Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1952, p. 5

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>tK j^fi- * • • •**»',. •fvy f,.; _„ .-; ;<• r »> \%Af ^<1 V ••"•«>• j-.*?** y 'j -<.* < r, *".. 4; ..fH* • •» i.*.;•' r-- •" v Jfc t " " * ' - * -**-~---<*f • - - - •THE McHEHHY . j* i ilil'ljl" ^'[f^jlpi^'i "'• 'ifr 'tifeiiit 1Y* "*1 ; Thuriday, April 10, WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS ~ -- ^ -- -- : J U N O 3 4 ) 0 0 D O O B B E L L S F O B 7 5 c W I T R - A P L J U N D E A L E B W A N T A O -- Plaindealer H«4t Ada No idi counted Ion than ft words. 75c minimum. 1 Insertion 78c Count 6 words per line) 8lc service chaise on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Tbaniu ... SI.00 Minimum Want Ads clos* promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT. Gen. Manager. Afifcl.® FROEHLICH. Editor. USetioH itptui TfflP SUBSCRIPTION KATE 1 Year Bntered as second-class matter al the postoffice at McHenry, 111., the act of May 8. 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 AJL to 7 PJL A, Sundays 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. ^ 11-tf FOR SALE--Entering service -- Must sell 1950 Olds, Rocket 98, Hydromatic, light green, 4-door good condition, radio and heater. Call Ohas. Olson, Woodstock 275-M , or McHenty 528-M-2, after 6 p.m. •47-2 FOR SALE -- 1951 International tr^k, Model L-162; 154-in. wheel base; 2-speed rear axle; 8:25x20 10-ply. tires; priced to sell. Phone McHenry 994-J after 6 P. M. 48 FOR SALE--1939 Pontiac, 2-door sedan. Good condition. $145.00. Call 994-M. *48 I FOR SALE--'41 Olds, Hydromatic [6, club coupe; heater; new battery. I Perfect condition. Reasonable. Call Wgtder Lake 2S71 before 11 A.M. lor after 6:30 P.M. 48 BUSINESS SERVICE [GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us (dispose of your .garbage each week |or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc- |H«*jry, phone 385. 97-tf PS£1 RALPH L. CLARK * Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning >02 Garfield Road. Harvard, 111. Pkone 748-R 37-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING <®^CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Ouaranteed Estimates t C. ». KINSEY Phone McHenry 47-tf |)EAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash 1 rice8 paid for cows, horses and [.ogs; no help needed to load. Day night, Sundays and Holidays. ^Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf [«len Weber Safai Clothes soiled RtaVlflg and ^ait of shape? Let our skill- «1 workers restore their color and fit Regular dry cleaning Insures a ready supply of immaculate clothes. See us now! We Help You With Expert True-Color Dyeing Clean As New ... Back Te Yen McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 104-M m BUSINESS SERVICE PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J. H. Diehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, I1L 61-tf FOR SALE •An--*"-- ' ' miMijiyiim FOR SALE--Used wash machines in excellent condition. Carey Electric, lis Green Street Phone McHenry 251. 39-tf /OR BRIDES--Bridal crowns and veils, made to order for brides and bridesmaids; alao floral corsages, reasonable. Phone McHenry 614-W-l. 43-6 TREE A BARN SPRAYING White-wash and fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence: Volo, 111. Phone: McHenry 543-J-l. 46-tf CANDID and FORMAL WEDDING _ PHOTOGRAPHS la or Out of Stadlo - . ; The most modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios in Chicago, Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS -- Still and Movies, Projectors, Films and Frames. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois 23-tf CESSPOOLS aad SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE jr~ 8. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 779-W 10-tf WELLS SKILLED OR DRITEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon. 206 Main Street, MoHanry. Tele-, phone 167. S9-tf WINDOW SHADES -- or VBNE. TIAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bondericed and galvanited Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE * VENETIAN BLIND CO., 6640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 661-M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS-Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Tues. through Sat., 1 p.m. to 10p.m., Sun., 11 a.m. to € p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, VI mile west of Terra Ootta factory, which is on Rt 31. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf I FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; 1 Women's Slacks, |2.35: Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses, l$1.98 and $2.98; «lso Children's I Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main St, West of North- ! western depot. 16-tf ; FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes. ! carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St j Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE--JOHNS-MANSVILLE I HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed ' not to settle. Installed by the • Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, j 200 E. Pearl St., McHenry. Phone | McHenry 18. 18-tf FOR SAIJE--Rexair Cleaners, new jand used. Service, supplies, re- I b u i l t v a c u u m c l e a n e r s . R A M | utility pumps for water systems, j disinfecting, whitewashing, irrlga- I tion, etc. Ball bearing, quiet, one moving part. Carl Burnickol. Box MJ. MeHenrv, 111. 47-tf ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Furniture -- Appliances Sporting Goods? Come To F^S Community Auction Service Sale Stilling Farm 1% miles East of McHenry. . Next Sale April 20 Call McHenry 541*-W-2 or 690-J-l , . r <» FOR SALE -- 1 7-ft. Kentucky grain drill; 1 11-ft. John Deere Van Brundt grain drill. Both in very good condition. Phone 546- W-2. Mr.1 Bill Glosson. 48 FOR SALE -- ALUMINUM ^WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co.. Leo Stilling, 290 E. Pearl. '-MBklenry 18. . 48-tf FOR SALE- -Forced air Mueller 110,000 BTU output oil furnace, complete, $250; vacuum cleaner with all attachments, $20. Phone McHenry 1071. »48 FOR SALE-Waterbury, 3 H.P. garden tractor with" 24" lawn mower; 8" plow and cultivator. Vance Welding Service, mile east* of river on Rt. 120. Phone McHenry 836. 49 GST YOUR WORK DOITS NOW! We Will Help You Paint your screens. Wash your walls and woodwork. Clean your wallpaper. Take down your storm windows. FREE ESTIMATES Pkone 272-R DO* PALUCH * 00. I N S U R A N C E FIRE -- AUTO Service My Speciality Pkone McHenry 140-R-X 42-tf PERMANENT FOR EASTER Cold Waves -- 9&£0 ALICE MARIE BLASKI8 Phone 70»-X 45-4 COJTCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All sifce building blook. Chimney block and stepping stone. By stanupipe in McHenry. Office oiuuMi 282-R Itaa. phono 893-J. - 25-tf "BUILD A MIDWEST SECTIONAL HOME" Our prices are below all others. We erect the shell in one day. You complete. All materials furnished. Built conventional of only the best materials. Use your own floor plan or ours. Easily financed. Be fair to yourself, before you build, write for our priccs and free catalog. Merton S. Baker, dealer for Midwest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St, Sycamore, 111. 47-5 ••SPRING IS HBBB" Remodeling Roofing and Siding Aluminum Awnings .Venetian Blinds E-Z TERMS ~ Far Estimates Call -- McHENRY CABINET CO. McHENRY 149-J *47-2 COMPLETE LANDSCAlteCI SERYICE Phone 451-M HAROLD FREESE 71i Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. • 47-4 MUSIC INSTRUCTION---- Ib Yoar Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordiaa. Classics or Popular. Beginners or Advanced Instruction KARL P. KOCH Phoae Piitakee 9H-M-1 5-tf CM rmr Mm BmIn. Gladioli*, Dahlias, TuberosU aad Begealas from Yycltal's. $ ^ 48 DONT FORGET It Can Be Sold at I I ft Commnnlty Anctioa Service Sales Call McHenry 541-W-2 Or 690-J-l Next Sale April 20 48 FOR SALE--2-pc. living room set, $15; 4-rm. oil stove and 3 drums, $25; baby bottle sterilizer, ironing board. Phone McHenry 680-K-l after 5 P. M. ~ 49 FOR SALE--Farm wagon. % mile east of river on Route 190. Phone McHenry 8S6. 48 FOR SALE -- Heavy oak dining room suite; table, six chairs and buffet, tieniune leather upholstery. Like new. 130 Green St. Phone AlcHenry 347 after 2 p.m. *48 FOR SALE--Steam table. Reasonable; can be seen at Legion Home after 7 P. M. 48 FOR SALE -- Multiple windows; 24 incl^'standard; storm, screen and hardware. Call in person at 109 Court St., McHenry. _ 48 HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE 116!» HEX* VrtEK FOR Aim ORt CUE AW* 22 CUSTOM**; |Q COBd® ^ . DISTRIBUTORS WANTED . FOR SALE--Six-room house. New, Natural Fresh Fruit Juices tor j oil-fired automatic hot water heatiHomes. Stores .etc. Very attractive ! Ing system. New. modern kitchen ^proposition. land bath. 210 Richmond Rd. Phone