Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1952, p. 2

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* . • . t PIJ||NDEALER Ihndw, April 17; 19S2 : A L^ZEN-TONYAN VOWS EXCHANG AT FREMONT REGENT BRIDE AMONG THJ? SICK Circle 3. W.S.C.S. -- Church Bt^pment May 6 Past Matrons' Club A wedding of Interest to local residents was solemnized on Wednesday. April 16, in St. Mary's church. Fremont Center, Beverly Schwerman To W*0 la Antnmn "Mr. and Mr^ Glemi Draper an- BOunce the engagement of their iaughter, Beverly Jane, to Ed- Interesting Program Planned For P. T. A. In conjunction with the theme, "This Is Your School Health Program," Joanne Rulien, McHenry irard Younger, Jr., of Round Lake. 1 school nurse, has prepared a very They plan to be married in the J interesting • and entertaining proearly fall. 1 gram to be presented at tlie April - . „ • I., ' 24 meeting Of the McHenry Coni- Wtfehiaann ffclldmi ; . jmunity P. T. A. The meeting will Baptized Oa Banter 'begin at S:15 o'elotjc. The two small children of Mr.} M*88 Joan Cramer, physical eduand Mrs. John Weichn&nn of cation teacher iu the aeineiitar> t>Tlter street were baptized bv, schools, will present "Darning He*. J. Elliott Corbett at the East- [ Through the Ages.' a program « morning service at the Com-. Maturing children from the grade, femlty Methodist church ! Junlor hi*h and hl*h ^hools. Thtsponsors for Donna Lee were minuet wil1 bp Presented b* thH*. Donald and Phyllis Weichmann of |dren from the Edgebrook primar> Park Ridge, while Joan Heilman departments; Go Down Moses/ Of Wonder Lake and Airman Sec- * modern dance, by a group of stu Happy Hour Clab Made Hospital Favor* The Partv-a-Montlt met at'the Ringwood church hall Wednesday evening of last week, at which time favors were completed and taken to Memorial Hospital for McHenry County for Easter. One was placed on each tray that day. Invitations were sent out by Johnny Hogan and lovely Easter decorations made by Barbara Feezel. Refreshments were served by Jerry and Mary Hog&a. ond Class Lyle Ladefoged of Wbodatoek were sponsors for Jo A4n. Mrs. Weichmann's father. Otto Heilman, acted as proxy foY Serviceman Ladefoged. planer was enjoyed at the Wfeichmann home after the service. Others in attendance in addition to those mentioned were Mr dents from the high school, with accompaniment by the boys' chorus; a Charleston tap by an intermediate group from the elementary schools; and a boogie-woogie, a square dance, by a group of junior high girls. A playlet entitled "Safety in' the Heme," will be presented by ELIZAPETff STILT,EY,. - R. GEORGE HARTMAN ; ARRIED ON MONDAY In a quiet ceremony performed by Justice of the Peace Charl s Hayes in Woodstock last Monday. April 14, Mrs. Elizabeth Stilley was united in marriage with Mr. George Hartman of McCullom t Lake. Mrs. Stilley is a sister of J'T^rry MRS. ROBE Miss Mayme Buss sastained a! badly fractured Shoulder in a fail in her home Easter Sunday. She when ] has beea a patient in Victory Me- A policeman's idea and Mrs. Fred Weichmann of j «»dents of the third grade, under R«and Lake and the children of tbk DonaM Weichmann*. St. Clara's Court Plans Installation fet Clara's Court. No. 658, W.C.- Op'., is planning for installation of- officers on Thursday evening. April 24, to be preceded by a dinner at 6 p.m. For reservations, call 127 or 91-R. St. AgaAa Court Ifeatalfcftoa April 22 St. Agatha's court. No. 777. W.C.O.F.. will hold installation of officers on Tuesday, April 22. A Hsuer at 6:30 at Hettermann's Will precede the ceremony, with reservations to be turned in to Virginia Pitzen or Hilda May by Sunday, April 20. The installation will take place in the hall followtag dfemer. the direction of Mrs. Charles Gibbs. The program will be concluded with a Hawaiian Hula interpreted by Miss Mary Harrey, Kindergarten teacher. Refreshments will be served by mothers of junior high school students. , Miss Clara Lenzen* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Lenzen. | became the bride^ of Jerome L. i Touyan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan of Ringwood. Rev. Fr. Michael J. Conway officiated at the double ring ceremony, which was read at 