Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1952, p. 9

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*jl ' j t*; * * - T**1 •*• 1 °-" »„ ^ j Thursday. February 11 «\HS WSWi pppp .< • S " t'<THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALElt r A-'-X ,;-j-:.". V • «r<r .v\* s-'t? / > .- •" < "• \ .:* , , • v ' -> "> ' 1 >'1 ^ f ' • * 1 *_-• --.. ^4_1..,-t--. j LiaiiiiitiniHiujumttomwiiutiuiiitN LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR (by Kitty Wojtas) MiiituiiiiimiiiMitiiiiaiMi ' The Lily Lake P. T. A. Founder's Day program will be held at Club Lilymoor on Friday. Feb. IS, at 7 p.m. The children in Mrs. ftonglas' room will present a little skit entitled "Join The T. A." The program will be llowed by a social evening and lefreshujents will be served, jfcveryone is welcome to this birthlay celebration of the P.T.A. The Lily Lake Beautifying club frill hold their regular monthly fleeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at .. $ p.m. The meetings are now.beteg beld at the Lily Lake achool- *%>UIM». ' . Mrs. Buchwalter was honored with a surprise birthday party lust Tuesday night by the offi- ^cers of the Lily Lake Beautifying Wclub and their families and some '-(^f her friends. This being a board aieeting night, she was unaware of any special preparations until after. the meeting. A long table Was set at Wally's and the guests aat around this and enjoyed the #ro home made birthday cakes --*atd coffee. She w&s, presented With a handbag, white gloveB and a silk scarf as a combined gift afrom her guests. a successful whopee party. A oominittee made a house to house canvass selling tickets, and they met with marvelous cooperation from the residents of the town. The party will take place Saturday. Feb. 16, at Club Lilymoor. Games and music for dancing will furnish the entertainment and a smorgasbord supper will be served, later in the evening. The wedding date has boon set for the marriage of John "Curly" Kraus and June Noble of Winnetka, and thp big day will be June 7. . The teen-agers are still gathering at the Charm House on Saturday nights for square dance sessions and Mrs. Booster has been doing a marvelous Job calling the steps for the dancers. • Homer Devereaux received his discharge from the Navy on Jan. 24 and has taken a position as electrical maintenance man at the Harnishflger Corporation in Crystal Lake. The bus stop tavern is under new management again. 'The Loveless* have leased the building to ^Bob and , Lou Halzapfel, who formerly operated the Marvin Greenwood farm, south of Lily Lake on the Lilymoor road. We wish them loads of luck in their Hew venture. Their grand opening party will be held on Feb. 23. Janice Bonder will celebrate her alnlh birthday on Feb. 15 with a little party for some of her classmates after school. It will be a J.very busy day for the young miss f Xpr in the evening she and lyr f sister, Oayle, will do a ballet number at the Founder's Day party. A very happy birthday to Jea- 'nie O'Leary, who celebrated her birthday on Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flynn and family spent the weekend visiting 'tlreJiUVe# }p» Berwyn and Brookfield. It was a nice trip for Mrs. Flynn, who has had to be Quite a "stay at home" because of ill health this , past winter. The canasta club from Lilymoor had a nice outing last Sunday •Tening. The girls first went to the "Tally-Ho" and then attended a movie in Park Ridge. The members are Lll Wijas, Leona ^antus, ^ Vlsabelle Karmel, Rose Rheunertson, Pat Golbeck, Val Frandimore and! Norma Jones. Mary Harvey, who also belongs to the group, was unable to go along. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gobi of Niles, IH., were out to visit Marie and Chuck this past weekend. The fathers and sons of the recently organized Cub Scout den 'In Lily Lake attended the father aud son banquet held at the Me- Henry high school cafeteria. Those in attendance from this community were, Mr. Booster and son, Kenneth, Mr. Kiehl and Clifford, Richard Flynn and Rickie, Homer Devereaux and Billy, William MacDaniels aud son, Billy, and Louie Rymaresuk, Clifford | Todd and son, Clifford, and Al |^\VVirfs and son, Wayne, of ,tln« Scout troop were also in attendance. ' " • '• • The Lakeside association" lias really been taking strides toward A lot t>f lbcal mothers have had the pages of memory turn back to their first real dance this past week by the flurry and excitement of the young sprouts who plahned on attending the G.A.A. dance on Wednesday night. Lovely party dress party islippers and suitable toppers have been the subject for conversation all week. There is nothing like youth to remind one that spring is on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ToBoy were surprised last Saturday night by some friends they haven't seen in some time. Mrs. Caho and her ion dropped k and spettt two days with the Tobeys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobey and their two sons dropped in unexpectedly also for a visit with the family. Mr. and*1 Mrs. Michael Cleary of Proctor, Minn., are visiting the Claude MacDermott buidty this week. A wonderful crowd turned out for the social at Wally'B last Monday night If this keeps up we will have that community building In no time at all. A donation of two dollars was made to the Beautifying Club for the road fund by Nr. and . Mrs. Skelley. Bed Crest ' Tbe American Red Cross was o: fanisad by Clara Barton in 1631. AM Rat Few Altogether, 31 states and Alaska have deposits of commercially mineable bituminous coal. Once Larger flis District of Columbia 'dfcflfito!- Ir covered 100 square miles. Need a cab? Just call our number any hour of the day or night and one of our modern cabs, driven by a careful driver, will appear promptly at your door. Service is city-wide--rates ara low--and you have no packing problem. Mchenry^ City Council Proceedings , - COUNCIL ROOM February 4, l»fc| :, 'Ite City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Anderson, Freund. Rothermel. Thennes, Vycital. Absent: Althoff. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Freund, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion carried. Motion by Vycital, seconded by Anderson, to approve the collector's report as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Rothermel, to approve the clerk s report as read. Motion carried. Motion by Rothermel, seconded by Thennes, to pay the following bills as Approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. Arnold Grover, Motorcycle $150.00 West McHenry Motors > Painting motorcycle 13.00 H u c k ' s S t a n d a r d S e r v i c e Station, Replaced lost, check for. gas • • 92.09 Ifldw. J. Barrett, Sec'y. of St., License for motor-? cycle v.. ioo Klmer R. Murphy, Salary 186.70 Clyde K. Rhoades. Salary 220.00 Paul J. Struck, Salary 197.80 Arthur J. Smith, Salary .... 197.80 Philip M. Thennes, Salary .. 190.20 Anton H. Freund, Salary .... 190.20 Earl R. Walsh. Office ex- ' P«M® 160.00 Mayme Buss, Salary A commissions 72.82 Albert E. Nugent, Salary 123.20 August Morits, Salary 190.20 George P. Freund. Salary . 48.00 William H. Althoff Salary .. 30.00 Arnold Anderson, Salary .. 30.00 George J. Freund, Salary .. 30.00 Leo G. Rothermel, Salary .. 