Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1952, p. 8

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The new officers are as follows: President, Claude McDermott; secretary, Henry Wojtas; treasurer, Henry Hoppert; trustees, Norman Morrison, John Becker and Larry Booster. The new officers wert elected fer '• one-year term. ' ' v;?*' :;'k *" The Business Men's assoc^!#*! have consented to let the fire department hold the annual carnival,. this summer. It has been agreed that 25 percent of the proceeds of this year's carnival will go Into a fund for the improvement and upkeep of the lake. The committee for the volunteer fire department dance, has been making konderful progress in the advertising andi sale of tickets for the affair. The committee members are: Henry Wojtas, Hank Hoppert. John Kraus, Jr., Dennis Kosup and Larry Erhardt. The dance will be held at the' AiHeriodn Legion ftall in McHenry on March 15. hospital for the birth of her baby. The roads were very icy, and Officer Murray escorted the couple to the hospital. The new heir weighed in at 7 ibs. Ml. and Mrs. Ivan Quatafson, attended the hardware dealers' show at Navy Pier in Chicago last Thursday. Later they visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Fabian, friends of the family, before returning home. The 'tptm-agers met last: Saturday night at McDeVmotrs garage, as the Charm House had been closed for a few weeks' vacation. There was dancing and games to entertain the youngsters, and it was an even draw as to whether the 'teen-agers or the chaperones had the most fun: The gang will meet at the garage .again next Saturday for another fun-fest.. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. LevintOifc of South Shore, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys, to Dr. Ervin Charles Stone of Lakemoor. The wedding _ iHlH take place in early June. rri.ii.ii mmmJCStii *r "V tfiiftu-' CetleHor j Flrtt 0 vi- ,cr &:«?«* u • $ "" "" * i -'•-f ' ' - i Much 8.1*2 : HARDWOOD CABINETS NOW AVAILABLE IN NATURAL WOOD rt. Another bowling social will be held on March 9 at the McHenry ! Recreation. There is still time to j sign Hip for it* and the bowlers (are requested to be there prompti ly at 2 p.m. The Lily Lake Parent Teacher's association will meet at the achoolhouse on Friday, March 7. at 8 p.m. A social evening will follow the business meeting. The voting held last Saturday to determine the question of a school tax increase, was made Convenient for voters in the community by having a polling place here. Fifty-six people cast their votes at the local polls. Jennie McDermott, and Beaulah Vachet were judges of the election and Mrs. Flo Svoboda was clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hueckstaedt of Lilymoor entertained a group of friends at a canasta party last Saturday night. The guests included Eunice and Ray Tobey, Fran and Clarence Kauke and Marie and Chuck Go hi. A lovely time was had by ill. Jennie McDermott hafl a wonderful birthday last Thursday, full of nice surprises. It h/gan with a singing greeting over the phone, which turned out to be Mr. Seyfferth, singing his food wishes fr the day. Among the gifts and greetings was an outstanding Kitchen-conscioUB housewives will welcome word from the Kitchen Maid corporation that its attractive Flo-Line styled hardwood cabinets are now available in Natural Wood finlBh. Emphasising the natural beauty of hardwood grains, these cabinets are the ideal answer to ^those seeking nn atmosphere of warmth, friendliness and informality in their kitchens. All of the unique Kitchen Maid structural features have been maintained in the Natttral-Line. Drawers are of rustless, polished aluminum, quiet and easy to open and close. Shelves are solid and permanently fixed as a protection against breakage of dishes And glassware. Doors are equipped with cushioned silencers, and like drawers have gracefully curved edges that give beauty and eliminate dustcatching crevices. M&ny worksaving convenience features are available, includinng a new mixer base, swliig-out shelves, towel driers, tray compartments and vegetable drawers. In addition to natural wood finish. Kitchen Maid cabinets are now available in seven attractive colors as follows: Mackinac Green, Garden Yellow, Serene Blue, Desert Sand, Mist Green, Twilight Gray and White. Each color haB been selected for its value an a soft, pleasant-to-livewith shade, and for its wide range of decorating possibilities. tenial Rev ran* of Illinois Wluifs Deductible! The qdistlon o# "#hit1i dedifttloss may not' exceed the actual cost of the property involved. Any insurance received as reimbursement mutt be offset against the loss of tlie property to determine the amount of net deduction. The amount niay never exceed the adjusted