DEL-CREST JUICE COMPANY ! McHenry 818. • S7-tf •900 W. Roosevelt Road I '1 - : Oak Park. I1L 474 WISE REAL ESTATE : WANTED ^WANTED--Watches and Jewelry! --^ to repair. Anthony Nodkan, 200 So. ! YOR SALE •Green street,1 McHenry. (Fronf ' . aad BI SINESS BUYERS Try SKIBA i (i First Riverside Hotel 'Phone 919 , , 44-tf 7-rm, modern home; bath, hotwater oil fum>»n». full part of Cla|re Beauty Shoppe.) .basement, 2-car garage, location 32-tf Be togi PHONE 9^7 _ » cj McHenty H. Front sutlon Br* fiKY hardware uhY LAK* WANTED - Yoar Old Wat<A . s Trade It In Now On a *[- • . *F*ne 17 Jewel Watch . Putt's Precision Watch Repair ^Western I'nlon Agency Plione 298 4W E. Elm St.--Wilson Radio Rldg If your watch is on the bum let "Frett" do your fretting 27-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED good for commuting to Chicago. Lakes close by. Call 2497 or write -^Arthur Kimball, Genoa City. "Wis' Will consider terms. *47-3 !*FOR SALE o-room. new, modern homes. . Built-in baths, cabinet kitchens; insula tod and plastered. Small down payment. Turn south at white schoolhouse on Route 120 at Lily Lake. Frltzsche Estates. Phone McHenry ."60-M-2. 48 FOR SALE 5 room house on FOR SALE FOR SALE--500 Hylitie chicks; 4 weeks old. Will separate. Plus all chicken equipment, all brand new. Leaving state. Call Richmond 592 after 6:30 evenings and all day Sunday. *48 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOR RENT--Modern flat in West McHenry; immediate possession. For particulars write Mrs. Clara Campbell, 103 E .First St., Elmhurst, 111. 49-8 FOR REN? -- 3-room rurnished apartment Fair Oaks Snbdv.- Phone McHenry 531-R-2. 48 HELP WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED! U Pleasant, Steady Work Near Your Home --Good starting wage. --Opportunity for rapid salary jfcfc vancement --Bonus for second and third shift work. --Paid vacation ' after 6 months' service. --Paid sick leave after 2 months service. --Group Insurance. --Work clothing, gloves and safety shoes at low cost. I N V E S T I G A T E ! Positions available for men in our Production Dept. THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, Inc. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS ___ TeL Wonder Lake 2411-- HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Sales girls for full and part time work for Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Ideal permanent positions. State age. experience and salary desired. Write to Box 257. c'o McHenry Plaindealer. 48-tf j large lot overlooking Fox River. ; oil heat, insulated, ready for oc- We have ensh buyers far joarcupantcy. Write Box 93, Route 3, homes, summer homes, farms, aad vkHenry. P;»one C05-W-2. *48-3 business properties. We caa sell I your property If year price Is j FOR SALE- 5 room and bath resirlght. j dence at Island Lake. 2 lots. Price ---- , $7500. 10% down, balance easy XACOB FRITZ -- REAL ESTATE j monthly payments. Eugene M. In Johnsharf TeL McHeary 87 I Phillips, Woodstock, 111. *48 •7-tf i FOR SALE -- New 5>rm. house. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of BARBARA ENGELtt. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to aU persons that June 2. 1952, is the claim date in the estate of BARBARA ENGELN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and that WANTED 500 pints of blobd for ] crystal Lake, lllTs'toi^ wfriigeTa- ol?lm'_.°>y be against the wounded G.I.'s in Korea. Phone ) tor an^ laundromat. Phone Mc McHenry 595-M-2. | Henry 519-J-2. 48 GIO that the zoning classification of the following described real estate he varied to permit the us. of said property for a retail grocery store operation in the manner of a "B-l" classification: Lots Forty-three (43) and Forty-four (44) In Block Ten (10) in West Shore Beach. Mc- Cullom Lake, according to the plat recorded in the recorder's office of McHenry County. Illinois in Book 9 of Plags. page 32 and being a part of the South* east Quarter of Section 21, Township 45 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridan. The bearing will be held at 3 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday. April 29, 1952 in the City Hall of the £ity of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to sacb application will he entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZON- _ ING BOARD OF APPEALS . By Frank Nagel -- Its Chairman and KINNB 115 Riverside Drive McHenry. Illinois WANTED--Lady wants ride to and from Harrington daily. Phone McHenry 912-J. 48 WANTED TO RENT HELP WANTED -- We have a , WANTED TO RENT - Young steady job for an ambitious young I couple with two little tots, needs man that would like outdoor work on a game farm. Apply in person between 5 and 7 P M., at Oakhurst Pheasant Farm. Rt. 3, McHenry. Call 506-R-2. *48 WANTED -- Woman for genearl office work. Typing required. Hours 8:00 to 4:30. 