Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1952, p. 5

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kfuMay. April 3. 196B * " THE McHENHTPEAIlfDEALEH i: i:iMi WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE Plaindealer Vv«at Ad* No ads counted lea* than 26 vtrdi. 75c minimum. I insertion -- 7I« Count 6 words per lis*) 16c service chAige on all Mind •*s. Cash with order. Owd of Thanks ... 11.00 Minimum Want Ads cloee promptly at 10 am Wednesday. UrHenry PWafcafer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry'P«h* Having Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT. Gen. Macager. ADKLE FROEHLICH. Editor, ilUUfMAk fl • SCBSCB1PTIOH BATE 4 l*r ..... --.-- tfcIO Entered as second-class matter at the postsffiee at McHenry* Ilk., ider the act of May 8. 1879. c AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PASTS FOB ALL CABS • Accessories and Seal CoT«n ^COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street 0§*n Week Days 2 A.JU. to 7 PJL Sundays 9 A.M. te 1 PJL ' 11-tf FOR SALE--V4-ton pick-up truek; new paint Job and motor overhaul. 1160.00. Call 787-J before 6 Pi M. *4A-2 FOB SALE -- 1949 %-ton heavy duty, stake body truck. Very good condition, excellent tires. Reasonable. Call Fox Lake 7-2236. lis SALE--Entering service -- Must sell 1950 Olds, Rocket 88, Hydromatic, light green, 4-door good condition, radio and heater. C»ll Chas. Olson, Woodstock 275-M or McHenry 528-M-2, after 6 p.m. *47-2 . - ' . FOR SALE--1940 Ford. In good condition. Price $225.' 50€ Waukegan Rd., McHenry, I1L. *47 '» SALE--1039 Plymouth coupe, new heavy duty battery, new carburetor. Price $100. Phone Mc- H^nry 498 days or 749-J evenings, i \ 47 FOR SALE--1950 "6" tudor sedan, heater, radio, 24,000 miles. Write LfO D. Kerber, Anchor, 111. 47 ^ BUSINESS SERVICE GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us diapose of your garbage each week or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John B. Hill, P. O. Box 274. Mc- Hfonry, phone 365. «Hf . RALPH L. CLARK Piano Teckalelaii Repairing -- Tuning ,;J%2 Garfield Road. Harvard, 111; - Phene 748*B -- -- r 8 7 - H GENERAL CONTRA crow NEW HOMES REMODELING and CARPENTER WORK flfttyafactlon Guaranteed Estimates ~ C. D. KIN SET Hiom McHenry 9M-J 47-tf rftliP Weber Says: 7&f§ Protect Your Clothes! CKprotected garment*, especially unclean ones invite moths. See us today! McHENRY CLEANERS ^~t03 Elm Street McHenry, Illinois BUSINESS SERVICE PIAXO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinel pianos, overhauled upright pianos Prompt Service. • C. J. R. DleMi, phone 208-W, WoodstoA, Til. • «l-t| /OB BRIBES--Bridal crown* antf veils, made to order for brides and bridesmaids; al«o floral cor% sages, reasonable. Phone McHenrJC 614-W-j. 43-* BUSINESS SERVICE IOBPLETE IAM>WAPUK» •" SERVICE Phone 441-M HAROLD FBEESE a , T12 Ter.ra Cotta Ave. • j Crystal Lake, 111. Page Ttom * - # HELP WANTED «INO aonr DOOR BELLS FOB 7SC wrrto A PLAINDEALER WANT AD TREE ft BABB SPRAYING L White-*a*l^ attd fly control. Frank ] W. Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, I1L.] Residence: Volo, 111. Phone: Mo j Henry 543-J-l. 46-tf. { CANDID and FOBMAL WIDDIN# , PHOTOGRAPHS ft* or Oat of Studio The most modern equippnent with- : in 25 miles. 25 years experience ! with the best studios In Chicago, ' Aurora. Gary and W&ukegan. 