Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1952, p. 9

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Theede?, April 10,185^, W •iafeatliRiipyftiiH^ * • ; * . / * - . . . . . ^ THE McHENBY PLAINDEALHH ' < RINGWOOD by Mrs. George Shepard MEMENTOES NOW Ofs CHIC/GO EXHIBIT Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell! Dr. and Mrs. V. W. Springs of ; VALUABLE LINCOLN and two daughters of Elkhoi »i Deer field and friends of ('al)foi spent Wednesday afternoon 111 the Bpent Sunday in the Wnt. Crti'ti Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. shank home. Howard Wattles and son. Don • i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adam aid, of McHenry t were Sunday 1 and family spent Sunday with U<* dinner guests in the C. L. Harri- j parents at Richmond. son home. , * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harriet the collector's point of view, writ- Mrs. George Shepard entertained the women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A 1 Mrs. Phelps Saunders a n d j of Elgin spent Sunday ^vefiii daughter, Georgia Mary, have re- ( with Mrs. Lega Peet and Alice j turned to their home in Sycamore Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart u'v , _ , °cIock after 1 spending the past three Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren a:: . , 8M8erVe D'* r 0*f wfre weeks here caring for her brother.: daughter, Nancy, of Waukegan and Mrs Lester8 Car ! Ja<* Brennan, who has been verj> | Miss Edith Vogel and Mrs. Win The Rimrn^nh wq0 inaA U1* ! Toppen of Richmond called on ral histbry-conscious and civic- In the hcumt nf Mm t 1 Mr- and Mrs John CriBty a[nd Jack Brennan Sunday afternoon minded Chicagoans. the society son at MrHsnrv Thn Hot ! p~ family of Greenwood werfSunday j Jack is slowly recovering from his was able to purchase items of A !I dinner guests of his parents. Mr. Ulness. . Lincolniana torn the famed Bar- o'clock luncheon was served and j an<j Mrs Pjfee8 were awarded to Mrs.. celebrated Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Wm.! t,irthday McCainnon_ . .. ^ ^ "•M>. r. and. Mr. and Mrs.. B. T. Butler en Kenneth Cristy. They Mrs. John Cristy's tertained their five-hundred club Thursday evening. . Prizepj were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. fvenneth j Cristy, high. Mr Mrs. Don Smart and son. Bob, of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruu kshauk rett collection to add to its . exspent Sunday evening in the Ray- tonsive exhibit of Lincoln matermond Meyer home at Marengo. ials. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Schseferi Amoag the selection of new and family spent Sunday evening Uncoln item8 on exhibit are two In the Clarence Adams home. leaves from the Lincoln Family Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter niMa m ls recorded "in Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum1 Alice, spent Sunday afternoon at •», Ben Walkington and famlly of Solon Mills spent j Crystal Lake and George She• pard, low. : Sundav afternoon with her oai- Mrs. SylVii Mr. aitd Mrs. Alvfn Betioy of Sunday parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Elkhorn Announce the arrival of > Mr and Mrs Walter wtlcox of a**on, born Friday iporning. Aprilj Woodstock called on her mother. ^Wrs. Benoy Was formerly Miss Muriel Butler and Mr. and Mrs B. T. Butler are the proud grand parents. Sunday after- The Junior Youth Fellowship group met in the home of Miss Alice Peet Saturday evening. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. John Hogan Thursday. Aprtl 17". The Greenwood and Ringwood Senior Youth Fellowship groups, V® Rev. Sample, visited Mooseheart Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods of Genoa City spent Sunday, in the Pete Sebastian home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Monday evening in the Donald Brenner home at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Ben .Walkington and Mrs. John Hogan attended Home Bureau at the home of Mrs.. Johnson iVtocHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Tuesday with their daughters at Huntley. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn visited his sister, Mrs. Evahoff. at the Solon Mills Rest home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low attended their card club at the tame of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wileroc at Woodstock Saturday evening. John Shadle of Burbank. Calif., spent from Wednesday until Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogel' erf Broadhead, Mrs. George Vogel and Mike. Mrs. Phyllis and daughter, Janet, and Jean Vogel of Elkhorn were Sunday jfternoon callers in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago were Sunday dinner gufests in the George Shepard home. t MrB. Viola "Low, • i noon. .. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank; Hawle.v of Chicago were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Saturday. Allan Vogel and Jack Fulligar of Elkhorn visited Jack Brennan Sunday morning. Butchie Lenard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend In the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Karl Betts, Sr., Is helping care tor tier mother, who is ill tn Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler went to Elkhorn Sunday to see their new grandson at the Elkhorn hospital. Mrs. Dix of Salem, Wis., called on Mrs. Roy Neal Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Whelps Saunders of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn, Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and daughter, Mary spent Thursday evening at the funeral home at Antioch. Oq Friday, Fred Wied rich and Mrs. Jack Lenard attended funeral services for Mrs. Smart at Antioch. Mrs. Smart is the mother of Don Smart Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel of Algonquin spent the weekend in the Weldon Andreas home. x Mrs. Fred Davis of Richmond spent Friday with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Rev. Darrel Sample of Green- Sylvia Smith weekend at Richmond. " ' Mrs. Louis Schuer of Waulte^an spent Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Flora Harrison aifti Stanley Jepson, spent Tuesday evening In the Wm. Harrison home at Round Lake. Wayne Donahue and ~ daughter, Frances, were Sunday dirner guests in the C. L. Harrison home*. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Keefe of Round Lake called on Mrs, Florr Harrison Sunday afternoon. Atty. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill of Gravslake spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were callers in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron Monday morning. ten at Springfield, on April 6, j 1860, to the Secretary of the Harrison Literary Society of Chicago In it Lincoln declined a lecture Abraham Lincoln's spectacles,' engagement with the his initialed moccasin slippers .claim: "I am not a professional j poster's a n d g o l d w a t c h c h a i n a r e ^ n o w on l e c t u r e r -- h a v e n e v e r g o t " u p b u t ' exhibit at the Chicago Historical one lecture; and that I think a society with many other rare and rather poor one. Besides, what Jition~of 8iaverv valuable Lincoln mementoes re- time I can spare from my own business this season, I shall be compelled to give to politics." The exhibit contains a letter of Mrs. Lincoln, written after the president's death, to Colonel Frenk E. Howe. .It is on mourning stationery and the envelope is marked "Personal and Ptivate." Another valuable letter is one from Schuyler Colfax, American statesman and vice-president of the United States., written on May 28. ^1860. to one of Lincoln's staunch"* support?!**; telling of "enthusiasm over Old Abe" on his cently acquired from the Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln collection,. Through the generosity of sevethe autograph of President Lincoln" the births, marriages and deaths of members of the Lincoln family. Collectors consider this a superlative Lincoln item. Visitors to the Historical society also will see one or the most desirable of Lincoln letters, from MENTAL HOSPITALS The state Department of Public Welfare will have the advice of an eleven-member committee of citizens in administering the new law which repuires payment fo'r care and treatment in state mental hospitals. The law effective Jan. 1, directs the welfare department to collect the costs of care and treatment from patients, their spouses, parents or children who can afford to pay. Payments which would cause hardship is not required. The maxium payments per patient 1b $60 a month. The payments will go into a mental health fund to be used for further improvement of facilities for the mentally ill and SEPTIC-TANK AND CESSPOOL CLEANER Eliminates digging & pumping. Removes sludge, fibrous tre« roots, STIMULATES BACTERIA Vycital's Hdwo. *»H0>E #8 132 GREEN ST. nomination for the ^presidency. Three telegrams regarding the attack and capture of Fort Sumlecture ter Which began the civil War aremodest j displayed with many valuable including appeals fo'r army volunteers, for loyalty among laboring men and the abo- The Chicago Historical society in Lincoln Park at North Avenile and Clark Street is open to the public on weekdays from 9:3»> to 4:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. All visiting days except Sunday are free to adults. Children are always admitted without charge. -- The XEX ELIGIBLE period during which will not be required to repeat this pre- phase of processing into the a*r- 1 ./! A Of all the world's vehicles tlie United States has 78 per cent nf all cars and 52 per cent ot all trucks. 87 per cefit . ti^4 these are p r i v a t e l y o w n e d . , \ v ' - , - r - * inductees who have not received vice at the time of their enlistment induction notice from their local Regardless of age, all pre-inductea board may enlist in the branch of must have a birth certificate In thee choice, has been extended to their possession before they can be June 30. 