basis of the property--that Is, the cost less the depreciation allowed or allowable plus all I betterments and improvements: The loss of property sustained fble^' is of great interest Uf the! through theft or burglary may be taxpayer. A knowledge of aHow- j claimed if evidence is submitted, able deductions tMll not only ; but misplacement or careless help the taxpayer file a correct i leaving of an article or negligence return, but aldo provide the op- j in watching something like a portunlty too reduce the final tax 1 purse or suitcase does not qualify article. , attention . Is stfch items as casualty liability. In this focused on losses, medical expense, automobile expenses and personal expenses. Loisea A»d Thefts Losses are allowed for propel Pe?y°r Per8°n damaged or destroyed by natural Medical Expenses the loss as deductible. You may not claim * lofts on someone else's property, even though it was in your possession at thf- time of the casualty, and you may not deduct any damages paid for anther individual's proforces such as freezing, fire, storms, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes or collision or some other type of casualty not caused by | taxpayer or his spouse has attained the age of 65, the 5 per cent limitation on the deduction of medical and dental expenses no the willful negligence- of the tax-. longer applies: The taxpayer is payer. These losses may be either entitled to dediict the entire on one's personal property or on'amount of medical and dental exincome- produclng property like a \ penses incurred for himself and building or a farm. i or his spouse, subject only to the The amottiit of lolis Is determin- j maximum allowance, or $1,250 for ed by the difference in the fair j each exemption. It should be Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley and son, Vincent, have returned from a vacation in Miami Beach, fla. The Sarleys stayed at the itlmberly hotel while on vacation and they decided to purchase a Winter home in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Knutson became the proud parents of a !>oy on Feb. 11. Mrs. Knutson has only praise for the Elgin state police who intercepted their auto while on the way to the Great Lakes WW" MOVE 24 HOUR Towing SAVE MONET ON YOUR CAR Regular check, ups. and maintenance by our experts meus fewer ear costs for yo«! BUTCH'S We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, IIL Phone 811 Residence 91-R market value of the property just before the casualty and in the fair market value immediately pointed out, however, that medical expenses incurred for the care of thp taxpayer's dependents are still after the casualty. However, the limited to the excess of such ex- C O N T R A C T I N G All Typtt of New Homes.' All Kinds of Remodeling, Additions, Dormers & Canopies. 38 Yt&rs Experience; 9tl|K GUARANTEED ;: J'r- Free fetlmaie* • POB IMFORMATtON Cjkt tiLQIN 4881 penditures over five per cent of tali adjusted gross income. fri i, 11 Examinations fdr elementary, kindergarten and secretary teachers, schpol principal, instructors of the blind and deaf, and supervising teacher of the handicapped, all to serve in state schools and institutions, have been announced by the Illinois Civil Service Commission. Salaries range from $252 to |400 for elementary, kindergarten and secondary Instructors, and for teachers of the blind and deaf. School principals receive $330 to $500, and supervising teachers of the handicapped from $300 to $460. Final date to apply for the examinations is Feb. 29. Information and ,forms may be obtained from offices of the State Employment Service, or from the commission. Armory building, Springfield. . Read the Want Ads m State ReglStrtxlite Re-examination of 341 IlUnOla registrants now in Class IV-F tot mental reasons only has been ordered by Selective _ Service national .headquarters for the month of March, It was ahnoutaced by Colonel Paul G. Armstrong, Illinois selective service director. Previously, In January, 565 mental IV-F's were ordered re-examined a-id about one third have been found acceptable by the armed forces. Those to be re-examined will be men previously found unacceptable for Service^ solely because of failure to meet minimum intelligence standards. Any found acceptable on re-examination will be reclassified, and if classified as available for aerVice they will be inducted. Coloiiei Armstrong A said. He advised men subject to r e-examination. but who might qualify for deferment on dependency or occupational grounds, t® til* evidence of their status with their local boards Immediately. Congress in the 1951 amenlr ments to the Universal Milita^ Training and Service act reduced the passing requirement for the armed forces qualification test ffom 13 points to 10. Men subject' to re-examination include those who were in Class IV-F after June 19. 