Thursday, January 31', 1952 ,'W' _.iSLrVk _.s&v * ^ 4. * ' " IT / "\ ; & . v . ' ^ • - • ' ^ * ' " • . i ' )? . • *•' . THE McBEMHT WJtMPEXT.W ,: wi "H'*'• " ..^r-- ." "• V '• . : RINGWOOD •v »T JO*, ewx SkeHCl Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hawley entertained their five-hundred club Thursday everting. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and B. T. Butler, high, and Mrs. George Shepard, and Kenneth Cristy, low. The women of the W. 8. C. S. held a bake sale, in Muzzys' ftpilding Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams announce the arrival of a daughter, born Jan. 25. Don't forget the basket social in': the church hall Feb. 9. There .will be entertainment also. Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. Glen BeQoy and Mrs. Harold Stanek. held a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Elkhcrn at the home of Mrs. Paul Walk- £l£ton Sunday afternoon. She received many useful gifts. The Youth Fellowship groups . Of Greenwood and Ringwood met in the church hall at Ringwood Sunday evening. Mrs. Os^ar Berg entered the Woodstock hospital Sunday and was operated upon Monday^ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Wlrs. John Woodward and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent the weekend with Dr. and1 Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family1 of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago, Wm. Claxand John Dreymiller of Mcnelry spent Sunday in the George Shepard home and helped her celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday ill the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and son of Antioch spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. * Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington ^ent Sunday afternoon in the Lyle Peck home at Elgin. Mrs. B. T. Butler attended school in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hanson of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Franson. Mr. And Mrs. Mitchell Kane, with the Community Inquirer went to see the Woodstock Players Saturday evening. Floyd Fosg of Richmond was a dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John. Cristy and family of Greenwood, Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and son spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Jack Lenard and daughter, Jane Lee, of Lake Geneva, spent Friday with her; mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mitchell Kane attended a Holstein meeting at Bloomington Friday. Mrs. Kane and children spent the day with her parents at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and daughter of Huntley and Glen Wattles of Mcllenry were Sunday dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home. Stanley Jepson spent Sunday with relatives at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove called on her father, S. W. Smith, Saturday. Mrs. Olive Dahl and daughter and Miss Bernice Harrison of Elgin were callers in the C. L. Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Woodward and sons and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family, were Sunday dinner guests in theo Jack Morrison home in Chicago. In the afternoon they went to the home of his sister, Mrs. Ethel Powers, where they called oh his mother, Mrs. Martha Bowman, who is convalesing from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son. Bill, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,' home. Mrs. Ed Lovelette and' son, Gor- W A N T E D DEAD ANIMALS Cattle -- Horses Hogs -- Sheep , " Prompt Service -- Cash Price CALL OSCAR BORCHARDT Now Hauling to Globe Rendering Company McHenry 157--Crystal Lake 146 Dundee 1007 CLARENCE'S SHOP MADE TO ORDER " " 1 Bird Houses -- Lawn Chairs --Swings Picnic Tables -- Umbrella Tables --- Sand Bofflfti Cement Chimney Caps - Cement Cesspool Rings and Covers Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbors x Trellis, etc. Ilnfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards. Chest of Drawers, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH TEL. 583-J-1 JOHNSBURG BUY CONCRETE the modern nav. . . delivered READY- MIXED To Builders: We can supply Ready-Mixed Concrete for *ny kind of job--from a back-yard lily pool to a com. plete new home or building. Prompt, quick delivery ex» actly where and when needed. Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring and strong--as you expect of good concrete. The "mix" is right for the use intended... accurately proportioned at our central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit of large volume production. To Prospective Owners of New Homes and Buildings: Of course you want concrete. It's the modern way to build --firesafe, permanent, moderate in first cost and requiring almost no maintenance. Let us put you in touch with experienced, reliable contractors who will give you a quality job at a satisfactory price. J McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE McHENHY 920 St* FRONT STREET McHEN*T,' Ttl. don, of Chicago spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Jark Lenard and family of Lake Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg spent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank and daughter, Marge, went to Deerfield Sunday where they attended a community tea honoring the twenty-fifth anniversary of its librarian, Mrs. Gertrude Wolf. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter. Janet, of Richmond were supper guests Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. The Browntes The Brownie meeting of Jan. 23 was brought to order with onr Brownie pledge. We reviewed the Brownie story and each portrayed a Browqie in the magic pool (mirror). We sang our Brownie song and talked about making valentines. Hostess was Patsy Hogan. Reporter, Judith Bruce. TWICE TOLD TALES Forty Yenrs Ago STATE SURVEY .V'4:: The European corn borer; arch etaemy of cornbelt farmers, was not as numerous in Illinois last year as in 1?60, thus marking the second successive year of decline. Much of the credit for this gratifying showing shoutd go to the borer's natural enemy, the L.vdella fly, which was introduced into Illinois several years ago by the state Natural History Survey and the U. S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. So says Dr. Harlow B. Mills, survey chief, reporting on recent activities of the agency. The worst greenbug attack on oats in a quarter century, the discovery of new cases of Dutch elm disease along the eastern border of the state, a commercial fisheries census of Illinois rivers, and an extensive study of lead poisoning in migratory waterfowl are among the projects noted in Dr. Mills' report Everybody reads the want ads. Nearly all of the private t$| houses in town have bieen filled. Jacob Leickem ( is driving a handsome new f i v e-passenger Rambler car. The machine arrived last week and is a nifty looking wagon. Owing to prosperity and la< k of space to carry on the heavy spring business, "Sox" Eitgeln has retired from the harness business. He may run for the legislature next. * William Winchester of Elgin has rented the store rtWrai in the new Schumacher block in Centerville and will open a pool and billiard hall therein. The east end of town will have an up to date garage on and after the first of next month. J. R. Knox and H. E. Buch have rented the entire lower floor of the Buch building on Water street and will open up for business the first of March. If the girls of McHenry dont one evening at least it won't be their fault, as they are now engineering one of the biggest dance hits ever attempted in McHenry. The dance will be a leap year affair and will be pulled off at Stoffel's hall on Saturday evening of next week. That coliseum for McHenry is not yet a dead Issue. Those who started the ball a rollAg are working along quietly but earnestly and the prospects that it will be built arie growing brighter right along. Twenty-Five Years Ago Miss Clara Freund, proprietor of the Rosebud Beauty Shoppe, has installed a Eugene permanent waving machine in her parlors on Elm street. The installation of officers of Court Joyce Kilmer, C. D. of A., took place Jan. SO at the K. of C. hall, with Miss Eleanor E. Phalin heading the organization. Two young lads from the" notorious Chicago suburb, Cicero, created some real excitement in M t ' H e n r y W e d n e s d a y m o r n i n g when they staged an automobile theft at the corner of Green and •Elm streets, driving away with a land some nice young fellow for fctu vrolet coupe belonging to 3V. 3, fitray,, tOfdometribt EYES EXAMINED t$6 5. Green Street f McHenry, Illinois Phone McHenry 186 SOURS: 1 •• • ' • : _____ • . Bally » toll - 1 to S Tuesday and FrMaf Evenings 7 to t Thursdays By ^pointaent Only Harry Frye, 'linotype operator in the Plaindealer office. The juveniles of Riv«rview and Fox River Valley Camp,, R. N. A., held installation of officers. Junior oracle of Nthe former is Bernice Weber, fr i tli Virginia Engeln as vice-or^cl«C Margaret Trent was natited oracle of the Fox Valley camp and Willis Schreiner as vice oracle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin are the proud parents of a little son, born Sunday morning, Jan. 30. SENATOR CANDIDATE Noel E. White, of Fox Lake has annouueed his candidacy for the Republican nomination for state senator for the 8th Senatorial district, comprising Lake, McHenry and Boone counties. Y Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer now! "HALL OF CHUBGH DESIGN" WILL BE HELD M^Y 19-24 - Architects from all **er the world are being invited to submit designs for hang-fog in the "Hall of Church Design" at the International Chnrchmans' Exposition scheduled for May 19-24, 1952, at Chicago's International Amphitheatre says Joe Vancil, exposition manager. The American Institute of Architects- Chicago chapter has endorsed the f International Churchmans' Exposition and their committers are cooperating in preparations for the "Hall of Church Design" and securing national authorities as speakers for tke "International Church Buildings Forum" which will he held in the same building, says Mr. Vancil. oniv »T / BOLGER* DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. Entry blanks for designs can he secured by writing or calling at the Interaatioaal Churchman* Exposition office K|. 