Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1952, p. 2

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pui^|WWiMii<8W» * m* "'gt :^--1 T>j;0 -V THE McHCNItr PLAINDEALER v&^'V'*3U- <ifr $ Senior Cast Turned - In Fine Performance tteaaey-Beras if* T* A« ^T7 Yaws Exchanged " onng Models Friends have recdved SnncJimce, Young models. *ch wearing the mentB telling of the marriage on very latest in First Communion Tuesday, March 25, <»f Miss J dresses, walked before member* Catherine Elizabeth Heane>:iof St. Mary a-St. t>atrick-s school daughter of William K. Heaney of P.T.A. last week Wednesday after- Jacksonville Fla and the late noon at the regular monthly meet- Lola Ay 1 ward Heanev. She was I ing of the organization. They were married in St Paul s clum-h in: Patricia Mullins, Suaanne Fitz- Jacksonville to Ensign Lawretlce Gerald. Barbara Wolf. Mary Ellen William Burns. | Nye, Sandra Vogt, Rosanne Brze- .*». * w. „ pfnd zinski, Donna Wohlert, Carol Jean Va frm%, pJrSrS^l1 Anders. Joyce Phwrn-nstlll. nated from • .. Dame1 Sharon Conley. Janet** Juhk und * T1W ».ro by Ut u « graduate ot SI. Jowl* |Pamela - ,"•«! Blrt' Preparatory school in Philadelphia Also featured on the afternoon and attended St. Joseph's college.! program was music by a string At present, the bridegroom is' Quartet, including Mary Kay Stenstatkraed at the Jacksonville Naval' g*r. Kathleen Angles*. Lois Bre- AiT Station. The couple will live feld and Denice Justen, accompanied by Diane Tonyan. Their There were only complimentary remarks on the part of the large crowd which attended the senior class play last Friday evening for the very excellent presentation of "Strange Boarders." A cast of fifteen turned in a performance which in niajiy respects had an air of professionalism which is seldom, evident in high school plays. Director was Miss Kathleen Titliey. She was assisted by a very capable production crew. BIRTHS„ [ M r . - M r s . G e r a l , d L a r k i n a r e the parents of their %iist child, a daughter, Janet Mary, born at the Woodstock hospital April 3. * A son was born to .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitzeu on March 31 at the Woodstock hospital. Terry Irene is the lyinte selected by Mr. and Mrs. Erdmain' Rqt - AMONG THE 3TCK COMING EVENTS HHfituniiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiHHiHiiiiiiinimiiii Mrs. James Orr has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Joseph M. 8chmitt of Waukegan toad has been a surgteAl patient at the Woodstock hospital. ., -- v :".¥- • •K-.rkm GIRL SCOUTS i -..ri.r..-,,- ,*ii* .Bii*ii*iI*.I*.iTiifiit.i*iit. 1 V^VrvVWWWWTVTWTTTVT' Third Degree Work. River view Camp, - y awpii if .... a. , " 2lon Lutheran Bake Saje ~ Church Basement -- 1 to 4 FT M. A»rll 14 Benefit Party For St. Sehool -- V. F. W. Hall sored By C. O. F. April 16 * Stated Meeting McHe»f* Lodge. No. 158, A.F. ft A.M. --• S iP.M. -- mm Thursday, April Wr Necklines Are In The Qirl Scouts held a\very successful open Mbuse at {he Lagion Home on Sunday afternoon. March 23. Each troop had dirtplays fit, projects of the year. The Brownie's . Were In charge of open house. wt|h ,M*ry Bjickie as chairman. Senior CHrl Scout# presided at the tea table and served punch and cookies. The leaders .of' the Senior Giifl Scouts are Marge Tl^ompson and Daisy Baldwin. . Troop'- 8 ' , ; Troop 3 held ; an - fexvestltyrie meeting on Monday, A*pfll 7. TH*% following girls were invented: Kathy Moffett, Linda A^jdtrsoa Variations of the short length continue with increased appreci- Tl»i« ation of the need for keying halr- INSwS lillS bprmg .tyles to the personality, type and iv ; contours of women, as well aH to SFecklines are- ,in the news',". their taste and fashion inclinable official hair fashion con)- 1 tions in clothes. However, there is mittee of the National Hairdress-1 an overall tendency toward even era and Cosmetologists association, shorter hair for the coming sea- Thejr will be exposed, or only son with warmer weather. Patrick's ; barely covered, throughout ajjying i By and large, hair will be -- Spon- *®d into summer. Complementing smoother and neater, and closer the high collars which still are | to the head, with individual I popular, hair either rises off the touches designed to accentuate neck or is trimmed .short enough so the saipe general effect if achieved. " " ^ Depending '.toft the ir\dividnnl Meeting an<* ^er PersonaI^y an4 neck con- Juveniles of si. Agatha's Court | tour, hair-stylists choose either No 77J - Installation «-- J:30 short tapered ringlets at the J<M -- tt John's Churoh Half , neckline . . . or quite short ends turned upward . . . or slightly hair .dressed away from the neck. In any case, U'ia.iv cios^ fitting neckline. 