Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1952, p. 2

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p.v* * * * * ^ '^vy«;S?v:7 ~ T^ * */T " t * : ' ' - Z ^ W r * * VV7, > £?£%"$ '"V4<>Vrr* » • 'rJ* L"_ Ji'1 _I 1 '" ' ^ ^ ---1' J> -> L.:jt? '*. <»-»-: .£ ^ JL . ,' 4-?^ i\<y* '•&* *. * j 1 - V f *' >V - ' '* * '** , /!'* A> **'/ ' ^ Thursday, February 14, letto NMHII UH<»Mt At BrMnl Hkower Miss Bcttp K a fan oI MffOwllwwi Lake was honored guest at a bridal shower given by lier sis- P ter, Patricia, at the home of Mrs. B. Graff, her grandmother, one evading last week. Decorations were bells and streamers in a green and white color scheme. An appetizing lunch was served, each piece of cake having an umbrella clearly defined in pastel coloring. Present were Mrs. Edward Stacknick, mother of the future bride; Mrs. Lowell Peterson, Mrs. Ercell Richardson, Miss Beverly Houch, Miss Joyce Huska. Mrs. Perry Walker and Mrs. Nugent. The bride-to-be was - presented with an assortment of beautiful gifts. Miss Kuhn will become the bride of George Nugent on Feb. 23. Announce Troth Of Miss Dolores Mlrbels George Alictyels of JobMburg announces the engagement of his daughter, Dolores, to Emitt Roberts of LaPlonte. Miss. No date has been set for the wedding.. <\D. of A. Lists v Fifth Card Pari) The fifth and laatparty iiB :fhe card tournament sponsored by the C. D of A. is scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. JJ1. . . , , . WED RECENTLY TERRY MILLER BECOMES BRIDE i-:V VALENTINE'S DAY' W A Valentine's day bride is Miss Terry Miller, daughter of M*. and Mrs. Joseph J, Miller of Waakegan street, who this morning at 9:30 o'clock is exchanging nuptial vows with Pvt. Robert Becker, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Backer of Woodstock, formerly- of Mc- Henry. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix is officiating at" the rites, which are soiemnixed in St. Mary's church. Soloist for the service is . Mts. Marlon Kennebeck, who is singing "Are Maria" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" as the bride places her bouquet on the altar of the Blessed Virgin. (liven in marriaage by her father. the lovely, blonde bride-is plans to take a short trip. At the .end of that time he will return to duty ayFort Law ton, Wash. The (former Miss Miller is a graduate of the local high school with the class of I960 and is employed at the McHenry State bank. The bridegroom graduated in 1949 and was employed by a construction company In Crystal Lake before joining the A^jaoy in October of 1951. JAY W. CRISTY, JR., CLAIMED WOODSTOCK GIRL AS HIS BRIDE DOMING EVENTS r:' lllllllilHBIIIilllWHIIIIIIIIIWHllllHIIIIIHHMMIIIIIUtllHI February 16 Biike Sale -- West Side Locker -- Conducted by Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. February 17 Public Party -- Benefit St. Pat-s Miss Marie Schaefer Surprised Sunday Miss Marie Schaefer. who will become the bride of Clarence , Diedrich on Feb. 23, was honored v at a surprise miscellaneous show- «. er held at the Henry Schaefer -home last Sunday afternoon? Hostesses were Mrs. Louis Schaefer and Miss Viola Schaefer. Thirty relatives and friends were present to enjoy airplane bunco, with prizes R.N.A. Plans • '• • •For Bake Sale 7 Fox River Valley Camp. 'R.N.A^. is planning a bake sale, to be hold at the West Side Locker on Saturday, Feb. 16. beginning at 9: SO o'clock. O.E.S. Will Hold . ; ; Dessert Card Party " The McHenry chapter of the Order of Eastern Star invites the public to a dessert and card party to be given at Acacia hall on Thursday. Feb. 21, at 1:30 p.m. THE WM. E. IUTTMRS A lute 1951 wedding united, in marriage Miss Marv Benner." daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Iverson of Mundelein, and Mr. William 'E. Kattrier. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner of Spring, Grove. The couple exchange*} nuptial vow^ -ln Mundeleln; ; v • wearing a gown of white; alfttln, j rick's Convent -- Sponsored By with lace trim on collar, train and I Aftar And Rosary Sodality -- 8 bodice, and a fingertip veil. £&<• ' P.M. --- St. Patrick's Church Hallhas chosen a headpiece atudded j February 19 with rhineslones and a t>ou<juot of 1 Regular Meeting Of McHenry white rosebuds. j Lodge, No. 158, A.F. & A.M. -- 8 Acting as maid of honor for i s 'v V '; JANUARY BRIDE AMONG THE "(OK Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Powers, is recovering from awarded to ! an appendectomy he underwent at Mrs. EUner Diedrich. Mrs. Louella the Woodstock hospital last week. Arps and Miss Helen Stoffel. j Mrs. James Lennon has been a A tasty lunch was served at j patient in St Therese hospital, , the close of a pleasant afternoon, j Waukegan. j Mrs. John R. Justen has been Valentine Day a patient in Victory Memorial Engagement ToM ) hospital. Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Weil- [ Si8ter Wilhelmine of the Siser of Lilymoor announce the en I *ers Francis, McHenry, ungagement of their daughter, Toln- i ^erwent surgery at Victory Meette E., to Richard D. Courtney, ^son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Courtney, Sr., of DeKalb. Skewer R»r I Terry Xfiler Miss Terry Miller was guest of , honor at a miscellaneous bridal jhower held at the home • of Mrs. Gerald Miller on Tuesday evening j of last week. Hostesses were Mrs. Miller and Miss Joan Nett. Twenty guests were present to enjoy cards and other games, after which' a tasty lunch was served. A beautifully decorated umbrella was suspended from the side wall over the gift table which had orchid, pink and white mortal hospital, Waukegan, on Monday morning. Hugh Murphy has been Confined to Hines hospital, where he la quite ill. I BIRTHS -- ijhijtfni"..I. li streamers. !#:, j •• Circle 1 At Olsen Home Circle 3 of the W. g. C. SL was entertained at the home of Mrs. Leslie Olsen on Center street last ilb" 11 ^ oz• dau«hter, born Feb Mr. and Mrs. " Eugene Rogers have named their new baby Eugene Nicholas. The baby was born at Columbus hospital earlier this month. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guzzardo are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital Feb. 4. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pieroni at the Woodstock hospital on Feb. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago are the parents of a 4 Photo by A. Worwiok. .McHenr-v MRS. JOSEPH WFTZtiER the bride is* Miss Patricia HUeniann, a close friend, who is wearing pink net over taffeta in . a strapless gown, with stole. Her matching headpiece has an opien crown and she is carrying a colonial liouquet of blue carnations. Miss Patti Purvey of Crystal Lake, niece of the bride, is bridesmaid, dressed similarly to Miss Hucmann except that heT dress is blue in color and her bouquet is made up of pink carnations. Jack Laures of St, Thomas college. St. Paul, Minn.v a friend and former classmate of the bridegroom, is acting as best man. Groomsman is Bernard Hamll «of McHenry. The two little flower girls We nieces of the bride, Carol Ann Miller of McHenry and Jeanne Morgan of Elkhorn. Wis. Both are attired in white organdy dresses, with white satin ribbons in their hair. They are carrying colonial bouquets of yellow munis. I For her dau;|'iter's wedding, Mrs. MilU-r has chosen a grey and lilac-colored dress, with which February 21 Fifty Party In C.D. of.<-JQv"t"*rd Tournament - \ v February 21 • ; O.E.S. Annual Card Partjf And Tea -- 1 pju. - - Acacia Masonic! Temple, - -- .Hareh 6 April 19 13ake Sale Conducted By C D. of A. Circle 3. W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Evelvn Krukow Home May SI Altar & Rosary Sodality Bake Sale -- George Justen Furniture Store, Green Street IN 3IEM0RIAX In. loving memory of our darling son and brother who passed away six years ago, Feb. 13, 1946. Years will not darken or shadows dim memories A wedding of Interest to many McHenry and Ringwood residents was solemnized last Saturday, Feb. 9, when Mr. Jay W. Cristy, Jr, son of the senior Cristys of Ringwood, took as his bride Miss Marianne Draffkorn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Draffkorn of "Woodstock. Rev. Fr. Charles Egan officiated at the nuptial service. Which took place at 10:30 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock. The pretty bride was radiant in a gown of traditional white satin, Princess style, with long sleeves, long train and lace yoke. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls and she carried a white prayer book on which was placed white lilies and white baby orchids. Her attendants were Miss Nancy Hycrs, a close friend, as maid of honor and the Misses Jayne Cristy and Nancy Cristy, sisters of the groom, and Mies Patsy McSwee- Uey, a cousin of the bride, of Chicago, as bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in gowns of pale lilac taffeta, with mandarin collars and cap sleeves. They were matching gauntlets and violet velvet hats and carried colonial bouquets of violets tied with ribbons matching their hats. Joseph Ribardy, a fraternity brother of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Frank Draffkorn, Jr., brother of the bride, John Rogerk and Donald Schaeffer, friends of the groom. For her daughter's wedding Jtfrs. Draffkorn chose -a navy «repe dress trimmed with lace and pink accessories. Mrs. Cristy wore a beige-pink crepe dress and navy accessories. Both had pink camellia corsages, while the bride's grandmother chose pink we: carnations. ' A reception for 250 guests was he was a member of Alpha 8itma Phi fraternity. He spent three years as a pilot in the A.A.F. during the war and is now employed as assistant manager of the stock room at the Auto Lite. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughters, Dorothy and Mrs. M tie Martin, and Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Justen and son, Jolly, of Richmond visited Jacqueline Justen at St. Joseph's convent at "Milwaukee last Sunday. Miss Dorothy Justen, St An- Hoelscher. of Elgin are. vacationing in Orlando, Pla. Mrs. Helen Hettermann is enjoying a vacation with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Keenan, at Pompano Beach, * Fla. < a Mias Rita Martin was a W»®sgan visitor on Monday evening. Mrs. John Lang of Chicago spent the weekend at her home on Crescent avenue. Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank Blake havs been vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Careys aire vacationing in the Southern states. Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Ward of CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the kindshe is wearing brown accessories jshown me during my recent and a white carnation corsage. Illness at the Woodstock V>8pital; In a formal German wedding j Mrs Becker ha8 8elected a t|avV "lso for the gifts and letters sent solemnized m St. Mary's church Wue dre8S and wW alM) l e me on Saturday, Jan. 26. Miss Eliaa- • -whh,i»te. carnations. JL ,beth Harrer exchanged nuptial Immediately following the nup- >St;gor' r"ciI!t' ,tl,^7hT'brYdai"»rt7*m°enJo'y hHl? ^ pem>any. The . at honie ^ 1 ,7 .®,, ib,ld,!'» I'"'1""'. ""Bid Miller, ,u,d " "'f '9i" «nd •'« "ride- n„OD lmnW(ltat(( „lmlllea " , - Tb'y •" will join then, tor dinner at the residing on 112 west .Broad street. The beautiful have of him. •40 MOTHER, DAI) AND 3-IS jheld at the Legion Home in Mc- Ilenry, with dinner and dancing In the later afternoon. A fivetier wedding cake was cut for the guests by the bride's attendants. The newlyweds left on a short honeymoon trip, after which they will reeide in Bull Valley. The bride is a graduate of the Woodstock high school and has been employed as secretary at the Auto Lite In Woodstock: The bridegroom graduated from the McHenry high school and attended the University of Illinois, where HENRY ROBERT HEISE •*fi| Lilymoor Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store McHenry. 8tf thony's hospital, Rockford, spent' I,ldianaP°lls- Ind., spent ^e Hie weekend with her parents, the , week< nd with his parent®, Mr. Nick M. .lustens. tand Mrs. E. B. Ward. Mrs. Helen Heuser and Mlas Captain anjl Mrs. John Greane kiura Weber were visitors In i*re enjoying a three veeka' tr^ Chicago last weekend. ,.to Florida. Mr. and Mr?. Fred Schoewe'r of Waukegan were visitors in McHenry one evenfnjj; , last week. Mrs. Schoewer attended the meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality audi Mr. Schoerwer the Legion meeting. Rev. Fr. Frank Miller of Richhiond was ,a McHenry caller on Saturday. Paul Gerasch, who had been a patient at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, for two weeks. returned home the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Mr.' and Mrs. Martin Wegener and family and Bill Wagner of Volo were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs. fhomas Doherty, Mrs. R. I. Overton and Miss Mary Walsh of McHenry and Mrs. Ada SIS E. film Street PHONE 746 BOYSSPRING COATS Sizes 1 to 8 Cheeks, Plaids or Plain Colors $3.95 to $19,95 10% OFF ' • ON ANY COAT Purchased and Paid Ft During February. Town Club. The families and c,ose friends will be present in I . CORPORATION the Jos. J. Miller home for din- A charter was issued this past tier in the evening, foUoiFed lfS|r a ! week by Secretary of • State Ed- reception. \ •> f ' ward J. Barrett to the Independ- The bridegroom" W -ott f ent Voters League of Northern j weeks' furlough from Army ser- i Illinois for political purposes. vice, during which the couple week Wednesday, with fourteen members present. Devotions were led by Mrs. C. H. Duker. after which a business meeting was conducted, with plans made for a rummage sale to take place the end of March. The next meeting will be a potluck dinner at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Krukow on March 9. Pappet Show At WAfJS. Meeting "Calfie, The Fool," a puppet show abont a South American Indian, will be presented by the Junior M.Y.F. at the regular monthly meeting of the W-S.C.S. on Thursday, Feb. 21, In the Methodist church hall. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Donald Barger, Mrs. Clyde Bailey, Mrs. Frank Rourke *nd Mrs. Carl Hoyte. V® < feathering Honored McHenry Soldier Mrs. Eleanor Foley entertained members of the Phalin family last Sunday at a dinner and social afternoon for her son, Maurice, who has been enjoying a three weeks' furlough from Army duties at Camp Chaffee, Ark. He will • return to duty today at Seattle, -Wash., from where he will leave for overseas service. Present in the Foley home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters of Waukegan, Oswalk Knapp, a Marine stationed at Great Lakes, Miss Julia Foley of DeKalb. Miss Rita •Martin of McHenry and Mr. ar Mrs. Jack Zoia of Naponset, 111. 5 at Grant hospital. She has been ' named Janet Lynn. The Heusers ? have one other child, a daughter Carol, who was 3 years old Christmas Day. Residence Changes The Phillip Disch family has moved to the apartment in the Irvin Schmitt building on Green street. The Stanley Vycitals, who formerly made their home in the Schmitt apartment, have moved to their new home on Crescent avenue, in the Country Club subdivision. Plajtex Baby Predicts Wattles Drug McHenry 111. 42ti ILLINOIS RAILROAD SALVAGE STORE Copper Bronze Screen (non-bleeding type) 15c Square Foot - 96 to 48 Inches wide Ob East Side of Diamond Lake, Mnndelein Open Tien, Wed. and Thank 9 a.m. to I p.nt. Frl. and SaL, 9 aun. to 8 pun. Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed All Day Monday Tel. Ml'ndelein 6.7325 CLOSING OUT OUR SELECTION of BOLT ENDS WSHBGEB ~pSIH£SSKI J Ni ~ GABARDINES SERGES -- PLAIN and FANCY WEAVES TAILORED TO MEASURE Any Size -- Any Style -- Any Color Mans Panti $16.50 -- Ladies' Slack* $13.50 . MEN'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $65.00 JOHN THE TAILOR '»»• "AM ST. M.HENRY ILL. PMi KNOW YOUR ,; NEIGHBORHOOD REPORTER The McHenry Plaindealer has correspondents in every community in McHenry's trade territory. We are proud of them and they are doing a good job. We invite everyone to make use ol this feature which is second to none in the state. Every so often someone says, "Last week I had visitors from such and such a place. I didrj't see a word in the paper about it." Hei**» Where jo*, cope 1* We and our »taff neighborhood reporters are not mind readers. We simply qan't keep'up witji ALL the time. Not without help from YOU.! So if you have a news item . . . of any size . . . PLEASE TELL YOUR CORRESPONDENT--or If you live In McHenry CALL US. Our phone number is 170 and we are happy to get the items. If it's not convenient to phone . . . mail them in. MAKING SURE THEY'RE SIGNED so. we know they are authentic. ; * Outside of McHenry. here's the list . . . one is near you . . . she will be more than <io include your news in her items: • , Community Correspondent- * McCULLOM LAKE Paul Struck LILY LAKE - LILYMOOR Kitty Wojtci® WONDER LAKE Vanesse SelJfT 1 RINGWOOD ........ Mrs. George Shepard * SPRING GROVE .. Mrs. Charles Freund ~ THIS STAFF OF CORRESPONDENTS IS READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO SERVE YOU . . CONTACT THE ONE NEAREST YOU. .. " If You Live In and Around McHenry Phone 170 and Tell Us! The McHenry Plaindealer House Painting >• PJan Now To Have Your . llouse Re-Painted. Call us for Free Estimated D. PALUCH and CO. rTTME- MATERIAL or CONTRACT PAINTING PHONE 272-R "I'm banking on a good vacation" SbMETlMCS I take - my vacation in su mm • r a n d sometimes in winter. But everytime I take care of my banking first -- so the bank can take care of my affairs while I'm away. You'll be surprised when you see how many ways the bank can help -- and enable you to enjoy a well-organized vacation. Look into it toddy. McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve Sjiiaa Mtpaber Federal Deposit Insurance Corft InicMl P»ld On Savings Dtpodfc PHONE 1040 PUIS THE THRILL IF THE NEW 8LDSM0BILE HYDRA MATIC SUPEH 0R1VE4 'Ifydra-Mulic Super Oriw optional at extra cast. Equipment, acert*oriet, trim illuftrntrd tukjrrit ltCK£T" Oldsmobile hiu the headlines again--with a new, new "Rocket!" There's 160 horsepower--surging, sweeping power--in thi» great new Oldsmobile engine! New high-lift valves! New Quadri- Jet Carburetor! Sensational new features, throughout! t hat's more--Hydra-Matic Drive* is new--with a new "S" Range for tuper performance! These great new features are in both the brilliant new Super "88" and the new Classic Xinety-Eiglu! Bee your Oldsmobile dealer soon \ Try the 1952 "Rocket Rider' 1KB YOUR NVAREST OLDSMOIILK DIALER R. J. OVERTON Motor Sales 403 Front Street Phone McHenry 6 O* Television! CBS New* with Btutoi Idmili -- Mentey thru Frl at (tW P. M. Oldsmobile Denier. Ju-- ' • • Station WBKB, Channel 4. - Catnegy of yrar n

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