Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1952, p. 8

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NEWS FROM Wonder Lake VueiM wm. -*' t TtT^^'"?v +' • -J * « 'y I. * * ' x * '• * - home is theirs and they should share in the responsibilities. Children should definitely not be given money for making good grades in school. Parents should teach the child that learning is their reward for study and their general intelligence and social status is made chiefly through study and learning. . The school elections will be held Saturday. April 12. with the polls Open at both the Harrison school ind McHenry high school frpm tfoon until 7 p.m. L<fin Post Plus The American Legion Post is planning a big day this year i»n Memorial day. Besides the parade-; and ceremony at the monument. victory, the department of defense announced Tuesday. The ship w>s expected to arrive at the San Francisco port of embarkation on or about Tuesday. Melvin's body will be sent with an escort to the point designated by each individual next of kin. The body will be taken to the Peter M. Justen funeral home when it arrives in McHenry, TJie funeral arrangements have not yet been made. The Nwrous srrttK Many persons are confusedv by tfi noticed and that is an interference in the telephone system, causing a blocking In the service1 Thus if a certain part of the brain is affected, the result may be hemiplegia or paralysis of one «ide of the body. If. however, another part of the brain is affected. Gospel Church Hrws Fred Marks is the only Wonde r : ™"re"wU1be" a baseball game at J Our Sunday School contest > bake resident ru ining (tn the high I thp grounds and the post's*lninS ,n interest, with a large " ~ " home win be open to guests all 1 number of new scholars enrolled. day and all evening!- i11 •*" ™n for fou.r more Sundays ' There are classes for all. achool board. Transportation to the high school for the purpose of voting will be~"provided for those %ho wish it Those who wish n fide may telephone Lakevicw 8211, •631 or 4023. 1 Three candidates ^if»re- running "-for the two vacancies on the Harftnon schoo] board.' They are Helen Reuter. Joseph' Lundboip laid Anthony Audino. Both Lundborg and Audino at>; members of the board at this time but their terms are expiring. Mrs. Reuter Is Vfeeking one of the vacancies. Other members of the local ^oard include Joe Monteleone, - board president; Frank Cheney. Allen Schimke and Andrew Johnson. Clerks of the Harrison election are expected to be Ruth Jtedman and Alice Noren. Open House Tonlirhf Open house will be held in the •eventh and eighth grade room at Harrison school tonight, Thursday, so that parents and others in- ~fereated may see what the voung- •ters have accomplished in their •odal studies work. The room will be open starting at 8 p.m. according to John Lathrop, principal of tiie school. The Legion is also making plans already for their fourth of Jul>^| Services in the Easter Week: w. 1 celebration which will include the i »>e as folldws: Thursday April 10 fireworks from the Yacht club Missionary Guild at the Home of island, parade, ceremonies, free Mrs. Wm. Martin on Oak Drive, ice cream for the children to be. ^°nder Lake, at 10.30 a.m. served at the Legion home, a base- Good Friday, in the evening, at ball game, apd open house again j 8 o'clock, Communion service to all who care to inspect the I Come for His sake who said: premises. : 1'This' do in remembrance of me." The parade on the fourth will' On "Easter Sunday morning: include prizes for best decorated! there will be a praise and prayer doll buggies and bicycles. » | service at 9:30; Sunday Bible • -- : School at 10 o'clock with special Trip To Linloln Country ! Easter program and morning woi- The children of the eighth grade | ship service at 11 o'clock, when at Harrison school will have a trip j the pastor will speak on the subto the Lincoln country, including j ject: "RISEN AS HE SAID." Mr. New Salem. Starved Rock, the and Mrs. Robert Stonelake of Lewiston Mounds and other points Zion, 111., will bring messages in of interest as an end to their song. In the evening the meeting will be in charge of the laymen of the church. An interesting program is arranged with brief speeches and a lot of singing. A fellowship hour will folloip, with light refreshments served. Child Study Croup To OiTe Hobby Show There are already twenty-two reservations for space in the hobby show that will be given May < by the child study group of Harrison school. The hobby show is for adults ||s weil as children and any per- -jgon who would like to show his 0r her hobby at the show are invited to participate. Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop is in charge of space and Ifhouid be contacted by any inter- / listed persons. ' The child study group held its monthly meeting April 1 and discussed the topic, "Money In Their - Jeans," or the problem of how tnoch allowance to give to children. The topic was under7 the leader ship of Mrs. Carl Cihos, Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Mrs. Sigurd' Jacob sen. Five of the Harrison' teaahers participated with a representation of parents in this topic. The general conclusion was that children should have conferences their parents concerning money and arrangements should be made to provide an allowance that suits the child's needs and the parents' budget should be worked out Tie group felt that children should not be paid ' for work at hone but madp to feel that the school years in grade school. Funds for the two-day trip were accumulated by the youngsters In sales of candy in the store they run for the other students at Harrison. They have about $75 for the trip. While plans are still tentative, the bus trip will probably be made oil May 23-24. Originally the trip was planned for the seventeenth and eighteenth but the Boy Scouts (many of them in the the terms neurology and psychia- • or a part of the connecting link try and yet in understanding the I the spinal cord--the person may definitions a great distinction is lose the use of both legs, a condinoted between the two fields of tion known as paraplegia. If the medicine, the educational com-1 back part of the brain iB affected, mittee of the Illinois State Medi- called the cerebellum, a condical society observes in a HEALTH | tion develops known as ataxia TALK. and is evidenced by lack of mus- Neurology covers the physical cular coordination. The victim diseases that affect the entire will walk in a weaving fashion, nervous system which includes' much like a person does who Is the brain. Its connecting spinal' intoxicated. --__ cord, located in the spine itself These are some conditions that and the many nerves extending]occur when the brain is affected, from the spinal cord to various In the same manner when the parts of the body. | nerves or wiring system are at- Psychiatry deals with the emotional or mental disturbance* of the mind, stirred" up in the braiii and related to the mind itself through thoughts, attitude* and behavior patterns. Thus the nervous system is a complex structure of wiring that tacked, again interference in the telephone service is noted. If one nerve is affected, we may have neuritis, or if many nerves are involved the result* may bp multiple or polyneuritis. ' ' Nutritional deficiencies may £e the cause, or the taking of medirnay be compared to a telephone cines either advertised or perhaps sysfem. The brain is the central recommended by a friend. Thus office where all communications self-diagnosis or self-medication are received and sent In other may lead to the development of words; if we touch something. eeP some form of neuritis, which will an object, whether unconsciously affect the telephone wires in varor deliberately, a group> of nerves ious parts of the body. As a result, drop, the ner.vous system Is functioning normally, the reflexes are normal. Many different tests are performed to determine whether an interference in the nervous system is present. For example, a tapping at a certain place btoneath the knee will cause the foot to jerk involuntarily, which is the normal reflex action. In certain conditions where the wire system is disturbed the patient will not feel the stick of a pin. And so in neurology the physical changes of the nervous system are studied and by a series ot tests it is possible to check the patient's sensibility, thus establishing the area, or site involved. State Treasurer William O. Stratton reported this week that March receipts from the state's major source of reveuue, the retailers' occupation tax, dropped $1,109,870 from ttfe previous month. The $15,423,408 received last mpnth was also off some $1,783,982 from March, 1961. ? ® " Similar drops were recorded in the motor fuel tax, down to $•,- 864,260 for March as compared with $7.031.71N in February, and tut** Clgaret taxes, however, an increase, from $1,364,186 TVbrttary to $8,066,321 for March, Nate -,t This time o* the year doctorfl urge removing rubbers and galosh* e> indoors because leather soles oif shoes cannot ventilate feet properly if they are hampered by imperme* able toot coverings. An acorn was frequently twdfl ai a design on Colonial furniture because it was considered a symbol of hospitality. 'Gallon' Club General Matthew B. Ridgway says membership in the "Gallon Club" is increasing steadily. The club is made up of military and civilian personnel in Japan who have donated a gallon of their blood to the Armed Forces. Still, blood supplies have been seriously depleted by the Korean conflict" " _ Healthy Feet Recent laboratory tests disclosed that one pound of prime sole leather has an internal surface of 30 acres. This fibrous network keeps feet at healthful temperatures in all kinds eighth grade) are taking an over-' °* weather. night hike on the weekend of May I 17 j PBX, referring to small switch- School will be out at Harrison I boards, means Private Branch Ex- May 29. change. goes Into action on a message from the brain. Certain sections of the brain are charged with different responsibilities, so fhsit actually to reach for th^. object group of -nerves directs tin1 muscles necessary to briftg up the arm ?and hand to pick up the object. In