Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1952, p. 4

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wmmm Gift Shop, 0 Krueger's Nursery, der Lake Repair. Rolatne Qrill, William Mary. 1 ANNUAL SERIES OF FREE LECTURES AT SCIENCE MUSEUM (By Mrs. Charles Freund) .7 ?7; 'w*<t m One line day last week we bragged as to oar methods of escaping Mm flu. 'The next day--Boom! The root >11 in. We hadH #ltil all t$tf' . tllli and frills. 4 • We have bemoaned the fact that it is taking so long to recover. But, consolation came in various; forms of diagnosis. Prom "Zeke" Bacon came this, "You must renumber that you're getting oldor." Those young kids can talk! . . One thing about being laid up for a few days, you catch up on all those soap operas. How anybody can listen to those singing commercials and maintain his equilibrium is a mystery to us. One afternoon oar temperature rose suddenly after hearing Bob Elson broadcast a Cub victory oVer the Sox. Why! That miracle man Richards must like those Cabs. Or why didn't he change pitchers? 'Twas a rough afternoon and Richards spoiled all the gemi done by miracle drugs. Bowling Notes won by Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. Ren May. Lunch was served after cards. Grade Separation Plan Backed By Nick Keller Nick Keller. Waukegan, candidate for state senator succeeding ; infant son of Mr. a&d Hifa.i Ray Paddock, has announced that Earl Olson was christened John he would back wholeheartedly the The annual spring lecture ser- Albert at St. Peter's church Sat- recommendations for a railroad lss at the Museum of Science and, urday morning, with Rev. John over-pass leading into the Wauke- J Industry, 57th and Lake Michigan, • Daleiden officiating. Mr. ami Mr*.; gan-.N6rth Chicago industrial area presented on Sunday aftemoom | Joseph Kurt* of Chicago -wwe; and state park. ; will began Marcfe 30 and will sponsors for the baby. 1 0ne of thf> fIrst essentials in the j dose May 11. | Dinner guests in honor of the , next session of the general assem- Sponsored by the Chicago Tech- occasion were Mr. and Mrs. At- (bly," Keller stated, "is to call a bert Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee joint conference of the state de- Qagnebin of Wildwood and Ikfr. * partmeiit of public works, county and Mrs. Joseph Kurtz. , engineers, city representatives Mr afed Mrs. Ben Smith attend-iand county board members to ed the funeral of his sister in Chi-1 .work out the over-pass plan." cago on Thursday. ' Under Keller's procedure, these A group Of ladies met at the' government officials would get tohome of Mrs. Mark Pierce on ***" fth ,8tat* ™preHent*tlre<> Tuesday afternoon in honor of hei land engineering heads of the Clu k«nttidntf cago & North Western railroai nnrtnuE FABidats .SEEK AWAHO IN hsCRAP CAMPAIGN nical council. Six lectures of popular interest on current scientific and industrial subjects will be given In the Museum's little theater at 3 p.m. each Sunday with the exception of April 13. (Easter) when no lecture is schet .•« A A A A A A A A A / du,ed" A*™**™ 10 vt *** vyVVyVVVjij Museum and the lecture is free. "The Engineer's Part in Your World of Buildings" will be given Nobody tells you to eat. when you're sick. Everybody wants yoa to drink. Drink your broth. Drink your tea. Drink your fruit juice. A bottle of choice beverage h: .- rested on our pantry sin if sincc we set up housekeeping. We thought it would come in hand} for medicinal purposes some day. Nobody suggested drinking that How sick does a guy have to get? Tfcur*. Sit* Ladies--- Hettermann's Tavern. 3 ing Bar. 0, B. Freund, Malochleb, 464: R. Miller. 