anuary .-»• *,. v#,> * , f ? „ ' '"J? r*" " * £-?" f 'f r ™r- - > ' ">. Hi-- '• ...j. -. • . *«.»* j£--.i-a!!.'.".'*... i •. .- * .1* .• " 4~ - . ' •••. • ' /V • • * • • • • ' THE IfcHENEY PLAINDEALER '•^1^ i i Athu, >'*•* -o ;>Mf II • . - ftaindealer W«nt Ads No ada counted leas than"!* words. 76$ mtptenum tlMtertlon --... + ft* Count 5 words p«r Use) ~ tSc serrice ctuuie on all Mind ads. Cash with order. Oard of Thames .... 91.00 Minimum .Want Ads clow promptly at 10 ajn. Wednesday. BUSINESS 8ERVI0B McHenJry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry P«b- Mailing Company, Inc. ft|M TICM •i NATIONAL W. BURFBIKDT. Gen. Manager. ApBLfi FROEHLICH, Bdito* f- SUBSCRIPTION RATE %&* ...» ..... 9$M ttntered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8. 1879. to AUTOMOTIVE a# :*-•. «frlACEME>T PARTS FOB ALL CARS Accessories and S«at Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 400 W. Elm Street •pen daring week 9 AJtt. to 7 PJf, todays - • kJL to 1 P.M. lltf FOR SALE--1947 Chevrolet station watgod, fully equipped, including 1-ton overload springs. Priced t« sell. Antonson's Candy, 306 W. Elm. Phone McHenry 235-M. 37 FOR £ALE -- 1931 Model-A Ford truck; 1-ton,express body; 7 good tires; very excellent condition. Phone McHenry 647-J-2 after 5 P. M. . • j 37 FOR SALE -- Late 1947 Chrysler Windsor, 4-door sedan, $<800. Call McHenry 471-R-X evenings. 37 PERX1NENT8 -- In your home; Cold or M&chinelees Waves, $5.00 and up. 15 years experience. Call Alice, phone McHenry 705-M. 25-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let as dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year lOUiit route. John E. Hill, P. G. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 36S. 1f • i.i -- .7- MUSIC INBTEXXCTIOK • In Your Own llonie Piano and Piano AccordiKS Classics or Popular Seginners or Adaueed Instruction feARL P. KOCH , - Phone Pistakee 'dSB-M-l •tf ^INSURANCE \, FIRE - AUTO ^Service My Specialty ; . Write Box 243 t/o McHenry PlaindeUlef;' FOR SALE FOR SALE--One F-20 tractor with road gear; (good mechanical condition. One Allis-Chalmers, Model B, 1946, good condition. E. J. Sheldon. Phone 3-7911, Grayslake, 111. *37-3 FOR 8ALB -- One used Simplex ironer, like new. Carey Electric, lit Green St. Phone McHenry 251. 17 FOB RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Pho^ McHenry 100-R. ?0-tf FOR RENT--Modern 3-room furnished apartment. Oak Park Hotel. Phone Pistakee 176. 34-tf HOME REPAIRS . We Specialize in all Home Repair* ] Low.Monthlv Payments ee Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. «tf FOR RENT--3-room apartment on Fritzche's Estates at Lily Lake. Call McHenry 513-J-2. 37-tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All size building block. Chimney block and stepping stone. By standpipe in McHenry./ Office phone 2S2-R Res. phone 898-J. 25-tf SUG CLEANING Save Dollars, clean your own rugs and carpets; rug cleaning machine for rent by day or week. Beginners can operate. Pick up and delivery service. For information call McHenry 637-J-2. 36-2 BUSINESS SERVICE BEAUTY SHOP--Alicc Marie Blaskis will open shop in her home SOON. Mary lane avenue and Pis-, takee Bay Road. 3 blocks north- -" east of old bridge. Open evenings. Phone 705-M. 35-3 ; as? WisiiLS DRILL*B OR JuRIYRN 3*/ WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell re- ^ pair and install pumps. Bill Bacon,, 206 Main Street. McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf *••••' DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash 4i prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day \* and night, Sundays and holidays. ;* Oall Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 36tf I .«•* WINDOW SHADES -- or VENE. WAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE & VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. £? One and two week's service. 