Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1952, p. 5

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* V ~ <> •' ThnrBday. January 31. 1952 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER t*1 PliinMir ^«at Ada ^1»" ^ omitted Ims than 15 :'^ov4s. 76c mlnhnunj. *J|j insertion •. 75e : %. ©ount 5 words per Ub») " He service charge On all Mind Gash with order. of Thanks .... |1.00 Minimum Want Ais dote promptly at 10 Wednesday. ' ' -- 1 ' •jSii.i*)" ' eery . Published every Thursday at Mc- ^enry. III., by the McHenry Pub- Bahing Company, Inc. MAUOM %. BURFEINDT. Gen. Manager. iiDBLE FEOKHLICH, Editor. „ SUBSCRIPTION RATE l«w ........ um '^ 5: Nptered as > second-class matter fit the poBtoffice at McHenry, 111., fender the act of May 8. 187#. AUTOMOTIVE . REPLACEMENT PASTS FOR m ALL CARS ™ Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 ff. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Sandays 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. : w, _ li-tf LOR SALE--1947'Chevrolet station Waigon, fully equipped, including 1-ton overload springs. Priced to aelL Antonson's Candy, 306 W. Phone McHenry 235-M. 38 FOR SALE or TRADE--For older Ifer; 1949 Chevrolet; 4-door sedan Jpith radio and heater. Wonder ,f>ake 3820. Melvin Ehredt, Ring- ^Urood. *38 BUSINESS SERVICE PERMANENTS -- In your home; ife Cold or Machlneless Waves, $5.00 and up. 15 years experience. Call Alice, phone McHenry 706-M. 25-tf m MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordian. Classics or Popular. Beginners or Advanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH fkone Plstakee 6S8-X*! 6-tf t* BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH TILE Maka Your Kitchen and Bath New Forever! Plastic Tile Walla Rubber, Lino & Asphalt Tile Floors ALL WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates JUm McHenry i&G-W-t H. B. SAYNER 38 BEAUTY SHOP HOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS "Will Cut and Curl To Please You" ALICE MARIE BLASKLS Bantervllle Park Sab. PHONE 706-M 88-3 BEST HOME--Solon Mills Manor Best Home. A gracious, cheerful • ^ home in the country. Residence ^ tor those desiring a home, nursing care, home cooking. $25 weekly. Tel. Richmond 394, Solon Mills, XII. 38-tf BEAUTY SHOP Open for business Feb. 4. Alice Ifarie Blaskis, Huntervllle Park jmbd. Phone McHenry 705-M. Open evenings. 38 ^ HOME REPAIRS We Specialise in all HomeRepaire Low Monthly Payments _ Free Estimates -- MeHeary Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry, 111. 6-tf Helen Wtbcr Says: Don't Look Further You'll find that we excel in fine dry cleaning. * Save Safely with ',118. McHenry Cleaners 103 Elm Sired! McHenry, Illinois Phoro 104-M BUSHVX8S SMtVK* GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each weak or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274. McHenry, phone US. S?-tf Mii ' - INSURANCE *- / FIRE -- AUTO - Service My Specially - *' Write Bo* 243 c/th McHenry PlaindcMlr 35-tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. K1NSEY '«Ail building bl^tifc. Chimney block and stepping stoke. By standpipe in McHenry. Office phone 282-R Rm. phone 883-J. M-tf RUG CLEANING A Save Dollars, clean your own rags and carpets; rug cleaning1 machine for rent by day or week. Beginners can operate. Pick up and delivery service. For information call McHenry 637-J-2. 36-2 CASBID and FORMAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or Ont of Stadia The most modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios in Chicago, Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS -- SUll and Movies, Projectors, Films and Frames. ANDREW WORWICK Pkone 275 117 N. Riverside Br. McHenry, Illinois ».tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning;. 