420. Leo's Palnterette8, 2" -- Jim & Clara's Tavern. 1. - L. Huemann. 427; E. M.eyers, 427; . JB. v,Meyers, . V . Welngart's Trucking, i3^=t»eq. [ Bennett. Breier ft Son, 0 | On April 20, Matthew C. Sielskl, Lay's Tavern, 2 -- 'Club Lily* i director of safety and traffic engimoor, 1. C. Majr4 179-464; L.1 neering for thte Chicago Motor Meyers,* 424. Bowl-1 April 6 by Richard M. Bennett of 425; :Z.j;the firm of Loebel, Schlossman and Bennett. An evaluation of the engineer's contribution to architecture and the engineering services designed and built into the modern home will be reviewed by birthday. Games of five-hundred i c**° J, railroad were played and prizes went to and Elgin, Joliet ft Eastern rail- Mrs. Leo Karls, Mrs. Charters QJ1- lesple, Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Alice Wagner and Mrs. William Shotliff. A lovely lunch was served after cardp. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Jake Miller on Thursday afternoon. Cards were t h e , a f t e r n o o n ' s d i v e r s i o n a n d way, along with industrial leaders who would benefit from the proposed over-pass. Township Record For. Year Discussed Tuesday Between twenty-five and thirty interested persons met with Supprizes were awarded those aChiev-; ervisor Math N. Schmitt at the Xatah- Club, speaking on "The Highway IRefreshments ( annuai town meeting held Tuesday ---- V of Tomorrow", will trace tht.| were served. -afternoon, of this week in West -PALXCB-- physical developments of Ameri-J We were sorry to hear that the I McHenry. Township expenditures • * iCan highways and their relation !infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. > and other business wa.s discussed Prager"Beer, 2518 -- Woodstock, ships to social and economic re-' Eugene Meyer of Chicago passed and there was general satisfaction 2431, H. Behnke, 213-677; B. Quirements. Color slides will il-.away last week. The baby was ten with the record of the past year. Kreutzer, 227-570; Johnson, 556. ! lustrate the talk. I old- °ur heartfelt sympathy Sanitation remains a problem in ! Dr Leonard Swanson, mathe-j18 extended to Eugene aud hit some areas but further stud; Old Timers-- matician, of the Applied Scienct Petersen's. 2307 -- Blake's, 2285, ( department. International Busi- F. Petersen, 233-510; A. SOS; R. Thompson, 205. « The McHenry F. F. A. chapter of the local high school has undertaken an all-out drive to rouid up the steel and other scrap in the community to put it to work, ac cording, to an announcement by Jerry Cristy, president of the local F. F. A. chapter. This drive will continue until May 10. It Li a part of a concerted drive in five states to help meet the critical scrap shortage which threatens to slow down the steel milts of the country. As an incentive, one steel corporation has offered an award of fifty dollars to each of the four chapters doing the heat Job of scrap collection in this state. The money raised from the sale of scrap collected will be used for the parent-son F. F. A. banquet. John May has been appointed chairman of the scrap drive committee. He asks that anyone in the community with scrap «to pick up phone 575-J-l. Among the marly candidates who ar# aspiring to represent the voter* of the Eighth Senatorial district, which includes Boone, Lake and McHenry counties, is the very popular gentleman, Stanley Pichen, known as "Big Six." He is running for State Representative on the Democratic Ticket Mi\ Pichen has the endprsegnent of tte McHenry County Democratic central committee. PBTIT A CANDIDATE John F. Petit will be a candidate for re-election to the office or state central committeeman