27-tf CANDID & FORMAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or out of studio. The most modern equipment withvn 25 nines 35 years experience tith the best itudios in Chicago. Aurora, Gary ind Waukegan. 20 -?ars in McH«nry. Portraiture, ommercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and movies, projectors, films and frames, ANDREW WORWICK Phoue 87S 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois 23-tf FOR RENT--250-acre dairy farm, near McHenry, modern house, large barn,' 2 silos. Call McHenry 526-R-2. 1 *37 FOR RENT--New 4-room unfurnished house, 4 miles from McHenry; $75 a month. Call McHenry 683-J-2. *37 FOR RENT --• Five room steam heated" apartment, nicely furnished; $125 a month. Call Pistakee 711. 37 FOR RENT--4 furnished rooms; gas, electric, hot water, refrigerator. Will consider one child. Inquire^ at Cardinal Store, Lily Lake. 87 HELP WANTED GIRLS WANTED--Ambit.ous girls wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot. McHenry. 17-tx RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Tuning 402 Garfield Road Harvard, III. Phone T48-B CESSPOOLS and WP11C TANKS 8EKYICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lttf PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. \ 51-tf FOR SALE GSNERAL CONTRACTU!® NEW HOMES REMODELING and . CARPENTER WORK Estimates C. D. KINSEY Phene McHenry 8M-J 47tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. Lj V. Kilts, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 649. 7tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, 14 mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. CrysUl Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallflll Co. Call Leo J. Stilling 200 E. Pearl St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf ATTENTION FARMERS Avoid Difficulties (tat your order in for your seed Cleaning early. Write Robert Church 1610 Wheeler Street Woodstock or Phone frSS-M. 86-4 FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's Slacks, $2.85; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98 ^ also Children's Slacks. $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St., West jf North Western depot 16-tf V.v> H«l*n Wtber Says: Don't Look FiUfftiir /: You'll find that we excel in fine dry cleaning. Save Safely with us. McHenry Cleaners 103 Elm Street McHenry. Illinois Phone 104-M FOR SALE--We are moving overseas and must^sell Westinghouse Console Model television set, 12V4" screen. Phone McHenry 115. 37-tf FOR SALE--1951 oil burner, controls. etc. for furnace installation; two 275-gal. storage tanks. All LL like new. Used short time before f gas conversion. Call R. O. Munson, Pistakee 565-M-l. 37 FOR SALE--6 6:50x20 used truck tires, tubes and Chevrolet wheels. Some 6 and some 8 ply. Phone Wauconda 2238. *37 FOR SALE -- All snow suits and coat sets below cost, % oft All hats, $1.00. The Toddler Shop, 312 E. Elm Street S7 FOR SALE--Electric brooder, 500 chick capacity. Cheap. F. Zimmerman, one block east of old bridge. Phoue McHenry 664-M-2. *37 I FOR SALE--Used wash machine {in excellent condition. Carey Electric, 119 Green St. Phone j McHenry 251. 37 I -- : ' > ! FOK SALE -- Twin tub Dexter ' washer, like new. Carey Electric, f 119 Green St. Phone McHenry 251. 27 FOB SALE--Valentines of *11 sizes and prices for chHdren and grownups. Niesen's 5c to $1.00 Store 37 HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyse trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalization - free insurance. Paid holidays. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm Street. McHenry, 111. 