902 Oarfield Road. Harrard, 111. Pkone 748.R , J7-tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC .TAWBS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 77*W 10-tf PIANO TUNING Aleo for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, I1L «l-tf BEAUTY SHOP--Alice Marie Blaskis will open shop in her home SOON. Marylane avenue and Plstakee Bay Road. 3 blocks northeast of old- bridge. Open evenings. Phone 705-M. 1(4 WELLS DRILLED OB DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We cell, re pair and Install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 187. Sl-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash Prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling 'No. 3; reverse charges. S6-tf WINDOW SHADBS -- er YBNB. HAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderised and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE * VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St, Chicago. Phone COlumbua 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORJS Satisfaction Guaranteed • - Estimates C. D. KDTSEY tfhone McHenay 8MUJ -47-tf ATTENTION FARMEBS -- Avoid Difficulties Get yonr ofder In for year seed cleaning early. Write Robert Chnreh 1610 Wbeeler Stre£ Woodstock or Phone fiSS-lL U- 4 FOR SALE FOB SALE--TYPEWBITEB8, AD* DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, (Hay St Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat, 1 p.m. to 10p.m., Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, ^ mile west of Terra Cotta factory, which is on Rt $1. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. Sl-tf FOR SALE FOB SALE--One F-20 tractor with road gear; good mechanical condition. One Allls-Chalmers, Model B, 1948, good condition. E. J. Sheldon. Phone 3-791L, Grayslake, "L . *87-2 WANTED TO RENT &PPLEI Our modern cold storage plant #n*bles us to keep our apples crisp and freah until ApriL Apple Cider (made fresh weekly) Apple Butter -- Honey --r Vinegar : While out on your Sunday drive, stop In. /'•' * •,' Z'vv•- BOSSLET HILL OWMART) Corner Rentes 12-32 IS. W. Lake Zurich) "The Hone of the Big Apple" 38-tf FOR SALE -- Black shoe skates, site 10^4; white Johnson figure skates, size 9^4; also girl's green coat, with sip-in lining, size 14; and man's topcoat, sixe 40-42. Phone McHenry 538-R-2. , 38 FOR SALE--Corn. KrecVer Farm. Phone McHenry 666-J-l. , 38 FOR SALE--Velveteen, corduroy and taffeta dresses, one-third off regular price. Also on sale, few girls' suits. Toddler Shop, 312 Elm Street, McHenry, 111. 38 FOR SALE -- Original samples from big name dress manufacturers for sale at below cost of making. Variety of sizes, styles and materials. Call Mrs. Aufrecht. 545-W-2. , 38 FOR SALE--Girl's white Chicago roller skates, size 7. Very good condition. Call McHenry 596-W-l. FOR SALE--w7ll established bev 'erage route in McHenry county, with 2 franchises. One truck. For details, write Box 246, McHenry Plaindealer. »jg FOR SALE--2 wheel trailer, 4x7 foot frame, spare tire and tail light Ph^ne 91-W after 6 P. M. 38 IOR SALE--75 gals, of heating oil and 3 big drums with faucets, $12.00. Phone 137-W. 38 FOR SALE--JOHN8-MANSVILLE HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; Women's -Slacks, $2.S5; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dreasea, $1.98 and $2.98; alao Ghildrin'e Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St, West of Northwestern depot. I5-CT FOR SALE--We are moving overseas and must sell Westlnghouse console model television set, 12 % inch screen; also new apartment •iae gas range used only two weeks. Phone McHenry 115. 88-tf HELP WAXTSD GIBLS WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant. Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street West of Norhtwestern Depot McHenry. l«-tf WANTED TO REST--By private party, 3 bedroom home (or larger i. in or near McHenry. Phone 540-R-l. 38-2 WINTER TO KENT -- Business representative and family desire tour or five-rooms unfurnished in McHenry. Phone Wonder Lake 3422. 