8. LaSalle St Chicago 2. It is expected that 20 to 80 tldir sand church people will view the "Hall of Church Design" as a rt» suit of invitations to church people of all demonlnatious as well as those of the Americas Baptist Convention and the International Convention of the Disciples of Christ, who will be meeting at the same time in the same building, says Mr. VancU. _ Reach la your pocket and pall •at all your spare ehangeb Ml eoaat It. Giro it to the March of lines! PRQrE*JI0nfl DIRECTORY 'M DR. C. R. SWANSON .. r,.-- Dentist ' . ISO S. Greta _ Office Hears: Bally Except Thursday , • to IS -- 1:30 to 6:M 1 MM* Wed. and Friday, n iiiljjr 7 to 9 P. M. Telepheae XcHeary 1ft & ft #"• 'M iS", I <?' E. E. PEASLEE, B.C. Chiropractor * ^ m & Green St, McHenry Office Honrs: jbally Except Tharsday " • to 12 -- 1:30 to 6 Wed. and Fri. Efeih# 7 to • P. M. Call McHenry 292.B For Appointment a, -Hi VSRXOX t Attorney At Law ? for. Green and Elm Street* V' McHenry Tuesday and Friday Af Other Days By Appolat Phone McHenry 43 KOBXBT A. STUEBEH Attorney At Law * 004 Center Street . Phone McHenry |§: IcHim, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL* Attorney At Law UOtt Benton Street . fheae Woodstock 1334 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS * M ley MO Waakcgan Bond (BFD Bex) Phone McHenry 40S-W WEST McHENRY, ILL. LimitoM TIBH THELEX ^Tracking Arartl Mm* BAM Vlltk For Hire YeL McHenry S88-R-2 or &88.W* Box 173, Rt. 1, Mallear*- ML A. P. FREUXD A SOWS Exravatiag Coatniim Tracking, Hydraulic nl Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 904-M Mchenry, 1 v • ,K • Before you drive the Golden Anniversary Cadillac, there is one thing we should like to impress upon you: It's loaded--so be careful! There's more power in that dynamic engine than you'll ever need--except for the rarest emergency. And it should never, never be used for dramatic display on the get-away. If somebody else wants the honors when the light turns green--let 'em go. You don't have to prove anything, anyway. But that great power works for you--even when you're not unleashing it to the limit. It works for you as a reserve--and gives you that easy, quiet, flowing ride which makes a Cadillac such a joy to own' and such a thrill to drive ... It gives you that slow-moving engine-- that simply loafs at all legal speeds--and which is a literal Methuselah when it comes to long life . .. , And it is a primary reason for that unbelievably low upkeep expense, at which Cadillac owners never cease to marvel. Some fleet owners have found, for instance, that Cadillacs cost less to maintain than any other cars they have ever used. And the easy-going engine, that never operates under Strain, is a big factor in this economy. Yes-'-Cadillac's great power works for you--and is necessary--and is one of the vital reasons why Cadillac's performance Ip so outstandingly different. . But we trust that no Cadillac owner will ever use it for dominating the highway. To ck) so is not only counter to the rules of safety --but is not in keeping with the graciousness tile motoring public has come to expect from the person at the wheel of a Cadillac. Have you seen this great Golden Anniversary creation? If not, we should ,be pleased to welconie you to our showrooms. INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ^ fire* Auto, Farm k Life Iiiiim^ Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES J5I When You Need Insurance rf#: Any Kind Phone a or 11SJI ---- Green A Elm McHeuty 8TOFFEL k RKIHAXSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes *t property in the best ro-upanle* West McHenry, Illinois Telephone 300 107 Main Street MeHuury, 8CHR0EDER IRON WORKS ; Ornamental k Structural 8to# Visit Onr Showroom* t Miles South on RU 31 Phone 050 R I N G ' S PLUMBING AND HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures • Radiant Bestial Gas and Electric Water If eaten Water Systems - Water Softeuen Repairs • Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY SS9-M • • I !•••*! THE COLDER ANNIVERSARY REPAIR OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC Co. 400 Front St. ___ PHONE ).l _ - McHenry, III. AL'S WELDING AND SERVICE 001 Mah» Street, McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting- ALEX W. W1RFS, Operator Phone Oli-W-1 or 404 McHENRY, ILL. f>; -- WANTED TO RUT -- ^ CALL AT ONCE ON BEAD , HOGS, HOBSES and CATTLE. We pay phoae charge*. We pay 10 to 183 for Old H*r**|§ less for down horses and caftttfc MATTS MINK RANCM Johasharg - Spring Grove Bati Pheaa Johnsha* ttd