33-tf HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary Secure position in ever expanding radio-television industry. Employ ment office open Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bus service to and from plant Admiral Corp., McHenry, at intersection Routes 120 and 31. 35-tf S&6 (!)ur Complete Selection of VALENTINES ; Now On Display BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Green Street McHenry PHONE 40 FARM, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Lunch Wagon On Grounds. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6%, after prpper arrangements are made for credit No finance or carrying changes will be added to the purchase price. ALICE O. JOSLYN and JOHN C. GIES, Owner FIRST NATIONAL RANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. WILLIAM GLOSSON AUCTION ED YOG EL. RCSSELL and Sl'LLIVAN, Auctioneers ing 35 tons second cutting, 25 tons first cutting; 1000 bales of oat straw; 10-ft. of grass silage with molasses in 14-ft. silo. MILK FQUPMENf De Laval magnetic milking machine, 2 single units, complete pipe line, motor, pump; 22 milk cans; electric water heater; 2 solution tanks. McHKNKY STATU HANS, Clerking USUAL BANK TERMS. 5==-=-- Not Responsible For Accidents Ed Vogel. Russell A Sullivan, Am-. WILLIAM GLOSSON. Owner (Pub. Jan. 17-24) / WINS APPOINTMUft Friends will be interested t» learn that Fred W. Bond, formerly operating manager, Ok«|B Retail Pool. Montgomery Ward 6 Co., has been named a vice-president and business manager of Science Research Associates, lishers of business and ed« al materials. The Bond family resided near Johnsbnrg 'moving to this community two and one-half years ago. iucatJolnmily ha> -STAGE OFFERING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MoHEXRY - rooms plus one nn> finished, automatic gas heat, hardwood floors, breezeway and garage attached, clly water and sewer, near new griiinm<>r and hl?h school, nice location, Price $14,700. For Mi'liointnifHt call our office, JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATC, i» Johusburg, TeL McHenry 27. SITUATION WANTED HOMES m i l l TO ORDKB On 100x200 ft. Lots in JAK-ANA HEIGHTS about two blocks north of Johnsbnrg, overlooking the beautiful St. John's church gronnds, If yon like to live out of town, or Intend to retire this is the place to live. For information call at our office or phone McHenry 87. JACOB FlUTZ-REAL ESTATE lu JohnsburVt TeL McHenry 37. 36-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Bookkeeper desire* work in McHenry. Call 994-M. < ' *37 GIES and JOSLYN l A U C T I O N SALESMAN WANTED -- Salesman to sell Wynn's Friction Proofing Oil in Boone and McHenry counties. Over 100 established dealers. Come in or call Wynn Oil Co. 3148 N. Laramie St, Chicago. .Phono, Spring 7-4300. 37 HELP WANTED -- Car salesman. Apply Downs Nash Sales, 405 Elm Street. Phone 484. 37. LOST AND FOUND LOST--Black and white, Springer puppy, 3 months old. Leo Stilling, 200 EL Pearl St Phone McHenry 18. *37 LOST -- Black velvet purse containing lady's Bulova watch with name on back. Lost either in McHenry or Barrlngton Sunday evening. Celi^PMgt-lfiL-Ss-^EiSfi-StL McHenry. 37 MISCELLANEOUS S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached. Complete $9,000 Easy Terms AIRHPl N BC1LDER8 Phones t McHenry &11-R-1 aad Wonder Lake 2793 S6-tf FOR SALE -- HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY * Knox Real Estate Mi Richmond Road McHenry, DL Phone t McHenry 1214 Licensed I1L St Wis. Broker FOR SALE--Six-room house. New, oil-fired automatic hot water heating system. New, modern kitchen and bath. 210 Richmond Rd. Phone McHenry 318. 