36-tf SITUATION WANTED % FOR DOGS RELIEVES DOG ITCH II K F MAGIC i Kills Ticks, Fleas, tie*. hlitYei Fungus Irritations. OB. NKRaiCK'S SCRATCH POWDCR MG4 0Z. CAN QUIT 98« SITUATION WANTED -- Capable man with station wagon, available for part time work, Saturadys and Sundays. Pleaae.ea.U McHenry 540-R-l. ,;VV . 9$ REAL ESTATE ^ FOR SALE MeHENRY--S rooms p)nn one o|» finished, automatic gas heat, hardwood floors, breozewny and iraruge attached, cltj wnter and sewer, near new school, nice l«catl«n>^H^K(KI. For JA. COR KRITZ-RE^NfSTATE, la Johnshurg, Tel. MrHenry 37. DOG COMBS and -- BRUSHES HOMES nriLT TO ORDER On 100x300 ft. Lets |H JAK-ANA HEIGHTS a boat two blocks north of Johns, burg, overlooking the beantifnl St. John's church grounds. If yon like to live out of town, or intend to retire this is the place to live. For Information call at our office or phone McHenry JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATE in Johnsbnrg, Tel. McHenry )!, St-tf Complete Line of SARGEANrS DOG REMEDIES v"-' V. -A,sk Eer F REE BookbAH-; .^ At ; BOLGER'S DBUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 . McHENRY, ILL. MISCELLANEOUS S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attaeked. Complete 99,000 Easy Terms A1RS1M N BUILDERS Phones: McHenry &I1-R-1 and Wonder Lake 2798 36-tf FOR SALE -- HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyse trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalisation - free insurance. Paid holidays. Apply Admiral Corp., 607 W. Elm Street, McHenry, 111. 33-tf HELP WANTED -- Wanted T.V. technician. Must be experienced. Wilson's Radio Shop, 204 E. Elm Street, McHenry. 38-tf ARE YOU GRADUATING! We can use girls 18 or over to work In Woodstock in an interesting art line. Some drawing ability desirable but not necessary. We will teach you. Good salary to start. Reply, giving qualifications, age and references. Write Box 247, care of Plaindealer. 38 BELP WANTED--Waitress from 6 A. M. to 2 P. M. Mo8ley*s Cafe, 314 Elm Street, McHenry, III. 38 Due to the death of my husband I am forced to quit farming and will sell at Public Auction the following Personal Property on the old Diedrich Farm just 40 rods North of Lily Lake on State Route 120. 1 mile West of-Volo and 4 miles East of McHenry, on MONDAY. FEB. 4th. 1952 Htirtlng at 13:30 sharp 39 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 17 head of milk cows, consisting of 6 fresh recently, 6 springers and the balance milking good; 3 bred heifers; 2 Hoistein yearling heifers; 2 heifers, 8 months old; 1 heifer, 5 months old. All these heifers are vaccinated. 1 Hoistein bull, 2 years old. Team of horses (grey mare and sorrell mare) and set «of Work harnesses. 1 sow, 10 pigs, average weight 100 lbs. MACHINERY - McD. H tractor with cultivator and set of chains; McD. 2-214 tractor plow; U. S. grain blower with pipe, like new. McD. end gate seeder; New Idea manure spreader, 2 years old; McD. corn binder; Papec silo filler, with pipe; McD. rubber tired wagon and rack; McD. corn planter; 7-ft. disc; 5-room home insulated; enclosed f, Appleton corn husker; 1937 Chevporch; bath; one-car garage; river rolet ftck"uP truck; 4 section drag; ' 'electric fence and posts; dump rake; mail box; McD. mower; KROX REAL ESTATS ------#06 Richmond Roal McHenry, III. Phones McHenry 4114 Licensed I1L Jk Wis. Broker S7"tf FOR SALE--Six-room house. Mew, oil-fired automatic hot water heating system. New, modern kitchen and bath. 210 Richmond Rd>; Phone M«Henry 318. 