'v ' > R. N. ' A., the personality and the interesting features of each womanL. v'> AUXILIARY LECTURE | Two units of the Woman's A®** iliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry county, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Kenneth Flake and Mrs. Robert Andrew, have secured Mrs. Charles Felgreen of Dixon, who will present color films and lecture on historic Hazelwood, her estate on Rock River. Mrs. Chester Gould is assisting with the program which, will be held at West wood School Tuesday, April 15, at 1:30 p.m. The public la invited. In Jacksonville. The Heaneys were former sum- selections were "The Heavens Arc wer of West McHenrj; for the mer residents of McHenry and the Resounding" and "March Ponti-1 lb. 13 oz. daughter born to thei bride's mother llTttf •'ltff» 'jfAr Ileal." ' j*1 the Woodstock hospital oil j Alice Sullivan. Ndncy Reinlle anil j 'round as a girl. ' ! The next meeting of the P.T.A. March 27. ; will be held May 7. ; ^----- A son was born at- the Woodstock hospital March 30 to M and Mrs. David Hansen of McCullom Lake. He has been n*tn. • Guy Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benpy of Blkhorn, Wis., are the parents of their first child, a son born April April 16 . Social Evening -- Legion Jtdftve", onger April 17 \.iw. S. 'C. S. IMonthly Me«tlip. ftjethodlst Church HaH-.;-V:-.'..';v;^^ . • A p r i l 1 8 • v I f C D. of A. Social Met ling April 19 Buke Ssle *-- Conducted,..pjT(' Cr' a of...A.V::'<- " ;• ' ApWl SI •; - Last- Immunizations fti Sprtfalr Clinic -r1 Junior High School 9 a.m. / ' April S2 ^ In, Braelheide Honored Thursday Mrs. Rudolph Bruelheide of Mc- Cullom Lake, whose birthday and golden wedding anniversary fell on Saturday, April 5, was honored by neighbors the previous Thurs-! day. when luncheon was enjoyed at .the jhome of Mrs. Alma Rowe. Enjoying the social afternoon Personals Forest Easter Miss Eva Unti of Lake college is spending the vacation at her home. Bill Schoemaker of Wilmington. were Mrs. Shirley Rowe, Mrs. Del., a former McHenry resident, Louis Witthoeft, Mrs. Rose Frisa'.! visited old friends here this past Mrs. Inga Picket and Mrs. Guett- week. ler. • A Mrs. Amy Hinricks of Mineral /. Springs is visiting her daughter i; and family in Tulsa, Okla.. for a • t j month. in Miss Delores Vales and Albert 1«fia» Commander (hwiira Honored A farewell ^arty was given honor of Legion Commander Jos-' Vales of Chicago, spent the weekeph Gausden at the Legion Home, end with their mother, Mrs. Alrecently. About 300 Legionnaires and their families gathered to enjoy a social evening and present their departing commander with bert Vales. Miss Joann Stilling, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond and' the gift of a beautiful leather Miss Donna Schmitt of Spring chair. Presentation was made by Bernard Matchen. His past commander's pin was given to Mr CkQisden by M. L. Schoenholtz. A tasty lunch was served at the Close of the evening. Mr. Gausden left itdir service ApYll 4. 4 at the Elkhorn hospital, tyrs. Benoy is the former Muriel Butler. • ; A 7 lb. oz. daughter wa? born Saturday, April 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tessendorf. She has been named Kathy Jean. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Orr of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tessendorf of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Tessendorf is the former Esther Jean Orr. * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crier are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital April Virginia DeMuth., j St. Agatha's Court Banqutt We also talked-, about the t^$£i j Hettermann s 6:30 O ClooS. to the Museum of Science and I»>- [ April 84-26 dustry which we will makt oil ftummage Sale -- City Easter -Sttaday. , , • Sponsored By W. S. C. S,^. SUSAN SAY LER, scribe I *»J! 7 ;•„*T ^ _L ^t-Mary's-St. Patrick's P T. & ; CARD OF TIIASKS ^ Meeting I'wish in this; manner to thanTc ] my many friends who gave me; W. S. C. S. Spring Tea such a splendid vote for pfrecinet j M committeeman at the primary' Altar A JRosary Sodality Bake election Tuesday. | file ^ 6eorsje Justen Furniture •48 ROBERT J. FRISBY, SR. ' Store, Green Street. W. fl. C. 8. rianainf Blectlon of Officers Election of officers will be held •at the next meeting of the W.S.C.- 8. of the Community Methodist church, to be held' Thursday, April 17, In the church .hall. A movie on Cuba, entitled "Out of the Dust," will be shown. The committee in charge iliclud- «S Mesdames Fred Heide, Walter B. Hopkins, Art Thompson and '.Keith Foster. Plans for the spring tea on May It ..wiU be discussed. Grove, enjoyed a three weeks' vacation trip to California, where they visited Maurice Stilling, who Is In service. Mrs. Loreen Jones and children were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Stenger and family and Mr. and Mrs. William Rothermel attended the lee Capades in Chicago last Sunday. Miss Beverly Schwerman of Valparaiso University. Ind., has been spending Easter vacation at her home in McHenry. Mrs. Glenn Robison, Miss Helen Residence Changes ORDER NOW & ¥1 A. Plait ftor Bake Sale ' The C. D. of A-, which held a bnsiness meeting last Thursday evening, made plans at that time tor a bake sale to be held at the Qteorge Justen furniture store Ajprll 19. -- Following the meeting, cards were played, with the following being declared winners: Olivi; Bauer in canasta; Bette Genri. and