Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1952, p. 5

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: ' ' * . f ' Thunday, April 17.1952 ^ .. t." WfUterrV1•" ##i£ Plaindealer Want Ads No ads counted l«n tkan 25 words 75c minimum. 1 insertion .-..„. 75c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all Mind aJi Cash with order. CWtl of Thanks .. $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. BUSINESS SERVICE Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURFEINDT, Gen. * Manager. ADlCLE FROEHLICH, Editor. *„ ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Open Tues. through Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sun., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, Vt. mile west of Terrc Cotta factory, which is on Rt. 31. Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf ICnt SUBSCRIPTION RATE $S.OO itered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8; 1879. REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Coven COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Week Days 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Sundays 9 A.M. to 1 PJW. n-tf Hie fte«t USED CARS For Leas •ET TOUR WORK DONE NOW! We Will Help You Paint your acreens • ' , Wash your walls and wooUOOik Clean your wallpaper Take down your storm windows. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 272-R ; DON PALUCH & CO. tt-tf . I N S U R A N C E v » : r FIRE -- AUTO ^ . . Service My Speciality ' Phone McHenry 140-H-X 42-tf All Reconditioned and Said With Written Warranty A peach of a buy '51 Chevrolet DeLuxe S Misaction here for aure ^19 TDefioto DeLuxe Sedan ( B eauty plus real economy '50 Dodge Tudor Wayfarer L ook at this for sure '49 Dodge Convertible A real bargain for you '51 Nash Statesman Sedan CpO looking - fine tunning 50 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan E xcellent choice for you '48 Mercury Club Coupe Also A Wide Selection of Other Used -fors - New Cars - Tracks May Be Seen At A. S. SLAKE MOTORS, fata. McHenry 106 49 FOR SALE--1950 Hudson Pace maker; 4-door, radio, heater, excellent condition, best offer. Phone Wbnder Lake 2401. 49 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE--Used wash machines in excellent condition. Carey Electric, 119 Green Street Phone McHenry 251.. 39-tf j FOR SALE -- Factory Seconds; | Women's Slacks, $2.35; Women's Skirts, $2.50 to $3.50; Dresses. $1.98 and $2.98; also Children's Slacks, $1.85. Riverside Mfg. Co., 1600 Main St., West of Northj western depot. 15-tf | TOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ! ADDING MACHINES. Service on , all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf DEAD ^NIMALS--Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night. Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf CONCRETE PRODUCTS C. D. KINSEY All size building block. Chimney block and stepping stone By standpipe in McHenry. ftffice Phone 282-R Res. 0hone 893-J 25-tf FOR SALE HELP WANTED MM* *HE McHENST ftJUNDEALSH l •--idfr* •~ *f vr \ \ • :* • vJ*" *^•- ;V * . , N» »\ i* '• , : . f r j v v vt r ; *v* ? u ' - " i H • t . Y*v'* **• - - 1 > i i 1 ** - ± ' t~ 4* \ v -abkjL ;5' FOR SALE--26% Off on aU Hats and Spring Coats. Boys and girls, sizes 1 to pre-teen 14. THE fODDLER SHOP, 312 Elm Street. 49 FOR SALE -- Twin sice beds, dressing table and dresser; Indian throw rugs; oriental hall runner, 18-ft. long. Phone McHenry 437-R. 501 Golf View Rd. 49 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Natural Fresh Fruit Juices for Homes, Stores, etc. Very attractive proposition. DEL-CREST JUICE COMPANY W. Roosevelt Road Oak Park. Id. 47-3 HELP WANTED , tieHT ASSEMBLY WOtift ! ffO EXPERIENCE REQUlRfcb FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallflll Co., Leo Sailing, 200 E. Peart, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE--Used furniture; 2- pc. living room set, $25; 3-pc. bedroom set, $20; rocker, $5; child's hi-boy, $10; child's crib (to 6 years) $15; ice box, $10. Phone McHenry 517-M-l". • 49 COMET CORPORATION IOHN8BVM 4S-tf FOR SALE -- Formals, sizes 10 and 12. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 414-J. 49 FOR SALE -- Rexair Cleaners, and used. Service, supplies, rebuilt vacuum cleaners. R A M utility pumps for water systems, disinfecting, whitewashing Irrigation, etc. Ball bearing, quiet, one moving part. Carl Barnikol, Etox 211, McHenry, 111. 