37-tf MISC. -- We buy junk cars and pick-up junk of any kind. Phone Crystal Lake 1374-R-2. »37-2 NELTA GRASSER, Admx. AUCTION ED YOt.KL u* WILLIAM RI NNU.L, AarlH. FOR SALE--14S acre farnr 'heat- McHenry. Call McHenry 86-W. *38 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK C O N N E L L AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL, and WILLIAM B. SULLIYAH, Auctioneers 66-ft. lot on S.W. corner of Third and John St. Right for building, sewer and. water in. First |1500 buys it rights. Only 36500. $2000 down 1 and balance on terms. On Crystal Lake Road--A large ranch type residence; full basement; on 6 acres. $22,500. One mile to R. R. station. SKIBA Jt CO. Riverside Hotel Pheat 111 McHenry 38 WANTED WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Oreen street McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 32-tf HELP WANTED--Die setter for punch press work. Must have experience in setting compound-progressive draw dies, etc. Excellent working conditions. Chance for advancement Apply D. E. Johnson, Tool A Mfg. Co., 525 West Street McHenry. 3$ HXLP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderers, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure position in ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Mon. thru Fri., 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bus service to and from plant Admiral Corp., McHenry, at intersection Routes 12* and 31. 35-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOR BENT--Modern 3-room furnished apartment Oak Park Hotel. Phone Pistakee 178. 34-tf FOR RENT--250-acre dairy farm near McHenry; large barn, 2 silos, level land. Call McHenry 526-R-2. •38 FOB RENT -- 3-room apartment and hath; newly decorated, for working couple. III. Some furnishings available. F, M. Mussy, Rlmgwood. Tel. Wonder Lake 3443. *38 V\ affnnWiii WiiKHii« TfratfliiMWiftiWii;/ WANTED Your Old Watch „ Trade It In Now On a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Frett's Precision Watch Repair Western Union Agency Phone 29S «©4 E. Elm St--Wilson Radio Bld« If your watch is on the bum let "Frett" do your fretting 27-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for year homes, summer homes, farms, and basiness properties. We ean sell yenr property if yonr price is right JACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg TeL McHenry <7 27-tf WANTED--To purchase for cash by private party, dairy or feeder farm. Interested in 1 large farm or 2 smaller farms. Please describe farm and location. Mrs. R. C. Larson, Rte. 2, Box 110, Palatine, 111. 36-3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BIT --Live pigeons, 25c each. Phone McHenry 1074-J or 846-J-l. *38 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- 21-jewel Bulova wrist watch on Jan. 17 at funeral chapel. Finder please return to Mrs. Wm. Grasser. Gift from late husband. Bm m, Uailwmy. ML U6 4uack digger; 250-gal. gas tank on stand; McD. side delivery rake; steel wheel wagon and box; electric cow clippers; Qehl hammer mill, like new; 2 rubber drive belts; grapple fork and hay rope; extension ladder; 3 rolls of snow fence. FEED 4 tons of mixed baled bay; 3 tons of baled straw; 100 bushels of oats; 12 acres of standing corn which will be picked if weather permits; 14-ft. of silage. MILK EQUIPMENT McD. milking machine, 2 single units, motor, pump and pipe line; Surge electric water heater; 10 milk cans; 2 solution teaks; pails and strainers. CHICKENS 150 yearling hens, laying good; 3 geese, 2 ganders, 3 turkeys, 1 gobler, 3 ducks, 1 drake, 7 guinea hens. Net Responsible For Accidents USUAL BANK TERMS. McHENRY STATE BAHFK, Clerking. ED VOGEL and WILLIAM RUSSELL, A acts. NELTA GRASSER, ADMX. AUCTION The undersigned, having decided to discontinue farming, will sell our Personal Property at Public Auction, on the farm formerly known as the Miller Farm, 4 miles West of Woodstock, On Route 14, IV* miles South of Hartland, and s miles Southeast of Harvard, on SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 1952 commencing at 12 o'clock: 11 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of 70 choice feeder pigs, and t brood sows. : ' MACHINERY 1HC Model M tractor, new 1950, with two row power lift cultivator; IHC Model H tractor, new 1951, With two row power lift cultivator; 2 wheel manure spreader .