40 hours a week. Starting salary $40.00. American Terra Cotta Corporation. Phone Crystal Lake 24. 48 ~n HELP WANTED LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORK NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED COMET CORPORATION 10HNSBURG HELP WANTED--Man for beverage route, steady work, good wageB. Walsh Distributors, McHenry. *48 HELP WANTED--Woman for general drug store and fountain work. Nye Drug Store. Phone 26. 46-tf HELP WANTED--MALE, Drafts- ^ man, mechanical. In Mundelein, 111. Accurate and neat, for small engineering department. Tracing detailing, etc. At least 2 years experience. Call Mundelein 6-6430 or write Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein ,111. 44-tf 5-rooms unfurnished, with option to buy within this year. Call Waueonda 5388. 4«-tf WANTED TO REST- -4 or 5 room house; furnished; automatic heat; 2 bedrooms. For 2 sisters. Phone McHenry 849-MX. *48 SITUATION WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE -- 2 Holstein Bulls; 16 months old; T.B. and Bangs tested. Also Duroc boar, weight 300 lbs. Bauer Bros., Rt. 12, Wauconda. 111. *48 FOR SALE--Chicken house. 10 to 12 feet; nests and feeders, $50. Call McHenry 597-J-l. 4» I HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; | experienced. Should know theory and be able to analyze trouble. High starting rate -- wonderful opportunity for advancement to better position. Free hospitalization - free insurance. days. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 W. Elm Street, McHenry, 111. 42-tf IT CAN BE SOLD Furniture --- Appliances Sporting Goods Call McHenry 541-W-2 Or 690-J-l F ft S Community Aactloa ' Service Sales Located at •' Stilling Farm l^fc miles East of McHenry. Next Sale April 20 48 HELP WANTED waitress. Phone -- Experienced McHenry 377. , 43-tf <ilifts *WANTED--Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant Pleasant working conditions. Rivjiside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Norhtwestern Depot, AfcHenry. 17-tf McHenry -- 2 apartments. 4 and rooms, brick, hot water Heat, near schools, for api>ointment call our office. Snanyslde Estate9 -- 2 bedroom home, tile kitchen, garage, gas heat, water front, for appoinpient call our office. Weaker Lake -- 4ft rooms, stove heat, nice location, only $6,500.00. Small down payment, balance terms. HOMES BUILT TO ORDEft On, 100x900 ft. Lots In ! JAK-ANA HEIGHTS aboat twe blocks north of Johas. hnrg« overlooking the beautiful SI. John's church groaads, If yoa like to lire out of t<v*n, or Intend to retire this Is the place to live. For Information call at onr office or phoae McHenry *7. JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATE hi Jehhsburf, Tel. McHeary 87. 41-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Young man, 34, available, for Saturday and Sunday work. Dependable. Write Box 25G, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. ' *48 SlTr ATIO> WAI^ED--Win care for children, hourly or weekly, experienced. Phone McHenry 627- J-l. *48 MISCELLANEOUS said estate on or before said dkta without Issuance of summons. GEORGE R. JUMTmS, Administrator VERNON J. KNOX * Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois Publish April 10-17-94 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATK Estate of KATE WEBER, Deeeased. Notice la hereby given to all persons that May 5th, 1952, Is the claim date in the estate ot KATE WEBER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of lie- Henry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the' said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. DOROTHY JACOBSOK, Administrator VSRNON J. KNOX Lawyer Crystal t<ake. Illinois. (Pub. Apri! 3-10-17) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE •state of JACOB F. ADAMS, Da ceased. Notice is hereby given to alt" persons that May 5th. 1952, is the MISC. -- Wheaton Antique and I date in the estate of JACOB NOTICE Write in Henry Hiller candidate for Johnsburg Grade School bo^rd on Saturday. April 12th, 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. 