9:30 o'clock. The bride chose a white Batin j dress, with which she wore a ' long train and fingertip veil, the 1 latter held by a tiara trimmed 1 with seed pearls. She carried bouquet of white roses. Her only ' Jewelry was a pearl necklace* a gift of the bridegroom." Miss Lenzen was attende-d by bride of February was Altos j her sister-in-law. Mrs. Coletta. Miller, youngest daughte: j Lenzen, and a cousin of the Mrs. Fred W. Meyer of Ringwood. ^r- aI,d Mrs. Joseph J. Miller j groom. Miss Virginia Williants,- a Hei" bridegroom Is a retired Pub-s°' Waukegan street, McHenry, 5 nurse at rtines hospital. The "for-, lie Service company Employee and ; exchanged nuptial vows with mer • chose an aqua-colored taffeta farmer. ; Pvt. Robert Becker at St. Mary's ( dress, while Miss Williams wore The bride wore a-black crepe church. The bridegroom is the son yellow taffeta. Both had large, dress trimmed with sequins, black °' ^e Frank Beckers of 'Wood-»matching hats and carried bon« accessories and a .yellow coat'. Shfc .stock, formerly of McHenry. Re- quets of yellow flowers. ' *; had a carnation corsage. cently. Pvt. Becker left for over- paul Tonyan, who is home on BECKER The couple will reside in Wood- Beas service stock. WED FIFTY YEARS BIRTHS Circle 8 Mm Hay 7 HMrele « Of ^M W.B.C.B. Will •Met in the "Methodist " church basement on Wednesday, May 7. tMth Mrs. Etoar 01 sen as chairand Mrs. Deef, co-chairman. Mrs. Geo. Refker Heads Past Matrons ..... Mrs. George Reiker was elected president of the Past Matrons' club at a meeting held last week at the home of Mrs. Eva Eppel. with Mrs. Joseph Holly as assistant hostess. LOthers elected were Mrs. Vales- Hoppe, vice-president; Mrs. George Johnson, secretary; and Mrs. Roy Harrison, treasurer. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude White on May 5, with Mrs. Roy Harrison as assistant hostess. furlough from JFort Riley, Kas., served as best man and the groomsman was Clarence Lenzen, brother of t,he bride. Clarence Tonyan and Joseph Lenzen served as ushers. The bride's mother was attired , in a light blue dress, while Mrs. A son was born' to Mr. and Mrs. , Tonyan chose navy blue. Both Alfred Young at the Woodstock ! had pink and white corsages, hospital 011 April 9. ! A turkey dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weingort fifty members of the immediate welcomed their first child, a son, families at noon in St. Mary's-St. on April 9. Patrick's school hall, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Adam-; A reception was held there for have named their new daughter 200 guests during the afternoon Rose Ann. She was born at tb« and evening. Woodstock hospital April 4. ' i The newlyweds will reside in? > an apartment in Ringwood and, GRANTED DIVORCE » the bridegroom will continue to Mary Endres was granted a <U- farm with his father. vorce from Ronald Endres -m# --4* • past week in circuit court by Judge William M. Carroll. t Read the Want Ads Lot of Landscape ' New Zealand has t diversity <ot landscape--plains, °downs, valleys, hills and mountains Hetlew, Magic Cl dab's Program 1 ^llrs. Frank Hendricks will re view the book, "Through Charlie's •C the Zlon Elect Offtranr For Ladies Aid The Ladies AM Lutheran church elected officers last week when members met at the home of Mrs. Glenn Draper She was assisted by her mother, I Mrs. H. Heise, of McCullom Lake. | Elected president was Mrs. Fred Door" by Emily Rimbrongh for J Bienapfl; vice-president, Mrs. Bd. fee Woman's dub Friday after-! Guettler; secretary, Mrs. Carl noon, April 18. This month's meet- I Patsfce; and treasurer, Mrs. ing Will be held at the home of er* Mrs. Peter M. Justen on Elm 1 -- atreet. Zandel-Little •i. Music tor the program will be Troth Announced furnished by Mrs. Cornelias Qain-: Mr aIld Mrs. Ernest Znndel of Ian, who will entertain with; Chicago and Lakemoor announce «tgan selections. i the engagement of their daughter. The committee in charge in- Diane, to Robert G. Little, son of chides Mrs. Justen, chairman; Mrs. Margaret Little of Chicago. Itesdames Carl Hoyte, Joseph Misa Zundel is a graduate of Sec- W a y n e , P a u l D o h e r t y , A l b e r t V a l - r e t a r i a l B u s