>n rubber, IHC; IHC 3 bottom 14" tractor plow on rubber; IHC 2 bottom 14" tractor plow on rubber; IHC 2 row tractor corn planter with fertilizer attachment; IHC 10-ft. grain drill with grass seed and fertilizer attachment; Oliver 10-ft. disc; John Deere 4 section steel drag; Case side rake; Case 6-ft. combine motor, pickup and weed cleaner attachment, new 1951; elevator; movable loading ramp; rubber belt, 6 months old; Challenge grain blower with 40-ft. pipe; set tractor chains; IHC corn shelter with elevator for cobs and auger for corn; GI single row picker; 1937 lfc ton truck; 750 bushel round steel corn crib; Grain id grain tight steel waigon oh rubber; wooden wagon on steel; Easy Flow fertilizer spreader; air c o m p r e s s o r ; W h i r l w i n d l a w n mower with 5-H.P. motor and sulky ; 300-gal. gas stand and steel frame; 2 electric fences; 10-ft. McCormick Deering wind rower; tractor heat houser; 2 steel 16-ft gates; 1 wooden 16-ft. gate; oil, kerosene, lime. Vfc barrel pig grease; chicken .brooder; pftg equipment; Jamesway 10 hole selffeeder; wooden self feeder; 4 Can't Clog rotary self feeders; wooden slop troughs; 19 movable wooden hog gates; six corner hog house on skids; 2 chicken houses on skids; 13 individual steel hog troughs; hog breeding crate; 3 electric hag hot water heaters. MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. MOST OF THIS MACHINERY WAS PURCHASED IN 1950 AND 1951 AND IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. -- f KED ' 2500 bushels good clean /Clinton oats; 200 bales of barley straw; 100 bales of oat straw; 70 acres of standing corn. Lanch Wagon On rounds. Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6%, after proper arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to the purchase price. JAMES D. CONNELL and SON, Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insarance Corp. Farm Service Way A U C T I O N it Pag« Fhrt j HO<;S 9 Hampshire brood sows to j farrow in March. 36 pigs, 12 feed- •f er pigs. i«o lbs., 24 feedat pigs, | 90 lbs. Ho* feeder. MlLfclStt EQUIPMENT--2 Svrge milking machines, complete; 19 Having decided to discontinue mjcans, 2 milk pails, 1 strainer, farming because of ill health, the st)iutjon tanks, gas water heater. HESBY A. FREEMAN aad EL'UEKE FREDRICK, Aacts. undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm located on the North limits of Hebron, 111., on Thursday* February 7th llii -- Sale to Start at 10:30 A. M. I corn. 22-ft silage, half hay. half Ladles' Aid Will Serve Lanch. !corn, ll» 14-ft silo; S-ft in 14-ft. 58 HOLSTEIN CATTLE iiRAlN. HAY aad FEED--M toes aUa.Ua and Brume hay, IS tons | straw, 500 bu. Clinton oats, gMd for seed, 40 tons good hard ear silo. w M.w u TRACTORS * EQUIPMENT--JD #V MILCH tOWS--10 are spring- ! 1950 A tracU)ri powertrol, starter. ing, 29 fresh within last 3 mos. , ilghu, rollomatic wheels, cultiva- 12 bred heifers, 5 open heifers.1 1 |tor; 10-20 McC. tractor, on steel; Purebred bull, yrs. old. All j Karmall tractor and cultivator, heifers are calfhood vaccihated , good condition, on rubber; New and home raised. * |JD. 2-16 tractor gang plow, Rod- M1LX EQUIPMENT -- DeLaval j rick-Lean 8-ft tandem disk, JD. magnetic milking machine, 3 units; manure spreader, 3 years (rid; 20 8-gal. milk cans. 2 milk pails,! Gelil B-40 silo filler, good eoa- 2 milk strainers, water heater, jditiou; i.H.C. power eorn binder, POULTRY EQUIPMENT--Brooder, i two wheel trailer, drive belt trac- 500 chick size; 2 chick feeders. ! t°r cultivator, tractor power lift 2 chick founts. 