'WflWy "ill W* p*7,^; .* J&q €aJt/&. UJa&Ah- - ttlt--fc;'* *m Ladles-- T. Olsen ft Son, ? -- Riverside Hotel. 1, M Kinsala, 451; R. Marshall. 470; M: Donnelly, 439. Wilson's TV Guiti, 2 - Stetfan'x Diamonds, 1, T. Stoffaa. 431; A. Gaulke. 447; M. .Powers, 447; Barbian, 458. G. The excitement is wearing otf. (Hit local sports fans aire still talk* tag about the Hebron Oiants and their remarkable play in winning the state basketball tournament 4ft Champaign last week. Most of as hoped with Ul WS had, but wondered if Hebron could rc.dly make the grade. It was a tough row. .Hebron utilised tjk«.: toweling freight of Schultz and still packed . a scoring punch in every position. There has been so much said ami so well said that we can only 'Add our congratulations to a great team that brought glory to their home town with enough left over to share with the entire county, region and section as outlined in basketball circles. it's Qoql, hut spring can't be far away. Kites are flying. Boys are playing baseball. Robins are looking over the cherry trees. , We-watched a couple of fat robtws hi our back yard Sunday and wondered how those big blimps can take otf for the sunny south awi* make it Met a candidate for state office the other day who has ideas for helping municipalities, but made no promises. Much more promising to as than promisee. This is the inbetween season. Local basketball has ended and baseball hasn't started. If an}' of yon sports fans have any cofltribatioos, now is the time. We can usually sit through a •ports program with a fair degree of calmness, hot must admit that our blood pressure went up daring the final game Saturday night. Must be more strong hearts than weak one in spite of *11 we hear. Bowling Notes » 'fr v V V V vv V VVV^i --MdHEKRT REfREATlOlf-- Monday-- Kleiuhans Lumber, 2 Althoff Hardware, 1, R. Bennett, $06. McHenry State Bank, 3 -- Al's White House, 0, R- Oilliford, 629; J. Stilling. 200. Wally's Tavern. 2 -- Charm House. 1, R. Stilling, 203. . Riverside Bake Shop, 3 -- McHenry Laundry, 0. H. Weber, 509 Tavern-- '• •' ' Hillcrest, 24W -- L * k, 24W. Low. $21: Reid, 546; Paluch. 520. Park Pub, 2593 -- House of Steele, 21l>2, Miller, 511; dtoller, 521; Dodd. 202-520; Holt. 5M; Landl, 501. Fox Hole. 2495 -- "Herdrich ft Son. 2388. Kol£r, 500; Homo. 548; Tony an, 524; Simon, 528. Hoota, 2663 -- Snug Harbor, 2440. D. Weingart, 523; H. Fantus, 503; A. Noonan, 211-563; Lindquist, 210-517; N. Freund, 213-M8. LOCAL SEVEN TEAMS j. BOWLING WINNE T «• > r "filf THE Jttqwpy puuwDEiuxa Mmk* 27, ijm* Thurs. -- Co-ops, 2 -r- 515. Clark Chev., 3i so, 211-540. Blats, 1, Cynowa, -- Imager, 0, Cor- Old Timers-- ."T Cristy's, 2383-- Blake's, 2324, R. NimU. 509; J. Chsty. 516; R. Thompson. 501. Rogers'. 2378 -- Petersen's 2319 F. Covalt, 209-513; F. Rogers, 201- 576; *. Petersen, 638-. . :. .-?• Buss Motorsr--f^ --= Certified Carroll, 501; T. Foods, 1, B. Schlitt, 210-553; H.- Kreutzer, 539. Miller, 234-574. 1 - -- Fox River Novelty, 2 -- Old flty (Last week) Bridge. 1, Krause. 503; Rodenkirk, 210-526; Jones. 501; Larkin, 215- 547. Vlty-- •; McHenry State Bank, 2 -- Carey Electric, 1, Cristy, Sr., 554; B. Reid, 520; J. Widen, 202-525. McGee's, 2 -- Lee & Ray'tJ, 1, Fantus, 208-532; C. Behnke, 200-. 501; Barth, 204-505; H. Behnke, 524; Pyritz, 588; Johnson, 537. Hester Oils, 2 -- T. Olsen, 1, Guettler, 532; Budler, 502; Klnsala, 223-534; Aregger. 203-502; Rode, 226-568. Kreutzer's, 2 -- Walsh Insurance, 1, J. Wiser. 