37-tf v WANTED " • ••• i WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Qreen street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 32-tf MISC. -- We buy junk cars and pick-up jnnk of any kind. Phone Crystal Lake 1374-R-2. *37-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom ranch home; lot; garage; new forced air automatic oil furnace, stone fireplace; new kitchen and bath, strictly modern. Immediate possession. $13,750. Adjoining approximately 7% acres of land with creek available. Realtors protected. ft mile east Richmond on Rt 173. H. E. Greeley. *37 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Ou Crystal Lake Road--A large ranch type residence; full basement; on 6 acres. $22,500. One mile to R. R. Station. Wonder Lake--On Wickline Bay Road. Top of the bill overlooking the entire country, an English type residence; built-in garage Must sacrifice. Boat offer over $18,500 takes it Orchard JBearh Drive--Large residence. 4 bedrooms, on Fox river. 116,000 on terms. Also many other buys aa 16w as $1,000 down, balance eaay terms SKIBA * CO. Riverside Hetel Phone lit McHenry . *7 Classified Ads Will Do Almost Anything Tou Ask Them To Do! WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowlar, Woodstock JBox 334. Phone 4«4-JX 41U WANTED Tour Old Watch Trade It In Now On a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Fretfs Precision Watch Repair Western Union Agency Phone SM M4 E. Elm SL--Wilson Radio BUfr If your watch is on the bum let "Frett" do your fretting 27-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes* summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell yonr property if your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE in Johnsbnrg TeL McHenry '7 27-tf WANTED--To purchase for cash by private party, dairy or feeder farm. Interested in 1 large farm or 2 smaller farms. Please describe farm and location. Mrs. R. C. Larson, Rte. 2, Box 110, Palatine, 111. 38-3 WANTED TO RENT RCSSEL, SULLIVAN aud YOGEL, Auctioneers The farm having been sold, We j will sell the following Personal | Property at Public Auction on the farm situated 4% miles East of ; Woodstock, following the Country ; Club Road, farm known as the I Colby Farm, 5% miles South and West of McHenry, 6% miles North i and West of Crystal Lake, on j WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30lh | 1968 commencing at 11 o'clock ! 85 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 1 consisting of ; 32 Choice HolKteln Cows, S of which arc fresh now and 13 close | springers, balance summer aad fall cows, 18 Holsteln heifers comjlng two years old, bred j S Hoi* ; stein heifers, 16 months old; 9 | Holsteln heifers, 1 year old t 8 j Holsteln heifers, I mouths old; |» Holsteln bulls, twO of which are pure bred. ALL OF THE YOUNG CATTLE MENTIONED ABOVE ARE CALFHOOD VACCINATED. AND THIS IS A GOOD DAIRY OF COWS. AND A NUMBER OF FRESH AND CLOSE SPRINGING COWS IN THE HERD. ANYONE DESIRING ADDITIONS WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IN PURCHASING THEM HERE. THE GREATER MAJORITY OF THE COWS ARE SECOND CALF HEIFERS. HAY, GRAIN and FARM MACHINERY John Deere Model A tractor purchased in 1951; F-20 Farmall tractor with cultivator; John Deere 2 bottom 14" plow; McCormick Deering tractor spreader; John Deere 8-ft. lime spreader; 2 row New Idea corn picker; single row G I corn picker; John Deere elevator and hoist, new; Heat Houser for McCormick Deering F-20 tractor. FEED 200 tons of first and second cutting alfalfa and broom grass hay; 12 tons straw; 600 bu. oats; 30-ft. silage in 18-ft silo; 8-ft. ullage in 14-ft silo. MILKHOUSE EQUIPMENT McCormick Deering milking machine; milk cans, palls, strainers, electric water heater, etc. MANY OTHER ARTICLES USED IN THE OPERATION OF THE Having decided to quit farming. I will sell the following described persona] property at Public Auction on the Math Glosson farm located 2 miles West-of .McHenry on State Highway Route 120. 9 miles East of Woodstock, 7 miles North of Crystal Lake. and.& miles South of Ring^rood^ on MONDAY. JAN. 28. 