30.00 Bdward J. Thennes. Salary 30.00 Charles W. Vycital, Salary 30.00 Thomas F. Bolger. Salary 30.00 John B. Loose, Salary 50.00 Barl R. Walsh, Salary 105.00 Paul J. Struck, Use of car 26.00 Arthur J. Smith, Use of car 26.00 Buss Motor Sales, Repairs to police car 31.50 W. R. Meadows, Ina., Premi* 43.35 D u n c a n P a r k i n g M e t e l r Corp.. Payment on parting meters 350.00 James B. Clow A Sons, Waterworks supplies Touyan Brothers, Crushed ' road gravel £.21 C l a r k C h e v r o l e t S a l e a . Truck storage A repairs tl.68 West McHenry Motors. Gas oil. police car A truck 108.77 Caroy Electric Shop, Repairs to street lights T7I01 Walter J. Freund, Tires and chains 140.52 Butch's Auto Service. Repairs to motorcycle 31.60 Thennes Oil Co.. Oil 14.99 McHenry Co. Farmers' Coup.. Salt , 8S.75 Clom J. Wirfs, Repairing parking meters 12-00 McHenry Lumber Company, Lumber and coal 76.71 McHenry Sand & Gravel ;; Co.. Inc.. Sand . .. . w . .. 16;60 Looze & Kinne,* Recording easement 4 .95 Suburban Oil Company. ; Pre-mix Vernon J. Knox., Revenue , ..stamps • .. 1:65 Vance Welding Service^ R«-' pairing ice^chopper .. 3.50 American Decalcomanla Oct V Inc.. Vehicle licenses tl.50 Althoff's Hardware, Sup* ' plies 8.80 McHenry Garage, Repairing snow plow . 1.00 A. S. Blake Motor Sales*-- I n c . . C h a i n s A c r o s s links 11.86 Vycital's Hardware, Supplies Ero Erickson. Police radio maintenance 16.00 McHenry State Bank, Income tax 149.60 Weber Plumbing A Heat- , ing. Roding sewer ............ 32.50 Anderson's Service, Gaa A oil 18J&2 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Telephone service ^,,^1.60 Public Service Company,"' Power A light >47.63 Victor H. Kasser, Engineering Services 350.00 Victor H. Kasser, Engineering Services 525.00 Special Hewer Fundi Mayme Buss, Clerical '. 10.00 Fred C. Feltz, Salary ........ 146.00 Public Service Company, Power & light 6&38 Thennes Oil Co., Oil 13,32 Weber Plumbing A Heat* ing. Labor at disposq^ plant 22.50 | Anderson's Service. Oil 6.63 J Boy Scouts of McHenfy Troop TW1PF Tfll H TAI 161. who will hold city offices on 1 "1V,El IVL4/ IALW Fehruary 9th, were present to observe procedure of City Council meetings. Motion by Freund, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn. Motion carried. George P. Freund, Mayor Earl R. Walsh. City Clerk ANNOUNCEMENT We are Open Evenings till 9:00 P. M. and All Day Sunday till 9:00 P. M. V LAKEMOOR HARDWARE • Boule 120 -- Texaco Station -- Lakemoor, IQ, NAME DISTRICTS - IN WHICH SEATS * WILL BE CONTESTED Seats in the Illinois House of Representatives for the 68th General Assembly, which convenes next January, will be contested in tweniy-three of the State's fiftyoiu Senatorial districts at the Xoyeniber election. Secretary of State Edward J- Barrett has announced. • - The figures are based ait resolutions filed with the secretary's office - by -tile senatorial districtcommittees. • J Memberships in the House for the other twenty-eight districts will be determined in the April 8 primary as a result of decisions by the senatorial district committees of both parties to nominate only three" candidates for the three district seats. On the basis of the resolutions, thirty-nine House seats will go to Democrats and forty-five to Republicans, leaving 69 to be determined in the November general election. Seats will be contested in the following districts: 10, 11, 13, 22. 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40. 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 60. Forty Tears Atro James Hughes informs us. that the1 ice near tin- Kox river dafyi is anything but bate aud those who ; liavt been in the habit of driving j oh the river should berir this in mind. Carpenters are moving the old X. A. Heemaun store building from the Besley lot to the Mrs. ' Elizabeth Liajr^s property en the | West Side. As soon as tbo building is put. in shape Math Laures will move his grocery stock into .saine. j The marriage of Miss Rosina B. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller, to Mr. Louis , Smith, son of Frank Smith of fjohnsburgh. vwrS solemnized at St. . Mary's Catholic church here at i 9 o'clock this morning. * I No death in recent years has brought greater sadness into the (hearts of so many as has that of j John J. Bishop, which occurred at ! his home some i|nie early last Friday morning. His cold body jwas found lying upon the floor in i the dining room of the Bishop , home by his wife shortly after 7:30 o'clock. Tlit-' liigli school basketball boys' five' lost to the Richmond team Friday pvpning by th«> score of 28 to 26. William Nickels was the( victim of a very pleasant surprise last Sunday evening when a 'company of his young friends called oil | him unexpectedly. The guests jire- ; sen ted him with a beautiful--it!* : umbrella. j Twenty-Five Year* Affs j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rotlu>rmel j and family moy?d into their new 'home on Riverside Drive last . week and jire now very comfortably settled This beautiful home. ; which is entirely new and different from anything yet built in this locality, is of the Spanish I type. I Kent A Co. have' opened an office at 132 William street. Crystal Lake, thi* making their third :office. ' '. ' - Robert Duda. the tailor, who is located in the Pries building on | GTeen street, has purchased the ! C. G. Berner building, also on * Green street. j Automobile thieves were sue* cessful in getting away with two , cars belonging to McHenry resij dents during this week. Leo Con- ; way's Pontiac was stolen Sunday ' eve^ning at Waukegan while it j was parked near a theatre. The Ford truck belonging to Jacob Justen A Son was stolen Tuesday afternoon in Cicero. Mrs. Edward Knox, passed away at her home in Chicago Saturday morning. ' McHenry ta to have another DoHar Day SWtrday, Feb. Net AU CMsfe* . Only two-thirds of the world'* peoples are counted by eensus. Werk-Sarsr Mechanical loading of coal la underground mines Increased aaarly 100 per cest in the decade ending In 1950. lava Cktmsiym Cracked kerosene lamp chimneyl --if not too bsdly broken--msy b4 mended with cellophsne tape. Seed Cleaning and Treating Seed properly cleaned and treated pays off In increased yields at harvest time. We are aslatr the newest of l>sPost's seed treating chemicals and are set ap to do a thorongh and effleieat Job of both cleaning and treating1. Call or write m for an appointmeat. We wflK U the job whllf JOB wait. Phone 815 McHenry. Illinois It Will, Too Han't let home mishap* maho; miss happiness. *0 PUlSh Mrmmsmm Gen. Pershing entered MexiC# M punish Villa in the year ltlf. Need Rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. PRnrE<fi0m DIRECTORY OR. V. R. SWAH805 Deatist .• m S. Green Stmt Office Hours: l>ally Except Thursday p » to 12 -- 1:36 to Xato* Wed. aad Friday. Evi 7 to » P. M. . Telephone McHenry IN E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. Chiropractor 1^6 S. Green St.. MeHenr^ Office Hoars: V Daily Except Tharsday » to 13 -- 1:30 to 6 * Saa^ Wed. and Fri. Evealapi 7 to 9 P. X. Call McHenry 3*3-11 For AppointaMat - "SPEEDY" By McHenry Garage MW( «BECtfie «eev«CE A IAATTE0 OF FACT 6000TMSN 1VE AJOaBOQVOO OPOMW AMTTTONMTM doua «Toea OM MAIM STBSST THINK HAVE WCK MILLER'S rHPUtYGMME ^7 AHTOM aD RSMNT \ ICT AHOjMrear _ WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 V""" '• •BKNON KSOX Attorney At Law fbr. Green and Elm StweST*3 McHenry Taesday and Friday Afternss-- Other Days By Appolatmeel Phone McHenry 4S ROBERT A. STI EBEN Attorney At Law 604 Center Street Phone McHenry M8 McllEXRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JpH Attorney At Law 1WH Beaton Street Phone Woodstock 13*4 „J*OOI>STOCK, ILLINOIS^ 