'«•*1 luw i . •- -f' " ' ' ' y Ar'*" - -W~ TWICE TOLD TALES ;.,j" Forty Y«tf» Ago A alight accident occurred on Hie West Side about 2 o'clock fuesday of this week when Dr. A. C. Spurling, who was driving his new Ford run-about, ran into § rig- driven by Orville Hudson The doctor was not used to the new car and was a little confused about the working of the levers, which resulted in the mixup. Ni much damage was done to eithei buggy or machine. Nearly one hundred couples attMided the electrical ball giver tot the* benefit of St. Mary'i church at Stoffel's hall last Saturday evening. The electrical effects were something swell. John R. Knox, the Ford agent delivered four more cars thit week. At the rate he is going hi ought to set a new county recort before the season closes. Mr Knox is now driving one of tht *new Ford run-abouts, having sole his old machine to Ben Schoewer. The Easter dance held at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, on Mon day evening was attended by £ large crowd. From all reports "Stubby" has lost none of his en tsrtaining qualifications. A number of our citizens art Still waiting for their water pipe* to thaw open. . . A business change will go intc effect in Centerville in May tha will take one of the oldest busi ness men on the street away fror mm THB 4 rWfvt * * m* Y PLAIHDEALER 1% tkmhr, ipiil M, H0 k rRANSPLANTma or 3VEROREENS TAKES SPECIAL CARS w You doftt need a "grccft tttwnb" to transplant evergreens. But a little extra effort and the rijfht care often make the difference between success and failure. H. R. Kemmerer, extension landscape specialist at the Illinois College of Agriculture, offers these suggestions to make your transplanting a success. First of all, the best time. for transplanting is in the spring, from the time the ground is dry enough to work until the leaves begin developing. Pick a clam, humid, cloudy day to do the work, but don't transplant when the soil is wet. Most evergreen trees an d shrubs are balled and burlapped-- that is, a ball of earth around the root* is enclosed in a burlap bag If you can't plant the evergreer the same day it is delivered from the nursery, pack sawdust, peat straw or dirt around the ball to help cut down moisture loss. Set the tree at least as deep ar it was before transplanting. It's a good idea to dig down another two inches and put some topsoi" under the roots. Leave the burlap on the root? to avoid breaking the ball of aarth during planting. It will decay in a year and won't affect -oot growth. When you fill the hole, firm the soil around the ball, beincareful not to break the ball \fter the hole is three-fourth5 full of firmed soil, fill it to group,-1 active life and place him in th ranks of the retired. On this day' level with water. When the water John Heimer, the veteran saloon has soaked through, fill the res' keeper on Green street, will pass of the hole with top soil, but don't the business over to his oldest firm it. Leave the soil level a little lower than the ground surface tc form a catch basin for rain wateand the water you add. Then put one-half inch of peat, ground son, William, and son-in-law, Arthur Bickler. Twenty-Five Tears Ago McHenry's city's election was held Tuesday, April 19, at which time Peter W. Frett was elected1 corncob®. or other mulching mamayor. Gerald J. Carey won the race for city treasurer find Ray F. Conway was proclaimed clerk. Aldermen elected were Peter J. ' Doherty, Herman J. Kreutzer and Robert J. Frisby. One of the lovliest of spring weddings was solemnized at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning in St. Marys Roman Catholic church when Miss Kathryn King and Mr. John C. Thies were united in marriage. Hie storm which broke over McHenry and the surrounding country Tuesday afternoon was terial on top of the soil around the plant. If you run into poor subsoi1 while digging, keep the poorer soil in a pile separate from the topsoil, and don't use it to refill the hole unless you don't have enough topsoil. In that case, thoroughly mix some organic matter and a little complete fertilizer with the subsoil before putting it back into the hole. Nevei put manure or leaves in the bottom. You won't need to water an evergreen plant every day after to the roots--once or twice a week for at least a month after planting will assure good root development. little short of a cyclone and was P°u Plant Usually a thooough the cause of a great deal of dam- watering-enough to soak, dowr age to property in this section. A report from the insurance office of Simon Stoffel states that 106 losses had been reported before 10 o'clock Wednesday. The vacant lot between the William Pries building and the ff. J. .Walsh building on Green Street will be much improved by «n attractive structure which will he built for Richard B. Walsh of . Chicago. •T.