in th<- April 8 primary. One of the most important functions of the offiet is the selection of candidates foi the various statfe offices. Bine* May, 194$, he has served fefe secretary of the Democratic state central committee. TtwuiUy, Ay»U-a. 1952** TO MEET SUNDAY TO '52 MANAGE* An organization meeting was held last Monday night in the city hall for the purpose of getting the McHenry Merchants baseball team off on the right foot for the coi& ing season. ' Directors, who will take an- acttive part are Dick Jager, A1 Phannenstill. Fred Pepping, A ; P. Freund and Walter Anderson. It was the general feeling1 -ll the meeting that the players Should have a voice in the selection of a team- manager. In order to complete this all-important phase of the organization, all players interested in playing. wtf0 the team are requested to meet at the ball diamond next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. If weather does not permit meeting at the diamond* the group will meet ip A. P. Freund residence. .u"*v- The automobile Is used In routine and emergency calls by l' 19,- _ ; 000 U. S. physicians and Visiting William Pictor, adviser to the!nur8e® chai- Hayes. p&giden< of the Chicago Motor Club, point? out that the use of the private vehicle is only one of the automotive industry;* many contribution to public health. chapter, states that a survey ihows that the steel no longer Useful averages 400 pounds' petfarm each year. Other surveys show that there are quantities of obsolete, broken and worn out equipment and other junk steel in rural areas. Intensive drives in some communities have tnrned up surprising tonnages. wife. being made and action on the The Christian Metiers held situation is expected to be taken | Blakt., ness Machines, Inc.. on ~April 27' «»eir regular meeting on Thursday at some future date. I will reveal how electronic braiiu. nlK^t at 8 p.m. in St. Peter's hall. • . » SPEAKER RITE# Wion Ledger Speaker, 67, Richmond, brother of Mrs. Leslie I Olsen of McHenry. died March £»i at the Burlington, Wis., hiiai> following a three weeks' illno-s. Services were held at 2 o'clock Friday, with the Rev. Francii Kranz of Lancaster. Wis., ami Cristy's. 2S38 -- F. Rogers', 230S are speeding up the pace of engi-iT^ere was a,so a 80cial eveniug Visitors to the national parks William 1). Overand. Rich F. Roger&&& ; R. NituU, !>08. We have noticed that childrei: ran wild (like colts in a pasture"* when the first spring days arrive Have also noticed how they dash across streets, ride bikes without care of cars and conduct them selves much like children migb' be expected to act. Let's drive with care. Talk about southern hospitality Wasn't that real nice of the Trumane to get the White House all dolled tip for the new. tenants. Tavern-?®*--'-- Park Pub. 2340 -- HoOts. 2326 j modern business. Hillcre8t. 241Q -- Herdrich's,! "Industrial Design and the E11- 2379. Simon. 201-504; V. Day, 200-J gineer" will be discussed May 4 545. " by Dave Chapman, of the Chap- Snug Harbor. 2645 -- House of j man Industrial Design and Engi- Steele. 2362, Hansen, 603; Miller, neering firm. Chapman's talk will 527; Lee. 513; Behnke, 501; Fan- be devoted to the use of the engitus, 203-654. i neer-designer team In the de- Fox Hole, 2352 -- L ft R Tav- velopment of various industrial em, 2304. Homo.