Mrs. George Hess In pinochle ; Helen Weber, Laura Weber. Christine Baumhofer and Eliza fceth Thompson in pinochle. The next meeting will be a soc lal get-together on April 18. The Peter Weingarts 'have moved from the Buchert place on John street to their new home in the north part of the city. The place they vacated will be occupied by the LeRoy Smiths. The apartment in the Wattles apartment building in West McHenry vacated by the LeRoy I Smith family is now occapled by , , , „ , ^ . ... , i Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Sund. who •Welch and Fred Brink of Wood-. have moved from another apart. stock attended the senior class ment in the 8flnje buiiding. Mrs, play last Friday evening- Miss Mary Ann Bolger of Rosary college, River Forest, and Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs. John Bolger. Carl Buckner and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber accompanied the high school music students to Dundee, last Saturday to participate in the district contest. David Powers will occupy the rooms vacated by the Sunds. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer now! Shore the joy of Easter with your family, friends, your church, by sending flowers, the one gift that truly expresses Hie significance of the day. For the best selection of flowering plants, Spring's choicest cut flowers, and corsages, we suggest you order early. We sand Emtor Ftowmrs-ky-Wirm anywfrere. Your satisfaction guaranteW. Here's A Good Steer FOR BETTER-- -- AND FASTER Television And Radio SERVICE CALL 979 or after « P. M. call &77-X.1 Also open for Sunday calls Complete Expert Repairs on all makes of Television and Radio. *" Also Installations Work Fully Guaranteed. F. M. Television SALES and SERVICE 206 Elm Street .HeHenry, I1L Subscribe for the PfiUndeater I Subscribe ler the Plaladeallr Morale booster-- •y%;. M times, vacations are needed more than ever. People who take them return to their work refreshed and ready to accomplish a great deal more. Don't forget the financial services and safeguards we can provide to help you spend carefree days: travelers checks--safe deposit facilities--checking and savings Accounts. See us for convenient bank services. McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Coxjk Interest Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE FLORIST PHONE 230 300 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Renew that subscription to Plaindealer now. The dishes, we mean--with •oft water on tap. Such wonderful suds. So little soap. And how that china sparkles ! Better see about gettui( your MODERN Water Softener--before you do another diaht How about it? Is Send us a Postal Card, we'll be to dtop In at your convenience and-QSPlain how you can purchase a MODERN Water Softener for no money down and only a few cents a month. We will perform a laboratory analysis of your water, FREE, if you will send us a postal card with your name and address. A complete 2-page report will be returned to you free of charge. M O D E R N Witter Softener Sales 4St Summit Sit flgfe* Hi, I'll* iiiilV ii'j! ii ii liiiV'iiiiiiiii wfr. » "Bead the Want Ads RESET YOUR OLD DIAMOND IN A MAGNIFICENT, NEW Cobuniia ntu-Fir SETTING Pot. rand. Illuttroiion mowt "TiU-HT"- Mtf-orffutfJiv, built-in 14 Kt. gaU spring unit-- pwvwli turning-- assures pwf«ct fit. Old fosliioaed ring guards no Iw^e neceuory - STEFFAN'S JEWELRY & RECORD SHOP (14 W. Mala Street XeKenrjr, 11L See HOW Ifom are in the *52 Dodge! CORONET 4-DOOR SfDAN Let the^HOWDmnPmt# exactly how much extra leg roam, head* roam,hip roam Dodge gives youf Where others give you'sell'* WE GIVE YOU PROOF 1 You'll enjoy using the free "Show Down" booklet. It's a real eyeopener. It gives you the straight facts you need to know to judge car value and get the most for your money. Stop by for your copy. You'll be gLldUut you did. WHEN a car is big enough inside to let you sit relaxed and at ease . . . that's when restful, riding comfort begins. The new '52 Dodge is extra big inside . . . gives you more allaround roominess titan many cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Stop by for your free "Show Dawn" booklet You can prove Podge comfort features... safety features . . . engineering advancements that mean dependability, economy and top performance. Get behind the wheel and try Dodge yourself! When you do ... we're sure youll play it wisely and get a dependable '52 Dodge. Spaciflcotlons and equipment tub|«ct to c+iong# without notic* DODGE NOW ON DISPLAY A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES Inc. 391 East Pearl Sired Phone McHenry 156 We've a Hat to Flatter Every Man in Town! FELT HATS Smart New Styles that Mean Smart New Appearance for YOU1 9 that really fltalin a style thai. Yofc Wani a ki You want St compliments your facial contours. You want it in the right c?lor. at the right price! ANtl THAT'S WHAT YOU GET. when you allow our experts to hfelp you choose from this ire* mendous selection. Come in $1^50 St. FITZGERALD MENS' SHOP 208 South

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