47-tf FOR SALES--Brown mohair, brocaded davenport. Cheap. Phone McHenry 110-R. ' 49 HELP WANTED -- Person or : couple to manage drive-in: ex- I perience necessary; good salary. ; Write to Box 259, .c/o McHenry ! Plaindealer. / 49-2 | HELP" WANTED--Mill ft* r*k- I ing leaves, cultivating around j hushes, etc. Phone 437-R. 501 | Golf View Road. , 49 HELP WANTEbT Dependable | man wanted; must appfty In person | after 3 P! M. Freund's Dairy on I Rt. 31, McHenry, 111. 49 ! WANTED -- Woman for general i ofice work. Typing required. Hours 8:00 to 4:30. 40 hours a , week. Starting salary $40.00. , American Terra Cotta Corporation. Phone Crystal Lake 24. 49 TUPLES ,/MT. FOR SALE--Sand, gravel, stone, fill, limestone and black soil. Phone McHenry 597-M-2. *49 FOR SALE--Maple kitchen set and Norge gas stove, in very good condition. Phone McHenry 643-R-2. 49 FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANSVIL L E HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St, McHenry. Phone McHenry 18. 18-tf PIANO TUNING jro for sale high grade Spinet vlios, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt Service. C. J7 H. Diehl,' phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. 51-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274. McHenry, phone 365. 37-tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing -- Tuning 908 Garfield Road. Harvard, 111. Phone 74&-R 37-tf GENERAL CONTRACTING NEW HOMES REMODELING and . CARPENTER WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Estimates --- C. D. KINSEY Phone McHenry 893-J 47-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordlan. Classics or Popular. Beginners or Advanced , 2 Instruction , 7 EARL P. KOCH Phone Ptatakee 6S8-M-I 5-tf Bitn Weber Says: DRY CLEANING BY EXPERTS PUTS * NEW SPARKLE IN CLOTHES Wonderful things happen to your tired clothes when we dry clean them. Colors perk up, stubborn spots disappear and things look like new. Come in today! dean As New . . . Back To You McHENRY CLEANERS 108 Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE 104-M ri*ra "BUILD A MIDWEST SUCTION At HOME" Our prices are below all others. We erect the shell in one day. You complete. All materials furnished. Built conventional of oilly the best materials. Use your own floor plan or out-s. Easily financed Be fair to yourself, before you build, write for our prices and free "batalog. Me'rtoh "S. Baker, dealer for Midwest Homes, 1124 Somonauk St., Sycamore, 111. 47-5 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE Phone 451-M HAROLD FREESE 712 Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. 47-4 FOR SALE--Waterbury, 3 H.P., J garden tractor with 24" lawn mower; 8" plow and cultivator. , Vance Welding Service, H mile least of river on Rt 120. Phone j McHenry 836. " f <49 | HELP WANTED | HELP WANTED -- Radio tester; J experienced. Should know theory I and be able to analyze trouble. ; High starting rate -- Wonderful | opportunity for advancement to | better position. Free hospitaliza- I tion free insurance. Paid holi- ' days. Apply Admiral Corp., 507 j W. Elm Street, McHenry, 111. 42-tf HELP WANTED -- Woman for general drug store and fountain work. Nye Drug Store. Phone 26. 46-tf ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. "a good place to work" TELEPHONE OPERATORS ... Good salary to start; frequent increases. You'll be working wftfc.t i girls your own age (and telephone people are the | friendliest in town) .... | you'll be doing | important work in a | vital industry. 1 I See: Miss R. Marshall Chief Operator at 192 Paxk 49-tf ATTENTION YOUNG MEN tu ure interested In a good future with a Found, fast growing business, this is your oppor- . tunity. j We need ambitious men for protduction work; no experience nee* J essary. | We also need men With boat building experience. References will be checked. OZARKA BOAf COMPANY Woodstock, 111. 49 FOR RENT GREEN ST. L G E R ' S UG STORE £ PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL* REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SALE--Tavern, good location, doing good business. L A R ; Tavern, Ringwood, 111. Phone j Wonder Lake 3741. *49 REAL ESTATE -- FOR SALE McHENRY--2 apartments, 4 and 4% rooms, brick, hot water heat, near schools, for appointment call our office. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES -- 2 bedroom home, tile kitchen, garage, gas heat, water front, for appointment call our office. WONDER LAKE - 4Vt rooms, stove heat, nice location, only $6,500.00. Small down payment, balance terma. v HOMES BUILT TO ORDER On 100x200 ft. Lots in JAK-ANA HEIGHTS about two blocks north of Johnsburg, overlooking the beautiful St. John's churrh grounds, If you like to live out of town, or Intend to retire this la the place to Nve. For Information call at our office or phone McHenry 87. JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATE In Johnsbnrg, TeL McHenry S7. 41-tf TREE St BARN SPRAYING White-wash and fly control. Frank W. Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, HI. Residence: Volo, 111. Phone: McHenry 543-J-l. 46-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced waitress. Phone McHenry 377. 43-tf CANDID and FORMAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS In or Out of Studio The most modern equipment within 25 miles. 35 years experience with the best studios in Chicago. Aurora, Gary and Waukegan. 20 years in McHenry. Portraiture, commercial photography. CAMERAS--Still and Movies, Projectors, Films and Frame*. ANDREW WORWICK Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, minois 23-tf GIRLS WANTED -- Ambitious girls wanted for our new plant. Pleasant working conditions. Riverside Mfg. Co., 600 Main Street, West of Northwestern Depot, McHenry. 17-tf FOR RENT--5 rooms on Riverside Drive, Occupant must buy 3 rooms semi-modern furniture. Large Tscreened-in back porch. Phone: 78-RX. 49-tf FOR RENT--5-rm. ranch house; hot water, oil heat; services in exchange. Phone McHenry 121. Call Saturday after 9 A. M. 49 FOR SALE--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knpx Real Estate 495 Richmond Road <i McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 43-tf FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf S P E C I A L Ranch home and garage attached Complete $9,090 Easy Terms AIR8PUN BI ILIIERS : McHenry 511-R-l and Wonder Lake 2793 36-tf HELP WANTED--Sales girls for full and part time work for Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Ideal permanent positions. State age, experience and salary desired. Write to Box 257 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 48-tf FOR RENT--Modern flat in West McHenry; immediate possession For particulars write Mrs. Clara Campbell. 103 E. First St., Elmhurst, 111. 48-3 WANTED TO RENT CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon. 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf WINDOW SHADES -- or Vene- TIAN BLINDS -- New line of removable slat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. STERLING WINDOW SHADE & VENETIAN BLIND CO.. 5640 W. Division St., Chicago. Phone COlumbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651- M-l., Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. Free Estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two week's service. 27-tf "SPRING IS HERE" Remodeling Roofing and Siding Aluminum Awnings Venetian Blinds E-Z TERMS -- Eor Estimates Gall -- ..McHENRY CABINET CO. McHENRY 149-# 49-2 " PERMANENT WAVING HAIR CUTTING Open Evenings by Appointment MRS. WM. JUSTEN Phone McHenry 1084-J '• miu north of McHenry on, Highway 81. *49 y East 8Me Hie hails and corridors of Mary- Knoll Seminary, Ossining, N.Y., are literally paved with the of New York City. HELP WANTED COIL WINDERS COIL FINISHER# SOLDERERS 1. High starting lain. 2. Paid Vacation after six months. 8. Pleasant. working conditions. WANTED TO RENT -- Two or three bedroom summer home for season. Phone McHenry 846-J or Chicago, BU. 1-7703. 49 COMET CORPORATION JOHNSBURG 48-tf HELP WANTED -- Woman, by the day for housecleaning. Phone McHenry 32. 49 WANTED TO RENT -- Young couple with two little tots, needs 5-rooms unfurnished, with option to buy within this year. Call Wauconda 5388. 49-tf CARD OF THANKS HELP WANTED--Man to take care of lawn, 3 days a week, or 6 days if desired. Left side of Pistakee Bay. Phone or call James, S. Mraz, Rt. 1, Saturday or Bunday noon. 187-R. 49 I wish to expreaa my deep appreciation to my many friends in this area for the wonderful vote I received on April 8tfc I feel most humble and hope I can measure up to the confidence you have placed in me. A. B. MeOONNKLL HELP WANTED First Second and Third Shifts Steady Wodc - 48 Hour Week Time and a half after Forty Hours -- APPLY -- AMERICAN TERRA COTTA CORP. and AMERICAN STEEL TREATING CO. Route 31, One Mile North Route 17$ „ J TEL. CRYSTAL LAKE 24 FOR SALE--Six room house. New, oil-fired automatic hot water heating system. New, modern kitchen and bath. 210 R'chmond Rd. Phone McHenry 318. 