10 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and Moviea, Projectors, Films and Framea. ANDREW WORW1CK Phase 29* 117 N. RiversMe Dr. McHenry, Illinois ts-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTlOir ' s In Your Own Heme. Piano and Piano' According, ' Classics or Popular. i- Beginners or Advanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l •./•-v'v : >, '..v'-"'. ' *~tf FOR SALE FOR SALE--Used wash machines in excellent condition. Carey Electric, 119 Green Street: Phone McHenry 251. St~tf FOR SALE -- Factory. Seconds; Women's Slacks. $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to *8.50; Dresses, $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, |L85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St.. West of Northwestern depot. ' ift»tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SBBTICB G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10-tf FOR SALE-TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. ' 7-tf WELLS DBILLEP OB BBIYBN WATEB SYSTEMS--We sell, re- , pair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, ! 206 Main Street, MeHenry Tele- ' phone 167. H-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash Price* paid for cows, horses and hog*; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Work*. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. tf-tf WINDOW SHADES -- er YBNB. TIAN BLINDS -- Hew line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tape*. Bonder!*ed and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE ft VENETIAN BLIND CO., 5640 W. Division St.. 6hlcago. Phone OOlumbus 1-874S or McHenry 651-M-l., Friday evenings. Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's servioe. 27-tf FOR SALE--Brooder house 12'xl4'. good condition .also 500 chick oil brooder stove and feeders. Herman Brown. Call McHenry 614-J-i. •46-2 FOR SALE--JOHN8-MANSVILLB HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to" settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf FOB SALE -- Jamesway electric brooders, 4'x4' -- 300 chick reg. $43.95 - 129.00. 4'x6' -- • 500 chick reg. $54.85 -- 939.00 VYCITAL'S HDWE. 132 Green Street 47 * "instant ftjUUTf* ia • new kind of tinted make-up b*M ....liquid, free-flowing, easy-spreading. In two minute* it brings that much-envied pore-less, flawless, blemish. free look... adds life *nd glow to powder and rouge. Unlike heavy, groasy foundations, "instant BEAUTY" fed* se light and dewy-moist, you forget you're wearing it, Chooee from six high fashion shade*. it costs you nothing extra to toy "iNSTANT beauty" ! For* limited tim*,4rwl ftacon come* as a GIFT with * ' face powder Ait SfttH im y*mr fmtitt fragranot! BOTH "| 1/OBlGAN, L'AIMANT. EMERAUDE, TAB1S* COTY HELP WANTED--Woman tor genoral drug store and fountain work. Xye Drug Store. Phone 26. 46-tf ilELP WANTED -MALE. Draftsman. mechanical. In Mundelein, ill. Accurate and neat, for small •ngineoriiig department. Tracing detailing, etc. At least 2 years experience. Call Mundelein 6-6430 or rrite Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein ,111. 44-tf HELP WANTED ^Experienced waitress. PhoneMcHenry 377. V 43-tf BOLQER'S DRUG STORE Grxn StTMl PHONE 40 McHwuy. HL FOB SALE -- 16-inch rubber tire lawn mower. 1 year old, also Washburn 4-string tenor banjo, resonator head. Phone McHenry 658-J-l. 4TT ANTKJTES, MISCi |TEMS^ClotIfing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formal*. Open Tues. through Sat, 1 p.m. to lOp.qtL, Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, M mile west of Terra Cotta factory, which i* on Rt. SI. Phone Crystal Lake 1246-R-l. 51-tf FOB SALE--Easter chicks, various colors. Order now at the McHenry Farmers Co-op. Ass'n. Phone McHenry 730. 17 GIT YOI R WOBK DONE NOWl We Will Help You Faint your screens. Wash your walls ^and woodwork. Clean your wallpaper. Take down your storm windows. PBEE ESTIMATES Phone 272>B DON PALUCp ft CO. 47 FOB SALE--Rexair Cfeahers, new and used. Service, supplies, rebuilt vacuum cleaners. R ft M utility pumps for water systems, disinfecting, whitewashing, irrigation, etc. Ball bearing, quiet, one moving part. Carl Barnickot, Box 211, McHenry, 111. 