232-540; A. Mc- Werbnig, 562; H. Seven McHenry teams finished in the money last weekend as the ladies wound up their county bowling tournament at the Palace. To top off \ the fine finish for McHenry, Pat Wirtz and Edith Rand copped two of the three All- Events prizes. 1. C. D. of -- McHenry, 2611 2. Werners -- Cary, 2578 3. Nye Drugs -- McHenry. 2566 4. S. H. Freund ft Son McHenry, ° , 5. Al's White House McHenry, * ^ 6. Lutheran's Mixed Woodstock, ft. 7. Scliutt-McSSunders * - Harvard, 8. Steffan's Jewelry McHenry, V 9. Riverside HrttlL - McHenry • ^ jio. McHenrfr Lumbar,- i McHenry f • ALL EVENTS: j 100 to 125 average: •/' ! Pat Wirtz -- McHetory, 1125 to 140 average: Edith Rand -- McHenry 140 and up average: . \ Louise Tipps u. Crystal Lake • • ips on raffic 2WB 2&5 2501 2601 1498 2491 tm 181* i4r McHENRY MERCHANTS BASEBALL M^ETIflG NEXT MONDAY NIGHT D. of JL-- Nye Drug Store, 2 -- John the Tailor, 1, P. Kraus, 429. Buss Motor Sales, 2--~ McHenry Co-op, 1 Wattles Drug Store. 2 -- P.M. Justen Furn., 1 Art Smith's Groc., 2 -- McHenry Lumber Co., 1. L. 8mttlli 4M. . Wonder Lake Sextet-- ^ William ft Mary. 8 -- Kfueger's Nursery, 0 American Legion, 2 -- Rolaine Grill, 1, F, Matchen, 421. Cottage Gift Shop, 3 -- W. L Repair, 0. V. Kopp, 477. Heard of a woman on Main •ftfeet gtiing out to get her mail the other day and letting the wind •lam her door shut. It had a snap lock. So--around to the back door. That was locked. So--over to the neighbors and a call for help. Oh - Mre wouldn't dare mention her r aame. It's too much like our own! Dorothy'a . It's about time that some Haunch Cub fan calls our attention to the fact that their favorites are burning np the spring training league while our Sox Sren't so hot Early Birds-- Down's Nash, S Millinery, 1 Town ft Country, I -- Carey Electric, 1, N. Larkin, 429; F. Larson, 181-501. S. H. Freund ft Son, 2 -- Old Bridge, 1 Freund Oil, 2 -- geterson Boat, 1, P. Kosti, 179-468; D. Freund, 433. The McHenry Merchants baseball team will hold an organisation meeting next Monday evening j (8 P.M.) at the city hall, j Business houses .which furnish- A..t.l as Pn rager, 1 -- Mcuee s, 11 ed .s ui_ ts are expected to be repre- . . , isented at4 t.h. e meeting al.o ng w.it.h. , (winner of tie game not shown), . „ „ . others interested in the progress of the team. At ' this meeting, directors for the coining season will be elected. At last year's meeting, the following directors were chosen to guide the destinies of the club: Herman Nye, Roy Kent, A. P. EDWARD ; b > r t- S . ' C J C ! uv ' * . r Tou can drive better and safer when you know what the other fellow is going to do, so--let him know what you are planning to do. Sifilii Grove (By Mrs. Charles Freund) Art Kat$ner, John Sheets and Charles Freund attended the county firemen's meeting at Carpentersville on Monday night. ' Those from here who enjoyed seeing the junior high school play at Richmond-Burton high school auditorium on Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kaitner, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers, Before you slow down, stop, turn, Mr. and Mrs. George Hu_ ff„, Mrs.. dfcknge traffic lanes or pull out of : Hilda ^Jeyer, Mrs. ®^arlM Freund a parking place be sure that you " * "" can do so sa£ely. THEN, let the SIOWORSTOP LEFT TURN other driver know what you intend to do by giving the proper signal. and children, Mrs. Math Toole and daughter, Kay. Victor Freund celebrated tfls eighth birthday on Sunday by inviting several of his schoolmates and friends to his home for a party In the afternoon. Several games were played and all received prizes. A lunch was served and a large birthday cake was a part of the table decorations. Vicky received many nice gifts.,. Those pre- It's the law. (Sections 65, 66, 67, j sent were Bobby Lay, Billy Olsen, H. Kreutzer, 200-563; Johnson, 532. McHenry State Bank, 3 -- Hester Oils, 0, Rogers, 534; Cristy, Sr.. 206-566; Kinsala. 