37-tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 32-tf WANTED Your Old Watch Trade It In Now On a Fine 17 Jewel Watch Frett's Precision Watch Repair Wee tern Union Agency Phone 298 904 E. Elm St. Wilson Radio Bldg. If your watch is on the bum Let "Frett" do your fretting. 27-tf e-- REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property tf year price Is right. - JACOB FRITZ --REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg Tel. McHenry $7 27-tf WANTED -- 500 pints of blood for wounded G. I.'s in Korea. Phone McHenry 595-M-2. 45-6 WANTED -- Acetylene welding outfit. Paint spray gun. Phone 331. •49 WANTED--Dressmaker. Write to Box 258, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *49 N O T I C E MY THANKS TO ALL THE VOTERS OF DISTRICT NO. 12 WHO SUPP08XED AX. THE SCHOOL ELECTION. MICHAEL SCHAEFER LEGALS NOTICE HOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of BARBARA ENGELN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Jane 2. 1952, Is the claim date in the estate of BARBARA ENGELN. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GEORGE R. JUSTEN, Administrator VERNON J. KNOX Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois Publish April 10-17-24 NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate Ot KATE WEBER. Deceased. Notice la hereby given to all persons that May 6th, 1961, is the claim date in the estate of KATE WEBBR, Deceased, pending In the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that Claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. DOROTHY JACOBSON, Administrator VERNON J KNOX Lawyer Crystal Like. Illlnota. (Pub. Apri! *-!*•>/> WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Kayak or canoe. Phone McHenry 695-J-2. 49 WISE REAL ESTATE and BUSINESS BUYERS Try SKIBA * CO. First RlvefSfcls Hotel Phone 919 46-tf FOR SALE--7-rm. modern home; bath, hotwater oil furnace, full basement, 2-car garage, location good for commuting to Chicago. Lake* close by. Call 2497 or write Arthur Kimball, Genoa City, Wis. Will consider terms. *47-3 FOR SALE -- 5 room house on large lot overlooking Fox river, oil heat, insulated, ready for occupantcy. Write Box 93, Route 3, McHenry. phone 605-W-2. *48-3 8wlve! If Thomas Jefferson Isn't the patron saint of Washington bureaucrats, he should be--he introduced the swivel chair. ftllly Law* American communities don't own a monopoly on silly laws. European legislators have rolled up a record too. England forbids you to marry your mother-in-law, beat your wife on Sunday, or tell a fairy story over the telephone. Italy prohibits kissing in public except in railroad stations. False teeth are supposed to be legally taboo Switzerland, and pictures of bathing beauties must never appear in Madrid newspapers. NOTICE OF CLAIM HATE Estate of JACOB F. ADAMS, De ceased. ^ Notice Is hereby glYen to all persons that May Rth, 1952. is the claim date in the estate of JACOB F. ADAiMS, Deceased, pending tft the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and the claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons.. .CLARENCE ADAMS, Executor VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer Crystal Lake. Illinois. . (Pub. April 3*HMT) '* Specialized Lies AlUrgit !• Otfctr than Most Sfitcto | Whales, dugongs, and manatees i have no lice, fleas, mites, nor ofhejt ' ectoparasites, but few, if any. otheip ; mammals are free of them. Thft tact is set forth in a new book opto i "The Sucking Lice" by Professcit . G. F. Ferris, of Stanford Uuivef* sity and a Fellow and Research A*».; sociate of the California Academy* < of Sciences. > There are about 225 known speckftr of sucking lice, according to Professor Ferris, and they are confined" to mammals. In fact, the autbdir points out that * louse needs a bridge of hair to move from one host to another, and that species 4f Uce are usually associated with Ceft tain species of mammalr So highjr specialized are some lice that thap, appear to be allerRic to the bleed of animals belonging to any bet their particular host-species. From these