Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1952, p. 11

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t:m- MPi . 30. ' * ' ' I Iter A- f ,-Aprtl 17. MSI ft.i.iAMrtWA.:« yhwih^M HHT THE McHBNRY PEAB906AISR NEWS FROM Wonder Lake B; Van<>s«« Seiis Ot i map of the United' States that covered the entire floor, the | seventh and eighth grades at Har- | rison school presented a program Thursday that showed their culminating activity in geography ) and social studies. j The program was given in con- , Junction with an open house to j which all pareiits of the students |«eTe invited. * * The students participating stood I on the map at the points indicated by their parts in the program. Anne Lundborg gave the introt ductions and: the entire group ;I *ahg "America, The Beautiful." I and gave the pledge to the flag. > The group also gave the final I song, "God Bless America." | Pgul Mattingly described the i first English settlement and Betty %Jb»locwost told of the making of . tile constitution. . , Winn Davidson tola 'of the lj French aod Indian wars and of the settling of the northwest. Leslie fiergdahl told the story of the revolutionary war and Nancy , Swanson told of"" the Louisiana 'Purchase. " JRandy Sellek related the purjchase of Florida, Janice Franz jiold of the annexation of;, Texas, ^.fthur Frenssen described the i Oregon territory and Pet#r Bast tian told how Mexico was ceded. JDijap&^Htint spoke . of the Gadsen rchase and boundary HUM. Bob rmier told of the Xegro problem land Lincoln's election. Sandra (Sells recited the Gettysburg address and told of the civil wai1 {.period. ' Janice Johnson, Sandi Jo Monte- ^aone, Carol Eisenliart, Billy 'Weight and Chuck Majercik gave descriptions of individual work. !'. The room was lined with handsome books which told in stories kand pictures about the individuel fstates. Each of the students had ^.prepared one or two of the books. • The seventh and eighth grades '•re taught by John Lathrop, prin- 1 clpal of Harrison, and Ruth Oonk. liam Green, McHenry, is the senior vice-commander and is expected to be elevated to the top post. 4-H'ers Elect Office** Martha Boldt was choBwr prtSident of the Busy Bumble -Bees 4-H club at a meeting held in the home of Sandi Sells Wednesday of last week. Sandi was chosen as vice-president of the group. Virginio Audino was named secretary- treasurer, Janice Jacobsen was elected reporter and Sue Spuehr was elected as assistant to Janice in a club that will num* ber about thirty this year. The girlB voted to pay If CWgts dues per meeting. The next meeting will be held April 22 at the home of Anne Lundborg. Any girl over 10 years of ,age 1B invited to become a member of the club. Residence Gutted By Fire The Wendt residence on the lake front in Deep Spring Woods subdivision was completely gutted by fire Sunday. The house is occupied by Herb Jensen and his family and it has been reported that a gas stove in the kitchen had leaked gas all t night and exploded the following morning. No one was hurt.• Has Major Surjrery Mrs. Fern Paetow, Hickory Falls, had major surgery at the Memorial hospital, Woodstock. April 11. She will return homo today. (Thursday).- Attend Coon Dinner I About 100 persons were presoir at the Lake View Inn Saturday night to partake 6f barbecued raccoon prepared by Fred Sells, who had taken the coon during the hunting season last winter. Mrs. Leah Cormier aided in preparing the southern rice dressing for the dinner. A high point of the evening wtis the singing, of "Skip" Farrell. radio and TV star. He was accompanied at the piano by his wif<». rally at Woodstock Opera House next Saturday night, a meeting sponsored by the Youth for Christ of McHenry county. There should be a large delegation from Wonder Lake. We are in the midst of a Sunday School contest, with an increasing interest. Come and join us nex. Sunday morning at 10. There aro classes for all ages. And agaiu we cordially invite to our regular t services next Sunday, April 20. all 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. I ' Although the exact vote count ' for the district is not available, ' Helen Reuter and Joseph Lundborg were elected to the two vacancies on the Harrison school , board. Anthony Audino was defeated for re-election. ' Serving BB judges and clerks at ! the election were Mrs. Lillian : Forsberg Belshaw, Mrs. Erika Frenssen, Mrs. Elaine Spuehr and t A#IrB. Alice Noren. ™ Fred Marks* Wonder -Lake, was elected to the McHenry high hool board. i. ' < • | Enlists In Ammy {•. Tommy Martin, until recently ! attending college in Ohio, enlisted 'recently in the army and is now ' stationed at Ft. Sheridan. Howj ever, he does not expect to be at the fort longer than a week or two. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Les Klintworth visited Tommy at the fort. Tommy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I George Martin, are visiting in Ohio. Country Shrine Club Kinley Bngvalson, retiring president of the McHenry County IShrine club, was elected to the 1 board of directors at the aqnual ! meeting of that group Thurkdny j in Harvard. Arthur Keeril Is the only other I Wbnder Lake director of th<> j group. j The club plans to entertain the Green Giants, Hebron's champion basketball team, in the neur fu- 1 ture. i el< Tsc Pat Wyatt Hospitalised ! Pat Wyatt, 6-year-old son of Mr. ! and Mrs. Samuel P. (Red) Wyatt j and grandson of Mrs. John Sirtak. j has been a patient at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, suffering • from a virus infection. Ctanty Legion Meeting j The county American Legion ; will meet in Wonder Lake April 24 and will nominate officers who will be elected at the May meeting. - William Tornow, Union, is the ' present county commander. Wil- Gospel Church News Our - Easter Sunday services Were rich in blessing and well attended. In fact, there were more people at the Sunday School session and at the morning worship hour then we could accommodate. It was a joy to greet many out of town people as well as a large number of friends from our own beloved community. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonelake of Zion brought inspiring messages in song. So did the children in "our Sunday school, and of the junior church. The glorious- truth'of a risen and living Saviour became new and blessedly real again. We are verygrateful to the many friends who brought beautiful Easter lilies and plants to adorn the platform. There is a "Youth lor Christ Compare Our Prices Before You Buy...... If you are looking for • Combination Telerliloa, we have them. It's Ratheon TV and it's Fnturfced for *3 way television performance. The only set with a life-time warranty M the tuner switch. (All of These Sets are Equipped fw Wm W& UHF OhMMfe) 20" Rectangular T.V., AM-FM Radio, 3-speed Phonograph, plays all size record* AS LOW AS $425.00 20" Rectangular T.V., with Phono-Jack 2 switch. Console Model with full doors. - -- AS LOW AS $£75.00 17" T V., AM Radio and Phonograph all speed all size record player. --~ AS LOW AS fet&UO 17" T.V. Console with half doors. AS LOW AS $245X10 TELEVISION -- S A L E S A N D S E R V I C E 206 E Xlm StrMt McHtnry, IUlnoli PHONE 979 ' • Beyal Welcome Diplomatic relations between the* United States and Japan were opened with one of the most colorful visitations ever made to the nation's Capital. The Japanese ambassadors and their suite, pressed, in lavish Oriental costumes and bearing gifts, were welcomed by President Buchanan at a White House reception in 1860. "m Fine Harbar Hubert, capital and largest city of Tasmania, with a population near ing 80,000, has one of the finest harbor# in the world. To it, and to ports and airfields at the northern end of, the island, 130 miles across Bass Strait from Victoria, come tens of thousands of vacationing Australians each year, drawn by the temperate climate and scenic grandeuvs. Well Deserved . lb Boston, during a debate tn ft* state legislature on a proposed $44 million building program. Representative Thomas E. Key arose and asked for^a moment's silence in tribute to the taxpayers of Massachusetts Strang City Five hundred followers of an early king of Peru founded .a city of refuge, called Machu-Picchu, near Imperial Cuzco. The city was built amid towering mountain peaks out of a valley far below, with a foaming river in its floor. The high cliffs and the steep and narrow trails made it inaccessible for hundred of years. ' " Stencil Designs Stencil designs are an interesting way to treat woodwork. The stencil design is first applied to the wood with a thin coat of fresh shellac When the coat is dry. stain is applied and it does not penetrate the coated stencil design. The surplus stain is then removed with a soft cloth. Complete line at LeeV peaKr* remedies at Wattles Dfi| Store. Sir Henry. St* LOOK OUT FOR MOID ' : , Chief rest. .. • IT* Mexican bean beetle the chief pests in America * ; v MEAT CUT Eye Injaries year approximately I0G»- 000 industrial workers suffer disabling eye injuries. Many of these injuries could be prevented by wearing