544; Schaefer, 226. Lee & Ray, 2 -- Walsh Insurance, 1, Weingart, 509; H. Behnke, 519; Barth, 233-555. Carey Electrifc, 2 -- Olsen & Son, 1, L. Bacon, 506; J. Widen, 208-578. 9:00 Ladles (last week)^~ Steffan's Diamonds, 2 -- T. Olsen & Son, 1, J. Kralowetz. 445; M. Donnelly, 191-518; C. Boone, 195-464; E. Winkel, 177-451. Wilson's TV Girls, 2 -- Riverside Hotel, 1. M. Powers. 442£ OBarbian. 432. 7:00 Ladles (last week)-- Geo. Justen & Son, 3 -- McHenry Lumber Co., 0, L. Ferwerda, 460; E. Edstrom, 427; B. Petersen, 175-431; J. Doherty, 461; C. Rosing, 424. Blatz, 2 -- McHenry Cab Co., 1. T. Meyer, 437; M Buckie, 178. Freund. "Tony" Joknis, Roy H. Miller and Walter Anderson. * The question of team manager will also be taken into consideration. "Tony" Freund took sbver the team last year in mid-season and brought the boys through in good style. \ This organization meeting is important to many boys who enjoy participation in the national pastime in organized^ competition. »• •. Few Waste! Americans don't waste matches, even though half the 500 billion matches we use annually are given away free. In a "street survey" in Chicago, more than 9,00 ) discarded match books were collected from sidewalks and streets, and onlypf^ '+ seven books--containing a total of 11 lights--had any unused matches Insidk. r l : It could be that «|r 8ox are pacing themselves for the stretch ' flrive this year. And we could remind that Leo Durocher's boys treren't so hot in the early stages s"-' --last year. k'1 V We appreciate a fine letter from { \*Dick" Tobin, State Secretary 1 45. O. F., expressing appreciation ft>r publicity given their state basketball tournament. Here is a .part of the letter, the part which fhould mean much to you readers: "We also have been very happy L.„-irith the splendid accommodations t Which McHenry offers in the way ; *f a magnificient gymnasium f building, food and- refreshments establishments and genuine hosjiitality. The people of McHenry Can be proud of their school buildings and the students at the high fchool should be grateful for the grand facilities Which the town has offered for their use." i WAUKEGAN LAWYER WINS SUPPORT FOR REPRESENTATIVE A spontaneous demonstration ' for the candidacy of Attorney Jack , Bairstow, Waukegan, candidate T. P. Wr- Gizmo'i 4 -- BeU Hops, 1, Stilling, .527; Low, 507; Kraus, 203- 511. Fly Boys, 3 -- Raiders, 0, L. Nimsgern, 520. Swabbies, 8 -- Chow Hounds, 0, j for Eighth Senatorial district rep- R. Smith, 521; E. Frost, 211-642. j resentative, highlighted the Lake See Bees, 2 -- Dog Faces, 1, i county Democratic central com- Diedrich, 212-504. Wonder Mill Inn. 2 -- W. L. Builders, 1, S. Duttko, 527: Chuck. 