1952 . M/Sgt Charles J. processed. Applications for enlistr Richardson, Army recruiter for nrent are being accepted on a fourth is area, reported that prior to year basiB for Air Force and this extension, the grace period for a two year basis for the Regular pre-inductees to voluntarily enlist Army . Further information mnjr in the Armed Forces ended on mid- be obtained by'calling the Army £ night. March 30,- 1952. Air Force Recruiting station, 3St Sgt. Richardson also stated that Washington street. Waukegan, at the complete physical examlna- Ontario 5260. tions taken by pre-inductees is . 44 good for a period of 120 days for- Hats worn by the king's the purpose of enlisting, hence they in England are called Busbies. f 1\\ on * EXCAVATING VERN THELEN TRUCKING Fill -- Digging Basamenta SAND and GRAVEL Phones McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l SAVE MONEY ON YOUH CAR Regular check ops. and maintenance by our experts means lower ear costs for ion! BOTCH'S We Do Complete Motor 309 W. Elm Street Phone 811 YOUR MOYf 24 Hour Towing Swrvic* Overhauling. McHenry, 111. Residence 91-R FRESH DRUGS PLUS PERSONAL CARE . Fresh drugs, plus personal care, are a "Whining combination when you have your doctor's prescription filled. In our prescription department, only pure drugs are used, carefully compounded by registered pharmacists with great skill. For all prescription filling, see us. N Y E Drmj S t o r . 119 N. Riverside Drive Hione 26 m JM •40 • irh 9$ ,td d! V3 m mentally defective. In order to be wood visited Jack Lenafd Friday | sure all patients receive equal care, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ehlert and daughters of Twin Lakes spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Burnett j the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. Marian Schwemm and daughter of Ivanhoe spent Sunday in the Weldon Andreas home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scbuetse and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee doctors and other hospital employees will not know which patients pay nothing and which pay part or all of their expenses. STATE DEPARTMENT The state Department of Revenue has issued a report showing sales tax revenue for the year ending Dec. 31. 1951. was $182,053,854. spent the weekend with Dr. and j Total number of taxpayers was MrB. Wm. Hepburn. , 1136,832. Smm 0t»iee from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES Tht Stonstfossf PEN CENTER CURVEP BAR RACTOR TIRZ Fm fosses PsfMfW TRACTION CENTER CURVED iAR TRACTOR TIRE FARM SERVICE WE WILL DELIVER AND INSTALL TlRES RIGHT ON YOUR FARM. 0 HAVE TRACTOR READY FOR SPRING. CHECK YOUR TIRES NOW. HTkiHtHmMlimmmMitutmktn mmUit FIRESTONE PASSENGER CAR TIRES Don't Let Your VactlDB Ok A Hazard with Worn Tires. SAVE MONEY! DONT BUY UNTIL YOU GET OUR NEW FIRESTONE TRUCK TIRES , ALL SIZES Also Recapping and Vulcanising BATTERIES Will allow you $3.50' for that old battery when you buy that new om QUX store* J FREUND *41* STREET PH09E XcHEHRY SM WEST McHEKBT MBE and TUBE TCLCAJriZDTG -- ALL WOKE GUARAJTTIBD TERES -- TUBES -- BATTEEICS -- ACCE380UX8 Ahead-the Nicest Miles in the World! . . * • . . .\ m day has come! You fcave yosor beautiful Golden Anniversary Cadillac-- and are off on that cross-country journey you've so eagerly awaited. You're full of hope and anticipation--* but almost afraid it s too good to be true. Can any car perform and nandlc the way people say this one does ? ~^You come to the end of the street that «bens into the crosstown thoroughfare-- 'and the big, easy-acting brakes settle you down to the softest, smoothest stop you ever experienced in all your life. You touch the throttle, and the great Murine starts you out like the flight of an w--smoothly and swiftly and quietly. Almost before you know it, a light turns red--and, once again, that easy, velvelf? little experimenting until you find the spot stop. And then the green-- and agaia tlM^. where it belongs for sane and sensible dnv- .*<• " J ^ L - . a K«t/< Ir AM/1 Ml4V 3 swift, eager move into action Stop and go--red and green . « . and pretty soon it dawns upon you that you never dreamed of driving a car that handled and performed like this. Wonderful in city traffic--no doubt about it! And then the cars thin out about you-- the traffic lights stretch farther and farther apart--and you find yourself on the open road. Instinctively, your foot goes down ofl the throttle; but, quickly, it eases «P again. For you find yourself really rolling in a couple of hundred feet! So you do -a ing--and then you settle back and relax. You scarcely seem to be moving at all. You handle the wheel with the weight of your hand. You're comfortable--resting --at peace with the highway! The sun rises higher and the road beckons on. "Where did we plan on stopping tonight?- "Better take a look at the map and see what's on down the line. We're going to get a lot farther than 1 ever dreamed we could!" Yes, it's inn what they iay about Cadillac. ~ T7- Better come in and see it--and drive it --while you're in the mood! i\ H TOE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY H: OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC Co. 400 Front StT McHenry i 5 Phone 17 s ^ j

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