47-tf FOB SALE--Wire recorder; 7-watt amplifier and speaker; automatic record player, plus misc. Saturdays, P. M„ Sundays, A. M. Phone 974, McCullom Lake. M7 I N S U R A N C E FIRE -- AUTOBervice My Speciality---- Fhetie McHenry 140-R^K 4l>tf PERMANENTS FOB BASTEB ' $£4 Wave* - ALICE MABIE BLA8K38 Phone 70»-M 15-4 CONCBETE PBODUCVS C. B. KINSEY All sise building block. Chimney block and stepping atova. By itanapipe In McHenry. Offiee phone 288-R Res. phone 89S-J. 2«-tf WB CAB SELL IT FOB YOU Call McHenry 541-W-l or 690-J-l F ft S Commanlty Auction Service First Sale April 20 47 POBTABLE DISC SRABPENING On Your Farm. Saturdays and Evening*. GEORGE LARKIN . Phone 779-J after 6 P. M. *47 "BUILD A MIDWEST SECTIONAL HOME" Our prices are below all others. We erect the Bhell in one day. You complete. All material^ furnished. Built conventional of only the best materials. Use your own floor plan or ours. Easily financed. Be fair to yourself, before you build, write for our prices and free catalog. Merton S. Baker, dealer for Midwest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St, Sycamore, I1L 47-5 "SPRING IS HEBE" Remodeling Roofing and Siding: Aluminum Awnings Venetian Blinds E^Z TERMS -- For Estimates Call -- McHENBY CABINET CO. m FOB SALE -- Automatic, Norge electric range. Perfect condition. Phone Div. 8-3509. 47 FOR SALE--Baby buggy, in good condition. Phone McHenry 978. •47 FOR SALE--Zenith console radio. $25.00. Can be seen at 416 tyain St. rear*upper apartment, after 4:30 o'clock. 47 FOR SALE--In Johnsburg vicinity, 3 piece maple bedroom suite; 3 piece maple living room suite, 2 reed chairs, kneehole desk, m^al wardrobe cabinet, dining room table with 4 chairs and 4 odd dining chairs, new General Electric oscillating fan (14"), inside drop porch awnings, misc. dishes, end tables, etc., 200-ft %" new copper tubing. The following will only be sold as a unit; 2 Coleman space heaters, 27S-gal. oil tank, copper tubing, valves, gauges, filter, etc. Phone Platakee 552-R-l. Saturday and Sunday only. 47 FOB SALE--Good 1st crop alfalfa and clover mixed. Quantity o( chopped straw, steel brooder house. Frank Sbredt. Phone Round Lake 6-2223. *47 FOB SALE--Gas stove, lh good condition; reasonable; can be converted to bottle gas. Phone McHenry 406-W or 379. *47 FOR SALE FOB SALE--Twin baby stroller}- reasonable. Phone McHenry 854-M. 47 FOB 8ALB--17-in. Munts TV; one year old; like new; walnut finish. Call 739, between noon and 2 p.m. 47 FOB SALE--100 6-ft. steel posts, 4 rolls of Best barbed wire. Phone McHenry 218-M. 106 Richmond Rd. •47 FOR SALE--Multiple windows: 24- inch standard; storm, screen and hardware. Phone McHenry 44 before 6 P. M. 47 HELP WANTED GIRLS WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted for our cew plant Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co.. 600 Main Street West of Norhtwestern Depot, McHenry, 17-tf HELP"WANTED--General housework, must like children, own room and bath in modern new liome. All electrical conveniences. Pleasant family atmosphere. Character references required, north side suburb of Chicago. Write: A. Vodicka. LawrenCe Lane, Northbrook. 111. 47-2 HELP WANTED--Checkers, part and full time work; experience preferred, but not necessary. References desired. Apply Certified Food Store. McHenry. 47 HELP WANTED--Male or female, for candy counter work. 6 nights A week at the roller rink. Apply In person. 47 HELP WANTED--Woman to assist with housework. 6' days, 8- hours. Room and board. Good pay. Wayside Rest Home, Libertyville. Phone 2-1272. -*4T DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Natural Fresh Fruit Juices for j Homes, Stores .etc. Very attractive , proposition. DEL-CREST JUICE COMPANY MOO W. Roosevelt Road Oak Park, 111. 