Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1952, p. 2

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'ill* . '__> v, %v va* : ' THE McHENRY PUUNDEALER W &•' pp|* IP "* J ^ W# Thursday, March 13. 1952 Personals Bavld McJflsh Hettored WarrtTT Fox Valley Camp , Observe* Birthday --^ ' Fox River Valley cKKp. R.N.A.. will enjoy its annual birthday dinner on Thursday evening, March 20, at ? p.m. at the Nook restaurant in West McHenry. Reservations must be in not later than noon on Monday, March 17. David, son of Mt. #Wd Mi*. McNish, celebrated his first birthday on March 8. when a party was held In his honor at his home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H*nford, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Br^idman and Donna McNish. all of j by calling 108-J or 692-R-l. Mem- McHenry: Mr. and Mrs. John Mc -i bers may invite guests. NiBh, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ar- 1 '> senau and children. Barbara and Veterans Will \ Randy. Mr. and Mrs ..Wesley Leh- , Elect Officers :^'v;v-. mann and Jack McNish of Rich-j The Veterans of Foreign Wars mond; and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Han- w|jj eject new officers at an imford of Hinsdale. portant meeting to be held Mon- The guest of honor received a jay March' 17, at the clubhouse, variety of appropriate gift#. --;-- --1-- BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams were Waucon<^i visitors Sunday and assisted her sister and husband), the Kenneth Murrayn, move into their new home in Mundelein. Oscar Nelson, who had been residing in the Rochelle home at McCullom Lake, has gone to Gary, Ind., to live with another daughter. _ Mr. and Idrs. Chuck Miller re- \jjchael Mergen in Han Francisco, turned home recently from a trljp calif. Helping In the care of tinto Florida. infant is Miss Therese Mergen, MiBS Marianne Freele Juui &b sister of Mr. Reed, who is a nurse turned from a Florida tilp. * at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener , joan Frances is the name sewere Waukegan callers one day ; lected by Mr and Mrs Robert D last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde' Hollowell Jr., and Dr. and Ufa. David Hurl- A Mm was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams of Johnsburg at St. Therese hospitaal, Waukegan, on March 10. Mrs. Adams is tlie former Dorothy VanOrt of Summitt. The proud paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed are the grandparents of a 7 lb. 9 ox. gill, born March 11 to Mr. and Mm. MMH 111 H * M< 111H IM M i GIRL SCOUTS 'I1 i1 <• <"l McHenry Jtareli 27 Community p. T. A. Meeting -- Rep. Quest Speaker. Robert McClory, «Mh 0..1*. The girls in Troop 6, under the leadership of Mrs. Herman Gertz and Mrs. Chuck Miller, have been learning woodcraft. They have been working on trays and learnln* to woodburn them and paint the trays. These girls, since they are in their last year of Intermediate Scouting, are In charge of the mother-daughter tea which is to j first Anniversary Party -- Pot- . March 18 it Claim'sv Court, W. Election Of Officers Xnrcfc It C.Q.F. State Basketball Tournament -- /McHenry High 8choul Gym. V^rfh aO.F. Meeting. ' ^ v ftivenriew (lamp. R.N.A.. FOftybe held in May and in the first j Luck Supper At 0 P.M. week of June. They are looking forward to going to the Palmer House in Chicago. This Is the special reward for those Girl Scouts who have earned twfclw Sullivan' of Orchard Beach for | *^efi^iency badg**' • ^ ' KATHLBRN ANGLES^ Secretary , • Woman'* Group To Qiwags Garden flub . At Friday afternoon's meeting of the McHenry Woman's club. Bjembers will be asked their _ opinion on forming a Garden club I at g o'clock which will be independent of the! - --- woman's group. Previously, the Rjtfl will Quest Woman's club has undertaken the At g. Meet '.,7 huge task of carrying out the M thp regular rnolithly meet burt of Chicago were dinner their new daughter, horn at Lor-. etto hospital, Chicago, on Feb. 27. Murray Dean William is the. guests in the George H. Johnson ; naine sorted by Mr. and Mfs. j William Bolger for their son, born" | at the Woodstock hospital March home one recent evening. Mrs. Joseph J. Miller left a pot-luck supper to be nrrrpd •*:V:. Brownies The meeting was called to order ! bar- Therese Tonyan, with SUsan cently with her daughter and hus- jg, " \ Jstenger reading the minutes. Mnrbaftd, the /William Morgana, of: A daughter was born March 2 na Watklns collected the dues. Elkhorn. Wis., f<Hr; a vacation trip J at the Woodstock hospital to Mr, Then we acted oat pliiys. after to Florida. v> and Mrs. Allan Dimon. . which Mrs. Buckie read about Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and1 mr and Mrs. Harold Bacon of Juliette Low. We collected our Mr. and Mrs/Fred Bienapfl left \ Crystal Lake, formerly of Mc- pennies for the friendship fund, a birth of a penny for each year of Ottr age. Rlvervlew Camp ' . Anniversary Patty •_*' S i J ' Rlverview Camp, R. ii; fe S 6^ serving its