Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1952, p. 6

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a, *£•' • S '..Ci •*i, - ' * f • y nyJb*- »«S£ - «jv.. .»*.«r. .« »*jCt WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE WW'S THE HeHEiarr RJURDEALKR Thursday. May&1952 mam* jmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm* Fomtd Musician 95 Genus of ' Ante IB Symbol for cerium 87 Developed by degrees 58 Cuddled m Strain VERTICAL 1 Man's name 2 Fleet 3 Plant 4 Crow's cry 5 Arabian gulf 6 Wife of Zeus (myth.) 9 Direction 8 Mist t Brother of Volund (myth.) Karris Ike Answer M PfcturedT musician 12 Scoot 0 *11 Babylonian i 1, mi>p* <* f •% molding •; J j 15 Merganser rv v ^ 18 Makes mistakes 18 New Mexican i> river , 18 Cushion I SO Handled iSSLecum Lieentiatus (ab.) 23 Diminutive of Edward 24 Symbol for / chromium 25 Like 37 Daybreak (comb, form) 28 More unusual 30 Begin 32 Island (Fr.) 93 Charged atom v 34 Phials ZJ3JI3H VHKVf JT-irlo SHiaetffri'ii 10 Relater 11 Enthusiast 17 Rupees (ab.) 20 Takes into custody 21 Most facile 24 Musical instrument 28 Shop 29 Narrow inlet 31 Collection of sayings 34 Re plays the 35 Imagine 37 Successiott 38 Enriches 44 Expires 46 One time 47 Require 48 Symbol for soduim 49 God of toil 50 Monster 52 Rodent 54 Agriculture (ab.) 39 Fish 40 Old Testament (ab.) 41 Symbol for sdenium 42 Half-em 43 Oxford English dictionary (ab.) 45 Type of poem AO Order (ab.) llDen §3 Close §4 Exchange premium Opportunist HICK IN OH BOOM" CHRISTINA HXrrtJR. <-.Tns'OF AREA, Health Talks plane the airlines were able to make tremendous advances for passenger comfort. By turning on the pressure mechanism, the pressure within the cabin can be kept at a comfortable rate, even though the plane rises to 18,000 feet, where the pressure is greatly reduced. In considering transportation of patients by air, it must first be determined whether a physician would permit the individual to travel at all. As a rule of thumb, insofar as heart cases go, if the patient is permitted by his phy- ; sician to walk up a flight of stairs or walk a block or two he iu able , to fly. The same rule ot thumb, ! can be applied to patients with necessary to place the stretcher across the aisles or over the seata thus interfering with fort and pleasurable other passengers. However, at most large airports there are ambulance planes designed sper;<" Ically to carry stretcher cases which are available to the public. Plaaes, Pressure and People The popularity of traveling by airplane has grown so extensively that the average person is inclined to think of this mode cf transportation as only a mechanical achievement. They fail to | recognize -.thqt -many fields have combined ttfieit resources in this development, one*-of which -is aviation iqedicine; ^according to a HEALTH TALK released by the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society. . .. , Aviatibn medicine is that phase disorders. Many people will Of medicineTWhicft -deals with the ^ means, °* trav<d even medical problems of pilots, ste- when more iUWardesses, and the care and com- J There is one lung condition, fbrt of the passengers while however, that would prevent a traveling' t>jf airplane. This patient from flying without .. eludes the selection and periodic skilled attendant, and that is Examination of flight crew mem- when a lung has been collapsed - bers and a knowledge and appreci- called pneumothorax, for theraation of medical conditions that peutic reasons. Should a person tfiay be Effected by flying insofar with this condition be exposed tc fjjs passengers are concerned. a reduced pressure the air in the Mahy people think that as they collapsed lung would expand mo into higher altitudes, there is au5 pressure on the heart and less oxygen for their system, ac- on 81(16 e chest m w ic^ Counting for some minor discom-;*8 collapsed lung is located, forts such ringing in the ears If a patient, no matter what Or, perhaps, a mild dizziness. Act- condition he has, is permitted unnally thfs is not true, since air restricted activity by his physi- 1s composed of 20 per cent oxygen clan he can be considereed as an at all altitude^. Samples of air air passenger. taken at kltlfiides up to 78,000 Transportation of bed or litte: feet show that the composition of patients Is impractical in a pas air remains ' constant. The dis- aenger airplane, since it would bo Homfort is earned by a