474 HELP WANTED - At Ring^ood i Nursery. Phone Wonder Lake 3^76. I ' 47-2 Get A New City Mail Box Black Baked Enamel Finish wilk Padlock Haip. Wire Newspaper and Magazine Holder ' REGULAR PRICE 9?c * SPECIAL :^' vv •••• • • :^ Friday and Saturday VYCITAL'S HARDWARE : SHEET METAL SHOP Green Street PHONE 98 McHenry, I1L OPEN Sl \DAY MORNINGS 9 TO 12 WANTED WANTED--Will exchange Home Combination coal and gas range for a day's work around house. Qive telephone number. Write Box 255, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 47 WANTED TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOB SALE--Six-room house. New. oil-fired automatic hot water heating system. New, modern kitolmn. and bath. 210 Riohmond Rd. Phoae McHenry 313. 17-tf WANTED TO RENT - Young couple with two little tots, needs S-rooms unfurnished, with option to buy within this year. Call W&uconda 5388. 40-tf WANTED--3 bedroom year round home on Fox River or Pistakee Bay, by 3 adult.s. Mildred Hohmun. The Gift Port. 46-tf WANTED TO RENT--Two bedroom house, furnished, automatic heat, for two sisters Phone McHenry 849-MX. *47-2 S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage atti Complete 99.90# Easy Terms AIRSPCX BUILDBB8 Vfcwest MeHenry tll-B-1 i Wender Lake 97ft vj St-tf WISE BEAL ESTATE V 1 flld BUSINESS Bl'YEBS ' Try SKIBX ft CO. First Blverslde Botel Pheae Wi t 40-tf FOB SALE--Used oil circulator stove, in good condition, reasonable. Owner convert to gas. Phone 760 after 5 P. M. *47 FOB SALE--Ponies and horses. Phone McHenry 560-M-2: Rt. 120. south side Lily Lake. Fritssche, Estates. 47 FOR RENT FOB BENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and school*. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOB BENT--Modern flat in West McHenry; immediate possession. For particulars write Mrs. Clara Campbell. lOl E .Flr*t St., Elmhurst, 111. 46-2 FOB RENT--Modern ranch home at Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 579-R-l. *47 FOR BENT--60 acres; 20 pasture, 40 tillable of which 10 acres are already in alfalfa. Reasonable. Gall McHenry 725. 47 , ABE YOU IXTEBESTKDf In Pleasant, Steady Work Near Your Home „ --Good starting wage. „ --Opportunity tor rapid *alary advancement --Bonus for lecond Mid third shift work. --Paid vacation after 6 months' service. --Paid sick leave after 2 months' aervice. --Group Insurance. --Work clothing, glove* *nd safety shoes at low cost I N V E S T I G A T E ! Positions available for men in our Production Dept THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, lac. . RING WOOD, ILLINOIS . TeL B ender Lake 2411 47 HELP WANTED--Beverage driver salesmankyniOn wage*: Phone 27 for appointment, or see Dale Thomas. *47 LOST AND FOUND REAL ESTATE LOST--Norwegian Blkhound. Grey, female. Wearing black collar. Reward offered for return. Mrs. Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Ringwood, III. Phone Wonder Lake 3221. 47 WANTED WANTED--Watche* and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, MeHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 31-tf HELP WANTED--Handy man bartender. Address Box 254, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 47 HELP WANTED -- Woman for spring cleaning. Phone McHenry 158. 47 HELP WANTEI> -- First class presser for McHenry county's most modern dry cleaning plant. Ideal working conditions. Only presser who CAN do, and WANTS to do, first class pressing will be considered. Our quality standards are high. If you feel you can qualify, come in and look us over. RAINBOW CLEANERS, N. Front Street, McHenry 927. 45-tf WANTED Your Old Watch Trade It In Now On a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Fretfs Precision Watch Repair Western Unlen Agency Phone 898 804 E. Elm Str--Wilson Badie Bldg If your watch is on the bum let "Frett" do your fretting 17-tf - FOB SALE MrllENBY--4 rooms, automatic oH heat, garage, near ..St Mary's chnrrh and school. 2 years old. For information call at our office In JohnslmrR, telephone McHenry 87. WONDER LAKE^t fPMi home, (He h»th, cement basement. S lots, 120x120, 2H car garage. For Information call at our office la j Johnsburg, telephone McHenry 27. j WONDER LAKE--4 room all year home, running water, toilet, large !