616; R. Nelson, 519. Lake Dry Cleaner#, 2 -- Lake View Inn, 0 , > Paul's Variety, 2 -- W. L Repair, 1 mittee meeting in North Chicago's Legion home Sunday. The demonstration boosting the candidacy of Bairstow, ' former central committee chairman, was touched off by Ferguson Harkness, of Lake Zurich, former county chairman, who said, "Jack Bairstow and I have had our differences in the past, but I am for . KNOCK 'EM OYER-- ^ A nine-year-old girl baefc from a birthday party told her mother ^ that the boys had all huddled to- Rolaine Grill, 2 -- George's Re- ]his nomination on April 8 100 pair, 1. Johnson, 201-528; Motule wicz, 211. Friday Htte Owh-- cent" Fred A. Cain, Democratic State Chairman and candidate for State1 Treasurer, also spoke at the House of Steele. 3 - Riverside ™efng a°d expr rf8ed c°?flde Cu..s..t. oms, 0„ . .L . Stone, 472; J„ . Justhat a heavy Democratic vote ten 469; D- Freund, 427. | Al's White House, 3 -- Schroe- | der Iron Works, 0, E. Rand, 473; j B. Hulquist, 439.' Koenemann's Sausage, 2 -- Wing & Fin, 1, W. Crick, 420; B. ! Buergler, 437; I. Stoller, 460. Three Way Inn, , 2 - nM i Ptvla ce, 1, bee" *di7str^ib1u7ted7 Lby uthlTe f"ina"nc"e would be recorded in the primary throughout the state. The committee voted' to oppose the tax rate referendum proposed | by the county board of supervisors to be held in conjunction with the primary election because insufficient information had Coill|6a IHftSHIulKB American women wear foundation garments for health and posture, and are less subservient to painful fashion than their grandmothers. Waistlines are supported at a minimum of 24 inches, aa much as six to 10 Inches larger than the fashion 50 years ago. Uniform Act Regulating Traffic) Give your hand signals clearly by extending your arm well out of the car window. All signals should be given at least 100 feet before you turn or stop, but not while you are turning. Both hands should be on the wheel then. A copy of the booklet, "Rules of the Road," containing many traffic safety suggestions, will be sent to you free upon request. Write to EDWARD J. BARRETT, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. Jerry Miller, Jimmy May, Billy ] Maxson, Jimmy Jo^ Kagan and | Dan and Vic Freund. Mrs. Alice Claim of Lombard is visiting her daughter, Shirley Dawson, and Ginny this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mayficld and daughter of Rochelle, 111., spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and family visited relatives in Milwaukee this weekend. Congratulations to our former Mayor, Frank Wagner on his »»ighty-first birthday March 19. False Armistice The false armistice report on November 7, 1918, four days before a state of armistice officially was . reached, was caused by a mistake j T.h™e_^e!®t!I?! growing out of an order to cease fire in order that the German Armistice Delegates mi^ht pass through our lines safely, according to official documents in the Army's history series. Heat Resistant Paint Heat resistant paint has betn feveloped which is said to retain Its adhesion and color stability under temperatures ai high as 1000°F. It is available in most colors and may be applied by brushing, spraytog or dipping. 180 Years ef frrarrcbt Asphalt, light oil, and ammonium chloride were being extracted from coke ovens when Goethe, the German philosophical poetv visited Saarbrucken in 1771. Today American plants extract thousands of chemical products from bituminous coai during the coking process. gathered at his home to help him celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Banton and their daughter and children, Tamcy and Mary Lou, of Janesville, Wis. Everyone in this town, as well as all neighboring towns, were glued to their television sets