48 WATCH FOR Listing of Merchandla# to Be Sold at FAS Community Aaetlea Service Sales April 20th Next issue of Plaindealer 49 Hobby Show. Wheaton Methodist Church, April 16-17-18, 11 to 10 p.hi. Admission 50c. 8 day F. ADAMS, Deceased, pending the County Court of McHenry County. Illinois, and the claims pass $1.00. Plate lunches, tea and ' *** against the snacks served. >49 HELP WANTED--General housework, must like children, own Paid holi- 1 and bath in modern new home. All electrical conveniences. Pleasant family atmosphere. Character references required, north WANTI.I) Physio-Therapist, Mc- ^ side suburb of Chicago. Write: Henry Medical Gnbup. Phone Mc- I A. Vodlcka, Lawrence Lane, North- Henry 482. *8 ' brook, 111. 47-2 FOR SALE--1 M. J. T Frlgidaire, 2 years oid; like new. Price $125. Harold Olson. Phone Genoa City 2093. 48 HELP WANTED COIL WINDERS , COIL FINISHERS SOLDERERS I. High starting rate. -• Paid vacation after six months. 8. Pleasant working conditions. HELP WANTED -- At Ringwood Nursery. Phone Wonder Lake 3776. 47-2 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate -- 408 Richmond Road McHeary, I1L Phone: MeHeary 491-J 43-tf S P E C I A L Ranch heme aad garage attached. Complete 99.000 Easy Terms AIRSPUN BUILDERS Phones t McHenry &11-R-1 and Wonder Lake S798 36-tf COMET CORPORATION, JOHNSBURG 48-tf FOR SALE--Zenith console radio, perfect condition; reasonable. Phone 850. 48 FOR SALE--Boys' full sise bicycle; good condition; 986. 411 Main St., McHenry. 49 FOR SALE -- Like brand new, special racing Switzercraft and hot-rod champion; 7Vi hp., wheel throttle, water meter, etc. Worth $700., $350 cash. Chuck Coles, McHenry l^oat Co. Phone McHenry 303 or 633-J-l. 48 FOR SALE--Seed oats, Clinton No. 11 and 59; also Holstein bull, 1 year old. Plume M.cHftnrj 816-J-L 48 -i--h HELP WANTED -- Men for full time work. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 So. Green St 48 HELP WANTED -- Dependable married man for general farm and tdairy/ New modern 4-room home available immediately. George Richardson, Spring Grove. Phone Richmond 728. *48 HELP WANTED -- Girl for interesting position as 'Photo-Technician. Will teach. Some chemical knowledge (high school chemistry or other) necessary for this work. The Edwal Laboratories, Inc., Ringwood, I1L Phone Wonder Lake 2411. 48 HELP WANTED--Girls f6r full time work. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 So. Oreen St 49 HELP WANTED First, Second and Third Shifts Steady Work - 48 Hour Week Time and a half after Forty Honrs -- Apply -- AMERICAN TERRA COTTA CORP. and AMERICAN STEEL TREATING CO. . gout* 31* One MUs North Roulo iTi vl" T*L Crystal Ub 24 LEGALS NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOSEPH DIMAQQIO AND ANTIONETTE DIM AGestate on Or before said date without isevaace of summons. CLARENCE ADAMB, Executor VERNON J. KNOX. Lawyer Cryatai Lake. Illinois. (Pub. April 3-19-17) 0. E. LOAN GROUP Permission to organise a Saviajpi „ _ and Loan association in Crystit rtisP' kas been granted by B«a- ^ *rT"^' Jamin O. Cooper. Auditor of Pubttc Accounts, State of Illinois. An application for permission to form an association was filed about two OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That in compliance with the pro-1 years ago and after a complete \1sions of the McHenry County j Investigation by the Building and Zoning Ordinance relative to a Loan Department of th« Statat change or variation of the soningja liccaae haa been granted. Classifications a public hearing - .J* • vl- Will be had before the Board of Appeals in Connection with the application of JOSEPH DIMAGGIO AND ANTIONETTE DIMAGGet ready to plant yenr garden, youll find flower seeds, vegetable seeds aad oalea sets at Yyeltaft. 49 Does Your Drinking Water - SMELL BAD - TASTE BAD or LOOK BAD? Is It HARD? Would YOU liko to haw« your drinking wafer analysed? If you are interested in learning just how hard your water really is, and just what it contains, send us a postal card and we will call at your home to obtain a sample of your water. We will then have a certified chemist make a laboratory analysis of your water and we will give you a completej2-page report that you may keep. WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE MODERN Water Softer Sales 432 Summit Street Elgin, Tlttnoii iH • \rV' m < rt M m

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