Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1952, p. 12

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PlQ* Mvi ' **** * *, - ? # ; - 'V ? ; '"• xS-;/ ^ ywfm->r *r (- %:S rrt %'*>%# ,ju >*» ? < . -"* v V * . . ' • ' < ' TV„if- i - ; .' . --ir*- . ,7^5 tHE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •NEWS FROM Wonder Lake Thursday* F«brutry 7, By Yunesne Sells fi'1 *- Bob Cormier, captain of the tlVonder Lake football team, was given a specially engraved gold 10-^-jfootball Sunday afternoon as the most valuable player of the team, jj?-, , Bob, along with all the other t< players of tlie team, was a guest the Wonder Lake Men's club fo,-, At a banquet hold in the Rolaine „- <5rill. Also guests of the Men's ' tflub were the cheerleaders. All vt;ik-present received gold footballs jfrith the legend "Champilons '51" Engraved on them. , jjoys honored included Peter ' ".'^feastian, Charles Majercik, Winn ^jpavidson, Gary Vogt, John Feyer #r, _Johti Wright, Billy Wright, George Taylor, Bob Biggera, • Wayne Tronsen, Roger Bensen, v .Mlim Bell, Bill Spuehr, Rodney fenson, Richard Sanford, Richard off man, Dan Lundborg, Tom ' Roti. Walter Schimke, Randy Sel- Dick Lundborg, Rob Kolar •; 'Tom Cashin. The girl cheerleaders present $rere Nancy Swanson, Janice jbhnson, Sandi Jo Monteleone and Sandi Sells. » , Coaches of the team included ' llred Zandier and Russ Spuehr, flfho were also guests of the club. Leonard McCracken, coach at IpcHeni-y high school, was the .jpiest speaker at the banquet. Members of the Men's club also ere present at the turkey dinshould attend the Christ The King sl>on»ored dance at the Legion home Saturday night. Dancing for the teenagers is from 8 p.m. uiltil 10 p.m. For the adults it is 10 p.m. until midnight. Fred Zandier serves as caller and Dr. S. L. Ruggero is chairman in charge of the dances. The dances are held one each month. fTasfcJaftoft's BlrtMay On the agenda at the American Legion is a Washington's Birthday party to be held Saturday, Feb. 23. The, public Is iuVited to attend. Ruth Kolar in Wontier Woods. Mrs. Dorothy McEachren and Mrs. Jane Settler presented the lesson. At the last meeting of the board of the League, held also at Kolars', those present included Mrs. Ruth Redman, Mrs. Uldena Haught, Mrs. Jane SeUler, Mrs. Lillian Plotner and Mrs. Sarah Ann Cprbett. Mrs. Mel Sellek. The second topic, "Should Par* ents Help With Home Work," was led by Mrs. Joseph Laadhacg and Mrs. Stephan Vacala. * *; Off To Florida * Mr. and Mrs. A1 Horn and their §pm, Albert, will leave Thursday ijter St. Petersburg, Fla., where they plan to spend about three Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Dieckman will accompany the Horns in far as Florida but will continue on to Phoenix, Ariz., and Will .probably not be back mi til ^|«xt spring. * ^-r---- La Grecas Leave ""The Art LaGrecas and ^liaTori taft Thursday of last week for •buthern climes. They will be Iftme until March 1. Those who like to sqnare dance FARM SERVICE WAY ? AUCTION HENRY A. FREEMAN aad EUGENE FREDRICK, Aaets. Having decided to discontinue L farming, the undersigned will sell "Without reserve at Public Auction i>n the Van der Veen Farm, located " i>n the State Line, 2 miles NW. Of Hebron, 111., and 2 miles S.E. Of Zenda, Wis., on FRIDAY, FEB. 15th 1*52.--Sale to start at 11:00 AJL Loach Wagon On Grounds. I 20 HOLSTEIN CATTLE iM MILCH COWS--15 fresh in the last four months, 4 are springing. ~*~3t bull, 1% years old. * This herd has passed both the ling and blood test satisfactorily. TEAM OF SORREL BOSSES, 10 fears old, weight 3300 lbs. JULKING EQUIPMENT--DeLaval Magnetic milking machine, 2 units, |>ipe line for 34 cows 13 8-gal. milk -cans, Losee hot water heater, wash jrat, rinsing vat, strainer, pails, electric stirrer, cream separator. I'Ot'LTRY EQUIPMENT -- 12x12 --Coty brooder house, Warner electric brooder ,500 chick size; waterers, feeders, etc. FEED and GRAIN--400 bales of ;«ood old hay, 900 bo. oats. 10 tons of good corn. ^TRACTORS, TRACTOR EQUIP- |WENT--Case tractor, DC, 3 plow, power lift; McD. Model H tractor Vith cult., hydraulic lift. --" FARM MACHINERY--McD. 8-ft. grain drill, on rub., with grass aeed and fert. attach., 1 yr .old; "»JD corn planter, on rub., fully ^quipped, 1 yr. old; McD. 2-14 in. jplow, McD. 7-ft. disc, McD. 4-sec. • (drag, MoD. manure Bpreader, on . McD. 6-ft. grain binder, McD. ,fi\ie ride rake, 4 bar, 1 yr. old; JMcD. power mower, hydraulic lift; ;jrubber tired wagon with chopper Ibox, rubber tired wagon with steel jjgrain box and hydraulic lift, steel •wheeled wagon with flat rack, - jNew Idea lime and phoshate jspreader, 75-ft drive belt, electric ;C> |corn sheller, silage cart, cow clippers, bob sleigh, 1 pr. Lantz