observations, the ae> thor speculates upon the possibly use of species of lice to trace relationships among the host-mammals en which they occur. For instance, another entomologist found a subspecies of the European head louse on an ancient American Indian mummy. This may give the anthr#» pologists something to work on. Professor Ferris says that much more work must be done before suih theories can be tested. "The Sucking Lice" Is the 1MI volume of a new "Memoir Series'* published by the Pacific Coast E^ tomological Society on the occasion it its semi-centennial. / The medical importance eff fee Ferris book may be judged by die great number of diseases transmitted by the small parasites living ot birds and mammals. Many of these ills have only recently begun te affect man. Professor Ferris points out that only after we know thor-^ oufchly the parasite and its habits can we institute effective control measures. 7- Lights ef London-- 1 The gleaming lights of London In winter focus attention on things passed over lightly during the longer daylight hours. The shops of Bond Street and Regent Street glow with fine clothes and accessories both for women and for men. Antiques, newly dusted and prominently displayed, grace the windows of Charing Cross, Kensington, Bloomsbury, and vie for splendor with rare books, old silver and porcelain. Johnson Was Democrat ° Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, was nominated vice president by the Republicans and elected with Lincoln on the National Union Ticket For Ixuon that's terrific; Be specific . Say It's the password to beautiful lawns everywhere... and so easily achieved by feeding and seeding the Scoff way! SoSOL LAWN SttD Each pound contains millions of fripltf clean quality seeds fairly bursting with energy to make your lawn a showplace. 99.91 % weedfree. 1 lb - $1.50. S lbs- $7.35 SmttL "SPECIAL" Seetf Grow* fast so it's good for new lawns. Produces tough turf in a hurry, thrives in son or shade--good soils or poor. 1 lb - $1.25 5 lbs • $6.15 tUMf BUUDtR Lawns love this complete grassfood. |t helps them grow strong, luxuriant and Iceep that win* "iome springtime sparkle. -|5 fb» feeds 2J00 tq ft - $2J0f 10,000 sq ft - *7J5^ NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN BLA2BK, Deceased. Notioe is hereby given to all persons that May 16th, 1952, is the claim date in the estate of JOHN BLAZEK, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. * M A R Y N O V A K . Administrate RICHARD F. HIMAN, Attorney 1817 So. Loomis St. Chicago 8, Illinois _ (Pub. April 17-94, May 11 Vteteers A meteor from outer space b#» comes a meteorite by surviving thfe friction of passage through ths earth's atmosphere and reaching the ground- Although undoubtedly many meteors have become meteorites since the dawn of time, only about 1,450 have so far been found. One weighing 36^ tons was discovered In Greenland in I89S ind brought to the United States by Robert K. Peaty, discoverer of the North PeM^" Snew Bikes Snow tires for bicycles are available for youngsters who must use their wheels through the winter months tor going-to-school pur- Doses laeemals Cure -- If there is any such thing as fisure cure" for insomnia other than good sleeping equipment, this might well be it: Just imagine that It Is a cold winter morning aboqft S a.m. and it is time to get up. B almost invariably brings on immp» dlate sleep. BIORKMAN'S HARDWARE PHONE 722 _ 190 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY. ILL. » «* Hi A U C T I O N SUNDAY. APRIL 20th lt30 P. M. STILLING FARM " 2 miles of McHenry on Route APPLIANCES Refrigerators -- Gas Ranges -- Electric Ranges Spmi Heaters -- Washing Machines FURNITURE New Chrome Dining Room Sets -- Occasional Tables -- Occasional Chairs -- Desk. ANTIQUES Loveseat -- Cradle ^ PONIES 2 4 year old |||By Small F. & S. Community Auction Service 4 ROM Mary Stilling, Clark -- Hontaar Fowka. Awe. ; w Upright Antennas f Television antennas were collaptfe tag In Bay Shore, a town besidb Long Island's salty Great South Bay. The trouble came from corr^ slon of the guy wires, which we*e ^ made of galvanised braided cable. £ Central Radio Service, of Bajf Shore, decided to try a materM more resistant to corrosion: 0.061- inch Monel wire. Tliis has stopped the antenna service crlls they irttfng." .

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