on Saturday night to watch the Heb-. ron Green Giants beat Quincy, 64 to 59, and win the state high school basketball championship. Spring Grove, too, was very happy to see them win and congratulates Hebron and their team champions. - Robber Naanr Buna is the name of a synthetic r&ibber developed in Germany. Ask The Man Who Tried On*. These Ads Really Bring Results. ELM RT. 176 WAUCONDA THURS., FRI. & SA%, MARCH 27-28-29 Late Show Sat. Eve. -- 9:30 P. M. Long-Life Flag What If believed to be a ijfccor^ for spark plug durability was set in one motor of an Eastern Airlines ConstelIation--60.000.0C0 sparks from each plug in 243.000 miles of service during 811 hours' flying time--according to Champion research examiners. JAMB MR ARIHIffi KENNEDY JUUA ADAMS IllWIf . feennico^ Bend (HP THE xvnt A Universal-International Picture & ,MON„ MARCH 30-31 from 2:30 P. M. Sunday jMARVIM-IEIVIS m wins SfllfOR BEMOIRE A Paramount Picture ~ gether and ignored the girls. 'But FUalkowskl, 478; C. Thonma, ^^ Qf the board It g--o4t o--ne to pay atte--nt*i--on *to- m--e , us, it. Freund, 4a0. all right," she added. "How?" added her mother. _BOWLLNU Kilt-- The young lady replied. "1 just Thursday Site Ladies Krypton, Bare Gas a rare gas used In knocked him down.' DAILY PIHUPS: • The realms of the human mind have rows upon rows of rich reali- j Lilymoor, 1 ties ready to render rewards to , g those who realize their rare qualities. Following faBhlon on a leash could lead to far-fetched fads. , Playing up others good points and playing down their flaws is a charitable game. The sands of Iffe need an occasional sifting to bring out the fine grains. Ingenuity is the intricate art of jgMOi)* best out of the least , Anonymous Weingarts Trucking, 3 -- ft Clara's Tavern, 0, J. Jackson, 170- 490; L. Huemann, 482. Hettermann's Tavern, 2 -- Club M. Hettermann, 456; Hettermann, 434;' B. Freund, 421 ---- • ^television tubes, is obtained from air by a process developed by Air Seduction Company, although only one-tenth of a cubic foot of krypton is found in 1.000,000 cubic feet of sir. Ml MMES KFtKD ~U MKMZB btcrShcnu, COMMIE « VWTUU FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE Sales and Service | Across from Hunterville Subd. Phone (MM-.1-2 WcTTonry, 111 CLOSED ON TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS LAKE t h e a t r e Crystal Lake, Illinois PHOUE 644 Saturday Matinee at 2:00 P. Sunday Matinee at t:00 P. M. Week Days at 7t00 P. *. FRI. ft SAT.. MARCH 28-29 Also Saturday Matinee at 2 P- M. Dane Clark Ben Johnson in "FORT DEFIANCE* Prmftttm AHftMVts ftfti As Safogurrii AfafettSfr^kc . The best way to avoid a stroke, third among leading csuses of death in this country, is to recognize its possibility and make physical readjustments that may help to sts^tt off In tKe absence of serious systemic diseases such as diabetes and syphilid there is not much chance of the average person having a stroke before 45 years of age, according to Dr. William Bolton, associate editor of the magazine. Today's Health. But. virtually everyone past middle age is a possible candidate. The following precautions were recommended. ,4 1. Obtain prompt, active treatment oi systemic diseases. 