| lot, near black top. Price 26^00.90. .Small down ..payment., aecepted. For Information eall at oar offiee In Johnsburg, telephone McHenry •7. HOMES BUILT TO OBDBB On 100x200 ft. Lots In JAK-ANA HEIGHTS ahent two blocks north of Jefcmbarg, overlooking the beaatlful St John's church gronnds, If yon like to live out of town, or Intend to retire this Is the plnee to live. For Information call at oar office •r phone McHenry 17. JACOB FBITZ-BEAL BSTATB " la Jehnabnrg, TeL Iblwry 27. 41-tf LOTS FOB SALE--By owner. 2 on Grove Ave., und 1 on Oak Ave., only 3 blocks from new school, ideal location: Priced to aril. Phone 235-M. IT FOR SALE--7-rm. modern hone; bath, hotwater oil furnace, Nil basement. 2-car garage, location good for commuting to Chicago. Lakes close by. Call 2497' or write Arthur Kimball. Genoa City, Wis. Will consider terms. . 47-48-14 FOB SALE--Seven room home; * 2-car garage ; automatic oil burn- : er; hot water heat; full basement Lot 66xl9S. Phone McHenry SS6-M. : •47 ' i _ ! FOB SALE--Vacant lot on Center I St, McHenry, 66x122. Mwerage t and water right*. Call IW-W-1' after 6 P. M. 41 > BEAL ESTATE WANTBD We have ea*h buyers far yaar homes, summer homes, farms, a*d business properties. We can sell jour property If yonr price I* right JACOB FBITZ - BEAL BSTATB ta Jehnsbnry TeL MeHenry 27 27-tf FOB BENT--1 and 2 room apartment hotel and 3 and 5 room homes, all furnished, modern and new. Day, week or season rates. Phone McHenry 560-M-2. Rt. 120. south side Lily Lake. FrltSBche Estates. 47 The Pit Tavern will be open for Business Friday AprU 4th. LOYf>£ BARRETT, Prop. HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyze trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalization free insurance. Paid holi- WANTED--500 pints of blqpd for wounded G.I.'s in Korea. Phone McHenry 595-M-2. FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 406 Richmond Read McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 421-J 43-tf Unnaaal Effect Seme novelty effects wffe pine mahogany are quite strfld&c because of the large pore* in thi* wood. On* effect involves the a*e of light stainK so that the comes out almost a natural The pores are filled with a filler and the surface is then and lacquered. The large pore* trast with the natural wood t* an unusual effect Sensitive Sector When the American First Arny moved into the sector east of fee Argonne Forest on September 22. 1918, they were opposite what 2* German general, von termed the "most sensitive of his fortified line. Four day* later, September 26, the mflH-- men force attacked the German* in the first of five, successive ofr fenstve phases. When the highest aoetiomW steel is placed on a large building during construction, the American flag is displayed. > WANTED -- Used white skelgas range; must have good oven, uua - irwe lUBiiritiiro. *raia noii- Give telephone number. Write to days. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. J Box 255, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. Blm Street, McHenry, 111. 42-tf j ^ Where are you going Saturday nite April 5th. ? ? COME AND DANCE AT THE COZY COTTAGE , VOLO, ILLINOIS , Music by Tho Sagebrush Rambtara Compare Our Prices Before You Buy...... If you are looking for a Combination Taloriaioik. wo haro them. It's Raiheon TV and It's Fuluriaod for 3 way television performance. The only set wiih a life-time warranty on the tuner switch. MP Rectangular W, AB-FM Bail*, 3-speed Pheae. graph plays all sise records. 2V Rectangular T.Y. with Phone-Jack 9 switch. 17" T.Y„ AX Badie and Pheaegrapfc all speed, all slae record player. F. M. TELEVISION SALES AND SERVICE r ? , 20t K Jttca Street, McHenry. PHONE 979 „ -- / * A

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