couljters, harness and numerous other articles. -- • To Mardl Gras Mr. and Mrs. William Wright of the Handy Pantry left Sunday for a trip south that will take them to Mardi Gras in New Orleans before they finally return to Wonder Lake. They plan to be gone about six weeks. To Keatackf-'7;i'~'- ^ iifi': and Mrs. Phil mAMfT'of Wickline Bay are moving this week to Lexington, Ky., where he will go into business with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner. The Wagners and "Flip", 7. leave Thursday. The Hastings home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sllva who are presently tenants of the Monteleone apartinsut. Workshop On Roads A League of Women Voters' workshop meeting on roads was held Jan. 29 at the home of Mrs. March Of Dines There will be a polio party tor the March of Dimes at LaGreca's Lake View Inn Feb. 15 and all persons in the Wonder Lake-Rlngwood area are invited to attend. Coffc-e will be furnished and residents are being asked for donations of cakes. Elmer Murphy is general chairman for the area and Grace Sellek is chairman for the party. Those wishing to donate cakes may telephone Mrs. Sellek, vitatlen to oar services for next Sunday, Feb. 10 with 3und»y Bible School at 10 a.m. Morning Worship at 11 and evening Evangel at 7:45. la New Mexico A note from Betty and Bill Fiala was mailed from Whites City, N. Mex. They say they jut having a wonderful time. The Bake Sato League of Women Voter* 1 ' . Community Club The Harrison Community club will meet at 8 p.m. Feb. 12 at the school and will view a film from the Red Cross. Also to be shown are "Family Circle" and "Meeting Emotional Needs' In Childhood." Everyone in the school district is invited to attend the Community club meeting. Child Stadjr Groap Hie first meeting of 1952 for the child Study group was held Tuesday at Harrison. The topic "How Children Acquire Morale," was led by M>s. Howard Wilkinson, Mrs. Edward Motulewicz and will sponsor a bake sale at Paul's Variety store on Feb. IS from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Casserole dishes, relishes, cookies and cakes will be features. Bed Cross Drive Roth Redman," chairman for (he Wonder Lake branch of the Red Cross, reports that the drive in the area will be held; Feb, 24. The workers will hold a pnfci: meeting Feb. 12. Iminary Gospel Church News McHenry County Youth for Christ sponsors a Young Peoples Rally this Saturday night at the McHenry Bible church at Lily Lake at 7:45 The special feature is the sound film, "Hidden Treasurers," by Dr. Irwin Moon. This will be followed by a Singspiration, led by Mr. Burton Hedstrom of Chicago. The pastor officiated at the funeral service of Theodore Nagle on Tuesday, Jan. 29, at the Peter Justen funeral home in McHenry. Again we extend our hearty in- £j aal. Your Income Tax Bjr John T. Jareckl Collector of Internal Bereave First District of Mlaols The serVice pay of an enlisted man for any part of a month during which he served in a combat area is exempted from tax. The first $200 of service pay for a icommissioned officer for any part of a month during which he was in a combat area is likewise taxfree. Also tax free is military pay received while hospitalized as , result of disease or injuries inatred wMte serving in ,a^:,:. combat area. * Capital Gains ' The exemption allowed as head of the household and the changes in the capital gain anS less provisions as well as the increased alternative tax rate do not become effective until 1952. For 1951, many self-employed individuals are brought within the Social Security system for the first time and will have to pay taxes on their self-employment income in addition to the regular income tax. Every self-employed individual COMBINE Osse 8-ft. combine < jwith pickup -- attachment, power intake off. CHOPPER--Case row cr6p chopper and p i c k u p , power t a k e o f f ; pase roughage and grain blower With 45-ft. of pipe, etc. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS. r t J s u a l I l l i n o i s F a r m A u c t i o n S e r - 4rtce Terms. |/ JOHN VAN DER VEEN -- ?JJUt AUCTION SERVICE, ~ i- v • Clerking. Remember Him With A •...Gift To Wear VALENTINE'S DAY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14th ValeociiK's Day is the day to remember and to be remembered...To find a gift that will make a lasting and pleasing Mprcssion on THAT man we suggest a visit to his favorite men's store where you will find all the new season's ideas in GIFTS TO WEAIr ~ \ 'A Van Heusen Shirts in crisp white or colors, with famous CENTURY collar. $3^5 - $450 - $4.95 Faultless Nobeli Pajamas with the guaranteed waistband $48Sio$iap0 Skipper Sport Shlit* in Gabalaun washable, gaberdine. $6*95 . Wilson Hofli Bright colors or subdued tones. 