forty-first anniversary ^ _ party on Tuesday, March 18. with recently on a few weeks' trip to ; Henry, announce the Florida. Miss Julia daughter at St. Joseph's hospital.: Foley of DeKalb Elgin, on March 7. They have] many details necessary to the sponsorship of a garden show. However, some of those in charge have felt that such a project should be taken over by an organisation designed especially for BOth an undertaking. Mrs. Jane Gonseth, who has been chairman of past garden shows in McHenry, will be present to see how much interest there is in such a club. Should fifteen women be interested in fotming an organization, two members from the Elgin Garden cleb would come to McHenry to help organize and instruct them on procedure In becoming affili ated with the National Garden clab. The style revue for the benefit of the polio fund on March 23 will also be discussed. The musical program Friday will consist of solo and ensemble numbers which high school groups will present at Dunde§ the following day. The committee In charge inclades Mrs. George Johnson, chairman; Mesdames Earl Sand, Milton Olsen. Wallace Dobyns, George Lindsay, Walter Haug, W. f, Aeverman. Thomas Phalln and William Spencer. college spent the weekend at her i home here. I Mrs. Glenn Robison and Miss I Helen Welch called on MMccHH enry ing of the W.S.C.S., to be held j relatives Sunday evening Thursday, March 20, Miss Rita I Mrs. Thomas Fenwick a n d Will has been engaged as guest j daughter. Julia Ann, of Elmhurst speaker. She will talk on grow- returned home Friday after spend-- ing up in South America. iing a few days with her parents. Hostess will be Mrs. Carl Buck- (the C. J. Reihanspergers. ner, Mrs. H. S. Fike, Mrs. J. El- Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake? liott Corbett and Mrs. Harry Stinespring. . three other daughters and one son. » An ft lb. 1 Oz. daughter. Mar- ! garet Jean, was born to Dr. and! Mrs. William A. Nye at the Wood- j stock hospital on March 9. The young lady has four sisters to , welcome her home. Sincerely. BETSY KAUSS Scribe Retiirn Ferdiaand Lowtll Fot Burial Ai Greenwood Announce O.I>. of A. Tournament Winners Last Thursday evening. win- j helped the latter celebrate her ners in the recent C.D. of A. card J birthday anniversary on Saturday. Clarence Martin returned home on Tuesday from California, where he had spent two months visiting his son, Robert, and family and also,t in the William Dewey home. Mrs. Fred Chase and two sons have been spending the last two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. She will return to her home in Michigan this weekend. CARD OF THAtltS I would like to take this opporvisited her parents, the Martin i tunity to thank friends and neigh- Conways, last weekend. j bors for cards, flowers and gifts Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago | on the occasion of my birthday spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Simon Stoffel. and tournament were announced as follows: Pinochle, Gertrude R. Weber, Kathryn L. Freund, Lillian Stoffel, Rose Freund and Helen Thompson; auction bridge Elizabeth Thompson; contract bridge, Marie Larkin. Rita Martin, M i l d r e d K i n s a l a and Helen Dobyns; canasta, Ella Buss and Bertilla Freund. The regular business meeting of the organization was held March 6. Winners in cards, which were played during the social portion of the meeting, included pinochle, Olive May and Laura Weber; contract bridge. Elsie Winkel; canasta, Rose Kennebeck and Helen Weber. The next meeting will be a social one on March 20. State's Attorney Speaks ,#n Narcotics State's Attorney Robert C. Helton of Lake county will speak at the Grant Township high school at 8 o'clock Thursday, March 27, on the subject, "Youth and Narcotics." The Grant high school Chdlr will also appear on the proffraut. There is no admission chlifge and everyone is invited. ' • Raytex Baby Products Wattles Drag McHenry HL 48tf IK MEMORIAM ' v In loving memory of Jo$n Schmitt, who passed away March 14, four years ago. Your blue eyes and smiling face We see now only in dreams or memory. But 'till memory fades and life departs You will live forever In our hearts. LOVING WIFE, SON. DAUGHTER- IN-LAW. BROTHERS U AND SISTERS CABD OF THANKS Thank you, friends and neighbors, for the flowers, cards and prayers; also to our -fire department who tried so hard to save our boy; our telephone girls who kept our line open and located our people to come home. We are grateful to Rev. Corbett for his comforting words. God bless you all for your kindness extended us in our great loss. HAROLD PILLAR MR. AND MRS. CLYDE PILLAR JEANNETTE PILLAR , . MR. ft MRS. AUGUST PRASSEL 44 Ferdinand E. Lowell, 78, an uncle of Miss Louise Walsh of McHenry. died on March 5 at his home in Orlando, Fla. He was a native of Crystal Lake and at one time was superintendent of the Borden milk plant at Algonquin. Survivors include the widow, Florence Baldwin Lowell of Orlando, and two sons, S. M. Lowell March 8. The many remembrances were greatly appreciated. , . . , . _ _ . 