lack of j presstfre. tn an area, for example, j ---^hich is at tabout 600 feet above 4ea level the; pressure is ab">ut 15 j founds per square inch of surface. Since the pressure is reluced at a relatively constant rate, the ascent by plane to 10,- 000 feet would result in the reduction of pre8sure to ten pounds per square inch of surface. At tO,000 feet the pressure is six pounds per square inch and at 24,000 it is five and one half pounds. Thus with the introduction of the cabin pressure Slick Trick A German in Western Zone was worried for fear his letters to his son in Wa* were being reaoi by Communist authorities, so he" wrote him that h4 war putting in the envelope a Mir which would fall out if the censor opened it Hi? son replied that there was nothing to worry about. The hair was still there. The Western German now had the information he wanted. He had not put a hair in the original letter. Nome Though Juneau is its capital, per the com- Alaska's best known city IS t , , j Nome, because of its unusual nam» ' and the gold rush there after 1899 Originally called Anvil City, it got its name from nearby Cape Nome which got its name by a mistake • On early maps this point of land was marked simply, "? Name.' Tliis was carelessly translated into Cape "Nome" because the seemed to resemble an "o," and the misreading stuck. Cortisone -----T~- ' Millions who suffer from arthfttts* and certain other ailments are watching the progress of invention to bring the wonder drug, cortisone, within reach of all. Three years ago, cortisone was sold for $200 a gram Today, it is $19.50. Cleaning Furniture White spots on furniture caused by water or heat may be removed by rubbing the spot with a cloth dampened with spirits of camphor, ammonia, or alcohol. As soon as the mark is off, rub with furniture polish or wax. White spots on highly polished furniture, caused by hot or wet dishes may be removed by rubbing the spots with'essence erf peppermint. 4'oniplete line of Beebe livestock re«ied!e» at Wattles Drag Store, McHenrv. •*" Plastic Handy ' A sheet of plastic fastened to the .wall behind the stove will keep your kitchen looking cleaner. Grease often spatters'on this wall area, but pias tic can be wiped ctea.i in a jiffy. •- • By Marie Schaettgen ' All of the units of the McHenry county Auxiliary were represent- finished ed at a meeting held in Mi-Henr last Friday evening. Each unit gave an account of their shar in the various activities that oc cupy the Auxiliary. Parties •for Downey vets was among the mosf important of their interests. Vf" McHenry, Marengo and Woodstock the month of Apnl sa\v ; concentration of effort ori the Blood Bank drive. It was gratifying to find that McHenry exceeded its quota and furnish-<* 317 pints of blood. Mrs Lowe'l mn(1finrn of the Red Cross said that it vvafi i' . necessary to turn down 100 appli-.'i cants but hopes that perhaps they could return to McHeijry later in the summer or fall. The Auxiliary and V. F, W. pooled their efforts in this drive and really accomplished somet h i n g . G e r t r u d e B a r b i a n a n d Teanette V?nce were among the most enthusiastic workers. At the Friday meeting of the Auxiliary Alta Kelsey presided ind Henrietta Vycital was hostess j for the evening. She wag ab'v' assisted by Dorothy M. Miller! (McCullom Lake), Eleanor Peterson, Peggy Kftrus, Sue Wirfs. ' Eleanor Reid and Pearl Nersted. (;1| These girls served a very fJiD 4 : * buffet lunch in the social'hour1 SuRIKD * A. T * 4 following the meeting.' County officers v/ere iWct'v. Funeral rites for Chriaun and delegates named for tFe ditt- Freund Huyer, a native of John rict convention. burc, we-- held at 9:15 o'clock After the business was dinp is last Thursday from the funeral of, Christine Krinn, as count;- home at 79th at Loomis to St. chaplain, presented a memorial Margaret of Scotland church, service for the members of the Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery Auxiliary who passed away Chicago. ing the past year. Christine read Mrs. Huyer, who spent he:- a beautiful prayer, v early life here, is survived by her; soft musical husband, Bert: five sons, Berbackground. Mary Rita fitiili" tram, George, Joseph, Robert ar.r' sang "The Lord's Prayer" and John; five grandchildren; seven "The Old Rugged Cross," with brothers and siste^, Peter, Alice accompanying. The service George, Joseph, Maigaret Neswas beautiful and impressive