59c to 2.95 cGEE'S < Valen-t-i-e-s in sparkling new patterns $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 STOREFORMEN STORE HOURS: Open DaUy 8 A. M. io 6 P. M. Fridays 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. -- Sundayi "TO Noon 117 SO. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. will have to file an annual return of his self-employment income on Form 10,40 if he has at least 9400 of net earnings from self-employment in a taxable year, even though he may not have sufficient income to otherwise require the filing of an income tax return. The rate of tax is 2% percent. Macklae Punched Card Although this is not a tax change, it is something new for taxpayers. When people receive their Income tax blanks from the collector's office, they will find enclosed a buff colored! card, machine punched, bearing the person's name and address. This card, known as Form T-25, will be used in processing returns and has been adopted as a labor saving device. When you are ready to file, attach tl^is buff colored card to your return. Do not use pins or mutilate the card in any way, otherwise it cannot serve the purpose intended. 1 Smuggled Bible ~-A Korean bible manuscript was smuggled through Communist lines from Seoul In a sauefkraut jar. Invisible Wealth fer AB If the combined annual production of the sfat platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium) were equally divided among the world's inhabitants, each share would be an almost invisible ballabout six millionths of an inch in diameter. These metals are so rare (hat the average annual production could theoretically be stored In a I ft. 4% In. cubical bin. Revealing Facts „ Publication of the newest Army history book, "Washington Command Post: The Operations Division," brings to light the complicated task of the military staff that planned and directed the first worldwide military operations. The book^ seventh to be published in the "U. S. Army in World War II" series, is a part of nearly 100 contemplated volumes covering all aspects of the war. m. HENRY FREUNI* OPTOMETRIST \t 136 S. Green Street, McHenrf (Closed Thursday Afterneons) > o mS EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- YISUAL REHABILITATION " COMPLETE YISfTAL ANALYSIS BOFRS DAILY: 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P..*,* FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P. v, '^^^^JIjJVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT".. / 0/:' -^SjfcHONE McHENRY 452 ' W, Super AZO Durable HOT WATER BOTTLE 2-Qt. Size •( 98 Guaranteed Our Pharmacist keeps pace with the amazing new discoveries of medical science. You can count on him <to offer the very latest proved drugs available . . . the very best in up-to-date prescription service. Bicycle PLAYING CARDS All styles sc. Each deck COTTON PICKER, 0i>p, n* ... 59c JOHNSON BACK PLASTER....39c LYS0L DISINFECTANT, 60i . . . . 5 5C THERMOMETER, Clinical..,. .98c HOT WATER BOTTLE, 2-111.... 1N HEATING PAD, Switch Coatrtl... 4" SICKROOM NEEDS ICE BAG English i<* •" Size. . 1,f Miracle Tuft DR. WEST TOOTH BRUSH An't eor Color*.. 3"' NOR-CROSS Valentines Larg* Dl»pl»y MEADS PABLUM, la 01. fk[... ,45c C0NTI CASTILE Soap, 1*.. Bar 15c DEXTRI MALTOSE, Naa<,... .74e JOHNSON'S TALC, t oi. tin... 49c EVENFLO MENNEN'S OIL, Laaalia 1loi...9tc S^,r.te25c VI-PENTA DROPS tscc Btla..... I13 PRELL SHAMPOO, 2</> ai 89t T0NI WHITE RAIN Shampoo 60c HALO SHAMPOO 3Vtaz.Siza...57c PROM PERMANENT Wavaaat.. 1n RAYVE WAVE with Vlta UfM.. . 1" TINTAIR HOME Hair Caloriai... 2M HAIR BEAUTY TON I KIT Refill |0| Complete I New Size DEODORANT DIAL SOAP 2 Bars 21C COLD FIGHTERS RESISTAB Tablets Box 12. WC VICKS VAP0-RUB, Vft ez. Jar. 33c INHISTON Anti-Histamine, 12't.. .39c CRE0MULSI0N For Coughs, 3 oz. 57c GROVES COLD Tablets, 20's*.,.. 29c REL HEAD COLD Jelly. ,^..28c PENETR0 NOSE DROPS 35c Plastic Container FIRST AID CUT-KIT For cuts, scratches, or bruises. Contains ail necessary first aid essentials. Ideal for |%Q many uses O^JC M,: COSMETICS PONDS COLD CREAM 55c Med. Jar Our Price Lady Esther Face Powder.. Odorono Ifray Doodorast.. 5 oz. Trushay Lotion Bubble Bath ««. Tryion, 12fs... vW Mum Cream Deodorant.. Hazel Bishop no No Smear Lipstick.. I 49c 59c JERGENS LOTION $1 Bottle with Dispensers q. Both for vOC 20 GEM BLADES in Push-Pak Packages Save 18c. 98c LUX SOAP for lc with Economy size Pepsodent Paste WILDROOT Cream Shampoo Liquid. 29c Bottles LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Double size. 45c Tubes NESTLE Baby Hair Treatment With Hair Brush & Curler. 63c 2 fer 99C 2 for 59c .I29 BOLGERS DRUG STORE Green St. Phone 40 McHenry, Til "We give Gold Bond Stamps" :v.r 'v;_

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