'K • *,t Thursday, January 24. 1952 Pkjtex Babj Pnlittt WttflM I»n| >Sn- MeHeary IB. IKtl 4f / ' '*' j ^ i. » » « <*> -*t \i -j'„..,li._i;..-o V«.-A ,/\/U< V*/,; .'. JJTHE MeHENRY PLAINDEALEli- ^ ?-1. C.\m • >>V -•= V.v ••/: ,." .if" * * 4AM iwmlwtliM for thin if partacat Mit W sifMi by the writer, otherwise they will not be fjMftiiehe*. The Plalaiealer forties jn^fntow to express their opla- .joas in tJheise colnmns.) 'f* liiwfcr-ito stat# cfritffea of practicing chiropractic with out t license, I wish to make the following statements: ' tThe Radical Practice act of 1923 states that all persons who treat. or diagnose human ailment* must ^gike an examination oefore five mefeical doctors. I do not treat or diagnose, neither does any other true chiropractor. Neither do C h i r o p r a c t o r s u s e m e d i c i n e s , drugs, heat, light or water. Therefore, chiropractors feel that this law does not pertain to the true praetlcr of chiropractic. To go even further, I wonder how it would be possible . for medical loctors to be qualified by traioor sympathy to pass on ttie fitness of chiropractors. .Since the first chiropractor entered the state of Illinois we have Wn trying to get a fair, just licensing law. but at each attempt ^have been beaten down by a powerful and wealthy enemy. We want chiropractors to be examin- . ed, licensed and governed by our .profession. Legislation, not perscifution, is the only answer to this Ipital question, j Edgar E. Peaalee . Chiropractor Reach la your pocket aad pall oat all jroar spare change* Don't . count It. Glre It to the March of i Dimes! Tit, TOSSES .THIS SHOWI ^ All tb« latest is boating, fishing and_water ipoto ^S"iend - i ':rm omcut r 19th Annual) CHUM lunoMa BOATlSHOW iRtenutioml AapUtliiatn Aermt «f f«ff FAUUN91 fob. 1 thru lOthj If The latest in outboard boats and motors, cruisers, inboard*, sailboats, marine supplies^ F*££...y VARIETY SHOW JWICS OAILYI I A -/• 9 OUTBOARD BOATMC OIIB OF AMBHCA Bargain Hunting? WE ARE OFFERING FOR A LIMITED TIME THE FAMOUS DORMEYER MIXER GRINDER AND JUICER. DIAL OPERATED WJXH UFTHEAD FOR EASY OPERATION. . THE SENSATIONAL PRICE OF ONLY $39.95 V $1.00 DOWN $1.00 PER WEEK • NO CARRYING CHARGdl t ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE MAIN ST. S PHONE 284 ^ '"sjMefffiNRYrttL. Ijfr* {#T Midwinter Value & Service Days Shop at our stor* now for •vtstUHltl values specially prk(4 for this Midwinter Event. TIME TO SAVE! Buy These Home Needs Now! CIRCLINE Fluor* scant FIXTURE Mr $6.99 A wonderful value) Compart with others telling at $14.95. 