the same manner, your eyes notice a person or an object falling toward you. They in turn send the message to the central office in the brain. Again the relay is started, the nerves to the muscles and up come the arflM to ward off the falling object. When an Infection, injury, disease or growth affects any part of the nervous system, one rtsuH the individual .of his hands may lose the use or feet, known as Lawn Research. Big Difference The difference between top quality lawn blends and lower priced products is the difference between buying approximately 3,000,000 grass seed per pound and receiving only 1,000,000 seed, according to XmMmm Tii Florida The Monteleone family will probably move to Florida in the very near future. Joe Monteleone, who is taking an X-ray agency in that state, left Monday to take up .his new position -there. LIVESTOCK AT AUCTION Every Wednesday Nite - 7:30 P. M. Sale Barn -- Woodstock, III -- On Route 47 Consign any livestock you have to sell. We will assure feu top prices prevuHlntr each week, for any stpek you hare to selL ( in here, where yon can control the price yon receive. } For pickup service call 572 or 49$ We are bonded. -- Our service will please Tea. WOODSTOCK COMMISSION SALES ' CO. - - Incorporated '-••• USE ALEXANDER'S To Repair or improve Your Home. INSULATip# AfjD STORM SAfH . ," .'5 -^knCHEN MODEBHnATIOH NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING . . . . . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE . . . ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance in 3G Monthly Payment! It's Easy To Buy Oh Budget M ALEXANDER LUMBER Co "The Beat of Everything For The Builder" 547 MAIN STREET ], SHONE 5 The body of Corp. Melvln H. Jvnes, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Jones, "Wonder Lake, is enroute home along with the bodies of 217 other Americans who lost their lives as a result of fighting in Korea. The body is aboarfl the Alamo Bigelo Sanford's ' Karpet Kare - •/ -On ^Location Carpet Cleaning Rags and Tnrnlture Cleaned . Blndlnf and Serving Free Plckap and Delivery Tidy Rug Cleaners Phone Woodstock 182 $j)r. ftokn 3. bmjujy 0ftfamebut ^ EYES EXEMPTED --- 126 S. Green Street McHenry, TlHrin<« . Phone McHenry 186 HOUBSi Dally Tuesday and Friday Evenings 7 to 9 Thursdays By Appointment Only RAILROAD SALVAGE AGENCY AUCTION SALE TO CLEAR ALL RELEASES TO DATE All New Furniture for the Home Featuring -- Only the Solid and Usable ~v Ends of Shipments McHENRY. ILLINOIS BRIDGE BALLROOM HALL V2 Block East of Bridge on Highway 120 FRIDAY NIGHT. APRIL 11th STARTS 6:30 P. M. All Furniture and MerfhaiuHne Is brand new but have been DAMAGED, UNCLAIMED or LOST in transit. They are products of some of the 3atiohV Leading Manufacturers. They eenslst of almost everything that you would want for your heme. Including the following: Chrome Dinette Sets (extra good), giving Room Pieces, pashS' Chests of Orawers, Cedar Chests, Bedroom Suites, Inner& pring Mattresses, Dining Room Extras, Linoleums, Soft Rugs. .Kitchen Wares, Wall Ensemble, Base, Upright and Wall Cabinets, Platform Rockers. Floor Lamps. Table Lamps (complete). Odd Chairs, Tool Boxes, Step Ladders, Various Kinds •f Small Occasional Tables, Sewing Machine and many things too numerous to mention. - -- We Extend a Special invitation to the Ladles -- LUNCH WILL BE S£KYED. VHKSt GASH or Your CHEC1. -TURTLES -4 BRAND TraA Marfr W MA0I ONlV ^f J\/>vc ^ t ,|| ^ tfy I*' ITBOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. -Vv. #< "•< aoin* the modem way. del ire f e d UOV* \w ere It Is! The refrigerator you wont... at e» prfee you never you'd see! The silent, long-lived Swrvel GAS refrigerator all the features you're looking for.. * plvs all the extra To Bunders: We can supply Re»dv Mixed Concrete tor mny kind of job--from a back vard iily poo) to a ppry plete new home or building. Prompt, qtrick delivery ax< actly where and when needed. Our Ready Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, eadut iag anct strong--as you eypeci of good concrete. 1 he mix m right tot the use intended ... accurately proportioned at our central plant. £ven a small {ob gets the benefit ot large volume production. To Pr»tf>€ct*ve Ownei* Homes -ana-Huthntigs: Ot course you want concrete, it's the modern nvay to btnW --6resale, permanent, moderate in first cost and requinog almost no maintenance. Let us put you jn touch with ex pericnced, reliable contractors who will give you a •-ju.uit) job at a satisfactory ^price. H. AMOS, Auctioneer McHenry Sand & Gravel Co, PHONE McHENRY 920 906 FRONT STREET McHENRY, advantages only Servel gives you I Youll get" dfl that's new«. . ^ and silence, tool Deluxe Model BR-815 V 8.1 cubic foot capacity V Freezer compartment with frozen feiltf storage space V Makes 8 lbs. of ice cubes 'at a time V 2 sliding vegetable fresheners J Meat storage tray „ / Lots of tall bottle space Model BR-815 and many others at reduced priiM now at oar nevitfUert or your dealer^ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of NOftTJtCftN ILLINOIS o- • I

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