19S2 starting at 12:00 o'clock sharp 56 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 20 Holstein Milch Cows, consisting of 8 fresh recently, a few Bpringers, balance milking good. 5 yearling heifers, open; 3 Holsteln heifers, 5 to 7 months old, vaccinated; 3 Holsteln heifers, S months old; 2 Holstein steers, 3 and 6 months old; 2 Holstein bulls, 10 and 12 months old'; 2 Holstein bulls. 4 to 6 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 4 to 6 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 2% years old; 3 veal calfs, 1 month old; 10 bred gilts due to farrow last of March to first of April; l spotted Poland- China boar eligible to register; 5 Vat hogs, weight 250 lbs. MACHINERY Allis Chalmers W. C. tractor with cultivator; Broadcast seeder. 12- ft.; Allis Chalmers 214 plow; McD. bundlo loader; Allis Chalmers No. 60 All-Crop Harvester, new - cut Just 60 acres; Wood Bros, corn picker on rubber, 2 years old; 2 steel stock tanks, 9-ft.; New Holland baler; 4 section drag; 275- gal. gas tank, new; lime spreader; steel wheel wagon; 1 bog feeder. Papec Bilo filler. FEB® 3500 bu. good hard ear corn in crib; 2000 bu. Clinton No. 11 oats; 60 tons haled alfalfa hay. consist- GENOA T H E A T R E FRI. A SAT., NITES JAN. 2£-2« Television and radio stafs Hope Summers and Catherine Payne Join the ensemble of Carl Stohn Productions for the first midwest presentation of Samson Raphaelson's powerful drama. "Hilda Crane", at the Woodstock Opera House this weekend. Next weok another midwest premiere is a n nounced with the Heien Hayes starrer, "Good Housekeeping," a comedyR by William McCleery, featuring Michvl Veach. BOOKS Sat. and Hun^ OPEN Mon. thru FrL, «:46 FRI. * SAT* JAN. S&-9C 2 GIANT FAMILY HITS _ The MUMUIU wasrananr L. J. I>E MAKCE, Owner PHONE 044 Sat. Matinee Open 1:80 Begins ti00 Sunday Open 2:45 Begins 2:00 Week Days Open 6:45 Begins 7iQ0 Also Saturday Matinee at 9 P. M. Wait Disney's •ALICE IN WONDERLAND" In Technicolor Stop, Heavy Traffic-March of Time The Chump Champ -- Comedy ^^rsTr^aONTJAN?27^ Doris Day Dauuy Thomas "PLL SEE YOF IN MY DREAMS" In Technicolor Cur of Tomorrow -- Cartoon Latest News Events ^^^UEsT^DTTTHnK JANUARY MM1 Richard Raseharl Gene Evans IB "FIXED BAYONETS" That's What You Thiuk-Pete Smith Cut's Tale -- CartUM Late News moNf POWER Colar by TfCHNICOiOR ELM Theatre = ST. 17t, WAUCONDA, ILL. THURS„ FRL & 8AT„ JANUARY 24-25-26 7:00-9:15 P. M. "Anno of the Indies"4 (Technicolor) Jean Peters Louis Joardan WANTED TO RENT -- Business representative and family desire four or five-rooms unfurnished in McHenry. Phone Wonder Lake 3422. 36-tf DeMets Candy sold at er's Drag Statu SUN. * MON., JAN. 37-88 Doris Day Danny Thomas IH See You In My Dreams SPECIAL! Sunday Matinee Only 2:10 P. M. -- 4 Extra Cartoons! CLOSED OK TUESDAYS, and WEDNESDAYS "V15 2Q> TK ALSO Claire Trevor Sally Forrest In "HARD-FAST and BEAUTIFUL!" J St MUl ALL DAI aid «0M)AV MTK, JAN. ».ag Together with SUN. * MONn JAN. tl-m TOES* WED. * THURS* JANUARY IMMt k \ I N O T I C E I IMPORTANT 1 Iter; Thursday nt h FAMILY NITS , At The MILLER $1 per Family j & matter how many am' !• the family. fKJES* WED. A THURS* JANUARY 29-30-11 SPECIAL on 1951 NASH'S RAMBLERS STATESMEN AMBASSADORS DOWNS HASH SALES 405 Elm Street McHenry, •. ^ PHONE 484 Biooesfc Come see the roomiest cur in Ameffcu at anvuhere near its low, low price-- the big. beautiful Nash Statesman that delivers more than 25 miles to th» gallon at average highway speed. Available with such wonderful luuaty features as Airliner Reclining Seat, Twin Beds, Weather Eye Conditioned Air System and three transmission chokes, including Hvdra-Nlatic Drive. Come in and trade for the biggest byj of alL DOWNS HASH SALES, 405 Bn Sired. TV Pun: Wateh Pool Whitman TV T--n Club . . • ABC Ketworfc. .v«d> ifciun. PiAtto* Mw 1