1951, and who have subsequently passed their twentysixth birthday. Under the present act of Congress a man who is deferred remains liable for militant service until he is 35. ^ Bverybbdy reads the want ada. SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS till in filling a prescription is as vital as any ingredient used. St) besides giving great personal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compou^dg^ |ccordi&g to physicians' specifications. U T \ : . / N Y E Jtv* •" i- 119 N. Riverside Drift PlMMtt • • • • • • • «T« 4 • • ee* e e • • • • • •• • •• . ,-rv ' • . 5v: - ... • ». • V' •. -- -5- ,«•«, .1 . *JeUU Tfrnvi @Aolct ONLY COMPLETE •f FARM TRACTOR TIRES Tk» MHUnnI 7U* PIN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRi Tst hsNI PafMrtMf TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE Tradt ten * IIFCTIKI tgMAMTll S A V E € PAY GTJLY 1.25 A W£IK Your Used Tires Are Worth More Whin You Buy ?lrt«toit« TIRES Trade for famous Firestone De Lux* Champions and SAVE! Even if your present tires are only pertly worn you'll get FULL ALLOWANCE for the unused mileage! Trade danger for safety -- got your car ready for safe summer driving! Don'* delay-- LET'S TRADE TIRES TODAY! f|| IRE C H AIN 3 ' TRUCK - TRACTOR and PASSENGER CARS BATTERIES We will allow you $3.50 for thai old battery when you buy thai new one in our store. J. FREUND MAW STREET f- TUtES PHOKE McHENBY ,8t|L WEST McHENRT TrBES -- tiATTERIES -- ACCESSORIES TIKE aad TUBE T^tCiHIZIMG -- ALL WORE GUARANTEED tie Was wonderful automatic heat •'# • • • * e # « • »* ««• ' -- ' ---- - 1 v ^ 4 - same V#-| jftk *ft c**i *• * *• et^ «ee .«4^ 44% » .•# '*I- •%\e • • i • * e •• * ••|«:^#i#le?ee#4lt e M # e:e §#-#e • II |f^' 4 41. 0 Disposing of,trash tnd rubbish is a problem in any household ~7~rr flfcriotis one in homes that hM automatic heat. Burning trksh out-of-doors is a chore any tink, but it's a mean jd^ in the winter! Bracing ity blasts while , s tending an outdoor trash-bdrner is just about the most disagreeable task around the house; There's really only one solution to the ti*a$i| artd rubbish problem . . . and that's all automatic • . SEE THE GAS INCINERATORS: AT OUR NEAREST STORE OR YOUR DiEALETC « ' PUtLIt i, w HORTHEB* itLiNOil' * . .t-* .*•> •; • • - . '. I ^ J -•"M -ftr ^1. P R n r E 5 J i o n f l L DIRECT0RV OR. C. R. SWAHSOJT. Dcatlst "'vlfc, . •>:; If6: S. Green # Strset "? , 1 Office Honrs! Dally Except Thnnlll; » to 12 -- 1:30 to »:S0 Wed. and Friday. Eveafoff* 7 to 9 P. M. Telephone* McHenry 1S9 : E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. ^ Chiropractor cP S. Green St., McHenry Office Honrs: Dally Except Thursday » te 12 -- 1:30 to I Hen* Wed. and FrL Call' McHenry 292-S For Appointment VERNON KNOX i Attorney At Law . Oar. Green and Elm Streets*" * . McHenry xiiMday and Friday Aftcrntfois Ot*ier Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 ROBERT A. STUEBEN Attorney At Law Center Street Phone McHenry M8 VcHENRT, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law 110H Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1S84 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS! JOSEPH X. WATNNE Attorney At Law 8(9 Wankefan Road (RFD Bos; Phone McHenry 492.W ^ WEST McHENRY. ILL. Su«d Limestone f|;RN THELEN Tracking Black Dirt Track For HLre |U Tel. McHenry &88-R-2 or &88-W.1 Box 172, Rt. 1. McHenr*- TU. Gravel , A- P- FREUND ft SONS Excavating Contra*4»n locking, Hydraalle ami Crane Service -- ROAD BMLDINO -- 204-* McKenrr. IIL INStRANCE 4 EARL R. WALSH Ftei, Ait* Farm * Life IaulWi Representing RELUBLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Ittsnrance il. ( Arty Kind Plone 48 or 118.* 6reeB A Elm McHenry ^SoIf^^^MmANSP^GM^ Inanrance agents for all classes of property In the best conpantafc West McHenry, Illinois ; - Telephone 800 U1 Main Street McHenry, IIL SefiftdEbER IRON W0R1Q9 Ornamental A Structural stent ,v1? Tlslt Onr Showrooms , - iS MDes South on RL SI Phone 950 R I N G ' S PLUMBING AND HEATIHV BOB FRISBT, JR. Qwfl'ty FIxtnres • Radiant HentAig Gas and Electric Water Renters Water Systems . Water Soften<irs 1 Repnirs - Free Estimates > + PHONE McHENRt 28».lf • AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Hi Main Street, McHeni Electric Portable Weldl_, Acetylene Welding and Cnt„ ALEX W. WIRFS, Operate* Phone 615-W-l or 4<4 McHENRT, ILL. [ea(f ""ii. On wing -- WANTED TO BUT . ^ CALL AT ONCE ON DEAft HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE. We pay phone charge;. We pay M to $26 for Old Horsey lw* tor down horses and rattfo* MATTS MINI RANCH Johnsbarg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsbnrg 114 _ A'v

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