Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1952, p. 8

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; .. ,\ :• '> ; •• v ! ' ' " . i NEWS FROM Wonder lake •r Vsbmm SajM ' Ckrl Stromstadt. son Of Mrs. John Gatnen, Hickory Falls, has completed his boot training at Delia Cheney will be accompanist and Hedy Leonard will serve a s master of ceremonies. The dance music will be by John Vtih Kunegon. , r Offer Applications For Pdstmwter's Job ' j Examinations for the position of post master at Wonder Lake will be held in the near future/ Those ^ interested may receive applications at the post office from the acting postmaster, Shorten Voluntary Enlistment Period Pre-inductees and 1-A Selective ||tervice regtfttrahts between the ages of 18 % And 26 without prior service in the Armed Forces, cati now enlist in tW regular Army for twenty-foCr tnoAth tours. M/Sgt Charles J. Richardson, Army recruiter for« this arte, stated that prior to this change Arthur Hay. The .applications | jn recruiting , regulations, the must be filed before midnight, j minimum enlistment period of th^, April 10. 1 Army was for three years. Sgt. The post office at WoAder Lake Richardson said. "This means t* a third class one. V St. PntrlfkN P*rty The Girl Scout troop was given a surprise St. Patrick's party Monday by their leaders. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Anderson, ami by the committee members. Ice cream, candy, cak£ . and cookies were served. Following the refreshments, the Brownie Scouts were invited to sing songs with! the older girls uggyta Play appropriate games. Potlack fiupper ; Clirist the King Catholic church at Wonder Lake is sponsoring a pot-luck dinner on Sunday. March 23, at the Harrison school. The dinner will be served from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Great Lakes. Carl attended MeHenry high school prior to his enltfttment. Vt Red Cross. ' ; r~~"r The Red Cross offices are perturbed this week because a story coming out of Wonder Lake had it that the county Red Cross supplied uniforms to the women who isefve in the various Corps. Mrs. Marion Pliinney. executive secretary of the county chapter, said today that all workers purchase their own uniforms and they are not permitted to even 4>Wn them until thf^y have contributed between 50 and 100 hours. -- Mrs. Phinney said the women Hot only purchase their uniforms, traincoats, hats and other wearing apparel but also their epaulettes and their bars and chevrons. This rule holds for the Gray Jadies, canteen workers, and nurse tides, as well as regular home Vtervice workers. that an Army enlistee can be in the "regular" class on a 24-month tour of active duty. Heretofore, this distinction was accorded only to three-y^ar enlistees." Serial numbers of Army enlistees are prefixed with the letters "RA". as compared to the inductees whose serial numbers are prefixed with the letters "us". The recruiting sergeant reported that some individuals are still unaware of their eligibility to enlist in the Army even though they (have already taken their pre-induction physical examinations through Selective Service. He said that pre-inductees have the option of enlisting in the branch of their choice until March 31, 1952, provided that they have not received induction orders from their local boards. The complete physical examination taken, by pre-inductees is g6od for a period of 120 PLAINDEALER ' v * ~ ^ ^ wr*r* r»<? f |<IL^«|<| •!'.< II in in, rii^U Attt5Ay.iK.reh Jft'lSSiT or other interested organizations and agencies to uomiuttUoun for the award. "If women feel they have had to take a back seat in safety," he said, "here is a chance for them state library by Mrs. FerS K«¥n Pond of Petersburg, ? one of the original numbers of the Old Lincoln League and #hose. grandfather, father, Samuel Hill, baflt •to si,»t . At . , , „ the only full two story 1f0us£ in up front where they belong. . 