goggles where they should be--over your eyes--not on your forehead. If your job calls for goggles--dan't for a minute. take l chances even Versatile More thari 200.000 prophets he heir origin in roal Casserete A nutritious cassercie dish can oe made from a combination of chick en, corn, green pepper, celery, but ter. eggs. milk, and breadcrumbs Take life Easy A Hindu philosopher once "Never stand when you can sit; never sit when you can lie down." This is the whole kernel of relaxation. and the person who follows this will be better equipped to kMp up with the fast pace of living, especially if he has s comfortaMa~ bed on which to relax. Doil Blessing A special blessing of dolls ice was held in the Anglican ChtKt flf St Botnlph. Nortbfleet. HsBt* T*1'. Silver Scratches Scratches on silver can be treated with a paste made of whiting aad olive oil. Polish with chamois. Cr Mjulu REST IN PIECES IF you WALK ON THE WRONG StPE OF HIGHWAY At NlfrHT TV* IHtdM Mky SMa Jewish Calendar The Jewish calendar Is based o; days reckoned from evening t> j -vening ' Immense China China occupies territory almo.s one-third larger than the Unite- States. Q. What are these variety meats? A. Kidneys. Left to right; veal,: beef, lamb, pork. Q, How are they prepared? A. They are washed, the membrane removed, then split through the center to remove the fat and tubes. Following this pro-* cedure, beef and pork kidneya ara braised or cooked in liquid as in kidney stew or steak and kidney pie. Veal and lamb kidneys may be prepared by either of these previous mentioned methods or may ba broiled or panbroiled. Better watch the bread hex, CMkle far cmtl plastic refrigerate* haps far WMWMHIMC meld. Pert hi a cool place and Inspect dally. : Above all keep them sweet and fresh with a »oda-rinse berth at least twice a week -- three tablespeens baking seda t« a qaart of water. Dry in the MM, if passMe. WE RENT LAWN ROLLERS Althoff's Hdwe. Ml Main Street McHenry PHOXE 284 Plan Your Lawn & Garden N O W WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL TYPES oi FERTILIZERS aad LAWN SEED. M1L0RGANITE SHEEP MANURE BONE MEAL ROSE FOOD VERTAGREEM^ WO lbs. $3.75 50 lbs. $2.25 100 lbs. $4.°° 50 lbs. $2.10 50 lbs. $4.95 25 lbs. $2.70 100 lbs. $10.10 25 lbs. $3.25 100 lbs. $4.55 50 lbs. $2£0 VIGORO 100 lbs. $4.55 50 lbs. $2.80 USE OUR FERTILIZER SPREADER FREE! ALL PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY. (CUp Oat This Yalaable Coapoa) f FREE GARDENING CATALOGUE j I I I ^ CITY j ALTHOFT'S SEND THIS COUPON TO OUR STORE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE . AND HANDY GUIDE FOR LAWN AND GARDEN CARB. NAME ADDRESS STATE "McHenry Cauniy's Leading Kardi PHONE 284 501 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. THANK YOU! A very 'heartfelt thanks to all the voters in the McHenry Community for the fine support given me at the primaries. DON WICKS States Attorney ^ USE ALEXANDER'S -Budget Plan- To Repair or Improve Your Home. INSULATION AND STORM SASH ... . . KITCHEN MODERNIZATION NEW FLOORING, SIDING AND ROOFING . . . , . . NEW PORCH -- NEW GARAGE . . . ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . AIL MATERIALS AW) LABOR MAY BE IMCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance ic 36 Monthly Payments It's Easy To Buy On Budget At ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. "The Best of Everything For The Builder" 547 MAIN STREET PHONE '5 4 i FROM COAST TO COAST ATLAS rXXUf€r/) *1,000,000 SPECIAL BREWING PROCESS HAS MADE IT America's most imitated beer! ^^ ATLAS BEER rlACEl SAUS NAVE Mow Than Oe«ftM...IMMI Mora and mora b««r dhnkan or* twitching to Allot Progtrl Sine* 1941 Atto* frog«r »ol«» hovt mor* than doubled. Tmduy, LmmMmw Ifwriw All Owr Arm Attempting F* ImiHrim AHa» Fraftr*! (reef Brewing Atkfovmmmmt-- MO l/TTII A# FII-fMVU 1|K Beer «rftk teNe Bitter After-T«Be,\ Atlas Prmgrr. be* rfutngrd brer-driekiig habits in its homr territor>. Aid UmI'i just (he bepnnin^! .Now, other uw|or iw**rrif» Ihrnughoat the rountry are playing follow tke leader. One after another Uie> arr annoaneing beers «itk No Bitter Aftrr-Taatr. Next timr In' the original beer that started this arw nalion-wide taste* trend -- Atlas I'ra^rr. Enjoy this one big different* in been --No Bitter AAer-Ti with new dwinudt tah we brn« wil do ATLAS n/tiik nils ill : BALIS IN MOMS CITIBS THROUGHOUT IUIMOIS ABB NIIGHBOBINO ST ATI S THAN ANT OTHER CHICAGO BLLLL HERMAN R. KREUTZER COURT and ELM STREETS TEL. McHENRY 290 McHENRY. ILLINOIS M

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