and ; singer, Emma Goodman, Anna Christine puts forth as mu. h ef- Fashingbauer and R&se Kelly, i fort in the more serious phase? ghe was a sister of the late John of our work as she does in the p Freund of McHenry. • Aneieut City '^J' Crofting the corner of Arabia** . burning Rub Al Khali, the 'Empty Quarter," explorers of the American ' . foundation for the study man ^ reached what is believed to hare f 15 * been the Queen of Sbeba's ancient r capital. At Mareb in Yemen, one ot the world's least known countries, they found a ruined city of alabaster temples and palaces protruding through the desert sand. Malaria Malaria is carried to human M* ings by mosquitoes. It can be prevented by wiping out the breedini places of mosquitoes--swamps, pools of still water, ponds, or ejufn, water standing i- old, unused bdrrels or tin cans. lighter moments. She, as secre-j tary of the Auxiliary, and Jean- j y(mr rubb^. ette Vance as president, havot^ nAw, combined forces this year to give us outstanding pleasure in our-i «tami>s at ;fi ' The Slicker. " L i m a , P e r u . M a n u e l admitted that he hjfd- his four-year-^ < old son christened *28 times In three years because 'each ne- go<lfather ^ ; was gyod fot at least one loan." . - r ,r;; Cleopatra's Tomb ; Egypt's discovery of the Avenue of the Sphinxes, near Luxor on the east bank of the Nile, gave archeologis^ s renewed hope of Ifinding Cleopatra's tomb. In southeastern Turkey, in the region of the ancient city of Harran, diggers pushed their shovels into a mound 165 feet high, searching for the famed Temple of Sin. "Sin" was the name of the moon-god of the people who succeeded the Assyrians. Need Rubber-stamps? Order The Plaindealer 2V. floAn fJ. i&kw,, (f)jatometri&t EYES EXAMINED < ' • . .26 S. Green Stredi V _. McHenry, Illinois Phone McHenry 1$6 n«r»S: Ihillj t to ia - i t© 5 Tuesday and Friday E Ten ings 7 to 9 Thursdays By Appointment Only 6Ui«t£t WHITE VENEER The Tile-Like Finish Th«i Retains IH Sparkling HMfKite Beauty fir Years Su do vc ve it done profession' ally "fey a 'master painter, make sure that your walls, woodwork and cabinets jget the matchlessprotection anp enduring beauty of Elliott's sensationsl WHITE VENEER. Yoa'll find no otfatr vhite to equal, none that <(tilte compares with it in 'Hiding p^iver, economical coverage, lasting brilliancy, resilttnce to V^ear and tile-like beauty of finish. Brushes easily, covers thoroughly, dries quickly* V y C I T A L ' S HARDWARE -r™ SHEET MEtAL SHOPv 132 Green Street ' PHONE McHenry, 11L a • THIS MUST BE THE .. TV BUY FOR 1952 type Bigelo Sanford's Karpet Kare Binding and Senrlnf On Location Carpet Cleaning Rags and Furniture Cleaned Tidy Rug Cleaners Phone Woodstock 168 Free Pickup and Delivery '"n"rrirYY*orvYY*rrrrv» Honor Mother With Flowers X potted arrangement of her favorite flowers or a potted pltnt, bouquet "6r~corsage all taste fully arranged and fresh from our own greenhouse is truly the perfect gift for mother on "HER" Day choose from our big variety. [ ORDER EARLY We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere. McHENRY FLORAL Co PHONE 404 •» . Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 ito & IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right E & Stratlon tn|in« Cruci'jic S>l??l Tim^on Bearinji Poti'.ve Clutch \V 2r. 24" cutting widths Set Onr Todnjt: $109.45 *' MODEL Plus VYCITAL & Inst. HDWE. SHEET METAL SHOP There is No Substitute F«r Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R 182 Green St. Phone 98 STOP burning your money in a 1020 HO. LIBERTY ELGIN iPhone 7477 Chtck your prMMt funiK* to if IV m optrttmi under any of ttitM aiiaaaa: <r comtiSicKwirr cimlk to • fiMtti* wasn't designed to burn HJUU-FBH HJUtlY -- bratks your back at «Mil budget SMCE-NUTf! SAM -- a poor substitute for raal comfort and economy. KW-FMHUK NO -- Jwst anotttor oid-timor--I furnaro with a burner added REPLACE NOW IN McHENRY PHONE DON WEINGART GAS HOME 307 NO. GREEN STREET 799-M toller furooce ELECTRIC Heating Enjoy fuel savings and completely automatic, quiet heat with the handcome, compact Genera] Electric Gas Boiler or Furnace. G-E gas heat means carefree, dependable, safe, comfortable heat whenever you .need it. Act now to save on next year's fuel bills. Let US make .a firM* heating survey no obligation to you. GENERAL H. E. BUCH & SONS 133 Rlvenlde Drive Phone 48

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