44 ' MRS. SIMON STOFFEL of Photllix- ArU.. and E. R. Lowell . . j of Maiden, Mo. ' j The body was returned to the CARD OF THANKS ! Merwin funeral home at Wood- I would like to extend my heart- stock and a graveside Service Was felt thanks for the many kind ex- conducted Sunday afternoon at pressions of sympathy received in Greenwood cemetery, where burial the recent passing of my beloved took place. mother. •44 MRS. STUART ENGH Subscribe for tike Plaindealer Need Rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer USE S P R I N G COATS HATS DRESSES j - SUITS , All Sifces, Colors and Price®. * USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN* $1.00 Holds Any Article Until Easter. PHONE 746 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Bead the Want Ads Be^rarovm cur exper!t Modern pouffry-raising practices and sup* NEWTSHOW IKWVHIY lets you compare cars feature by feature! niy t Oh iii ,' ;• *• IB all lamMway Brooders, much practical research and have gone into this gas-buining unit. Extremely siisin design and equipped with contrcb that give it a of economy and dependability. Operates an natural or bottled gas. Complete With 72-inch lor 500-550 chicks. Weighs 85 pounds. $•• Your Jameswav DeaUr oar value and save moiu WHERE others give you "sell," we give you proof! The Dodge 'Show Down" booklet lets you com- I Dare DftHap liparl rr^m unflfk oecw^nfm /1/wwe ^ V Y C I T A L ' S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP 132 Green St. PHONE 98 McHenry, I1L • .ir j. " pare Dodge head room, seat width, easy-entry doors, wheelbase, and many, many other specific features that mean extra comfort, safety, convenience and economy . . . with cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Get your free copy today. Let the facts speak for themselves. Specifications and aqwipdMnt Mib|*ct to wWiiit Mile* NOW ON DISPLAY LOANS TODAY fesbential March 80 C.D. of A. Social Meeting W.S.C.S. Meetlna ^ March tt f P6Ho Benefit Style Sponsored By MeHenry Wbman'e1 Club. i WArefc i7 / "Youth and Narcotiee" Talk -- Qrant Townehtp High School WE RENT LAWN ROLLERS N times of armoent and' • on, it is wise io Wse your borrowing privileges Cautiously, if you iffeed cash f6r itiedical or hospital expenses, lor example/we make loans lor this purpose. We 6re making loans for fssential needs every day. Come in and talk Over your borrowing requirements with us. - • State Bank Althofi's Hdwe* Ml Main Street MeHeary pnoiri! m Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cor|ki _ Interest Paid On Savings Deposits ^ PHONE 1040 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition at STAT jkeHenry, Iillnoli traiiSfntttiH tft response to c«Ii of the Aucfttor of Public Accounts pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 4th day1 of March, 1952. RESOURCES t . 1. Cash and due from banks ..I $ 968,614.83 3. United States Government obligations, direct &nd/or fully guaranteed 3,370,792.63 4. Other bonds, stocks and ( , , 533,393.07 5. Loans and discounts 2,600.791.02 6. Overdrafts ~.-t-- <•.. ......... 1,641.43 7. Banking house $1.00, Furniture and • hxtures $1.00 •v 2.00 • GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES $7,475,237.98 ; LIABILITIES II.- ildck ....... 14. Surplus 15. Undivided profits 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand deposits 3,838,020.52 ' 18. Time deposits 3,080,616.09 Total of deposits: , (1) Secured b ypledge of assets .... $ 62,081.03 (2) Not secured by pled^ft of fsets 6,856,555.58 100,000.0© 100,000.00 160,617.40 162 730 21 "r--: (3) Total deposits 25. Other liabilities $6,918,636.61 33,253.70 S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES Ine. GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES $7,475,237.Mfemorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged: <a) U. S. Government obligations direct aivd • /or fully guaranteed $ 183,000.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding rediscounts) $ 183,000.00 2Y. Purpose and Amount of Pledge: (a) Against U. S. Government and postal ?a?^ --^-- , . ings deposits $ 155,000.00 ft) Against funds of State of Illinois -- 28,000.00 Amount of Assets Pledged (must agree with Item 26) . $ 183,000.00 381 East Pearl Street Phone MoHenry 156 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank do fedl&nftly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashier, • Correct, Attest: GERALD J. CARBYf. W. A^NYE, Director* State of Illinois, , , Cdunty of McHenry, sS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th daV of March, 1952. ' JAMES E. LARKIN, (S£AL) Notary Public CL DIRECTORS ( -""•ftlllam M. C^roll - WIIUap A. Hjri, M. D. Gerald J. Onrey - Robert L. Web«p MSMBBR MBMBBR >EDKRAX RJBSEKVfc^ jYflTtt DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I • • Mb'rn ' I * ••'t A!il' ~iii' i n t r ' i i T i t l i r i i ' " l i i i i ' i ' i i i r t i i f r - • -

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