-509. I products to achieve better wares, -- 'healthier sal^s and production neering developments in industry at cards and bunco and prize win- and monuments have increased mond officlatln^ and science, and its applications i ners were Mrs. Hen May. Mi - over 2,600 per cent since 1920. Acin the complex record-keeping oflBerniece Whipper, Mrs. LU*le cording to "the Chicago Motor : '•'.With the housing shortage as it Is, several famillet Beem willing to take over the White House on m short term lease. We (knit know much about how they go about picking candidates, but 'twould seem that the flfst Democrat elected o a McHenry Coqnty office should . be drafted fbr Pretoident. Everybody Is worried, but <tate It from an old bean ball player) the Sox will be all right as soon as they get out of the grapefruit league and into hard ball. Howard Wattles wants to know ho* he can go about retracting a statement made a while a^o. Yb« see--Howard told us that the White' Sox would win . t]>e American League pennant this yearr.. Her-'s changed his mind. A cottple of good base hits can cure those Sox ills in a hurry. Trader Lane won't be resting. Wp expect to see the Sox breathing down the necks of the mighty Yankees when the race Is settled J^l Blake joined the choice bowling circle last %eek with a $00 pluB series. A lot ot the boys hit stride about the time to set aside the bowling ball for the golf sticks (or should we say the lawn mower). • f. 0. F. 9:00-- Winkel's 2002 -- Steffan's. 1910 Ernie, 501; Weingart. 212-512; Winkel, 220-223-586 Freund's, 1820 - Thennes*.1809 Ed Thennes. 507. C. O. F. Herdrich'^. 2269 -- Kreutzer'a, 2308, B. Thennefc™ja4-561; B. Kreutzer, 511. --McHE>'RY RECBEATION-- • Early Birds- Town ft Country, 2 -- Old Bridge, 1, E. Ebey, 447; N. Larkin. 192-612. Peterson Boat, 2 -- Downs economies. Closing the series on May 11. Dr. Harold L. Hull, director of the remote control engineering division for Argonne National Laboratories, will speak on "The .Outlook'for Atomic Energy". His discussion wilf be devoted to the more , promising applications of atomic energy in industry, agriculture and medicine, the dual role of uranium in the production *of weapons and peace-time electrical power, and the new problems being encountered in atomic engineering. A film entitled "New Hot Laboratories at Argonne" depicting how intensely radioNash, 1, E. Peisert, 434. active materials are handled and 8. H. Freund ft Son, 3 -- Carey studied in the laboratory will also Electric, 0, H. Knox, 190-176-500|; be shown. S. Sutton, 439. P Freund OH, 2 -- Dorothy's Millinery, 1, J. Justen, 442. Freund, Mrs. Emma Kattner, Mrs. club, 81 per cent Hume visitors Mary Smith and Mrs. France* traveled by car. Kochs. The next meeting will be j -- :-- on April 17 with Mrs. Emma Jung as chairman of the committee. Mrs. Charles Freund and daughter, Charlotte, Mrs. George A. May and daughter, Georgia, and Bob Sutton spent Sunday afternoon with Tom Freund at Halvatorian seminary in St. Xaziaks, Wis. They also greatly enjoyed the Passion Play held In the school auditorium, presented by the Seminarians. Tom took tlve part of Calphus, the High Priest. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Nora Klaus 011 Tuesday night of this week. A delicious chop suey supper was Served and the evening was spent in cards. Prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. George A. May. Those from here who attended were Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Edwin May. Mrs. Frank Sanders entertained members of her club at her home on Tuesday night. Five-hundred was played and prizes were V. F. W-- Bell Hops, 2 -- Swabbies, 1, Weyland, 256-594; Qetner, 504: R. Smith, 611. L Raiders' 2 -- See Bees, 1, Kralowetx, 508; Conway. 