7• V" JD'- No. j power mower, 2 yean GRAIN, HAY, FEED-4o6 bales okL . ' alfalfa hay, 2nd crop; 500 bales ZOMBIS Er-John Deere ISA camhay, 1st crop (alfalfa); 100 bales bine wilh motor U3ed 1 ^ straw; 700 bu. Clinton oats, 25 FARM MACHINERY -- Grapple tons ear corn, 6-ft. silage in 14-ft , fork. harpoon fork, new stock silo, 10-ft. silage in 16-ft. silo. ^ tank, elec. pump jack, hay rope. TRACTORS, TRACTOR EQUIP-"1 LH C 4"8ec ,ever drm*- W,w,« MEXT-John Deere Model A trac- Iplow' steel wheel farm ""f011 tor; McD. F-12 tractor, on rubber, t with feed rack- wa*on °» with cultivator; McD. 2-14 in. trac- i flat hay rack' corn #helU»r *iUl tor gang plow, on rubber; M-M Imotor' electric fencer hi line; 8-ft tandem disk, new; Massey- Mas8ey-Harris 3 ^ Haris hammer mill. McD. ailo fll- rake- Stewart CHpmaster. pile of ler, Maasey-Harris corn binder, junk ^ ^ «arden ho~- °« with loader, carrier, on rubber; |heater- Massey-Harrls power mower, corn , Quantity of Honseheld Oaaia. elevator. Usual Farm Auction Service Tgfia COMBINE--JohnDeere 12A com- i FLOYD ZARNSTOBIT bine, with ppwer take off. (FARM AUCTION SERVICE, CORN PICKER--John Deere 101A corn picker, side mount FARM MACHINERY-- McDeering 8-ft. grain binder; Hoosier grain ! drill, disk; JD. stalk cutter. 2 sripple forks, cultipacker, 4-sec. i lever drag, 2-sec. roller drag. 3- j sec. spring tooth, sulky cultivator, ! 2 potato diggers, potato hiller, 2 {walking plows, M.-M. manure spreader, on rubber; JD. corn ! planter with fert attach., rotary j hoe, 2 high speed trailer wagons, I on rubber, McD.; 2 flat hay racks, | double wagon box, corn sheller, ; slusher scraper, Minnesota side i delivery rake. 300-jgal. gas tank, J 2 oil pumps, truck box, cement ; mixer, 4 ton hydraulic jack. Some Household Goedi. Usual Illinois Farm Auction vice Terms. WILLIAM L. BEHRENS FARM AUCTION SERVICE, Chtrit New Clasaifled Ads Appajf; Old Ads Disappear. r "•"> -- Reason -- Quick Reeulta AA The Man Who Tried On These Ada Really Bring Beaalta. Farm Service Way A U C T I O N HENRY A. FREEMAN and , EUGENE FREDRICK, Aacts. , Reach in yonr pocket and pall out all your spare change. Dont count it Give It to the March of Dimes! The farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Paul Voss Farm located 4 miles South of Bassetts, Wis., on State Line Road, 3 miles East of Richmond, III., on 173, then 1 mile North. Follow the Arrows,! on Wednesday, February 6ihi INS. -- Sale to Start at 11 A. M. Lunch Wagon On Grounds 40 HIGRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 2S MILK COWS, mostly second and third calf heifers. 4 are fresh. 6 close springers, bal. milking good. 8 bred heifers, vaccinated. 5 heifers, 16 mos. old. vaccinated. 1 bull. 14 mos. old; 3 calves, 6 mos. old, vaccinated. TO.SB.1MS.MOW1 ^Afl the fat--tie la i«ig. fishing tidjntei.iym eqnffrminrii F9ffc CHICAGO NATMNQl BOATiSHOW ^dipasal Hb. 1 Am ICNll ^ The latest in and motors, crumtt* VARIETY SHOW Mining Law In his year-end "Report to the People" which was broadcast by 55 Illinois and Missouri stations Governor Adlai E. Stevenson renewed his plea for a strong, up-todate state mining law, I think that unless coal states enact modern and adequate mining lawB and enforce them effectively with the full cooperation of the Industry and the unions," the governor declared, "then Uncle Sam should and will take over." Referring to the recent Wedt Frankfort mine explosion which took 119 lives, the governor said, "As to responsibility, there should be no buck passing by the state, the company or the union. If the state's inspection system is inadequate I want to know it, and how it can be strengthened." DAIRY RECEIPTS McHenry county dairy farmers received 8306,408.60 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company receiving stations during the month of December. MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN Write yonr ad on the Unes below. One word i> each space. Please print each word plainly-- CLASSIFIED Wanl-Ad Rates Per Insertion Se A WORD .' 76c RiNiMujt rr~ All hold face a* tap lines hWc per line. -- Lei 'Pennies Bring You Dollar* Copy mast reach tike Mo- Henry Plaindealer Office htisrii Wednesday B L & Be Sure Name and Address or Phone Number Is On Ad. Number Words Nam* To Rua Address Phone i - -V v, - •'

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