8&iem STATE LIBRARY V EXHIBITING NEW SALEM COLLECTION The Illinois State Library is currently exhibiting a collection of authentic items from New Salem which were used by the residents there during the time Lincoln lived in the village and several of which , were found on the site when ex- j warmer, a candle mold ^and, anuf i cavation work was under way Among the articles found iurtog the excavation work are a Staffordshire saucer, found in the fragments but nhice pieced together- a calipers from the Rutledge mill excavation, and a hand made hrlck from the same excavation. Other authentic articles fn the exhibit include a. hand carved tortoise cbmb, a maple sugar bote made of walnut by Mr. Hfll, a foot fers, a spice mill, a flax itadikle anijj' there in preparation for the re- ,'a n'ddy noddy, a spool-like device construction of the old town. Sec- j described as "two beads With Qijif retary of "State Edward J. H.irrett, ' body" Vhfeh '*cht U8ed Tof # folding stftte librarian, has announced. ' wool. r • The collection was loaned to the A second exhibit case caritalnii several ^tiuhs from Mrs. Pon< collectfop* of miniature furniture in the style used at New ,'Salem. Th«re are tiny tables, chairs with cgrine seats, a child's high, chair^ Clipboards, a bed and trundle, a j cradle stittel and chest of drawers. W Mtnatures of implements andrfj .equipment used fn those days in-W elude a log raiser, a shaving taor«e/tJ A barrell hooper and & churn. txl j A third exhibit case includes d'18 Mary Todd" Lincoln doll, hook4f'( from the walnut hall tree in the"1'1 home of Ninian Edwards At the1^ time of Lincoln's wedding. *an<^ Meritor Graham's Bible, which ia* owned by Mrs. Elton Ennis <M Greenview, great-grahdaughter of Graham. )aJ , ^ ah Legion Meeting There will be a birthday party for the Legion post this evening,.days for the purpose of enlisting, liven by the Legion Auxiliary. I hence they will not be required fto repeat this phase of processing Donations For V«t> Art Hay at the Wonder Lake post office will be glad to accept clothes, jelly, small tubes of tooth paste and shaving cream and other articles for needy veterans. Legion Auxiliary Dance The American Legion Auxiliary ; "will hold a dance Saturdiay, March ?'j22, in the Legion home. , They offer special attractions as "follows: (1) Ethel Hanson's lovely singing, (2) Charlene Grosso in tap dances, (3(^ A1 Kmeger with his concertina and (4) Art Mueller and his clown act. Gospel Church News We are glad to see the return to our Sunday School of many children who during the last few weeks have been absent due to sickness. It is also encouraging to see new faces at oui- Sunday services. Thte is in reality a "Community Church" in which all the people in our vicinity should feel welcome, regardless of creed or denominational affiliations. The Missionary Guild will have its next meeting in the chapel on Tuesday evening, March 25. at 7:45. Miss Florence Almen, returned missionary ffom French Equatorial Africa, will be the speaker The pastor is speaking during the Lenten season on the general subject, "The Cross of Calvary." Sunday services are at ll:00 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. into the service. Regardless of age. all pre-inductees must have a birth certificate in theis possession at the time of their enlistment. Further information can be obtained by calling the Army and Air Force recruiting station, 325 Washington street, Waukegan, at OnUrio 5260. Motor minded women in the U.S. s£end 24 per cent of their living driving time going to and from work. 28 per cent of their trips are used for shopping and thebalance, 48 per cent, of-the trips are social. r " The Chicago Motor club finds that 28.4 per cent of an autoless household ride in cars.. On an average day, 9.Cmillion such persons Vide in a caa*. 3.7 million ride to work and 1.3 million gel a lift to shopping districts. In the western section of the U.S. 80 per cent of the household have automobiles. In the north central states 76 per cent, 60 per cent in the- North Epst and 57 per cent in the Southern states have their own cars. A mother with her arrajs arounu her children will symbolize the work women are doing to prevent traffic accidents. Woman's protective instinct was the theme selected by Berta Margoulies. noted sculptor, in designing the Carol Lane Award. newly-established recognition for the accomplishments of women in the field of traffic accident prevention. The statue made its artistic 4ebut recently at the Sculptor's Guild exhibition at New York's American Mite^iim at Njttural lrtiF - tory., • * :;-V . r ' 1 ., The 16-inch bronze statue and a $1,000 defense bond will be presented by the National Safety Council dt its annual Congress in Chicago next October. The Council is administering the , award through grant of the Shell Oil Company. ; Ned H. Dearborn, president of the Council, urged women's clubs CLARENCES SHOP MADE TO ORDER Bird Houses -- Lawn Chairs -- Swings Picnic Tables -- Umbrella Tables -- Sand Boxto Cement Chimney Caps Cesspool Rings and Covers . Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbartows -- Picket Fences -- Arbors Trellis, etc. tfrifinishftd Kitchen Cabinets* Cupboards. Chest of Drawers, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH TEL. 883-J-l JOHWSSttie SKILLED HANDS YOUR HEALTH Skilled hands guard your health lit our drug store. Proof of the importance Of our prescription department is shown in our full stock of fresh, potent drugs and the accurate speed with which your doctor's orders are carried out. Rely on us for reliable prescriptions. N Y fOalqmn Drutj Stt c *> 119 N. Riverside Drive II; FAM<HJS cgjaBSSSS01 PRICE!! COME farmers prefer Open Center tires, *3 while others demand Traction Center. Regardless of the type you prefer, Firestone has it. No one else offers you a choice, because Firestone alone pro- ' vides both tread design*. If it s Open Center deigi) you want, see the sensational new Firestone Champion Open Center, Curved Bar Tractor Tire. Try it--for traction, for cleaning, tot wfloothfless on the highway, for allwound performance. You'll find It's away Aead of any open center tire ever made. If it's the Traction Center Tire you want, there's only one -- the patented Firestone Champion. This tire has long been recognized by thousands of farmers the country over as the top performer for year-around work. A test on y©ut own farm will show you. So again we say, regardless of your preference U| tractor tire tread design, -••e us. - ALTER J. FREUND ' ^ aad TUB|J vmCANmNG -- ALL WORK GUARANTEE TIRES -- TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSORIES . XADf STBEBT > PMOITE McHENRY 9H WEST XeHBfcftY SHOWROOM 20 N. LIBERTY STREET ELGIN, ILLINOIS JN McHENRY. CALL MR. DON WEINGAR AT 307 N. GREEN STREET £hone 799-M facets> ^ iIiM • 7M^a-z * IV|| 5299.95 0|Mn «v«y nite 'til 10 p.m. including SMMhyl P H • F F S < 1 Oil RI DIRECT0RV si ft ft w a B7 vh • ill' fio t»R. C. R. SWANSON Dentist • '-'fiao 8. Gre«n Office Honrs: • Bally. Except Thnrgitay • to 12 -- ItSO to 5t90 MaIm and Friday. Erealafs^ 7 to » P. M. Tjelephone MeHenry IK) E. E. PFA8LEE, D.C. ** . Chiropractor " Ha S. Green &U McHedry ^ ' Office Hours: ^ ; Aally Except Tharsday • to 12 -- 1:30 to S VMM Wed. «nd FrL fivealatni ? t« • P. X. Cull ^TcHeHry SM-R For Appointment m So as ab on ia( ^ VERNON KNOX . Attorney At Law ' for. Greiea and Elm Streets Kcllenry ' ' • -ai Tuesday and frlday Afternoons O^er I>-f s By Appointment «* Phone MeHenry 4S ROBERT A. STUEBEy > Attorney At Law 604 Center Street H#ne MeHenry 268 .McHENRY, ILL. m# adti at « MSi WHXIAM M. CARROLL, Jr.^ 1 Attorney At Law nut 110H Benton Street -nfc Phone Woodstock 1SS4 < ioi( W^OBSTOCK. ILLINOIS ' iW ' JOS e" JOSEPH X. WAYNNE ^ Attorney At Law Ml Wavkegan Road (RFD Box) {!» Pkone MeHenry 4N-W ,-TMj 1V%AT IcHENRY, ILL. % *v. Llmestoaa'"' TERN THtLKl Tracking 10!< Black Dirt® Track for Hive Saad TeL MeHenry 588-R.2 or Box 172, Rt. 1, MoHenr«- U- ^ lri jun ir~ )(TB Ct9t V A. P. FREUND A SONS Excavating' Coatra*§»r« 'Tracking, Hydrualle |^|| Crane Service , -- ROAD BCILDINa^. tit m*n INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH FINS Avto, Farm A Life Iaurane* [La Representing W Reliable companies a 10MN| T«a Need lasaraaca «C * ; Any Kind «rtt Phoae 48 or 118-M isif Greea k Elm MeHenry^ STOFVEL ft reihansperger Si. Insarance agents for all classes of property In the best companies. West fccHenry, IllhMls iM Telephone 304 &T Main Street MeHenry, III1^ I'i SCHROEDER IRON WORKS v 1 DrtMHeiittil & ftrnetnral Steel ip Ylstt Onr Showroonw ^ i lUles Sooth on Rt tl ^ "S ' Phone 960 BIX,'8 PLUMBING AND HEATINQ BOB PRISBY, JR. thuiRy Fixtures • Radiant Heating and Eleetrlc Water Heaters, ^atg Systems - Water Softeners Repairs . Free Estimates ' I FMOfcE McHENRY 289.M AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR 8ERYICE •01 Main Street, MeHetry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALRX W. WIRES, Operator - Phone tl*.W.l or 464 McHENRY, ILL. -- WANTED TO BUY ^ CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES and CATTLE. We pay phone charges. W * to «>; for Old Herse^ less for down horses and cattle. »LTT*S MINK RANCH j0ka"^* * Spring GroTe Boil Piom Johnsbnrg S14 1 feiLui-. Jiji .

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