i n e s s s c h o o l . H e r THE RUDOLPH brtlELHElBES Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bruelheide of McCullom i Lake, who on April 5 observed | their golden wedding anniversary. They are shown here on the anai-a versary date, attired in hats which j they also wore at the time of their | silver wedding. DEL-VON CANDIES Assorted Chocolates, Peppermint Sandwiches and Pastels. . For the unusual try the samplsr box. OT, N. J. Nye, Gus Freund and AKhar Smith. VeeUag Peats fwel pears or peaches quickly, -4|cald the fruit with boiling wator. ^jphen just slip off the skins. f i a n c e a t t e n d e d s e v e r a l a r t schools, including Chicago's Art Institute. Afghanistaa The government of Afghanistan ts a constitutional monarchy. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreciation to those people who supported me at the polls April 12. 1952. 49 VALE ADAMS We will ship fudge to any place m the world for you. It is an ideal remembrance tor anyone m service. THE AGATHA SHOP 110 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 145-J DIAMOND JUBILEE - S P E C I A L S - FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 19 & 20 HANDKERCHIEFS Reg.4fcc JUBILEE SPECIAL 31e STATIONERY TEE SHIRTS PAPER NAPKINS White GARDEN GLOVES Reg. 39c JUBILEf SOX to io% . iReg. 39c pr. iHe nil 'j'wMXiitili iKftefci* tt**V • ii# mmJrnrn 523 MAIN STREET tfeHENRY. IU. Mil » I i tf1' ,* i "7<t4e Ifottn. from Hie ONLY COMPLETE LINE Z of FARM TRACTOR TIRES z mortal hospital, Waukegan, since that tinie. Dr. R. G. Chamber 1 in has returned hohie from the Woodstock hospital, where he has been confined for a few wfceks. MARRIAGE LICENSES George Hartman, McHenry, Elizabeth Stilling, Ringwood. and j, COMING EVENTS nifliliiHniinniiitRniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiruitHiuiii April 17 W. S. C. S. Monthly Meeting Methodist Church Halt ^ *'V April 18 . - : , C D. of A. Social Meeting.. * April 19 ' ' Bake Sale -- Conducted By" C 0. of A. April 31 Last Immunisations In Spring 9 a.flt.. " April 82 m St. Agatha's Court Banquet >-- Hettermann's -- 6::«) O'Clock. April 84*81 Rummage Sale -- City Hall -- Sponsored By W S. C. S. April 24 St. Clara's Court, No. 8.$t-- Installation Of Officers -- Dinner 6 P. M. "SAFEGUARDING people and property is my busi* ness. If more people would do as I do, use checking accounts,safe deposit boxes and travelers checks -- 9 |^ol|c^ manf3 job would be a lot easier.V V Safeguarding your money and other valuables is a main function of our bank'. Come in at any time for complete bank service* McHenry State Bank ICember Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE 1040 The Sensational OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRZ Tie Famous Patented Ttr**ton* TRACTION CENTER C U R V E D BAR TRACTOR TIRE FARM SERVICE WE WILL DELIVER AND INSTALL TIRES RIGHT ON YOOR* FARM. HAVE TRACTOR READY FOR SPRING. CHECK YOUR TIRES NOW. FIRESTONE PASSENGER CAR TIRES Don't Let Your Vaction Be A Hazard with Worn Tires. SAVE MONEY I DONT BUY UNTIL YOU GET --OUR NEW REDUCED PRICEEL-- FIRESTONE TRUCK TIRES ALL SIZES Also Recapping, and Vulcanizing BATTERIES We will allow you $3.50 for that old battery when you buy that new one in pur store* ' ' WALTER J FREUND MAIH STREET PHONE McMENRf 8»4 WEST McUEHSl VIRE and TUBE VULCANIZING -- ALL WORK GUARANTY EH -- TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSOBIttl i t . i K ' v NOW! .bbite U-SAN-O gj INSURED MOTHPROOF CLEANING ^.SYSTEM INSURED MOTHPROOFING AT NO EXTRA COST policy Yes, besides our high quality UQUI yuvii w va** en garments are mothproofed at no extra cost and insured against moth damage for six months. Why be satisfied with less than the best when the best costs you no more? and To Serve You FASTER We have installed an tidditionail large press aftd several smaller production units to enable us to give you fast service. Now we can give you two-day store service and three-day pickup and delivery service. Try Us and You Will Like Usl 1 faHSJt I901 MEMS E* PHONE 927 -- N. Front St.. McHenry • Branch Service Store - > LILY LAKE HARDWARE STORE SAVE ON CASH and CARRY <pi

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