2. Do not become or remain overweight. S. Watch blood pressure that tends to become high, 4. Obtain regular physical checkups. "Strokes vary from widespread, devastating ones that bludgeon theii' victims into oblivion to tiny ones producing such vague, indefinite signs that they often escape immediate detection," he said. "The basic cause in both extremes is identical: escape of blocd into the brain tissue. The amount of bleeding and its location near to or far from vital centers or Important nerve pathways are the chief factors that determine severity in strokes. 'Not all strokes are the result of direct escape of fluid from blood vessels hlto brain tissue. Some physicians lean dtronglv to theN belief that temporary spasm ih a blood vessel may be a common cause. Another fairly commbn event is formation of a clot within one or more of the tiny arteries in the brain. There is increased possibility of stroke in certain diseases.*'. . . Gutters and Downspouts At this time of year, it is wise to mnrinM Rf¥1 examine the condition of gutters™1 and downspouts. If gutters are not well cleaned and painted, most types will soon begin to decay. When they leak, they help destroy the woodwork of a structure, making expensive repairs necessary. Paint the inside of gutters with asphalt roof coating--the outside, with house paint. talc* Psychologist Tips •* Cigarette Do you have trouble leading sane cigarette life? If so, here's a common senset =»» ( recipe by Dr. Gelolo McHugh, Duke •' * University psychologist, that may help you "use cigarettes instead ofjk be^ng used by them." "People who have to have cig- , arettes need psychological help, * ^ not scare tactics such as threats off *; »- Stomach ulcers or lung cancer," * Dr. McHugh says. "Swearing off. entirely is dangerous, because " you fail once, the next try will . that much harder. Limiting yout^*-^, cigarettes to eight or 10 a day Ut- < also risky, because it keeps the thought of smoking uppermost ln&. your mind." ™ Here are Dr. McHugh's sugges* tions for cutting down: < 1. Set aside an hour or two at;' ; the beginning of each day and don't smoke during that period no mat*; ter how much you want to. Afterfr that, smoke as much as you like tor the rest of the day'. '• 2. Don't make your dally no* " 1 ^ smoking period longer than you can safely Control. Over-ambition* sometimes leads to failure. Hp.,. 3. Tell your friends what you're " doing. Their interest will help you. keep control over your no-smoking period. "After following this plan for Several weeks, smokers often find* that their cigarette control is grow* ing stronger," Dr. McHugh said. "Experiments show that smoker# ' who set aside a no-smoking perfanjr;.'.^-- do not have a tendency to smokeg| more -than usual, during the rest of* the day to make up for lost time. "Most important of all. after. . two or three weeks of controlling part of the day, the smoker begins to find himself smoking a little less during the free period. This means that he is on the way to mastering cigarettes instead of being mastered by them." : , Dr. McHugh's suggestions art based on data collected over a period of five yetrs and covering 1**""."!^ . Scientists Use Shellae Shellac is a valuable aid to archeologists in the preparation of fossilized specimens for shipment to museums. Following the disinterment of the fossil, the entire skeleton is coated freely with shellac. Thin and absorbent rice paper is then applied to the surface of the bones, followed by another coat of shellac. A remarkably tough protective, shell is formed in this manner. Bike Fitting Is Easy It's unnecessary to have you* youngster present when purchasing a bicycle for him, or her. Fo|t J low thi^simple bike-size rule: Fo* . children 3% to 5 years old, get a 16-inch size bicycle with "outrigger" wheels; for 5 to 7-yesr olds, ^ a 20-inch bike is correct; 8 to 1Q»* year olds should get -24-inch blkesi^ ... for 11-year olds and up, a full* sized 20-inch- bicycle will fill thi bill. - SUN. ft MON., MARCH 30-31 Marlene Dietrich Arthur Kennedy Mel Ferrer in , "RANCHO NOTORIOUS" TUBS., WED. ft THUB&, APRIL 1-2-3 Jeanne Crain * Scott Brady Thelma Ritter In "THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER" FRI. ft SAT., MARCH 28-29 Dane Clark Ben Jotfnson in t. . "PORT DEFIANCE" In Color v ' Co-Featura John Derek Lee Jr Cobh in "FAMILY SECRET" Also -- Chap. 1 of "CAPTAIN VIDEO" Master of the Stratoshere SUN. & MON., MARCH 30-31 Shelley Winters o Gary Merrill Keenan Wynn Bette Davis in "PHONE CALL FROM A STRANGER" jFtrst Tenants First occupants of the White Souse were President and Mrs John Adams, in 1800. Lay's Taver», 2 -- Leo's Painterettes, 1 , Geo. Breier A Son, 3 -- Bowling Bar, 0, R. Miller, 422. -SanaQMI JO) Xunoajspss sf *aa<Rg« jo '.ot j^aiota -Jtaqj pus £ip sf u usq* isa£ sir JO uoraas Suy -afqtuM} sssneo £{ •pttMttl ip?t{* am^eaadaie) aeqi XSqfSj ajr^sioui sf w jnq 'JJJOM 90||O|ed ao|jap» poog o} [«i;u»s 'haios |o *s| pooO v»«i --PALAC8-- 7t«0 C. 0. Herdrich's, 2330 -- Jager's, ,2319 i B. Thennes, 203-564; D. Jager. 213- ! 538. Kreutzer's 2l38 -- Justen's, 2292 j B. Kreutzer's, 506; B. Klapperich, j 206-511; D. Fredricks, 511; C. Dowe, 206-206-570. S:00 C. 0. P.-- (4 man teams) Winkel's, 1906 -- Freund's, 1867 Thennes', 1875 -- Steffan's. 1859 7:00 Ladies-- Geo. Justen ft Ben, 2 -- Me- Henry Cab Co., 1, L. Ferwerda, 435; B. Petersen, 435. Blatz, 2 -- McHenry Lumber Co., 1, J. Doherty, 185-475; E. Conway. 1*5-422; T. Meyer, 417. faster is Santo. April 13 Or (dteKons of msr cwrx tAfwt cms, a» BwiHfal/ ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP 306 ELM STREET MCHENRY. ILL. HOURS: 10 til 10 Dally -- Closed All Day Thursday . • " J . . hi ^p|p|Bjpi|p J ,, " ii in- M i. I i . I ii P0WER-PAK MI Your Seeds Means... • Protection against seed • Preserved seed vitality • More vigorous seedlings V Faster starts • Better stands ' -• Mora fresh vegetables WIR-PAK - (Chuiteql Trnteiiit) aausiviLY on MICHAIL-tiONAKD GARDEN SEEDS TUES., WED. & THURS., APRIL 1-2-3 There has never been a picture like this winner of Three Aaaftamv Awards. "RED SHOES"- In Technicolor Anton Walbrook Marius Goring t HINDS TO-NIGHT! Retreat, Hell" FRI. ft SAT., MARCH 28-29 2 SMASH HITS! Maureen OHara Jeff Chandler -FLAME OF ARABY* Color by Technicolor -- -- Plus -- "The Grea* Manhunt* with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. SUN. ft MON.. MARCH 30-31 2 HILARIOUS HITS! Danny Kaye Dinah Shore in "Up In Arms" _ « J » l u s --- - Hob Hops Dorothy Lamour , * , in "They Got Me Covered" TCTIS.. WED. ft THURS., APRIL 1-2-i Jeanne Crain in 'The Model end The Marriage Broker" < Onion Sets -- Fertiliser -- Garden tlse Our Fertiliser and Grafs* Seed Spread|| V Y C I T A L ' S HARDWAK* ^ SHEET METAL SHOP 132 Green SI.'* PHONE 9S McHenry, QL jaHmKHKMaBS TONYAITS HOME FURNISHINGS Art 8t Leone Tony an ARMSTRONG -- NAIRN -- KENTILE UNOLEUM ud TILE Installation By Factory Trained Moehanlrs. PLASTIC WALL TILE JOANNA WESTERN SHADES ROLL-UP VERTICAL BLINDS ; SIESTA VENETIAN BLINDS CAMEO-SHERBACK CURTAINS Drapery Fabrics by the Yard. Custom Made Draperies and Slip Covers. PHONE 917 208 E. ELM STREET McHENRY. JTf„ .. jSLfc.. .* ,6k. • .., ,1 -,