one-fifth the effort needed to turn the ordinary wheel stand* ing at curbside. v SUre, we're putting our best foot forward when we talk about ROADMAST«R. i ftut you'll find a host of notable features ill SUPERS and SPECIALS too-plenty to mak| them, as always, the standout buys in their fields--for ride, for comfort, for style, for room, and for power. Gome in--look this triumphant trio over--and you'll know why every Buick dealer from coasjl to coast is going around with a smile on his facc§> ALTHOFF'S "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY. ILL. T- •. •» i • t <\o*r VtJ>f« f o r GrfttfftT'E*"VAlim arrih-rtTTEft $PRVtC*t mod*U an ruij*et tm eSonfft «Mwl NOW ON DISPLAY R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES r Front St. Phone 6 ?? McHenry, ^ .&'A.

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