219. Fly Boys, 2 -- Dog Faces, 1 Chow Hounds, 2 -- Gismos, l£t Krsus, 528. T#^t1 MIT PHtUPS: Concert capers Is the repercussion caused by the bass playing viol to the tuba. Easy mark -- one who learns the hard why. When stakes are high some men stoop low; when stakes are won their "yes" means "no". Folks whose form worried them during March felt fitter after April. When a woman plays second fiddle It is always in crescendo. Anonymous D. of A.-- Wattles Drug Store. -2---- Art Smith's Groc., 1 P. M. Justen Forn., 2 -- McHenry Lumber Co., 1, A. Hogan. 468. Nye Drag Store, 2 -- Buss Motor Sales. 1. E. Albright. 446 McHenry Co-op, 2 -- John the Tailor, I, V. Diedflch, 178-4S9; M. Pagnl, 420. KHaine -- Mill Chudik, EUDOEAK CANDIDATES Wonder Lake- Lake View Inn. 2 -- Grill, 0 Lake Dry Cletfners, 3 Inn. 0, Schau, 213-655; 212-511; Widen, 610. W. L. Builders, t -- Paul's Variety, 0 George's Repair, 3 -- W. L. Repair, 0, W. Weisenberger, 218-552; Gutsman, 212-556. Thsrs. 9tftt-- Buss Motors. 2 -- Stoic Novelty, 1, Neiss, 502;' Krause, 224-559; Peisert, 556. Old Bridge, 2 -- Certified Foods, 1, Kreier, 513; Rodenkirch, 202- 541; Larktn, 512. Blatz, 2 -- Clark Chev., 1, Thennes, 214-574; Corso, 530; Bennett, 528. Co-ops, 2 -- Prager, 1, Jannotta, 210-507; Smith. 225-550; H. KiWt- Chlcks, T*ciMs colors, ler now at Hie McHenry Farmer*' Co-»p A8«*n. Phone MVHenry 780. 47 RAISE CHINCHILLAS For Pleasure and Profit World's Most Luxurious Fur A spare room, basement or garage is an ideal place p raise hese clean odorleM and friendly Chinchillas. * Top breeding stock now available. We sell only animals graded by National Chinchilla Breeders' Association of America. This is a fery interesting and lucrative sideline or (?11 time business. DOUBLE B CHINCHILLA RANCH ILF.D. Nb. 1, Crystal Lake, Phone 99 a Miles North of Ronte 176 on Crystal Lake -- McHej# * Black Top LAKE t h e a t r e frygta) Lake, Illinois PHONE 644 Saturday Matinee at 2:00 P. ' Snntlay Matfnee at S:09 P. M* Week Days at 7:00 P. M. FRI. ft SAT., APRIL 4-5 Also Sat. Matinee at 2:00 P .M. Frank Lovejoy Richard Carlson Rusty Tamblyn in "RETREAT HELL" . ft MON.. APRIL 6-7 4*1 Judy Canova in - "H Oli E Y CHILE" In Technicolor E L M RT. 176 WAUCONDA THURS.. FRI. ft SAT., APRIL 3-4-5 H0LHEN WILLIAM BENDIX TUBS., WED. A THUHS., APRIL 8-9-10 Ava Gardner ^James Mason in "PANDORA AND THE FliYING DUTCHMAN" In Technicolor SUN. ft. MON., APRIL 6-7 4 Cartoons Sun. Matinee 2:30 p.m. Edmund O'Brien Yvonne DeCarlo "'v in "SILVER CITY" (Technicolor) CLOSED ON TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS * ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP 306 Elm St. PHONE 235-M McHenry, 111. STORE HOURS: 10 'til 10 Daily -- Closed Thursdays NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notice Is hereby given that on Saturday, the 26th day of April, 1952, an election will he held at the Ring-wood Grade School, Ringwood, Illinois, School District No, 34, County of McHenry, Q£%te of Illinois, for tie purposeuf VMlng upon the following QVMtioNu. ,Afl|Uca was taken this past week 1»y"*Lake County Newspaper Publishers Association, Inc., representing thirteen Lake county pub- | zer,, 503; T. Sutton. 521. lications, in endorsing several | • candidates who will be running in j Friday Nite Owls-- the April 8 primary. They were j House of Steele, 2 -- • Three Noel E. White for senator, Har- Way Inn, 0, S. Weber, 420; J. Jusvey Pearson ^nd Harold Vogel for ten, 430; L. Sione, 422; L. Fijalrepresentative. The association kowski, 448. never before took action of this Ml Place, 3 -- Riverside Cnskind in an election. * tome, 0, F. Freund, 452, Schroeder Iron Works, 2 -- Wing ft^Fin, 1, L. Wirtz, 429; B. Do well, 454; P. Schultz, 428; I. Stoller. 