32-watt bulb, all chrome body with sparkling crystal M> torn. Easy to install. Fsarltone Plastic TOILET SEAT . Lasting bathroom beauty ... won't crack, peel, chip or discolor. Wipe-clean pearl plastic in I decorator colors. Rustproof chrome fittings. $4.95 DEEP DISH PAW-- 59c See--lots body with roundMl corners. Extra deep for extra capacity. Smooth white enamel aver steel body. Bright red trim. Holds 9 qts. Every Item y a Bargain I A --Flashlight ® Two cellt included. Pre-focvsed. Slack ftOm and chrome case. 3 position switch. ®V*» B -- 6-Ft. Extension Cord IS gauge brown rubber, covered cent **. plug and three way t a p . Wf* C--9-Ox. Jersey Gloves Extra heavy closely woven with deep nap. Knit wristlets. Buy several pairs, ma.- Save more. \ « ALTHOFF'S "McHetlry County's Leading Hardware" MAIN ST. PHONE 284 McHENRY. ILL. Y o u r s f o r r f o r G R E A T E R V A L l )I S o n d B E T T E R S E R V I C E v\ v\\V \X SHOPPERS *% if f W FOR ALL BAKING Mi FRYING SWIFTS SWIFTNING 3-U. T» 83c CERTIFIED^ SPECIALS DEL MONTE -- CREAM STYLE Golden Corn 2 303 LIBBVS GARDEN Sugar 2 305 PACKERS LABEL 303 tins BALLCREST -- UNPEELED Whole Apricots CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUN (BUe SIm) CORN BLOSSOM 3-Lb, Tin $ll9 Ea. Supplys Lufi ' Check These Heinz ' Products and Stock Up HEINZ -- FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLES Pint Jar HEINZ QILL-PICKLES I Pint Jar HEINZ. TOMATO SOUP ^o5 reg. *tin s HEINZ SUN MAID RAISINS 2 3dc BROADCAST CORN BEEF HASH 16-oz. tin CUT GREASE FASTER WITH TREND 2 reg. pkg». WALDORF Toilet Tissue 4 reg. rob WS/MTY I A T A. m m - urn FISH FOR FRIDAY FANCY -- 8LICED Halibut Steaks lb. 55c REAL SMOKE HOUSE Smoked Chubs lb. 69c T Cod Fillets lb. 38c FANCY -- 15-20 COUNT Jumbo Shrimps lb. 89c Garden 1 Fresh \ PRODUCE FANCY -- RED Tube Tomatoes 14-oz. tube lFAANtiCiYi -- CvnWttSjPi Ariz. Carrots 2 bdu. 2/C EXTRA FANCY Anjou Pears 2. u 35c rFiInR.Mu ---- mRIPi EKJ Golden Bananas 2 ">»• 35C TOP QUALITY _ White Potatoes 10 n». 65c 3- FINE 8H0RTE5TNQ S P R Y u. t» 89c anmrtinys specials OUR OWN ^"HID FA8H10X SEASONED 1M% PURE! -- BULK ^Pork 29c « . FBE8H COUNTRY DRESSED! TENDER Mi PLUMP STEWING HENS lb. 59c (TABLE READY) FAR* FRESH! -- T*e Talk of The Tew*! WHOLE - '• FRYING CHICKENS S1J9 ea. (TABLE REA«|^ ARMOCR STAB 100% PURE COUNTRY STYUt PbrkA Sausage 45c Lb- TENDER, JUICY aad DELICIOUS ROUND STEAK I). 99c <r. S. GRADED GOOD) / ALL MEAT SKINLESS FRANKS lb. 49c FROM TENDER YOUNG BEEF -- (SHORT CUT) STANDING RIB ROAST lb. 84c Roast With Bone la For Ailed Flavor Mushroom Soup 2 i t-> 33c DELRICH ^ J MARGARINE i Lb. Brick (Colored Quarters) ^ ^ - ARMOUR'S TREET 12-oz. Tin 47c Mfeftaata HEMET APRICOT NECTAR 3 12-oz. Tins WAXTEX WAXPAPER 125-Ft. Roll Ceriified's New Everyday Low Price • On All Regular Size ----; SOAP FLAKES Reg. Sizes Ceriified's New Everyday Low Price On All Giani Size SQAP FLAKES Giant Sizes *• fS"' I5UU< SUPER MKT. WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS '3l . % '< FRIDAY NITE IS FAMILY MIGHT AMPLE PARKING GREEN STREET ^4 -i-- OPEN TILL 9P.K i., i" VcHENRY. ILL." AMPLE PARKING ^ . - r f £ vai ftr'iisSA. incii iiiiiriiT ii iifjan . "it ®