- ' . Handy Item large towel rack on the !n- Side of your bedroom or bedroom Closet door is handy for holding the bedspread when the bed is ---being used, or for keeping a folded extra blanket within easy reach lor extra cold nights.. Farmer's Question Corner fb latfttn Fw*4*Hm - F#f initial Health I J' WHAT ABOUT HOG CHOLERA? Q: How dangerous is hog ehol* era? A: Cholera is our worst swine killer; causes losses running intd many millions,of dollars annually. Q: Why is cholera so danger* ouT A: The virus of cholera is extremely contagious and one of the most deadly of all in the field of swine diseases. - 1 ' • Q: How is the virus spread? X: In many ways. It may be spread by con-, taminated feedbags. garbage, wagon and truck wheels, or on the shoes of visitors. Even biting flies may spread it. Q: What are the symptoms of cholera? A: Usually it strikes without warning. Pigs lose their appetites," keep to themselves, become weak and depressed, get wobbly on their feet, and may scour. There Is no cure. Sick pigs usually die within 4 to 7 days. Very few, if any, re cover. Q: What can the farmer da to prevent eholera losses? A: Vaccination in advance is the only preventive. Pigs should be vaccinated around weaning time Only healthy pigs should be vac cinated, so a general physical check-up by a veterinarian is always recommended before vaccination. Q: Are there any other precautions? A: Yes. Vaccinated pigs should be kept in clean quarters and ranges away from old yards. Pigs should be watched so that they do not pile up or overcrowd at night Ample drinking water and shade should be provided in hot weather. NOTE--Due to space limitations, general questions cannot be handled by this column. Good Advice "Americans should walk more, eat less." And thus regain the wonderful physical condition of those days of hardship, when gas and MMt were rationed. : J ' frofrrtr? " ====*= In Columbus, Ohio, forgery suspect George McCrimmon answered to the name of a fellow prisoner due to be freed, forged the other's signature on a release form, strolled ou* of jail. New Classified Ads Appear. > Old Ads Disappear. -- Reason -- Quick Results by VlP 1 «*'• V . n vuiru PIECES IF you PONY KCftP VOU* CAR IM SAFE CONDITION TW Tmhn Safe? 3«*Im Slicing Cafes--•• y ;r", You can split a layer calce oe slice an angel-food cake easily by "sawing' through it with silk or nylon thread. To )--ep a cut cake from getting stal^ fasten on a slice of fresh white bread with toothpicks. Part of France The island of Corsica in the Mediterranean forms an integral part of France. Ptaytex Baby Prodaets Wattles Drag JlcHenry I1L If?) The Exact History United Nations sponsored History of Mankind will be the first history to give world wents their relative importance no matter where and when they happened, Louis Gottschalk, professor of history in the University of Chicago, says.. London 'tueaters Today's visitor to London finds the historic joys more or less intact. The main attraction after dark is still the theater, according to the •British Travel Association. There are more than 50 plays and musicals on the boards and the most expensive seat averages about $2.75. CLARENCES SHOP MADE TO ORDER Bird Honses -- Lawn Chairs -- Swings Picnic Tables --^UmbcftUa Tables -- Sand Boxes Ceifcen* cfimney Caps ^ Cement Cesspool Rings and Cover! " Pier and Park Benches -- Flower Boxes Wheelbarrows -- Picket Fences -- Arbors Trellis, etc. Unfinished Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards. Chest oi Drawers, etc. CLARENI TEL. 583-J-l I. SMITH JOHNSBURG Don't Forget That Blood Pledge Date By Marie 8chaettgen Now that you have signed 'that pledge to give the Red Croat bloodmobile uijit a pint of blood you won't forget to show up for your appointment will you ? II isn't only a matter of forgetting an appointment, it will mean that some boy A Korea will be forgot ten. Forgotten, perhaps, when that pint of blood might have saved his life. ' The blood you don't give wonH do anyone a bit of good. That boy is not forgetting us. He i there because he believes in oui way of life and wants to preserve it. He remembers, when things get tough, that he wouldn't want tc live in a country without freedom He knows what it would mean tc him and to all Americans not tc have freedom iii all phases of life Imagine what it would be like to read in the papers ox^ly those things that would npt hurt the "regime",- Imagine your children in school being taught that the power of the government is greater than the power of God. Imagine having to attend church in some secret meeting place. Imag» ins not expressing your views because you might be punished for it. ' All this has happened in many European countries and we don't want it to happen here. So, please help the boys on the fighting front to stay alive until they and their country are ft£ peace once more. That pint of blood you give is your