'V. V1 :'yA J i JOSEPH X. >VAYNNE Attorney At Law m Waakegaa Ro^ (RFB 9n) , Fhoae McHenry 49S-W j WEST MtRENKI, OX. If Saad : YER5 THELKST Tracklaf " fitarrf Math Bkt • TfKk For Iks TeL McHeary &88-R-S or I88.W-1 Box 178, Rt 1, Mallear*- KL A. P. FREUND A M«I KxraTatiajr CsatraMfwa Trucking, Hydraalle and Crane Serrlco -- ROAD BFILDI50 -- TeL SN.X IchMiy, ^.1 It looks like a POWER YEAR Nww Horsepowtr -- new Brake Power -- and new Power Steering blossom on Buick's ROADMASTER f$r 1952 S)orot/lU%C&4tW4t CANDIES Modern Miracle of Freshnesft BUTTERCREAMS or , ASSORTED CHOCOLATES . NYfe DRUG STORE JBiverslda OriTo ATM you've heard--horsepower has hit a new high on the ROADMASTBR. Brake power has done the same. But today,, we'd like to concentrate Of) the third member of the power trio -- Buick's own version of Powtr Steering, available on Ro ADM ASTERS at a moderate extra cost. What is this Power Steering like? It's SOOM* thing like a helping hand, something like a "hydraulic slave"--that relieves you of all steering strain, but lets you keep command. ^at we mean is this: Power Steering is handled by a special hydraulic unit--and engineers can design this nail t» takeover any pmount of steering efiort --even to a point where the wheel seems to float in your hand. But in that case, you'd surrender all control to that hydraulic --it-jet no steering "feel" from the wheel. y • Now suppose you're felting two agile tons of automobile what to do in traffic. We think you'd like .to h«ve it kmwm that you're in command. ' .. . - ' And--out on the straightaway--we believe that a part of the joy you get from owning a Buick is the sensation of having something alive and eagerly willing beneath your hands. So we're glad to announce that Buick engineers didn't spoil this thrill. They've kept the fun of driving, and simply eased the efiort. When you're rolling along smooth and straight, it takes almost no eftort to keep any Buick on course. It almost steers itself, as every Buick owner knows. But'-when you want to get away from a curb --back into a parking sjwn^-make a turn^ Buick's Power Steering comes into action, saves four-fifths of the eftort required with ordinary steering. Power Steering does the extra Work. And--in case you wonder what happens if Power Steering gets out of kilter, the answer is nothing. Your Buick steers just as it always has. That's why we've been saying, "This is Power Steering as it ought to be." Come in. Try it out We think you'll agree. Sure is five for'52 When belter automobiles ere built BUICK will build them R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street Phone 6 McHenry, IKSURA9CI EARL R. WALSM Flrei, Aato, Farm A Life Iai Represeatlaff RELIABLE COMPANIES | Whea Yoa Need Insaraaca «£ Any Eiad Pkeae 43 or 118-X firwa * Elai m STOFFEL A RK1HANSPERGER lasarance agents for all classes a# property In the best co-apsalas. West McHeary, Illiaals Telephoae M0 iVJ Mala Street MeHeary, OL SCHROEDER IRON WORKS OrwuaeBtal A Stractaral Std|g: Visit Onr Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 950 BING'S nriBIXG AND HEATING BOB FRISBT, JR. Qmlttj Flxtores - Radiaat Heatiaff Gas and Electric Water Heatan : Water Systems - Water Softeaiig| Repairs - Free Estimates PHONE MeHENRY 2SS-M AL'S WELDINC. AND MEPAIA SERVICE Ml Main Street, MeHeary . Electric Portable Weliiinic ^ Acetylene >Vel«Iingr aad tatti^p- ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator * Phoae S15-W-1 or Mi McHENRT, ILL. --: WANTED TO BIT -- CALL AT t»>CE ON DEAD HOtiS, HORSES aad f ATTU» We pay phone charfoa. We pay H to #£« far SM less for down honea aad MATT'S MINK liKCI - Jotasbar* - Spriaf firtw Rati Phoae Jehastu* Ul ... M , 4."^

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