434. Al's White House, 3 -- Koenemann's Sausage, 0, B. Hulquist, 482; E. Rand, 459; E. Koenemann, Shall the maximum tax rate for educational fund of Ringwood Grade School District No. 34, McHenry County. Illinois, be established at .493 on full, fair c«*h value instead of .283 the maximum r^te otherwise applicabe to the next taxes to be extended? T ' ll) l nr'ift >iif» ii II, NO MAXIMUM YIELDS The seven wonders of the mod- 424 era wa$1d are the Airplane, rid- ' iu»,- antiseptics, antitoxins, %-\ Wonder lake Sextet--•---- ray, radio and the telephone. 1 American Legion, 8 ~ Cottage Under tie .288 maximum now in effect, the maximum yt4td*is approximately >5200.00. Uader the proposed .493 maximum, a maximum yield of $9000.00 would be possible. C The polls will Ifcs opened at 12 o'clock at}d closed at 2 o'clock of the same day. Ay order of the School Directors ^ said District '*>. & PBARaON. President PAUL WALKINGTON, Clerk GrcunMe4 Geo. Cellette, Owner 10H RiverHide Drive ARTISAN lawn aed Garden Supplies KNOT "Magicol foea* Grass Seed I Pound "77/ Package § § \ m Produce! a luxurianl growth dsep-rooted turfl largo percentup of perennial grasses. Seed now! * At Tit AN "KtuMtky Mm Onn" . ^ _ wMwtandt turn mat h«at. t lb Sl»19 ACTISAN "WMto CIwm" Seed ^ O'owi •auty, heavily, I lb $1.89 tXP*«T "Heglcel- Omn" SMd * „ i«r«w ttommy ris« 9 lb. $3.79 Open Sunday Mornings From 9 A. M. Til Noon n 55 Eastw Chicks, vario«« eoli<% Order now at the McHenry FarmerB' Co-op Ass'n. Phone Hfnry ISO. Classified Ads Will Do Alitor Anything You Ask Them To Do END6 TO-NIGHT FRL ft SAT, Wendell Cory RIL 4-5 era Ralston FRI. ft SAT., APRIL 4-5 2 -- Exciting Hits -- 2 Co-Feature Ray Rogers and "SPOILER# OF THE PLAINS" Also 2nd Chap. "Captain Dideo" SUN. & MON.. APRIL 6-7 Dale Robertson Joanne Dru in "RtTlRJS OF THE TEXAN" ' -- 1 • 11 1 TUBS.. WED. & THURS.. ' ' APRIL 8-9-10 - Luther Adler Patricia Kpight "THE MAGIC FACE" 2nd Feature j Glen. Ford Brod. Crawford j "CONVICTED" 1 & ESTELITA R00M6UEZ I DOUGLAS SUN. ft MON., APRIL 6-7 SAY MUNA una TUES., WED. & THURS., APRIL 8-9-10 A U C T I O N JOHNSBURG GRADE SCHOOL' Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of April, 1952. at 1:30 P. M., the Trustees of Schools of McHenry Township will sell at Public Auction the premises hereinafter described: t'hat part of Lot No. 15 Commencing at the Northwest corner of said lot running South, Two (2) rods, thence East, Four (4) rods, TwelVe (12) feet, thence North, Two (2) rods, thence West, Four (4) roda, Twelve (12) feet, to the place of beginning: Situated in Section No. Thirteen (13), in Township No. Forty-five (45), Range No. Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian. The said Lot- No. Fifteen (15) being according to Plot of Johnsburg, made by John Brink, surveyor. Building on the said lot knoiyn as the old Johnsburg Grade School is Twenty-four (24) by Forty-eight (48) feet, and is complete with a full basement and an .oil-burning furnace, nearly new. The sale will be made on the following terms, to-wit: Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the telling price on the day of fait, and the balas^ on delivery of deed. ;---- PETER SMI* CLINTON E. MARTIN CHANCET L. HARRISON Trustees of Schoola of Township N#, -*>, North Range, No. *-Mast, McHenry County, Illinois. (Pub. April 8-10-17) The Riviera Show Place of the Middle West Lake Geneva* Wisconsin ANNOUNCES PRE SEASON OPENING SATURDAY. APRIL 12 with BUD WILBER lipid fiis Orchestra Wisconsin's Most Danceable Band Featuring Lovely fAN TRAVIS Pianist and Vocalist HAn now for your dancing parties at " THE RIVIERA Always t)w Best uv Oaaoe Music DMelna Saturday Night Thereaite %• Ki4

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