contribution to the fight for freedom. Don't let anything but a real emergency keep you from your appointment. Some boy needs your blood Don't forget him ! ! ! IF IT S WORTH DOING ItV Worth Doing Right There is No Substitute F«r Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R Safety Htat Keep your windshield and windows ' clear of snow and ice, fog and ^ frost. Be sure your headlights, 5-5" windshield-wiper blades, and de* frosters are in good working order. You must see danger to avoid it. m New Life fer Hat Your old straw hat can be given £ a new lease on life with a coat oi self-polishing wax. Just brush ofi the dust, then brush on the wax. . Let it set for a while and you witt ... have a topper that gleams like new "7<yt ZuaUfy MICHAEL-LEONARD SEEDS HERE VYCITAL'S V HDWE. SHEET METAL SHOP..." PHONE M 132 Green St. McHenry, m. Hospitality In Pennington Gap, a., at the dedication of the new Lee County jail. Carpenter Lee Maness, the first workman on the building, overcele ^rated. became 'ts first inmste DON'T BE A SLAVE TO Trailer Space ^ 7 Monthly rental of trailer space in America's 7.500 trailer parks averages $15 to $30 The number of parks in which these mobile homes are sheltered, with sanitary and other facilities, is increasing at the rate of 1,000 a year. Indian Words Mainland Indians contributed such words as wampum, allocochick, sewan, and porcelain tor 'money, wigWam, long knife, mackinaw, Chicago, mugwump, papoose, tomahawk, wampum beU, tayse, war whoop and heap. Saving Silver Silver will be less likely to tarnish while not in use if it is coated witb a thin film of olive oil . put away. SEPTIC-TANK AND CESSPOOL CLEANER Eliminates digging & pumping. Removes sludge, fibrous tree roots, STIMULATES BACTERIA Vycital's Hdwe. »»H0NE 98 132 GREEN ST, No MYSTERY about this comfort Fiekpocbt Furnace Y«vr furnace may be robbing you of com* fort ami tiard-eamed heating dollars. Check to see if he is operating under one of these aliases: " CONVERSION-UNIT CHARUI -- "converted" to « ' fuel he wasn't designed to bum. HAND-FIRED HARRY-breaks yew beck as well as your budget. SPACE-HEATER SAM - a poor substitute for real comfort and Konoay. MW-FURNACE NID-M another old-timer-a fwf» nace with a burner added, . : It doesn't take a "private eye to see that FAULTLESS Paj mean comfortable sleeping. T%s patented live-rubber waistband circles your middle gently as a cloud . . . really lets you breathe easy. And it's guaranteed for the --•--= life of the garment! FAULTLESS ' Super Seat eliminates binding center seam from seat and crotch. Get daytime comfort, too, ia FAULTLESS Shorts . .. same guaranteed waistband and Super SeaL Beth garments Sanforised for lasting ifa HEATING SURVEY Let ws check your present system without obligation to you. Act now to save fuel next winter. CALL US Replace now SAVE WORK! SAVE MONEY! GAS FURNACE • Quick hoot duo to G-E "pin-point* hooting surface. ---- • Clean air, cleaner house with* efficient G-E filter. • Hot weather relief with summer air circulation. • Fuel-thrifty, quick-operating gas burner. • G-E engineered throughout. • listed as approved by U. L and A. G. A. GENERAL A ELECTRIC McGEE'S GREEN ST. i r; ^ McHENRY > H. E. BUCtt & SONS ~ PHONE 48 • TODAY/ 133 RIVERSIDE DRIVE VALUES IN BRUSHES $ Beautiful . BRBSH & COMB Nylon Bristles In choice * 4Qe of colors .4 Shave Brush a0, Ever-Reedy "W Hand Brush Wood Back ZOC f Bottle «A. 65c AIM SELTZER $3^-01. JERGENS LOTION 49c m 23^-oz. SLOANS LINIMENT 49c 4-oz. VASELINE WHITE Zi 70c SAL HEPATICA 63c VA I Eastman BABY BROWNIE Special Samara j Fixed focus« Withhendle. .2 Ansco Box •§$ Cemere........ • 3" ; POCKET COMBS POWDER plff $ Velour &C 10c Values.. YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS BEST He knows best what lies behind your illness, he knows what measures to suggest. Since his advice is based on real knowledge and experience, you may confidently rely upon his judgment. When he gives you a prescription, bring it here for compounding. SPRINGTIME TOILETRIES DIAL SOAP 1Aa Deodorant. 2Sc Bar I"» TINTAIR Hair Coloring HINDS CREAM €| oz. Bottle., HAZEL BISHOP. No Smear Lipstick . V 49c TONI pS WHITE RAIN 7 Shampoo IJA. Our Price OU* PONDS COLD CREAM Med. Jar prA Our Price LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 79c 14 Ounce Bottle... "OS SQUIBBS •iiiirDiii AII SAVE ON ALL DRUG NEEDS BORIC ACID 4 ounce size DOANS PILLS Bottle of 40 CASTOR OIL Sopot § Qt. Size £09 Finest. SHASTA SPECIAL EVERSHARP-SCHICK , COMPLETE RAZOR KIT I. Contains new Gold-Plated razor, 12 injector blades in -- a plastic travel kit.. ..90v FLETCHER CASTORIA o^2 36* BABY WEEK SPECIALS _ EVENFLO NURSER 2? 25c DEXTRI MALTOSE All Numbers »74c COTTON SWABS Sanitary Bex of SO Mm Trii Dry Fold DIAPERS RUBBER Sturdy quality All sizes PANTS 69c BOLGER DRUG STORE Green St* Phone 40 McHenry, TT|, "We give Gold Bond Stamps" % ft \